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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 19

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TEU tSDAT, NOV. l9th, IonEECNDINSATSA Classifiet Wanted OMAD and cipdfam plcked U rmpl.Telel 4ffi;7 1,Margwfl Lost MMNE cat, gray and *1er Reward. Phone ML A1IE Holstein heifersi ed from Lot 21, Concessiý Reward. Wesley HMis, Ci -3-2357. Cards of .han 1 wfsh ta thank thei fidsand neighbours ont me coi-ds and gifts af aid flawers during niy ri Barbar-a Welsh. 1 woiild like ta say thanIk very much toalal thase made my lang stay Ini Meir ,Hospital, Bowmanville, sa ch and coriortable wîth nevi duil moment. Amy E. Hotson.4 1 would like ta thank .Rundle, my frienda and ne 'bor, the W.A. and W.M.S Biackstaclc far fruit, fli anid carda during my stay Memorial Haspital, Bown ville. Lamne Hoskin. 4 1 wauld like ta thank fiends and neighbours for *ifts, flowers and cards, thanks ta Drs. Sylvester, E bard and Ewert and nur staff during my stay in imarial Hospital, Bowmanvil Elva Smale. 4. We wouid like ta express sincere thanks ta the friend Nestieton and Port Perryi presented us with such la' gifts and alsa thank the Nes ton W.A. ladies who made evening such an enjayable i Evelyn and Wilfrid Willia Sincere thanks ta the dacti hm-es and staff af Port Pe Community Hospital, ta al friends for their gifts, cards vIsita and ta the other memb 6f Room 5 for their compi during my i-ecent illness. Mrs. Fred Hamilton. 1 would like ta thanki frlends, relatives and W.M.S. Blackstock United Church carda and letters, also frier *ho 'visited me during my si ini Belleville Haspital and air comxing home. Mrs. N. S. McNally, Coîborne, Ont. 41 Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Godfî and family wish ta thank thi pan friends for their kind b e~ rs, cards, gifts and flawt 4,jent during Mi-s. Gadfrey's i non, and an aur departure frc Newcastle. Bincerely, the Godfrey Fenil 1 wish to express my since thanks ta my relatives ai friends for the lovely carÈ f1bwers and gifts while I wv i Memarial Hospital, and sin, cemidng haime. Special thanks D*t. Sylvester, assisting docto: nurses, manager and staff, Walker Stare, special nursi Mrs. Louise Bell and Mi-.. Ehs Afldread. Mrs. Elsie Holdstock. 47. 1 wish to extend my sincei thanks ta Doctors McKa: Storey and Austin, nurses or staff af Memarial Haspita Bowmnanville, for their care an kindiiess, alsa many thanks1 n'y famlly, relatives, friend an~d neighbaurs for the lave] gits ai flawers, fruit and coi-c durlng rny recent stay in ha: pitol and since being home. Mrs. Narman niae Mki.. R. J Ormistan was hos- te"s for an evening meeting af tih W.M.S. with a good at- tendance, Mrs. L. Ashton, Pi-es opened the meeting with a hy- mnn and proyer, andi reminded the niembers that 'oui- mission- si-y for proyer la, Misa V. Lang- lUnd, Japan. * A suitable devatianal on Re- mèn*rmnce Day was given by MUt. H. McGili. Mrs. J. Siemon ~,o tl ader called on the fol- wigprogram. M.sIF. Taoms continueti with another chapter fromn oui- study "'Afica Disturbeti" and paid tri- bute ta Dr. and Mrs. Colins' service lni Afi-ica for 32 yeai-s. Dr. Colins made speciol meni- ttof hoDw mc they had on- jhwrki wth Rev. and 3vM.Frguonin Angola. A memer ofoui- Mission It Io a beautiful necesslty of oui- nature to love something. -l:>ugios Jerroid. 