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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1959, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTY TE AY4AII A fT A 5aUArîL, 5W&.JNw mtz -1 v . lu... -u% that there Is stili lots of rables One Policean Per 1,000 I there at a cost of $9,000, and in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrn. tM.ndM.Egn Dob in the vicinity. Ho aaid the pre- "Bowmanville has a popula- will be in use by the end of Jim Laverty, on Wednesday adfniy Inferesting Rep~ort s 1'eciure sent im.plementatlofl of the Dog tion of 7,200; it will be a cityl the year. This la good business evenlng. Control By-law is a step in the in a shorter time than you because it gives added protec- r n r.RyVnCxp M.s o ols n.Ens right direction, and referred to realize. Bowmanville has fine te adlwesinuacetM. and Ms. Ram Van Camp, iga aaa nSt dy the cruel suffering and painful policemen. I have heard it said iums, ermre.hv eundhm atrhu ~CulsCu klm~ IVI m in tioin g deas that rabies could cause. there shouid be one policeman Conservation Authorlty daying With Mrs. Sidney Lodge a al rv hvho N o n i in atiO n d~~~~eeat tigProgrm per' 1,000 people. Nothing in h e ~theiran fmesrSyFean dRelhryae- saw n ataCasw Heo tedee Att governs the size of police Re-law wbich d he ad en s land. U.S.A. b r.Lia ifxdfo AUl me mnbers of the Bowman- tact that It was disheartening that the basic rv son te des-go d attreheo i g e pe tlt las ue p ole ma n fev'lnd ery 600 m an hef he Polic e eCom inte-h w , vsie n nn. p y a vst ville 1959 Town Council review- ohv ersftatives ef firnis'gation ent in strength this and mentioned thut during th e pole maT ntfro Attry- n95,0udwh Ch wa ipased ey a ap nTe ed their year's work for the 1 look over the town, decide it is Septemiber wa-s because t.he pthw yastee aebe epe.alThgesOta t tereybe thnsofuthePoucllr r son M.awa, isd. anie H sr town when called ou by CIar- just what they are iooking for, Hon. Mr. Cass. Minister of the 1lanted that will not grow as net less than one policeman for s td that eias theonsOsMr. Hr and WaleHsed, eneOke, Assistant Town Clerk, and then find that the price of: Departmeflt of Higliways ctdcnweey ,00 owavMl nestrer etative won the tCenral sw aSunay aetso n . aend who was chairmnan of the rneet- land available is tnot. as fav'our- te bc the inconiing president g steoe u on vr ,0.Bwavlenesrpeettv nteCnrlwr udyg.usse r n abe sin other h 1 is n adtt ntdCondsd - CrtczsPeatwo days off a veek for a totalLakOrta srveyCoseain Aue- Mi&s..V. iol obbsand famid, jng fflllowig thehelclosefenomom ocableiess ae and forethnipodulationi"WdeleOntarie ConservationvAu-geMrs.eR.fS. thetpopandtfanily. !nations for the 1960 Town it is xiet serviced. He stated gates wvcre obiigod te support Deputy Reeve Brough said cf 14 days, theyis wo ea o teathnt n th e rtWoland re eeknd fguesta Council on Friday everdug. i that plans art' no'v in proress'him. He said lie feit that the that more could be discussed oth4cie MA 3-3303d nea Tearssc Mar i-te arrange sortie nieans te es-- objections rased in Cobourg to and accmplished at Board f tnice more men, and oeue for firlte avahoiandwthi eotWelad eeweedget frid Carruthers will be foundi tablish a f ixed for indus- 'the delegitions' trip wcre strict- Works meetings without theb frIlpicuNowe months, he said in conclusion. elsewhere in this issue. There in tri l l bc wît the udertn-1 iroal rssbigpeet ecii have eight coustables. Fine Committee ReportFA r is aiso a separate account of t'li i il esric'.feputy Broughi Reports ed the coverage of a recent staemnt mde e nheflw Tiuet e orsDpt-cv akBog Town Council meeting because Ca.n't Close on Weekends "This was xny first- year on IlIA I SEVICEuf., staemnt mdeby h riut t K.n oris Deut-ReveJak rogha word for word accout tof Councillor Lathangue said Town Council so ail the soft, DEAD, OLD and CRIPPLE» AI U candidates. "Ill~Te clv hoipe of industriil, stâted ithat lie ial served five what he had said to two other the governmeut would net ai- cushy jobs were given te me,' AM TC Reeve liigton Reports expansion in the ivrfuture is. 