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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 13

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TauUM8AT, 1<0V. lth, 1959 I £kecre ation £1Reviews By Dugla Blq Mier ]Hocker Mothers Ite Minai Hockey Mothers VIII hold thuIr firel meeting Xtext Tueeday, NGvemnber 241h àt 2:00 pan. in the Lions Com- iunlty Centre. Unfortunately, 1 was la error when I said the Meeting would be held on Nov- embe26th. 1 If you have a son playing on 6" of the Recreation Depart- ýMentes Minor Hockey teams you 4»e lnvited 10 attend thSmeeting.. Ois Droombal SWe are stli in need cf about S4enteen girls between the ages cf nine and 14 inclusive Who are Interested in playing broom ail A gamet wiil be plydnMonday between 5:00 ~n :0pin. at Memorial If you are lnterested ini play- Ing broombaU pinse register at the Recreation Office on or bc- tore Friday, November 201h. There wiUl be no charge for fliis activlty, and the only equipi- ment required is a broom anid gkates. We hope ta start on 3londay, Nov. 23rd. Beginners> Skating Claie The. Recreation Departments Ueglnners' Skating Classes wl Ct underway this comlng Mon- I y, November 23rd at 3:00 Sprn, Tii.class is open b o hild- ren eight years aid and under who wlsh ta skate. Supervlsors will b. on hand to asuit where needed from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. There wiU bc a emnail charge of $2.00 for the complete season and this wMl entitle the child ta approrlmately 20 skating ses- nions. Parents are eordiai¶y Invîted to attend and assist their child nIÈ&S aiurciay, November 2zig will mark the openlng of 1ht Recreation Departments Mina Hockey League sch.dules. AI Minai lockey teami wlll pla5 thiu gamnet on Salurday. The echedule for thii Saturday i as follaws: Banteen Lesgue 7:00 a.m. - Huskies (2) va Lions (3); 7:45 a.m. - BraveE (1) vs. Oubs (4) (C.I.);8:35 a.m -Flyers (2) vs. Tigers (3): 9:20 tan. - Tee peus (1) va Pirates (4). Pee Wee League 10:20 a.m. - Hawk (2) va Wings (3); 11:05 arn. - Beari (1) vs. Glants (4) (CI.); 11:55 a.rni.Bruine (2) vs. Canadianm M3. Atom League 12:40 p.m. - Hornets (1) vs, Ranis (4): 1:40 p.m.-Bison (2) va. Barons (3). Lion. Mldtet-Zuvenlle League 2:35 p.m.--Orphant (1) va. Cornets (4); 3:15 p.m.--Generals (2) vsa Do4ger. (3); 4:00 p.m. -Raiders (1) vs. Maroans (4). Dressing room nuxnber after C.I.-Last ztamed teàm to clea the ice. AU -teamns must be ready to play ten minutes befare sched- uled time. Ail players rnust use dressing roorms ta change into their Al1tteans muet rerman In their dressing roomns until the tearni prior have leit th. ice. 9 KODAK CINI TURRET CAMERA, fl1,9 Fadly automrztic camer ... fuily ens-e qutpped-! No'w you con get a precision ««8" that has aerythingi Electric- *y* Control gives you> correct expoiures outomoticofly. Just cim and shoot - with wide-ongle for broud coverage ... with tele photo for close-ups of distant scenes ... with fast f/1 .9 normal lent for regulor views. No wosted film. No disappoint- monts. Cornes with Type À filter b.ult iii. A fobulous