'nything will give up its se- ets If yau lave it enough.- George Washington Carver. j IBond, Sheryl Ashton, of whom U fTt'pn m Mr&. R. Shacken on Fi-id wýe are proudlll avoi-ed with a JNJ.LLL ULUVL evening. piano solo. As an incentive for Mr-. and Mm. I. Neil and Mr-. ond Un-. Win. Coule O ur autumn Thlank- Offering, Gary, atteided a special youth and fainily, Toronto, wei-e Sur - m Ms. Stainton, Christian group salvation Army meeting day visitai-s at Mrs. Luthei- A ,Stewardship Sec., repeated the at the Anglican ChurdhiniiCo- lins stock, motto for Presbyterial, ""ro bourg on Saudy The Sunday church servici ,phone ICoi-o la ta Shar e,"' andi also gave Mms E. C. AshonJSùJ and were fairly wefl ttended.A 1Frone of Patience Strong's lave- Boni Beech vistec Mi-.anid the moi-ning chai-ch servie( ly poeins. Mrs. W. Loan gave Mrm William Brqgg, pi-ovu- aur pastoi- canducteti a Bal a splendid reorit, fuil af on- dence, on Sunday. tismal service when Gcrrdu thusiasm, fromn Presbyteil, Evenun Auxklary wiIl meet John Campbell Macnab, sanrc whsch was held at Ebenezer. at the home of Mrs Ken FEut Mr-. and Mi-g. J. C. Mociu black Mns. O. C. Ashton, Chistianl on Wodnescly, Navember 25. also their grandchld- Brend [Arket Citizenship Sec., called our - tPieuse note change of date. Jean Sellers, daughter aofIM 47-1 tentian ta the Liquor Vote in Mrs. Win Spi-ackling, Toron- anld Mi-.. Ray Sellers, BowmaS - Ajax, Nov, 23 andi asked for ta, visited Mr-. antiMm. Clii- ville, wei-e presented for Be. atay- aur prayer suppoi-t. An iter- fard Swallow over the week- tisiii. a 7. esting i-eadung was given by end An appropriate message o 'Olfax Mi-.. Ivan Sharp. A socalUrne Mrs. Wilfrid McLean and the theme was given and con 47-1 was enjoyed while group 3 sOi-- sans, Richard anti Lai-iy, spent taiiied inspiring thoughts. Th ved lunch. the weekend with frienidu hI choir cOntributed a pleasirý 3 Mrs. W. Loan was pi-ent Blm anthemn selection, «Sa via u - ta condiuet the ellection of ai- Mi-. aid Mns. Gordon Beech again ta, Thy deai- nainew, many ficers, as folows- Pi-es.-Mrs. entei-tained several girls to a z4aise"O which Wasabaso fittiun who F. Tains Ist; Vice Pies.- Mn. tuâner party in honour of Jan- The lavely basket af flawe: fruit R. Vutue; 2nd Vice Pies.- ice's birthday on Tuesday even- 'whidi adarned the altaer weri acent Mi-s. L. Ashton; 3rd Vice Pi-es. ing. frra the Broome fainily ii -Mrs. W. Logan; Rec. Sec. Messrs. Mac anti Joe Loverty, inemory ai their loved one rr< 47-1* and Pi-eas Sec.- Mn. M. Hobbs Welland, spenit Tuesdoy even- cenlt< deceased. and Mns H. McGill; Cari-. Sec.- ing with their brother, Mi-. and The Womnen's Missionary S< kyou L. Weemn; Literature Sec. Mi-s. Jim Lavei-ty and fantily. clety will be ini charge of ti who - Mrs. J. Slemon; Supply Sec. The fallowung Maple Gi-ave maOrning church service ne, îaorial - Mi,. R. Ormiston, Mns A. ladies ottendieti the c.w. L. Sunday at 9:45 with Dr. Nor. hei-y Bruit; Treasurer- Mns. T. membei-ship tea at St. Jaaeph's in'an ai Japan as guest speaker or a Siemon; Comniunity Frienti.. pariLi bailU, Bawmanville, on Music wlll ho provided by thE shP- Mrs. F. TOMS; Miss- Sunday evonng- Mrs. Will- C.G.I.T. girls and Expiai-erg.A 47-.1* ionary Monthiy Sec.