PAGE TwEIqTY-Two - TEE CANADJAN STA~NAN. 8OWMAHVU.ILM~ Uii.~ ALLEN-Clair and Evelyn (nee Cochrane) are happy to an- nounce the birtb of their daught- er, Karen Gail, 8 lbs., 9 % ozs., on Monday, Noveniber 30, 1959, at Memôrial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A sister for Wayne. 49-1 BATE-To Mr. and Mrs. Don Bate, Peterborough, a daught- er, Helene, on Sunday, Novem- ber 22, 1959. A sisten for Sus- amie. 49-1 McGILL-Dale is happy to au- nounce the arrivai of his baby brother Brian Brock, 7 lbs., 15 ozs., at MIomorial Hospital, Bow- manville, Novemben 3th, 1959. The proud parents are Keith and Ruth (ueo Brock>. 49-1 QUINNEY-Mn. and Mrs. How- ard Quinney (nee Kaye Fenton) wish to announce the birth of thein son Danny lu Menioiali Hospital, Bowmanvilie, Noveni- ber 25th, 1959. A brother for Paul. 49-1* RUNDL-Rae and Helen (neo Petre), Deseronto, fornieriy of Bownianville, are pleased to an- nounde the arrivai of their daughten Leigh Erin, on Decei- ber let, 1959, at Meniorial Hos- pital, Bownianville. A sister for Dean, Scott and Gregg. 49-1 STOCKER-Bob and Pat (nee Bagnèll) are pleased to an- nounce the arrivai of their daughtor Jill Christine, on Thur9day, November 26th, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 49-1* k BROWN, George-Suddenly, at a Pontypool on Saturday, Noveni- f ber 28, 1959, George Brown, lu bis 79th yean; husband ai the lato Isabella McKnight, dean father af Ruby (Mrs. Charles Cliapnian), Robent and Lloyd of Pontypool and Sami ai Orono. Funerel service froni the rosi- deuce ai bis son Robert at Pontypool, Tuesday,, December lat. Intorment Pontypool Cerne- tr In Memoriam 491 CARSCADDEN-In loving me- mary of aur dean mather and grandmother, Phoebe A. Car- scadden, widow of the late Thos. J. Carscadden, wbo passed away Nov. 3th, 1957. There's a land of pure delight E Where saints immortel reigu EL trnal day exciudes the night And pleasures banish pain. Death liko a narrow stream, divides That heavenly land fnom ours. -Son Jpbn and Mary, grand- children' Bruce, Jean and Ed- ward. 49-1* IIEARL-Suddenly at the rosi- dence, 33 Hunt St., Bowman- ville,- on' Saturday, November 28th, 1959, Arthur J. Heani, nid 6 entBvanvioftCemete McCtheLoCHrAt his residhe, 38 Church St.,oBowmenvilleDeo Thursday, November 26th, 1959, Neil G. McCulloch, in bis 83rd year, husband ai the late Elsie May Harris and dean father of Harold and Elwood. Service was beld at the Morris Funerel Chapel, Bowmanville, on Mon- day, November 3th at 2 o'clock. ltnterment Bownianville Ceme- tery. 49-1 MVILLSON-At Memoniel Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Monday, November 3th, 1959, Elizabeth Pearl Stapleton, in her 69th year, beloved wife af Lanson Milîson, Newcastle, and dean mother ai Leland, Edgar, Lawrence, Floyd and Doreen. Mrs. Milîson rested et the Mor- ris Funoral Chapel, Bownan- ville. Service was beld in New-ý, castle United Church on Wed- nesday, December 2nd, et 2:30' p.m. Intenment Bowmanville1 Cometery. 49-1; SNOWDEN-At Mehiorial Hos- p ital, Bowmanville, on Friday, Novomber 27th, 1959, William James Snowden, lu bis 9th yeer, busband 'of the lato Alice .Anelia (Minnie) Evenson, and dean father af Eber, Coutice: and Ray, Taranto. Service was held at the Marris Funenel Chap- eh, Bowmanvile, on Monday, Novemben 3th, et 3:30 p.m. Intenoent Bownianville Cerne- tony. SOUCH-At Memoial Hospital, Bownianville, on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, 1959, Hebor John Soucb lu bis 88tb yeer, beloved busband ai Evolyn Rickaby and father ai Eileen (Mns. Carl Bll- Ings) and Mns. Dorothy Baiiey, ail ai Onono. Resting et the Barlow Funenal Home, Orono, until Il e.rn. on Friday, Doceni- .ber 4th, thon to Onono United Church fon service- et 2 Interment Orono Cemetory. 