- ~ .,4~!;47 -~ ---------- - -. - - -- - -. * t 4 VV*.- -. U"ffL" TATEIWAq- BWMAV= OTAM Two Bowling, Vets Roi! First -Bail To Off icially Open Liberty BowI Lt d. Cecl "Goze- Osboxue By Frank Mohun Cecil "Goozy" Osborne and Prank "Toady" Williams, a couple o! veteran major -1 leaguerp with a century of bowling bebween them, had the honour o! rolling the lirst balla, as Liberty Bowl officially opened Saturday nught. M.C. AI 'Osborne welcomed a large crowd to tise bowling palace, which was beautifully decorated with a huge array of flowers for thse occasion. Mr. Osborne stated that the build.. Ing was a realization o! an idea forrnulated by George Elliott, :five years ago. Last year Mr. El- iiott was able te inberest enough people, and for his debermina- tien ii n aking the ýdrearn a reality, he deserved a lob o! cre- idit, sadbthe M.C. Thse Liberty IBowl executive was lntroduced as* follows: President, Nýels Os- Iborne; vice-presîdent, Jack Brough; secrebary, Jack Lander; treasurer, Dave Higgon; man- ager, George El]iott. President Nels Osborne wel- corned the crowd on behal! e! the shareholders o! Liberty Bewl. Mr. Osborne sbated, "This building is a realization o! a dream by George Eiliott. It is a dreain that is based on faith in the future o! Bowrnanvile --and supported by a tremen- dous amount e! work. In fact, George did so much work and worrying that he completely exhausted himself and had to taire a short rest in the hospi- tal. We are certainly giad ta see hlm bacir on the job to share, lyIfereps the best in heating co.fort' RED TRADEMARKED FAMOUS READING' ANTHRACITE 'V« con b. sur*, yome gefflng the woiId's fnesi bord cooil Remembrihore is economy in quolity. Ask for it todoayl STOVE NiT PEA FILL YOUR COAL. BIN NGW PREPADE FOR CGLD WEATHER AHEA»! We have Cannel Coal for the fireplace Available at the Yard, STEPHEN F UE LS PHONE MA 3.5410 Office at C.N.R. Yards Kinsmen ClubI %rý fCHRISTMAS ~SUPER CAR BINGO PETERBOROUJGH MEMORIAL CENTRE on 1FREDAY., DEC. il 8.30 p.m. sharp $7,500N PlZES Including $2,250 ini Snowhall Prizez Big Snowball--$1,750 if won in 53 numbers New Snowball.-$M0 if won in 51 numbers 12 Regular Gamnes at $ 50 each 3 Special Games at $150 *ach 100 FULLY DRESSED CHRISTMAS TIJRKEYS AS FREE DOOR PRIZES THE BIG GAME FOR THE IRAND NEW 1960FORD Dooru open at 7:00 p.m. Frank "Toa( ini this officiai opening."1 The Liberty Bow1 president pointed eut that it took quite a lot of money te construet and equip a bowling alley, and thatj ini addition ta the five execu-j tives, support was forthcomîngý froin Harry Gay, Frank Marsh o! St. Mary's, a son-ili-law of George Elliott, Dr. H. B. Run- dle, Dr. Keitis Slernon, Dr. Wm. Rudeil, Bruce Milne, Ken Mlor- ris, Glen Lander and Selby Grant. Hie said the company found that the banking intere3s had some money available, and with the help of a lawyer and ran adcountant, Liberty Bowl began te take shape. Mr. Osborne explained tisat to becorne president, first of ail you railroaded iisto a di- rector's position, and with everyone wanting te be vice- president ini charge o! nothing, the names are put in a hat, with the order of names drawn deciding thse various offices. "So, here I arn" to quote Mr, Os- borne. Thse speaker wenb on te say that delays in various stages of construction had set the open- ing back about a nionth and a bal!. In fact he pointed out that the set-up isn't complebed yet. A few automabie pin-setters wtll be instafled by Augusb and the parking area wil1 be hardbop- ped next sunsmer. Tables and chairs will be put in the spec- tator section, while possibly drapes may be hung on thse side walls te' lessen the noise. After complimenting thse various con- tractors on the excellence o! their workmanship, Mr. Os- borne closed his address withi the following words. "Ladies and gentlemen, we1 hope that yeu will like whab you see and that yeu will corne back often. You will be wel- corne whether you corne as a spectator or te try -your lucki either the five pins or the ten1 tdy' Wiliis Pins, which is soniething new tfor BOWm1anville bowlers." 