- Mi- E. iam Jol, Mrs. Cecil Culien, Mrs. goocI attendiance is. anticipated Trewin; Mission Bnd- Mrs. Ewald Wihlidai, Mrs. Robert at this special service. Di-. E. Wrighvt, Ms. A. Werry; Ba-. Labrecque, Mrs. Wilf McLean, Ini the recent canvass for the eigh- by Band- Mrs. A. Werry, Mrs. Mi-s. J. Layerty, Mns. Henry U.N.I.C.E.F. the sehool child. s. ai Virtue; Unitet Nations Litera- Eeuwes and Mns. Dol Hends- i-en coiiected $68.49 which wae lwers ture- Mrs W. Howells, Mrs. R. bee. o very worthwlile venture Yin Stenger; Associate Members Mis. Hilda Hill and, Mns. A nuxnber fi-rn here attend. noni- Sec.- Mrg. L. Wea-rn, Mns. R. Johnson bath ai Peterborough eti the funerail ai Mn. i. 71* Ormiston; C.G .IT- Mi-5. 0. wei-e Sunday guests with Mrs. Broame ai Tyrone at the North. Ashton, Mns. W. Loan, Mrs. Mel Homes and family. cutt and Smith Funeral Home, my I. Sharp; Christian Steweard- Mr-. andi Mrs. Dave Bothwell Bawmanrwille on Wednesday. the ship Sec.- Mns. M. Stointon; Jr. andi famiiy, caiiedî on lier Eva will be rernembereti by ho: aiso Christian Citizenship Sec. - brother, Mr. andi Mrs. David many Hamipton friends foi- her {ub- Mns. O. Ashton. Adams, Oshawa, on Sundey. Pieasing disposition andi spec. sing Oui- reguar C.G.I.T. meeting U. and I. Circle !l talents along certain lines Me- was held an Navember 11, we fIe "U andIl'" group met at and hier wilingness at ail tim- îl.receiveti three new memben in- the haine ai Mrs. Dick Bailey es ta use thern. 7 ta oui- group, Leowna Fergus- on Tuesdiay, November 3. Wor- Sympathy is extended ta Mr. an, Betty Jane Wei-ry andi ship Service was ini charge ai J. Broome and ýamily in their Muriel Griffin Oui- next meet- Mrs. Beiiey's graup. second boreavemenjt in the loss aur ing on Nov. 25th, with Betty The meeting openeti with a ai his little daughtei-. sg ai Wright andi Mary Yeo in charge hymn. Cou tao worship was by Congratulations ta Mfrs. S. G. who ai Worsh±ip. Mns. Arthur Burgess. Mrs. E. Niddery who celebrateti ber veiy Mi-. andi Mrs. N. E. Wright, Astnld i ryrandi 85th bii-thday an Saturday. She ste-Astnle in par this accompiniiedi MAU. anti Mn. Nor- Sciipture was reati by Mrs. was the recipient oainiany 1ev. man Homes ta visit cousins Moiloy Burgess. oly cords, flowers anti gifts one. the Alfred"s at Woodville andi Readungg on woomen, oi the fi-arn relatives anti friends and 47-1 Okod Bible were given by Mns. D.seeaclitatthhooa Mi-. andi Mn. John Boiraw. Bauley andi Mrs. Cecil Mils. oxtenti best wishes anxd enjoy cle anti Brian4 Oshawa; Miss Mns. E. Ashton reciteti two po- a cup ai tea with hier. ors5, Elenor Leighton, Bowm'anville; oems andtiMrs. Beiiey gavea Mi-. W. W. Horn has also been erry iss Ruby Vutue, Toronto; Mi-. reading. l receiving congratulations and any J. A. Werry, Mi-. and Mns. E. The meeting closed with a "best wishes" on reaching his anrs A. Wei-ry, Grant, Bei-t, Betty hymn. Members enjoyeti gaines 81st bir'thday on Thursday. Ho ýany Jane, Mi-. andi Mn. H. J. Mc- andi lunch was served. Next was remembereti with nlany ayGill anti Joe, Mi-. andi Mrs. A. meeting wiîî hie e joint meet- loveiy cards, gifts anti colis. Wei-iy, Sandira end Sharon,, ing ai the groups ait tihe Churcli Their nnany friends wish i-i Mi-. andi Mrs. Ralph Vutue were on December 8. thern well anti trust they bath Fiiday ddnner guestis at Mi-.y andi Guide and Brownie Banquet moy hie spared ta enjay maniy M n. F. W. anti Ted Werry S. Mapie Grove Girl Guides more bii-thday onniversaries OfY Ms-. anti Mn. Keith MeGili1 andi Brownies entertaineti their and gooti heaith and