corneral $14950 JURY & LOVELL YOUR REXALL STORM 15 Kim st. W. Bowmanvill. MA 3-ST78 TM CAIAN M BA. OW gAiWnlLE, OUTA -Ae qqlW q IAfternoon Ladies àl Bowling with s ,aT ho tr* wifl be no charge for adulte accompany Choral Society y The. Recreation Departmnentl' Choral Society wlll hold their Ainnual Christmas Concert on Fflday and Saturday, Decem- ber 111h and 12M at the low- manvile TownHall, startlng x d B w time wil be 8:15 p.M. Peatured at this year's Con- cert will be Callu-ine Lynch, so- prano and Fred Graham, pian- The MA]xed Leegue standings ist, winners of the Seholatships underwent quite a reshuffling offered by the Choral Society Iriday riight, with the first ln their "Stars of Tomnorrow Ila club dropplng ta, third, Contest". 'while three alliers waund up ln Tickets are avallable from a lie for the leadership. any mernber of the Choral Sa- Aller takîng over &top the ciety or may be purchased the heap lust week Jaek Bond's nights af the. Concerts. bowlers dropped a 5-2 decision to slip to third, as Jini Cox's Brama Workshop club clairned a piece af the Encouraged by the wide ln- lcad. Fred Luxton's outfit taok terest in a proposed Drama 7 points from Elton Brock's Workshop, the Recreatian De- team, and Art Splcer's orew partinent wlll bold a special downed Pat Yeô'a winless cel- meeting oi porsans lnterested: bar dwellers 5-2 to place the in partlcipatlng ln Ibis grôup. victors atop the heap with Cox. Registrations wlU 1b. accept- Cee. Mutton's bowlers edged ed at Ibis meeting, on Thursday, Bob Mitéhell's te'am 4.3 to main- November 19th at 7:45 p.rn. tain their runner-up position, sharp, ln thé Lion& Conmiun- a sigle point bebind the lead- lly Centre. Mr. In the final attraction, Tié techniques cf the drama Howard Edmondson's outfit de- Includlng stage mavement, di- feated Joe Nowan's club 5-2. rection, scenery, lighting and Elton Brcck rolled tbree fine the many ôther elements of pro. gaines oi 261, 256 and 286 for duction will be the them. af a 778 total and a firmer grip an these meetings. the average leadership. Joe We look forward to seein Nowlan took lilgh single hon- any lntere.ted people atteng ours wlth a 291 and also posted ti meetinct on Thursday, No- a 246 game ta register e 737 vembes, 19hh. triple, follawed by*Hilda Brock Minor Hockey with th. ladies' high af 640, Bob -~~~ - ~~Yake and FredLatn it 8 eI Goodyrear Ave., tOP set a qilting early ln tI 234 new year. Mis. Farder and Mrs 24Wilson vOlunteered 10 write i 214 Mns. Dlckey Ibis montb. 20 Prbestria calendars f o 207 1960 wiIi be purchased and thi 206 Record sert ta, the homesa 205 moan as the liaI has been revis 201 ed. Christmnas cardsanmd cali 201 dais will be sent ta sick, chut 201 lmu and distant mernbers an( 201 a donatdon was made to thi 21Part Perry Hospital Auxillary 200 A Chriatanas f aniilly pgrty i 192 to be arrenged for the holicia 190 season end Mra. Lloyd Beacocl 189 offered ta obtiain favours foi 187 thec hildren for saine. 