o -mb %ïww.: 2" -- ZVEAIEZM W ST NAIAiV A AI.4U11 AMUffP -.- AKTA Setting Wa s Mr. and Mis. Donald above following their mari' on Saturday, November 21 former Eleanor May Magui Mrs. John Maguire, Brown of, Mr. and Mrs. Edward WEDDING SEMMONS - MAGUIRE White 'mnis formed a love 1y setting in Trinity Unitec Church on Saturday, Novembei 21, 1959, at 3:00 p.m., when Rev W. Housiander united in mar. riage Eleanor May Maguire daughter of Mr. and Ivijs.Johr Maguire, and Mr. Donald Ed. waîd Sinmons. The groom i the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simmons, Oshawa, Ont. The wedding music was play- ed by oîganist Mr. A. Collison who also accompanied the solo- Jat. Mr. Don Williams. The bride, given in marriage by her faffier, chose a floor- length gown of igardenia white lace and tuile. The tightly fit- ted bodice featured a high neck- Une trlmmed with tiny seed pearls and sequins and wasi fashioned with long lily-pointec Sedical Mirror Polycystic DisaseOten Inherited le. Witt you please discuise po1r cyatie disease of the kidney? j#. This is a congenital condition, neaning that it is present at birth. Both kidneys are usually agected. They are enlarged and contain many (poly-) sac-like, structures (cysts) whicb crowd out normal kidney tissue. The ,disease ofteri occurs in two or more members of the sanie am- Mly and is frequcntly handed down from generation to genera- tion. The' condition s seldomn ,felpcd by medical treatment. In mre cases, progressive destruc- tion of the kidney rnay bc de- Iayed and pain relieved by rup- turing or draining ail accessible eysts. Whether to operate is au individugl problem. 3[e, a bUfy equlpped and profes- ahmumly affed pharmacy Is ready 49 M your prescriptions. You wfll appeeclak c or prompt service - Wdire o. urensoubk price DISPUJIlNQ CHIEISTS *I'~i man's and Gordon Wilbur's. Trinity United Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fossey,, Mr. and Mis. Hilton Peters, Mr. Ralph Peters, Mr. and Mus. Ted -- Johns, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. :~' ~ YeiY? Peters, Oshawa, with the **~ ~. ~ ~ - IMis. Ada Taniblyn, Orone, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, at .~ Wll Wlbur's. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Onh- awat Mrs. Joe Chapman's. Mis. C. Daw, Toronto, with SMis. Theron, Mountjoy. IiMu. and Mufs. Roy Metealfe, iMr. Ross Metcalf, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mis. Chas. Johns, Mr. .~..~~r: tand Mis. Haîland Truil, Bore- . .. .....manvile, Mur. and Mis. Wes Hoskin, Harmony, Mu. and Mrs. Franklin Truli, Mis. C. Daw, ..<. ... ... ..IToronto, MIrs. Jean Cooke, Osh- awa. Mri. and Mis. Don White, Oak- - vile, wih Mis. W. White and .4 ï!Miss Nancy Johns. Mi. and Mis. Frank Hastings, Port Ferry, Mr. and Mis. Nor- jman Clernens, daughter Mari- ýM: lyn and son Kelth, Toronto, Mr. h ~'atnd Mi1s. Aibin Clemens, Bow- manville, Miss Carol Wright, Enniskillen, with Mr. and Mis. ~ . .. - ~Laverne s. David and Christine,, Tyrone, with *Mrs. L. D. Sykes. - ~ Miss Marjory Harrison, Mr. .t Harrison Si., Port Perry, - .> Mis. Annie Petley, Scarborough, Mu. Morley Hastings, Toronto, at G. Adcock's Mi. and Mrs. Milton Wilcox,j :_iS Densein, Miss Madlyn j ~Wlcox, Bowxnanville, Mr. andi Mis Wilbert Ci aig, Salem, withi *' ~ Mr. and Mis. Geo. Axmoui. ~ jMis. Newton Reed, Paul and Y'Susan, Sunderlan.d, Rev. and1 Mrs. M. C. Fisher, Newcastle, z".