happiness. for andi Dale, were visitai-s at Mi-. mothoin et a banquet in the The Women's Institute An- ýnds andi Mi-. Lyal Bi-ock'c, Bow- church bosemnenit on Tuesdiay flual Bazaar anti afternoon tea tay manville. evening. on Fr'iday was a very successful ace Mr. anti Mn. Milton Tamblyn The tables wei-e tastefully ovent anti ]orgeiy attendati. oi Bawmanvilîe; Mi-. and Mrs. decorateti with blue andi brown Gai-net Townts, Paul, Joyce andi streanieis anti eaoh Guide andi 1-l Baribara, Peterborough, wOi-O Brownie hadi made a place 1HAYDON visitai-s at Mi-. andi Mrs. Loi-ne mai-ker, either a guide dcli or re Lambs.Mon an owi. Tvrs. W. O'Neil Weicom- Mi-. and Mrs. Bei-t Ashton anti Leir Mns. Wm. Hantis, Muteti the girls anti their gust Lea, Toronta, were Saturday [et- Dennis, was a Sundjay visitai- anti bath the Guides andi Brow- supper guests at Mi-. and Mrs. erg wiflh Mie. John Griffun. ne agg-c.Arthur Read's. m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e toangilan Dris Sei- er Mi-. an-d Ms-s. J.Liptay and ru.. Mr. anti Mn. Leonard San Seateti at the headi table e Katharine were tea guests ai andMrs HnryS itii Mi. M. 'ONeilMm-. Fraînk, Mrs. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and ant Mn Hn~r Sainon Ty . Buttery, Mns, J. Getides, Mrs. K. Cowiing, Wetinestiay. ly. i-ane. Mrs. XC Staiker, Misa Lois Stai- Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Biack- r-i Mi-. anti Mn. Howafrd Stev-' ker, Mrs. J. Cailiss, Mis. John hm Ms ead ens anti Gordon were Sunday W. Noble and Mi-s. Wally Bat- hcMretond i-.M.Glackbrn *i-e visitais with Mi-. Wallace Stain. well Bath Mns. Frank andi Mn. Salemn, were Saturday evening nd tan, Toronto. Buttery spoke biiefiy ta those supper guests, the occasion, Mrs. d, Mi-. aind Mrs. Sam Piper andi assembleti. AUl Guides and K. Cawling's birthday. 'as girls, Maple Grave visiteiMi-. Brownies wha lied campieteti Mrs. K. Hardy and Mi-s. E. ce andi Mn. Keithl McGiil. their first year receiveti their Prescatt, Tyrone; Mrs. David ta Mr. anti Mn. Gai-net Tawns, attendance badges. Malcolmi, cailed on Mi-s. Richard rs, Paul, Jayce and Bai-bai-a, Pet- Mis. Jack Hure bMn. Cliii MeNeil. ai erborough, with Mr. antiMi-s. Swailow, Mns. Dick Bailey, Misa Several Haydon ladies attend- :es M. Staintan. Susan Laird, Mis. Gor~d Beech, ed the Burketon bazaar an ie Ms-. anti Mi-. L. M. Kelth, Mns. Bob Bothwell anti Miss Wednesday and Hampton ha- Toronto, were visitai-s with Mi-. Mildi-ec Snowden served in- zaai- on Fiiday. anti Mn. N. E. Wright. ner ta 120 mothens, Guides andi'Mi-. and Mi-s. W. Blackbur-n 41 Mr-. anti Mns. Duncan Cernier. Brownies. and famniiy anti Mrs. K. Cowl-t an, Oshawa, were Sunday coU-. ing were suppor guests at Mi-.t re ons at George Irwin's. and Mrs. Murray Tabb's, Bow- I, Ms-. andi Mrs. Waliace Giif- .TIYr~ manville, Suntiay. id fin, Heather anti Dale, Mr. andHAMT ONr . LMi-. Eari Thonipson, Bowman-3 al, Mns. Russell Griffun, Miss Ma-y Mr. andi Mrs. Pei-cy Dewell ville; Mi-. Roy Thompson, Les-1 ad Giiffin vi.steti Mn. Wallace andi fomily visitet I Ms. and Mns. kard; Mi-. Roland Thonipsoni ta Abennethy. M. anti Mn. Gor- Henry Gosehîs atOhaa<r Hampton, at Mrs. W. Thomp- is ~ ~ ~ n dofilas antiliy, Tôt- Sunday and Mns. Pei-cy Deweiil fslStriy ly tenhain. and David visiteti Mrs. 0 > Mi-. Jimn Grahami calleti ant ds Mr. andi Mn. Milton Tam- Cruikshank, Peteirbor-ough, on M. an MstaeinaenGriskm.