..PAGE FOURmTEE TECANqANAN STATESSAN. EOWMXANVUSL.-&OITARTO- TCA Pilot Addresses Lions Club at Remembrance Dinner Aviation progress during the ktst 50 years was reviewed by Captain Don Lowry, a weIl- known T.C.A. pilot, at the Ar- nisatice Dinner meetipig of the Bowmanville Lions Club heldj at the Lions Community Centre on Monday evening. The president of the Lions Club, Glen Lander, welcomed thec following niembers of Brandi 178 of the Canadian Le- gion, who were special guests: Ccnumde Ed Rundle, president, Cornrade James Firth, Deputy- District Commnander, Comrede Ab Mavin, the past president, Bey. A. C. Herbert, Padre of thec Brandi, Comrade Bon Rich- ards, the secretary, Comrade George Graham, an executive member, Cornrade Jack Knight, president of the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band, and Don bUrsden, editor of Uic Lcgion Bulletin. The birthdays of Byron Van- stone and Ross Stevens were oelebratcd. The lucky winners cf thc Hockey Draw were: Sat- urday, November 14th, Reeve W. David Higgon and Tracy Emily; Wedncsday, November 18th, Ab Heal and AI Leslie: Saturday, November 2lst, Keith Shackleton mnd biss Neta Hag- german. Thc dangercus situation re- gardirig Rabies was stressed by Ivan Woolsey, of the Health of Animnais Brandi Departnxcnt of Agriculture. He spoke of the tragic case of a littie child who died from Babies in Port Perry last Friday as the resuit of a skunk bite. He explained that the bite had flot been reported to a doctor, and when the child became ill she was treated for Tetanus. Eight positive cases o! Babies have been discovered in animais i this district in the last k30 days, Dr. Woolsey, stated. rHe sa.id greater control. cf dogs is iniperative, and also asrted that the Bowmanvillc and Dar- lington Ibog Control By-laws 1 had been most nccessary. Peo- ple who cornplain about these IBy-laws arc not sware of the 'truc situation, hc added. It is thei duty of evcry individual te obtain information on thc sub- ject cf Rabies in this region, and to make other people aware of thc tacts, Dr. Wool- sey naid ini closmng. George Webster introduceà the guest speaker, Captain Lowry. He told thc meeting that Captain Lowry was born in Winnipeg, and moved to To- ronto as a chid. He was cdu- cated. at Bedford Park and How- ard Public Schools there, and received his secondary educa- tien at North Toronto Coleg- iate, Mr. Webster said. "Prior to World War Il Cap- tain Lowry was with Uic De- partment cf Highways, and had also been asso>ciated with the Dental Comnpany cf Canada. In 1939 he joined thc RCAF as a pilot and servcd with a Bomber Squadron in Canada under Eastern Air Command'. Mr. Webster pointcd out. "Captain Lowry was loaned by the ROAF to Trans-Canada Airlines in 1944, and joined the company pernianently later the sanie year. During his time with TCA Captain Lowry has been an active member of the Air Lîne Pilots Association, servlng on both thc negotiating commiuttee and the safety com- mittec. He aise served on the 1 pension conunittee for two ycars. "Captain Lowry has more than 14,000 hours flight service with over 10,000 with TCA. This being thc SOth Anniver- sary of Powcred Flight in Can- ada we welcome Captain Low- ry w'ho wiil tell us something cf Powered Flight during the last haif century"l. Bramch 178 J//ça ?jou! The Bowmanville Branch, No. 178, Canadian Legion, wishcs to thanlc the citizcns of Bowmanville and District for the splendid response given to the annual Poppy Appeal. The resuits wcrc most gratifying and will enable the Poppy Com- mittcc to continue its work on behaif cf thc sick and necdy veterans. Our special thanks arc cxtended to the following who purchased sprays which wcrc placed at Cenotaph: Don Boe's Service Station' Ray Gibbs' Garage J. Rae Abernethy, Decorator Stanley's Restaurant Stevens' Tai and Staff S. Jackman & Son, Florists Mason & Dale Hardware Ltd. Goheen'. Handy Store The Canadian Bank of Commerce Higgon Electrie Llmited John & Judy Shoppe Bresiin's Ladies' Wear Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. Bil's