i:41 '1 ~ t I PAG TWIELVS TM CAXADIANSTATESM. DOWMANVILE, ONTAMO THURSDAY, NOV, luth. 1980 IMen's Major Bowlinc t'WHAI DO YOU MEAN BY BARGAIN? I was looking over the used car ads ini the big city daily the other day. The "Bau-gain Boys' were surely at it in fine style... "No Down Payment" - "«Easy Terms" - "Look, Only $25 Down" - '" Whohesale" - those were just a few of the come-ons they were using to hure people into their used car lots. Bill Steven I haven't any doubt that some of the cars advertised in these gcreaming ads are good value . . . if yo'u know exactly what to look for. And probably somne of the dealers are cornpletely above reproach. But I'm always upset when I see a rash of these ads. So mah'y people get far less than they pay for when they buy some of these bargain cars. These easy payment contracts can have some very tough clauses hidden in the small type. The so-called bargain cars are often well camouflaged expensive repair.biljs for the unsuspecting buyer. Syou are an expert "'horse trader" and a good echanic you will probably do very well with te bargain boys. If you are flot. iny advice ito stick with a dealer you know.. and one *who has a good reputation in the community. If you do that, you may pay a few dollars more for the car when you buy it .. . but at the end of a year's driving you'11 be rnoney in the pocket flot to mention the grief you will have missed. You won't find any camouflaged crocks on our lot . . . and every car has been thoroughly checked and adjusted to Égive you more miles of RràuIle firee driving at an jecnomical cost per mile, We've got a whole line of aneac lte model beauties. .al 1,eady for you to get behind the. wheel and go. .~Di Sera ALL USED, CARS «19 BE3NG SOU> AT Grecitly Reduced Prices And Itmember ... it pays to buy from a certi. fied dealer, where ail lati, model eaus are guaranteedL P1,uniier-up honours in the star of the week voting, went to goil-terder Harvey "Sýlip" Rowe of the same team. Dave McCulio-Geh and Don Masters each collected hat-tricks fo rate: honourî-f-hie mention. TOWN LEAGUE STANDING W L T Ptsý GF GAý Stephen is-___ ___ 4 0 0 8 36 16 Kens Mens Wear-_____ 2 2 0 4 23 24 Hooper's Jewvellers 2_ 2 0 4 20 26 Dept. of Works 0 4 0 O 14 27 LEADING SCORERS GP G A Pts. Don Masters, KMW 4 9 4 13 Ted Fairey, SF 4 4 9 13 Bob Fairey, SF 4 8 4 12, Howard Quinney, SF -___ 4 7 4 1l Calvin Blake, SF _____ 4 4 7 il Jack Marshall, SF ___ ____ 4 2 8 10 Chas. Kilpatrick, DW ~- 4 4 4 8 Dave McCullough. SF_______ 4 7 0O Clint Ferguson, HJ - __-- 4 4 3 7 Ron Burgess, HJ ___-__ 4 2 5 î Laurie Garbe, HJ____ 4 2 5 7. I Legion. BowlingI The ,-s division met the sec- B. Bates - 7 ond division in last Tuesday1 F. Semis 5_______ night's Legion Bowling league,!Aeae withth top three winning on, ail counts to move furtixerl Name - Games Ave.: aheed. Bill Veitch held first, D. Taylor Il 2221 place by virtue of a close 4-3i H. Mertyn 6 220 decision over Bill Betes' bowl- W. Veitch_____ 12 207 ers. The next two clubs each gained a single point on the E. Perfect_____ 9 213 league-leaders, as Ernie Per- K. Yeo _____ 12 204 fect's crew dropped Frenk Sam. J. Fair* 12 203 la' cellar-dwellers 5-2, and Doug C. Trewin_____ 12 202 Teylor's ouffit downed Keitix W. Bates_____ 12 202 Yeo's outfit by the same score. A. Lobb___- 9 201! F. Samis . . 