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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 7

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THUMSAT, Nov. lBth, ion0 TWU ~ANAflIAN ~'rATKqyjEAw~ UflWMAtU YT1.~ flWPA~Wi ~~~~~~'1 -- .. --. v -.. a4=.. AZMZ~ OMS V MS&~ ]i STIRRING GOSPEL CRUSADE, Tour * boIe famlly Captain Bc!b Chapman qetToron". We.., te Sat. 8:00 ja. Sun. Vl:00 - 2:30 - 7:0 Sa*ivaiom rm Cil adel MOMWSION STREET REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MWORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - Engllsb F-VENING SERVICE - 7:30 pa. . Duteh SÙNDAY SCIHOOL A~F ER MORNING SERVICE "'Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB. Oshawa. at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. &. Housiander, B.A., B.D. 'Ogns-r Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING SERVICE "Saints in Nero's Palace" 12:10 p.n. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 pa. - EVENING SERVICE "The Peril of an Emply Life" EVERYOWE WELCOME cS oct ai &£/ersonaI Phone MA 3-3303 Mr-. and Mrs. Dron Cox and Mr. Franlc Bottrýeil, Carlile family, Downsview, 'were Sun-, Ave., well-known pigeon fan- day vlsltors with Mcr. and Mrs. d cer, lias chalked up anotiuer Kennetli Cox. successful showing at the Royal Mr-. and Mrs. Xt'-ck Skinner, Wintcr Fair, Toronto. Out cf ind faznily cf Islington spent 21 entries, Mr-. Roti-cil was Sunday with Mrs. Howard'awardled eig¶it firos, two se- Couchdi faiy. conds, tive thirds and three Mr. an~d Mrs.. Itnoc Lucas, 0tM Toi-oteo, visited Mus. Orr yen- Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner Ilng, Bowmianvil4and Mi-. andi Judy, Toronto, were visit- Venning in eeilal Hospital. ors with Mirs. Turner'. parents, Mnm. F. T. Tigî,he recently Mi-. and Mrs. Ernest A. Jones, returned fi-rn a 'risit with her Carlisle Ave., on Sunday. Mi-. sni afonaadwith a amns Mrs. Jones were celebriat- broter i thir 47th wedding anna- -Mr. Norman Jaes,Que' versi-y. Congratulations te Mr-. -University, spent Que eens andi Mrs. Jones. wilhu is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Lynne Bagneil left Wed- Stuart James, Centre Street. nesday merning for- Detroit, Ma sCarol Maguire, Teach- Micfft, where Lynne will spend ers' College, Toroto,sptte a few days. Whiie there she weekend with ber~ par=ent, Mr. plans te attend thie le Foi- and Mi-s. Jack Maguire, Brown lies" and rencw asquainitances Street.with thie memhbers cf the cast.1 MiseShaon îamnondhasLynne resigned last Spring Meuris haone IL&mmcpnding after tkree years with the show. a week with her wtncle and aunt, Mi-. Rae Rundlle, rccenity ser- Mr. and Mis.. Frank Prouse, iously iniJurcd in a car accident Pickering, ont. near Napanee, is convaiescing Miss Irene Casbourn bas i-e- gat his motiher's, Mrs. Frank turned to Hanailten ater a: Rundle, Argyle Street, and !s visât of several dfya with lier mnaklng satisfacbory pro)gress. father, Mr. Harry Casbourn, His son Dean lias aise been dis- King St. Eiat. diargcd fi-cm the hospital and ait present la in Oshawa witli Mr. Glenholuae Hughes i-e- his grandparcnts, Mr. and Mrs. cently returneiL home atter Jack Petre. spending several# weeks in Sun- nybrook and la um- Congratulations te Mr-. A. W.1 proving satisfacterily. Puckard whe cclebrated bis1 Mn. and Mris. Heffb Powell 84th birthday on Sunday, Nov-1 and Mr-. and Ms. Ed Foran at- ember 1NIth, when a party ini tended the funioqal cf their wncle, Mn. Roy Oke, at St i e e ltu>om on Nov enber 7th. ion LLe Dr. and Mrs. George James HeEp w*ere Sunday disner gucsts cf ,Mr. and Mrs. Reg :Lovekin, Fep M i Newcastle. Theii- son, Mi- Jme P. Lovekin, TOrvnto, was1ais a guest of bis ptarents. ,T.B. Lette rs Mr. David Ali, Queen's' Members cf the Bewmanviile University, Kitngston, spert the Lionettes Club worked hard