TEE ANATAN TATSMAN BOMANVLLE ONTIUOPAGE ELEVEN Mr .and Mrs. Charles Megit and Wayne visiteci in Toronto on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nino Martini and family. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hare spent last weekend visiting wîth their son, Dr. J. H. Hare and iamnily. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dean and Ma ry visited with Mr. Dean's mother, Mrs. Ed. Dean, in Orono on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould and family spent the weekend in Newmarket visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mitchell and fam- Ily. Recent dinner guests with the Rev. M. C. ai-d Mrs. Fisher and family were Col. and Mrs. E. Johnstone and Mr. Will John- HOMIELITE c À ýý AIN AW PERFORMA NCE DEPENDA BILITY for cil cutting jobs a Weighs only 18 Ibs. a Fels trees up ta 4 fil. in diameter. e Full power in any position. a Easy on gas end Iow maintenance. e Fush cut handie for ground-level cutting. e Quick starts in any weather. See and try the Super Zip ut ]Baulch Air Cooled Molors Lakeshore Rd. Port Hope, Ont. TU 5-2760 stone of Burlington, P.E.I., and Miss Elizabeth Jcrhnstone of To- ronto. The regular monthly paper collection of th.e Sigma-C group of the United Church will be held on Monday evening, De- cember 7th. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare spent last Friday visiting with friends in Brighton. The annual Chrlstnm concert of the Junior Sunday School of the United Church ig sched- uled for Friday evening, Dec- ember il, in the Sunday School auditorum. On Friday afternoon, Novem- ber 27th a most successful ba- zaar was held under the joint auspices of the Afternoon and Evening Branches of the Wo.n- an's Auxiliary of St. George's Church in the Lions room of the Conmnunity hall. There were tables for home-baking, candy, fancy work and rum- mage. There was also a fish pond, a hat bar and a tea room. A Christm*as cake donated by Mrs. E. AlIldread was drawn for with the lucky ticket being held by Mrs. George McNeir. Community Bowling Resu Its NEWCASTLE - The men's bowling league members met recently and elected the follow- ing off icers to operate the lea- gue, President Ted Belsey; Sec- retary-treasurer Jack Lees and executive members Bill Storks and Staný Powell. High single rolled ln the men's league last week was 257 rolled by Don Lake with Brian Rowe getting the high triple of 637. Team Standings Men's League Pts Typhoons 14 Spitfires -__________12 Mustangs -- 8 Arrows 7 Avengers ____7 Wild Cats _________6 Hurricanes -_____2 Sabres-------- .- .____2 Mixed League Pts Hot Shots _________14 Alley Cat.s 12 Hi Jacks _____-10 Sugar Jets ____7 Misfits -------------5 Underdogs 4 Shreddies ____..____2 Rosebuds 2 The high single scored in the mixed leagues last week was 218 rolled by Tracy Embley and the High Triple 528 rolled'by Brian Rowe. High scorers or schedules of the other leagues have not been reported as yet, maybe they have not been organized yet. No Election in Village Return Ail Officiais NEWCASTLE - At the Civic and R. B. Riekard proposed by nominations held in the coun- W. F. Hoar and I. McCullough cil chambers on Friday evening were also re-elected by acclam- all ncument embes oftheation. ail ncuben meber ofthe The three members of the Newcastle village council, pub- Public School Board whosel lic school board and hydro com- terms expire at the end of the mission were returned to office year were re-elected for another by acclamation and, for the first two year term as members of time in the memory of this re- the Board. John Rickard, pres- porter, not a single name was ent chairman of the Board was proposed to contest any of the proposed by H. S. Britton and offices. i econded by E. W. Fisher. D. Reeve Douglas J. Cunning- G. Walton was proposed by ham, proposed by H. S. Brit- Fred Couch and Frank Hoar ton and seconded by G. A . Wal- and Irwin J. McCullough was ton was elected to serve hlis proposed by Albert Pearce and fourth term as Reeve of the vil- Frank Hoar. lage while Fred G. Couch, pro- H. Stanley Graham who has posed by Gordon Agnew and served several terms as a mem- Frank Hoar was elected to servel ber of the Newcastle Hydro his tenth consecutive term as a! Commission and is now presi- member of the village counil .' dent of the Eastern Division of Frank Hoar, propoced by F. J. the Ontario Municipal Electric Rickard and Irwin Colwi'Il, Association