1 49-1l Commng Events W.A. Bazaar at Kendal Unit- ed* Church on Frlday, Dec. 4th at Lunch. 49-1 Dance at Solina Conimunity Hall, Dec. 12. Jim Fishor's Orchestra. $1.00 per person. 49-2 The Junior Fanmera' dance which was to have boon held, Saturday, December th, bas been canceiled. 49-1 Dance at Tyronoe Hall, Dec. th, Pontypool orchestra. Spon- sored by the Ontario Fermers' Union. Admission 75c. 48-2* Olde Tynie Dancing, Saturday, December 5th, Baltimore, Ont. Jini. Fisher and Orchestra. Danc- ing starts sharp at 9 Ad- mission $1 each. 48-2* Ladies' Guild of St. John's Anglican Church, Christmas Bazaar and afternoon tea on Friday, Dec. 4tb. Home baking, gifts and candy, 2:30 ta 5. 49-1 Eucbre party, Catholic Women's League, St. Joseph's Parish Hall, Tuesday, Dec. 8th. Good prizes, light lunch, 8:15. Admission 50c. Door prizo. 49-1 Plan to attend the Bownian- ville Choral Group Christmas Concert in the Tawn Hall on Friday and Saturday, Dec. il and 12 at 8:15 p.m. Aduits 75c, students 50c. 48-3 Euchre, card ganie at the Me- mariai Park Clubhouse, Dec. 10, 1959, at 8 p.m. Proceeds for Cerebral Palsy Schoai and Clin- ic. Good piizes. Refreshnients. Admissiqu 50c. 49-2 Dance, Friday, Dec. 4th ta Floyd Lloyd and bis Golden Valley Boys, Blaçkstock Rocrea- tion Centre. Sponisared by' Cart- wright Agicultural 'Society. Modemn and Old Time Dancing. 49-1 \ Warden Garnet B. Rickard, candidate for Reove ai Darling-, ton Township, will address the electons on Saturday, Dec. 5tb et 6:55 p..aven radio station CKLB, Oshawa, 1350 ou youri dial. 49-1 Woodview Community Centre, -Monster Bingo. Twenty gemesi r-twenty dollars; five ganes- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, end two jackpots at $250. Doar pnizos. Next Monday. 8, Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Organ Recital by Dutch On- gan Virtuoso Feike Asma in Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa, Tuesday, Dec. 8-- at 8:30 -p.m. Tickets availeble et Deuhertog's Clotbing Store, King West, Bowmenville. 49-1 * 1BOWMAN VILLE end DISTRICT1i 8 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 48-2 GIANT BINGO' Saiurday, Dec. 5, in the LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE BOWMANVILLE et 8 p.m. Door Prize - $100 20 Games et $10 each TWO SPECIAL GAMES AND JACKPOT Admission - $1.00 48-2 Livestock for Sale PTIv71W c±.e ýLeer. T . rn Articles for Sale YOUTH bed and niettress, $20. DINETTE cabinet, $10. Phone SINGLE man for dairy :tr, Phono MA 3-7206. 49-1* MA 3-7202. 49-1 Januany lst. Phane MArket 3-7232. 49-1l 30' ROTOR television aerial, complote. Phono MA 3-2472. 49-1 * CHRISTMAS trees, prunedi Scotch pine. 1 Prince St. MA 3-3871. 49-1 WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Clu Pethick, COlfax 3-2131. 36-tf MAN'S avoncoat, brown, 38, excellent condition, Phono MA 3-3623. size $15. 49-1l PRUNED Scotch Pine Christ- mas Trees. Bownianviile Frigid Locker, MA 3-5578. 49-3 GOOD upight piano, $50, also used chrome table and 5 chairs, $30. Phono CO 3-2758. 49-1 GIRL'S winter clothes, size 8 and 10 years, reasonable, excel- lent condition. MA 3-5718. LARX electric train, switcbes, other accessories. mounted on 5 x 4 piywood. MA 3-3444. 