PAGE RTMMI2 A A I~? A W S~PA~I5A ~WAWVW.LU. flW1'AUIO THURSDAY, DEC. Srd, IBIS Aw K1 -dAmàdAn se fl...* - v.--'VML -T (Continued from page one) an indication of their interest in municipal affairs. He thank- ed the council for the co-oper- ation given him, and congratu- lated the staff for their work. He particularly comxnended Tom Stewart, the road superin- tendent and his staff for the good job they have done. Won Out On High Sehool Ifteeve Nichols spoke of the achievements of council in 1959, and also sorne difficulties that had been overcome. He drew attention to the fact thst the new High School is to be and Mr. and Mrs._Çordon Mar- tinoli and Kenny, Roseneath, on Sunday. Mr. and Mms. Fred Lip- pett, Toronto, also called. Mms. ; artinell, who had the flu, is Ifeeling btter now. IMrs. Bert Thompson returned Ihome Satunday from Tononto and jwe werc pleased to loann hon eye is coming along fine but sho will have to wear dark glasses for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Lonne Pae- den and Jean visited her Sunday. Mrs. Mary Luxon spent a few days this weekend in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Eidie Counoux. Ray and Marie were with Mr. and Mrs. Rlay Moore for the weekend. Alec Little and friend callod on Mrs. Neva Little Sunday after- noon. Messrs. Ned, Allen and Martin Foster were in Delhi last weok te, see how the tobacco sales were working out. Roy and Allen Foster spent a fow days in Renfrew ceunty visit- ing the tobacco farms there as Roy has to look after their grad- ing. D'on't forgot the W.A. bazann in the Sunday sehool room this weok. Watch for particulars. Miss C. W. Stewart, Mr. and iMns. Len Falls and family were ameng those who attonded the Silvor Wodding Anniversary cele- bration in the Odd Fellows Hall in Orono, for Mr. and Mrs. Llewllyn Hallowell, Saturday night. We Kendal folks oxtend our heartiest congratulations. Thero seonis a little more in- terest being taken in our town- ship council as shown by the nom- inations Fridny afternoon. An election is being held Docomber 7 for deputy-roeve, council and sehool board. Kendal bas noeded a reprosentative on council for semetime se don't negleet getting jout to vote for our new nominee, Rev. R. C. White spoke on Sun- day on "What e're that idol be" stressing our need to put God in first place above physical strength, matenial wealth, fame and position and racial intoler- ance. The choir sang "Whilo shopards watched thoir flocks by night"' with Mrs. Swarbrick at the organ. In spite of the downpour of nain ITuesday cvening, 12 membens and one visitor gathered for the W.I. To the EIecjiors of Darlington: Having been a resident of this area -for the past 30 years, I arn pleased to offer my services as a candidate for Danlington Council at this election. If elected, I promise to give the township rate- payers my best in re- sponsible service. I respettfully solicit your support. Elmer Pollard COURTICE TO THE ELECTORS 0F DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP: After having served as a member of South Darling. ton School Board for the past 14 years, twice Chairman of the Board, 1 have declded te stand as Township Ceuncillor. If It is your pleasure te support and elect me I wilI try and serve the rateuayers ef Darllngten te the boit et my abillty. Standing for efficient administration and services and good value for your tax dollars. Sincerely, HAROLD C. MUID. RE -ELECT FRED SMITH Coun cillor for Darlington Township 1 have represented the residents of Darling- ton Township on Council for the past three years. With this experience and my wish to serve you to the best of my ability I respectfully solicit your vote on Monday, December 7th Fred Smih. To the Eleclors ai Darlinglon Township: Having served you as Councillor for the past three years, I feel qualified te allow my Dame to stand for Deputy-Reeve in the com*ng *lectiqu.. My policy ls full co-operation and more publié services, for the betterment of opir town- ship and its people. I hereby solicit your support at the polis en Monday, December 7th, 1959. Allin E. Thompson built in Darlington. "You know the United Counties for 1959,!1 we have beon fighting for it and expressed bis appreciation, for