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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1959, p. 17

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-r??u@VAl ¶1' iu. j 4i Oê- v !WAWWfqA'WSA.awIMTY. U' Probationers Given Chance To Escape St igma of Prison ~Speaker TelIls Rotary Club The value cf the Probatioans Services in the rehubilitation cf offenders and the preventian cf fuure crime was emphasized in the informative uddrcss given by Wellace Buntan,- a Probations Service supenvising officer. He wus the special speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Bowm an- ville Rotary Club' ut the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel on Friday. Out cf tawn gdests present1 were Reg Geen, Bob Brown, Hay- deni McDonald, Stewart AIlger, Rôtarians from Oshawa, and Bob Creighton, a Part Hope Roturian. It was pointcd eut that Reg Geen had, been -iii,, but had recovered siftciently te corne te the Rotary luncheon here te 'make-up' Mîs Rotary attendunce. Mr. Geen has achieved the outstanding record cf not nissing a Rotary meeting lI 27 years. John Monison, a member of the local Rotary Club, who is the superintendent cf the Ontario Training Schoot for Boys, Bcw- rmanville introduced the guest speaker. M. Morison tcld cf the outstandng wonk Mr. Bunton ha. donc on behaif cf those who have reeded help in acqlring a proper sense cf responsibility antd a dcc- cnt place in.socicty. Mr. Bunton had joined the staff cf Ontario Probations Service, Attorney- To the Eleciors of Darlinglo'n Tour vote and support respectfully sollclted for re- election to South IarlUngton Are& Sehool Board. 1 have had four years' experlence., SYDNEY WGRDEN General's Deparnt in l 1946. Mental Attitude The mental attitude cf an individual regandiugF the Proba- tiens Service depends an Uic per- son, Mn. Bunton explalned. Au individual ln need of a correct outlook miay regard probation as a restraint on his inclinations, but the service is a necessany adiunct ta social onder, he assor- ted. Difficuit te SdIl The Attorney-Gcueral's Dcpart- ment finds same phases et the work cf the Probation Services difficult te 'sell' te the genenal public, he stated. Ho pointed eut that while. people agree that children can need correction sud nehabilitation, sud au endeuvar must ho made ta moud broken homes for the sake cf children, the public is apt ta tfee thut time sud mouey should not b. spent on loue individuals, articu- Iarly if they have been hbtuaI off endors. Probation and Paroe Mn. Bunton explaino-d the diffe- rcftce betweeu probation and par- ole. Ho said that a persan on parole is eue who hum beon con- victed aud served time, sud is still under' surveillance. One ou probation hum _probably net becu sentenced, sud hum nat scrved time, lie stated. Durnug lis perlod of probation he le ou traul by society, he added. Sword Over Hlm Head 'The important thing te the peopleocf the corrective service is not what the offense was, but whut caused the person ta, corn- mit it, Mn. Bunton assorted, the cause must hoenadicated. D'uring probation a sword hangi over Uic head of the offeader sud ho knows that should he break the rules it will descend sud ho will have te go ta juil. Chance te Escape Stigma Probation net only gives un offender the chance te, escape thc stilrma ef prison, but it also give. him an apportunity te mrake restitution, the speaker stated, sud te support himself sud his dependants. Records show that the province spends $150 yearly on a person on probation, whils the cost cf niaintainixxg a man Vole and Eleci~- ROBERTH'. COOK ~ TRUSTEE South Darlington Area School Board Robert H. Cook was bornin uSarnia, Ont., educuted la Brantford and Oshawa. Hie served overseas for 4 years wlth RCASC. He wus un executIve member of Local 222 and Chairmaunof Courtice Cub and Scout Pack Iust year, and member of the Board of Directors of Township Hall. He has served on the School Board for the past two years, being Property Chairnian last year. - - VOTE and ELECT .'