- - - -' - - -- Uneff - R fl A àA wA - A WR Al nA PAGETR WDEETAT a.uS?*iiwufo i im.iu UI, m, wI.I J.Zai.a.w, F Large Crowd Sees Junior Receive Prizes at Jr. Awai A large gatleienng composed Uic Durhxam County junior of agnîcultural clubs members, Fariner Association, thc Durliam their parents, fricnds and otixer County 4-H Agricultural Club farm. people, were present at the Leaders Association, Durliam Durixam Counfy Junior Award Count y 4-H Homemaking Clubs,l Niglit held in fixe Township fixe Extension Brandi ai the Hall, Orono, on Tliursday even- Ontario Department ai Agri- ing, November 27th. Bey. Gray, culture, sud fixe Northumber- president af the Durhiam County land and Durhxam Caunties 4-i Agricultural Club Leaders Council. Association, was fixe chaininan. Ed Kowal, wixo in 1958 won The Durhxam County Junior fixe outstanding 4-H Club -boy Award Niglit is sponsoned by award this year rcceived fixe $100 E. A. Summers Memônial Scholansixip for his fine record in 1959. The ciairman aifixhe E. A. Sumcrs Memonlal Trust Fund, Garnet Rickard, Warden aifixhe United Counfies, made fixe presentation fa young Mr. Kaw- ai. He congnatulated fixe young VEman for his achievements in flUDD U~UCI 4-H Agriculfurai Club and CO P E E SV Junior Farmer work. Warden Rickard also expresscd lis pleasure concerning fhe fact that -Mn. Kowai will graduate frorn COVERAGfixe Ontario Agricultural College, Guelpix, which lie fermed anc with of Uic ouf standing agicultural institutions lin Northx Amenica. WR,. Outstandlng Girl and Boy STATE FARMWilliam Tamblyn, 18, ai Onono, was acclaimied fixe out- il I standing boy lu Durhamu County M UTUAL4-H agricultural club work for M v Tuai1959, and fon lis accomphisix- at no extra costl ment was presented wifh a Bulova wist watcli by A. L. Hoocy, manager aofixhe Bow- No $25 deductible ta PUY manville brancix, Canadian Bank whe yo hae gassbrek- of Commerce. The outstanding whenyouhaveglas brak. girl in ftxe county agriculfunai aga or otiier damage to clubs is Marie Kent, 18, ai New- your cor.castle. Sixe was given an In- Our ar.scribed silven fay, malich compliments aifixhe Bank oi Commerce. Drop In and Seo DIRK E IMAN NEWCASTLE PHONE 3671 I~I ~ANCI Guesf Speaker Durhxam County lias an ex- cellent record ai agicultural success, fixe guest speaker, James Purvis staf cd. Mr. Purvis lu iead aiflice Englisix and Econom- ics Division cf fixe Kemptville Agriculfurai Scixool. He W83 introduced by Mci Wood, a Kemptvîlle graduate and leader ai flic Durham 4-H Pofaf o Club. "A leader is anc who finds fixe nceds ai Uic people lie is serving, and gives fixem tfie assistance tixey require," Mr. Purvis sait!. He added tixaf this truc leadership us mosf liclpful, sud lias nothing ta do wifh supenficlal glamour., He faid flic gatixcing tixaf Canadians could casily take a lesson froni thc people aiflice Nethelandisuad tfici lard labour fa acquire thici land. Hie describcd thc mctliods of irriga- tion in Holland, sud aiso told Attention Farmers! A meeting of special interest to farmers will be held i HAMPTON MUNICIPAL HALL Wednesday, Deéc. 9th 8:15 p.m. Two of the subjects will be i) problemns of farmers who supplement farm income by working Mn h- dustry; ii) the preservation of the family farm. SPEAKERS Gordon Hill President, Ontario Farmers' Union Clifford Pilkey Chairman, Farmer-Labour Co-ordinating Committee, Oshawa Labour Council Henry Nokes Farmer-Labour Representative, Canadian Labour Congress 00 ie f .V regardIs fSO FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING LIT US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES O..king gives you 25% more traction, kurusa tire life 15%. Drive sofely in am ced slush - your tiren..d flot be "V. FOR NEAVY SHOW DRIMVNO LET US (UT SHOW CLEATS Do oway with choins -we con cut MAd end snow cleots on your present tires thot will pull Yom through in sofety. ORLY $2.50 per lire HAP'S B-A SERVICE STATION MA 3-3136 CONER KING ST. AND WAVERLEY ROM) ai thc difficulties Uic population! there face. The arduous task of dralnlng waten from the inland sec was spi ken ai by Mr. Purvis, who àl6described the building ai dykes. He advised thic young fanmera present ta always take a great interest in Uder work, and ta continue ta study new methods and Iiprovements. lHe stated that a good spirit in necessary ta succesa. Durhiam Caunty Seed Judg- lng ConXpetiton-High Contes- tant-Lamne Tlnk. This trophy Is awarded by Lloyd K.ellogg, Past President of the Durham County Soil and Crop Iniprave- ment Association. Coach ofi the Higli Teain- Uorne Tlnk. A silver fray la awarded by A. 0. Dalrmnple, Agricultural Representative. Durhanm County Llvestock Judging Compefition. High Con- testant - Bownianville Lions Club Challenge Trophy. This trophy was presented in mcm- ory ai thxe late E. A. Sumniers, who was for many years an ac- tive member aifithe Bowman- ville Lions Club--Won by Don- ald Wehsh. Coachx of thxe Higix Teanx-E. A. Summrers Trophy - The watch whldx was presented by thc Fedenation ai Agriculture ta thxe late E. A. Summers lias been mounted on a trophy by tlic Fedenation for presenfation ta thxe coachi aiflihe igli teani. Won by James Coomnbes. C.N.E. ShieId-Presentcd ta fthe higli novice in flic Live- stock Judging Conipefif ion. Won by Glenn Qulnncy. Durhamn County Land Use Judgmg Competition-Forty 4- H. Club members, Junior Fam- ers. sud Senior Farmers partici- pated In thc 5011 Judging Çomn- petition this summer. Prize maney was pnovlded by fthe Central Lakce Ontario and Gan- araka Watershed Authoritlcu. A speciai award ai $25 la pre- sented to be uned ta attend su educatioxial course or tour. This award la pncscnted ta fthe higix 4-H or Junior Famnier membcr only and was won by Roy Me- Holm wlio Io planning ta attend the SoUls Short Course at the 0.A.C. this wlnter. Canadian National Exhibition Travelling Alan Clock-Har- aid Yellowlees. A suitably en- graved dlock, was prcsented ta Harold for belng the high con- testant in fthe judging ai dairy cattle af flic C.N.E. Eastcrn Ontario Bus Trip- Ken Bragg wus awardcd this tripi 1959. Durhamn Caunty Junior Fammers presenfed a cheque for $35. United Nations Trip-Marilyn Quantrill was thec winner in 1959. A cheque ion $35 was pre- sented by James Bell, Manager ai fixe Bank of Montreal, Bow- nianville. 4-H Homemaklnt Club Presentations June Lillycrop, Home Econ- omisf, presetxted a corsage fa tlic iollowing 4-H-1Homcmasking Club girls. County Hanours-Janice Tu!- iy, Louise Kinsman, Linda Mc- AIlister, Sandlra Gibson, Mabel Huggins, EMaine Syer, Muriel Neais. Provincial lHonours-Mvari-lyn Quantrill. This presentaf ion la nmade passible flirougx thc E. A. Suni- mens Memonial Fund. 4-H Arricultural Club Presentations M'Ilbrook 4-H Cali Club-A 100% Club wifli every memben completing. Royal Bank Tnay- TMus award la pnesented by Mr. Gemmil, Manager ai the Royal Bank, Pet erbono, ta Helen Strong. Leather Halfer-Donated by Mervin Smithi, leader ai Uic Millbrook Calf Club ta thc memben af the club witli fhe high score