ont weekend with isl aunt and Tuesday atternoon and eveningf uncle, Mi-. an& Mrs. R. w.: at the Lions Conmunity Cen- Stocker, and w~as a gucat at tr-e for the Northumbei-land and thie wedd-ing of bis cousin, Miss Durham Tuberculesis Associa- Rena Dilling. tien. The Lionettes were assist- ing i the preparation for an- Mx-s. Percy Lixton Sr-. spent nual Christmas Scals Campaigns last week with ber daugtiter te be lxeld by the organization. andi family lin Tweed while Letr n easwr lc Jobn wu onbis nnul dci-ed in bundrcds of envelopes by hunting trip. #ne andi lis partj hfollwn inte:Bni wek re.ucsidi a rnig MeDonald, Marie Moses, Jessie beck fou. Mai-r, Beita Kelly, Elouise Kil- Mr. andiM1s Glen Pi-eut and mer, Greta Brown, Nell God- Bi-endè, Ceaicx>saion St. East, dard, Vera Flett, Hazel Samis, aceompaoied bly Mr. andsiMrs. Fi-an Allun, Edith Aluin, Eva George Vetza i, Courtice, were 1Hoekin, Ruth Mutten, Ivy Run- Sun<lay guest'ýt et Mi-. andi Mrs. <lie, Dot Ross, Laurie Semple, Mich-ael Vctoaal andi family, Bea Vanstone, Grace Miler, Agincourt. Neil Dilling, Thelma Leslie, Mr. %t Jiitnon o K* Miidi-ed Bell, Mollie Kent, Ede Mi. etJitsso c ingston, Cole, Pat Burk, Betty Lander, f Jamaicu, now. attenduing Victor- Dorathy Woisey, Irene Hcth- C ia Coliege, SbrOnto, prcParing eiington, and Ethna Ewart. a for PresbYten ministrY, am d Thi-ce guests fi-cm the Asso-e Mnr. Edîw'ana Colwell spent thie ciatien, Mrs. Mariai-le Pewtress, 1t weekend w fth thxe latter's m-Mrs. Dorothy Allen, and. Miss tAer, Mrs. 1Dert Colweil. Vera Beedhani, aIse assistcdu. (Coatinucd fram page oae3 was articlcd for five years ta Mi-. Justice Piuiose et the Al- bei-ta Suprerne Court, Mr-. Hec- kmn said. Mi-. Lovekin was ad- mitted te the Bar in thc North- west Territerics, and practiced there as a barrister and solici- toi- for several yea-a befere i-e- turning te Ontario, IMi-. Heekin explainesi. He pointed eut that Mr-. Love- kmn now bas a Law Office in Newcastle and anether in To- rente. lie alsa tc'ld the Kins- men that Mr-. Lovekin is the managing-edito- of a Law Quarteriy pubiished in Toi-en- te. Ken Nicks an bchalf et bis fcleow niembci-s thankcd Mr-. Lovekin for his clever address. Tbrec ncw members, Ray Woodward, Neel Dudley, and Bill Laird, jained the club. They wcre instailesi by the pre- sident, Murray Lai-mer. Mr-. Larmer statesi that the Bow- manville Kinsmen Club ncw has 44 members i twn. Warden Wvites (Continued fi-on page one) The Read Commission Thc Road Commission h formed. ef four menibers oe Ceundil, two fi-cm each county and the Wardcn. Members ai-i electcd te Uthc Commission fera terni of tour ycars, if they i- main in council. The couaty englacer directç the couflLy ioaci prograni and L respensible te the Cen'ssiori wbo 'i turn arerespensibie tc council. The county i-oasis are laid oui te carry traffie that traveh tlii-ugb one nnunicipality to an. other, but are not designes tc as higli a standard as Pr-ovin- cial bighways. They are buill te a rnuch bigher standard tu carry more trattic than town- ship roads. Actualiy some coun. ty reesis ai-e cai-rying more traf- tic than some et oui- provincial bighways. There are 330 miàles of roac in oui- county i-ced system. The Rossi Commission niakes a fuil inspection of al ef these roads eariy in tlhc ycar. Fcllowing this inspection a i-ced pi-ogrars is drawn Up ansi prescnted t< Council wbere it la acccptcd. The program is then carriecj out in an orderly manner and the expenditures on ecd job are kept s0 that we know wbat each construction or paving job la cesting. CThe Ceunties have rcceivcd moncy fi-cm the Ontario Gev- ernment on a Devclopment rcad Iagi-ement. Witb such an agi-cc- ment the County must provide ail necessai-y right cf way and the province paya thc catire coat of construction. There arc 18 milies being