~HARRY OYLER Shool Trustee for Darliaglon Township I was born in Kent, England, in 1919, coming to Canada in 1937. 1 served 5 years with the Canadian Army overseas, and have been a resident' and taxpayer of Darlington Township for 5 years. I amn married to the former Nellie NeMis, a life-long resident of Darlington Township, and our two sozis attend public sehool here. Besides being an active member of Mitchell's Home & School Club I arn very interested in public sehool affairs. I arn active in community sports in the Zion area, and play on the local soccer teani. I with mny famlly attend Zion Church. RARRY OYLER. lu juil for a yean ecosa$1,500, Mn. Buntan remunksd. Probutioners in Ontario cura I15,000,000 a yean and average 70,000 in restitution payments, the speaker tald Uic Rcotarians. He mid the majority are lu tue 16 te 25 yean age bnackct, although of course there ure men of al uges on probation. No Real Religion u"Fifty percent ef people on probation came froni broksn hec. In this group 50 percent are Protestants, 33 percent Roman Catholic, sud les. than anc eercent corne froni Jewish fumilies. The fumily enviroument i. cf great importance. Actual investigation his showu thut dem- pite the religion givea by Uic offeudens, 95 percent of the pur- ent. and 99 percent cf the uiigsters have ne roui religion," . Buliton stated. In conclusion he paid tnibute ta Rotanfaus and saîd that they help the preveution of delinqucacy by the pro jects they support. Ho uhso commeuded the great help iu rehabilition doue by Rotarians who give empioy- ment te thos who had been off endens. Stewart MeTavsh movsd a vote of thanks ta Mn. Bunton for hi. enlightening addness. George Vice, presideut cf thc club also thauked Mn. Bunton fan caming to Bawmanville-ta tell the Retan- ians cf the fine work doue by the Prabations Service. SOLINA Mn. and Mn.. Bih! Ashton, Mn. sud Mn.. Bruce Montgomery sud Mn. sud Mn.. Harvey Yellowlees attcuded the Wardcn's banquet ut Cobourg. Mauy tram here atteuded Uic Durhami Couuty Junior Award Night special prograru ut Ornoa when sevesul local young people wers umoug the uwand wiuners. Lorue Tiuk received the trophy awarded by Lloyd Kellogg for high contestant in seed judging competition aud the silver tray awarded by A. O. Daîrymple, Agn. Represeutative, for coacaisoe the high team. Harold Yellowlees neceived a suitabiy engruved travelling alunm eock for beinjg the high contestant in thc judgxng cof dainy cattîs utthUicC. NE. sud also an E. A. Summens Memorial Fuud awurd. In the Swine Club Harold stood iu second place. Iu Uic 4-H Beef CuIt Club Gail Baker sud Ronnie Baker were in third sudafifth places respective- ly. Iu the Dairy Caîf Club Harold Yehowle-es was lu fourth p lacs, Lamne Tink lu seventh uan Put Knox eighth. Iu the Grain Club Harold Yel- lewlees sud Lamne Tiuk wcre lu third sud fourth p laces respect- ivcly. Iu Uic Poultry Club Ken Knox teck sixth place sud Ronald Broome ighth. Helen sud Put Knox were pre- sented with copies cf the inspira- tiouai bock "I Dure You" lunre- cognition cf talent fon leadenship aud fan beiag ehosen the ont- standing 4-H girls lu Durhami Ceunty in 1958 sud 1959. To al these 4-H Club membens we suy "Congratulations on yonr fine achievement." The girls quartette composed cf Pat %Yvis, Gail Baker, Put sud Helen Knox, sang several selec- tiens ut the award night with Mrs. E. Cryderman, thein accom- panist, ut the piano. Bnadley's Community Club was ententaiued by Solinu Good Neighbors Club on Wedncsday night. Mn. Len Lucas, Vice-pnxn- cipul of B.H.S., gave au intercst-- ing talk au the subject "Fua With Numben.". Enjoyable musical selections were provided by Mns. Murnay Vice sud the g irls quar- tette-Put Davis, Gail Baker, Put and Helen Knox. Thore will ho ne meeting in Decemben. Congratulations te Peggy Mill- son who wus the winner in the final contest lu public speaking for contestants from Durhumi Couuty ut Onono. Peggy's