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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 8

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mil IM M1 iII :PA=E zIGE 'PifE eANAnTAW EA~MA1S ~WMArnVVV1.e v~uqIAaIwi -- ~ ~.. ... ~ ~** Tuuzt.u&Y, 1<uv. Ilu av D0R0oT1Y BAICflf y J bave Juil dlacovered that a vmgabond la constantiy faced wilh a hazard. It la the klnd ftrend Who cornes to the station to bld one "bon voyage" and iLF-STOEING STOIN WINDOW TO MBEIONE Who bure a ml-torlnt sterm door NOWI We make this offer t. tjIustgate our confidence lu eut wonderfuI produets. BAVE OVER $20.00 bycelling COLONIAL 1 Home Improirements 124 Blmcoe St. S., RA 8-8571 plumps into one'& ami a bundie cf paper-back novela. 1 muti b. nmre sort of an individuel- ist, for I have seldoni found t.hat niy literary taste agrees wlth the kind thoughta cf my finds. For almost a complete day te- cently, I lived my own. "«who dont it". Trying to dispose of thie evidence" provesi an sm- tional experience that iu funny now to look beck on, but wau, I consideresi at the time, a ser- ious situation. As the train pulled oui for Niagara Falls, where I looked forward ta spending a delight- fully relaxed weekend, 1 stert- cd leafing through one of thc three volumes resting on the coach seat beside me. My bair began te curlin utigbt litile kinks and niy stomach do a flop-aver as I hurniedly closed the cover of a "A Brave New World" and tucked it quickly under rny fanny. I didn't want rn.y fellow passengers to sec the titie. This novel was only mi]dly sexy compared to my iniend's HemVs the best ln heating comfort RED TRADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE b. sur. y.. ae gefflng fthc world's fInest bard <oeil Remmberthsr. la economy in quelity. Ask f.,le toduyl STOVE NUT - PEA FILL TOUR COAL BIN NOW PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER AHEAD! We have Cannel Coal for the fireplace Available at the Yard STEPHEN FUELS 1PHONE MA 3-5410 Office at C.NJL Yards READING second diolce for nMy sIter. teinnmet My utter dg al.a mont Jhysical 3'vUilii arouea henMy syft met the only hope* tai the sweet Ule person wbo héâdes Iilt onmu lntestation ai Toronto, wil] neyer r'eadthla itory. Baie wouid blush, for ber chioe lcnowing lier ts 1 do, 1Iaara sIte thoujit maie had 1uchmaud a cheste mld-Vlclo fnnovel wlth whiSt ber contempooe3 could whIle away à few hours. 1 ars1 ed tahe unexxaurgated edîion shul wlth à bang. Agais 1 worried about wbai my flw travellers would thlnk of me if thcy got a glimpse et may reéding malter. Would they think I was à frustrated femile w*io Indulgesi la sucai literelure, for the kickse? This w« thé hollest utuiti I basiever hansi. led. Ilow coulsi 1 gel risi ai Il? Il should. b. buraed, I reason- ed, but Incineratorâ are a scaree comntodlty on psenger trains. I edged my wey along thei aisle ta taie door whlch maid "Women", with thé horrible bocks clutchesi tghtly tomy bosom. I thought; I mlght *flush them away inthe little corner roont. Tearing leat by leaf I h-ad on±ly gotten as fer as page 101 of "Taie Brave New World" When I reallzed that tita islght prove a hardship on the rest ai the lady passengers, If we ran out cf thc supply of water b. fore our journey's end. I chose another mnethod, cf dispoai. I wrappcd the copies in two towels and stuffed thcm in the wire basket providesi by the railroad for soilesi linen. Then I began ta worry that ihey might; not be founsi andi coulsi guni up lte works of thc CNR's laundry faclities. I retrievesi them, andi with a weaving gait returried to rny seat. I could peck them in my weckend case and dispose of them. when I reached mny de. tination, I reasoned. Af ter registering at my hote], 1 iook a bnlsk walk along the gorge. Soon I glancesi furtlvely first right, then leit, before I tosses a well lied newspaper parcel aver the bannier. I hur- ried away, but not soon enough. "Hey, lady, la this your par- ccl? You elmost lest hit n the drink",' said a teenage voice behinsi me. There was only one answer ta satistactory diS&posai, I decided. 