187 Mias. MeLaughlin cailed ci 187 thic following for progran iti 185 enis dealng with Remembranci 182 Day, M&s. Wilson, Mis. L. Be& 180 cock end Mrs. G. Wolfe. Mrs 176 McLau"hin and her assistents 174 Mi. L. Beacock andi Mms.H 174 Hoe srea éeouluc 172 oeysevdadiiusln 17 Mis. Kenneifi Gil:ank crIer. 12ded thanlcs fi-arn the ladies. The 171 ChT-ismas meeting will ibe held 170 at the home ot Miss Rutt ion Proutt.- apiece, and tir;e. ladies-over Audre-y -Seep - 15 Hi8Womens' Inatitute 600-Onie Etcher 625, Mary fluke BrunI ___ 15 166 Despite inclement weatlier a Wilcox 621 end Dol Bond 605. James Car_____15 166 goodily represenhatian oi Nes. n Other top single efforts were Jean Evanas____15 66 11.10» Women's Institut. menti- Y' tuoened ln by Fred Lurlon 267, James Grahamn 15 163 bers met Wediiesday afternoon ', Mary Wilcox 285, (ladies' high Lea Curtin ____ 1 62 at the home of bMrs Herbert single), Howard Broniefl 258, Fern. Bradley - 15 161 Vine wii Mis. Marin Nés- HIlda Brock 254, Onie Etcher Fm-ana Bromne» - 15 161 bitt, co-hostess. 251, Ron Mutton 2309and Dot Cllft Evans -____ 15 159 Mudti business wau tranumc- Bond 230. Amy Winacott - 15 159 te& Two mniners who are LTessa Standings Ada Lurton - l1a 56 îeaving the. conununity will. be Teain W L Pt$. Doîç Mutton - 15 154 presentcd wlth small gifts. lb. iLuxton 10 5 24 Jessie Heenan - l1a 54 Herry Thompson Memorial Spicer 10 5 24 Carale Reynolds - 09 54 Award ta Grade XI wilI b. gi. Cor_________ 1 524Doreen Charcles 15 151 ve» by Nestieton Women's Iu- ____ 10__2___nMutton 1 0siuea h ihSho on g.Matton _____ 10 5 23 Maie Yeo - 152 5 49 uea Ai iiSeolCm i Bonid 10 522 Don Bradley - 132 149en and tlia Grades 7 5 Mitchell 8 9 1 uiePlmr 145nd8 wit gprizes. BrEdok _________14 u rtonalm-r 15 140 Layette articles for Korean Bok510 13îay uxtke___ 15 is0lRelief were hanided inend Mis. .e213 l4n Turn 3 1381B. Heaslp wilfbe in chargeci 1. Yeo2 13 Mary owlan15 31saie. Areport from theTely Ladies' High Single - Betty Brougi 15 124 Milk Sip thankcd lthe organiz- MayWicor _ _ 265 Xverett Wlnacott- 9 124 otion foi Iheir doration toward Lde'Higi Triple- Dot Edinondson - 12 119 freit, and Mrs. Vine reported *Hilda Brock _ _ - 840 Marie Curtin - 12 117 liaI Vie Resolution re Retarded aMen's Higi Singe Walter Bondie - 15 114 Children, prcsenited ta the Tor- Joe Nawlan ....291 Mis. Ivy Rundie- 15 102 onto Caiwenutionwas passed by Mén'm Hlgh Triple- Kay Grahamn___ 12 94 the Board. r Elton Brock 778- Ruby' Spicer - 9 os Oral end wrlttcn messages of thanks were received for u1get Iwefl" cardeanmd a Christmas cardfrom tic land of *a eMaple Leui wu signed by ail ment- Goodyecar Bowling brstolbosstr nsottein ru ho o Un. s. ter Inst. fred ho complet. th. year as r Aiter 1h. pins hed &Il faflen C Sunehine representat lve for 1lest Tburaday nigit the Good. South Nestîchon as Mis. J. byear League suddenly iound Nesilelon Station Hedge <lld not féel sIi could tetop Ihree teanasl a race cry 0on. for he eage laderhipaIlby r. ed bu. ruc neAn invitation was extended for ulvz. eguelederhlpe»bytour! "11uc HasP ho attend a freconcert by ithe shemacîve. No ls eln four were Sunday dinner guetasof Troubleaires at Oshawa in tbe live lames, wlth