'venrs onTowii Council with the coucillrs pblisedKinth lowa fie da wee wit th 1atinilr a ulse nte o iedywe hte"A uew councillor should fnot Rm dFe fCag Reeve W. David Higgon stat- through the' full limie work of interest of Bownianville Sn Statesman. police department closed on Immediate 24-r. Service ed that it had been his pivilege the' IndustrialCOnsSOl' as- heart, He ;a id, lie l d ne desirc hpave dooutenver well excp S YU PRAO te be chairman et the lndustrial Sitilig the In(iustrial Cornuilis- to bc Reeve or Mlayor, and if Attended 160 Meetings weekends, hie asserted. The speakvte dotten orspend muchp S OROÉA O Commission during the yer.son eeeHiggoiias.serted.. ayone feit that hie stood in the During the past year lie had tw utofrcmaal that possibly I speak tee much. ~ ~ j 65 He reerHt h ciiis.~le said il wis mosi n teccss4arv way cf advancenwnt lie would attended 160 meetings Deputy wgscf Initos-oths learned the workmng of couin- La ih 65 the commission during 19,9. and, 10 hâve a mrani te %Nork nt the 'step eut. Reeve Brough stated. He said ofered by industry. The cost cil. N olCag ispke f te mny elizaion fill-iiie nijirtnt ob oliee oupedrp ctapitwnaer apta oulyly .37i37 owinoToBoChr- an poeettmay e g ioný.s fui-ine iiposrt~ o bo et - Extensive Road Wonk ould ut op utimet Towne manville the second lowest in "I was chairman of the Fine Nick Peconi - Peterbirough andrereenttiescfindsty rîgin idutr teBonn- He 'ad that it id been lis cus27 tewns in this section eton- Comrmittee. The Fine Depart- wh hd ore e 'ck v il',. and paid trilŽute te thîee sl .a iî Oc d him te neglect i s wu ri, o tondrn htprl. iabiitv cf K. N.ri. the In- lot te be chairmian ef the ceoi- business, and he had littie time t clo Lathangu nent requires littie supervis- tewn dunng that eniod. ittees that dea1 most directly its aîy stated. ionl. It is a seiu-autouornous or- Johso &Jonsn ustrli lConixissioner. Ht' urg-witwthepublc ad tht thre-ganization. The new fine truck Johnson & Johnson vd Ille Iow talu ihtepbcanta hr "lWe have been critiei:td d tht ttiý\-lewnopetevtal fore receive the miost criticisni. Finance Chainman Reporta Praises B.H.S. Students cost $1*,000 but it la usually i far as industnial expti ýiiini the' United The Roads and Streets Depart- A himne h iac He said there is littie juven- paid fer by out-of-tewn fires. As hprmno thcfnane lie delinquency in Bewmauville, New hats and coats wene beugchtm coticerned. One pîece of pro- Stites. ment liad a good year despite cemimittee Councillor Ivan adpasdteHg eelfrtetrmnadariew p ry had been soýcd to ~o:s ~ the heavNI Ninlr. Snow re mia- Hobbs reported that 18 m eet- std ie H g S h o for the overwhelandiag given te them.l pet u Nw Coutities Building N'al 11110tnted te $6,00O0. Citizenls ings were heid during the year. rtupensefote ovrwhll-i,,c gien e tem has net signified whien it is ýzo 'hXs 7aBcmnl] represefi- nowadaYs expert 21I heur snow Several meetings were hled te rsoete a l for volunteer Learned a Great Deal ing t buil. hee. Ith.iz as- In C1111tes Concilreiroal srvstabaniif iasnbudgetaliand bhdetianghunpaidna workk iinttheraftrafA CKc ing~~Re teeid ire ths s HZi i 1 one oni e'ovlsrie fi nw count. Referrin.g te the Traffie "I arn a nember et the In-' sured us that its fînst expali-Reie îson reported on the at 6 oclock expect the streets reached what appeared te ho a Cii osae hr aebe utilCmisoIanaS AP sin will be in B owvmarvilie inew building on Liberty Street te bc cleared by 7:30, lie point- workable ee, it was recom- Clni gradusates d theplie b e dstrng supo rtr i a n a il-a Reeve Higgen said firmly. "The liuii teDr 1-Nenthunim det mended te Council fer felteyhvemdetied wy hv be. eand dat e wei Jhuei &Jon enaîd i4îre He spoke of the werk et dust tin i si.jho have gained an idea et 1 great deal in the past year and it son start construction here will the Registre Office ivili aise ho îaying and liard top patching. Changes in Budget pliewerk. intend te stand for election. It be establislied whien the volume. Sitiiated ln the nean future. He Dpt Reeve Bnough aise teld "hrl fe oni p would net be fair te the peo- of usies an ecneic e-aise stated that lie had be a of the roads pnimed. Ho spoke pnod lhsabudet, om chan-MutB etIoi ple who elected me last year manti require it," lie