a long time. and we have' of beîng the first Warden frem finally won eut," he said. Darlington in the 109 year his- 24 Miles Each Tear tory of Counties Council. Hie spoke of the road pro- il Functions In a Week grain and said that ail roads Deputy-Reeve Rickard mon- could not ho hard-topped at tioned that there are 74 mem- once but stated that if the pres- bers in Counties Council re- ent prograin of hard-topping presenting 24 municipalities, 24 miles a year is kept'up for and added that the total poptt- five years there would nlot ho ation cf Northumberland-Dur- a dirt road left in Darlington. hamn is 76,000. He stated that $18,000 for Snow Removal there have been il functions la The Reevo referrod te the' a week, and an average o! 35 exceptionally heavy winter. He'tes4Council a onth. Hg o ex- said frem January. on snew re-pi ned tha therehave bex- moval had cost approximately p aifew tm e le havno been $18,000, of which about $11»00 ablew t hes ent s et Dang was spent north o! the 5th Cen- eeti be cse o! Couln- cession and $7,000 south o! it.tonmeetngsbeuses. Cun We try te divide the road work onc Up as much as we can regard- Improvements In Roads leso! the assessment of the Ho referred te the improeO- areas se that ail can get eut," ment te the township roads that ho explained. have been made sinco ho has Breakups Were Few been on Dalingion Council. He "We had some work done' said ho is convinced that senie around the Sioux roads, butbrdeshud orpaed s were a bit disappointed in the' ho considers themn dangerous. devlopentroa inthenorh'Ho said keeping these bridges deeopftodi the nowshithBt: is not truc economy as the fortunate that wo did not have provincial government will pay more breakups, Bowmanvilie, an 80 percent subsidy for re- and Oshawa had far more. We placement. are now-trying te get the base Iinter Work Subsldy lino road for a deveiopment Ho urged that full use be road," ho said. made of the winter work sub- Overhead Near Courtice sidy o! 75 percent. Ho recom- Reeve Nichois stated that mended that Counties Council council is working on getting shouid ho asked te store one o! an overhead bridge ever thits snowplows in Dalington CPR, where the railway plans where the heavlest travelled te add a spur lino south of! roads in the twe counties are. Courtice Road. Ho reminded his People expect 24 heur snow ne- hearers that a highway 401 in- moval. end a plow kept in terchange is planned for Cour- Hampton at the township's new tieo Road, and it will ho the garage would bo a 'help. Ho only eut-off botween Bewman- told of bis original Idea for the ville and Oshawa. In order te construction o! a heated .garago protect Uhc motoning public ýnd in Hampton for township equip- pedostrians the council recem- ment, and stated the cost o! its mended the bridge. It appears erection would ho only $10.000 it will go througha without tee as the province will grant a 50 much cost te Darlington," the percent subsidy te cover haîf Reeve said. thc total cost o! $20.000. Deputy-Reeve's Report Only Mentloned One Item Deputy-Reeve Garnet Rick- Deputy-Reevc Rickard refer- ard congratulafed Reeve Ni- chois cn the tUme and effort ho ENÂ has put into Dalington affairs. K N A He said there were few Reeves Who wou]d put in the -time Roy Old Man Winter favouned us Nichols bas devoted te the lead-I with snew stonnis the latter part ership of the township. Iof last week and first of this Fiast Dallngton Warden week. Howoven Satunday after- Inoon had good weathen for the Ho thanked the coundil and Grey Cup game. the ratepayers for their support GusswtMmHate ar in his election te Warden of j tie wre M. a Mah. Coneln, 1-iMr.tonands Ab. Last week Alvin Souch w a s hospitalized for à few days in' Bownianville but h a a returxied home. Mn. and Mns. Orme Falls Mr. and Mrsa. Sid Hallowell anà Mn. and Mrs. Austin Turner were on- tertained at Mn. Llew Hallowell'a last week. Miss Colleen Falls, Tononto, spent the weekend at Mr. Orme F als. First Full Elechion Since 1954 Election Fever Runs High As Contests f or AIl Positions TYRONE Mr. and Mrm,.Earil ?reseott Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hardy azid Gerry Mr. Stuart Hooey, attend- od the funeral of thei brother-in- law, Robert Murray, Toronto Saturday. Sympathy la extended te his wife and family, also rea tives, from this community. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lake Mr. and Mns. Wallace Holmes, ew-i castie, Mr. and Mns. Afred Brown Bowmanvllle were tea guusSunday of Mr. and Mrs. HadSinner, Mr. and Mir. Roy Maynard and Aun MeNiven, Miss Bonnie Me- 9 uinn attended a bpthday prty berlain at the home of ler par- enta Mr. and Mns. K. Chamber- lai n Oshawa. Mïr. and Mns. S. Parker and twln boys Newcastle visited Mr. and Mns. E. A. Virtue. Mr. and Mns. H. Hardy Bow- manville, Mr. Russell Hardy Toronto were Saturday supper V este with Mr. and Mns. George Mr. and Mns. E. A. Virtue at- tended the Dedication Service at Hampton Sunday and were din- ner guests of Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Blanchard. Mr. and Mns. Herb Powell Bowmanville were Saturday eve- ning guests of Mr. and Mns. A. Youngman, Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngman and girls Pontypool. Mr. and Mns. James Woodley, and children spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hodgkinsoyi Aurora. Mr, and Me's. H. Philp, Miss Jean Philp visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Philp, Morganston. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear and Esther Anne visited r .W Larmer Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. R. Coombes and Being a member of Darlingrton Council for the past three years, I' feel qualified te serve yeu for another year. I will work to the best of my ability for the benefit of al residents of Darlington Township. I kindly solicit your support at the poils on MqONDAY8 DECEMqBER 71h, 1953 red te the tact that expencti- tures of $1,150,000 lied been fssed by Counties Council dur- ng te week, and vet a certiain dally paper questionied, or even ment.loned, only mie, the trip made by a delegation to attend the Good Ronds Convention ln Vancouver. He said delegations had gone to this convention an- nually for years without cx'iti- cism, u.nd polnted out that this year lie had oved the Counties Couincil $1.000 by a motion lie had made iii committee setting a limit to the delegat.on's ex- penses. pays 9. Recolven 12% "«One of the prime functions of Counties Council is to equal- ize the assessment. Darlington contrîbutes 9 pc.-cent to the Counties Council and receives 12 percent o! the benefits," De- puty Reeve Rickard pointed out. He told the meeting that hie would gladly answer any clues- tions regarding Counties Coun- cil, and said that hie had the minutes of the meetings and other information ln his brne!- case. Couadillons Address Meeting Councillor Fred G. Smith as- serted that the Dog Control By- law was passed siinultaneously jpassed with the sirnilar one in Bowmanville at the request o! the health department as a pro- tection against the dread di- sease rabies. Councillor A. E. Thompson reviewed the coun- cil's work during the year, and stated that d esp it e the oceasiorxal differences; of opinion ail had worked as a team, in the d.emocratic way. A detailed financial. report was given by Councillor Earl Trull. Five For School Board Candidates nomlnated for the Sehool Board, who quallfied were Robert Cooke and Sidney IWorden, members o! the pres- ent board, Bert Snowden, Harry Qyler, Mrs. Anna Boyce and IBob Craig. house, with Mrs. Martin Mandens pnesiding. The roll caîl was answered by naming a radio or T.V. pnognarn which they enjoyed. This brought out a great variety of answers. Each aiso took part in the discussion of cunrent events. As the new blanket cata- logue was on hand it was de- cided to send away the old wool- lens in January. They are te be left at the home of Mrs. Eddie Couroux. To prevent; se much delay in getting the blankets after they arrive at the station, a motion was passed that the money must ho handed in at the samne time as the old woollens and order. A Christmas meeting is being held at Mrs. W. Mercer's, the sec- ond week in December when ar- rangements will be made for a rChristmas party for the pro- school age children and their mothers. Mrs. L. Greenwood, convener of Education and Citizenship, took over the meeting. The motto was "Education commences at thoir mother's