J GE POURTEEN TEE CANADMEAN 4ATESMAN, EOWMANVff l., ONTAIUO 'J ¶'HUR~DAY. DEC. 3rd. l95~ I (Recre ation (R eviews By DoUg1la ig Choral Society Girls' Btroombili Don't forget the Choral So- The girls broambail teamsi tiety's Annual Christmas Con. held another practice session oert to be held next week Fri- last Monday evening with the Clay andi Saturday, December Avalons defeating the Fabiens llth and l2th at the Bownan- 1-0 in an exhibition gaine. In ville Town Hall. the second exhibition gaine the Tickets are available from Presleys and Boones played to akny member of the Choral So- a 2-2 tie. ciety or may be purchaseti the i We are stili in need of coaches aights of the coneerts, for the broornball teanis. If you - are interested in coaching please contact the Recreation Office at MA 3-3335, Ext. No. 6. Practice Time Monday, Deccmlier 7 - 5:15 i p.rn-Avalon and Boones; 6:00 Prn.-Fabiens andi Prcsleys. $9WWM ARE loisi, The reular Bnroomall league POMrfo#r Monday, December l4th. UT WU CAN *±WAVS 9EPEUD M rHce STOOTIMEtcrLvPee Wee League Giants 3, Canadians O Bears 2, Hawks 2 Leafs 1, Rangers 0 In the first Pee Wee game of the rnorning the Giants chalked up their second straight a' win by defeating the Canadians 3-O to move into fiTst place tic with the Wings. Danny McD)on- aid, Geo. Leatibeater andi Tcrry Devitt (Lanny Burns) account- - - -ed for tic Giants' goals. * In the second Pee Wee garne the Wings won theïr second gaine in a row by a 1-0 score bw ELECTRIC LTD. ( dcfcating the Bruins. Wayne CONTRACTING REPAIRS Barrett scored the winning goal1 midway through 4the final per- REFRIGERATION-ELECTRIC joti. MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE In thc third Pee Wee garne UV- RADIO - PPLIANCES the Bears anti Hawks both scar- »K#3cd twioe i.n thc first perioti to f ,'* £play to a 2-2 tic. Lawrence Wright and Morris Honeyman i -w--- Arranged i gifts..* jewellery1 HoIland Fancy BISCUITS in beautiful èontainér§ for- Christmas Some in metal containers suitable for boxes. Holland Chocolate Novelties Large Initiais.- . . Sets of Cigarettes and Cigars ...Artists Sets . . . Etc. Also the bestin Boxed Chocolates LARGE SELECTION 0F: CHIRISTMAS CANDY - NIXED NUTS CANDY CANES DYKSTRA',S VARIETY FOODS 77 KING ST. W. MA 3-3541 Cheerful Cherub 1 Gamesi Scheduled for Saturday,1 December 5th Bantam League 7:00 a.rn.Flyers (2) vs. Pi- rates (3); 7:45 a.m.-Lions (1) vs. Tigers (4) Clea.n Ice; 8:35 a.m.- Cubs (2) vs. Tee Pees (3) 9:20 a.m.-Braves (1) vs. Huskies (4). Pee Wee League 10:20 a.m.-Rangers (2) vs. Wings (3); 11:05 a.r.-Cana- dians (1) vs. Bears (4); 11:55 a.m-Leafs (2) vs. Giants (3); Atom League 12:40 p.m.-Bisons (1) vs. In- dians (4); 1:40 p.rn.Ramis (2) vs. Bombers (3). Lions Midget-Juvenlle League 2:35 pzn. - Carnets (1) vs. Maroons (4); 3:15 p.m.-Rock- ets (2) vs. Raiders (3); 4:00 p.m.