censtructcd on sucb an agi-ement at the pi-es- cnt time nethe rcidinary by- law thc work la subsidizcd 50 percent by the Govcrnment with 80 percent subsidy on bridges and culverts. The Counties now own their own paving equipment; the money savesi ln laying their own pavement wlll pay for the equipment la less than thi-e years. Net enly can wc do thc werk mucb oheaper tlian can be blred but it cen be donce t the most suitabie tume. Ceunties ai-e also laymng pavement fer tonhips at a iower rate than Uicy can contract it for. It la thc poiicy of these Counties with this equipment te prime with cil ail the roads that are nat pavcd, this priming will hoid the surface. At thue beginning et this year Uic average et all county roads paved in Uic province was 47 percent. The United Counties now bave 57 percent ef its i-oasis paved. Townships arc new doing censiderable pavîng. A township like Dariingtoa witb, many paved reads bas about 20 percent et its roads pavcd. Wlxereas the couiity roads in Darllngton, bv next yeai-, will be niaie than 80 percent paved. Thc Cenunission ai-e now building i-oasis that wil iast into the future. Ccunty Road No. 1 fran, Hampton te Taun- ton la an example cf a i-ced net built wel enough enly a tcw ycai-s ugo. It bas now hasi te be rebuilt at considerabie ex- pense and inconvenicace te, smre people. Thc construction jnow la designesi wben pavcd te i last at ieast 20 yeai-s, and whcn reeded a new top con be out on wri!hout any disturbence te Uic base. (Continued next week) 25 Yr. Service Pin Holders Attend Goodyear Dinner his hu>nour was held at the home of hm daughter and son- mr-iaw, Mr. ani Mr$. StuaetIL James, Centre Street. AUl of Mr. Pickarcïs dùldren an d grandchi]dren were present for- this happy occasion, as was Mms Joai Allun, Town, SHOPPERS ATTNION-- Don't overlook the many mon- ey saving items advertised this week by your local merchants. You'll be deiighted with the attractive prices for quality merchandise appearing in the ada, in this week's issue... malce money the easiest way possible by carefully reading these ads. With Christmas s0 near, now la the time to take advant-age of these terrifie ba- gains. This week tte editae received an invitation frein Tyrrell's Bookshoç, Toi-ote, te meet Professor J. M. S. Careless. A personal Invitation was added froin Mr. Don Quick, son cf Mr. aind Mhrs. Wm. Quick. Professer Careless, Chairmnan of the De- partment cf History at the Uni- versity cf Toronto, is the auth- or of "Brown of the Globe"'. "Brown cf the Glébe"l is a new ibiography Qf Toron'te's George Brown, fou.ider cf the Globe and Libeiral leader of thie Con- federation era. This should be fascinating reading mnateriaL. (Written by A. Kurb) Tuesday, Nevember 17, 1959 Failing ta stop for a stop sign in thc Town cf Bowmanvillci brought a penalty of $ 17.00 foi- a local mai . . . A local n4ant and a Newcastle mran paid a total et $206.00, each $ 103.00, for illegal possession et liquor. Dirty license plates were worth $7.00. For abstructing the i-car license plate with a traileri bitch, another man was fincd i $10.00 and $2.00 cesta.1 It was pointed eut that theî license plate la the identification et the vehicle and the practice et putting on trailer bitches il, bave ta be given some thegt They must be put on se that the license plate is net obstructcd. A duck hunter, involved in an accident on the highway ln the hcavy traffic et Thanksgivîng; weekcnd, was fined $20.00 andj costs of $2.00 fer running into: the back ef another car and' causing a 4-car accident. He claimed that he wvas dozing and tatigued. His counsel notified, the court that ail damages bad' been taken care ef by the accus-t cd.j A Toi-enta man plcadcd guiity ta impaircd driving and was fined $50.00 and $2.00 cests. The police overteok bis slowg mcigvehicle because it was emtlgse much amoke and, couldn't get thc driver s-tepped.