was returned by ac- Murray Paterson proposed by clamation to serve another two Albert Pearce and Irwin Colw Il; 1y ear term on the commission, Horticulturail Society Elects Officers for 1960 NEWCASTLE - At a recent meeting of the executive of the Newcastle Horticultural Society held in the Newcastle Com- munity Hall a past president, Mrs. Percy Brown, presideci when a new slate of officers was presented and accep Led for the year 1960. The new officers are as fol- lows: Past President, Mrs. H. Jose; President, Jack Wade; let Vice President, Mrs. George Stephenson; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Percy Brown; Secretary, Mrs. Ceci Fergusün; Treasurer, Charles Megit. Two Yea'r Directors are Mrs. D. Cunningham, Mrs. Harry Jose, Mrs. Archie Glenney, Mrs. Herbert Gibson and Mrs. Louis Clark. One Year Directors are Mrs. W. Milligan, Mrs. George Walton, Mrs. Wm. Rudell, Miss Bernice Milligan and Mrs. Alf Garrod. Auditors are C. R. Car- veth and George Bonathan. Elect Mrs. Dewdne y New President of W.A. NEWCASTLE-The Evening, Branoh of St. George's Woman's Auxiliary met in the Parishi Hall on Wednesday evening, November 25th with eighteen members la attendance. The R. C.M.P. Story Wins Contest. For Oratory NEWCASTLE - A public speaking eontest was held in the senior room of the Newca3- tle Publie Scuhool during the month of Noventber with each pupîl preparing a speech on the topic of his or her choice. During the first week in~ No- veniber each pupil had the op- portunity of giving the speech prepared, with seven pupils be- ing chosen for the final con- test, which was judged by Mrs. Clarence Allun assisted by M-s. George Stapleton. Vicki Chard won the prîze for the best speech prepared and delivered by a pupil of grade eight, while the top hon- our in the school was won by Stella Malkiewicz, a grade sev- en pupil for her speech on the "Royal Canadian Mounted Po- lice. Stella then went on in the county contest to Campbellcroft where she comnpeted with other winners fromn varicus schools fiii the county. She was e'iminated in this contest, but she, and the ten other pupils v.±o accompan- ied her to this contest gained much valuable experi- ence in public speaking. opening prayers were folowed by the minutes of the last meet- ing and the reports of the Trea- surer, Fiower Secretary and the Little Helpers' Convenor. Bils, for the Dorcas commit- tee were passed and it was de- cided that the Branch would meet on the first and third Wed- nesdays in the month commen- cing in January and that when there vere five Wecnesdays ln a month there would be three weeks between meetings instead of two. It was announced that the Little Heipers' Chtma Party will be hel*d in the Par- ish Hall on Tuesday, December 8th from 2.30 to 4.30. The an- nual Christmas banquet of the Branch is being held in the Elxuhurst Hotel on Wednesday, December 9th. The election of officers forý 1960 resulted as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs. D. R. Dewdney; Vice President, Mrs. Aif Garrod; Treasurer, Mrs. K. Stephenson; Secretary, Mrs. E. Fielsey; Flow- er Secretary, Mrs. M. Gogerty; Dorcas Committee, Mrs. Bill Lake and Mrs. George Crow- ther; Little Helpers' Convenor, Mrs. Alex Hendry; Press Secre- tary, Miss Mary Dewdney; and Refreshments convenor, Mrs. Bob Simpson. Following the election of of- ficers the meeting was brought to a conclusion with the serving of refreshments and a social time was enjoyed. Recreation Committee Report NEWCASTLE - The Newcas- tle Recreation Committee are holding registration for boys wishing to play hockey ia the village Minor Hockey League this winter. The registrations wihl be accepted at the com- munity hall on Saturday mora- ing commencing at 10.30 for all boys who were seven years of age -and not over 14 years of age on August lst 1959. The comimittee le looking for- ward to a good league of boys froni 7 to 14 years to play hoc- key in the Memorial Arena th;s wiater. As last year the regis- tration fee is $1.00 to cover the cost of insurance, This is the only cost to the boys as free time on the rink is supplied for this Miýnor Hockey League. For the information of the parents we are publishing here- wlth sorne of the benefits sup- plied by this insurance policy. 