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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 15

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-?TJRSDAY, NOV. lfb, 195u _________________________________IR C~.ANAIAN Aiq TATESMA., OWMANV!LE, 019TAMO Deplore Apathy of Taxpayers Ratepayers Stili Crifical But Won't Run Candidates For This Year's Election Tom Masterson was appoint.1 cf the Provincial Goi ad lst vice-president o! the The two reniainin.g Bowmranvilie Ratepayers' Asso- on the executive, twoc ation at the meeting o! the visory board, previet ...organization held at Meinorial by Mra. Wilson and1 IPark Clubhouse on Sunda tyn wiil be filled at evening. Mr. Masterson succeed meeting of the Be- Norman lianuan in the position Ratepayers Association which lie relinquished when lie announced by the became president of the ergan- Normnan Hannan. Ization at the hast meeting fol- twsdce ha1 *lowing the resignation of Ed Itasdiddtt Froran fram that office. Mr. Mas m.anville Ratepayers' tçrsn was formerly 2nd vice- tion wxIl uot presenta presient.candidates ta run fc presient.Council at the coming * Mrs. Nell Wilson, a member pal Election. The secr of the executive, was appoint- the organization, M1(n ed 2nd vice-president, and Oke, stated that she w Robert Martyn was appointed for election te counci treasuxer. The original treasur- meeting went on recor er, John Meachin, had resigned ing sympathetic ta M from the office o! treasurer standing as an indc wlien he entered the employ candidate, but decided )vernment. Bcwmanvllle Ratepayera' Ass( vaitcancies ciation wili net support h( on the ad- officiaily, as it was considere )usly held the organization shouhd net ci Ar. Mar- flcially back oee ole cand the next date. wmrnnvile Aithougli there were bctwee ,n. it was 35 and 40 peophe preseut et th president nieeting, regret was expresse by James Coyle, a memberc the Bow- the executive, that there wa Associa- not a larger turu -eut. Hie sai a shate of it WaS a srnall turu-out for ,or Town meeting o! the Bowmnanvi]l g Muuicl- liatepayers whidh was lieldt ,retary o! dîscuss the corning Muuicips 9. Walter Election at the beginniug of ifl stand two year termn. He rcferred t il. The "the inactivity cf the presen rd . as be- ceunici as sucli," and criticiz Nfrs. Oke ed "a councillor who does -no lependent attend meetings when hI 1that the should." "Taxpayers shouid flot le council oit back and attend t( affairs as they do. There art hidden things which we car net Put a finger on athougl we are trying. If we cannot gel the co-operatian we need, w( C ~are done. We want the wilh ci Cthe people expressed," he sta. H ted firm.hy. ;H Jack Maguire said the mciii bers at the meeting were in- % y-ou terested or they would net be %" at the meeting. Mr. liannar, the chairman agreed. But he added thiat it was ebvious be- cause e! the smahi nurnber of people attending the meetings o! the Bowmanvile Town Council that there is a lack af interest in municipal affairs ameong the taxpayers o! the town. Aflan Lymer and Jack Me- glaire were nominated te fil the vacancies on the executive as~ members o! the advisery board. BotJx declined due ta the pres- sure o! other business. It was then decided te leave the posi- tions unfilhed until the nexi general meeting o! the organi- zation. Mr. Coyle called on Sidney ILittle, a fermer Mayor o! Bow- 9* manville, ta give lis thoughts ta the meeting. Mr. Little said that Mr. Coyle had outlined For 8«sS Reat. .. THT OUR 4. a MA 3-57I7 WIlliIng to Rua Mi «I arn willing te run if any- eue wihi back me up," Mis. OkeF said in o!fering ta stand forF council. The president, Mr. Hannan, then announced that she had expressed willingness ta stand and there was gencral applause.I Support Mzo. Oke An objection was raiscd byi Mr. Dawson. who said that a Mrs. Oke lives ln the SouasTh Ward the electorate generahly Ve, might think she would b. re- presenting the South Ward. A numnber e! other members dis. agreed with Mr. Dawson and explained ta hlm that Mrs. Oke is well knowu aud respected by lie wol backlier. Da ro sath whehe htwn. Mi. asoe saiud ntsick era a. tecs A tribute ta Mirs. Oke was l paid by Mr. Ceyle Hie offered his best wislies for lier sucoess. Sui However he pointed eut that a lot e! pressure wou]d be exert- D cd on a single candidate. HeII added that aithougli she lias net had municipal experience lier ability couId lie demenstrat- ed lu ceuncil. lie gave the op- inion that if Mrs. Oke were of- ficiafly backed by the Bowman- ville R.P.A. and she was de- feated. that there WouId be tendency to consider this an indication