« He pleadesi that this was bis tirst time in trouble. "It bad better be your last turne toc," said thc Magistrate.! "If yeu appear before me again, it will probably be yeur last. The fine wiil be 10 times wbat it ia teday plus a gaoi tcrm.' Penalty today, $50.00 and costsl et $3.00 and your license will be suspended for thi-ce meaths." Anather Toi-ente mai was sentenced te 10 days in the County Gaol for drunk driving. His license was suspended for i six months and bis car impound- ed for thi-ce montha. He bad been convicted ef impaired driv- ing in Mai-ch et 1958. "I might point out te you this: As I in- terpret the law, it is net proper te take liquor fi-rn your place te a friend's residence. You may; take it fi-cm one place et resi- dence ta another place o et i-cl dence. Wben you arc at your fiind's beuse - drink your fricad's liquor and net y.our own. I feed this case requures more than thc minimum ef sev- en days. I agi-ce with the Ci-own Attorney. Yeu wiil be sentenccd ta 10 days." A local man involvcd in an accident at the corner et King and Ontario Sti-cets was fincd $10.00 and $57.00 costs wbea be was convicted ef faillng te yicld thc rigbt et way aftcr coming te a full stop at the intersection,. He toid the magistrate, "I just abat acroas wben I thought the way was cîcar." Hie admittcd that he didn't sec Utce ther car. A Newcastle man was convict- cd ef impaired di-iving. lic was driving a boi-rowed c ai-and' rolled it over. He bad been drinking - but didn't think it attected bis driving. Fine was $75.00 and $3.00 costs and bis license te drive was suspended for thi-ce mo>nths. C.W.L. Holds Successfu I Members Tea Mrs. Stewart Chisholmn, the president of the Bowmanville Sub-Division cf the Catholic Women's League, welcomed the guests at the successful Mem- bership Tea given by the C.W.L. in St. Joseph's Hall on Sunday evening. In an interesting short address Mrs. Chisholm outlined the activities of the C.W.L. and1 told of the work done by the members in the parish. Several new members joinedi the Catholic Wamen's League. A social heur was enjoyed, andI a delightful musical prograin was presented. Mrs. J. Anthony Treibal sang "A Wild Rose" by Shubert. She was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. E. Riet- muller. The lovely solo "An Old Scotch Melody" was sung by Mrs. W. Lawrie. Mrs. Rietinul- 1er played Shubert's "Noble Waitz" and several other clas- sical selections. A deliclous tea was served by the members of the C.W.L. Mrs. Chlsholm was the cenven- or in charge of arrangements for the event. She was assistedý by Mrs. Bert Payne. NOTICE We would appreciate i-e- ceiving news froin those wo have been deer hunting n aima frein succes,!til exhibitors at the Royal Win er Fair. An accident at Waverley Road and King St. W., broughtý a conviction for making an im- proper ieft hand turn. Driver of the second car statcd that he had been going aorth on Waverley Road and stopped for thc stop sign. He was waiting for the other car te clear King St. with his tura se that he might turn east. The second party niaking the left band turn cut tee short and turned inte the stopped car. He wvas tined $10.00 and coats of $8.60. "For the sake of your wife and unborn cbild, I will remiand r q Crusade in Pro gress At Salvation Army Under Capt. Chapman Nlnety-seven holders of 25 Year Service Pins £rom Bow- manville attended the 2lst Goodyear Service Pin Dinner held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Saturday evening. The dinner w-as held in hon- aur of the eiuployees of the Goodyear Rubber Company of Canada, who had received their 25 Year Pins this year and dur- ing last year. Those so honour- ed from Bowmanvil1e, were Peter Bathgate, William H. Bates, Fred