-Orphans (1) vs. Gencrals Remexnber - "Minor hockey is a family affair. Don't senti- Take youn boy to the Arena". Children's Theatre The Recreation Departrnent's Chiltiren Theatre group wlll be putting on their Christmas play an Wednesday December 23rd at the Town Hall. The title of Uic play is "The Little Shecp of Bethlehem". The play is under the direc- tion o! Murray Walker, Berta H-iggon andi Verna Foran. Sa be sure ta reserve the night of Wednesday, December 23rti for the Ohildrens' Theatre production. Happy littie Brenda Ballard was one year aid an November 9th last. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard, Hampton. Praud grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ballard, Columbus. -Photo by Honnsby scorcd for the Bears. Michael Bothwell (Bud Dcpew) and Je!! Gilhooly accaunted for the Hawks' two goals. In thc fourth and final Pec Wee garne of the marning the Leafs defeated the Rangers 1-0. Kenny Dickens (Tommy Carter) sconcd Uic winning goal for thc Leafs. Bantam League Braves 2, Tigers 1 Lions 3, Flyers 0 Cubs 5, Huskies 2 In thc first Bantarn gaine of the mornin.g the Braves picked up their fins! win by dcfcating the Tigers 2-1. Bob Hellain (Ricky Lucas) and Brian For- sey (Murray Brown, Dan Hughes) werc the goal scorers for the Braves. Howard Edinion- stan (John Kllpatrick) scored the Tigers' only goal late in the final periati. Dan Hughes and Hon Wilson of the Braves bath picked up hooking penalties, while Barney Hawthorne (high sticking) and David Stainton (hooking) collecteti the Tigers penalties. In the second Bantarn gamne the Lions chalked up their sec- ond win by defeating the Fly- ers 3-0. Doug. Nichols (Bill Bu- day), Earle Keatlcy and Bil. Buday accounted for the Lions goals. Eric Ferniunâ (boanding), Ralph Cale (tripping) andi Paul Peterson (elbow) ah. of the Ti- gers collectedtheUi oniy penalties of the game. In the third Bantam game the Cubs defeateti the Huskies to win their second game in a row by a 5-2 score. Taullie Thornpson (2), David Kerr, Bucky Hughes andi David Tonkin werc the goal scorers for thc Cubs. Davidi Kerr (2), Bucky Hughes andi David Tonkin also collecteti as- sists an the Cubs' goals. George Bail (Bill Depew) andti ll Emn- brugh accounteti for the Hus- ies' goals. nhe Huskies cal- lectcd four o! the six penalties hantied out in Uic gaine. Atom League Indians 2, Bombers 2 Ramns 4, Barons 1 In the first Atoin game of thc morning the Indians and Bomb- crs played ta a 2-2 tic. Bobby Euls accounted fan bath the In- dians' goals with Michael Oke assisting on the first anc. Larry Devitt (Jae Hircack) anti Bob Howes scoreti for the Bambers. In the second Atom gaine the Rams defeated, the Barons 4-1 ta, move into a thrcc way tic for first place in the icague standings. Brian Peters (2) and Doug. Raby (2) accunted for the Ranis' goals. Ronald Shack- eltan sconcti for the Indians' early in Uic final perioti. Lions Midget-Juvenile League Rackets 9, Dotigers 2 Orphans 2, Maroons 1 Generals 3, Raiders 3 In the first Mitiget-Juvenilei garne o! the afternoan the Rac- kets handed the Datigers their second straight defeat by a .1-2 score. Allan Waodloek, Ray Crombie each scoreti twice for the Rackets with single goals going ta Richard McLean, Doug. Lane, Bruce Ogden, James Rick- ard anti Grant Flintoff. Bruce Ogden (2), Doug. Lane, Allan Woodlock, anti