49-.1* KITCHEN range equipped with Sileut-Glow ail humns, in goodi condition. Phono CO 3-2264. 49-1 MIXED Hardwood, $35 a load, 2 cords, resawed. J. A. Car- scadden, Phono Onono 35 R 9. 1 ~45-9* KEYS cut automaticafly, wbile you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard-, ware, 36 King St. E., Bownian-1 ville. 46-tf WATER, bard and soit, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robent H. Cale. PhonoeA 3-5476 or MA SAVE on. luniber. dIrect froni mil ta you. Pbiiiips Lumber Co., Kinniount, Ontario. Phono 17 r 11. l3tf 1600 PRUNED Scotch Pine Chistmas trees, near Burketon. Apply Robert Youngman, Keud- al. Phono 29 r 15. 48-2 rELECTRICAL Repeis-Prompt Lservice. ta electnical appliancos, largo -and saeli. Lander Hard- ware. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf IGET your Scotch Pine Christ- mas Tree early. Available now et Bud Fagg's, 24 Southway Drive. Phono MA 3-3688. 49-2 A - NEW - 30" Moffat ange, one used McClary combination coal- wood and electric stove, in good condition. Phono 87 r 2, Black- stock. 49-i* INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r oee' estimates. Harry L. Wede. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf CARROTS for sale, 50c per hushel. Bring bushels. W. Eymann, 1/2 mile East R. Nich- ols' Garage, Courtice, go north ta first corner. (Fanm). 47-tf WORK boots and shoos et ban- gain prices, browu and black,I ahi sizes. Bowmanviile Shoe Re- pair, 80 King St. W., Bowian-1 ville. East ai Bowmanville Cleaners. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Tosting 'service and complote stock ai batteries and cords et Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Telephono MA 3-3305. 7-tf BEATTY washing machine, Winchester .22 rifle, boy's side-1 ïwalk bicycle, Coleman lantenu, 2 gaivanized washtubs, enamel, drap-beai kitchen table. Phonol MA 3-7240. 49-1* DO youn owu floors and ug- Rent a sender, floor polisher or nug cleaner (sbampoo mothod) froni Landen Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmnvile. Phonol MA 3-5774. 20-tf lett. Phono CO 3-2264. 49-'1GEte upoadinwi- _______________________ r! See us for free ostimates GOOD Hereford bull, coming ou "'Canhayes" Aluminuni Doors two yoars. Phono CO; 3-2447. and Windows. You wil ho 49-1* amazed how econornical tbey - are frai Cowen Equipient Ca.,l YOUNG Shorthorn cows and: 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, on bulis et farmem's pricos. J. 'Phono MA 3-5689. 40-tf Baker, Hampton. 48-tf ;i 'TAMWORTH weanling pigs. Leslie Taylor, Bunketon. Tele- phono Blackstock 80 r 12. 49-1 Wanted to Buy CHINA cabinet. CO 3-2577. 49-1 EGG grading table. Telephone MA 3-5250. 49-1 QUANTITY ai boots and ian- gels. Phono CO 3-2275. 49-1 EIGHT-inch table saw witb '% or %k h.p. motar, on separato. Phono MA 3-5180. 4- 1,000 BALES of mixed bey. COlfax 3-2755. 49-1* LLOYD baby carniage, chrome rocker.' MA 3-5141. 49-1 GOOD quality baled hay. Priced reasonable. CO 3-2024. 49-1 LIGgT wood in stove lengtbs, $i0,ner laad. Phono COlfax 3-2 2;5.------49-tf MIXED bardwood, cut lu stovo lengths, delivered. Phono MA 3-2581. 49-1 ONE steel fanm 10' gate with hardware, $7. E. Seoney, Beav- or St., Newcastle. 9i YOUNG singing cenaries (night- ingale rollers), also 2 young bons. Phono MA 3-5058. 49-2* 21" TELEVISION and aerial for sale. Appfly ta Roy Neads at the bowmanville Arena. 49-1 SCOTCH pîne Christmas trees, sanie pruned. Will deliven. George Mutton, Phono MAnket 3-5981. 