exclusive af the caïf. Won by Janice Timms. Previaus winncrs not ehigible. rClub Standing-Donald Win- slow, Helen Strong, David Brac- kcnnidge, Janice Tinurn, Mar- ion McCamus, Allan MVcCamus, Paul Winslow, Robent Braitn- waite, Mlaine. Syer, Mary trongCrichard Staes, Sa - The presentation, was made by J. R. Hein, Manager Canadian Bank ai Commerce, Part Penny. Club Standng-Ricky Rick- ard, Edward Watson, Gail Ba- ker, David Brent, Honnie Baker Don Ricicerd, James icko&rd James Rowan, Murray Brown, John D. Alliai, Rutlihcceslip, Kenny Wilson, Raîpli Heap, Gary McMulcn, Wayne Beck- ett, James Osborne, Walter, Ver- lcysen, Glenn Qulnney. Hope 4-H Cali Club A frophy awardcd by the Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation, Port Hope wa prcsentcd to Linda ÏDÜIOîatrý, higli member in flic club. Club standings are asfol- lows: Linda NkAllister, Fred Hookin, Marie Hoskin. xath. 1 'w, TIMUSDAY, DEC. SMd, 1951 Canadians Big Eatýz*-? Consume Twice asi fW As the Average FHndu Boughen and Don Boughen. Durham 4HOa.Cu Garnet Rlckard, Werden af Farmers elnanDuhm rstd Rowan. Club Standing-James Row- rd N i h t an, Donald Weleli, Harold Yel- ryn MeHoim, John Quantrlll, aid Welah, Merle ICent, Bruce Joai Marvin, Ane de Haas, Stainton, Douglas jiose, Helen Ruthl Marvine, Billy Beckett Knox, James Rlckard, Bill Tom- and Robert Beckett. linson, Patricia Knox, Donald fieler Club Awards Riekar d, William Kent, Carole Ontario Hereford Club Kent, Eric Shackletan, Ken- Ontario Hereford Club crests neth Knox, John Bougiien, Ter- were presented ta Sharon Bige. ry Tomflnsoji, David W"rr, low, Ruth Heaslip, Raipli Heas- Fre Hoskin, Walter Vericysen, Uip, Murr-yBrown, Gary Me. David Crawford. Mullen anGlen Smith. Penis Durhamn 4-3 Potate Club., wiere presenyted to James Row- The Durham 500 Bushel Po- an, Water Verleysen, Allen Gil- tato Club hme again generaualy lis, Roger Gilis and Linda Me- donated a trophy to tic high Mliter. membà oif thc potato club, Don- Ontario Jersey Club ald Welsli.- % Richard Staples, af Cavan, Fertillzer-A bag ot fertilizer recelved a certificat. of honor, was presented by Nk Wood,' a leather halter and a Canadian leader of tihe club ta the. second Jersey Club crest, al af whieh and third prize wifli, Marke are presented by the Ontario Kent and Billy Olan. JerseyClub.'Club Standing - Donald JerseyClub.Welsh, Marie Ket~, BIllY Olmn, Ontario 'Shorthorn Club jeani Baker, Henry BmIdtra, Ontario Sborthorn Club iea- Abrahami Hofstede, Vernon ther pads and pencils were EW-1, Wlnaton Olan, Jlm Van awarded to the follawlng exhi- Dyk, BiIly Van Belle, David bitors of Shorthorn calves at Crawford. thec calf club achievement day. Durham 4-H3 Sb.ep Club David Brackenrld-ge, Robert Bralthwaite, Allan Mcams B. Burke, Manager of the Marion MeCarnus, Helen Stronig, Bowmanville Brandi of the To- Mary Stropg, Elaine Syer, Don- ronto - Dominion Bank present- ald Winslow, Paul Winslow ced a dlock trophy ta the club James Osborne, Edward Wat_ wnner, Grant Glaspeil.. son, John David AllUn, Wayne Club Standing-Grant Glas- Beckett, Donald Rickard, Da- peUl, John David Allun Gaenn vld Brent, Rlcky Rickard, Gail Quinney, Jamies Riokard, Dav.ld Baker, Honnie Baker and James Brent, Don Riekard, Edward ickard. Stephen. D)urham 4-H Dalry Caff Club Durham 4-1R Poultoey Club A truc type model was pre- Ron Brooks, PouItry Club sentd t DoglasJ<s byLeader, presented a miniature James T. Brown, past presidenttopy nbhafi IeDr ai the Canadian Hoistein-Fries- hain County 4-H