Tm7ESDAT, DEC. 3rd, INS TEK CANADIAN STAT~MAN, EOWMAIIVTLLI, OIITARTO PAGE NINETENW The Orono News, .Mrs. James E. Richards,, Editor MTr. afld Mrs. Alan Deusbry Mrs. M. Sherwin attended a and 4andily, Dunnvi1be, spat shower in Markham on Friday the weekend with ber mother, evening for the bride-eleet, Mfrs. Jackc Hudson, and visited Miss Dorothy Hood of Gormely ber fathur, Mr. Jack Hudson, who wil be married ta Mr. in Oshawa Hospital. Don Reesor of Markham on - Decexnber 26th. Mr. Robert Collett, Mr. and is. Raymond Woodward and FRE1 son Douglas, Georgetown, wr SON ITOR Normnan Kennedy and Wayne. 1, nd rs.Edward Hogg R ~ E and family, Fraserville, spent SER~V ICE Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Mr. and Mis. Robert May, Scive YouBrooklin, are visiting ber par- Fu4rnae,1 ents, Mr. and %drs. Brooks Furnac Miss Catherine Power, Toron- I Dollars, spentthe weekend with Mr. James. Son#torcan actually double Mrs. Harry' Mercer visited Mrs. Chas. Shaw and sons JLn the life of your storage and Ralph, Oshiawa, on Friday. tant. And Sonitor cornes, Mr. and Mis. Ivan Farrow at- free with your order of tended the Blight-Luke wed- Shel I Furnace Oil. Order ding Saturday morning, Nov. 21st in Holy Cross Roman Cath- \4 for prompt delivery. oic Church, Oshawa. MIr. and Mis. Eldoni Essery, Courtice, held a family get-to- gether n honor of her father Mr. Luther Barrabali, who was celebrating his 8th birthday. .Mis. Cliff Cooper and Mis. Harold Cobbledick are patients in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mi. and Ms. Walter Ryhor- FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AN" SNELL MARKERS HIATING OIIS 5 BROS. FAMéoeY KEITH. YEO Stafford Bras. le 41ell st. MA 3-3219 Nomumental Works av helu -qmgiw»y 383DundasSt. B., Whitbr 7;.1 MOhawk 8-3553 am-. INO Crans lffy Mlk lti- makes the hardest. waler a fé., of frogronce le seconds. vuecGrass PIwer Mst-Uglsî version of one of the wortd's great perfvmes. ln goy Christ. mas cartot, - 52.50 bathîlme Sot-Bliue Grass IIand Lotion, six bath Petoi and bath Mit. $3.50 liand Lodeon, la goy Christmos box, ta keep hands satin-. smoolh. Blue Grass, June Geranum. $1 .25 Ardueebutin@ Powder mre »»e Goenium " bil oa- pelred lns a vmy tram ontef gadue.05J"Y ~W.. bth Soops la a flower. crowned "soo.lhrough" cylinder. Muve Grass, Jvne Ograium $3.00 Itne Geraniu Bath se- Wods Plower Mit and u iowder.$2 Jury and Love!! Your Rexail Drug Store' BOWMANVILLE c-huk end four cbuîdren bave moved from near Newtonville into the houa. recently vacated by the Gay family. Mis. Fred Tamblyn visited Mi. and Mis. Wm. Wilbur, Hampton, and attended the De- dication service on Sunday. M&s. Basil E. Long is staying with ber father, Mi. Gea. Jun- kin in Fenelon Fans. Miss E. Penfound is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Youngman, Mr. and Mis. Jack Reid, Mr. and Mis. Hartwell Lowery at- tended the Warden's Banquet at Cobourg. Mis. Viola Smith bas return ed to ber home afteî convales- cing at Lintonhurst Rest Home, Orono, for several weeks. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Miller were supper guests of Mi. and Mis. Orme Miller, Pontypool, on Sunday. . Congratulations ta Marilyn Tamblyn and Keith Herron who were the winners at W.C.T.U. Silver Medal Contest on Fîiday evening. Mi&. end Mis. Geo. Mitchell, Oshawa, visited Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell on Saturday evening. Mrs. E. W. Scbauf fier bas been staying in Oshawa, near the bospital where Mcr. Scbauf- fier is a patient. Miss Catherine Power, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Power and James Power were dinner guests of the Powers in Oshawa on Sunday. 