49-3 KROEHLER chesterfield, green, pulls out for full-sized bed; in good condition. Phono MArket 3-3738. - 49-1* ALL new, Aisco Guardsan Jalousie door. Oniy $74.50 iu- stalied. Lamne Allun. Phono MA 3-3871. 49-1* SWEET apple cider, 60e a gal- lon. Appies-Spy and Deliciaus, $1.50 per bushel. Free deiivery. Phono 2237 Orano. .49-1 A NUMBER of froshly kilied turkeys and geese, also bneed- ers. Lavemne Harness, Orono. Phono 15 R 10. 49-4 PRACTICALLY new, chrome kitchen set, G.E. eiectric stove, 3-burner; smail sizo refrigerator, steel kitchen sink,- good china cabinet. Phono MA 3-7232. 49-1* PRE-CItRISTMAS Sale: Record cabinet, 24 x 32, $12.95; table iamps, 24", $6.95; coffee and stop tables, $9.95; piatform rock- ers, $39.95; two-piece chester- field, $169. Trade-in biýds, springs, studio couch. Murphy Furnitume, MA 3-3781. 49-1* eHONE COlfax 3-2684 4- TURKEYS FRESH KILLED Dressed and Dellvered W. E. LYMER Highway No. 2 et Maple Grove Phone MA 3-5049 49-3 Delivered for Christmas and New Year's COlfax 3-2297 or Cali C. BOREK, Hampton 49-3 if your windows moasure 23 x 24 or 22 x 23 $10.00 per wlndow -12 ONLY - See Us for Free Estimates on Aluminum Deoon and Windw Repairs RADIO and television repeins. Prompt service. Pick-up and delvery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf RELIABLE youth for garage work, wifling ta loamu trade. Apply Vituo's Service Station, 220 ing East. 49-2 MIDDLE-AGED nian and wife, ta live lu gentleman's home rent free lu oxchange for meals, bydro and fuel for oul heating. Write Advertison 1, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilie. 49-1* A STEADY repeat profit bus- iness wil ho yours lu 1980 if you join aur ranks Seil in a protected territony aur 250 guaranteed products, . mostly: vitamins, tonics, extracts, Cas- nietics, househoid and fanm necessitios. Commission and bonus. Familex, Deplirtment T-A, 1600. Delorimier, Montreal. 49-1 WANTED: Reliable nian as dealer in Townships Whitby East, Darlington and Bowman- ville. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity ta stop into aid profitable business where Rawieigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawieigh's, Dept. L-140- 163, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. * 49-1 Work Wanmted HOUSEWORK, ýmornings only. Phono MA 3-5813. Mrs. Joan Brownlee. 49-1 CARPENTER work. Winter nat es. Repaira, alterations, kitchen cupboards. Phono New- castle 4157. 48-2* PLUMBING, heatlng eavos- tnoughing, free estimates. Han- vey Partun, Tynone.. COlfax 3- 2281 -or Onono 1782. 37-tf FOR chimney work, new or 'nepain on any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Caîl L. Turner, Phono MA 3-5820 'or 3-5605. 30-tf ATTENTION Lâdies: Have you'r meterial gathered for baud- smocking, quickly, evenly, and inexpenslvely by machine. Tele- phone MA 3-2214. 49-4* Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanville CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS Mor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - 011 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 BOWMANVILLE 20-tf OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION and REPAIRS Phone Bowmanville MA 3-5919 BILL AND BOB Oshawa RA 8-8180 LEASK 39-tf HAVE TUBES WILL TRAVEL TED'S RADIO & TELEVISION SERVICE Phone MA 3-5234 Guaranteed Work at et Reasonable Rates 46-tf ILost LARGE male hound lu Yeiven- ton district; black and tan, brindie thnougb the tani. Answers ta "Smokey"., $25 newamd. Ap- ply Mult Hickson. Lindsay Ex., FAirview 4-2953. 