12 199, Ernie Perfect had himself a j. Barclay ____ 9 197 "really big" night, with a tre- T. Graham ____ 12 192 mendous 814 triple, including M. Gat_____ 12 189 t.he high single o! 306. Jim Mer- lpR Stocker ____ 12 185. tyn blasted out a 756 total to R. Wright 12 183 iunxp into the average leader-,iiR. Cale -_____ 12 182 ship. followed by three closely J. Geddes 12 182 bunched triples by Frank Sam. p~ Bathgete o____ 182 ia 666, Bill Bates 665 and Tom- 1L.:welsh -______6 174 mny Grah~am 661. N. Adair_____ 6 171 Jim Martyn wax right behind; H. Benniett ____ 12 169 Perfect with a 284 single, while'jV. Connors ____ 9 169, other top efforts were turned in R. Lockhart - 12 163 by Enile Perfect 279, Frank R. Johnson ___ 7 163 Sambla 273, Tommy Graham P- Perfect____ 12 162 262, Arnold Lobb 261 and Irwin L Beauprie 12 159 Beauprie 260. J. Knlght -___ B_ 6 157. J. Newman - 12 157 Teani Standings R. Rogers ..__ _ 12 :i 4 IB. Veitch _______ 16 C. Bonathon ___ 12 13, e Perlée ___ ___ 131-à R. Wheaton ____Il 146 jD. Taylor L 12 % N. Mooney -___ 6 132, ILYD9 1 W. Wallis __-_ 12 102 IL ;age Bowling '<Old Réliable Pete Dobbins on an exhibition of boii oeaahed the dead wood with against our own home1 ucWores of 267,247,298 for a grand boys. The top lady bowlers1 triple of 812. This score won the Oshawa will do baffle ai *igh triple for the week and our top girls fromin the L boosted Pete's average to 249 major league. to take a 9 point lead over Dr. Ilis Worship Mayor Wi Xexth Siemon in the fight for Carruthers will be on han higli average of the first sdied- assist i the opening along ide. other top officiais. Cecil " jNine other bowlers had tr- zy"l Osborne and Frankc "Tci *oes over the 700 mark. Ab Pi'- Williamns will be takmng pa per 790, Frank "Sports Editoi9' the opening. It looks là Mjhun 728. Bud Moses 723, El- really big show. ton Brock 721, Hank Janzeri More details wiil be lu 719, Dave M5cKnight and Mel paper next weelc. Reniembe Dale both had 718, AI Osborne keep Saturday, Nov. 28tho 709 and Fred Cowle 706. Ab Piper won high single Team Standings score with 307 and Hank Jan-. Team W L zen was thxe only other bowler Jnzn 8 4 to lût the 300 mark. Hank lied R. Oke ___ 8 4 $03. R. McKnight - 8 4 Cliff Trewxn won low score D. MeKaigit -7 % 4% $02. Russ "Shady" Lane 107, Dr. Perfect ____ 7 5 ~harlie Austin 109 and 112, Geo. Dobbins ___ 7 5 Olanville 111 and Long John Larmer____ 7 5 *Tgorcraft 113. Osborne _ 6_1,Î_ 5 5 hileorge Glanville scored 431 B. Oke ____ 6 6 thI-<rTnflow triple. Cuth MckDon- Gay 6 6 1011439, Clif! Trewin 441, Dr. Haliman-____ 6 6 Austin 445, Harry "The Cat" £amtis ____ 5 7 " vden.447. Bagneil 5 7 .. believe EÔ Leslie's team Bok ____ 4 8 ;ekathe low single team score Lesie_____ 4 8 3Iiork turne. Lesiie's grand total Piper 1 i #7was bowled by Ed Les- Averates ",~7 Dr. Ed Ewart 141, Har- ,»,>ennet 137, George "The Naine Gainesj ra1"l Jones 133 and Keith Pete Dobbins ___12 Sttkelton 129. Needless to say Dr. K. Siemon - 12 7-'Kent's score of 124 did flot AI Osborne _____12 stn. Yes, these boys are ail Bud Moses _____12 ,Weesof. the men's major Ab. Piper 12 i.Leslie finished with a Dr. H. B. Rut Ile - 12 Blé of 2705. Dave N[cKnight 12 bOmie Perfect's teain had high Elton Brook ____12 à«ýescore 1212 with Rank Jini Castie __-__ 12 Ilen's outfit winning high Ted