14r. and Mrs. Chas. Wood with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bowmanville,- attended the. De- dicatian service in Hampton on Sunday.1 Jerry ili, twin son of Mr. and Mis. Kenneth 1011 was moved from Mémnorial Hospi- tal, Bowm.anville, ta Princess Margaret Hospital in Taranto. The Heather Rebekah Lodge visited The. Rebekah Lodge in Bownanville Monday evening. On Tuesday Mr. and. Mis. Sam Brown attended the fun- eral of his father, Mr. George Brown of Pontypool, who died suddenly on Saturday. Miss Annie Little passeci passed away at Whitby on Sat- urday. Funeral was on Monday. Interment in Oronao Cenietery. Mis. Alex Watson and Mis. Chas. Wood visited Mi. and mis. Fred Brooks, Oshawa, on Mon- day. Mr. end Mis. Boyd Wood and Mr. and Mis. Wm. Dennis, newlyweds, were given a pies- entation on Friday evening in I.O.O.F. Hall. About 20 friends of Mrs. Bruce Gustar, the former Kay McKenna, gatheîed at the home of Mis. Harry Meroer ta sur- prise Kay and bld ber fare- well when tbey presented ber: with a beautiful bedspread on' the occasion af ber moving to Brigden. The joint bostesses were Mis. Freda dConnely and Mis. Jack Mercer. BETHANY. Those from this aiea who vis- ited the Royal Wintei Fair in Toronto were pleased ta see a scene froni Bethany in the photo-' graphie section of the art exhibit. On. of the prize-winning pictures, titled "A Country Sre n Sun- day Morning", was that of Ryley and Sons General store on the Main St. in Bethany. Friends will be pleased ta know that Bob Foster, local teller in the Toronto-Dominion Bank, who' was injured in a shooting acci- dent, bas now been îeleased fiai live Hospital, Peterborough, and is at home with bis parents, Mi. and Ms. Burton Foster in Have- lock. The Teen Town Club held a suc- cessful dance in the Town Hall on Friday night. Miss Laura Fallis, who has. been a patient in St. Margaret's Hospital, Toronto, for severalI weekcs, was able ta retuin ta ber home on Wednesday. The Ladies Orange Lodgehl ton. The line up for Councillors are H. A. McMasteî, Bethany; Howard Brown, Pontypool; Mur- ray Wilson, Bethany; R. J. Payne, Pontypool; Fenton Fallis, R.R. 2, Pontypool; Orme Miller, Ponty- pool. The latter thre, bave had prevlous experlenoe on the Coun- cil. The election will b. held on Monday, December 7th. Scout Motiiers Tii. Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxillary met with the. Cub lead- ers and group committe. recently ta diseuss fuither equipment for the. Cubs and Scouts and the. ne- cessity ai a separate meeting place for the. two groups. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Murray Wilson and Cxb -Uim iff Remember to b. extra carofui when drtving las wlntr- ..SLOW DOWN speid lmifts wm ns«for good driving condiions ..FoL1.OW AT à SNS DISTANCE te stop ..KERP WINDSHM U I danger must be »mesbs b. avotdndd .TEST BRAKIS ATr INTER VALS te get thse feel of *As usa ..PUMP DRAKES *,- Iammine on braises Iodae wh.els end causes 0"id use S!0000 lUIS OR CHAINS maklne stops$e*MW ms iippery sud««s i Tootni, London,Olws Owen Sound, Windsor, Hamillon, Guelphs, Sansie Souk Ste. Marie, a " .vIMo Port Arthws àwhsromec Hon our Orono Couple On 25fh Anniversary p lans were made to serve the. Cubs and Scouts with refresh- ments and a Christmas party fol- lowing their regular meetinig on December 15. Plans were also made ta have a Couples Party in December when the auxiliary members wiUl enter- tain their husbands. Announce- ment was made of the purchase of a tumbling mat for the boys. Mrs. Roland Scott, Mms. Doug- las Smelt, Mrs. Murray Wilson and Mrs. Noel Wood