knees."1 She gave a reading, "I said no more", where a mothen takes out ail the items in her son's pockets and ho in turn namnes t he lengthy list of articles contained in her purse which occasioned the titie "I said 1no more."y t 1 Mrs. Greenwood toek as e tpe"Canada's debt to Immi- 1grant Women". She told of how the Scotch mother of John A. MacDonald struggled and worked jvery hard to send him te school and se fitted him for the import- ant position hie later held. Susan- Sna Moody, Catherine Panr Trail, tMrs. Black-first woman M.P. ifrom Yukon, ail had intenesting -careens. She aiso told us of more -modern new Canadian women as painters, musicians, sculpture and .memonial workers, weavers of .fine ttapestries, dress designers, .ballet dancers, doctors and den- ttists and etc.- They have done much for Canada. 1 Mrs. H. Foster gave us some 1information on the new Dutch .immigrant schools and their aims. 'I -- I - TO THE ELECTORS OF DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP: Fecture Darlington Nominations E or! B. Truâl A PERSONAL MESSAGE to the E lectors of Darlington Township Once again election tîme has roled around and it lis my prIvillege to bave hm~ rîominated for Reeve of Darlinglon for the'tenth consecutive term. There may be those who ask why after nine years in office 1 do not pass along the reins to someone else to carry on. It is flot that 1 want the glory or honour of the office. Rather, the complex problems which continue to face a rapidly expanding Darlington have become a challenge on which there is stili much work to be done for the good of every citizen. During the years 1 have headed the administration, it has always been My policy to conduct township affairs as 1 would my own business, economically,. fairly, honestly and with as much foresight as possible, As a resuit we have had a balanced budget every year and even now the only debentures owing are for new schools. Few townships are in s0 fortunate a position. There has been considerable growth in the township, Our population and assess- ment have doubled since my first term as Reeve. Yet, we have kept pace with that growth. Our roads are better than in any of the other townships in the United Counties and we have done this paving work without exceeding our annual budgets, This has taken a considerable amount of intensive planning - again on a businesslike basis - taking advantage of every saving and subsidy available while making certain the work was done efficiently, There is stili much to be done - on our roads - in attracting industry to share the tax burden - and in improving the township facilities in other ways, That is the reason 1 have again accepted this nomination, 1 enjoy working with and for ail of the pSop'e of Darlington and assure you that, if elected, 1 shall continue to do my utmost to merit your continued confidence, in cooperation with the other members of council and the township's fine staff. My main ifterest is the welfare of our township and its people, Your support and influence on Voting Day, Dec. 7th would be appreciated. Sincerely, Roy W. Nichc's 'I ir ehildren visited Mns. K. Burnside of Montreal at the home of Mn. and Mns. Paul Chant, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mn. Clare Colbary, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. Jack Col- bary, Brooklin visited Mr. and Mns. K. Colbary. Mns. Joe Cowlixig and Murray Salem were Sunday visitons of Mn. and Mns. L. Smith and Miss Louise Goôdman cf Hampton visitod their home on Monday. Mr. and Mms. Frank Wilson Hector and Ross, Mn. Harny Bolton, Mr. and Mns. E. Wilson and Bryan, Oshawa, Mn. and Mms. Clarence English Bowmanville weno visitons of Mr. and Mms. J. Wilson and Allan. Mn. anid Mns. Frank Werry vis- ited Mn. and Mns. Clarence Rowan Bethany. Mr. and Mns. W. Rahm visited Mr. and Mns. Cecil Rahm, Burke- ton. TMMSDAY, DEC. SM, OU Te the Eleclors of Darlington Township: 1 havp allowed my name to stand for election te, Township Council. If elected 1- enter this work with an open mind and the wiIl to, learn. I will work to the best of my ability for the good of ail. I hereby respectfully solicit your supporton Monday, December 7tb. Sidney Cornish . à "l"Ila UANJWI^"l