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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 17

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?NURSAYT, NOV. lgth, Published Recently Prtofessor* C. B. Sissons' New Book Examines Relation Church, -State In Canada's Educafion,. History Last week a book written by whlch is now offered ta the %.B. i.ssons aof public, is titled "The Church Clarke 17ownship was present- and State in Canadian Educa- m ed ta the publie for the first tion and Historical Study." i a i s A xiiiy H s trne. Professor Sissons, a well Thisi book is the resuit of a.A x li ry H s known figure within the corn- study of educaticn shiaredai * rnunity has aver the past been teCuc ndteSaewitý?i_ To Locc meg ion Drancil active In the literary field and in the ten provinces ofaiCn bas had a number of books pub- ada. To obtain his information At the meeting of the Ladies' of the Lincoln and Welland Re- lished. Ris rnost recent book, Professor Sissons travelled frorn Auxiiary te, the Canadian Le- giment. the west to the east coast and1 gion h eld in the Legion Hall on On behalf of the auxiliary, a]so ta Newfoundland, where 1 Monday evening Cornrade Flor- president Comrade Florence he has studied the field of edu- ence Knight, president, wel- Knighit thanked Comrade Ross cation in its rnany different ap- corned the members af Braî?ch Rice for providing and showing9 pliances. Within the book is a 178 af the Canadian Legion the entertaining motion pic- lifetime of observations and who were guests at the meeting,,. tures. Cornrade Jack Rice, sec- conclusions. A large number o! the Legion retary of Branch 178 ai the Can- The book whjoh bas taken men were present. adian Legion, expressed the ap- several years to compile con Te Auxiliary decided'by a preciation of the Legian mein- tisathorough examination unanimous vote ta donate $100 br o the Invitation to attend ofi-the clauses pertLining to edu- for the Children's Christmas the meeting af the auxiliary. He cation In the British North Amn- Party ta be given by Brancni congratulated the auxiliary on erica Act. It also shows how ft 178. Comrade Rose Overy, the iînpressive and efficient - h as been applied in the various cloakroam convenar, gave her manner in which the meeting Provinces and its outcome. report. Comrade Ann Piper, was conducted. - Professer Sissons had his first past president, wbo is convenor Adlcoslnhwssre o! the sick cammittee, reparted Adlcaslnhwssre Ti.Mississippi ]River's mean- book published in 1917. This by the convenor, Comrade Jean de n ea ad a lest500mils t bok ws ntiled"Biingalthat flawers had been sent taiîrth, and a social hour was deigsad tles 50mie t ao asetild Bligaliembers of the Aux-e e It ength between Cairo, Illinois, Schools". In 1925 he stated the elvralh a be l. h o sud the Gulf a!fIeexico. Its length study of Ryerson and in 1937 alsoary whohad ee t1 he enjoyed.e fa 2,470 mileit because af its mean- published his first volume of had sent cigars ta Comrade dlrng.I carrnes with it aver the Biography af Ryerson. In!Moty oltworcnl 400000tons of dirt each year 1947 the second volume on Ry-1 underwent an oye operatian, Re eectéd ta' te Udded to the delta at it.5 erson was published. Later Pro- and ta Comr.ade'J. E. (Hap) -. -Er. clcopuedia Britannica fessor Sissons wrote the calour- Hobbs, who had sustained aPr sd n fui History of Victoria Collegz. broken wrist. r sd n -Times. ________ Secretary Conirade Millie Bates read letters of thankas from Comrade Margaret Corson DURH M CO NTYand Comrade Lillian Living for DURH M CO NTYthe flowers sent ta them while they were in hospital. She also LIBERAL ASSOCIATION read a note from Cemrade Glenholme Hughes expressing his thanks for the cigarettes ANNUAL sent ta himiwhen he a a pa- Toronto. Comrade Edythe Rundie, Red Cross representative for the dian Legion, gave her report on the successful Blood Danors M on.,Nov.23rd Clinics recently held by the 1959 read frorn the Bowmanvllle O dd Fellows Hall Cross thanking the Ladies':; gian for the contribution ta Lthe It was annoi.nced this week O R O N ORed Cross Blaond Donars Clinic that Dr. W. W. Breslin, former 8:15 p.M. and for the work the auxiliarY Durham citizen, had been re- ELEC ION 0F FFIERSexpressed approciation of the Association of the University of ELEC ION OF O FIC AUSdonations receiveci froin Smith Toronto for the third time. Dr. GENE AL USIESSBeverages, the A. &P. Store Breslin ls now a prorninenti CEjum"wBA BUSNESSand the I.GA. Store for the dental oral surgeon in Toronto. GUEST SPEAKER: clinic. HeO also is stili vitally interested Cemrade Grace Murdoch, in Durham County where be R O Y E F I T Box convenor, submit- bas large holdings of Christmias Toronto Lawyer, rade Audrey Bate gave a repart t on the extra kitchen utensils Vice President of she had bought for the kitchen B T .N The Ontario Liberal Association committee. E H N EVERVNE WECOMEThe winners of the Lucky EVRONE ELO EDraw were Caad Ewr Norman Lawes, Toronto, and Refroshmente alter the meeting BEragg, Comrade Torm Carter, Miss Margaret Lowes, Hamnil- ELMORE SCOTT RUSSELL C. HONEY Comrade Jack Rice, Comracle ton, were home for the week- Jack Knight, Comnrade Ross Mc- end wlth their parents, Mr. a-id President Secretary Knight, Cornrade Edythb Run- Mrs. Donald Lowes. -dle and Comradg AnPiper. Dr. H. W. Scott and Mrs. Comrade Ross R4ce