attended a Scout Auxiliary meeting in Trin- ity Church, Peterborough. The program included a film on "Shyness" and a discussion of auxiliary work. HI-C Club Officers The Hi-C Club of the United Church were entertained for their meeting this week at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson, and elected new officers for the com- ing year. President, Murray Henderson; vice-president, Ross Neals; secre- tary, George Scott; treasurer Miss Linda Davidson. Mr. and1 Mrs. Allan Beer will continue as leaders and counsellors. Mr. William Duff spoke briefly on Hi-C aims and obligations. To add to their funds, the young people have sold Christmas greetings cards and Mrs. Beer reported the success of this yen- ture. It is planned to hold the meet- insa the homes of the members duigthe winter months, instead of the Church Hall. L.O.B.A. 1207 The Ladies Good Luck Lodge, Bethany L.O.B.A. 1207, held its annual election of officers with the Worthy Mistress Sister Joyce Younginan in the chair. Sister Thelma Payne, Past Mistress of Pontypool L.O.B.A. 1314, conducted the election and installation of the following offi- cers: Worthy Mistress, Sister Joyce Youngman; deputy. Mis- tress, Sister Ina Palmer; junior deputy, Sister Mildred Edgerton; Recoivding secretary, Sister Violet Phillips; financial secretary, Sis- ter Bertha McGill. Treasurer, Sister Mildred Bris- tow; Chaplain, Sister Bertha Fer- ren; Director of Ceremonies, Sis- ter Mabel Whitnell; first senior lecturer, Sister Hilda Bigelow; sick and visiting committee., Sis- ter Mabel Whitnell and Sister Violet Phillips; Auditors, Sister Mabel Whitnell, Sister Bertha Ferren, Sister Mildred Edgerton. Sister Mabel Whitnell was the winner of the lucky draw. Lunch was served and a social hour en- joyed after the meeting. Guests present from Pontypool Lodge were Sister Thelma Payne, Sister Yvonne Falls, Siste ay Youngman, Sister Ruby Bradley, Sister Pat Bradley, Sister Gwen Curtis and Sister Hazel Mitchell. and picture being presented by Mrs. Austin Turner, Alif Dobson and Irwin Colwill. Mr. and Mrs. HaIlowell hearti- Iy thanked their fîiends for the beautiful gifts witb Mi. Hallo- well referring a part of the. ad- dress ta his wife rather than i- self and bappily recalled the early years. Messrs. Cecil Payne Port Hope, Stan Falls, Taranto, Jack Eliiott, Dunsford, and Russell Savery, Starkville, extended greetinga in fine manner. A thîee-tiered wedding cake was cut by the "bride and groom" previous ta their reception and was served ta, each and every guest. Mi. Ken Smiith, Taronto, took pictures, througb the evening and Misses Helen Hallowell and Mari- lyn Falls were in charge of the. guest book. A deliciaus lunch was served and dancing followed. The hall was prettily decorated in silver and blue with evergrreens, and: blue and silver candles fiankd the cake. Those in charge of the evenlngi ner, Newcastle, Mr. a n d Mrs. Orme Falls, Mr. and Mis. Alf Dobson, Starkville, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Colwill, Newcastle. Eleven Young Speakers Compete in SilverMedal WCTU Contest ut Orono A Silver Medal Contest under the auspices af the Wonien's Christian Temperance Union was beld in the. Sunday School Audi- torium of Orono United Church on Nov. 27, witb eleven youtbful contestants conipeting. Rev. Basil Ln assisted as an excellent chairman and commea- oed the. piogiam with woîds of welcome, singing af a bynin fol- lowed with prayer. Preceding the elocution nuni- bers, Miss Peggy Hancock played two deligtful piano numbers "Nature's Anthem of Piaise" anâ "Prelude". Tiiere were eight girl conttst- ants; Judy Vagg, Coleen