'r ' ~ ~<1~ qm eiA AAW UAMUiAWfPV~ J7TWéM' TRURSDAY, DEC. Srd, 198 By Frak M.~nMA 3-723< BADMINTON TOUGH?. Although people who have never played badminton mlght think it in£a sSspor-ýt, those who bave participated wM t ell you that it is probably one of the woeld's toughest sports. Badminton requime more eu-ordination and sUil than bauketbafl, hockey or football. In an average singles badminton mnath lasting 20 minutes, a player makes 350 coinplete changes in direction, cuvera oune mûe and makes 400 strolces, expending as much energy as a basebail pitcher does i three coplete games. The shuttie at Urnes travels at a speed of 120 miles on hour. The pulse rises on an average from72 tb 120, wbile Mlood prewure increases hrot 120 to 145. Note-The above was taken fro a tudy compfied by the physical educabion at Baylor University. t t 1* t ftt KINSMEN BOWLING CLUB The Sunday afternoon Kinsmen Bowling Club la provlng ta be extremely popular. However, there gtlil are lanes avail-1 able for anyone who hasn't yet joined the club. If yÔu're look- ing for recreation for the entire lamily, the doois are open fro one o'clock until six. t~ t t t t TEENAGE BOWLING Anyone who is interested in helping the teenage bowlers out, in the capacity of coach, would be more than weicome at Liberty Bowl, Saturday alternoons. The league is comprised of six girls' teains and six boys' team,, and several coaches are needed. t t t . * t JUVENILE LOOF FORMED At a meeting of JuVenile hockey enthusiasts Sunday aller- noon in Whitby, a six-team league was formed. There bs also a possibility that Ajax may enter as the seventh team, but they would only play a single schedule, with ail games away frôm home. Definite entries have been reeeived from WVhîtby, Port Perry, Lindsay, Port Hope, Stouffviile and Bowmanvflle. Il appears ikely that ail Bowmanviile home gaines wfll be played at the Memorial Arena on Saturday nights. The schedule gels underway Monday night, Dec. 7th, with the localse liraI home game probably on the foilowing Saturday, Dec. 121h. There will be an exhibition encounter here Ibis Saturday night against Whitby. [t is expected that a Midget meeting will be called soon, with the possibilily Ihal a league rnighl be formed. t ~t t t*1 *t CHAMPS FOR SURE The Bowmanviile Olympia basebail club is sure now 1ha1 they have won' the Ontario Juvenile Championship, having received the trophy and crests Ihis week. A banquet is being planned la honour the local athietes In thé near futurç. However, as details aren't definite as yet, a further report will be.made i next week's column. HOW TO HAVE AN ACCIDENT What's that you say? You tried ail summer to smash up your car, but those other clowns on the road kept evading youl WeIL, don't despair. You'l ~have plenby of chances ini the .~months ahead, when everybody jelse is so busy trying to drive safely on snow axid ice. Bill Steven And why flot increase your chances of an accident by follow- ing this list of Rules for Bad Driving In Winber: Always make sure, before you start out, that your windshield wipers are either hopelessly worn out or else broken completely. If the defroster keeps clearing your wind- shield, turn it off. (You may also find it heipful to cover the windshield with safety stickers). On ice or snow, speed Up at every opportun- ity and jain on the brakes. This wil give you the thrill of a lifetime. In fact it may be the last thnill of your lifetime. Always "bail-gate" the car ahead. If you leave a gap, you may be mistaken for one of those despicable safe drivers. If you own a set of chains, hang them in the garage. They make attractive ornaments. Neyer, under any circumstances, buy snow tires. The urge to put them on the car may be more than you can resist. If you're stili ail in one piece after several weeks of this kind of driving there's only one thing left tb do. Find some- body whose car is stailed on the road. Pull up right A ORSRIE behind him and lean o n your horn. If that doesn't Guadia land you in the hospital, Maintenance nothing will. Lý"-- Happy Accidents! DiltuEn WE STILL HAVE A FEW EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD USED CARS b.ing traded ln on 140 modela And Komember . .. it pays to' eertifled deaier, where ail latei buy from a model tars are gueranteed. Goodyear1 Hockey Leaguel A pairet unfemftl steaks vme ebluted ma Sunday afler- noon's Goodyear double-head- er. la the tirst gain the cellar- dwelling Rose stopedthie Fan Béita four garne splu.rge on a 5-4 decîsion. Thenghbeap, aw the. uideieated Office droP a C-= Mtt 1.lats. "Buc" Colesmiter with two and a hall mimutest.pa gave the Rose tbir voy after the Pan Seltz baul battled back fro a three goal deficit .to tie the score 4-4. Jerry Mar- jerrison and Dan Giardi thi a pair, put the vinners labo an early tbree goal bulge-. Lloyd Hamiltoni got one back for te Tan Boîta, but Girardi added bis third te gain the I.Sd. Raye West triggered a pair and George He.«th knotted th. caunt, as aul tAree goals cam witlun a five minute span Howard Quinncy pesuo.afly handed the Office tbeir first setback, rattling in 1h. lirst five' Mlat talles. The leagu-leaders were never in 1he gaine, as the winncrs broke through a par- oua dcfenoe ie and lime again. Only an outstaiKling goal-tending disçlay by Vince Vanstone preventcd the umrgin from being inuich highcr. Ted Fairey was right mn step, pick- ing up a single goal and four assists. John Osborne account- ed for te other Mat score. Pe- ter Stacey, Jack Bond and 1#1 Lyle pieked up thie Office goals. Teani Stadtfgs W L Pli Office _ _ _3 1 9 Fan Belts __ __3 à 7 Mats ________ 3 3 7 HOseM __.....-....2 4 à Mixed League Bowling Fred Luxtons tcam took over sole possession of the league- leadership, Friday night, blast- ing out a 7-0 win over Pat Yco's celar-dwellers, while the other two clubs whe had been lied1 with Luxton. both lost.. Jini Cox's beam found theinselves ail te way down te lufth, alter dropping a 7-0 aetback to Ccc. Mutlon's crew. Bob Milchell's outfit handcd Art Spicer's club a 5-2 lbas, in an upset which pushed bhc lasers ta third. Jack Bond's bowlers won over Joe Nowlan, 5-2 to hold lte runner-up position, &long with Mutton. Elton Brock's teain alowed signa of making a drive ta lte upper division, when thcy trounced Bud Ed- mondson's crew 7-0. The Mutbons took over wherc te Etchers 1.11 off last week, with Dore Mubton taking bot thie ladies' hlgh triple of 635 and iigh single of 253, while Cee. Mutton's 693. total took men's high singe honours. Rick Gaould grabbed off lte high single with a 279 mark. Pat Yea swung back into ac- lion with a 654 triple, foilowed by Rick Gould 637 and Fred Luxton 621. Other top gaines' were 'rccord.d by Jack Bond 248, Fred Luxton 248, Cee. Mut- ton 239, 232 and 222; Pat Yeo 239, 227; Em Stringer 233, Onie Etcher 225 and Pal Bartels 223. Toam Standing. Teanu sW L Pts Luxton ___ __ 15 6 36 Bond_______ 14 7 32 Muitton______ 14 7 32 Spicer 13 8 31 Cox _______ 12 9 29 Brock _ __ -9 12 22 Mitchell -____ 9 12 21 Edinondson ____ 9 12 21 Nowlan______ 8 13 17 Yeo____. 2 19 4 Averages Gaines Ave. Elton Brock____ 21 228 Joe Nowlan -___ 21 212 Morley Etcher _ 21 210 Onie Etcher ___ 21 206 Jack Bond ____ 21 2061 Ron1 -muttaÏ Dn ____ 21î 160 Leo Curtin-_ __ 21 159 Amy Winacatt - 21 158 Emma Bromnell - 21 158 Ferne Bradley - 21 154 Jim Cox -- -___ 21 154 Jessie Heenan -__ 18 154 Doreen Charles 21 152 Ada Luxton - -__ 18 150 Carole Reynolds 15 150 Don Bradley - 21 146 Duaine Palmer 21 144 Miarie Yco_____ 18 144 Ruth Yake ____ 21 139 Kay Luxton ___ 21 138 Mary Nowlan - 21 132 Everett Winacotb 15 125 Betty Brougit - 21 120 Dot !Idmondson 18 1201 Marie Curtin - 18 119 Walter Rundie - 18 114 Ivy Rundie - 18 104 Ruby Spicer 15 99 Kay Grahamn___ 18 97 Ladies- Igit Single - Dore Mullon -. - 253 Ladies' 11gt Triple Dore Mutton - -_____635 Men's Higit Single- Rlck Gauld .