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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1959, p. 15

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THU1RSDAY, DEC. 3rd, 1959 Àmbassador Lacoste Telis Fascinating Story of France <At Canadian Club Meeting High tribute was paid ta Gen- eral Charles de Gaule, presi- dent of France by His Excel- Air, Rail or Steamshlp TI1CK ETS8 TO EVERYWHERE Consult JURY & 'LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowrnanvllle lency, Francis Lacoste, Frenchi Amnbassador te Canada, ilu Ms address te the Canadian Club ef West Durh~am at the Lions Community Centre on Tuesday evening. In a vivld account af the pragress matie by France since World War Il, His Excel- lency empliasizeti the fact that the revolution that encampass- ed the change from the 4th Re- public was entirely peacoful, democratic, andi legally lu ac- for depen dable, t'l-mely del ivery of EssoBHEATINO 6OIL the safe, dependable fuel that is refined and proved for your heating unit. IMPERIAL for ail your ( 4~ pe'troleum needs q SERaC FA-8-59B 'The Mutual Life of Canada policy- holders are accustomed to big divi- dends. The company is famous for its outstanding dividend record. The increased dividends that will be paid to the policyholders in 1960 will further reduce the low net cost of their insurance. The Mutual Life has been providing policy- holders with insurance coverage at the lowest possible coet since 1869, the year the company wus formed, cordance wlth the will of the people. Mra. Kenneila Werry, presi- dent of the club, voiced lier ap- preciation ai the large attend- ance despIte the heavy rain. She especially welcomed Ma- dame Lacoste, whe had accoin- panieti ber husband to Bow- mmanville, and who was proseut Francis Lacoste ai the meeting. Introclucing the apecial speak- er, ?&4s. Werry toit of ha, lu-. terestlng diplomatie career. Prior te 1939 His Excellency hati serveti France in Yugo-Sla- via anti Peking, she saiti.1 Mrs. Werry aise spoke ai Mr. Laceste's military service in World War II, anti of thc active part he taok lu the French Re- sistance following the tail et France. Thc president ai the club statet that His Excellency was postedtoteWashington after the war, anti saiti that later ho liat hati two ternis in Morocç.'o. Iu between tiiese tern i e lad been on the French delegation at the United Nations, she atiti eti. Mr. Lacoste camne to Canada lu 1955 anti las since beconie Dean ai Uic Diplomatie Corps in Ottawa, Mrýs. Werry painteti oui. She tolti the audience that the French Ambassador liat and has been applying the same principles to group insurance since the company entered that field in 1927. You can share in the dividends that go with Mutual Life of Canada policies. Your nearest Mutual Life representative will provide complete information on the advantages of Mutual Life of Canada protection. 1869 -ninety years of leadership in mutual lite tnsurance- 195g ML-920d Mearns Ave. REPRESENTATIVE FLOYD H. McKINLEY Bowmanvilp. fOntario USnuh a QIe p TES CA1IfAW fl'PATi'sIEAWn wIÎAUvniYT.UonT'AyW been given an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the Uni- versity of Toronto -recently. Mrs. Werry also announcec that ihe subject of the address to be «aven by Hi Exceflenc3 would lie "France 1959." The, audience was momentar- ily startieci when Mf. Lacoste coxnrnenced is speech in French. Hie stated that lie is proud and happy to, represent France in Canada. and added that he had beeen pleased to receive an invitation te, speak ini Bowmianville. His Excellency ai1so express- "ed his appreciation of the warm "reception given hlm, and saic "it was easier te express his "feelings cordially In Frenchi. "It-wifl le reassuring to know that during the next hait hour you will flot have to wait for a flow of Galic loquence to paso while not understanding it,' li said in English. I wanted tc greet you in my mother tangue, which I cari stili speak despite ten years mn North Ainerica, six~ in the United States and four in Canada, lie added with a smile. He tald of the hard work, imagination, andi devotion to duty required of the French~ since World War II and of the enarmous development