sai C mbe ne the Conttve et the fine resuits of mulchiuga, gos were madie on rekuest et the Councillor Lathangue said the te serve only eue year' and te: purchasef ga The Steinbeergameupey Couutie1 and assentod that this process Sho Bad n eut Cu-patmen bcause thforpoice ut onilo iksSi. TheStenbeg upemanet Council te study the proposed costs only 25 percent et the clwhc.1eund naoutdpartment ecannot atendpootdutcenilo lkssi. Hie told ef the landi sold te division of tho rsetDurhiam pietfasphiaît. He added that ci ,tional teqtht revia aou r- uetthe necamoer-fer t o- A L G O EV i o Grand Union for a supermarket, Couuty District High School p î1edabutte t 1 yan. ue ted.Eenthteosl eti- olice nd thcark o for o anti explained that the plans Board and ef the extensive sur- i ataottnt 2yas use.Ee ihteead-M P E G O EV g The resitients et Fnedericks toa mut eaw ne ie n hhenalespoo m- ekn uftoihMrrniS RV C TT O wene at the building stage when vey the committeo liad made. Avne-a pîeit ae1~toa onsw r niapîotography and scene printing they wre broght tea stopby Avnue ha applid te hve itvoring te romnain withîn ounr work wihealspoocr ekn usswt r n theySteinerg otteastopuby Controversial B.C. Trip pavod unidor local imprevement, budget. cSERfrV ICnEenost Ms halsSnwe wr r haoeGrn Unohodns He ase referred te a state- anti emaked that the paving uasfrmsigpso tMs.C rlsSwdn eeM. luas ofan d cUeonthotypegs ment matie at Counties Council would be thîe same pnice as Studied Aîýdito's Report be organîzod ini Bowmanville. andi Mns. Abet Brown, Bill Under New Management - DnGiadPrp buin ngtropcase th e tplu-f inCobourg ting the wook ne- sidewalks. This was a gond «On receipt et the Autiiter's Public Property Report and Bettîr-Auu, Hamnilton, and sitdb C ck1 cludet inl the Steinberg pro- garding the trip made by the idea Deputy-Reeve Brough Report for 1958, the Finance Councillor O. J. Pression ne- Mrs. Brown anti Miss Snowdeu W pcilz gram. Ne word lias been receiv- six mombers et the Roatis Cen- said, anti lie recommentiedti at Commlttoe mot, stutiieti, and ported as chairman et tho Pui- stayeti until Meutiay wlen they"W SecaieuPesnlerc" eti as te wîen they are going mission as a tielegcation te the residents of Edsall, Relider anti implemented vanlous, recom- li Property Committeo and attouded funenal services for CORNER OF]M NESRA te build, tho Reeve stateti, but Good Roatis Convention in Van- other tiead-end streets make a mendations matie by the Audi- stated that lie liatiaise been their uncle, the late WilliamA.DF TH C CSIO lie pointed eut that Steinbergs couver in Septemben. Mn. Hig- sinillar application, tors. Our fermer audiltors, wlio clairman cf the Arena Board Suowden, in Bowmanville.AN IT hati bought the Intantine pro- gon stated plans for this were Re-locate Public Wonks were with us for a nuruben et ton hait the year. Much lad Mrs. T. Colliss has retunned PhoneCO -23 perty hene anti work lias stant- appnoved at the June session H ieb years, were replaced by a neOW been doue te the Town Hall se home after visiting with lien ed te demolish the building. et the Couuntios Council. lie Heas idtwolba- firm at a substantial saving te littie wonk was needed te be suMn. and Mrs. Roy Colliss, Double Slamp DayEiy usa Need Snvlce Land said that dlegations fnom the visable atten Stoinhergs builti, the town. Duning the yean a doue there this yoar, lie saiti a Mndn"nt othen friends at - CreOtadSeOrDslyo it Need Srvice Land Unitedi Counties Counicil attend te re-locate the Wonks Dopant- neiY Tax Cellecting System was Ho tolti et the installation eý t PrtEMin.n oe u n e Reeve Higgon meutioned the fIls convention each year, anti ment on the town's East Beach installed. This card system pro- new -rfluorescent lîglits at some Por Egne obDrladCmlt urcto taRaoal rc pnoperty. The landi vacateti by vides greaten accunacy as.It Intersections. Marvid, vislted lis parents, the tipartment ceulti be useti eliminates back office pesting. Aeai aeCniin adMs ie ob, ~ AK AOT OR SEIL PIE O IE foeparkns i georbsthe r "A new acceunting system Engineers rocomîrended that North Bay last weekend. tiepntmnts li sugesed. was instaîleti which enables us the Arena be put in sale condi- Little