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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 5

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TRURSDAY, Nov. lmt, 1959 TasCAMULAN SATMIL4, BWILIqvj.. ()qTi Mr. and Mrs. S. E. W41ry 4Weill-Known Solina Couple SFeted on .501h niesr Saturday evening, Nov. 7th, *~as Uic occasion of a happy farnily gathering at Adelaideï Ilouse, Oshawa, when Mr. and - MM. Wesley Werry and Dr. and Mrs. George Werry entcrtained - àt dinner in honor of the gold- én wedding anniversary o! their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar V Werry, Solina- Present were s Ui iters and brothers of the brIde and bridegroom, their e childrei and eight grandchild- ten, the best man, Mr-. John Baker, Solina, and Miss Helen Baker, and the Revercnd and Mfrs. P. J. Reed, Hampton. Mr. S. Edgar Werry, Rose- Iandvalc Farm, married Miss Myrtle Brooks, daughter of Mr. 'Mresley Brooks. "Rockwell Green," Zion, on November 10, -s 1909. The bridesmajd o! fifty years ago was the bride's sister, Efa Brooks, whose Inarriage to Mr. Harry E. Grooms took place on the saine date six years la- ter. Their threc children, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Parker (Dor- is) Belleville: John. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. George Skinner My, Weston, and their fam- iesjoined the group to make this a double celebration. Mrs. Werrv wore for the oc- casion a crepe and lace dress of, cinnamon brown, with a cor-'i sage of gold roses and chrysan- themnums. Mis. Grooms chose a d black and sapphire blue print with flowers in gold tones. Miss Susan Parker was in charge of ~'~* the gucst book, and the younger. grandsons presented each lady,~ With a golden rose. After the wedding cake was Spe iaIs-Oshawa Times Photos -Spe ialscut, Dr. treorge Werry welccrn- J. Brooks, BowMianville, and inl cd the gu ests, and callcd on Mr. Mi. W. Charles Wcrry, Oshawa, John acra ieognihr recalled some cf the events cf i A k ENTBakera lfclng eig thrUicpast, particularly thUic pi PER M NENT of Mr. an d Mrs. Werry, to pro- tality always offercd at "Rose- pose the toast to the bride. He'1 landvaîe." Flowers and a gilt recallcd izi a witty speech the: were presented to Uic couples Vv'A ES highlights cf the wedding of frortir sisters and rtes Wwled by: replied. Tlien Mr. John GroomsL, madie a presentation te bis JOSIE DEMAINE proposcd ai toast to the brides- grand-parents from their fani- I'RM ONAYmaid, repâ.ied to by his father,1iy.Mr.WeseyWcrry spoke TRO TH RSDAY jMr. Harry Grooms. The Rever-j briefly te conclude this part cf T H SAYend F. J.I Recd offercd Congra- Ucfsiiis and then the Reg. 010.007 t1ain ~,hU ouls guests met again at the home For -__$__ 7. a _Three lx rothers o! the bride c f Dr. and Mis. Werry, Oshawa, Reg. 812.5099 and brideui rooni, Mr. J. Athur 1 to spnd ic renainder of the Fr ___1.95 Werry, Ervniskillen; Mr. Harvey1 social evening. Reg. $15.00 1 i! Fer SPECIAL COL» WAVEC . i$6.95 ]Wr. HRxwek wM I e hereen Mapfle Grove WlI. Enjoys Hea ;ring Author Durrant Tues., Wed. and Fr1. te de Business of the November In view of the W. 1. motto. the. steams and regular wavez meeting of Maple Grove Wom- "For home and country", Bran- en's Institumte was conducted by ches were advised that beyond Pono NA 3-5703 first vice-p resident Mrs. How- community spending they VORAPITET ard Bradle Y. should be guided by their Fed- g was a lettm!r from Mrs. James voted the refugee project. Haggerty, p)resident of Ontario A motion was carried to have Federated Women's Institute,' an electric stove instafled ln H uy ck S advising of Word Refugee yearth ur kcenAlte o 195-60 Thý sppot o puliethaks as eadfrcm the,"Tely Hiairsfy1ing 1 in helping vefugees to solve ward shipping cags Several Studio ac from c.ý)-operation of Gov- remembrances by Good Neigh- S? KIMg St. W., fownîanvlfl ernments an*I voluntary organi- J ors comimittee. 9 ations. Mrs. Chas. Greenham, offi- tciai delegate to the 57th central Ontario area convention which was held in Tororto, gave the Extr cas forsh2 ngI first installment of her report. Extr cas for bia ng! 0f interest were extracts froni reports of our Ontario delegates Shopnow payIatr-wih csh fom . 