49-1 'Strayed Tenders Wanted Personcal WRECKING a 1950 Ford, parts availeble. Phono MA 3-2993. 1950 FORD deluxe with aen- drive. Reasoneble. Telehono Newcastle 3746. 49-1 1949 FORD 4-Dr., unning con- dition, oniy $35.00; 1952 Pontiaci 4-Dm., reasonahie. Leon Moore, COlfax 3-2175. 49-11 ALLSTATE Auto Insurence. I Savie 20%. Six niantbs ta pay.1 For persoual service et your home cal Oshawa RA 5-2802, coilect. 2-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-55741 607 King St. East <Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf Repossessed Vehîcle For Sale 1951 Meteor Sedan Serial No. 0273H51-81119 1959 License Plates No. A38758 To be sold by publie auction to the highest bidder at the STIRTEVANTS Auction Eoom, 33 Hall St., OSHAWA, Ontario beglnning et 7:30 p.m. December the 10, 1959 Wanted Reci Estate for Sale Leask Real Esiate 5 room brick bungalow, on 3/ acre land, ail furnace, 4-piece bath. $10,000.00. Easy tonms. We have fanms, bouses, bun- galows, etc. Cell et office. Real Estate Broker 5Ontario St. Bowmanvlille ýj MArket 3-5919 FdyL.Sales Staff: FredyL.Ames - MA 3-3406 49-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 lÇint E. MA 3-3230 Orchard View 5 rooni brick bungalow on nice lot, with all convoniencos; on sewers. Wby not investigete this dlean home before building ou septic tank propemty. $12,000 with $3.000 cash. No. 2 Highwey West ai Court- ice, next ta achool and store. Seven-moom. fraie on nico lot. 1To settie estate. Asking $6,000. Ask ta, see and make afier. Be Sure You Vote on Mènday 49-1 For Rent APARTMENT. Phone MArket 3-3573. . 49-1 $50 MONTH, 4-room apartnient. Central location. MA 3-3394. .49-1 GROUND floor heated apart-, [nent. Phone MA 3-5961. Ab- stainers. 49-1* FARM house for. rent with hydro and bathrooni. Phone -CO 3-2615. 49-2* TWO-bedroom apartment, child- ren welcome. Private entrance. Phone MA 3-3768. 49-1 ONE bedroom apartment, stove, refrigeratar, washer, dryer. Barrett Apartnients, MA 3-3611. 49-tf APARTMENT in Victor Manor, King St. W. Availabloimi- mediately. Apply Wm. Curtis, MA 3-7035. 43-tf STORE, iu the Knight Block, King St. East. 'Available Dec. lst. Apply to Mrs. Wes Knight, Phone MA 3,5448. 45-tf HEATED apartment, 3 rooms,I kitchenette and bathroom, elec- trie wask~er and dryer, $60.00. Phone M A 3-5996. 47-tf AVAILABLE November lst, five-room office, 2nd floor, main street. S. R. Janies, 24 King East, Bowmanville. 44-tf WARM single or double units, private washroom with shower. Low winter rates. On Highway, 115. Phono Orono 18 r 7. 49-2 TH-REE-roomed beated apart- ment. Centraily located. Sep- arate entrance and bath. Im- modiate possession. CO 3-2026. 49-1 * UPSTAIRS heated apartment, three raoms, bath, kitchenette. Washer service. Apply 90 Queen St., Apt. 3. Phone MA 3-5277. 47-tf APARTMENT-Available Nov. 23; lieated, stove and refrigerat- or supplied, at Kingsway Apts.' Apply N. J. Scott. Phone MA 3-3345. 49-tf THREE-bedrogm brick bouse, oil heat, garage, central. Furu- ished or unfurnishod. Immed- iate possession. Would seil. Phone MA 3-3098. 49-1* APARTMENT - Living-room, bedrooni, kitchenette and bath. Inlaid linoleum. Cox apart- monts, 23 Temperance. Phone' MA 3-2555. 49-tf FQUR-rooniod bouse in Hanip- ton; three-piece bath, hot and cold water, heavy wiring, ful basenient, garage and garden, inimediàte possession. Phone MA 3-3181. 