Hobby' Dobbs was a pa- STOVE OIL AVAILABLEI NY QATT -Only Town With Fnilîs te have an up-te-date figure on tien -and a great deal ef work tient in Memorial Hospital, AT THEST IO - ~~~Deputy-Reeve Brougli stateti the expenditures efthfe varieus wias doue te the structure, Bowmanvile, when he hati ls D N E E IG N U D W'tlat Lloyd Quinton had sali be- departmnents. Councilor Pressen stateti.lie tensils aud adenoitis remnoveti.PN EV NIG -fore hoe left that Bowmanville Tax Anrears Collection aise pointed eut that a sprink- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Irelanti, la the ohly town in Ontarioeigsse a enisald owocle nhrbohr - wtliailthefnlîs Hotoi te oy substantial portion ef tax garbage tins should be canieti anrears lisbe coett, eutte le oulvar bythewhich enables us te keep our ouietebueadb h lieuseholtiens, except in special bank berrowiug te a minimum. cases. Favourable results have been !qK T NIC ATERachieved lu collecting eutstand- O IC WA ERGarbage and Land F111 lug cemetery acceunts. VerU Itwsclaimiet by the De- Collection Centralized puty-Reeve that the location etf thegaragelani f11 umplu Our systemn on Garbage Col- turned own b ut refernedte te tIe daud work lai lu o traeto o, " tes acInt.-has a wide, wide Selection fGfs Boardi et Works. He saiti that Afresther epoet those ccu S Vt TONIC 00I4~ the citizens would have te goAfute rpotwibes- Rtiesmay obtain supplies by calling along with the landti f11 methotimteid ae ae Reaeeiother in flie south or west New Group Insunance -- SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. wards for a trial penioti et sev- "A new Gnoup Insurance Phone MA 3-5530 Church St.,Bewmanville oral menths. Polîcy for ernployees has been Dog Control Necessany adopteti this yean which gives Authorlzed bottiers for Schweppes produets In Bowmanvllle area Iu regard te Dog Coutrol, De- a greater covenage te the cmn- *. puty Reeve Breugh asserteti ployees at a lesser cost t e i . 1 ____________ _______________________________________-tewn. Cost et former policy $1.20 per $1,000. New policy 60 4rk cents per $1,000, anti the cm- ployee pays hall. WE HAVE ADebentunes RetiredA GOOD ELECTON 0FPayment etftiebeiiture debt GOOD ELECION F si this yean was $42.072. Two de- bentures will be rtrdti DA m SHC)E year, fIe Arena entris PA RT E'""' sucti in 1949 for $18.000 anti thek,- 't' Higli Scliool tiebonture issueti in 1929 fer $100,000, a total et $108,000. The next te be rotin- cd will be lu 1962, anti then ~ ' / staff fon tueir fine co-opeatinS» SIPR$1.5anti the heurs speut lu eventime Sougieow $495 -DOUBLE'ZIPPER munenation, but received time B-ki pyjama$ PACKARD FLIGHT BOOTS Police Chafrman Reports Snluggledown six.. SLIPPERS ~chimanofet Police Commit- G-ohrHbad 3 .4 4 9 * .1 OCS tee, reponteti that oue constable on $iw11.95 had$13.5 had graduated fnrn the RCMP 4 9 SOLE _ 49 graduateti fnom the Ontario PO- Snuggledown 32 te 401 SOLE $7.5NÂTURALIZERS - DACKS lice Colege. He proudly stateti Christmas Store Hour : 1-Pepovel pyjamas SOL7E9 that Bowmanville is eueeofthfe Me',Wmns hlrn omTedSipn finst towns iu Ontario te have ALL DAY WEDNESDAY UNTIL XMAS mvnUTIT Me's Wme's hidrn' Fau red lipes every constable a graduate oft 1.asy-c.aro ..Y -**N Tg,111 a Pelice College." "'We are OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Pif. Open 'tii 9 pm. building a flue fonce ton the MON. - THURS. - FR1., DEC. 14 - 18 A D. Chocs. the faorite baby-dol pOfO tf future. There has been some gown both richlY trimIfl oaheies Cnm~aa'uiThurs., Dec. 10 thru Wed., Dec. 2,9ntcs ttisplc u tl MON. THRU WED., DEC. 21 - 23 l thg toBI Sod i gows- k C90d Open AUl Day Wednesdays canieti eut at ne cost te the CHRISTMAS EVE - Pfpja in Condy Pink, RomanCem 6w Ol ~LWl muuicipality except the con- 2sizes a mail, medium or IGIoL SOEN u sClosed 6 p.m. stable's salany," lie &id. Saturdays and Christmnas Ev. Lîke a City Deparîment He mentoned that sorne peo- w Costables us the fonce lucre 48mmgSL W.MA 35941 polce officer and » other train-1 B o wmNGn v ille S~erteoictate oicerC heir - - --- - - --- --- - ---tef rce&. ----------------___- THU MDAT, DEC. ftd, 19» duerru

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