4to Associated Country Women Shopnow pa laer-wth ashfro 1.of the World Conference heid HFC.Convniece i yors-seedin Edinburgh, Scotland, this NFQCoveiene s our-see year. Members are advised to ond courtesy, too-whenIw study other countries. We cn flot forget that two thirds of you make an instalment the people of the world are cash boan at Household. hungry. As members of an or- I ganîzation such as W.I. we have D"opin or phone for a personal responsibilities. h.n p t $2,00.Roll cail was "«an occupation lSn u to 2,5mI should like to pursue"l. Mis. John Noble, convener of M. Inswmn« ou oisble au .Lac m agriculture and Canadian In- dustries committee, took the chair for the program Mrs. I. Munday read a poem and gave E some truths on the value of a aida USE__________C smile. Even a baby knows the language of a real smile. Miss Janice Becch played two rousing piano solos. Mntr. I. 64 King SI OUEstas. TelqWhone RA 54326 Mund.ay led in comimunity sing- Oshawa .. .... Toli.1,. neA 5-1139 ing with Mrs. Win. Laird at the OSNAWApiano. __________________OSHAWA________ Guest speaker Mr. S. S. Dur- rant of London, Ont., was in- __________troduoed by Mrs. Noble. Mr. Durrant having written severai1 books, both fiction and non-fic- WB HAVE MOVED TO .. tion, and having done consider- able research in connection J Ii I .with our auirsore 15 INS T. E. spoke on "farrning and i. (omryKea's Boys' Wear> He said that since women (freryha 'nde a large share of the in- come fromr both farrn and fac- tory, they should be concern- S P C A Sedin the production admr WOOL GIL4 go keting of what is produced for CARDIGANS M T I1AT mary producta are supplied by God but our econonuc aystern Odi lS" AU hSixes ià man nmade. leu. te 113-911 ]eg. $2.98 The mnajority of the people make possible the useof our SPUI alprimary products but our ~VI~aE IlWuIjMeconomic system la manipulat- el by the few. There was the suggestion that farmers use $J,,9 8 cmoney now paid in interegt on 9 8 1 nmortgages te market their own marketing one gallon of gas or cil enlightened the ladies as to $200 OFF(even with gas rebates to farrn- REGULAR PEICES in unnecessary pro- ALL =GL« PICES fte o o companies. The oil Ibusiness was cnly coecf the rnany companies so Provided flaraja for by the people. Lnk O'.' 0w Mr. .uTrant cng John & Judy Shoppe cicultio d yte fi Plc n the economic system 1U Klg Street East Bowu:,anviile Speaking cf profits o ef Ui. 1 quor business, ho ponted out thet thoe.hlgh up in the booze business, surrounded by every luxujry, might take a look down on the broken homes, degrada- tion and ivaste which has pro- vided their profits. It was ntoted that in Urne gone by barley and hops mnade a drink which was net so damaging te the human system as the chemically com- pounded stuff made today, which even pigs would flot re- lish. Mm. Ken Kuhuke thanked Mr. Durrant and others who had assisted on the program on behalf of those present. Re- freshinents were served by Mrs. Noble and her group during a social haîf hour. December meeting, Gentleman's Night, pot luck supper. Seniorlè;uUreengi ort pe w S*a'e.fol,5 LJI jnoy Films a Poër Hof weeacfollowing n at mem ers C m&inMn nioWimanleCompanionAMnin- Recent M eening W"rieman,Companion MAnnie RecentM eeti g oudy, Conipanion Helen AI- Fifty-four members wvere lin, Companion Sarah AlUin, Present at the Senior Citizens Companion Hattie Armstrong meeting hcld at the Lions Com- and Companion Ruth Mutton. niunity Centre on Tuesday, Worthy Chief Companion Nov. loth. Joan Hochu cf Queen Mary After registration o!fnxem- Circle,.Companions cf the Fox-- bers, Mrs. D. Marsden weîcom- est, Port Hope, welcomed Wor- cd those present and then caîl- cd on Mr. Reg. Harding who sident of Club 15, met with Uic showed two films. The first en- five representatives who were titled "Song of Wales" showed elected by Uic Senior Citizens some cf the mysticism of Wales, from their own members. Tàxese its history, scenic beauty, poe. representatives are, Mis. D. Ar- try and music. I'Tonight in Bni- mistead, Mîc. H. Foley, Mr-. Neil tain" was the second film which Mutton, Mi. A. Saundex-s and illustrated many forms of even- Mrs. C. W. Slemnon. This group ing entertainment such as thea- discussed with Mrs. Mannx ideas tre, ballet, etc. for future activities cf the Sen- The members then divided ior- Citizens group. into groups to enjoy card games The meeting closed with and crokinole. In the Green lunch being served by Club 15 Rooni the rcading group, under members assisted by ladies the leadership o! Mis. M. J. from the Senior Citizens. Mr. L. Hutchinson, enjoyed excex-pts Bradley was Uic winner cf the froni "Merry Christmas Mr. door