subject was "The North American Buffa- lo." She will compote in the Northumberland District High Schcol Auditorium iu Brighton an Mardi th for district honours. Mn.. D. Flett prepared the prgram on temporance,* Sunday M. Vice led the woshlp service. The Christmas play wus practieed aud usmes were drawn for the excissugeo f gift. Roll Cuil was answered wlth a "A Favori te Christmas Carol" Peggy Milîson read a poem. The Womeu'a Institute will meet on Decemnber 10, lu the Commnunity fxlî. This la the Christmas meetiur. Mus. J. Van Test cf Bowmanvlls will give a demoustration of deconatioax made from drltwood. Thon wilU b. a dlsplay ef inexpensive Christmas glft.. Members ane asked ta brnug a gift for someone lu the Cobourg County Home. Mr. and Mr.. Bruce Tink, Dianne, Neil and Herbie, and Mm. H. E. Tink atteuded the dedica- tien service cf the new Christian Education building ut Hampton Church on Sunday afternoon and were tea guets of Mr. and Mns. Percy Dewell sud farnily., Mn. and Mn.. Roy MeGill, Miss Revu McGill, Mn. and Mn.. Keith McGill and Dale, Enniakillen, Mn. Jim Kinsman, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Laugmaid were Sunday c est. cf Mn. and Mm. Charles ngmaid und fumily. Mr. L. Scq uair, Salem, wus a Sunduy guest cf Mn.-and Mn.. Roy Langniaid. Several C G 1.T. gils wth thein leaders atteuded _the Vesper ser- vice in Oshawa ut the First'Bup- tlst Church, Sunduy night. Cenfrtulations une extended from his friends te Mr. Frank Westlake, Sr., who today, Decem- ber 3 is observing his 83rd birth- day. hEe in snjoyrng geod health au i. always happy ta egioy a chat with visitors. Muny lxuppy returus, Mr. Westlake-! 1 1 Mr. and, Mn.. Frank Westluke Jr. uttended a birthday party for Mr. George Smith, Bowmanville, on Sturday night. .Mrs. E. R. Taylor is visiting Rev. and Mns. R. Shcrwin and son David, Belleville, this week. Mrs. Gertie Ferguson, Oshawa, and Mrs. Bill McHugh, Redron, visitcd on Friduy ut Mr. and Mn.. Bruce Taylor'.. Dr. George Werry and children, Oshawa, visitcd the Werry's ut Roselandvale. Mn. and Mrs. C. Langniaid and children wcrc Sunduy tea guests cf Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett aud family. Mn. and Mn.. Howard Ormiston aud childrn, Mn. aud Mn.. Ralph Ormiston and childncn, Bowman- ville, wcrc Sunduy tea guests cf Mn. and Mn.. Tom Baker and family-it bcing James' seventh birthday. Mn.. J. Smales aud Martha, Oshawa; Mrs. H. Couch, Miss Marianoe Couch, Mn.. H. Waters, Bowmunville, Miss Eileen Couch and Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, Mn.. Bruce Willson, Calgary, weeSunduy callens ut Tom Bkrs. Mr. and Mn.. H. Ormiston, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker wene in Toronto on Satur- day. Tom and Howurd atteuded the Gney Cup game. Mr. aud Mn.. N. Fice, Taunton, visited ut Mn. aud Mn.. Frank Westlakc's, Sr. Mn. and Mn.. H. Freitag aud scns, Miss Jean Cryderman and Mn. George Bittner, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mn.. E. Cryden- mlan. CNIB Blitz Reaches $3708 Meeting ToId A recent meeting cf the Advi- sony Committce te the C.N.I.B. held ut the Lions Centre heard a most intenesting report from Treusuner Jim Bell. He disclased that the total collected ta date duning thc reccut Blitz campuign was $3,708.35. Campuign Chairmun George Congratulatcd the canvasmers for thein efforts, 'with spocial mention beiag made cf thein careful list- ing. The totals reparted balanccd immediately. The fclawiug district neturns wene reported: Bowmauville: Town ......2295.84 Rural Routes .... 54.00 Blackstock.................. 178.70 Courtice..................... 401.80 Orono ........................ 157.59 Newcastle ................ 172.75 Tyrans ...................... 9.50 Enficld ......................... 57.50 Hampton .................... 127.85 Maple Grave............... 127.25 Tareuton ........... **"«»*"« 3.00 Newtonville .........56.62 Kendal.............. 17.20 Enniskillen .........46.75 Burketon ..................... 