1 M.C. Ai Osborne then intro- 1dUced Mayor Wilfrid Carru- Lthers. Mr. Carru-hers stated .that he wvas glad that-he wasn't 1expected to ma-ke the first bowl, ias he hadn't bowled since high rshool days and the bail would probably end up in the gutter. He further quipped that the magnificent new building would mean more money for the Town in the form. of taxes. The may- or congratulated the manager and thie directors, and officially 1opened Liberty Bowl, by cut- ting the traditionai red ribbon. The crowd was treated to a couple of exhibition contests, with the Oshawa Ladies' Al- Stars meeting the Bowman- ville Wdies' Ail-Stars, and Pas- quales of the Toronto Major League playing an ail-star team froni the Mens' Major League. Pasquales had littie trouble defeating the locals who turn- ed in a below-par performance. The visitors totalled 38G7 fgainst 3116 for the Bowman- ville men, sweeping all three games. Joe Dorazia paced the Pasquales club with gaines of 345. 281 and 220 for an 846 to- tal. Bert Garide foilowed with 807, while other scores were Bob Taylor 789, Vie Bernard 717 and Paul Shanahand 703. Best for the losers were d'Doc"o Rundie with a 258 single, Elton Brock 250 and Kelth Slemnon 247. The Bowmanville Ladies' Ail- Stars, bounced back froni a 101 first game deficit to take the next two and down their Osh- awa opposition 3320 to 3162. Doris Joll paced the locais wi-th, 761 triple, including a single o! 286, while Onie Etcher came up with a 684 total. Lorraine Mur- phy was the pick of the visitors with 756, which ir.cl'uded the high single of 311. ITown League Hockey Star of the Week LLOYD "HAMMY" HAMILTON Ex-Intermediate players contlnued te grab off the Bow- manville Surplus Sales' Star of the weelc honours, as Lloyd' "Hammy" Hamilton made it four in a row with an outstanding performance lasb week. Hamilton, one of the ioop's top players, was given a verbal dig by Coach Jack Baker about him flot being among the top scorers. So the speedy forward star wenb 'out and turned in a tremendous ail around game, picking up seven points and a pair of goals and five assists. Line-mates Dan Girardi and Don Masters with six points apiece, and Howard Quinney, who was ini on ail four o! his tean-'s goals, rated honourable mention. I III Legion Lasb Tuesday night was changi IPlaces time in the Legion Bowl. ing League, with tise winnere and lasers in each contest, mak. ing the switch. Doug Taylor'5 tearn took a lop-sided 7-0 wiri Iover Ernie Perfect's pin-drop. pers to take over thse league Aleadership, with Perfect slipping , ta second. iKeitis Yeo's crew pulled off a 5-2 decision over Bill Veitch's Aoutfit ta move inta third, a point I.ahead of tise lasers. Frankr Sam. is' team left the cellar te the sole possession o! Bull Bates' bowiers, by virtue o! a close 443 win. Murray Grant put together three gaines of 242, 245 and 250 for the nigist's higis triple of 737. Jack Martyn connecbed for a 697 total, while Bill Bates was one pin back at 696. high single honours foilowed by Arnold Lobb 261, Clii! Trewin 255, Jackr Martyn 254 and Ron Johsnson and Bob Stocker, botis with 251 scores. Team Standings D. Taylor - 14644 26% E. Perfect - 13691 20% 1rK. Yeo 13382 lB. Veitch - 13431 19- 18 Bowling ge. Sansus 13420 1- B. Bates - 13119 rs C. Averages 's