of the country in that period. Hie stressed the tact that France lias mnade great progress indus. trially, commercially, scientif i- cally as well1 as i medicîne and the arts. In addition the re- building of the war torri vil- lages and shattered cities has been a remarkable achie'vement, lie asserted. The ambassador explained that there had been a ycarly ixuprovement, and the trend frein 1945 had been continuous- ly upward despite the difficul- ties in Indo-China. and the Suez criais. Hie aiso peinted out that security lias ixnpraved in Algeria whcre the number af vîctims af terrorism has been reduced from thousands te zeroa, France lias always been ini the vanguard et achievement, the speaker claimed. Hie enurn- erated instances ot remarkable discoveries in exploration, ;ne- dicine, aviation and ather fields. He. tolci the audience that France liad pieneered-. in em- pire building ini the 16th and 1'Tth centuries, as well as ini the- l9th and during the first haif of the 20th century. "Now France is busy with the invention and impleinenta- tion et new formulae for the people of underdeveloped coun- tries that will -open the path te true civilizatien for tliem," ho stated. Crities ofi-the 4th Republie ef France shoul-d remembler to its credit the remarkablé progreas and rehabilitation that took place during it, Mr. Lacoste re- minded the meeting. "It is truc thýat the 4tli Repub]ic had grave shortcomings," he said and ex- plaineci the situation by com- paring it- te an autamobile en- gifle. "Signs of wear and tear ap- pear but for a long time it can carry an. Eventually the signs multiply, and then the mainj parts fald up. The mater sim- ply will net turn over. This liap - pened te the gevernment and parliaxnentary machinery et France. Sigfls appeared ln Feli- ,ruary ai a year ago. In May it fell te pieces." The Frenchi Ambassador told of the efforts made, and assert- ed that it was icared by many that a coup d'etat might be perilous. Hie spoke glowingly of the snal group, et men, truc patriots, inspired by selfiess de- vation ta France, who toek Uic initiative with faultless skill, accurate timing and courage. The entire cauntry turned te de Gaulle, the leader who dur- ing tlie war liac symbolized their determi.nation to be free, and wlio had held- himself in reserve for 12 years awaîting a call te assist France, MEr. La- ceste statcd. He said that no other leader would lie pernxîtted to hold such 'power as has been givexi "The loss of Aigeria liy i ýrance, weuld lie a loas te, the 11 Vest. The battle for the survi- à sil et the western werld is lie- 'v ng fought in Algeria," is Ex- v ellcncy asserted and asked the a nembers of the Canadiani Club v o remember this tact. 1 Iu tlianking Mr. Lacoste for n is enllghtenlng address, Mrs. e Verry said that it ihad been d »od te lie reninded aiflihe d 'renclimen who led tlie warld tà aa numnler of fieldis. She also cl tateti that the audience was s 'ateful fer the oppertunity te ,ve an authority ex-plain, theT 'hievements and prablema et $ rance. She aise, thanked the r( mbassador for his warning re- arding the d.angers lu the Al- t rian situation.Pl The presidçnt of the Can-adian V ub oi West Durham aise an- t Dunced that there will net lie bi meeting ofthtle club in Dec- l .ber. She extended te the-h knibers her best wislies for h0 hristmas and the caming year. a The speaker at the next o Leting ai the club te be helti tJanuary wil1lie Majer-Gen- ce i W. S. Mack., -- "---w--, .. .. A~1~E M LE AI~ I 'XETCMWN ON BOBS" rm sure the children oetot-day bave games and fun galore, But there is eue I bot that they'd like, we had in days et yoro, Fer.just as sean as-school was eut, we'd meet in jayous molis, Anti spenti the hours from four te, six,,- "Ketchln' on bobs". no spe eding autos then, the roada were full ai snow, The farmers brauglit their grain ta town, on -bobsleighs zuce and' 1ow, Wo'd all rush up- and claniber on, it reaily took a knack, We'd ride up te the etigo of town, and "ketch" the next "bob" back. New there were some wc'thought, who reafly were quite anx, Who did flot want us on tlieir sleigh, 'twas plaJ.nly te lie seon, For just as we were almeost there, they'd crack