Wendell Fisher coilecteti assisth on the Rackets goals. Kani Hoffman anti Joe Bothwell (Rac Pickcll) account- cd for the Dotigers' goals. In the second Mitiget-Juven- 11e game Uic Orphans defeateti the Maroons .2-1 ta mave into sole possession of first place in the league standings. Larry Welsh (Jack Hallowell) anti Daug. James accounteti for the Orphans' goals. Keith Bal (Fred Cobbledick) scored the Maroons' lone goal. The Ma- roons picketi up two o! the three penalties hantieti out. In the third anti final Midget- Juvenile game of the day the Gencrals anti Raidiers played ta a 3-3 tic. The tic moveti the Generals into second place in the league standings. James Finn (Thertle), Bob Whalen (J. Finn) anti Rager Meadows werc the goal getters for the Raid- ers. Irving Gi, Leigh Sommer- scales, Aflin Cale (icUkey Dic- kens) accounteti far the Raid- ers' goals. The Raiders collect- cd a total of four penalties dur- ing the gaine. LEAGUE STANDINGS MotomLeague W L Pts Harnets ____. 1 O 2 Rains ..__ __ 1 1 2 Barons 1 1 2 Bombers __0____ 0 O1 Indians _______- 0 O1 Bisons __ __.0 1 0 Pee Wee League W L Pts Giants _____ 2 O 4 Wings 2 O 4 Leafs ________1 0 2 Ganatiiana ____ 1 1 2 Beara __ _ 0 1 1 Hawks 0______ 1 1 Rangers ....0 1 0 Bruins 0_______O2 O B"ntam League W L Pts Lions _____.-2 O 4 Cubs ________2 O 4 Tee Pees 1 O 2 Braves .1 1 2 Flyers 1 1 2 Pirates 0____ O1 O Tîgens O 2 0 Huskies ___0____O2 O Lions Midget-Juvenfle League W L Pts Orphans 2 0 4 Generals ______1 0 3 Rackets ___.....1 0 2 Maroons______ 1 1 2 Raiders 0_______O1 1 Carnets 0_______O1 O Dotigers ________O2 0 h 1 Dea JonNovember 30, 1959 Our sincere appreciation te you and your staff for tic splen- did publicity and coverage gîven our recent campaign for the Blind andi also the Blindcraft Sale. We partieularly appreciate yaur own personal interest in aur endeavours to hclp the sightless folk in this commun- ity. As you know anly too well, John, they are a wonderful group of people to work with,- neyer anticipating charity, but always se grateful of any little gesture o! help that cornes their way. Se, I arn also voicing their sentiments as well as those of the Advisory Commiîttee in ex- pressing our than.U Veny sincerely, Don Williams, Chairn-jan, Bowxnanville-West Durham Advisory Com., CNIB. ELIZABETH VILLE Our annual bazaar was helti on Wctincstay evening with the sale of variaus articles, as wcll as baking, vegetables and caniy. About $80 was realizeti which -was' tiviticd betwcen the W.A. antid thc W.I. Sorry ta hear that Mrs. Lewko Kraft Plain or Pimente DE LUXE CHEESE SLICES SOLO MARGARINE Stoney Creek BONELESS CHICKER Chef Boy-Ar-Dec Plain SPAGNET il SAUCE Geisha Fancy Solid WHITE MEAT TUNA For Gravy or Flavourlag OXO CUBES Sturdy Sapling Ibroke her armn last week. Mr. H. IThickson has been helping Mr. ILewko milk night and morning Iand Mrs. Thickson has been help- ig er with hier sewîng. Ami, their daughtcr and family Mr. Rochester, have spent their American thanksgiving with Mn. and Mrs. Lewko. Congratulations amrecxtended to our fine guitan p layer - littie Ross Longycar who playeti over