Flynn, Carol Gilbank, Doîothy Dunlop, Carol Nixon, Marilyn Tamblyn, Patsy Hardy, Linda Harris. James Wilson favoured with t wo pleasing piano nunibers "Hyaçinth" and 'MinuetP" The thie. boy contestants are as follows,- Bob Luxton, Kelth Heron, Fraser Wallace. The judges Mrs. J. Arnott, Mrs. W. Armstrong and Mrs. N. Bair- stow, while* they retired ta, arrange their decision, Mrs. Brim- acombe entertained with a lively piano solo. Mrs. R. Chapman sang several sweetly rendered vocal solo's, mucýh appreciated b y ail accom- panied by Mrs. G. Carson at the piano. Mrs. J. Arnott g ave the unani- mous decision in favour of Mari- lyn Taniblyn and Keith Heron. Mrs. Arnott presented niedals ta each of the winners and ex- pressed encouraging words ta every contestant that competed. Mrs. Arnott and Mr. Long presented each contestant with a book. Mr. Long in a few well chosen words thanked the judges and ail iwho so willingly assisted with the program. T he meeting closed with sing- Sing of "The Queen" played by James Wilson. New Provincial Park For District To accominodate the. many new guests wbo eacb yeai "dis- caver", Provincial Park-, the Department of Landsa and For- esta is continuiag ta expand its parka program. In the Lindsay District, the developm>ent of Darlington Provincial Park, la- cated south af higbway 401 at the eastern outskirts af Osh- awa, is undeiway. Cocnprising 300 acres overlooking more than a mile af Lake Ontaxio's shoreline, this park wiien com- pleted wil have 365 cainps1tes accomsnodating froni 1200 ta 1300 campera and parking space for 2500 cars or sanie 10,000 picmickera and bathers refer- red taoes "day usera". In preparing foi thîe opening of Daolington for public use next suminer, the staff are presently busily engaged in beach irnprovement work, drill- ing wells, construction of a warebouse, office, parking lots and primary lin. hydro service. Already in use are about two miles of internai ioads, change bouses and tempor'ary conxlort facilities. Visitais will-find tîee caver, a natural asset ta anyr park, very .muc-h lacking. However, a dloser look will show that tue Department is attempting ta remedy this situation and duîing the past four years many yaung hardwaods and conifers bave been planted in the aiea. These yaung trees we ask you ta treat with respect and co- operate in achieving true statua for this Provincial Park as soon as possible. Deer Studies Planned The cold crisp weather cou- pled with the snowf ail af re- cent date pointa ta the coming dcci season as en ideal one, weatherwise, in the Lindsay Forest District. There bas been sanie alarm expressed by bunters concein- ing the effeot of last winter's severe conditions on the deer berd. Studies carried out by Department of Landsa and For- ests personnel last spring mndi- cate that deer mortality in the Lindsay Forest District at least, did not reach the serious pro- portions anticipated. Several metihacs wlll be used i the field by Conservation Officers and other staff ta ob- tain essentiel data îequired in the management af deer. Check- ing stations will again b. in operation on the weekends at strategic points on tue main highways. The data obtained at these stations consista of bun- ter-success statistics, sex-ratia and age-class distribution of deer, deer productlvity, wveights and other measurementa of deer. Ail this information, wben: complled and properly interpre-, ted, enables wildlife managersi ta assesa the size and trends cf the population. Crown land hunt eamips (land use permittees) will b. surivey- ed by ineans of a mailed ques- tionnaire forai on whlch htxnt- ers may