1. Up to $500 for each accident which occurs during games, tra- vel to and from games, which necessitates the treatment or services of a physician, sur- geon, radîologist, registered nurse, ambulance service or hospitai coste la excess of cov- erage supplied by the Ontario Hospital Plan. 2. Up to $50 for the treatment by a dentist to i- jured cound natural teethi. 3. $1.000 in the case of accidentai deathi. All benefits are payable in addition to any other coverage the players may have, except Goverament Hosp-*tal Plans. The Comrnittee 'would appre- diate any offer of help from citizens who wouhd be willing to help with the coaching of these teams if they would con- tact Tracy Eatbley or Samn Bre- reton of the, Coznmittee. A note to the parents, remem- ber Minor Hockey is a famly affair-don't send Your boy to the rink-takc hlm. Gordon Agnew, Ediior Phono 3621 Tlewcasdle SPECIAL VALUE! Pyrex 9" Pie Plates Stili available - Check your local IGA Store for this sensational offer! Fancy Grade - Ontario's Finest - 6 qt. basket Mcl ntosh 5fc Apples, 7 GOLDEN RIPE lBananas 2Ibs. 25c Lean - Mild Cured - Peamealed Cottage Roils lb39qc + + + FRYINGCHICKEN Legs and Breasts Del Monte Fancy - Save 6c Fruit Cocktail 12Tin 39C Green Giant - Save 7c Nibiet s Corn 3 Australian - Save 4c Se ediess Raisins Ail Purpose - Save 6c Robin Hood Flour Dairy Fealure Black Diamond - Save Oc Old White - 12 oz. eut Cheese Wedges55 14 OZ. Tins d'7 C 2 lb. pkg. ic Frozen Food Fealure Red Steer Beef Chip Steaks 4 Pkgs. 8 7£ Reg. 29e each - Buy 3, get 1 Free SHOP AND SAVE AT.0a Bowmanville IGA Market OGNTARIOL Toms', IGA Market nEwcASTLEGITAN Officiais At QuiettP NEWCASTLE - Following the nominations on Friday evening la the council chamber of the Newcastle Comnunity Hall, Mrs. Floyd Butler presid- ed for the meeting of Ratepay- ers and called on the members of council, school board and hy- dro commiission who had just been elected by acclamation to speak to the small represen- tation of the village ratepayers preserit. Reeve D. J. Cunningham, af- ter thanking the propocers of hic nomination, spoke of his ap- preciation to the members of the village council for their co- operation durin.g the past year and told the ratepayers that there had been many differen- ces of opinion during the year but that ia spite of these the members had worked in close harmony. Hie also praised the work of Mrs. Butler, the village clerk who, he said, has the for- titude to stand up to the many things chie has had to contend with. The Reeve said that council had been able to carry out the work that had to be done wiîh the taxes collected and caid they had approximatehy $5,000 to carry on to the end c f the year. He said that since he has been Reeve there lias been no deficits on the auditor's report. He sald council had passed a bylaw to set up the -recreation committee in a proper manner taking in the park, the arena etc., a new taxi bylaw where- by taxis in the village must be properly covered by insurance for vehicles and passengers and use only up-to*-date cars. He said that the village roads had been greatly improved and that within five years ail roads in the village should be hardtop- ped with litthe or no more cost than before. The Reeve said the Countiesi Council had spent $2,355 this year on improving the Lake road and that it would be com- pleted in the spring. He said the council were issuing debentures of $15,000 for the hydro com- mission for a new sub-station now under construction but these would be repaid by the commission and would flot be collected from the taxpayers. He said Harold Couch was now maintaining a dump for the vil- lage for $300 a year which is just the came amountthat was I ,Social anc1 (/)ersonal NEWCASTLE RECREATION COMMITTEE REGISTRATION for NINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE Boys under 7 years of age and under 14 years as of August lst, 1959 SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5th, at 10:30 COMMUNITY HALL Fee $1.00 for each boy to cover insurance No Shopping Trip Is Compi et e W itho ut Refreshing * * SMITH DEVERAGES AO Made and Roffl.d Dy BOWMA MVI LLE %-r' llbïiâf mmend THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVffJjZ ONTAIUO - -- -- -- A lr rIT-r J.d. lq59 less than the department ot Subm t Re ortseducation figure according to Subm t Re ortsthe Dept. of Municipal Affaira. Irvin McCullough ant D. G. Walton the other two school Iomination Meetingprpseofteirnoiation and promised to do the best spent on buldozing the old year and work had been done they could for the ratepayers dump.on