the big tiree Mr. amer! Mis. Alvin Bruce, 8«-' Interest of Retarded Children ail blastlng out 7-0 viclorie. grave. on Nov.. 23rd. Get well cards TueHo. Roin ranledlie Recerit visitais wlth Mr. mand ware signed by asil present ho TheHou Rom, ramledtheMis E. R. Wood were Mr. md two menibers who are Ml and Machine Shop ta iobd their slin Mrs T. Wood, Mi. and Mrs. W. Mms Emerson will piepare the oue point edge *top th. stand. Woo, Mi. end Mr C. Hearvey radia rep>ort ai the meeting. ings. Rlght behlnd are tie pow- anld Richie, and Mr.anid b Mr. Mis. Vine reported on the erful Combines, Wha ted off on C. Brfr aO i fT«MOrt. Rug Course. whldi sic andi Ms.. tb. BeIts for theur win. Tiie Tigers bounccd back frm, atMmu J. Farder acmeldGeorge Bowers attendied as lo- week's disastrous lots to theMi.enid Mis. Roy ITaylo al leaders. Thcir ruge, ln pro- Hase, te rack up a 400 pin vic- vieilMr- air Mms. Anson Tay' eau otfnitking, were on dis- tory margun aver lb.reMers. lorinh their new home i Scar- play and sir lades slgned Up Inldn arwtopuborougli. ta take *ae course. More quilt Icludngnaon arowthewapin Mi. and Mr. 3S- «bttpathes were handcd iand ldein a onetsame, ande c el ,nt a day wihMis. Edgar Mms. Mair klndlY offered ta arel 1g Cjnairup sd mwx, wiui.Mr. iorri ensemble the top tand Mis. C. sbggcd Vie Fan Bella 7-0 t ae-ls awayhut4 Wilson asked thie ladies to ber glter lhiu fiit wi oth e, Miun FEalne Moealt hied ber' home tb quilt as a buyer le season. Tic Office capltaiized tonsils remaoved recently andi wailing for the flnsied pro-! on L4ad Pi-eusfola oUI take frrid wifl b. pleaud to know ducl.. ms W. Bowles donated lames by two nd 19 p ins for aGodo Meciwa aletUli ndMsW.C pbi ntTow 4-8 decision. Except for Gro ecl a be Uigw n .Cmbl lie fouis, lb. L. P.'s would have 1Seturn frosn Oduaa --'itu the bell for the qurit!nu the maeIt a complets 7-0 nigit. mter sufferIng a severe lalst week of lhe mofle : Mt by a power uaw on Triday A letiter tramle World Re- KCen Flint hock bigi triple lut fugee Year Commfdttee o ai n- honours for lie second consecu- Miss Gwcn Wilson speni thle ada was îecelved thbougi Vie ive wcek, wlth a mark cf 663. kedwt M.sdMsFWIO ad lthe members vol- Otier top efforts were register., ekn ih r n r. ....a ed bw Jack Geddes 662, and Grdn B'adfeld, Peterboir- et$1000 t ii, nict worthyr Ralpfh Camipbell and Billi o. ough. caus$e. Mieo. Vine ansiounced rcyd wllLi 653 lttis. Mi-r. and r! M-.Ceci Wilson Viol w. are honoured ta, have Jack Gedesaftr blngvisted Mi-. and Mis. Keiti Mim Emersoncleected as new edgd oI b a înge pn ~ ~.Webster and M. and Mis. Aber Board Diector for Sub dlviion edge ou by sigle in n th: Wbstr adtannly of Littlhof h ...e h eta triple race, took the high singli Britai» on SunmDay. OtroCneto atwe. by amrere anc pin with 28110 o visi;1htaise Mrs. M. Emerson and Mms H.I1 arneymonlsd2680. A. Rici-b Grant Thampsons were Mr. and Vine. brougit most lnteiestiug aiae268roonlowed by a.Jas. Naylor, Pefferbaw; reports fi-rn lthe ConverUita J~~k olle2esMi. and Mns. Neil Werry, Car- whlci bath b.d atPde for; Teas