J. Armstrong, Al- ton Richards, Nornman R. Wil- cox, Alan H. Osborne, Edward J. Rundle, Robert C. Rogers, William Roberts, George PurdY, 0. J. Presson, George Perfect, Morley Oke, Hubert Murphy, James G. Martin, Sr., Frank Lane, Lawson W. Kirkton, Benjamin T. King, Howard Jef- fery, James C. Coyle, Stanley Corden, John Coole, Edward C. Clarke, Edwin Clapp, and Ed- win Cameron. George Perfect, COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE STORES SPECIAL VALUES AND REMRNDERS FOR THIS WEEK "'ý MfLOjtoèDw MeO SUPER STRENGTH DRYORW33c mI b0x-3PLY,.I. Tour Faiuily's Health is Important TARE VITANINS1 NOW! Vita Dlet Capsules $1.95 - $4.50 Viterra "Plus" Capsules $6.45 Pardeo. P.D. ______ $9.85 NEW! for ALL types of hair!. ONLY$139 Alex. 1We Deliver SPECIAL VALU ES!1 Jeanette Brand BATH SALTS 5 pounds, reg. 98c -_79c For relief front pain A.SA. TABLETS lo0's - 300's 19c, 49c' Breck HAIE SET NIST 10-oz. 1.49 Free Friction Toy Car with 98e size COLGTE DENTAL CREAN 98C Helene Curtis - Regular and Super Soft SPRAY NET Reg. 79e _____59C B INDS HÂlinond CREAN Reg. f65c 2 For 98C Giant Size Jar 1 gLUSTRE CRENE SHANPOO Valu 89C. SILVIERIN SHANPOO7e m2 For 98CI White Ramn - 75e sizei CRBYSTAL CLEAR SHANPOO 2 For 99c, White Ramn LOTION SHANPOO 1.25 size --O9c Save 10c on 69e tube M I OfFFAST JRLEF wlf lAw GIN PILLS WILDROOT CREAN-GIL --59c! 9 Richard Hudnut Econom7 $1.09 plus__ _ _ _ Light and Bright Creme Rinse 1.25 _____ HAIR CARE ITEMS teuw dr e Enden Shampoo 98c, 1.69 'MfI1.1ID PROOFS SOI 4 li o. ZuB.eRiy ud39 Max F~actor Cleen Shampoo 85c,: Helene Curtis Shampoo with Egg 39c, 59c, 99c, Richard Hudnut Fashion Quick 2.50. Lanolin Plus Wash'n Curi ____- 2.00 Miss Clairol Colour Shampoo 1.65 Nestie Coler-Creme Rinse _______-39c, 75e Revion Living Curi -__ 1.75 Roux Superoxide, 4 oz.____________30C Adorn ________ ______1.75 Proin - --2.00 150 CHRISTMAS CARDS Assorted Cards with Envelopes 98C1 PASTEL GLITTER, 18 Cards with Envelopes --.79e SLIM'N THIN, 21 Cards with Envelopes- 1.00 OTHER BOXED ASSORTMENTS -- 39e te 1.98 PRESCRIPTIONS "A SPECIALTY McG regort Your Local I.D.A Drugq Store j Drugs' Phone MA 3-57921 who la in hospital, and Alton Richards were unable ta attend. A reception was held in the Ontario Ron for the honoured guests prier te the dinner. The president cf the company, L.ý E. Spencer, R. C. Berkinshaw, chairman cf the Board; A. W. Denny, vice-president, and H-.1 G. Harper, vice-president inI charge cf sales, received. A reception was aise held in the Canadian Room. at six oclock for the ether guests. Dinner was served at 7 p.m. in the On- tarie Room,, K. E. Kennedy, secretary of the company. was the chairman. The Toast te the 25 Year Pin holders was given by Jack Wil- liamis, the Conipti-oller. Dave Hughes, superintendent of gen- eral services, New Torante, i-e- sponded te the toast. There was an excellent program. cf entertainmient performed by jugglers, dancers, and cerne- dians.1 Yeu eut of custody until Dec. 8th. You make it most difficult for me. Yeu should go te Gaol for 6 months. This la your sec- ond offence for driving while yeur license is under suspen- sion. You had te be brought here today by Bencli Warrant. You be here on Dec. 8th, coin- mented Magistrate R. B. Rax- ter. Chief Constable B. R. Kitney told the court that he had in- structed Constable Bird te chrethe man with "Driving while his license was under suspension" when he notéd that a ticket had been issued for failing ta Produce an Operater's License. "The Chief commented, III re- membered having served this man with an order cf suspen- sion. Some days after this oc- currence, I noted this man driv- in.g a local delivery truck. I notified the truck owner that the man was driving while bis license was under suspension, and he lest his job. He says he is now living in Wbitby. When