that the organization IC had lost ground. Mr. Coyle aise spoke of thc labour mavement, and said that F it takes an agitator te put the E officers on the spot. "Titis bas doue much ta deveiop eux I movement, hie said. Ho ex. plaincd that lie lad been in I rnany clections himself, and as. serted "You have te have a group thinking alike. Unless You run a shate, forget lt,"-lie advised the Ratepayers' Aksso- ciation.M 90 Percent Labour "You shou]d net bring labouir into it. We are in the Ratepay- ers' Association taniglit," Jack Maguire said. "Ycs, but we are 90 percent labour," )Mr. Coyle replied. TOM Nmster9on, the lst vice- president, said regarding the as- sôciation backing one sole can- didate, "Maybe we would be stepping eut on a 11mb. It is necessary ta crawl before walk- ing. If Mrs. Oke runs as an in- dividua! we can be behind ler- wîthout stating the fact. Our organIzation la net far advanc- cd yetY Mr. Hannan agreed that. it weu]d be best for M&a. Oke te run as an independent, not as a member e! thc Bow. inanville Ratepayers' Associa- àé. m Id"h tog B M h( re Di id >e Lh se c va Ri t 10 b le t( xt ar gt :el V( 01 ýa. n- a- DE n, le e- A rs Le 1- ýe LS s s L A M US~T F OR V!17 1'D Ur . d»,@ --1 v ý - ~ e ~ U W W M ~ d - - --M MW MIL-ma -lu. A MUST FOR BREAKFAST St- Wiïï.-. 'a-.. FT BREAD COSTSA A -11- [CHMELLO BREAD i18cCOCFFEE JTST IEAT ANDl SE1VV.1 w W 0 À a % À 2 E - PXLJ N.. 1 GRADEq lr 0mdmwqw a*A ! &ttGGs HOOPERS JEWELLERY SAL E Time Marches On . . . And we are again celebrafing another anniversary. We have on display many fine gifis ai big savings . . . Jus! in lime for Chrisimas Shopping! r THIS 15... NATIONAL JEWELLEST WEEKE NCANÂA BUY WITU CONFIENCE FROM YOIJR JEWELLER HO OPER"S Jewellery &Gift -Sliop 219 King St. F. 1 cIeBrlY a few minutes previaus. ly what lie toe had expeciec of tis meeting. Mr. Little saic that at a meeting of such jS. portance he had expected the room to be crowded with maxiy people obliged to stand. Pull Siate Impera*iv Rie Pointed out thuat he haid had many years experience on Bowrnanville Town Council. Hie urged thiat the Bonanville Ratepayers present and support a whole aiate for the Municipal Election. "There la no use of tisi organlzation namlnating Jim Cayle and myseif unles the organization wifl put us o- over. If you do flot you will er Jose aU you have gained, he 'ed said. Rie stated that it was lm- Df- perative ta run a whole slate di- flot just one or two candidates. "I wifl have to have mare as- en surance than I have had here h'e toni.ght befare I decide. That ed gang up there at counci la well of organized," lie asserted. 'as --I do net want to argue with tid an ex-nbayor, but I do not think a a whole siate is necessary. If le we can put three or faur candi- to dates in council, it wiil be an >a opening wedge," Mr. Maguire a stated. ta nt Go Along As Tou Are z- D. Dawson ernphatically ad- ot vised the Bawrnanville Rate- he Payers' Association flot to run just three or four candidates. etIf you put three or four can- todidates up and lase, thie coun- rcil will not take any further innotice of yu fyug na ,h you have been the council wil etcontinue ta take notice. If you iealse you are beat," he ca.smed. )f "If yau go aiong as a new L- rganization and continue your work for the next two years -you will have something," Mfr. Dawson further remarked as ie )e continued ta urge the Bowman- 1,ville Ratepayers' Association ta Le refrain frem putting up candi- -_ dates in the coning Municipal )f Election. rs We Are Not Satisfied i Jack Maguire called on Mrs. ef Oke, the secretary cf the Bow-1 s inanville R.P.A. "We really eneed somane on council ta straighten things out. We are * fot satisfîed with things as they eare. We shouid get samneone in sand see what eau be done. We cannot keep on having rnoney spent on things that are not snecessary. If we do net put . someane into cauncil we will t flot be able to rectify matters,"1 Mrm. Oke stated. Need Sympathetie Candidate "Surely some man will stand te help our town eut," Mis. Oke asked. She peinted out the imi portance of having a candidate sympathetic to the Bowman- ville R.P.A. Against One Mlii Levy 1fr. Little pointed out that the Bowrnanville R.P.,A. are es- pecially against the one mill 'allotted ta the Industrial Com- mission. He said that in his op- inion the association must eiect at ieast four men ta council and take a chance that one mare there would vote with them, If they are ta accamplish any- thing. "Yau must have five ta have a majority. I do not mean that five shouid run the whole thing, but at certain times a majorîty is