Bagneil 12 Of $- 3324. Reg Hearle _____12 anid,' Iley Chatter Russ Oke _____12 io eiper, son of George Si reCwle_____12 W1. s taken Ted Miller's FrelDaCle - 12 In mOur league. Ted gaveMeDle_ ___ bowling for personal rea- Jcklarc ke il1 S Keith Yeo is pinch hittingfo Jack Prker____ 12 brother Pet whiie he is conval- Hap Palmer ____12 Sescing froin hi.s accident. We Larry Piper -___3 &Hai wish Pet a speedy recovery. Russ Hailman ___12 The bowling fans are ini for a Bert Engley 12 treat et the officiai opening of Frank Mohun 12 the Liberty Bowl Ltd on Set- Hank Janzen ____12 Urday, Nov. 28th. Pesquales of Ed Leslie --- -__ 12 the, Toronto mens major Frank Lewins --12 League will be on hand fo put MorleyrVntoe-1 Bill Oke ___12 Bob Wiliams 12 Tum OIdFurnil Re oss McKnight_ _ 12 Jack Lander 12 liloCahDon Gilhooley 12 with Ralph Kelly 12 Jack Gay - 12 y- STATES MA N BiliHearle _ _ 12 CLASS FIEDS Frank Semis_ _ 12 C A_-S 1F B S Ernie Perfect 12 , Phone MArket 3-3303 Russ Lene 12__ ITeein wling For the second sfr tC LoIwell Highfield hel froni light as we rolled anst again, with gainesc 215 for a 712 triple. bic's 282 game took lilfridhonours followed ilfrte Charles 243 and 216, wijtii 240, James Callan 2: *Goo- Doug Shirk 226 and adyop lips and Don Carte Lke a Ç p h nT L Hlghfield's top etf . .. .. S ep en u ls T k team to a 7-0 shutoi % the ~ ~g Doug Shirk's outf if e w mm.tDo q55 .gJ jcreasing their e 'pan * w -. ~ ~~ ?II ~J5IIIyI I ~marg nto 9 points. By Frank Mohun M 3-7234 per's cellar-dwellers il~ over sole possession Hoopf/er' o eU ner-up spot by a si 8 'O.R A. DEMIES HOCKEY RIGHTS A43dcso yD 8Junior hockey was denied te a possible 75 players by an Hooper's Jewellers edged the once but on their own goalle. L. bowlers over Howai 7 O.H.A. ultimatum, which was rendered one week ego Tuesday Dept. of Works 5-4 in the first Hamilton was turning in a tre-clbletotxea 7 night. That is - a sensible project was denied. 0f course, the game of Thursday niight's twin mendous pervalty-killing per- ed in the show 'posi bill to move into a second place formance, when he whirled Boys' Teani Sta 7 thiree clubs effected, Bowmanville, Cobourg and Bobcaygeon, tic, after Kens Mens Wear drop- and fired a perfect drive pest 6% could have played if they were wilhng to particîpate in anx inter- ped a 9-4 clash to Stephen, a startled George Heathx, Bob 6 locking scixedule with the northern group. This meant that Bow- Fuels in the nightcap. The Fairey was given credit for fthe Loweil Highficld- 6 avil wud ae etrvl but15 ùest Pntag adFuels have put together a four gKal. Jini Moorcraft - g anile ouldhae o raelabut12 mle t Pnean, am e w_________________ theDon Bagnel 5 Cobourg would be forced te go 'approximafely 160 miles. Why gaetwiofning skae ill whith 45 should this be necessary, whert the proposed Lakeshore League for o! orks ambr e.iokn 4 would enable four teanis te participete ini a compact er'ea, within Cln Prusn paredthel North Nesileton 1 a sensible budget? Jewe]lers wit2h a hiat trick per- Satrda<y evening sew a smaîîMllV Instead of two four-team leagues, we now have one five- formance, backed up by a social gathering in the Unitedi MM Avg. teai group, while thiree clubs have no place fe go. If wasn't as strong defensive effort by goa Churcix basemenit to extend a 249 if the 0.H.A. didn't know about fthe plan to get e junior league lie "Slip" Rowe. Affer a score.