report on the success Ioc their bunt. There are other groffl huntlng f rom aummer pilation of our deer statistics. In addition ta the two metb- ods clted above, special studies will b. continued in the Ken- niai Lake area ivolving a to- tal of twenty hunt camps. This project was lnitiated ini 1957 in cooperation with Hay Lumber Co. and the hunting groups who hunt on their linits. Much val-. uable information on the deer herd in Ibis special 115 square mile study area bas been ob- tained from interested and co- operative hunters in the past. Amy hunter who is successful I bagging a deer and who wants to know the age of hie animai is asked to turn in the lower Jaws (or head) ta his nearest Conservation OMfcer or Ranger Hoadquarters. Thiese wiil then be brought Into the Lindsay District Office end aged and a report returned to the hunter. ~C,%A os* 9j CAMA:19ose* cottages, resorts, farmn houses, hotels, cabins, tents and trail- ers Most qf these groujW hiunt- ing from such private establish- ments are not on record. A sus- tained effort will be made ta obtain the identity of these groups so that their information in&y b. used ini the final com- Your Last, Chance 0 0 0 Ail New Cars 195Cy-Wheel Disc * HghSDAeN 1959 C- HE. DissCA igndEGSeDn 1 Power Glide Transmission - j.1959 CHEVO DEL AIRE 4-DOOR HARDTGP 6-CyL - Power Glide - White Wall Tires WheI Dises and Washers - Black ROY W. Courtice NICHOLS -Chevrolol ami Corvair Dealer Bowma nvi Ne Happineas wate keynote Sat- urdy eenig, ov.24, 1959, at OdFellows Hall, Orono, when, an occasion Of much interest was shaîed by relatives, freinds and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. LIe- wellyn Ha;lowell in honour of their silver wedding anniversary. With wedding music by Mrs. Westheuser, Mr. and Mis. Hal- lowell weîe accompanied ta their place of honour by their attend- ants Miss Normna Hallowell and Mrs. Orme Falls. After yellow corsages and white boutannieres were pinned by Misses Colleen Falls a nd Elva Reid, Rev. White, Newtonville, called ta mind the. yesteryear of 1934 whea Mr. Hallowell went ta the Falls home for his wife, Ada, and happily remarking that hav- ing had bis own anniversary the previous week. Llewellyn in his generosity migbt share wbat was ta corne their way later in the evening. Special violin music was pe sented by Messrs. Peîcy and Brenton Farrow accompanied by Mrs. John Stark. Mrs. Westheu- ser accompaaied Sharon Tamblyn and Judy Hancock, Orono, for their vocal selection. Mrs. Austin Turner read a beautiful congratulatory message, with a tea wagon, silver service TO THE ELECTORS OF CLARKE TOWNSHIP: Raving had four years' experlence on Clarke Council, 1 have allowed my name to stand for the position of Deputy-Reeve for the coming tern. 1 hgreby solicit your on Monday, December 7th. Russeli 'Savery. s - ~ NOTICE Uncertainty of weather and road conditions as the. Christmas and New Year's Season approaches places a maximum burden on our delivery system and service to customers at our Stores. ln order to avoid serious congestion at the Stores and also disappointment in our delivery service, w, respectfully request the assistance of our customers. 'You can help us ta mamntain our services by ordering or purchasiug your require. anents as early as possible. Brewers' fWarehousing Company Limited operating BREWERS' RETAIL STORES Lands and Forests Weekly Report To Save ! on 1959 CHEVROLETS SWilh New Car Warranty Ses W.Rd Voiet Cap brffl 8400 Graiss Pwer hMitsi ndea Perfvaar. $6.00 JPHONE MA b-57718 ià support at the polis - ý 1 1 TRU MAT, I)EC. sr& lm PAGE Nnqrl'EM THE CANADIAlq STATESMM, BOWIL4U7rL= ONTAMD