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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 6

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Communion Breakfast Served to CWL by Men there was ealarge attendance1 et the Communion Breakfast for- the women cf the Parisi beld in St. Josepli's Roman Cetholle CIiurch Hall on Sun- day et 12.30 p.m. Mre. Stewart Chisholyn, president cf the Bow- manvilie Sub-division of the Cetholie Wemen'c League wel- conied the guests. The break- Exclusive fimortgage payment protection" with the ALLUNMEW PLAN For more information, cali your Acadia Agent today! STUART R. JAMES REAL ESTATE BowmauviUe Residence MA 3-5493 fast was served by the men of the HoIy Naine Society. Those at the head table were: Rev. F. K. Malane, parish priest and spiritual director of the C. W.L.; Rev. L. E. McFarland, S.F.M., Rev. George Cherrier, Toronto, who had been the spe- cial Remembrance Day speaker at the High Mass attended by the Canadian Legion Church Parade; Mrs. Chisholin, Mrs. Al- bert Love, Oshawa, guest speak- er at the Communion Breakfast; Mrs. Martin DeGray, president of the Ontario Sub-region of the C.W.L.; Mvrs. John Sweep, ire. James Fair, Mrs. Martin Molloy, members of the C.W.L. executive. Pleasure was expressed by Father Malane because of the large group o! women attend- ing the Communion Breakfast and the distinguished guests *present. He told the ladies that Father Cherrier prior to Worid War Il had been the Diocesan Director of the Sodalities of To- ronto which had a membership of 5,000 women. He also spoke of the outstand- ing ca reer of Father McFarland, a member of the Scarboro For- eign iMissions, who had corne to Bowmanville to conduct the Conferences of Reparation to be held for the C.W.L. during the FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS 1 4 se* ow ab en&W y rQfý ummioeWu-m-Ul~NB OF STAFFORD Ar- BROS. "Stafford Bros.- Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. B., Whitbr Phone Whitby Mohawk 8-3552 ROYAL___3-58 T131S THURS., TO SAT., NOV. 19 - 21 "Blue Denimp'(Adi with Carol Llynley, Brandon de Wilde Complote shows et 7 and 9:10 p.m. luit) Children's Matinee Sat., 2 p.m. only "Pony Soldier" i oo NqON. TO THUES. (4 Davs) NOV. 23 -26 PTER FINCH DAME EOITH EVANS IDAME PEGGY ASHCROFT DEAN JAGGER - U»MW DUNNOCK SCREEMPLAY RV ROBERT ANDERSON PRoOUCEO 8VHENRY BLANKE Adults, 75e - Students, 50c - Children, 25e Feature starts at 7 and 9:35 Coming - Mon. - Thurs. Nov. 30 - Dec. 3 "Anatomy of a Murder" (Restricted) Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets New Patterns - New Shades 3.98 - 4.98 - 6.95 - 11-95 - 13.95 - 19.95 Myomist Spray 980 Brylcrem 45o -73o 980 -2.00 New Gillette Razor 1.95 For Coughs and Colds Vleks Rub 64e - 1.09; Buckley'a Rub -__59c Vlcks Cough Symup - 69e Vlcks Formule 44 - 1.19 Buckley's Mixture 59c, 85c Dristan Tabs. 1.25. 2.25, 3.75 Pertussin -____ 75c, 1.25 Benylin Expectorant - 85c, 1.50; Coldene -____ 1.10, 2.59 Perfume Atomizers 3.00 - 5.00 Vacuum Bottles Bayer Aspirin 32c-53e-87c Christmas Cards 50 Cards - 98e 12 Cards - 1.50 18 Cards - 79e 21 Cards - 1.00 Geritol Tablets with Vitamnins and Minerais 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 One-A-Day Multiple Tablets 1.49 - 2.79 - 4.49 - 8.75 COWLI NG'S DRUG STORE WB FIT TRUSSES Sunday aftomnoon ln St. Jas. eph's Roman Catholic Church. Fathor Malane in introduoing the Communion Breaikfast's special speaker, Mns. Love, Oshawa, referred to the greai honour bestowed on lier when she h-ad- been made a Lady of the Order o! the Holy Sepul- chie by Pope