2.00 Total .............. $3,708.35 To the hard workers cf these districts we extend oun heartiest thau . fo the. god woks.As snd Mms. Chas. Chupmnan (Ruby) all cf Pentypoal. Te those whc jmauru we exteud aur symputhy. j Mn. and Mns. Freemun Eddy cf Orone aud Mn. and Mn,. Archie Whitmnee cf Oshawa were Sun- day visitera here. Mr. sud Mrs. James MeMullen of Lotus are spending a few days with Mm., Lily Richurdson. r Miss Halbran cf Winnipeg was a recent gueat with Mn. Robert Halboran aud Mnm Eva Halbran. tShe was amoug -mauy who had corne dowu frorm Winnipeg to cheer the Blue Bomber, ta victory and wiu the Grey Cup. Ten usuies will appear on the ballot fan the Municipal Electian 2ta be held an Monday, December 7th. Two ans contcatiug the neeve- 1 hip and deputy reeveship while slx candidates are nunnîng for the three council soute. Vote as l'au like-but vote. 1 This writer ha. been buylng Bdraw tickets for mauy ysars with- e ut mucix luck. On Suturday even- eing at 6:25 P.m. I neccived a lang adistance call front West Hill in- efonxing me that I had won $100 au their weekly 50-50 Draw spcn. sored by Uic Canadian Legian. Dignitaries Gather to Ho nour Counties Warden At Counci aqe Southern frled chieken, hum- orous remarks, speeches and xnany other delicacies, contrib- uted to a very succesaful War- den's banquet, on Wednesday Nov. 25th at the Cobourg~ Pav- ilion, when approxiniately four hundred, including members of Parliament, Reeves, Councilors and other dignitaries, gathered te honor Warden Garnet B. Rickard, 1959 Warden of the United Counties. Head table guests included. YELVERTON Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland of Nestieton (nec Margaret McCabe) --our neikt deor neighbour of bygone days, who were married on Nov. 25, the bridc's birthday. On Wednesday evening. Nov. 25, Court Manvers No. 553, Can- adian Order of Foresters hosts ta' Courts Nestîcton, Lindsay Brid- genworth and Petcrborougki with Court Bowmanvillc's Dcgree Team present te initiate the 29 candidates present for that pur- pose-the largcst number of new candidates it has ever been dur privilege te sec înitiatcd ut anc timc. The future of the C.O.F. ordcr scems assured with such a display cf interest. (Seven new mcmbers wcrc welconied' into Court Manvers). It was aur pleas- ure as Chief Ranger of the local Court te welcome the visitors. The Bowmanvillc D'cgree team are ta bc congratulated on the manner in which thcy dcmonstrated the Ccremony of Initiation. On Thursday cvcning Yelverton Church Hall was the scene of an open meeting sponsored by Lind- say District Co-Op with a fair attendance cf district farinera. Yelvcrton Family Club served re- freshmcnts te the gathering. Mr. Balfour Moore was the re- cipient cf an electric tea-kettle as first prize draw. A Blackstock man (sorry we forgot his namne) won a second prize-a gal. cf alcohol-non drinking variety., Mr. Ray Lockhecd, guest speak- er, frein Barrie prcsentcd the story cf Co-operative history in a most intcresting and informa- tive manner. Mr. Bill Diggcll, Lindsay Co-Op manager gave tho stcry cf thcelcalCoOP. This year's Manvers Township Nomination Day was a hum- dinger, so te spcak, with the lurg- est attendancc cf ratepayers pre- sent in recent ycurs. Since we teck ne notes cf any speeches, we shaîl forbear from any comments on speeches niade-.-including our own stuttery gabfest-suffice it te say they varicd from the quiet, unassuming te thc flagantry dramatie, with the ratepayers en- joying a prctty gocd show at the expense cf we candidates. Latst report as te those hav. ing qualified Friday evening, with the possibility cf an occusional withdrawal later are as follows: Qualifying for Reeve, Earl Argue (incumbent reeve), Pontypool; Lcwis McGill (incumbent Dep- Reeve), Bcthuny; Robert Brownx (incunibent Counciller>. Deputy-Reeve, Hcnry JuKeman (incumbent councillor), Bethany village and Harvey Malcolm (in- cumbent counciller>, Yelverton R.R. Council (3 men te be elected): A. H. McMaster, Bethany; John Payne, Pontypeel; Orm Miller, Ptypol R.R.; Fenton Fullis, Manvers Stn.; Hcward Brown, Pontypool R.R.; Murray Wilson, Bcthuny village. In the intcrest cf fuir Play we shaîl refrain frcm making any pitch this year in this column an our ewn behaîf, thus taking what might be considerd unfair advn- tage cf our venerable calîcugue, friend, and opponent for the nonce-Mr. Jakeman. Needless te say, however, we wclcome the support cf Manvers Township readers and ratepayers in the election on December 7. A number cf Yelvcrtonians werc present at Durham County Federation cf Agriculture Annual meeting-a noon bànquet-held in Cavan Township Hall. Arcund 180 interested folk enjoycd the fine meal servcd by- the Cavan W.I.- Our sixiccre appreciation te the members cf Durham County Federation ia the implied confi- Deepest sympathy la extend- cd ta Councillor Robent Brown and Mrs. Brawn and family, the Lloyd Br.owns, the Charle Chapmanýs and the Samniay Browns in the sudden pa.ssing of their father, Mvr. George *Brown, last Saturday in Pan. typool. 3 A sizeable loas wa a utained r by Mr. Gordon Strong cf Bally- 3duff when three cows and one caif feil into a welU when the rtop capslzed. Mrs. Ernest Gray cf Lotus en- *joyed a week's holiday recently with her daughter, Mns. Arnoti Neals and family in Ottawa and luter wus picked up by Mr. Ernest Gray, Mr. and Mns. Stu- art McQuade _id Dale. Mn. and -Mm.enad Eudge, Pont Hko - -Bsn Thompeoxi M.P. sudrk kdr Thompson; Calmaz; Earl Nelson, Reeve of Pýrey Township sud Mrs. Ne";n Wardsn sud Mnm Garnet I. Riekar-d; Hon. W. A. Goodfel- low, Minister of Agriculture, and Mus. Goodfellow; A. Car ruthers, M.P., and Mm. Car- ruthers. Finit to be hoxiored at thse banquet was Mn.. Riekard "for thc large amount of work c - coMpliehed at home, while hua- band a ut Cobourg" mid Counties Clenk Ken %y>nst who presented Mus. Riekard a sheuf of roses on bebalf of the CounnUes Council. Rcnd Budgo fntroduced thc hcad table aud comrnended Wurden Ricfcurd ou a well dons jeb. Mn. Budge sald that hoe aud his colîsugue were prend of the work accompllahed under Uic Warden's direction. Wurden Riekard thought thut *8,00 opi.of the fnioudly wrs spoksn by Mr. Budge might come. in handy. if Irinted. "One becomes wsrden xi one of the mont democratie stups lu existence," mid Warden Rie- kard, who added that nonsuppon- tors ut election Urne had tunned eut te be ardent supporters ycar round. Warden Riekard, who coin- pIstes hi. fourteentis year lu al typeset muicipal Work, llkened tZaswuren unta a shipcaptain. Ceuncil members are thZe salIons, and the cargo te be dcli vered consista cf bett.en roads, edue- ution, and services for the aged, children in nsed and lu the form of justice. Sometimes the ssas are rough, said thecacptuin, but by churtiug the course li a straight puth he feit the right purpose could be uccomplished. The captain cf the United Countios mhit ne- manked that next ysar cre would be uny now alon sud aise a nsw captaiu, te premerve our democrutie way cf lifs ta the utmemt. One warden mid that "belng wunden for a year in ail a man can take for a life time," and Wardeu Riclcard had hlm ahane. Wheu h. spoke about hi, loving aud devoted wife, hie meutioued that durnug thi. yeur thene hud net been mucis time fer *"lovin'" but, Uic devotion was wondsrful. 1959 wa the biggest, yeur for the United Caunties Council even ince the Council wua fonmed, and "1durntu the asat few days we've been talking about issuiug debeutures of oven two million dollars" mid the Wardeu. Reg ieCéaun, Brighton, spoke for the pust wardcns, aud the Warden cf Peterboro County, Mn. McAdam, brought greetinga front hi. Couuty. Mayor Glfford of Oshawa ne- marked that "'it i. economieally unsound to dispense with capit- al sxpendfture," in order te pro- gresasws must luvest. Bon Thoinpscn. M.P., nemarksd that evideuce cf a busy United Counties Council eau ho seen averywhere, lu roads. bridges and To the RATEPAYERS of DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP In off ering my services as Reeve 1 would Rie ta promote the f ollowing: 1. A- STRONG COUNCIL Provide leadership and encourage a thorough open discussion on ail subjeots, keep the electorate properly informed. 