Up ta and including Nov. ýn J. Martyn )D. Taylor ___ 'g W. Bates____ ____ C. Trewin__ ____ a P. Samis_____ ____ s A. Lobb ______ t M. Grant _______ 'K. Yeo _ _ _ __ _ _ e W. Veitch _______ 3J. Barclay 3T. Grahams______ P. Bathgate rJ. Fair _ _ __ _ _ 0R. Cale ________ fR. Stocker___ ____ rJ. Geddes___ ____ sR. Wright H. Bennett _______ R. Perfect ______ I L. Welsh ___ ____ IN. Adair _ _ _ _ _ _ V. Connors_ _ _ _ _ ,R. Johnson__ ____ R. Rogers J. Knight R. Lockhart I. Beauprie J. Newman _______ C. Bonathan______ R. Wheaton__ ____ N. Mooney W. Wallis _ _ _ _ 24 228 218 211 208 204 204 203 202 199 199 195 191 190 189 188 185 180 180 180 172 172 172 171 160 159 159 158 158 156 152 149 141 109 Goodlyear Bowiling IThe Combines -el-ma ta ent the Pao in the tCoodyear League, despite a 5-2 upset ion pulled off by thse Leam iwes.. The Hums Roorn tak a 5-2 win over thse Fan Belts te move ta Within a singlepoint et the1 league-leaders. Thse Office deféa*nd thee 1Igers 5-2 to tie ths erm furtthe third position. Thie 5-2 soores continued to Predorainate,, as thse Cornets were turned back by thse Braidm la thse reinain- mng contest,thse Machine Shop racked up a 7-0 shutout victoey at thse expense of thse oelar.. dwelling Relts. The bowlrscame up viti their best night of thse sason, paced by Frank Mohuns 758 triple. Ron Maynard rolled 732, followed by .Txm Ronck 702, Maurice Conway 0&6, .oe Piper 687 and Itay Westlake 659.. IMaurice Conway took hugs single honours wxth a 2U8 sore, whiie other -top efforts vere turned in by Frank MIson 235, Ren White 280, Jtsn Houck 276, Al! Randie 274. Ron Maynard 265, Stu Carson 284 and Ray Westlake and Joe Piper both wîth 261 marks.. Charlie Vanstone who bowled 796 last week to cause a con- troversy and rule change by be- ing late, dropped te 413. Team Standizgs Pts Combines _______39 Hose. ______38 Lead Press _______28 Office _____26 Tigers -.._____26 Braiders ________22 Machine Shop 22 Fan Beits ________19 Cornets _______16 Belts 9 Ladies' Bowling No less than four shutouts were recorded lait Monday night, as the point spread in the Ladies' Major League became wider than in any of the prev- ious weeks, tis season. Bernice Buday's shutout over Lola Wright's team enabled the Buday bowlers to niove into a tie for the league leadership wibh Sadie Buckneil's crew, who edged Donna Preston'a outfit, 2-1. Doris Joli and Kay Beauprie made the big jump te second spot as the resuit of 3-0 wins over 0111e Patfield and Ena Etcher, respectively. Joyce Lyle's tearn decisioned Lydia Bates' bowlers te, move up a notch inte the runner-up, position, a.long with Joli and Beauprie. Hilda Brock's club conblnued their hot streak, blasting out a 3-0 victory over Mary Wilcox's crew, to niove into a four-way deadlock for third. Donna Preston book both the high triple with a 712 total and high single with 285. Two oth- er bowiers were over 700, as Kay Beauprie rolled 706 and Ada Richards had 702. Doris Joli had a 643 triple, Other high single games were recorded by Muriel Holroyd 273, Essie Cox 270. and Kay Beauprie 269. Gaines of 200 and over-Don- na Preston 285. 233; June Baker 220; Lii Hooper 221, 205; C. Bromeli 209, Jean Sellers 225, 200; Mabel Lewis 243; S. Buck- neli 222, 210; A. Richards 251, 236, 215; B. Brown 234; 0. Et- cher 210; 200; E. Etcher 243; S. Davis 231; M. Perris 228; K. Beauprie 269, 226, 211; N. Nor- ris 239, 208; H. Dunn 201; N. Bryans 235; J. Lyle 256; C. Stringer 211; T. Forrester 208; J. Engley 209; M. White 215; P. Bartels 213; H. Brock 245, 210; W. Bates 225, 223; C. Cox 270, 217; C. Holroyd 223; Dot Brooks 261; M. Holroyd 273; M. Gibbs 258; Ollie Patfield 204; D. Joli 240, 220; H. Gilhooly 203. Pts. Bernice EudaY 12 Sadie Bucknell ______12 Kay Beauprie -____10 Doris Joli _____10___î Joyce Lyle 10 Hilda Brock _______9 Lola Wright ~9 Donna Preston ______9 Lydia Bates 9 Ollie Patfield _______6 Ena Etcher -_ C_ Mary Wilcox 6 Average Ave. GameE Onie Etcher 211 Bernice Buday- 208 Hilda Brock 205 Doris Joli-- - 203 Lola Wright - 193 Em Stringer 189 Kay Beauprie ____188 Kay Stephens ..186 Marg King --169 Helen Dunn 184 Sadie Bucknell 184 Babe Brown -.