- welcome te the new Mrs. Wil- 240goig i ths dstrctbecusethe wee aproche ewy bckless opening session, Ferguson fred Williams. Rev. Romeril 230 goMay, n hsdirec eved epot nev er eeting ahed asinc ha opened the scoring early in t he acte as cheirman and gave a E 238in ayandrecive reort o evry eetng eldsine tatsecond period, and Paul Gear- e 237 showing o! pictures of a re- 236 time. Yet they kept putting off a decision until just tiree days ing made it 2-0 at thxe 15:471cent trip toefthe Channel Isies. 226 before the league vwas to open P_ and then they say you must mark. Gord Sellers cut the Best wisixes were extended to margin to one just before thxe M:adMs Wlimin 226 travel up te 160 miles or don't play hockey. period ended. M:adM-.Wlim n 224 This reporter alwas tlouht that the O.H.A. executive couple of electrical appliances' 221 ~~ Jerry Marjerrison gave Hoop- were presented on behaif of 219 was coniposed of sports-minded, intelligent men who freely gave ers a two goal edge again, in the community. 218 their time and efforts to promote hockey. Some o!fihe executive thxe firsù minute o! the final Everyone is pulling for e 217 fit into this category and rate a great deal of menit. But there stanza, ibut the losers broke speedy recovery te Mu-s. Law- 214 are appaetl ore o! these men who are more interested in- loose four minutes later, notch- rence Malcolm who was tu-ans- 214 paetl ng iree markcrs in a minute frc eetyt 212 doing something for one group, while allowing thxe rest to faîl an.13secndsto mov i m Hsptlt Toronto West- 212 by fthe wayside. . front for thxe first time. Se' - Dennis Ashton was an over 211 It is this latter segment who have apparently foirgotten! lers bagged his second, with, rda ih iie ihVr 211 their obligation to supply hockey wherever possible f0 as many singles going te Raye West and 'rild arkht aisiolithm er 210BilLl.Pruo nteth 20participants as possible. Asking boys to fravel unnecessary BMr.l.Frgsnknte tennand Mrk MaDonlm.t Bw 210 M.r. and Mrs:0DonndtuttdBth- 209g distances, and men to accept financial loss has killed hockey in countuet :02 n addted13:5e manville were Sundey visitiors Sal 20ventuvll. ark. ne e th 1:5 h Mr-. and Mrs. MalcolmntSl 207 Bomnil.mr.Emerson., 26- t t jt t t In fthe nightcap Ken's roared Mr-. and Mu-s. Bert Gibson IPl 206 into an early 4-0 bulge, but visited thxe Vic Malcolms n 206 BOB WATT - HE TRIED HARD - Stepheîns blinked fthe ight, day evening. Fi 205 The, O.H.A.'s ruling must have been a greater diseppoînt- Inetmsi ucsin t r.Iy Hoyrfre 204 ment te 15ob Watt than anyone else. Bob had worked hard 1dcaimi victory number four. hm ri optl oese Aut 0 20,thirougixout the summer to organize a Bowmanville feam and a SmTopo othdteenius arn tegh 2'.4' geographically compact group. Everyone realized that if would first Mens Wear goal, afteu- lit- Sunday visitors witih Mr. and 204 be impossible to compete in fixe samne type o! Intermiediate League fie more thian a minute o! play, Mrs. Chas. Fellis and Mu-s. Ivy 204. as last season, but Mir. Watt was fixe one who decided to do ana Don Masters accounted for Hooey were: MU-. and Mrs. Bud 23three in, six minutes and 20 Welsh, Cardiff; Mu-. and Mrs. Wedh 203 something about giving hockey back to the local players, stai'ting seconds, as Kens appeared well Bill Wallace, Bowmanville: Mr. 203 wîth a Junior team. Bob's efforts are certainiy well-deserving on their way to a firsf place and Mu-s. Jack Hooey, Ajax-, hlde 202 o! praise. Thu-ougix no faulf o! his own, we have no teami and fie. Howard Quinney got fth Mrs. Burins, Guelph: M-Nrs. Jack- Cide 201 no league. He tried hard but fixe odds (which shouldn't have lone Fuels' tally o!fithe pcriod man, Toronto; M.A11kîî M.3Ir- Ant cop et 18:13. tin, Oshawa.