Club Leaders fan Association for'standi g Asec- iata oJohn Allun. ond ln club achievements. Wil- Club Standing -John Allun, liam Tamblyn placed flrst, but Lamne Tink, Jerry Hauiuk, Mer- prevbcus winners were not elh- vin Smith, Tom Hoar, Kenneth Èible ta recelve a model. Knox, WMlUy Hasluk, Ronald Theclu stndngsareasBroorne, Bernard McLean, Theows lstim sTarebl-ns Charles Murphy, Bllly Olan, ouglsJWlaseDo a Wlsh, Blaine Flint, Abrahanm Hof- DaogelaJoes, Bruc elBow-stede, Benny K.orapatwa.. Harod Yllolees Brce ow' The Danfortxh Foundation- mari, Pauil Tamblyn, Lorne incorporated solely for "educa- Tlnk, Patricia .@Knox, Larry tional, charitable, religlaus, and. Welsh, Grant Giaspeil, Bruce hunianitarian purposes" - han Stainton, John Allin, Siharon set aside a iund f0 recognize TamblYn, Ronald Welsh, Brian talent for leadership in farn Bradley, Rager Blckers, Bill youth, wierever found, and to Tomlinson, Donald Foley, Ke stimulate farm youth ta pur- Knox, Gary Jeffery, Loran poseful living. This la done bY P«o.ae, Jin Cryderman, Grant presenting ta themnat outâtand- Tamblyn, Harley Meçoy. Rob- ing four-square 4-H boy and te cxt Hamilton, Grant FlintOff, the mnat outstandlngly four- David Cryderrnan, Carios Cry- square 4-H girl icaci caunty demn, John Boughen, Terry or district, copies of thec Inspi- TmJnson, Ken Stamnton, Al-national book "I Dare You" fred Van de Velde, Helen.Knox, 1958 Winners - Helen Kux, Edgar Wenry, Bruce Hendry, James Coombes. 1959 Wlnfters Don Bougiien -and Ronald Lulce. -Pat Knox, Donald WeI.h. Durham 4-H Tractai E. A. Summers MeMertal Puad Maintenance Club Awards W. H. Brown, Bowmanville Through this fund, travelling Case Dealer, presented a trophy elocks with a special inscription ta club winner William Tam- axe awarded ta the top mcm- bîtyn. ber of eccl Agricultural Club Standings ln fthe club are as in 1959. follows: William Tamblyn, Following are thie wlnners of Bruce Stainton, Fred Hoskmn, the travelling élocks: Hope Caif Loran Pascoe, James Rickand, Club, Linda McAllister; Poul- Gary Jeffeny, Ronald Welsh, try Club, John Allin; Sheep Daug Jose, Grant Tamblyn, Club, Grant Glaspell; Millbroalc Tom Hoar, Walter Vericysen, Cali Club, Helen Strong; Tractor Jack Fraiser, Brian Annis, Da- Maintenance Club, Bruce Stain- vid Brent,_Bruce Hendry, John ton; Potato Club, Marie Kent; Ceadicasare among the e heavicit e4ten aof thc world. Wej consume an average, ai 3,0201 calories a dYamnist t'wice oni what the average Hindu exists.i Heavy manual laborers need "t royal ration ta kcep fit; heavr mental laborers need if1 only to conoolidate their spare tire. Wlxat do wc cst? Researchx by LG.A. Food Markets shows that Canadians living in rural and 1: mnettopolifcn areas have diifetS cnt catlng habits,; duo that, where hcalthy eatlng la con- cez'ncd, the fanm people are ahcad of their clty cousins by a country mile. To itart wlth breakfast, peo- p le l rural crocs .1111 eat at Icetic .etreained equiva- lent aof the old-tlnxe heavy farm breakfast, cercal and cream, pecakes or ,bccon-and-eggs, fý_tandjamL Whureaa fthe pressure oi city lice onlY affards a hastily-gulp- cd taast-and-ooffee ta prepare thc average family man for a day-long chiase of Mammion. In cities, 90% ai the business people cat no breakfast. Worst offenders: advertislng and pub-, lic relations cxccutives whose favorite means ai acquirlng ul- cen lin dlscussing business nt meals. Best boys: builders and constructors, most of whom have corne up flirougix the ranki; retalncd