2. ROADS This is our largest expenditure, 1 propose a strong road com- mittee to survey ail the roads and bulid on a SOUfld, economical, Iastjjg program. 3. FINANCES Township colleots ail the money, spends about one-third. i sources of revenue and assistance should be expiored, giving as much relief as possible to real estates 4. COUNTIES COUNCIL Darlington Township has the second Iargest population. We should make the fuilest use of ail county services. 5. LEGISLATION We should plan for progress and development, study the services that are neededi and retain our Democratic Freedoms My year as Warden lis almost over. -ý 1 witI work in your interests Monday, Dec. 7th for Reeve Vote Rickard X1 Listen to Radio Station CKLB,, Oshawa (1350) on Satturday,, Dec. 5th at 6:.58 p.m., when Garnet Riokard wiIt speak. 1 wiII have the time -j MORBISH Sunday Sehoël wau held at 11:00 ar. on Sunday, Novem- ber 2th. lIe sedion wus taken by the. Superintetideiit, Mr. George Harnen. There were 32 creent and one blrthday was honored.tiat of Mrs. Fred M- Coneiel, assistant superinten- dent. Va are pleased to repo rt WM. 1D. Haines, returned home yen- tordae. Nov. 2SIi, very mnuch the better for lier operatlon and trcatment at Civie Hcupltal, Po- terborough. W. trust this lm- provement wlfl continue and our friend regains her normal heailli. Mrm Robert MecHolm. bat. of Roseberry HMU and Newtonville, was rushed ta Mémorial Hospi- tal. Bowmanvlbe, with a severe heart attack. She was placcd ln an oxygen tent for some time and la now nesting comnfortably although flot allowed ta sit up. We trust wlth proper rest and treatment she will be able ta at the Golden Plough Lodge. A. Carruthers, MP., sid he agreed with evenythig that had been sid that evenlng and he commended Mr. Rickard on his good judgment displayed ut the time of the June electiens. Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, last speaker in the lins of brilliant orutors recalled the first War- den's Afnler, given by Warden Billy Wood, MilIbnook. At that time "We were a very hard working people,"' suid Mr. Good- fellow. This speaker pictured Wandesn Riekard as a 11forthrfght fellow, who can make decisians."' "Dinuers cf this klnd help aut tue surplusses" joked the Min- ister of Agriculture. Ho closed by suying th ut it fs the duty cf the Provincial Goveruments ta strengthen Government on the municipal level. Planist for the evening was Jack Armstrong, Coîborne. . -Sentindi Star Thxe social eveiifli et ubw- rlsh is now ln the fifth week and the. Little Red Sehoolhcuse la now requuitioned for ti* event held on Wednesdat' aveu- 1nom at, 8:00P.m We are sorry to report that Mr. Jack Oornlsh la a patient la Port Hope Hospital forobserva- tion and treatinent. We mn Jack's cheerfu hall aM h. pased, up and down the. hlghway to the farm and trust hi.a tay la hospital will fot- b. very lon&. TO TME TAXPAYERS 0F THE TOWNSEIP 0F DARLINGTONt 1 bave been mkel hi a number of the taxpayeru te allow mi, Dame te stand fer DEPUTY-REEVE' for tSdê Havlnt served Prevlousli on the Council 1 will try te the best of my 1Uity te serve you. 1 wouleI appreelat. 7001 vote and Inluence A.L. BLANCHARD I ~ 1~~ h I k a f a VOTE and ELECT MRS. F. BOYCE for SCHOOL TRUSTEE SOUTH DARLINGTON AREA SCIIOOL -BOARD> Nonday, December 71h, 1959 VOTE and E LECT BOB1 TREMBLE COURNCILNANà for DARLINGTOI; TOWNSHIP If elected 1 WR!! work te tthe best of my abillty tt Unblas.d Zoning . Adequate Fire Protection Procure Industrial Development Darlington Township Deserves, a Progressive Council 4 quçnmqnAv- Inrtq_ iriq- 100%0 TM rAMAnt« STATERM". BOV;BL&NVff.= CNTAPM - q f

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