____279 Menas Higit Triple - 1 Ceci Mutton ______493, Outstanding Bowlers Help to Open New AIleys The large crowd attending the opening of Liberty Bowl Ltd, Lorraine Murphy, Betty Sackett, ail of Oshawa; Hilda Brock, Bernice on Saturday evening were thrilled to watch somE' of the ace bowlers in Buday, Doris Joil, Onie Etcher, Helen Dunn and Lydia Bates, ail of Bow- the country in action. They weie in competition with local teams who manville. Bottom photo: The Pasquales teamn, including Jirft Houit, Vie showed up surprisingly well against such top competition. At top, the Bernard, Bert Argarsie, Paul Shanahand, Bob Taylor and Vie D'Orazic, visiting Oshawa ladies team played a Bowmanville select group, from and for Bowmanville: Pete Dobbins, Keith Slemon, Howard Rundie, left to right: Merl Poch, Chris Collins, June Grice, Marion Dingman,1 Russell Oke, Ab Piper, Ted Bagneli and Elton Brock. Kens B Ias! Jewellers Il - 3 Works De pi. Upsets Ste phens A 19 point performance by the line of Lloyd Hamiflton, Don Masters and Dan Girardi, paced Ken's Men's Wear ta an 11-3 -Win over Hooper's Jeweilers in thc opening game of Thursday night's Town Hockey League double-header. Hamilton col- lected seven points on two goals and live assists, Masters rapped in three goals and assisted on threc more, while Girardi scor- cd twice and picked up four assista. Hamnilton gave Ken's a 1-0 edge in the firsî period, but ten the roof feul in on goalie "Slip" Rowe and bis team- mates, as the winners pun-4ed home five markers ini each or lte remaining two periods. Jimn Olinski bagged a pair of tailies, with singles going to "Mort" Richards and "H-ank" Lane to complete the Men's Wear total.1 Paul Gearing, Brian Hughesl and "Whitey" Preston account-1 ed for lte Jewellers' goals. The win, following last week's loss' on a protest, put Ken's mb oa second place lie with Hooper's.1 In lte nightcap, the Dept. of Works marked up their secon d Win in a row, after four straight defeats, handing the league-i leading Stephen Fuels a 5-4 set- back. For the Fuels, il was a re- versai of lte Works' record, as 1 they accepted ioss number two after four wins ini a row Howard Quinney noteihed the lone taily mid-way through the opening session, but "Chuclz" Kilpatrick evened the count early in lte second. Paul Mc- Cuilougit put lte Dept.' of Works in front at the haIf way IMen's Major Bowling I Bull HearIe bowled the high Jones bad 408, Kari Biekeil 425, single game and the high triple Jack Brough 428, Keith Shack- of the season on Wednesday elton 430, Coulson Wooiner 434, night when he bit 357 for one Long John Moorcraft 446 and and followed up wilh two more Glen Lander 449. games of 169-341 for a grandAleCatr total of 867. Ile hatr Pete Dobbins also bit the 800 On Saturday night Mayor Wil- mark with games of 268-238-298 frid Carruthers made bowling àt for a total of 804. AI Osborne Liberty Bowi officiai with the was third with 775, Larry Piper, traditionai cutting of the red the youngest member of our ribbon assisted by the President league had a reai big night Nelson Osborne and the Manager bowling, 769. Si Trewin 748, George Elliott. Russ Lane 741, George Piper Frank "Toady" Williams and tried ta keep up ta bis son and Cecii "Goozy" Osborne, both finished with 730, Big Ed Leslie members of our league, bowled 714 and Russ "Shady" Lane 709.1 the first officiai bail of the Dr. AI Sylvester bad a nice season. single game 324, Ed Leslie 320, The higbiight of tbe evening Russ Lane 310 and Larry Piper was the display of bowling put 300. on by the famous Pasquaies of Bob Kent lefI the bowling the Toronto City Major League alley lalking le bimself as he and the girls ail-star team from had just completed bowling the Oshawa. The Bowmanville girls magnificent score of 62. We won thelr match but aur men 's believe Ibis is the lowest score teama was outclassed by the ter- Bob has ever bowled in aur rifie bowling of Pasquaies. league. Keith Shackleton was Ail in ail il ývas a wonderful a clIose second with 77, Murray evening and a tremendous crowd Tighe had 112 and Harry Akey was on hand ta witness the 114. opening ceremonies. In the low triples Bob Kent Details of the game are being was again in a class by bimself.1 covered by the Sports Editor Bob fnished with a 377, George Frank Mobun. LIBERTY DOWL LTD. Base Line Aileys Availahie for OPEN BOWLING Every Day PHONE MA 3-5663 mark, only ta