te soth sctio at the lowest possible cost. rd Cochsad eIads nv- the osthetforpreparirig 1 George Walton, cpeaking on ed onCoundi for ie y era th oil ntetringorsurfacing 1behalf of Stanley Graham who undon fou i res nenjyed wth oads iipi ecouHe id was elected to the hydro coin- the for ee snid his yeheofthe ovsinage had h section mission and unavoidably de- thewor. H sad tis ea heof he illge ad llbeen tained from the meeting, said had been chairman of the pro- graded during the past week ihe was sorry there were not ponsible oritheemantenance o and should be in good chape for more of the ratepayers present posbefrte aneac fthe winter. to hear the reports of their bus- the park, arena, lakefrontiness given. He said the hydro dump, street lights, etc. He School Board Report commission was la the process naid the village durnp had been John Rickard, chairman Of. of building a new sub-station cleaned up and fenced, the le.ke. the Public Sehool Board, saîd at a c oct of $28,105. He said the front levelled and cleaned uP fthat hie was pleased to see the present station has a capacityr and a nuinber of new street re-election oV the present memn- of only 60() kilowatts per day lights had been installed. He bers of the board because theY and the present use of power said hie had a lot of hard maple alongý with the othner members in the village is 240 kilowatts trees planted around the village 1who were elected for two year above capacity. He said the new and now it was getting nare; rme last year had gotten along substation will supply 3,000 kil- time to put Christmas decora- well and harmony prevailed in owatts and will supply suffici- tions up on the streets and pub- the meetings. M.r. Rickard said ent power to the village for lic buildings. the school board had a budget years to corne. He said lt is the Frank Hoar who has served of $16,000 from the council sup- hope of the commission that the five years on council naid he plemented by Goverrament new sub-station wfll be in full had been chairman of the Fire grants. He naid the board had operat ion in a week's time and and Police committee for the completed the renovation of the that barring an increase -in past year. He said the only cap- moons in the school started pr.'- rates fromn the Ontario Hydra ital expenditure that had been' viously and had renovated the it wi.ll not cause any increase made on the fire departmnent lunchroorn in the basemeiit in rates to the consumer. this year had been the pur-1 making it into one of the finest chase of a used pick-up truck classroorns in the school, at a to take corne of the overload cost of under $2,000. He said Headlights do not always re- from the pumper. He said the that the Government grant was veal pedestrians. -Walkers who volunteer firemen are painting down $ 1,800 this year due to a trust motorists take their lives and equipping the truck free of supposed increase in the equal- in their hands. Wa]k safely in charge and it will carry the ized assessment of the village, Safe-Driving Week, Dec. 1 to 7. auxiliary pump and corne of the, other equipment that has ____________________________ been overloading the regular truck. Councilior Hoar said he âiad overspent his budget on po- of a spdroion thfin ecsl- Extra cash for sho ingF lice spdrointhfines bcouse lected for speeding la the vil- lage, when the new îaw was Shop now, pay later-with cash from passed requiring the placing of HFC. Convenience is yours-speed signs where radar was being used to stop speeders. and courtesy, too-when R. B. Rickard salddlhe had yumk nisamn been chairman of the sidewais yumk nmsalment committee where little had been cash boan at Household. spent this year, on maintenanceII only. He said hie had plannetd Drap in or phone fora on building some new sidewalk loan up ta $2,500. and called for tenders but that when he was ready to go ahead the contractor had too much Li1f. lnsuranc. avrolable on al bans work and was unable to do the job. Councillor Murray Paterson, chairman of Finance and Roads 1O S H L I A C Committees 4aid that hie had budgetted for $6,000 on roads and had spent 1$5,457 to date leaving him about $500 to carry 64 King Street East; :;::;Telephone RA 5-6526' on until the end of the year. OsaaSopnCnteTlhn R5- He said that the road surfacing haoSopnIetr.....*Tlehn A513 prograin started in the north OSHAWA section of the village last year would be completed in another__________