~ ..............with Rev.-and Mis. Reed. e - ~ ... ~ Mis. J. R. Bick, Mis. W. Pat- ,*ý* ...... ~ terson, Bobcaygeon, Mr. and Mis. Fred Crome, Mus. C. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Osh- ~a -awa, Mi. and Mrs. A. Virtue,i Tyrone, Mi. and Mis. Arthur1 Edwad Sîmon aiepictredStainton, Peterborough, Mi. and 1 Edard immos ar picuredMis. H. Wonnacott, Toronto, at riage in Trinity United Church A. L. Blanchaid's. lst, 1959. Mrs. Simmons, the Mi. and Mis. Keith Billett ire, is the daughter of Mr. and and family, AU. and Mus. Ray Stret. Te grom l thesonSellers and daughtei, Bowmfin- i Steet Thegrom isthesonville, at Jack Macnab's. Simmons, Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Martin, BovPmanville, Mis. Jim Smales sieeves. The very full bouffant and daughtei Martha, Oshawa, skirt w.as designed with back at Sam Dewell's. interest cîeated by a cascade of Mi. and Mis. J. Algert Cole, lace and tulle ruffles.. Her ny Miss Maijory Cole, Mi. and ion tulle veil was caught to a Mis. Wm. Morrison, Mr. Herb esequin and pearl cîown and she Rogers, Bowmanville, with Mi. d cariied a white, Bible cresteci and Mis. K. Caverly. ,rwith a white orchid. Mi. and Mis. Gordon Wàke- V. Thiee of the bîide's sisters ley and famlly, Toronto, Mi. r. eehr tedns ihMs and Mis. Oliver Hubbard, Osh- Carol Maguire as maid of honor, andwa it Ms.Luhe A in Mis. and fant, Belevlle an-1 JneAMnr. and ileMis. Russell Mount- dtbieaisAiweatid Kenneth Samelîs, Miss. Anna in ied velvet sheath dresses with aes Nstto,1&.F nylon organdy overskiits of the Sames, ENstieo, wtMis.F satn - hue and matching 'shoes Todms MEniiln, with i. ,n bandrs weîetuied wivt hfea- Rev. and Mis. E. S. Linstead theis of mtcing swhe adand daughter Ilda, Port Ferry, thes o machig sadeandRev. and Mrs. Walter Rack- -e they caiuied cascades of white ham, Lindsay, Mi. and Mis. Reg - canatins.Rackham and daughteis, Mi. Mi . Edwaid Monaghan, Osh- and Mis. Bruce Hogaith and -awa, was best man and thf ush- famlly, Pickering, Mr. and Mis. -ers weie Mi. Mike Peter and T. M. Chant and sons and Mr. d Mr. James Scott, brother-rn- and Mis. C. Waîten with Mr. slaw of the bride, both of Osh- and Mi&s. Austin Barron. iawa. Rev. Ted Keisey and Jimmie, The reception was held in the Mr. and Mis. Alex Sankey and church pailour' where the Patti Ann, Scarborough, Mi. bîide's mother received the Lloyd Keusey, Weston, Mr. and guests in a stieet-length dress Mis. K. Pooler and f amily, Mi*. of blue-grey brocaded taffeta and Mis. R. Buris, Oshawa, with matching hat and corsage Mis. D. Rackham, Mi. and Mis. of pink roses. To assist, the Len Piayer, Bowmanviile, Mis. guoom's motheî chose a street- J. Lyon, with Mi. and Mis. S. iength mink bîown biocaded Kersey. satin dress with brown acces- Mi1s. G. Adcock visited at W. Bories and corsage of talisman H-airison's on Saturday. roses. . Mr. and Mis. A. L. Blanch- Before leaving on the wed- aid attended the Waîden's Ban- dingtnpto Nw Yrk Satequet at Cobourg on Wednesday the bride donned a chocolate evMrn. W .Hr n Miss bîown "walking-out" suit, Noiah Horn, attended the Odd brown shoes and puise, white Fellow's banquet in Bownian- velvet hat, white