the wliip and ge And leave us ail a-spluttering and tumbllng i the -snow. But eh! the jolly fun we hati, I'm sure our progress relis, Our children et the healthy joy of "Ketchin an bobs". In the Mail Bug I g Mple Graove, Nov. 30, 1959. Te the Edutor, Since you have been sa gen- erous with space lu your paper ta allow aur municipal atiairs a nioe airing, may I dlaim, space fer niy two bits on the sub- *jcct? Taxes are new being paiti by thc thirdi generation on the tarm on whlch I have liveti anti worked for nearly forty-five years. Twenty of those yoars 1 was respensible for the taxes. * This la ane reason for my lu- terest anti , couccru lu munici- *pal affaira. Thc second reason may ,lie, that d.uring arciunti twenty years oai iny earlier Ilite, uny tather serveti the Township ai Darlington' anti the County ai Durhamn. lis chief conceru Ewas te give lis beat anti ta keep 1dawn casts by careful handling et1o other people's money. Helicit very little clectioneering and hat fcw elections. due te accla- mations. Hie lad ne care for prestige or tinancial reward. IlI think may father tieploreti the nioney spent ou Caunty coin- rnittee activitica. Wartien Garnet Rickard's re- cent articiep lu your paper, aot-ý ting forth thc tunctions of local ceuncils was enlightcniug anti soxnething every taxpayer shoulti kuew. I sheulti think every grade 8 pupil sheulti have that information at lis finger- tips, since in a tew years tq- day's pupils will lie paying for the telles or otherwise af te- day. The articles ln question sheulti go farthei' thaugli, anti give a break-down af the ceai te the ratepayers ai councils andi conimittees andi their pub- lic expenditures. This shoui li e their rîgît. The wortis, "County commit- tee", always bring te my mmnd, the incident oft h bciug reveal- ed, W-herc a break-down oi costs was denianded inluCounty Council a long timo age that sorne ofthei bottles et whiskey which lad been charged- te the olti folk lu thc Caunty Home hat really gene alang ou a nice day's euti'ng With a comanittee te view roads anti bridges. Since over the last few years I have listeneti to cemplaints andi crititdsnis over roatis, bridges, culveris anti snow plowîng, I have matie it niy business te asic questions andi iind out Uic answers. Do the n'aarity of the rate-payera know that Darlington Town- slip las over 250 miles of roatis ta look aiter anti that tle County lias arounti 30? That for the same type ef work County roada ceat more than hlai as mucl per mile? Hew many raiepayers kuew how many miles it is frein tle No. 2 Highway te the forth endi of the Township? How many ratepayers realize that herse. anti buggy roatis became aisa-- bote 20 years aga? How many ratepayers know that our pros- ont Reeve lias lad au uphuli 'battie the iast six ycars te get sorncthing better for the people of Daxlington than the car- wrecking wasiihboarti roatis le- ing slowly but gradually, on a long range program, replaceti by somothing more permanent anti less costly te maintain, (even though leie h a car dealer). Gravel (which is liecoming scarce) was filling tle air with dust anti aur ditches with gra- vol due te heavy niotor traffic. In twoo et ix iryears jusi previaus te the election ef our present council, permanent raad building was delayot seafthe over 50 miles of new roads have been bufit lu four ta five years without plunging the township Lto lelit. Gyond business anti careful speuding la tle answer. I have aise learneti through steady qucstionifig that firsi consideration lu the roati buildi- ng prograin was given te those living the long distance from the highway andtiat the areas having the heaviest pounding by heavy motors, that wliere high aibis and certain bridges have net yet licou toucheti, li orne cases. Now we find Darlington rownship lu debt, I belleve '500,000, for new sdhool class- eoms. Ratepayers do not need1 o etoltithat amail III kept laces would lave a mue lhea- Per tax for tle education ai heir chiltren were il net for usiness taxes, farinera anti irge, well kepi lieuse contribu- ions, even though tle amaîl Louse o lcIer may have more or luxuries of a sort than the tIers, We do net comiplain as we annot afierd ignorance