fthe habit of healthy, hearty meals. Of them, only 16% has ulcers, anly 24% diacuss business at meals. Besides thxe speed, in what way do metropohifan eating ha- bits difier from rural ones? A recent survey indicates that city people cat vaut aniaunts of rneat, bread, pastry and egg-s; forgef about fruit, vegetablesi and milk. Parm residents, on flhc other hand, eaf more fruit, vegctables and dalry productsj as well as flali, but go casier on meat sud pastry.1 An' iteresting phenomenoni la that people i smai towns1 tend ta copy metropolitan eat- lng habits ta the point oi calling ,the noon meal "lunch"' and the evening cnial "dinner"; whereas country people calixe ,noon and evenlng meal 11dinnerl and1 "supper" respectively.1 What's i a naine? Plenty. A' lunch by another naine coud be a nourishing dinner. But in, Uic clty, if seldom isl. The word' *"lunch', implies finicky picking at elegant littie dabs of food ln a breakfast nook: or a fat-; tcnlng sandwich sluiced downî by black coffee.i Whereas the country house- wife's noontime "'dinner" im- ples-and mostly consists o-: hearty servlngs of homemade soup, meat, patatoes, vegetables' suad haincnade bread.1 01 aIl nutritional sinners, fthe Grain Club, Harold Yelilowlees; Swine Club; Bruce Bowman; 1Beef Cali Club, Ricky Rickard; DairY Celf Club, William Tam- blyn. city housewife is the worst of-[I fender. Having ci spatchcd liDri loved cnes to wOro,,alci hoo,; she starts the day. with toasti and coffee. At nc3n, it's soLxPj and sandwiches v:ith the chl-1 dren, while at night the famil ha.s long finishied beore she i ready to eat. And ,yhat wvon can eat alone? Another differcace bCtw'cen metropolitan and rural cating habits is in th2 prcpiration of food. City People cýýt more cari- ned stuff, have, twice as manyi unplanned menzs as country familics. The cout»ry house- wife, perhaps bceuc lieer orily career is her home, spends more time in the kitelccn, uses more fresh food in meol preparation. Conclusion: city poPle shoulci eat more raw fruit zÀiij veget- ables, more &1- irY p-oducý1s, more fish (of wh7i(h Caradians 1 eat less than i inyDemr)I cut down on fats orand starcli2.;l cook vegoti*i1cv 'ý al dente" (about haif the lie .e usual1Y take to cook ihecin to a pulp). We are who-t \VC cnt. Only lean ment, cn<17 V C"', 0 light desserts viill mit rc-:e iun' our checks aoui or 0:1 naou chest.Fatn' fuoc1e only pro- vide padding,. create accrfn';. CL !, 1 i 13 can upset drieu.; 1 tr ans can ercaf :rv W\Vlk safely for Sf-)~ Wc- 'ý and any J MONEY i AVAILABLE FOI NMORTGAGES RALPH S. JOIES Barrister and Solicitor 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 Attenkm zn.0 ;, 7iY MEN I Ham ~Milling Co. is now M1Lx.Li- andi Handling a complefe lune of jr. C ncenfraie - 32%o Swa S.ý'z, Ca-cenirale - 24% to mix wvîth your otvn grains as well as ... UALF -\ETEl- GR OWER and Dry and Freshening Ration These i3'eefs Ae fll Blended with Molasses by cur:r 12e Molasses Mixer. DROP IN AND SEE JOHN BURROWS Hlan, DnwMilling Ca. Phone CO 3-21.ý'ý1 Hampton, Ont. TIIU YEAàR ENDED "CIO"" s, 15 ~GUR#~ WHAT THE B of M HAS TO MEUT TSM OIATHON CASH: The B af M has cash ini ts vaults and money on depasit with the Bank of Canada and other banks amaunting ta . . . . . .* CHEQUES ànd athe; items in transit - representing the net armaunt aof the moneys moving betweca branches aofixhe Bank and into the B ai M froua other banks on account of custamers' trans- actions... ..........