Pins XII. He saic that heî husband Sir Albert Love, led. been made a Knight o! theO Qidem cf the Ho'ly Se- pulchre by the Pope in recog- nition cf hic good. works. Mirs. Love is president o! the Oshawa Sub-division o! thef Catliolic Women's League, Fa- ther Malane told the ladies ai the breakfast. He saîd that she liad been brought up in the Pe- terboroughi Diocese as she had been bon near Grafton. Mrs. Love is the mother of three fine boys, lie added. Mis. Love thanked Father Malane for his kind womds. She also expressed approciation for lier invitation to attend the Commaunion breakfast, and re- ferred to the delicious meal which had been servod by the men. Greetings from. St. Gregory's Parish, Oshawa, and tihe Osh- awa Sub-division o! the Cath- olic Wornen's League were aiso extended by Mrs. Love. The importance o! the higli aims and ideals o! Catholic womea was eîa.phasized by Mrs. Love. "Those who serve God also serve Canada, and it is truc that those who serve God well niake the bcst citizens," slie saîd. She spoke of the responsibili- ties o! the women o! the par- ish, and pointed ta the good work they can accornpiisâ th.rough the Catholic Women's League. She edvised them to in- spire others and ta co-opemate with the authority o! the di-oc- tor. The women were urged by Mis. Love to be uncelficli, ta be ardent in their faith, to be filled with charity and to de- pend o4 God. She spoke o! the importance o! frequent recep- tion o! Holy Communion, and always ta love God. Some women are more on- tliusiastic than other members o! the C.W.L. regarding work in the parish, the speaker point- cd out. She advised aIl ta unite thei- efforts, and for each ta share in the good work. She as- sured lier hearers that the more sucli work one does. the more one wants ta do. Mis. Love reminded the woma- en that "Wc are ail God'c chul- dren, and ail are oui- brothers' keepers.Y She referred aise te people wio, had fallen away froin attending ehurch regular- ly, and said there are many wayc ta win themn back ta their duties. Tact must be used, and a good exampie set, cie stated. Several instances were giv- en by Mrs. Love of people who had neglected. ta go ta churcli for years, and yet secretly long- ad ta die in a state o! Grace. She told lier audience cf the radiant joy that can be seen when such a person is reconcil- ed ta the churcli, and lias re- ceived the sacraments again. M\'rs. Love asked the women ta do everything they could ta rielp sucli people return ta God. The president o! the Bow- nanville Sub-division o! the C.W.L., Mrs. Chisholin, on be- half o! ail present thanked Mrs: Love for lier interesting and enjoyable address. Mirs. Chie- holm aiea tlienked the men for preparing and serving the won- derful breakfast. Mrs. Chisholm announced that there will be a Member- ship Tea ta be held by the C.W.L. in St. Joseph's Hall on Sunday evening, November 15th. She asked every C.W.L. member ta came te the Mem- bership Tea and ta bring a non- nember friend. Every womnan in the paîish is invited ta at- tend. The tea is especially for hose ladies who have not yet joined the C.W.L. so that they ney leamn something o! itshe asserted. a( Mrs. B. Cryderman gave tic report o! tic visiting committec and Bob Stacey gave a cura- mary o! our finances. Tic school principal Mme. Leila Atchison announccd Ed- ucation Week is being obsenved the weck o! Nov. 16 and pan- ente are invited ta attend clas- ses Fni., Nov. 20. Thc program comniittee for the evening consisted o! Mr. and Mme. A. Wood, Mi-. and Mis. R. Lane, Mm. and Mrs. B. Cry- derman and Mn