49-1* HEATED apartment- Three largo unfurnished rooms, with private outrance, ail modern conveniencos, threo.piece bath, heavy wiring, large kitchen with dinette. Nicely decorated, curtains and floor covermngs. Vacant. Quiet aduit home. Aduits only. Phono MA 3-3807. 49-1 Cars for Sale 48' CHEV., mechanicaliy Ai, $85. Apply 63 King St. W., Apt. 3. 49-1 100 acres with beautiful streani, buildings in pon ne- pair. A very scenic terni. Cel us for information. 50u acres with 1320 foot leke mrontage, saudy beach, shade trees. A soiid luvestient lori only $7,000.00. 46 acres witb 6 rooni insul- brick bouse, hydro, pressure systoni, modem kitchen. Barn 30 x 50. Ahi yours for $5,500.00. Easy ternis. 34 acres with nico bush, saii streai, suiteble for suniner camp, etc. Pnice $ 100.00 per acre. 10 acres, 10 mooni freme bouse, largo L-shapo hemn. Priced et only $7,500,00. Tonms. 2 acres - 6 rooni fully nioderri brick veneen bungalow. Price $12,500.00. Down $1,500.00. 2 acres witb nico streani. 5- room bungalow. Asking price $3,400.00. Down, $500.00. 5 rooni bouse, fuil basement, towu watom and sewor. Pnice $5,500.00. Down $500.00. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Call MA 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blyleven Caîl MA 3-5300 49-1 15 level acres ai choico gardon land nean Hamipton. Must ho soid et once. Ouly $3,500. Tonms. Highway Dairy Fanm, 250 acres. Brick 2-stoney homo with city convenionces. Daimy barn bas rnilking panlour. Ail pure- bmed bord and equipnient in- cluded et only $36,500. 125 acre higbway farn. Ex- cellent buildings. Asking $22,- 500 with $5,000 dawn. Modemn ranch bungalow lu Bownianville. Full price $13,- 900. Easy ternis. Orana - 4 homes ta choose frani, ai pricod for quick sale. $1,500 down. Large selection ai ferma, homos, busineases and ecreages. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 8-3393 Bowmuaville 49-1 Fincncial UNLIMED MONEY LOANS TO CITY AND) FARM FOLKS Mouey for AnYthlng and anywhere. Phone or write now OFPS INVESTMENTS LTD. 380B Bloor st. WeSt, Toronte, WA 2-2443 49-1 AR1TICLS FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE rOnR ENT . HELP WANTM CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND - ETC. Cash Rate .- -4c ar rword with a minimum o 00 Must bu pald by date ofilnsertloU Ul chazqed, an additional 250 wlll b. added. A charge of 25c wiil be mode lt ail replies directed ta titis office. EOTXCU - commaOEVENTS AND CARDS 0F TIIANKS de a word with a minimum 09 $1.00 for 25 words or le.. WLAMBAGES -DAeItW~ $1.00 par insertion DlMEMORIAMI 81.00 plus IOc a lin. for "60 DlieClassifled cat 81.50 Pe« &chwith ainimum ci one inch. £ddiflongl Insertions at the «Mae raies. AW i lmifled Ad, must buela "bi office not later tban 12 o1clock noce. Wednesday. ,,e«d cash, Étampa or money ordu and save maney. Clp this out for hazdy relerent OFFCE HouES Mtonday through Frdaf 0:30 a.m. tb S p.. Saturday T" .Canadisn StatesMaS Dia! MAzrket 3-3303 ow Caseild Ad Servie. CHOICE YOUNG BIRDS ALL WEIGHTS DRESSED AND DELIVERED Recl Estate for Sale BUILDING lot, for sale, Liberty St. N. Phone MA 3-5126. 49-1 INCOME house, well rented, in Bowmanville. $2,000 down wlll handie. MA 3-2383. 49-3 S0LID 1O-rooni brick bouse in Whitby. Good condition. In. corne home'or large famiiy. Pull price $16,900.00 or best offer. Phone MOhawk 8-2466. 