gloves and vleo odyeeig oichid corsage. On their re- is Mthur Leighton and tuin Mr. and Mi-s. Simmons will r.Atu Liho n resie at431 entr Stretfamily, Ransomville, N.Y., spent resie e 43 CetreStreta few days iast week with heu Oshawa. parents, Rev. F. J. and Mis. The bride is a guaduate Of the Reed. Saivation Army Grace Hospîtal, Mis. Nellie Pettibone, Bramnp- Toronto, and the groom is em- ton, is visiting heu sister, Mis. ployed at Ontario M.aieable, R. Shackleton and Mi. Shack- Oshawa. leton. S ETSo is Pepsi-Cola! Fou today's Pepsi goes with modern ideas about slim good looks. Neyer heavy,. neveu too sweet, it iefueshes without filin Put Pépsi on your shopping list£ Buy it in the handy 6-boutle carton ADMHBEVERAGES LTD,124 Churcb St, Bow>nanviil, Ont. St. Andrews WMS Holds Reonertoffered'PaareflJ North Nesileton - A AOfe in M et n ing, "To Stand". 'Coirrespond- Sameils, Oshawa, had the mis- ence w.as read by Mris. Passant fortune to break lier wri9t-Joan,1 The annual Thankoffering Galbraith, presided. De-iotions which inciuded an invitation to and Kathy will be staying with meeting of St. Andrew's W.M.S. weue taken by membeus of the acoer n sh ainadfGadaanGadpSaes and ffiiatd goupwashel afilitedgrop, L-s Anrewthe retarded ohilduen. 1MMe- here for a wtxiie. and ffiiatd goupwashel afiiaed rOu, Ms. ndrw iKay gave the treasurer's rport. . UT:. and Mus. Lockyer- of in the Sunday 5-chool îoom un taking the scipture and Mirs. We cleared $187.67 on the fowl Brooklin were Sunday' visitors Thuisday, Nov. 19. The puesi- Jam.ie Wright, the prayer. suppei and $20.89 at Grahai's 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ldent of the W.M.S., Miss F. M. Announcements weue givensaettebot.AnWioGedandS- - .by the Puesident and a letter The minutes were, read and anne. crowd at the irnpressive and îead by Mus. L. T. McLaughlin approved. A committee was The Milcolm faniily called inspiiing service on Sunday from the Oshawa guoup-îegiet- named to take care of the Ch-ris- on the Malcolms of Janetville, afternoon when dur îoveîy new tmng they could flot attend the tmas Good Cheei boxes. We de-: Sunday afternoon after churcli. Christian Education Building meeting. The,- treasureis, Mis. cided to have, the exchange of Mr. and Mus. Emerson and was dedicated. Campbell and Mis. Andrew, Christmas gifts among the A very fine message was pre- took up the offeîing. and the irsembers at our next meeting sented by Rev. Ted Kersey of president, gave the 'dedicatory with the gift not ta exceed 49c. Wîlmar Heights United Chuioh, prayer. . The ladies decided te pay Mis. HAVE___ Y_0__ù_H__EA Scaubouough, a former Hamp. The Rev. A. G. Scott gave a McKay ta dlean and dust the ton young man. Mi. Raîpli Pe- most interesting paper on chureli the year aîound. W-e are Blrown and Smith met after teus, ouganist of St. James-Bond woîk done in Canada ainong to have a Christmas party at thewokfrcfewhu low United Chuîch, Toronto, and theMinin S s and vedslides chuîch the Satuiday evening saia "W«Mat d'y&. 