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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1959, p. 9

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TIDOTJ A V flW'. ira, i Ou q'WM LAamA qA'IA fWAVTYUfUIAW PAGE NUl Several New Candidates Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pickell For- Town Council Spealk Feted On 5Oth Anniversary At Nomination Meeting FI 13 eThe new candidates for Bow- Uj"gnrnille Town Council were given t' he opportunity foilowing the close of nominations at the Town Hall on Friday te speak te the gathening. Reports given by the inembens of the 1959 Town Coun- cil are in anothér account ini this issue. ««I corne with ene year's exper- fence on Town Council in 1957 and I trled te do the best job I knew how", Wesley Fice, who was the finat called te speak stated. "When I was on council in 1957 I missed oniy two meetings, once when 1 was sick and once when I was out of town on company business. I nealize the time and work en- tailed by heing on Town Council. if elected I arn prepaned te make the sacrifice of considerable time and effort te do the job well. It was a pleasure te work with coun- cil in 1957. 1 intend to stand for election and solicit your votes," ICHI Mr. Fice said in conclusion. "I welcome this opportunity to offer my services to Bowman- ville," Glenholme Hughes said. "It is with some diffidence that I will mention my work on community noets such as the PubliceIlà- =arythe Hospital Board, the hospital finance and buildingi committees, and many otherl undertakings. «fNýinety-five per cent of my business is done by mail out of town. But about the samne pro-1 portion of my spending takes1 place here in my home town. It is' naturai then that I arn interested in the conduct of the affains of Bowmanville and the miii rate. I believe that industrial expansion could help lowen the nesidential tex rate. I also believe that- it, would be wise not to pour money! into experimental ideas unless they are productive. "If elected 1 will take my duties' as, a counillor very seriousiy in-1 DRDER YOUR RISTmAS FOWL Now' 'Âvo very pleasant events took : r Rundie, Charles Osborne, place necently in honoun of Mn. Hel-b Osborne, J. C. Found and and Mrs. W. R. Pickell, R.R. 2. Kenneth Courtice. Bowmanville, who ceiebrated Mention was made of the facts their fiftieth wedding anniver- thit Mr. Pickell had served nine sary, on Novemben 24th, 1959. yý--, ' in council, and aise that On Thunsday, November l9th, their home has always been one around 100 friends and neigh- open te friends and neighbours. bours gathered at their home, The number gathered there, was when a. pleasant evening was evidenoe of the fact that through spent.. these many years they had made Rev. Hanold Stainton was chair- a goodly numben of friends. man for the short but interesting A delightful lunch was àerved program. Mrs. R. C. Pearce neci- by the ladies in charge and a most ted two numben in her m est pesn vnn aet ned Miss Edie Spoeîstra, a neigh- pesn vnn aet ned bour's daughter, sang two num- On November 24th, a dinner bers. party was held in their honour at Following this Mn. Stainton their daughter's home-that of cailed on Mrs. Herb Osbourne, a Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Down. Pre- lifetime friend of the family, who sent wene Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd had written a well worded and Down, Janet Gary and David, Mn. sincere addness te Mn. and Mrs. and Mrs. Glenn Pickell, Rae and Pickell, asking them te accept two Shirley, Mn. and Mrs. Herb beautiful gifts, a card table and Rundie, Mrs. Walter Patte, Mrs. chair set, and an occasional chair. Reg Pinden and the guests of A large basket of munis accem- honour. panied these gifts. A three-tiered anni'versany cake Mn. and Mns. Pickell thanked and yeliow roses gnaced the din- the group sincerely for this pleas- ing table. During the dinnen heur, ant intrusion of their home and a phone cali was neceived from the remainder of the evening was Mrs. Pickell's sister and hier fam- spent listening te vanieus mem- ily in Weyburn Sask., which was hers cf the gnoup voice their a very pleasant surprise. thoughts and sentiments. Since these occasions, there Among those who spoke were have been numerous callers at Russell Gay, Norman Down, their home and many more loveiy Glenn Pickell, Mrs. R. E. Osborne, gifts have been neceived., 1 deed. I arn pnepared te