and Mmc. Bill Brooks. Byron Cryderman acted as chaimman and in keeping witi the Remembrance Day theme Wesley Lane ecitcd In Flan- dere Fields and Katliy Lovekin presented My Brother at Diep- pe. Mme. Alne Ayre sang "Ab- sent" and "Love Sonde a Little Gi!t of Rases" accompanied on the piano by Mme. Jean Rabb. Fred Graham played twa fine piano solos. The speakem for the evening was Mrs. M. J. Hutchînson, lib- arian o! the children'c Libra- ry Bowmanville. She traced the eigin and puinting o! books as we know thlem today fram the early wniting on atone tableta. She stresed the value o! reedting and urgod parents and teacheme te encourage young childien ta becomne intemested in bocks. Sho exhibited e nunter e! books available, miany of them brightly iilustrated 1*, avpeal ta the youxger eye. Mms A. Wood thenked tue speker and ail who helped to provide an lnteresting evening. A social hour was spent and lunch was served by Mrs. E. Cox. Mie. J. Trudeau, Mis. M. Rabb .Mm .E. Wood. TEE CANAD!AN WTATMA.N. DOWMANVULU. OUTAITO TEtYRSifAT, NOV. ISUa. 2S5s Af fer 25 Yrs. Service Man vers Road Supf. S ubm ifs Resign afion Manvers Township council Sison Retires decided on Nov. 3md et is meet- The rsignation o! A. B. Sis- img in Bethany to call for tel- son, i-ced superintendent for dors for a new four-wlieel drive more than 25 yoars was roceiv- truck with snowplow equîp- ed with regret and accepted on ment. The specificatiens as p- condition that Mm&. Sisson carry pared by the dePartmnent O! on until the first meeting in highways engineer with sligit Jenuary when a successai- additions, will be used. A used wouid ho appointed. Harvey plow owned by the township Malcolm expressod the thanks will be tuîned in on the deal. o! the councul ta Mr. Sisson for Tenders wiil be eceived by the the good work ho had done clerk by Dec. 10. tîrough thc yeams, aiea stating Foui- applications for e wing- that a social event will behaled man for snow-plowing during et e Jeter date wlien the coun- the wintcr season womo roceived cil and ratepayers would be and that o! Thomas Ward was eble te show tueur appreciation accepted. lie will receive e sal- in e more tangible manner. aiy o! $1.00 per heur for the Communications recelved and time on the job-no standby dealt with included copies o! pay wuil ho given. tue specificetions and tender The Bethany Cominunity forme prepamed by the munici- Band was voted $20. pal engineer for the four-wlieel The clerk was advised ta send drive truck for enow-plowing a bill for $200 damiages ta the purpoces; Consumors Gas Com- contracter responcibie for driv- pany re a new rate sciedule o! ing a bulldozer with cleats over gas user; W. C. Becker Equip- two streets in Bethany. ment Ca. me an old eccount for Walter A. Neals was engaged'1 the grader, infomming council that the miatter could now be as caretaker o! the township, considened closed; department hall at a salary o! $250 a year, o! highways ne the interim road and $1.50 per rented engage- subeidy in the amount o! $ 11,- ment, retroactive ta June 1. 787;Vcoi onyHg Counil ndosedthereslu-Schoal Area re the refund o! tion of the Township of Crow- $839.19 for overpayment o! 1958 land in the metter of the pro- levy;, and Workmen's Compen- vincial governinent taking over sation Board concerning a dlaim the total cost and administra- !rom Peterboroughi Civic Ras- tien e! welfare. 1ptl Business Directory Accounlancy RAY 3. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MAi-ket 3-3861 WvM. j.H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Ste. Phone MAi-ket 3-3612 YALE, FRIIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in BankruptcY 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. P'. Friedlander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Coin., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C. A., R. L A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Chi rop rac tic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e nial DR. W. M. RUDELLI D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pan. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in hic home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvile Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pan. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays DIL C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. Office 23 .. lng St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone:- Office MA 3-5459 Leg al1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON. D.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINF Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E.,B.A., LL. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAT LYCE'rr, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices o! I. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oronc,, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday* 9 a.m. to 5 p.m= Mo r g a ge s SADIE HAMILTON -ORONO Phono 1 r 16 First Mortgaxe Funda Residencea -farn= Business Properties Opiometry KE1TH A. DILETL, O.D. aptometrist 141 King St. & - Bowmanvle Office H ours: By appointmSt Telephone MAi-ket 3-3253 Monday to Saturday 9 am. to5 p.m Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Accounts Pasaed The following eccounts wene ordered paid: A. H. Monk, school attendance officer, $75; Road Vaucher No. 1l for trans- for ta road account, $2,556.62; Gaordon F'rederick, Pontypool Fire Aiea Account, $32; Heaith Unit, plumbing fee, $23.50; George Smaith, ail tank, fittinge, installation, $53.42; J. G. Bald- win, fuel oul, $43.20; R. R. Ed- munds, ail, $1.50; Manvers Muni- cipal Teleplione System, ad- vanco on levy $5,000; Wm. Ra- wan, coal, $26.50; Underwood Ltd., typewritem supplies, $6.50; H. Vanwioringen, for relie! ac- caunt, $104.37; Bethany Bandý, grant, $20; Meirill Brown, sheep claim $36; Noral Marshall, shecp claim $40; Gibson Low- roy, sicep da-im, $20; Fred Sta- ccy, se c dm, $51; Neil Cur- tis, sheep demin $108; Rose Da- vidson, on cleîks salary account The next meeting will be held Dcc. 14 at one oclock p.m. TYRONE C.G.I.T. will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 in the Sunday, School room. W.A. is to be held this Thurs- day evenig at the home o! Mrs Aldin Hoar, at 8:15. Mrs. Chai-les Naylor, Zion, will be guest speaker. The Mission Band sale of. Chiristmas nards will be Satur-i diay, 2 o'clock in the Sunday School room. The comniuniity was agialn saddened by thie death of little' Susan Bsroome last Thursdiay. Flowers were placed in the churoh for Sunday in loving memory cf Mrs. John Broome and daughiter, Susan. At the morning service two chuldi-en were presented by their parents for baptuism, Mar- garet Elaine Hall, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall and Terry Austin Tonnant, son o! -1%r. and Mis. Morley Tennant. Messrs. G. Hynes, Willow- dale, Robert Hynes, Sto)uffville visited their brother, John Hy- nes on Saturdiay. Sympaithy is extended to Mr-. and Mrs. Rowland Coombes on the sudden passing of their bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Kenneth Burn- side( Monitreel; Mr. and Mrs. Coombes attended the funeral. Sympatliy also to Mr-. and