Billiards The Canadian Statesman Garton Coach LUnes Ltd. Jack's Smokc Shop Ken's Men's & Boys' Wear Wideman's Ladies' Wear Allin's Meat Market Bank of Montreal Irvin Taube Lander Hardware & Electrie Canadian Tire Store Osborne's Sports Store Coronation Cafe R. W. Nichols Motor Sales W. H. Brown - Farm Implements Abernethy's Paint & Wailpaper Ini Remembrance of Rae Richards Bowmanville Auto Parts Bewmanvilce IGA Jack Brough, Plumbing & Heating Stewart's Secd Store Yeo Bros. Fuels Knapp's Auto Parts Smith Beverages Ltd. Carter's Bakery Cowling's Drug Store Stuart R. James Inl Memory of Danny Sheehan Robson Motors Ltd. Hap's B. A. Service Station Cliffcrest Cleaners Northcutt & Smith Roy Wilkin's Service Station Crystal Dairy Bill Rudel Irv. Brook's Supertest Station Stecker's Service Station Bowmanville Lions Club Vanstone Fleur & Fecd Miii Tate's Red & White Store Bowmanviile Rotary Club MeGregor Hardware Limited Severn's Bakery Bowmanville Kinsmen Club A. Beyd - Western Tire Store F. F. Morris Ce. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ce. Bowmanville Frlgid Locker Systcm Palmer's Barber Shop Local 189, U.R.W. Glory Ann Shoppe Oke's Smeke Shop Village of Newcastle Lloyd Ellis' Shee Store Walker Stores of Bowmanville Newcastle Board of Education Murphy Furniture Ce. Palmer Motor Sales Kari Weyrich & Staff Joan's Beauty Shop Ella's Gif t Shop Orono High School Bowmanvllle Cleaners & Dyers McNulty's Sports, Cycle & Teys Orono L...F. and Rebekah Lodges Liberty Bowl Ltd. A & P Stores Ltd. Village of Orono Bud Vrtue's Service Station The Toronto-Dominion Bank 14, Scenes of Canadian Legion Parade At Remembrance Day Services Captain Lowry told the Lions.::> 1 qý 'that in 1902 before Uie first suc- cessful flight cf "heavier than air" machine, W. R. Turnbul built a wnd tunnel at Bothcsay, near Saint John, New Bruns- wickc, for the scientific study of acrodynamic properties. Mr. Turnbuli became Uic inventor cf Uic variable pitch airscrew, an essential to Uic developmnent of powered flight. He referrcd to the fliglit of the Silver Dart 50 years ago from the Ice o! Bras d'Or Lake ademphasizcd* Uic Thct that onyseven daya after an air- m: ' plane was first flown acrose the 1nls Channel McCurdy and Baldwin gave Uic tlrst -ili- tai-y air demonstration at Pete- wawa. He aiso mentioned that Uic first successful hero engine built ini Canada was made i 1910 by W. W. Gibson. He aise spoke cf carly ai!- craft manu! acturing plant in this country, and said Uith irst, trans-Canada flight was made by thc BCAF ini 1920. *'After 50 years it would ap- pear that we have 'uscd up' the amount of power economically avaiablein the reciprocating egnand are now entering thec power phase o! Uic jet. More power for aircraft bas produccd more speed. This speed in turn lias increased Uic work load o! the pilot. In order to maintain Uic high standard o! pilot e!!iciency today a great deal o! effort lias been cxpend- cd toward presenting pilots with ail information needed in a concise form", Captain Low- ry explamced. "We believe that Canada has a flying heritage second te none. By introducing the first turbo prop transport te this continent * producing the first transactor, an clectronic computer reserva - tions system and one of theA world's first ail turbine fleets by 1961, we are adding to that proud heritage, "«Captain Lowry stated in closing. A hearty vote o! thanks to Captain Lowry for his instruc- . . tive and interesting address was rnoved by Bill Oliver on behalf ~ '- ~ o! the club and special guests . ' ' Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 ING ST. F. HO WMIAN VUIL .PHONE MA 3.7061 - - .. I . - - 00OYOU UKI you -bot water roulIy hot M'ed p1mt~y of it? - *for your laundty9 *foe your bath, *for your diae, _ *for yourchdra * for dozmn of other Ihing about the homie? trie ae Ht-dro N the bot wateyou ned- for. one attractive low montbly pmyment. There lM no instalation charge. Maintenance, er- vicmng, and even replace- ment are fres I 4 .4 DRY CLEANING