have Quinney rap in a pair in litIle over a min- ute ta inake il 3-2. Rayé West knotted lte count a minute and 24 seconds later, and Sam Thompson gave thel D.W. Club a 4-3 edge, six sec- onds before the period ended. Kilpatrick's second taliy prov-ý ed to be the winner at lte 12:99 mark of the third, a minute and 17 seconds afler Ted Fairey made il a lie score for lte fourth lime. Stephens iifted goalie John Fowier in favour of a sixtit attacker, wîth a mnin- ute and a half to play. Team Standings W L Pts, Stepiten Fuel Ken's Men's Wear - Hooper's Jeweilers Dept. of Works-- Team Janzen - R. Oke R. McKnight D. McKnight Osborne- Perfect - Hailman Larmer- B. Oke- Bagnel - Dobbins- Samis Brock Gay Leslie Piper - w 12 12 il 1 01/2 101/2 10 10 10 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 L 6 6 7 71/2 71/ 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 il il 12 13 Averages Name G Pete Dobbins 18 AI Osborne - -___ 18 Dr. K. Siernon -18 D. McKnight 18 T. Bagneli --18 R. Oke __-18 L. Piper----------- 9 Dr. H. Rundie- 18 E. Brock -___18 B. Moses ____-18 Si Trewin _____18 Ab. Piper ____18 F. Mohun 18 B. Hearle -____ 18 J. Parker ____ 18 J. Castie ______ 18 M. Dale ____18 B. Oke _____ 18 R. Hearle _____18 C. Oke _____17 H. Palmer _____18 F. Cowle -____18 F. Samis -____ 18 D. Bishop 15 R. Lane --- -___ 18 M. Vanstone- 18 G. Stephen 18 E. Perfect -____ 15 J. Gay -- -____ 18 IF. Lewins 181 D. Giihooly- 18 B. Engley -___18 E. Leslie - - 18 J. Stainttrn 18' R. Haliman _____18 B. Bates -_____ 18 J. Lander -_____18 B. Weslake _____18 F. Williams ____18 B. Shotter -_____ 18 2 8 3 6 3 6 4 4 PIs.1 12 12 il0 101/2 10 10 10 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 Ave. 250 239 232 226 225 2251 224, 2221 2221 222 218 217 216! 2161 2141 212 210 210 210 209 208 2081 208' 207 207 207 205 205 205 205 204 203 203 203 203 202 2011 2001 200 200 An experienced salesgirl leaned over lte counter and whispered t lte customer: "If I may, Jet me give you a word af advice, please don'I use titis if ou re iluffing." - Teenage Bowling Doug Shirk and Lowell Hig'î- field turned in top efforts in the Teenagre League, last Saturday afternoon, as Shirk rolled 352, 243 and 210 for 805 and Hign- field put together scores of 247, 227 -and 257 for a 731 triple. 1 Don Oke registered a 268 garnie, followed by Jim Mloorcraft 253, Lee Rackhiam 238, Don Bagntil 226, Jim McKnight 224 and Bob iVeManus 222. Lowell Highfield's team trounced Don Bagneli's bowlers 7-0 te increase their league lead- ership te three points. Howard Rundle's outfit decisioned Vince Molloy's tail-enders 5-2 to take over the runner-up position froin Jim Moorcraft's club, who dropped a 7-0 setback to Doug Shirk's team. Boy's Team Standing L. Highfield 301 H. Rundie ___271 D. Shirk --- ---241 J. Moorcraft 23: ID. Bagnel 1 V. Molloy --- 7 In the girls' division Brendal Oke's team defeated Helen Van-' stone's pin-spillers 5-2 to take over the league-leadership by one point, as Virginia Brown's, bowlers dropped a 4-3 decision to Linda Brookings crew. In the remaining contest, Connie Osrnond's cellar-dwellers won a 5-2 contest over Karen Beau- prie's outfit; 200 scores> were turnecl in by Karen Beauprie 231,226; iAnda Brooking, 215; Sharon McMurter 204 and He- len Vanstone 203. Helen Vanstone's 543 total took high triple honours, while Sandrà Rivers came up with a 532 mark. Girls' Teani Standing, Pts B. Oke .27 V. Brown __-____26 H. Vanstone -_____17 K. Beauprie 15 C. Osmond ____15 Co 3-Zrn1,= 1U MEMORIAL ARENA, Bowmanville FriâyDec. 4' PUBLIC -, SKATING Aduits 50c Children 35e Spectators - 10e SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 HOCKEY EXHIBITION GAME 8:30 p.m. WHITBY JUVENILES BOWMANVILLE JUVENILES ADMISSION Aduits - 50ce Children Booster Tickets in Effect CHILDREN'S SKATING Wednesday, December 9 3:00 to 5:30 pa. Children-----------------------. 25C Aduits accompanying childrcn ----25c Wednesday, December 9 PUBLIC SKATING 8 to 10 p.m. ADMISSION W Children 35e - Spect Adults 50e - 25e ,tators 10e PA«E WMIS£ li~5ana"a miaignu . uV ani& ALi*LÔDE JLM m vm«mmmmwý I"