--183 Qule Patfield - 182 Donna Preston 179 Wilrna Bates 179 Joyce Lyle ....178 Lydia Bates ____178 Norma Norris- 177 Helen Gilhooly 175 Dot Brooks - -175 Eileen Holroyd 174 Ena Etcher -____174 Shirley Davis ~.174 Essie Cox -- -____173 Betty Westlake 173 Lou Lyle - ----- 172 Audrey Bicireil 171 Dore Mutton 17l Norma Gay 171 Pat Barbels 170 Marg King 169 Vivian Cowan 169 Helen Piper - - 168 Muriel Hoiroyd- 167 Nancy Bryans --167 Ada Richards 167 Shirley Biekel--167 Eleanor Larmner- 168 Marg Perris - - 165 Audrey Osmond - 165 Joyce Major 1613 Peggy Haynes 163 Bernice Terry 183 Helen Corden 162 Joyce Tennant --162 Grace Blackburn -161 s 3 i 3 3 LOWEST PRICE EVER - Lioed Guantity - Shop Early! Canadian Tire makes out-of-doors home decorating easy und inexpensive. Sensational Iow price (Reg. $5.95) prompts us to recommend early shopping. Make your home sparkl. With color - festoon dormers, under the. caves, illuminaite front door und windows, shrubbery, too. 15 big colored buibu in gaily assorted colors. These are teste d bulbs that burn independently, ne hunting for burned out balbs. Extra Iength weatherproof cord, add-on con- nector for attaching addtfonal sets of lights und sprirmg clips for sasier outdoor tre. or house-front trimming. For 11O-120-volt circuits, FuIIy approved. WHO ELS! BUT CANADIAN TIRE COULD OFFER SUCH VALUE? Kâloý' MIMIMRS ý!% A 0-V - ONIN-....DOR TREE LIGHTS 8-Light indoor Tree Light Sel sorbed colored bu!bs operate i long cord and plug. Spring sockets speed up tree trimmir brightly ta make your Chri. attractive. For 110-120 volt cir Set .................................. Extra Bulbs--For above, assor colors. Each ........................ S SPE CIAL7VAL U El TREE STAND Holds trees Up to 3" dla. Sturdv steel ln greena~ red. Water container. Big 17.;I I eg spread. DELUXE TREE HOLDER- Larger ize Brght nickel andg chrome trtm Speclal sots to oldtree lghta_ P ush - Button Frosty S N O W - For decorating tetedes lig Up gift packages or applying designs ta windows, etc. Handy lO-oz. bomb. . e Stencils- For use with above. Assortment o! 20 patterns ......... e79 «15 COflODIOD TIRE] 160 CHURCH STREET Bowmanville +M'URSAY, DEC. Sr&, 1959 ---- ------------------------------ 1 It- The 8 as- 7-Light Indoor Multiple LIgbtlng Set n series. With Lights operate independently, ends searcis- clips on bulb ing for burned-out bulbs. Spring-clip sockets g. Bulhs glow easier ta attach ta tree. Larger brighblv stmnas tree sa coiored bulbs with cord, plug, add-on ruits. 8 connector. Set ..................1.............l49 ... ..... : .... .89 15-Light Indoor Multiple Lighting Set à ted O -As above but with 15 lights ...... s ............. oi Extra iiulbs-For above, variaus colora ii Each ....................................... I Flood Lighi IEXTENSION CORD SUTS ter-or of your plug-in cap end triplul. Icket, plati< for above ground in tai. II .t.7 , l.*.. Jation. Grond spike. Weatherprnf OUTOO CORO SET -Heavv I ord and plug. duty, 2 wtre. in-f t.... 1.18 AS ABOVE - but with 10W.ýtt 25-ft.. 2.59. 50.ft. Ut.5 Ble Green, Red or Yellow 59 fev bulb'. ý.... .. .. .93 OUT0DOOR CORD SUT -1ev * LASHER - Keeps tree llght3 dutv, 3 wire. 15-ft .-. .lnig nan3ff.1 25fLS.9, IÏ a ImIR fAluAnIJLIR bMI