CHUC Radio station on Satud~ He did an excellent job with hîis clcctric guitar. Suntiay school and church ser- vices wcrc helti as usual. At Sun- day school the students are dress- ing two cartiboard figures with. clothes ta scnd ta missianary workcrs. Rev. G. Wright spoke on Love, Paul's portrait of Jesus. Mn. anti Mrs. E. Fowler visiteti with Mr. W. Fowler, Peterbor- soug hildry e ho wtthem ougll h, Sun.hcyomgihtthec Darrie David anti Evert Fowlcr for awhiile until thc altier chiltiren write their cxams anti arc able ta look aftcr thcm tiuring the holi- tiays anti things anc back ta nor- mal again at home. Miss Ruth Mercer anti Alan Mercer, Toronto, were home fan the weekcnti Several attentict nomination on Fniday afternoon whcn several werc nominateti for offices open f or rc-clection. Our recent snaw stormi has matie the worlti look mare like winter anti Christmas. Just twcn- ty-five mare tiays tili Christmas. Several attendeti the presenta- tion for Miss Bonnie Wilson anti TM WB, FOZ OO STOCK UP VOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE 1 FA U EJane Parker Reg. 39c-SAVE 10o rAIBanURg.Kt ,AV 1oENGLISH FRUIT CAKE *ach 29c Re. 3eSAE 7e Jane Parker Reg. pkg 35o--SAVE 4o ORANE ~ ~~oz- ~ VERMONT DELIGHT BUNS pgl J. IdE ÀL 9nsc Jane Parker Plain «or ô ns SEEDED RYE BREAD Reg. loaf 22e>-SAVE lie 2 24-oz baves 3 3 SUPR-RGKTMB TSPECI4LS Boneless Solid Meat PORK Bull ROAST Extra Short u PRIME RIB ROASI AllGood, moked Rindlss 1îpg3 Lean Meaty PORK HOCKS lbl9c Chopped B3EEF SUET îb2.5c Legs, Thighs or Breasts CHICKEN CUTS b59C Small Link, Tray Pack PORK SAUSAGE lb39c PR ODUCE SPE CLLs Ontario Grown, Finest for Eating, Fancy Grade McINTOSH APPLES 3-lb oeflo bagl 2 5 C 6-qt basket 5 9 C Californie, No. 1 Grade Pascal, Excellent Flavour, Crispy and Crunchy CELERY STALKS 2o2C Petussum, Cul Leaf <On Bark> PHILODENDRON~Sea 3e39 Thos. attractive tropical planta ;orne in 6" pots, 20" to 24" in height and will grow to deIi ht and decorate any home or apartment. BUY QUÀ A&P INSTANT COFFEE b-oz iar 35C85 4b5 c lb69C IWaLean MINCED BEEF 1b 39C Reg. pkg 33c-SAVE 2c 8-oz pkg 31 c Reg. 2-Ibs 5lc-SAVE 9o 4 1-lb pkgs 9 3 c PINK LIQUID DETERGENT'-1oztn3 JEWEL SHORTENING Reg. lb 33c--SAVE 7o 2 i-lb pkgs 5 9 Reg. tin 33o-SAVE 4o 7-oz lin 29c Reg. tin 23c-SAVE 4a 151/2-oz lin l9c Reg. tin 35c--SAVE 6o FISH 7-oz lin 29c Reg. box 29o-4-AVE 7o 2 boxes of 12 cubes 51 C Schneider's WIENERS SKINLESS lb 45 C Sliced BEEF BOLOGNA -b pig43c Lake Erie PERCH FILLETS 1-lb pkg 35 c Banquet Brand - Turkey, Chicken or Beef MEAT PIES 3 for 69C A4nnivtei'sarv Features 2 Pin., Floral, Spice, Lavender Reg. 79o-SAVE 10o FLORIENT ROOM DEODORANT 6'/z-az bomb6 9c 'J- Agil Piola This Ad Guerant..d Through Saturday, D.ommbrth, 1969. 1 Gregory Paul pictured above was anc year old an November 3rd last. He is the son of Mn. anti Mrs. Bill Wade, Newton- ville. Hiis grantiparents arc Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Brown and Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Wade, New- tonville. Willoughby Aiken, wha arc ta ho marnicti soon, helti at Garden Hill, Fritiay cvening.