1 boerded the Mai of lhe MimI ln a drlpping cil alieker, pulled the fisherman's hat down over Iny eyea ansi stood by the boat's -ail in evil anticipation o! Uic nvarder of Lady Càatterlys Lover andi tic endi of a Brave Necw World. Overboard Uic two Papcr backs zoomed as the little vesscl chuggesi under the f-ais. 'That's too bad, rn'am,4 you'li never sce thai article again. Hlope Il; wasnt valuable," saisi a sympathetic fellôw tounist as wc weid-ied the gruesonie cvid- ence sink ta t.ebottoni of Uic Niagara River. Stranger - WefL. low are' thingm around here? Natlve-They must b. tnt. provlng, stranger. Al Uic ferm-. ers wish tbey could gel Gov. ernmcnt jobs, and ail the Gov. crament mca seem to wlsh they caulsi be fermers. Daddy's voice's t&firsi of many mmrm and ondeu'ful momen* s iore for Suzie: momentk at twill com I kb r,êUlpw, ker O uJwe fitkrough. The lives of ail of ui are constantly enzched by heariag the voices cf our children, our parents, our friends-loved ones who may bc out of sight or far away but are nover out of reach by telephonc. The telephone keeps us ina touch widm them ail - givingus m0 mucli for go littie. 1M BIELL TILUNHONI C~1ANM FANAMA GoodyearHie New Foreman le Atireto"es englneer, John cnigfectories around Prince La Zaria Rand, cf Trenton, hemAiberi cunty for three years. Il beau appointed foreman ofthéb Other enering jobs ho ham ie power bouse and boler rooni worked, tai nclude: five years b. aitthe Goodyeer Tire anid Rub- ôn QGreat Lakes shlping; two ,a ber C.. lnt bors. à&f. Rand yeerswlth à textile Urdu9try et d succeeda e Staples, wlio loft Woodbrldge; Mlx montais wlth ýI Goodye tg to tk* Up employ. Canadan Oypsurn, Toronto; Y ment la Port Coiborne. four yeers et St. Michael'sHs. Ravin«. omnpleteâ 27 and * &LToro'nto. sMx yearm ai Port *n.a Werpeg ith the eldorado Mlnin.g *ence, it la felt 'r. Rend la well fopewihtiEloaoMig *quaied to azouu i pstinwlth thé Ontarlo Department with Goodyear. of Education et the School for llin.wfoema wa ~ the DontBellevile, and for the. lnPctnad evdhi pré- employed by the Deparinient of liinary éducation ln the pub. National Défense et Trenton lie anid ligh schooli there. Be- RCAP base. fore obtalrzlng hie tiret cloase Mtr. Rand li merried wlth papea uv. ears mg ha. work- three chlldren. two boys and ndh nwnerou places &Cr085 one girl. One of the boys and thie province, and eh-leved a thé'Ie g r re twnm. His famuly rwide knowledge ln f1ring and la &tir ln Trnton, but will move nieerinu. - to Bownianvflle soon as he cen EMien rtwas Ina seinal ifind accommodation for ilien work, flring and engineering la 1 bers. E. (Bill) Oliver Completes '35 Years with Goodyear f Having complelted 35 years of 1 manager of the Cost Account- service in October with the ing Depau-tmnent. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Mr. Oliver ls - married and Company in Bowianville, E. his daugter, Jane, 1s a stu- (Bill) Oliver, cost accounting dent at Bowmanville Publici manager w'ax preserted wlth Sho.H sacrtraxid 1hie 35 year pin. Charles Oatt- rs.n f h omn ranPlan Manger ho md ville Lions Club and Bowman- the presentatlon et e gather- ville Badminton Club. A keen ing of foremen and staff, said tleM.Oirnhs tý»a he ad forke osl younger days played both bard- wlth Mr. Oliver frnMy asbal and sftal and was also and knew what a great helii hoea strong tennis and badminton had been to the canipany. plyrH Mr. Oliver ls a graduai. of plyr e has been a member Bowmaýnville High School. He of the Town Major Bowling for worked ln Bowm.Amville for a many years. short thne alter graduating He owns a cottage on Loon but later leit to work lu a bank. Lake andi hea moved intoa new FPollowlng sverljears o>f houe on Concession Street banklng he deid he mS ince receiving hie lest service a better fulure wlth Goodyear Pin five Years 090. and joined the company in Oc- Others who have recently tober 1925. Because of him received service pins are Carl banikin-g experience hie was cm- Devitt, Ron Richards andi Mau- pioyed in the Cost Dept., where rice Conway 20 yrs; George h. ha& uince renwmel nl Dec- Wlddecombc, 15 yrs., Art Mar- enter 1944, Mr. Oliver suc- Jerrison, 10 yrs. andi Mary Ras- ceeded thie late Chris Cole as, hotte, 5 yrs. Union Elections ro 1r SiMr.Ket Hodgson Mei. hrap