88 we get foumeriy of Hampton, as ofMsinShosadvn u- before Christmas. guest pianist and acco 'panic eln ateotyn lcs Election af officers for 19610 our wlves 'togethek' and have à the hymns. Contiasts were s9hown of theI was as follows: President, Mis. bit uight tonight?" Mr. Ross Metcalf rendered a primitive Indian homes and the T. Sameils; Vice-president, Mrs. iovely solo, "Hlow Great Thou ones buit at the puesent time. Sweet; Secretary, Mis. Trhora "Great ldeae' sai S i t b. Ait" and was also heard la a Appuopriate hynins were sung Gray; 4ssistant Secuetauy, Mis. '",here'îî we' leave 'em?" beautiful duet with Mirs Jean thioughout the meeting and Passant; Tueasuîeî, Mis. Me- Cooke of Osh.awa. Both seîec- Mis. Maijorie Ferguson îendeu- Kay; Pianist, Mis. K. Gray; As-. tions weîe' very fitting and ed a solo. Mis. E. C. Crawford sistant Pianist, Mus. Mielton. We'ue only kidding, of coursé. weîe accompanied -by Mrs. AI- presided at the piano. The Rev. Parsonage Committee - Mus. But we're not joking when we beut Cole o! Bowmanvilie, fou- A. G. Scott gave the ciosing S. McQuade, Mis. K. Gray, Mis. merly o! Hampton. prayer.ý Passant; Missionary Coxnmittee say we have one of the flnest The main roo.m wâ fillkd ta Refreshments were seuved by -Mis. M. Gray, Mus. I.Arner; cleaning establishments on the capacity, with many being seat- the affiliated group and a hap- Devotional Commitee-Mms.G. continent. Without hesitation, cd 'or finding standing uoom in py social hour enjoyed. John ston, Mus. Melton; Auditors you can depcnd on us fou the the corridors, and a large group -Mrs. M. Mr-Kee, Mis. S. Mc-j most reliable care of ail your inthe church auditorium. There J ~ I Quade, Flowcr Committee -1gret m oueodfii was a happy greetin.g of friends '..adrmulic vv . Mus. Passant. gret n oshl un at the close cf the service, many ' The groups and group leaders ishings. So leave your dry of w.hom we have not beenpi will remain the same as last cleaning wories wîth us. vileged to rneet for a long time, And W .M .S. year.UMd C O A R P amn hmtoformer pas- The meeting was closed wîth CF tors, Rev. W. Rackham and E ' - r a carol "It Came Upon a Mi- C O A R U H wife (he having a part in the i'eCt O ff ice rS night Clear" and the Benedie- service) and Rev. and Mus. Lin- tion. I.adS L D stead and daughter, also Mis. The meeting was held at the Rev. P. Romeril showed piRc-ad SA .,D J. R. Bick, a former pastor's home of the president Mis. T. tures of the Channiel Islands____________ wife.. Sarndils on Nov. 18th in t.he taken on his trip thcue this suxu- An off eiing cf auound 1,000 evenin.g. We opened oui meet- mei.e A delicicus lunth was r.i"wp jy /', was îeceived. C.GI.T. are hol-d- ing by singing the theme song sèrve by Group 3. A vote of ol-r.'d W., ing a Vesper Service on Sunday and a Christm-as carol "O Littlei thanks was offered Mis. Sam- evening, Dec. 13th. Town of Bethlehem". Rev. P. elis fou the use of lieu home. r: Mr. and Mma. Vie Malcolm Mt Mervin Bird's, Broolin, Sua* day evenig. Mn.. Brooks h«e retul2d tO Laurencè Maleolm's to viiit ber grandchidreii. Ever3mne 18 qiU pulling for Gwen and wish he a speedy recovery. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bruce Wl*mely visited Mr. ,and Mi. lWolr Emerson Sunday afteï'nôoà. Regret to learn that Mr. Wq G. Bowles hm sbeen confined te bed for a short J)eriè&d. Mxr. and Mms. E. Erlhown, Oett. awa, visited Dr. Bowles and MT&a Macie on Suziday. TH S ON ? Bd. Leslie [RISTNA S CONCERT ECERBER Il - 12 '1 J Il I I i TII.Ë CA-NADIAN qlf%,&I'IMUAW ItnWUAWWW.týl@ PVRMÀLlDW%