S fl* - O~e - Cpacity Audience Attends Federatio' Annual Banquet, TlieWOnI!la Institute of Ca- van catip toa oapacity crowc gêt the. Durha.m County Federa- tion àtf.,Agriculture Annual ?ueetlng; and .Bgnquet hcld or Satuada3".fmonf4Iov. 28, i ti CavanIi HalL Tolowfig a deliciaus turke3 dinner With ail the trirnmings President Bruce Taylor welcomn ed aU in attendance and intro. duced the entertainers af ti aiternoon-the talented Misse Patsy, Fay .and Judy McCon neli, charmning littie daughteri of Mr. and Mnx. MéConneil, R R. 2, Ida, who enterbained witt gong. Mrs. Dalton Dorreli thankec the ladies of the Institute wh( had so generously served al present, and was assured b: their president, Mrs. Challice of their pleasure in doing s( VIGOR Ol BEST QUALITY.. FUEL' O1 AT MOST REA F1or 1 PHONE OSHJ 79 BOND ST. W. x- and their willingness to do so ,d again on any future occasion. à- Head table guests wçre in- al troduced by HLarvey Ma1ll in i liii inimitable fashion. Le Rey. V. E, R. Zufeit, guest speaker, 'was introduced by Erie ,y Falls. Rey. Zufeit is presently s, the United Churcn minister in - Omemee. Hé has studied in Ger- -_ many, having won a scholar- ie ship, was a war veteran of five as years, has rninistered to congre- - gations in both urban and rural rs areas, but has shown a prefer- R. ence to living in rural commun- Lh iMes where he can practise his love of horticulture, for whirh ýd he has become ,yery *eUl known io far and near. LlI Rev. Zufelt held the rapt at- )y tention of his audience by e, stories and experiences hie has sa encountered over the yeers. He 1IL CO. LTD.. 1IL 'OVE OIL1 SONABLE PRICES Delivery ALA 9.1109 OSIAWA The Ideal Gif t! S ,end Your Friends A. SUBSCRIPTION to Round Gift 52 GIFTS WRPPEDIN ONE $4.00 A YEAR- ANYWHERE IN CANADA ($5.00 IN UNITED STATES) Here is a Glft that will be Appreciàited Every Week of the Year by Your Friends and Relatives at Home and Abroad. An Attractive Christmas Gift Card FREE - TO ANNOUNCE Your. Gift Subscription PLEASE MAIL TRIS TO-DAY TO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN P.O. BOX 190 - BOWMNVILLE Enclosed find $ in paymcent of Ycar(s) Subscription to, "THE CANADIAN STATESMAN" Mail to foflowing: Name- Address __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SaedrsNm Address à Siatesman Subscription is a Gift ihai is Differeni If will be on] oysd the par round. told his rural audience he also! had. been raised on a farm ai- though his father had not ac- tually been a farmer but a builder, who rcturned to the farm during the slaclc season i wmnter. He and an aider brother werc the farmers. He said flus brother seenied to find it con- venient at times to be away at evenlng miling trne which let him ta mllk (by hand> their 13 cows. These and similar cx- periences convinced him at an ealy age that surely there was an! casier way oi making a liv- ing, so hie chose the ministry. However, now he is not so Sure. He served In the Minden area during the years of depression -1931-34 and it was then hie determined to make use of his green thuxnb, and commenced growing vegetables and flowers which lue distributed ta the necdy in his and other areas. lie used the Storm windows of thc parsonage to build a green house ta give his vegetables a start that they might produce and mature before frost. After a trip ta Britain, where he sawv fields of wheat producing 85 busheis ta the acre after ycars aio cropping, he became inter- e sted in conversation. Through ail this% he traces the workings of God through nature and at- tains satisfaction in the work oi his ministry. The thanks ai ail presentwa voiced ta -Rev. Zufit in a few well chosen words by Howard Quantrill. Winners ai door prizes af a $5.00 voucher each were won by Gerald Brown, Chas. Os- 'borne, Leslie Myers and How- ard Quantrill. Thanks ta Lind- say and Durham Farmer's Co- Ops. for contrîbuting these vouchers. Tha President called on Mn. Alex Canruthers, M.P.P. for Durham, Garnet Rickand, War- den ai United Counties, Dave Crone, O.F.A. Zone Fieidman, and Dick Stewart, member ai Board of Govennors o! O.F.A., for a few words. Mrs. Kathielen Dornell intro- duced Stephen Thompson, Ida, Durham County winncr oi the Essay Cantest sponsored by the Women's Division oi O.F.A. Stephen's essay also won at Zone level and competcd in the Onitanio contest at Toronto. President Bruce Taylor pre- sentcd his report of the year's activities within thc county and Don Staples presented the fi1- nancial report, bath ai which were approved and adoptcd on motion ai the treasurer and Donald Cathcart. Sec. Ficîdman, Clarence AI- lin, reported on new.depantment set up this-year by O.F.A. cail- ed Dept. ai Properties, under the direction ai Mr. Don Mid- dicton, former fieldman for Middlesex. This department will give assistance and advice ta farmers wrho have land acquir- ed, by expropriation or otharn means by an yagncy-notably, highway, hydro and pipe line. This hclp can be obtained by requcst through County Fed- erations ai Agriculture. Ralph