needed," lie added. "If we have one nman there in symPathy ta us, it is better S, than having none," Mr. Hannan S] said. Mr. Maguire egain ex- pressed his belief in having a "wedge cf two or threo on -Mr. Little would run. "To corne «They must be quite niixed up, for tawn employees. He asked d back at these feleows yau have'or why lias there net been an Mr. Hannan to report what lRETG d ta have a siate, or you are lick- answer ta our letter," Mir. Han- transpired lu this regard at the EITHE PETG -ed. I belong te the Bcwman- nan claimed. last meeting of the Board of eville Ratepayers' Association. $00FrIsane Wk. Ybiteso ldeaeite ae If yQd Mi. Maguire said It had been "A~n item at the last meeting GINGER ALE aitorleae ill along. u oted at the last meeting of o! th3e Board o! Works was an G anv aapplicawil g UT g.If u 1net I amn through. the R.P.A. that the Canadianaplctien for recognition fr GTW L O ' Legion had donated $400 ta the the National Union cf Public I l SO S 1 Attention was drawn to the Recreation Department and Service Employees," ?fr. Han- 2Possibility that on Nomination! there are 400 boys playing hec- nan said. He said that as this eNight tliree or four candidates: key. "I have twe boys playing union would be' working ta tmight corne out who the Bow- hockey. They pay $1 each for bettei, the lot of town employ- imanville Ratepayers' Associa- their insurance. The $1 that ees the Cressing Guards salar- StiOn rnight want ta support. Mr. each boy pays daes not go into les wnuld be looked after by it. rCoyie asked that the organiza- the recreation fund, but it is for He asked Mrm- McNulty to with- tien bear hs PosslbiIitY in insurance in case cf an accident draw her motion because of infd. on the lce," lie stated. hs The fluutrial Commission School Crosslng Guards No Siu of Pouice Mr. Hannan ment ioned that Ernie Joues Wad the salaries Mrs. McNulty agreed provld- at the last Town Counci meet- o! the towu enpioyees had been ing the Bewmanville R.P.A. ing it had been meutioned that read eut at the last meeting of !eliow Up the matter for the Section 22 of the Rules and Rie- the Bownianville R.P.A., but benefit o! all Crossing Guards. gulatiens by which Ceuncil is the pay cf the Crossmng Guards Mms. McNulty also told o! a goverued made it mandatory liad not been mentioned. Hie recent niglit when ail street ta have an Industrial Commit- said lie is paid ordy $40 a month, lighting lu the town was off. tee. which is 50 cents en heur. for The business section o! Bow- The nu]! allotted by council lus work as a Crossing Guard. manville was in complete ta the Industriai Commaission He peinted eut that lie and the darkness, she said, yet aithough here was referred ta by Mr. ether guards work in ail kinds she watched fram ber windew 1' Little. lie said he believed bath of weather, sub-zero tempera- for considerably langer than an lti Port Hope and Cobourg allot tures sometimes, and lie feit the houx she did fot see a single far less for tliis purpose. pay shouid lie higher for their policeman. work cf safeguarding the child- She aise reported that a num- "I seconded the motion when ren o! the town. ber e! mercliants in town are K. N. Morris was hired. I -have handleda lot o! men. and hired Why Not Pald More? firiding that business is falling a lot cf men in my time, but I Mis. Mei MeNulty moved off on Friday evenings. She do net have ta keep them on that the Bowmanville RPA adsehdbe odta if they are net doing a job. They send a letter ta Town Ceun- parking meters are not uscd in say Morris is doing a fabuleuls cil inquiring why the Crossing Oshawa on Friday evcnings, job, I do not .agree," Mi. Little Guards, who care for the safe- and suggested they sliould be stated. "Hi.s record speaks for ty of the children, are not paid turned off in l3owrnanville at itself." Mr. Masterson asserted. more, and yet the dog-catcher 6 p.m on Fridays. receives a mudli higher saiary On motion cf Mm .McNuity, Mr. Hannon spoke of a letter for picking up animals. Mir. Ma- seconded by Mr. Maguire, it sen bytheR..A.ta ounilguire seconded this motion. was decided to, have a letter asking for a !urther breakdown sent te Town Council reques ___________ regarding Recreation Depart- Union of Town Employees ing police surveillance cf the ment funds, aud said a reply Mr. Coyle toid the meeting business section cf the towul had flot yct been recived.1 that a .unio.n is being ermed, when the electrie power is off.I j%^ MA 3-5747 1 PACM Mprm Itoof . à COUS N -Iw i 1 y4i 1 &0 ài IL 93 » r- lqw lqw à 1 i >ck up at this price 1 ---

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