à 201 been) were fao great. 200 Dave McCullough sandwich- Mr. and Mu-s. Fraiik Mollard, Weda 200 *o***eîeo eg::.- jj~;;. d a pair o! goals around a ïScugog Point, were Wednes- single by Jack Marshiall to tic day dinner guests at Mu-. and the score et A-4 in the middleI Mrs. Wm. Armstronrg's. Mr. and P I stanza. 'Mu-. Mollard le! t Friday for k Fuels, as McCullough complet- wintcr. Aut 0 Ton eaeHo c d fthe hat-trick, Quininey ad- Miss Bu-coda Malcolm spent Aut O I ded his second and Ted Fairey fixe weekend wifh Miss Carol1 1 S a f he I e k scored twice. Kens did score amBakoo. CLINT "'FERGY" FERGUSON This week's -Bowmanville Surplus Sales' award goes to Clint 'Fergy" Ferguson, starry righf-winger o! Hooper's Jewellers. "«Fergy", a smooth skefer and tremendous competitor, E scored three times and assisfed on a fourfix, f0 lead his team to a 5-4 wmn.iThi kx aA Ferguson, who played a couple o! seasons with the Inter- niediate Barons, opened fixe scoring early in the garne, and then winner.I nesday, November 25 IIDLIC SKATING 8Sto 10p.M t ADMISSION Children 35e Spect Boyd Woolley Ken Nicks, Owner Bill Cole Bob Marjerrison We wish to1 thank ail our friends and customers who paid us a visit during thé Grand Opening of our new store. To those who were unable to drop in durinq the past week . . . please accept our invitation to pay us a visit this week . . . and enter your name in our Free Draw which wil be made Saturday, Nov. 21st. MENS WEAR KEN'9S 35 Tempprance St. N.b BOYS? WEAR MA 3-5580 tators 10e âce the ig5q the rto ail- Ctal I 0 p r' t & T14 t- i j raight week, Howard Rundle Id the spot- D Ioug Shirk_______ dover 700 wTPie of274, 223, Lr' ie Ray Croni-* * higx single1 The gir's teara standings t by Mke derwent no change, aithoi Don B.rown Connie Osmbond's lest pi. 26 end 217, crew upset Brenda Oke's te 1John Phil- 4-3, for their first win of 1 er with 222 Young season, Linda Brookin bowlers rolled along atop i tfort led his heap with a 5-2 win over Kai >ut wmn over Beauprie's pin-droppcrs. V twhile in-gina Brown paced her club ,age-feadnga 4-3 decision over Helen Ve .Jimn Moor- -oe LLarry Pi- Virginia Brown's 470 to 4-3 to take went for high triple, while Iii o! the mun- single scores went to Kai single point. Beauprie 215, Connie Osmo >n Bagnell's 1214 and Cheryl Luxton 205. trd Rundle's Girls' Team Standing as deadlock- sition. andings Linda Brooking- Virginia Brown _____ Pts. Brenda Oke ______ 25! Karen Beauprie 16 Helen Vanstone-_ __ 15' Connie Osmond ____ --0 oup 1 . )RIAL ARENA BowmanviIIe Friday, Nov. 20 PUBLIC - SKATING 8 - 10 p.m. Admission Aduits 50e Children 35e Spectators - 10e irday, Novomber 21 'UDLIC SKATING 8 to 10 p.m. ADMISSION Children 35e - Speetators 10e. MDEN'S SKATING nosday, November 25 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. m.in hiden. . 25e