we went there last night te pick him up on the warrant, his brother-in-law stated that he wasn't. living there. He is now in Toronto." Another man was fîned $25.00 and costs cf $3.00 for passing a car on the overhead bridge. He tried te evade the police when he was chased by park- ing bis vehicle ameng ether vehicles in a garage. His excuse te the court was "M.y gas pedal stuck." This wasn't accepted. The ma- gistrate ruled that lie could have turned his ignition off and park- ed on the shoulder. "There le ne excuse for this sort of con- duct." A local man who became heatedly angry and then refus- cd te repeat bis accusations in the witness box under oath, was convicted ef speeding on Liber- ty St. and fined $5.00 and $2.00 cests. He was given a verbal dressing down by the magis- trate who called his conducti "Inexcusable." TOUR DRUGGIST RECOMMEN DS MULTIPLE VITAMINS Eoch tabI.t contain s Y essotiaI vitamins.Cot &ma thas 44 a day. aimaitU yçý3im - -- ------ qýý Widespread intercst and k cen cer, states that the Crusade anticipation Is orevalent with 1 meetings will be at 8:00 p.m. the corning te Bowmanville cf each cvening and at 11:.00 a.m., Captain Bob Chapman of To- 2:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. next rente. He la at present conduct- Sunday, which wiIl be the final ing a fivc-day, Gospel crusade day. The public la cordially in- at thc Salvation Army citadel vitesi ta attend. on Division Street. ________ Captain Bob Cbapman was bei-n in Londen, Ontario, and graduated fi-cm the Army's Scout Training Cellege in 1947. His appointmcnts have inciuded Salvation Army evangelistic centres at Dawson Creck, B.C., M ein Vermillon, Coleman and Cal- gai-y, Alber-ta. Prier ta bis suc- (Continued from vage one) cestul four-year stay at Ver- tien will include Bowmanvilie, millon, where the Captain aise Mapie Grave, Hampton, Ty- had directorship of the Youth rene, Newcastle and Newtoin- for Christ mevement, he was ville. A District Commissioner selcctcd te be a delegate te, the will eventually be appointed for tii-st International Youth Cen- this ai-ca. gi-cas wbich was hcld at the The executive cf the new Army's centre in London, Eng- Bowmanville and District Bo3r land, in 1950., Scout Local Association were In 1956 Captain and ?&S. R. elected as follows: President, Cbapman teck commiand et the George Brown, Vîce-President. thriving evangclistic centre at Bob Mutton; Treasurer, Bill Mount Dennis, Taronte. Theg Burk; Secretary, Mrs. Carl De- Corps is noted for its active and! vitt. The Property Ce-Conven- enthusiastic youth program, and i ors will be Alfred Bi-ewn and la at present 'bursting at the Han-y Saunders. Harold Watson scams'. Captain Chapman, who will be the Pubiicity Convenor. had conducted Gospel crusades in various parts ef Canada and Ted Miller was appeintcd the U.S.A., bas been a member convenor cf the Bowmanville cf the Army's Board cf Evan- Paper Drive. Each place in t'he gelism. He bas a keen interest organizatieii will be cntitied te in the field et cvangelism and beld its own Paper Drive and in a preaching ministi-y whicb Apple Day. is Bible-ccntrcd. Following the meeting a de- Out-ef-town delegations will licieus buffet supper was serv- be comjng te take part in the cd by the Ladies' Auxiliary to Ci-usade now in pi-agi-cs. Muai- Bey Scout Association. Mrs. cal groupa fi-cm Tarante, Whit- Don McDonald and Mrs. Carl by and Port Hope, as well as Dcvitt were thc conveners in Bowmanvilie, wiil aise partici- charge of arrangements for fic pate. Captain Norman Coles, the buffet lunch. They wcre assist- xesident Salvation Ai-my offi-'cd by members ef the auxiiary. TIM CANADL« STATESMM. BOWMANVfflàt OMMARM DAÉI-Ç11! -0leviffl I In Magistrate's Court 1 Kinsmen Club Am 1 9

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