when Scarnes to the of semsblei1 education, but I think farmers at least wouid rather pay their owu lucarne taxes than have te pay tlirough bigla pricet archi- tects. I believe the architects are the lergesti ncome taxpay- ors of any protessional group lu Canada. The Ratepayers' Asso- ciation mlght act as a Royal Convnisuiou te finti out juat wlaat we have in returu for money spent on school clasa- roonis lu the last fow yoars. Quotlng frein Mr. Pearson who brought the greetings ai lion. W. J. Dunlop, Minister of Education on the occasion ot the opening ai the first two now classroonis at Maple Grave just seven years ago. Quete, "Iu the erection oi new schools the de- pariment af education antithe ratepayers of the area are part- fers." It la difficult te untier- stand wQiy wlth more new adlipols cornlng righi up, our rates waulti have ta lie increas- eti for tle $45,000 liere at Ma- pie Grave and tle $45,000 at Courtice, two new heating plants a tmnaintain andi four new teaclers te çay anti that the five hundreti residents ai Dar- lilgton Township worket inl Oshawa but we gat ne taxes froua- Oshawa industries. On the sanie occasion Reeve Nldbols countet out that mill Sinco we bad ne industries parents shoulti realize that I taxes would have te increase~ te, educate cur chilIdren. Thisi tion which lias net yet been answerod is wliy children have been sent haome frein these ex- pensive buildings because of uucomtortable conditibns wlien children in buildings £rom 60 te 100 years olti have net neetiet to e esent 'home? Another question which our schoi board niay lie able te, an- swer is why Dutch sdhoallieuses, separte schoal bouses anti Ad- ventist buildings canlie built more quickly, more economical- ly andi be more wel] built than the sanie type of building . u Darlington? WIhy, wheu, build- ing are net ready wo pay a fuiyear's salary for ha tino teaching? I waa lu a district recently where a two-roam schoal house was built fer less than these first two at Maple Grove. The building was cempietely erect- eti between M1ay and Sept. l5th this year. There aren.o outsitie clasaroon doors but easy ac- cess te, front and back autside corridor doers from bath class- roms, teacher's rom andi child- ren's roin where outer foot gear and élething may lie left and chilîdren may use for play ou a sternvy day. No claseti la M. M. Snowdeni, cupboards hi teachees o o doors "on claak rooma butM, tyÇ of open space for bok. cloeks !n classroons, three i. lets and a janItar's room. A great iniproveinent on I&pbe Grave. A rewarding bit of education at Maple Greve migit lie for the school boardti t take the chuîdren on e tour around their new classraoms, tell thon, what they cast and explain wby wa- ter is lealcing tram a nice loelcing eave-trough on the south aide cf one et the newer than 1957 roams, naaklng a streak on the brick- wall and then show tliem the very poor looking brick werk on tlie west aide of the building and etc. Wel oducated chiltiren wil libe interesteti andi asking, wliy, tlough I ama not well educated I do asic why? 1 have learned that the only function et township councilin the- school-house .prograsnla ta authorize the. buildings wti'ere needeti ax4 aigu the checksa for the bills. 1 have aise, learneti that police service is requiroti by provin- cial law where there are 5,000 or mare residents. If 1: have madç any miss-staterneuts wUl welcome corrections. Ldfbkdeo6eI If Make sure your family and home are set to greet Santa in. StYle.. Cali us now for the finest prof essional dry cleaning. Cliffcres t Clean ers- 71 KING ST. E. BOWMiANVILLE PHONE MA 3.7061 for PICK-UP ANlD ELI VERT LOIREMcQUARIRlEProp. O~UAIANTEED A rint Service Improvements Lfree delivery 1MBI the beauty of real wood at Iess cost with.. SHEETROCK T.M. Reg. in Canada The Floeproot Gypsum Wallboard Weodgrained SHKETRocx ha% the beautiful wood graining pattern of natural wood-plua fire protection! It's the sure, lew cest way te turn your week-end cabin into an attraço tive, comfortable cottage, beautiful now patterns'-Iearà how economical remod.ling witb SMEETROCKC really le. KNOTTY PINE .. . BLEACHED MAHOANY ... 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