Mrs. Russell Vu-tue on the pas- sing cf their brother-in-law, Mi-. James Bell, Orono. A niun- ber from Tyrone visibed the funoral parlours Sunday and attended the funeral Tuesday. June Taylor was hostess to a Plaque demonstration last week at lier home when about 35 attended. Steven Phillips is staying witlh hds grandparen4ts while hie mother is in Hospital with a baby sister. Mr-. and Mrs. Don Real and boys, Greenbank, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Club 49 enjoyed a ibounitiful turkey dinner at Doreen Park on F'riday, Nov. 13, with 14 members present after which Ina Vu-tue showed lier collect- ion o! slides, corne familiar and corne not so familiar to us ail, but wero thorough.y enjoyed. Being the tenth year o! our club and Lovorno's birthday, wo then had a cup cf tea and a pieceofo birthday cake. We were sorry Evelyn Phare was unable to be with us, but trust she'Ul soon be able to be with us agaîn. Tyrone Public School was broken into over the weekend wlien around $10 o! Red Cross mnoney disappeared. Mis. Leonard Boumne, Whit- by, visitod lier daughter, Mr. and Mis. R. Spry. Mr. and Mms. Arhsur Haîmil- ton and family were dinnor guosts o! Mr. and Mie. Herbert Atkins, Oshawa, Sunday. Mr. and Mme. F. Wilson, Roma and Hector, Mr. and Mmc. Everett Wilson nd Bryan, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guesta of Mr. aind Mis. John Wilson and Aflm. Mim Mary Findlay, Uion- ville; Mr. and Mms. Dean Find- Iay and childi-en, Oshawa, re- eently visited homne of Mr. and Mr&. C. Btgelow. Sunday visit- ors were Mns. Nellie Westlake, Bownianville; Messrs. Jack and Roy Richard-s, Oshawa. Mi-. and Mrs. George AUl- dread, Mr. and Mmr. Earl Pi-es- cout attSded *0 Royal Wian- ter Pair Satiwd and were guests in the ovening of Mr. and Mme. Ken Lam*4, Port Ci-e- dit. Mr. and Mis. S. Goble and Bruce were Saturday evencng visitora o! Mi. and Mms Kelth Crago, Bowmanville. Mms. H. Skinner spent the weekend with Mr. and Mme. Lorne McCoy, Biook]in. Mr. and Mis. Leeniard Stain- ton and famnily, Enriiekillen, were supper visitai-c of Mr. and MUn. Henry Steinton. Mr. and Mmia.Wlter Park and Mr. and Mme. Jamnes Mur- dochl visited Mr. David Park et St. Johws Convalescent Home, Toronto, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble aind family visited on Sunday with hem parents Mm. and Mis. Fîed Partner, Long Seuit. Mr. and Mmc. F. L. Byam vlsited Mr. aind Mme. George Willis Cannington on Sunday. Mi. and MTe. George Ail- dTead weme tee guests o! Mme. Hemb Murray, Orono, Sunday. A number from liere attend- ed the Royal Wintor Fair. Mme. R. Burgess visited Mm&. and Mis. W. E. Stevens, Hamnp- ton. Horace Hall, Stuar-tand K. Colbamy îoturned home with e deer. Mmc. Mre Millhench returned home on Saturd.ay from Bow- manville Hospital with a dau- ghter. Rev. Fred J. Jackson plans ta attend Presbytery et Orono Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. His. Mis. S. T. Hoar visited Mi. and Mrs. John His, Millbrook and at- tended St. Aidrew's United Church. Mrs. T. Findlay, Thorn±hill, mccntly, spýent the weekend Clarke Pupils on "The Serpent Mounds.. et Pa tciae inl Keene" Frank Stapletan,,N~w rtonville, on "rsln" :; 'O ral Contest hoSamte nliiCha Howard Stapleton of Clarke Mre. Clarence Alin of New Union Public School and Sha- castie was the cliairmnan Iort~ ron Tamblyn o! Antioch~ Pub- Ovening. The judges wemePw'! lic School woîe top winipâers in Merkley, MT. Lundy and Misi the public speaking contzýst for Roddîck, ail o! Bowinanville. rural schools in Clarke 'Town- During the evening a numfber ship. The contest