48-2 Pedwell Real Estale Esta$e sale, known as the Thornton property in Coîborne, 10 rooms, 6 bedrooms, conven. iences, oil furnace, fireplace, garage, large landscapod grounds - an ideal place for nursing home. Asking $ 10,000. Haif cash. 200 acre fan oen paved road, bank barn 40' x 60', insul-brjck house, 6 rooms, all level, lots of water. $15,000. Terms. We have 5 good houses in Orono. Ail can bo bougbt reas. onablo, somne with smali down paynionts. Clapboard house in Hampton, 5 roanis, completely furnisbed, refrigerator and new stove. Lot 66' x 175', taxes only $60.00. This praperty must be sold to close an estate. $4,000, balh cash. A number of gaod building lots In Newcastle. We have a large list of good fanms, botel, and rest home. Money to loan. H. C. PEDWELL, BILOKER LNewcastle Phone 3858 49-1 De Wiih Real Estate 90 Acre fanm near Mllbrook, 85 acres workable, bank barn, garage; 8 Roomed brick home, beavy duty wired. Price and ternis arranged. 100 Acre farm at Millbnook, L-shaped bank barn, water on tap, drive shed, garage; 7 room- ed home with 3-piece bath, hot and cold running water. Price $13,000. Ternis. 200 Acre farm, 95 acres work- able, 2 barns, drive shed, hen house, garage; 8 roomed brick home, furnace, heavy wired. Asking $16,000. Ternis. 100 Acre farm near Hastings. 80 acres workable, bank barni, heu bouse; 7 roomed home, hydro throughout. Pnice in. tciuding new tractor, machinery, icrop, $6,500. 185 Acre farm, 120 acres work. 1able, streani, L-shaped bànlc barn, water bowls, steel stan- chions, drive shed, hen bouse, 1garage; 7 roomed brick. home, with all modem conveniences, Price $17,000 with $7,000 down. BROILER FARM, capacity L5,000 b irds quarteriy on highweay at Newcastle, 2 barns wig1 equipment; 8 roomed home witla modern conveniences. 4skinit $19,500. Easy ternis. INCOME HOME, 13 rooma, solid brick home, close to main street in Newcastle, extra lot. Price $8,000 with $1,500 down. GENERAL STORE compris- ing of store, stockroom, 6 roomas living. quarters with modern conveniences and garage attach- ed. Price $16,000. Tenms ar. ranged. 3 Bedroom bungalow in Bow. manville with all modern con- veniences, bardwood and tile >floors, full basement, miodern kitchen. Price $13,500. Terns arranged. 3 Bedroorn brick bungalow in Bowmanviile with ail modern convoniences, modern kitchen, hardwood floors. Price $10,000. Ternis. 2 Bedroom bungalow in Bow. manville 'with all modern con- venionces, hardwood floors, modern kitchen, fuli basement. Price $9,000. Ternis. 2 Bedroorn bungalow in New* castle with ail modemn con- veniences, hardwood floors, full b as e men t. Garage. Pnice $10,000. Contact John F. De Wilh Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle. Phone 3341 Salesmen: Acreage wîth new home, VLA approved ,$10,500. Ahniost new brick, 1 ½-stoney, loaded with extras, water and sower. N.H.A. resale. Many other propertiVs of al kinds. We need town homos for wait- ing buyors. 52 King St. W. Bowmanvillo MA 3-2453 or COlfex 3-2397 Salesman - Clarence Soper MA 3-2624 49-1 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Darton MA 3-3098 $3,000.00 down will move you luto e iovely brick bungalow lu au exclusive neighbourhood. This is'a very nico homo and bas hed good cane. Must ho said. $8,000.00 is the full prico for this homo on a nice street. 011 heatlug and garage. Tonms. Have you monoy ta lnvest? Lot us show you thia block af stores and apantments. Cen bring close ta, 20% on your lu- vestmnent. $ 1,500.00 down on this 6-noorn homo. OÙ heeting. Central. Only $7,500.00. Eas oemis. Faims wanted for waiting clients. List with us for botter service. 49-1 . 1 PAGE -TWENTY.-T 7