spend the necessary time te attend properly te council business. I will thin carefully, very canefuliy, cf the thriftiest and the most advan- tageous way possible te devete as littie cf your money ns is practi- cal to the running cf our town," Mr. Hughes promised. "I wili do everything 1 possibly can for the welfane cf the town and cf the public if I am elected te Town Council," Mrs. Annie DY. Oke stated. "I have been approached sever- ai times te allow my name te be put forward for Town Council," Ross Stevens said. "I hesitated te do se as I feit that this year's council had donc a good job. As some are dropping eut it is neces- sary te corne forwand te fila place. I will let my namne stand," Mr. Stevens announced. Kenneth Hooper and Own Fagan, whe both quaiified, were Inotpnesent when cailed upon te jspeak. Ed Rundle and Harny Kil- patrick, who decided net te stand for election, did net speak either. M M Attention.*.e.l Moto rs Workers Due Io the recent layoffs ai General Motors and other affected plants, Ken's Men's and Boys' Wear offers special budget terms Io these familles for their Christmas Shopping. No down payment MM No payment until January Sth, 1960 Easy budget terms available for everyone at KEN"S Men's & Boys' Weair 35 TEMPERANCE ST. N. MArket 2-558 M I j- Screecli (Qu~i IJust tbink - December is al- ready here and Christmas is only three weeks awayl We advise everyone to get their shopping done and their Christmas cards addressed soon because next Fri- day, December llth, is the day we've ail been dreading-exams begin. And, because the 25th falîs or a Friday this ycar, holi- days won't begin until the Tues- day before Christmas Day. Grade thirteen is busy naking plans for the Christmas Party which will be during the after- noon and evening of Tuesday, the 22nd. We'il give you further details next week - just don't make any other plans for that date. County volleybail playoffs have been taking place ail this week. On Monday, 13B defeated 12B in a close, sudden-death playoff to take first place in the grade 12-13 competition. 11A defeated 11B in the grade il playoffs and 9F defeated 9E. There are stili three more County games to determine the final Senior and Junior Championships. If you haven't already purchas- ed your tickets for the three one- act plays, you'd better hurry be- fore they're ail gone. Any B.H.S. student would be more than will- ing to seli some to you. They are only llfty cents and you certain- ly get more than your money's worth. We hope to see yopi to- night or tomorrow night (Fni- day) at 8.15 p.rn. Sharp in the Town Hall. Next Friday afternoon about seventy pupils from grades 12 and 13 aire going to the Crest Theatre in Toronto to sce the 5.30 p.m. matinee performance of Macbeth, MÂNVERS STATION The negular monthly meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mns. Harold Thompson on Thunsday afternoon with 10 mem- bers, ene visiter and twe childnen present. President Mrs. E. Cavano was in the chair. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayr and Bible nead- ingy by Mn. M. Bradley. Mns. Thompîsegave th e topic. "There- fore Stend". The sum of $10.00 was voted te the M. &- M. fund. Following a discussion on raising funds, Mns. Murray Logan kindiy offered hier home for a social eve- ning Saturday nigrht. A delicious lunch was served and a social hait heur enjoyed., Mns. Alfred Johnston returned home from Ancaster on Sunday after spending a couple cf weeks with Mr. and Mns. Knox MacLeod, David and Randy and.,the new grandson, Paul Douglas. Mr. Win. Duff~ was in charge ef the service on Sunday moriung, taklng his text from the 3rd chap- ter et Luke. The flewers were placed on the communion table Dy the Horner family in memory et Mns. Laura Horner. A progressive euchre party was ,held at the home cf Mr. and Mns. Murray Logan on Saturday night. Seven tables were played. Prise winnens for high score were Helen and Murray Logan, low score prizes going te Mrs. A. Sin- clair and Mrs J. Boggs (playlng as a man). Miss Madeline Boggs enter- tained eight girl friends £rom Peterborough on Friday night. Progressive Euchre was played and a very pleasant evening en- joyed by aIl. Congratulations te Mr. John Payne on winning $100 on a draw at the Canadian Legion in West Hill. The Christmas presents will be bigger and better this year. Sympathy is extended te the Brown family, Pontypool, on the death of Mr. George Brown. Mr. Brown was our mailman for many years. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwarden and famiiy were Sunda'y evening guests of Mr. and Mns. Gordon Baker. .Miss Linda Stainton and Mn. Keith Cryderman, Enniakillen were Sunday cailers of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and Mr. and Mns. Stanley Gable and famaiiy, Tyrone, and Mr. and Mns. Fred- Partner were Sunday supper guests of the Kovacs. Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, spent the weekend with bis par- ents. Two student teachers from To- ronto Teachers' College wene teaching at the school last wcek. Mn. and Mrs. WrQ. Miller, Orono, were Sunday supper guestiî of Mr. and Mrs. Orme Mil- ler and Mr. and Mns. Robt. Camn- eron nnd family were Saturday exening guests of the Millers. NEWTON VILLE -The officiel opening of the Newtonville Public School toek Place Wedneaday evening, Nov. 25 1959. Parents, pupils and many friends frorn outlying dis- tricts enjoyed the programme and socal time. More detailed report will follow later. Miss Bertha Thompson went te Toronto on Sunday te stay for the winter. Mr. Andrew Reiehrath la ln Memorial Hospital, Bowmaxiville, for a check-up. Miss Barbara Taylor of Toronto spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. Roe Brown. Congratulations te Mr. Earl Walkey, oun new reeve, who was elected by acclamation. Mn. and Mns. Geo. Stapleton, son Launie and Miss Sandrae Bragg of Bowinanville were Sun- day visitons with Mr. and Mns. Orville Hendenson of Toronto. Mrs. Laura Hickey of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Wm. Milligan. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood's youngest son who was transfer- red frorn Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile te the Slck Chul- dren'sa Hospital, Toronto. for fur- ther treatment returned home on Saturday much improved. Mn. Tuman Hfenderson and Mr. Jack Kimbali have been ap- c inted *new membens of the chool Board Area. Messrs Russel Osborne and Harry Wade having reÉigned. Mr. and Mns. Geo. Stapleton, Mn. Launie Stapleton and Mrs. Frank Gilmer attcnded the Dur- ham Club meeting at Toronto on Thunaday evening. Laurie was Fancy Mixture California - Large Size IXED NUTS Lb.Pkg. 49C DIANGOND WALNUTS ILb. Ptl. 59C Beaver - Fancy Beaver - Fancy BDRA ZIL S **-Ll. 5.5C FILDEIfS & ALNONDS Lb. tge 37c Aylmer TOMATO or VEGETABLE Chnistie's Premiun, Salted or Plain SODA BISCUITS IMoirs Town Talk CR0 COLATES m m Lb. 1nt. 35c box $15 10O o. each lOC I Economical Spread Margarine GGOD LUCE - L~Pg.29c Molrpu Famous Family Ausorlmeml Chuck Full of Fruit and Nuts Richmello Deliclous 1hl. çC 2I 1b.153 b. FRUIT CAKEPiece Piece Piece $1.75 i~ $2.26 S tock Up At This Price I resh and Crispy IDYSON D24 otLe 3 for It00 Manning's ,* Christmas Box Cocanut Choc CANDY CANRES 'BoxC DROP COOKIES lb. bag 3 9c OfENCHC25cN Fancy Dares J EU8A N Cellepk 33c. SATIN H&ARD MI lb. pkg. 3 5c CIIT ROCK C AND New Brunswick No. 1 50 LB. BAG PEAL-A-BANANA AMERICA DRY GINGER ALE 2/27e Plus Deposit Values effective in Bowmanville until closing time, Saturday, December 5th, 195$ DOMINION STORES. LIMITED) THS WE Golden Ripe $1,69 2 1s. 25 c Case of 12 $1.59 plusdeui All merchanr!ise sold at your Dominion Stores Linslted is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction uTWE' 11B HIS iA,,d soloiat. Mns. Don Vinkie visited her sister Mrs Clarence Gilmour at the civie Hospitv4, Peterborough, on Sunday, wherè Mns. Gilmour had undergone a surgical opera- tion a few days previous. The sympathy of this commun- ity is extepded to Mr. Lanson Milison and family in the passing of Mns. Milîson at Oshawa hospit- ai on Monday. Miss Berneice Milligan and Mns. Melville Joncs joined me*- bers of the Bowmanvilie E Star on a trip to tafe Saturday. Is It always «'the other dri- vet" who makes the miftake? If it is, take another look at yOowni drivlng, especllly during Safe-Driving Week, Der» 1 to 7. J Attention . 0 MILK SHIPPERS Guaranteed Ropairs le Ail BULK COOLERS We carry a complete lisse of Refrigeration Parts and Water Pumps Controls and Switches ACE REFRIGERATION SALES' & SERVICE L ~Cali Oshawa 'RA 3-2452 Pre-eooked and Smoked Phone MA 3-m5578 Bowmanville Frigid Locker System '73 KING ST. W. Genera I 1 1 1 - rWeKI Ný.w tu, Il m -- a 1 .1. TM CAMArL4MqTATISM«. BOWMANVILLlL ONTAM 9,T."TR-qnAv- nlgc!- Rra. Ion 1 1 "Ir "'I'b- sl,49

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