was hdild on Io! musical numbere were pro. !lbursday, Nov. 5, in the JCrook- sented. The Clar-ke Union chU-. Creek school where a r.ttpacity dren offei-ed a vocal chorM asa audience was in attendert<:e. Tie aiea did those from the Lake- two winneis compote ân tic shore school. Donna Kuibali of County Final Contest which the Port. Granby school enter- was hlod in Orono yeý&î-,eday. tained with a piano solo and Mary Lee Simnpson o! th-e~ Cow- Sharon Temblyn and Judy Han- anville school was chdasen as: cock of Antioch school of!ered an alternate contestant in the a vocal duet. case that either o! the tiwo top winnems were unable 1* coin- AWODT TH WIE o. d I petnsýPumPkixi or fruit pies need HowamdStaplta __soke .o not have soggy bottom. crusts "The LUfe o! a Tree" wîth Sha- If you bake your pie chelit.for ion Tamblyn speaking cyn "The fîve minutes before eddinl'the Apple". "Money" was tlio topic filling. Equally effeçtive ,.in takcen by Mary Lee Siimgson. brushing the lower crusnetwih The other speakers were the white' o! an egg befoi put- Ruth Hendersan o! Oak, School; ting in the filling. Elva Robinson, Starkvil]Io, spoke on "'The St. Lawrence Seaway"l; .I Suzanne Eydon, Part Granby . ,I spoke on "Oui- Qucen'ý; Lynda! M u InE Cal.Brwnon 'Timbcr E 1 AV NILAIMLE Flk with Mis. 0. Virtue, IýUrs. Gor- don Walkem and c'ýiughters. Th-ornhfill, were also isitors. Mr. and Mme. Cecil, Alldread were Monday supper gties-ts of Mir. and Mme. George .Alldread.! Mmc. J. W. Herod,, Weston: Mrs. Lilla Flewelling., Toronto; Mr. M. Smiley, Kelly',and Marki Fruitland, visitcd thc home o! Mr. and Mme. W. Raisin. ,114 NORTGAGES RALPE S. JONES Barrister and! Solicitor' 130 King St. E. RA 8-6246 Oshawa a AI; If "ýNO DEALERS PLEASE"0 SUMMER PRIDE PEAS BRANDED MEATS Fresh, Lean, Meaty PORK Rib LOI NEn Roasts l. Swift's Brookfield - Skinlesiq SAUSAGE -.. Swift's Sliced - Rindles EVERSWEET BACON Swift's Premium - 3 lb. tin HREADCHREESE Fresh. Young - Slieed PORK LIVER 15 oz. Tendo r Choicia Best Buy - Save C Cash.- 7 lb. bag NGNARCH FLOUR 55c Best Buy - Save 5c Cash Aylmer Golden - Choice - 20 oz. tin PEACHES 2 For 49c Best Buy - Save 9c Cash 6 Tins Free for 12 Labels Ken-L-Ration - 15 oz. tin DOG FOOD 3 For 35c Best Buy - Save 9c Cash York - Beef or Irish - 15 oz. tln STEW --2i-oe490. 35: m Lb. 3 r Lb. Pkg.5c e - Lb. 3âc - Lb. t~ic Best Buy - Save 4c Cash Liquid Bleach - 64 oz. size J AVYE X . . .41c Best Buy - Save 6c cash - Gt. pkg. CHEER DETERGENT 79c Feature - Save 3c Cash Granulated - Pure Cane - 5 lb. bag SUGCARB - - - 39cI FEATURE - SAVE 6c CASH Crown Brand - 100 bags TEA BACS- - - 79c FEATUTRE - SAVE 8e - 5e Off Pack Mother Jackson's - Jiffy - 18 oz. pkg. PIE CRUST MIX - 27c FEATURE - SAVE Se CASH Kraft Cracker Barrel - Medium - 12 oz. wedge CHEESE - - - 49ci C:?UALITY PRODUCE DANANAS Select Quality - Golden Ripe LBS. 3 . Palm Gardon T @MATO ES Celle tube - Ea. 21c FEATIJRE - SAVE 6c CASH Libby's Pineapple-Grapefruit - 48 oz. tin DRNK - - - - 37c FEATURE - SAVE 4c CASH Blue Bonnet - Yellow Quik - 1 lb. carton MARGARINE - 31c FEATURE - SAVE 10e CASH Suecess Crystal Kleem - Pint fin LIQUID WAX - 69c FEATURE - Sunbeain Fresh Orange and Date LAYER CAKE Ba.59sc Birds Eye Frozen Foods GREE~N PAS, 12 oz. 19e THERE'S A RED AND WVHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAN;T 0F TOWN UNE ORONO - Cornush Marketeria BLACKSTOCK Blyth's MarSot 'v INSURANCE King St. E Office RA 3-5P81i PHONE MA 2-5 - ---------- TM CAMADUR STATESUM. BOWNLAIMMM ONTAM THU ýWAT, NOV. loth, leu - \ý\,\\ 1 ýo 1 1

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