prize. Baxter" and "Time for Missl The next Senior Citizens Bec"?. meeting wiil be the Christmas Whilc these gxoups were in Party on Tuesday, Decemberj Citizens Maple Leaf Circle 143 At Port Hope Initiation' Officers cf Maple Leaf Circle, thy Chie! Companion Rena Vompanione i theret, Bow- Bathgate,, and the officers of Imaniville, offIciated at the. in- Maple- Leaf Circle 143 who itiation ceremony for new mcm- were to take part in tUicoere- Ibers cf Qucen MLary Circle 184, mony. She expressed thc appre- Port Hope, on MIonday evening. ciation o! the members cf Worthy Chie! Comipafflon Rena Qucen Mary Circle 184 te them Bathgate presided. for coming from, Bowmanville QUiers taking part were Wor- for the event. thy Sub-Chief Companion Rose Worthy Chic! Comnpanion Bate, Cormpanion Evelyn Beard, Rena Bathgate conducted the Right Guide, Comnpanion Jean initiation cereinony in an im- Linton, Left Guide, Companion presqive and memo-xble man- Beryl Hughes, Inner Guard, ner. She thanked Chief Coin- Companion Hilda Humphrey, panion Hochu on behaîf of the who acted as Outer Gur officers cf Maple Leaf oCircle Companion Jen w rd, ~1431 for the invitation te fi- Chaplain, and Companion Nina cdatie, northe. arhi wel- Clarke, past Chief Companion. con ie hm hef Com- M Quen Mary- Circle 184 con- 9tinued success un thc future. Following Uic meeting a de- licious supper waa served. MO VIE RE VIE W progrcssMis. G. E. Mann, pre- eUx. BLUE DENIM wlth Carol Lynley, Brandon de Wilde, Macdonald Carey, Marsha Hunt. Engrossîng drama dealing with disturbing modemn-day problem carrnes extraordînary popular appeal. Acting esThe Broadway play o! last season reaches the screen as a timely picture o! widcsprcad in- tcrest endowed with qualities whiich should make- it an im- posing. box-office contender. It deals with a topic o! con- suming concern te parents and teenagers. Here is a Iaudable instance of a film that tacklcs a disturbing, probici, pregnan- 33 King St. W. cy among teenagers, with gcod Phono MA 3-543 taste end commendable avoid- ance of sensationalism. The makers of the film have suc- eeeded exceedlngly wefl in handling a delicate subject jwithout offending. This taie cf a boy and girl Who find themselves in trouble as a result of a moment of weakness is an engrossing dra- matic document cf unusual pop- ular appeal. It is a story hcavy twith hurnan interest-one cer- tain to draw a warm response from its audience. What adds te thc fiIrn's appeal is that it tells ils story simply and con- It is a story with niany mov- ing moments. It is difficuit not te, be touchcd by the young- Decor ate Now! Have Tour Boms Clean and Frosh for Winfer. Use the KEM LUnes SUPER KEM-TONE for new or old plauter ibr over wallpaper KEM-GLOW Enamel for kitchen, bathroom, woodwork, etc., in a large range of beautiful colours. If You Prefer ... we can show you about 800 samples, both domestic and imported; 300 papers are in stock. RACK AFTER RACK.... ALL REDUCEDI Such famous brand names as: Jonathan Logan, Minx Modes, Teena Page, Vicki Susan, Jr. Mademoiselle! COME IN CREPES - WOOL - BROCADE - LACE We give you a savings parade of smart dress fashions in styles for every L ~casual or dress-up occasion ! t; begular $14.95 - ON SALE Hand Washable DRESSES Bey. Io $ 9.95 ON SALE 312.05 HALF SIZE DRESSES. 12% to24%4 ALL SALES FINAL BUT M0W Con. Early For Best Seleclion! oo101n iKni and Ail W 001 DRESSES UISYIs-Al $zs s '95 Pure Wool - Arnel DRESSES In Plaids and Sheaths Reg. $25.00 S1N.SAL $1()9,- 9.. We have the largest selection in townl J. H. Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper Store ALL SALES STRICTLY CASH . .FOI IZEISTEAS GIFTS!1 LADI ES' WEAR MA 3-5854 .1 j' Bowma nvi île I 'y qqm INAWAIIÀLle emànqmmrAm Producer Charles Brackete bau exerciscd fine teste in bringing thc play to, the acreen. The direction of Philip Dunne la direct and incisive, creating a strong sense 6f reality. The weiy he and Edith Sommer have transferred the play into mo- tion picture ternis rates no end o! praise. The acting ef Miss Lynley and De Wilde will wmn the hearts of moviegoers. Their per- formances inake a strong play on the emotions. Carey, Miss Hunt and Taylor give excellent accounts of theniselves as the parents. Berlinger as De W-Ude's buddy registers solidly. He steals thc scenes in whieh he 33 King st. W. 1i' Senior Phone MA 3-543' A - Croase Resistant ON SALE

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