*.... e INVESTrMENTSi The B af M maintains a strong liquid position through investinents in high-gradc gavernment bonds which have a rcady market. Listed on the Bank's books at amorlzed valut, they amount ta........ The B af M has other investinents - includlng a diversified 1sf ai high-quality shorf-fermx issues. These investmentq are carried et .. . . CALL LOANSi The B ai M has cal bans which are fully protected by quickly saleable securities. These loans amaunt to . ., . . 6 0 QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES: The resources listed above caver 51.6% ai ail that thc Bank owes ta the public. These "quick assets" emount ta . ................ . . .0 0 LOANS: During the year, many millions of dollars have been lent ta business and industriel enter- prises for production af every kind - ta farinera, fishermea, ailmen, miners, lumbermea and ranchers - fa citizcns in ail walks af life, and to Provincial anid Municipal Goveraments and Sohool Districts. These loams aniount ta MORTGAGES sud hypotheca insured under the National Housing Act, 1954 - rcpresentlng aà- vancea ta homebuilders . .* . .* &ANK BUILDINGS: In hamiets, villages, tawns sud large cities frain coast ta coast the B of M serve& its custamers at 800 offices. The velue ai the buildings owncd by the Bank, together with fur- niture sud equipmcnt, is shown on its booksatc OTIIER ASSETSs These chicS>' repregent Iiabollle of customers for commitments made by Uic Bank on thefr bebiali, covsring fareig ansd domes trade transactions. . . . . . . TOTAL RESOURCES WHICH THE $of M KU TO MEUT TS OBLIGATIONS . . 0 . -.a. a.a0.0. s 9 5r $ 302,015,952 WHAT THE B of M OWES TO OIS DEPOSITS: While many business firnis, mnnUfaC- turers, merchants, farmers and pcopicein cvery type af business have substaniel d voi ithi flic Bof M, well over haif of t!ie nicnicy on deposit with the Batnk is the p ý mcl wins of more than two million privace cî The. P total of ail deposits is....... ... .. . . 197816881 OTHER LIABILITIES: Miscellaneotis i!ci-'s, represont- ing mainly commitments undex 1ýd. :n iv îPiaBk on behaif of customers in ihecir f,.ciiiai-id domestic trade transactions 680,591,333' TOTAL 0F WHAT THE B of M OWE.S IlS DEPOSITORS AND OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203,646,327 192,284,783 $1,578,355,279 1,33,187,0»9 227,153,276 TO PAY ALI IT OWES, THE Bof M FiHýS TOTAL RESOURCES, AS SHOWN ON THE LEFT SIDE 0F THIS STATEMENT, AMOUNT- ING TO.................. . . .. .. WHICH MEANS THAT rHE B of M HA S RESOURCES, OVER AND ABOVE WHAT IT OWES, AMOUNfING TO. . . . $2,998,208,008 60,134,833 $3,058,342,841 3,259,693,572 $ 201,350,731 This figure of $201,350,731 is macle up of money subscribed by Uic shareholders and, fo somne exte.nt, of carnings which have froni finie ta finie been ploughocl bac!- into thec business fa broaden fthe Bank's services and fa givc addcd protection for fixe depasitars. * * * BANK~,0F MONTREAL ea«aag 9>î4 a4 47.W09,972 Bewmanville Branch: Oshxawa Branch. 3e87,967 $3,239,693,372 JAMES BELL, Manager JAMES McCANSÈ, Manager WORKING WITII CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK 0F LIFE SINCE 1817 STATE FARM MUTUAI AUTOMOBILi INSURANCI COMPANY Uead Office:. Toronto, Canada GO1 »! 1 amimamum The wild bushmen of Aus., tralia can make a boomerangt curve in an anxazing mianner. They can throw It so that it will travel straight for 30 yards, describe a circle 53 yards !n, diameter and thers return to the tihrower; or they can make it hit the ground, circie in the air and. return. -Encyclopie da ies