Standings ol and! Larry. thice days. Pt. Mi. and mm -.charles Tain- Mis. Emerson, Convenor of Hm31anc. and Murrayimed Mr. and HItorleal Rmsarch aend Cur- Combines -30 Mis. John Buchmn4 ail of Lind- rent Eivesewus la charge of T'lem24MY, end Mises M«7y lnoobnd t»0 prorsm. Th*B. R al e OftlS 1e of Oshawwe wreSunda -gute as "A opular Song wien I l'a" Pes. __ _ 10 of the Ivan Proutltanfl. wf a Teenager" and Mim.Ai- Brades.12 Mi. and Mms Harry an Beaoock read a fine Pa- Mcie Sbop - 12 glUln vlsited Mr. Sim saider- par on tie day's motta 'The Fran Béits 10 son end Harry and m called 014 Order Changeth Yielding j eits____ ___ 9; an Mi. and Mis.Ben De Jong Place lia New". 'Cornets 9 an dnew baby daughter, An- Mis Grant Thonipson îsd R Ita Grace. humaorous take off on tie good Mr'. and Mms Louis Watson o1 days end Mis. Beacock and Mis. John Watson of Port rend r=UW.Mms Emer- Hope called on Mms.Jas. For- son bad prepared Vie story of der on Sunday. eleton United Churci whide Itlaleaepleasure te yeps as mointe.resting. Commun- Mms. Chas. Gist la weil enough ity 5l»glg 'TiPpeisiy"and * ~J ,~ta b. &rouw M h jSl "Put On Your Old Gray Bon- N olagain a uguaL net" faadiesZ A d Grace £11 cnjoyeda upos gPreebyleritai Ladies Aid met B.acock's groerp. Durlng thie Tuesday evenln~g at lie home bail hour Mni. Bruce esep so l w ! f Ms. " MeleuadùLAf- reviewed manl Interesling oui- miroites were approved nid the. ndut. ___________________ inancial statement given. Mms Kenneh Samella volc-: 'fiThe taxes are pald, as la mIsa 1ed the tianks ai tie meeting la thill for the new annex in hastes.and assstu annd the, th. manne, The Wall le pald ruembers adjourned la meet for for, but 1h. purnp l not yeî the Christmias meeting at th. dflVêI lstafled. Tue net proceedi ai home ai Mns. D. Sleep wlth th. Vaels'y supper wee $107 Mms W. Bowb.s as co- 1hasles 1bne tere e luageinaood b oan trdayw. Jacksn 'cag pbaetr wzradtrmId so f iient l'o sndk and V-- -y ISandj shulý--- frie_- -o1 Hockey Lge. 1 I i ng Leagui 1 Average* Naine Gaies Elton Br"& - 15 Joe Nowlan ___ là 1 Art Spicer - 15 Jack Bond ____15 Hap Palmer ____15 i orley Etcher . 15 BbYak. --- 15 Onie Etaher --15 Arnold Sleep l-à1 Hilda Brock ___15 Pat Yeo .----_- 9 Bob Mitchell 15 Howard Bromel - 15 Cccil Mutton ____15 Jack Brough 15 Mary WIlcox- 15 Gardon Stringer -9 Lii Stringer ____ 9 Dot Bond - -____15 Ken Luxton- 15 JEsle COx - ____15 Fred Luxton- 15 Carole 0ke - 15 Pat Bartels ___15 Bud Edxnondaan - 15 Bill Charles -15 -Mike Heenan- 12 Ruth Mitchell -15 Doug Reynolds -9 Rick Gould -_____15 On Tridrar afternnNovem- ber 13th, the Alternoon Ladies, League bowlers mue t have b.