- Sblyn, Bowmanville, were coul- Friday. ion, spen Snay ith MEni ond ors at Mir. antiMrs. R. J. Girn- Dr_ Ant n W ai_ jmjlae Har , Ms Aithu Trewi. M. n W. w.,WMAr4Vnl-& O1TARIO PAGE nD<ETED Jay ley ces At -es ab, [ir. gn. sn- ur ers ,-c - t er -v A cd i h as 1- er eth '.th b'. S c W ar il t of the oan tai carE T yDa: ben o te the car bein miii >wn( hl tics Wn vitfl nd i nd 1 cidt iext imi frs. id t soi In : Issic choc ean. The Iy a as t: 4ra cosuewer Snda viita-getGrs. Nider Ma-y Mns.A. Reati, Mrs. C. Gari-ard, WE Mi. anti Mn. Ross Shai-p's. lat the weekend. Mns. A. Gai-mrd; Quit Commit- Mi. anti Mis. Donald Weonn, FI-st Officer Gary Chant, tee: Mrs. A. Read, Mis. C. Gar- Oshawa, wero Friday tea guests Maltan, spent the weekenti rarti, Mis. W. Martin; Card anti ai Mr. anti Mn. A. L. Wearn. with bis parents Mi-. anti Mn. Flower Committee, Mis. Leslie Mis. A. M Wearn, Ciaremont, T. M. Chant. Grahamn; Visiting the Sc on is with Mi. antiAtmn. A. L. Mns. Theron Mountjay was a mittee, Mi-.. Davidi Malcolm. I Weai-n can.valescing. Visitans recent visitai- wit~h Mns. Silos Group Leaders: Mrs. A. Trewin, wi et Mi. anti Mss. A. L. Weans Trewin, Taorenta. Mn. Alfr-ed A. Gai-mord, Mrs. E. anr an Suntiay were, Mi. andi Mrs. Mns. Mei-win Mauntjay at- TapiMis. Arthur Thompson; Br A. Toler antiianiuly, Mi Gor- tentiet the Ice Capades in Toi-- Meeting cioseti. Lunch wos aor don Fleet, Mn. R. Thwalbes onto. Mr. anti Mn. M. Mount- serveti by Mns. Don Caniei-n'g Th anti Mas-vin. Toai-oto; Mr. and, loy also attended th Rayai gi-aup anti bastess. acc Mm. Earl Pari-ett and Peter, Winter Pair an Saturdiay. December W.A. meeting will la Ashbus-n; Mr. A. Wearn, Clare- Mr. anti Mis. Arthur Suli- ho a Chistmnas tree pai-ty which fa niant, van and daughters, Poule anti will ho belt inl the cburch an Mr Ted Yeo and Keith Ells Connie, Toronto; Mi-. anti Mss. December 10th. Mis. Walteran spent a week at Noi-thxBoy. V. Word, Oshawa, wei-e Sun- Loveritige's group in charge ai Mn. Gordon Yeo, Me-y Lin- day vlsitans with Mi. anti Mn. with ail graups helping.I do anti Neil attendeti a pi-esen- Joe Gallant anti W. W. Haro. oryta hear Mns. Herb Scott, mi tation et Hamipton Hall on Sot- Mr. anti Mrs. W Cbapman i-aona, (Fiai-a Trowin), o foi-m-se er Haydon girl, la a patient in tiiday for Mr.anid Mns. Moiloy antdMi- anti Mn. R. Shackle- Memnorial Hospital ely Yeo of Oshawa. ton visiteti Mr. and Mm .Goi-- Her many fionda were sari-y W& Watch Comning Events for tion Shackleton, Salemt, on Sun- ta hear ai the passing ai Mns. Je. Parsnage bazaai- oaily in Dec- day. Robei-t Dickinson, the foi-mer 7 ember. Mi.anid Mis. Ray Sellers Frances Canley, gi-ondtiaughter day Miss eJan Streth and ITran- and tiaughters visiteti ber par- ai the loto Mi. anti Mis. Robe-t gen cis Dawes, Toronto, wei-e Fri- ents Mi. anti Mm .Jack Mec-. Washington ai Haydan. ing day ton guestsa t Mi-, anti nab an Sunday. Mns. W. Thonipson visiteti Mr. kin, Mn. Rosa Sharp's. Mi. anti Mns. Mi. Raidie McDonald, Mi. anti Mn. Os- mal Mi-. andi Mn. Len Piayer,, andi Maslene anti Mn. Geo. mondi antiMi-. anti Mis. Earl wcl Bowmanviloe, were visitai-s ot1 White were entertainedti t din- Thompson, Bawinanviile, andtihei Mr. and Mm. Harod Ashton&. ner at the home of Mi-. and called on Mr. Osmond Si-. pu P CDOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M.L

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