A t Goodyear preciation for girls servmng their wediding dinner. Names Donald Kemp was returned were drawn for Christmas gif t by acclamation as president cf exchange. Menters were given Locl 19, naied ubbr Wr-tickets to sell for the New Loclrs Ui t el ueon oheM year's Eve dance. Decided ta krcenion, ait lecioyca Tieddonate five, dollar to Port Perry ansiRubbr Copan lu ow- oaiitai do,, draw ndmos andRube Copay nCobbldl ofaithe menibers bouglht tickets manville. Har-old Cbldc on it A livcly game of Beetle defeated. Ken Hooper for thewasPlayed, andi a delicious local vice-president's position,. udicioe. et etigt Thie executive were choSen on be held att h. home of Mn. October 23 and tb. bergamning Elaine Bailcy, Dec. 17. comitte. was elected. frein The Unitedi Chureli was com- the executive thie following fortably filiesi for thie Bernera- irYiday. bramce Day Service condticted .Ylm Coyle defetted, Phiip by Rey. P. Bomeril, Wednes- Pattrlck for the poeition of dey mornsng. l'h.Scouts, Cu-bs, treasurer and William Blekely Guides and Browriie. led by was returnesi fo the mecretexiai their color pirty then hceded position by mcclaznaton= the parade ta thie Cenot.aph Others eleotesi te the union where a bni service w'as held, executive inacludesi Tom Mas-' two minutes silence observed, terson, Jiza Woodward, Ralph ond wreath placed. Oriist, Robert Davies, Bd. Sympalhy la eteuded Mr. ward Shehen, Maurice Prout and iMrs. Arthur Leighton on and Patty Dolan.- lTiere werc the d.ath of lier brother Mr. A. 12 union memberasseklng thie Fines of Port Ferry, who diesi seven positions. ln su nWbroolc Hospitai, Thurs- Those selected, la represent dey. the fectory workers on thc bar'.1 TwezitY-five ladies and three gaindng COmtitc« e WeD<>n- kiddies ettended the Women's aid Kemnp, ebhairman, Maurice Institute meeting in the Com- Prout, Haroldi Cobbledick, Jim] munity Hall, Wedaiesday alter- Cayle andi Tom Masterson. noon witli Mr. Lorne Thomp- Secretary Blakely raid laut son andi Hrs. Jas. Henry hos- wcck thet the union wiIl send tesses. its amendenents ta, open nego- A lter he oendng Ode andi tiations with the conipany for coflcct, 3&s.. Cecil Hi read the e new coiittact witinI the next Scripture pasage, Mrs. John month andi lhey are consider- Puin paisi a fitting tribute tio ing including supplemcnetary Mn Fred Balley, a lite-long unemployment benelits. member who passesi amay Oct. 30. One minute silence was oh. BLACKSTOCK T7here was an excelleet at tendance in thc Central Pbi Scbool Tuesdaiy night, ta béer thé seni-finals iu Publie Speek- lnîg for West Durham. Mr. Merle Slute, Bowmanv 111ea, chairnian of West Durham Tru- stces ansi RateTayeýs ,Associa- tion actesi as MC ollowtng are thie speakers andi their suai. jeets-.- 1. Peggy Millaon ai Bakers School, Canada's North- land; 2. Howard Morton, Beth- any, The Husky; 3. Elcanor Porteous, Bethany, The Bec; 4. Nellie Vermeulen, Bowm a - ville, Moses; 5 Bill Depew, Bcwniàanvile, 1%,. Astronauts; 6. Patricia Adams, Blackstack, Superstitions; 7. absent due to illnesa; S. Jarice Byeru, BIack- stock, Putting the Beaver back ta work; 9. Elaine Bebee, Cour. tice, Negroe; 10. Gwcn Wral- ght,- Hamapton, Hawaii. Speeches were interspersesi wtth chorua.. by Yelverton, Galloway's aràd Janetville sdio- ol pupils underthtae direction of Mr. Jas. Gay. Judges *cr>- Mr., Boss of Queen Elizabeth Sdhool, Osh- awa and Mr. Korry of Dr. Cen.- on Sdtool, Odtawa. No placingi wsre nade but numbers 1, 5, 6, 8, ansi 10 were chosen t.o nîete, with five front Rail Durhami et Oronia, NOV, loth Retci oneutent bere was presonted wlth a book, donated, by lte West Durbeni Trustees andi Patepoyers Association. TU* Reereation Centre, beau- tifully decoreled wua the set- ttng for lb. smrga*>org ban-i quel put on by lte couples club on WedneMy evening. Some 400 pertook of lte bouatiful apper and spesmi a pleesant bmw url te ale i« atmas pliers This wui prognupcd a "%s .N.O. met e chome oif Ituby VanCamp, 7tursdy nijit wt 24 members present. Marlon Camnegaien epesd thie tanks of th. W.M S. for OXàM dus MM aé tuMore- TM CAIqADLX RrATURUM. BOWIKAI«Vff2àL ô»AMn

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