- Oomea aousuooed to staylng Mway train the foul line ta the befla didu't ring nearly as et. tan as they had the pravlous week. Itere were a few more 200 gemes rofled "ls. Helen Andrew came up witie two love- IY gamnet ci 224 and 243 to gve 400 doubles were relled by Ai- ceHRodgson 444, <253) and 01- . & Patfleld 420 (222). Other 200 gamet were Barb. Courtaey 215, Shirley Davis 215. Helene Rundie 212, Bea Sellers 212 Jean Iobb 210 and Dalsy Bell M0. Shutouts were scored by th. Robins over the Bluebirdis, Sparrows over the Canaries and Blue$ffs over the Wrens. Averages Relen Andrew_____ Barb. Courtney Oillie Patfleld_____ Aura Trewin ______ Marg. King En& Etcher MyVce Hodgson Sadie Buckneil Evelyn Large 85 Kng st. A. BOYD, Pr. LAST THREE DAYS of Thursday - Friday - Saturday ALL ITEMS REDUCED las 171 pt 170 SparrOWs 170 Wirens _________ 167 mluebirds 165 Robins 164 154 Blýueimys 151 Canaries SEE OU DRGAIN TABLE Cholce of limerais Items ALL FLOLAZ PAiNT edrlerDavis ______150 Rade Mooney 149 Doris Holroyd 14a Edda Siniûck _____146 Velmaiton _____ 145 Mar MéDonald 144 = n WlSrnan____ 144 Dulsy Bell ______141 Bea Sellera _______141 Hielen. Rundie 138 AInes McColloch 138 Jean Lobb 187 Nonce Colmer 138 Mâbel Williams _____135 Ann Tice 135 Marion Crowe 134 Umiie 'Vhile _______133 Bannie McDonald 132 V-1 Poste 128 Helen Rogers ______125 Marion MacDonald- 123 Marg. OCyle 125 Bea Wilson 122 Team, Stodhffl MA 8-31"4 99C -ý na%OFIF LANDER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC Ltd. 7Kiag SL L NA 3U774 LIBERTY EOWL LTD. Bas e Alisys Availablo for OPEN BOWLING Evory Day PHONE NA 3-5663 Have Tour Car Checksul For Winter Driving POINTS - CONDES VOLTAGE REGULATOR[ - ETC. W. have a Voltage-Regulator Tuste ho guarante you best performance front your car. WB CAIRRY FUJLL LINZ 0F SNOW TIRES VIRE AMP AUTO SUPIPLY ILIMITRe AUOCS413 TOU 10%o 50% STORE' CL@SED NqONDAT - TUEZSDAY * -WEDnEZDA Novombor 23 -24 -25 Open for busines at osr n.w site 51 KagStreet E. Tharsday, Nov. 26 1The league-4leadlng Office played tota euhird - consecu- tive lie ta ertend their unbeat- en streak ho fivc strikight ia the Goodyear League's firsl gn, Sunday aflerncon. Bibll le's tliird goal wllli UtIle over four minutes ta play, gave the tirsI placers a 4-4 standoff with lhe Fan Belts, who have won tw.. and lied one ln their lest three gaines. Lloyd Hamilton wen i alone ta beal goatie Vince Vanstone afler seven minutes of play, with Lyle lylng tie score a minute later, an Sam Thomp- son ls pass. The Fan Bell. went into a 3-1 bulge, scorlng lwice in 45 seconds. Ray Preston worked ln frcrn the blueline for the tii-st and Hamilton got his second on a tiree-way pass. Ing play with Bob Fairey and "Mort" Richards. Th. goals caie fast, as Lyle scored within 40 seconds and Frank Mohun's attcmpted cor- ner pass cul wenl mb lite cage, froin an alinoat impassible an- gle. two minutes later. Raye West siot tie Fan Beits into he lead for the third lime, but Lylc's thurd tally sal- vaged th. split ln points. In tb. nlghtcap, the Mats b1anked lhe Houe 7-0 la mnove int a second place tie, while tie lame shunted the Houe Itot the cellar. "Slip" Rowe posted tie season's ffrst shutout ta thwart 1h. shorthanded lasers. Ted Falrgy and Aler Alexan- der paced lhe NMat attack with a pair ai markers apiece, wvli singles golng ta "Archie" Cros- sey, John Lunn and Bibi Os- borne. Tesa Standifgs WL TPIs off 2 0 a7 Fan Belis .....2 2 1 à mats ______2 2 I à Hoe 1 3 1 3 iota 1 N j

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