showecl Scatt of Hamnilton, Mr, A. Gods- an interesting series of motion mark, Winnipeg, Man., were pictres Thefils depicted the guests last week with Mr. and H'allowe'en Dan-ceh9ld by the Mrs. Thomas Jenningi. Legion, the Legion Drum Headl Mr. and Mns. A. Fuller and Service, the Bowmanville Cen- famlly o! Toronto, were home ELIZABEi'QTH VILLE Mr. end Mrs. Ralph Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer and S. L. Speller and Mrs. Speller BobispntFriday evenlng and during the weelçend. "Triumph In The West" Saturetin Toronto with thcir Mrs. Carl Smith and lier dau- by Athu Brantdaughters and Alan, and also ghters, Carolyn, Uorn-a and by Athu Brantsaw the Santa Claus parade. Grace, Mrs, T. J. Jackson and Miss Donna Scott, Campbel-. Mrs. Ros.s Carr, visited with Cornpleting the War Miaries croit, with Glenda Mercer for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall in the weekend. Whitby on Wednesday. of Viscount Alanbrooke Several attended a Party Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Freeman urday night at Mr. and Mrs, and iamily ai Burllngton were Morley Robinson's, Starkville, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. for Elva Ann. Walter Rowland, for the weelc- $600 Mrs. Knoxc and Mrs. Thick-- end. on attended the Cobourg Eu- Mrs. Ina Palmner vlsited wih DIi *r r tv o au rdavou n - 11-1 At- The iarlcness and The Dawn" a new suspense filled novei by Thomas B. Castain $4.50 "Just Add Waler and Sfir" by Pierre Berton $4.50 Bennett Cerfsa new book 'The Laughs On Me" $4.00 and many other new books for your Christmas gift iist. CHILDREN'S BOOKS GALORE! DICTIONARIES HYMN BOOKS Especiaily at Christmas for your famiiy and friends .. . the gift of The IHoly Bible No gift says mor.. Bible. Story Books for children of aIl ages la i c::d browse- around.. you are aiways weicome at !BG 20"LlTE . 2 0 "_____________________________________________ "14c v4 Y ui j traa evn-i reatves in Wvellancion Satur- ing. Mr. Thiekson won the day. door pnize and third prize. Mrs. The Ladies' Guilci o! St. Knox won first the week be- Paul's Church held a success- fore. fui sale o! home baking an Sat- Miss Doreen Minis, Whitby, urday, afternoon with Mrs. and friend visited in the village Charles Smith and Mrs. Mer- recently. vin Smith as salesladies. Several have returned home W.. M. Society from hunting but no deer have The Women's Missianary Sa- be agged by thie locals sa ciety o! the United Church met far. at the home of _Mrs. Clarence *Church services and Sunday. Rowan an Tuesday evening. school were held as usual. Mrs. .0. Spencer presided for On Tuesday eve-ning the In. the meeting and conducted the stitute met et the home ai Mr. worship service in which Mrs. and Mrs. Oscar Irwin. A gaod M. Porteous, Mrs. H. Jakeman, number carne. The president, Mrs. G. Waddeil and Mrs. W. Quantnili, apened the Rowland took part, each read- meeting with the Institute Ode. lng froin different portions o! The minutes o! the last meet- scripture in relation ta the sub- ing were read and approved. Ject "The Cornngoa His King- Plans were made for a bazaur dom". A session o! prayer was Nov. ë 5. It was decided ta hold led by Mrs. Spencer in whiclb it in the evening. Committees ail the members toalc part. were elected for the v-arious Mrs. Rawan led la the study tables. A lunch comniittee was periad fram the book "Afnica ta look aiter the lunch. The Disturbed". "In this continent Inext meeting Is uinder Mrs. C. ai 223,000,000 blacks, flot caunt- iMercer's group. We plan ta have ing the white citizens, Cairo la Mrs. Ruthven give a dernon- the largest city and Ghana the stratian on Christnmas wrapplng first independent State." at the December meeting. We Mrs. Rawan spoke o! the et- also plan ta have Mrs. Preston, fects ai Western culture on their aur area president, in the near way o! living;, also the power future. Mrs. R. Whlte's group oi exaemple. They have no corn- had lunch and the programme pulsory education. The whltes was as follows: Mrs. M. Wallc- think they are superiar and er gave a reading on Remem- will not let the Airicans take brance Day; Mrs. R. Trew a part in politics. There are many reading an aur church supper; other reasans for the African ta Mrs. McAllister and Mrs. Quan- be disturbed. The only answer trill gave reports o! their dey is that it is necessary for us te et t.he Convention. act as though we believe Gad On Wednesday the sehool is the Father af ail and all men children enjoyed their Remem- are brothers. brance Day holiday. Aiter the meeting closed the In the evening the 4-H Club, hostess served lunch and a no- met et Mrs. H., Thickson's ciel tixne was enjoyed. home. Planning mentis was the Remembrance Service topic ai the meeting with the The United Church at Beth- girls making cream sauce with any was filled to capaclty an nuce and cheese. We used brown Sunday morning for a apecial rice and found it real nice. They Remembrance Day service, also inade baked apples with whlch was attended by the Mill- mincerneat centres. mhe next brook branch o! the Canadian meeting ta be Dec. 19 and wýe I Tgion No. 402, the Women's hope to have Mis& Lifllycrop Auxiliary niembers, The Boy with us. -Scouts and Cubia, th. Bethany BOWMANVILLE IGA TOMS' IGA MARKE Dowmavilio, GiL Isw" CuISL 1959 THE CANADILAN STATESMAN, 1BOWMANVnd., ONTAIO

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