Larmer, chairman ai nominating committee, present- cd the following slate aifGi fi- cers for 1960: Pres., Harvey Malcolm; lst Vice-Pres., Ericl Fallis; 2nd Vice-Pres., Dalton Dorreli; 3rd Vice-Pres., Howard Quantrili; addition ta Dinectors At Large, Gerald Brown, Les- lie Pritchard and Donald Sta- plcs. On motion by Ralph Lar- mer and Lawnence Staples and open vote by members this siate was elected officers for 1960. Before concluding thc meet- ing Pres. Bruce called on the newly electcd president, Har- vey Malcolm, for a few words. Harvey thanked the members for their confidence in hlm and said he wouid endeavour ta fui- fil, lis obligations during the coming year ta the best of lis ability. Meeting adjourned. More Borrow From B of M James Benl Comnienting on the bank's 142nd year of business, lue said the unpreeedented demandi for credit ai ail kinds came in anc of tue "tightest" mancy periods of modern times. In total, B ai M boans wcre more than 25 Per cent above the 1958 figure--$1,- 772 million compared with $1, 416 million. These included a 32.55 peri cent boast ovcr 1958 ini NHA mortgage boans. from $171 mil- lion to $227 million, enabling more people to buy homes ai thclr awn. To caope wlt5i Canadiana' lan A Year -I TECAMAW n> STATIMSM.- EOiMANVILLL OITAIO - Bought by Quinte Unit Rosafe Heptad, three-year-old herdsire, was bought by the Quinte District Cattle Breeding Association for $12,000 at the dispersai sale of the Browview Holstein herd of Jas. T. Brown, Newcastle, Ontario. Stan Macklin, Cobourg, a member of the Bull Buying Committee of the Quinte Unit, and James T. Brown, are shown with Heptad. *The 89 head sold in the Browview dispersai reali4ed $74,000 for a general average of $83i, the highest dispersai sale average in Canada this year. Heptad was the first Holstein bull sold at a Canadian auction guaranteed free of "the red factor" after proving this by breeding him to a group of red cows with-none of the resulting offspring being red in colour. demands, the bank reduced its? security holdings by mor e than a quarter. These are now report- ed at $886 million, or 28 percent lowcr than a year ago. Strong Llquid Position As a resuit, although Uic B ai M maintains a strongIliquid position, "quick" assets now stand at $1,578 milian, or 51.6 per cent ofai ah iabilities to the public, versus 62.1 percent at October 31, 1958. Deposits show a littie change at $2.998 million, compared with $3,038 million a year aga. The same is true of total B of M assets, which stand at $3,259 million, against $3,277 million in 19.38. Thie bank's earnings for ahi of its 810 offices in Canada and abroad totalled $24,833,660, b- fore income taxes. Provision for these tax bills, however, took more than 50 per cent of the 'TIL -- ---~ ?RJ~SDAT, DEC. ~ Iearnings, or ý12,642,600, so that' The "yar'u operations lnclu- the net profit was $12,191,080, ed issue of f'rightsl' to,675,O00 CANAbA 1059 * IAA:me Ior $1,834,370 mnoreý than in 1958. new sae fcptlsokA jThe 21,000 B of M, sharehold- .111:fcaia sokj li ers received dividends totalling When compîeted, this issue wilI $10,684,730 on the basis of $1.85 bring the B of M's paid- upcap- i han the tax bill of aiany Canadian bank lretj 'i h &I gedeaI .4nristmas Ç[c lu PHILIPS STYLINE ""Picture Perfect" FROM TUNER TO TUBE! 211" MODEL Reg. Suggested List Fric, e 309.00 Trade-in . . . . -80.00 Balance $229.00. Used TV Sais - 17" - 21"" - $65-00 Up LOW DOWN PAYMENTS - NO PYIT 'TIL FEBRUARY Cowan Equipment Co. Bowmanville Ph-one MA 3-5689 CHRIS TMA S Wc're putting aur BEST BUYS forward "for the benefit. of the EARLY gif t buyer. And aur convenient LAY-AWAY plan makes it doubly easy for you ta SAVE NOW. A small deposit holdu your selection tI Christ..--, mas. Liberal terms can be arranged. KELVINATOR 30" ELECTRIC RANGE Fully automatic, 7-heat, rotary element heat switches. Surface flood light, automatic aven timer, minute minder, aven flood light, aven window, roaster pan and grill. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL199-00 \ý \ý - ' KELVINATOR WRINGER WASHER With filter. il lbs. capacity. Automatic timer, pump, heavy duty wringer. 12-year warranty. CHRISTNAS SPECIAL ol.49.09 RELVINATOR AUTOMATIC DRYER With fabric guide . . . Choice of six settings from normal load ta fluffing . . illuminated back guard . .. auto- matic time cycle dial . . . fabric choice dial . . . porcelain drum. Capacity ta 18 lbs. Cflumi$TNAS~ S PE CI A L204,951 -..4 i Used Washing Machine With Pump $ 00 4 and Full Skirt $80.0 KELVINATOR 15 cu. ft. FREEZER 520 lbs. storage capacity . . . 4-wall cold for fast freezing anywhere ini food campartment .. . removable compartment divider ... remov- able storage basket ... interior flood light ... magnctic safety latch and lock. ÜHRISTNAS SPECIAL 305-00 LGW DOWN PAYNENT - FINANCE TO SUIT TOUR BUDGET NO PAYNENTS UNTIL FEBRUAIT COWAN 134 King St, E. EQUIPMENT Bowmalnville MÀ Co & 3m5689 -mi-- SMALL DEPOSIT 1~ HOLDS ANY KELVU NATOR APPLIANCE - - - - - - - - - - - - - ivmpqw jvýwý 4P.". 1