T'HUSDA, DC. 3d, 959THE ANAIA1 STTESMN, BOWANVILEONTIUQPAGE VIV W.I1.fHears Mlrs. F. Bowen The regular monthly meeting of Bowmanville W. I., was held ~.at Lions Centre on Thursday, UNov. 26, at 2.30 p.m. with 39 ,'kmembers present. Meting op- ened with 0 Canada, Institute Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. G. AlIchin, president, welcomed the members and then called on Mrs. G. Bagneil, convenor of programmne, to take over: Ladies quartette, Mes- dames Van Driel, James, Rich- in-ond and Alldread, gave two num.bers. Guest speaker, Mrs. F. Bow- en from Orono, was introduced by Mrs. G. Bagneil. Her topic was 'Historical Research". She told of her early recollections of having lived with her grand- mother in a log house-soine log houses are stili standing. Specia Us in PERMANENT WAVES Wiveilby: JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 $75 For .- _ $_ 7.9 Reg. $12.50 9 For _ _ 9.95 Reg. $15.00 11.95 For__ _ SPECIAL COL» WAVE ai, $6.95 Zr-. Huyck wiIl be here on Tues., Wed. and Fr1. to do the steamx and regular waves ]Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT *Huyck's Hairsfyyhng Studio 67 King St. W., Bowmanvlfle A GIFT for the whole family Ob * which can ho enjoyed the whole year through.. A MURAL wvllI add beauty and distinction t. yeur home Priced from $17.50 up A GOOD SELECTION 0F WALL NIRRORS A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. BO WMAN VILLE MA 3-5431 NEOCHI PUSH-BUTTON AUTOMATIC 1 1 #Nechl cev.ed b>'*IfeI, for Christm as eund alwaysl Jluutpua a button aud the eS mâakes button holes, mouds, darne, ,te:ogramn ...ailby l~~.. audmakes un- Blmited faucy stitchenov- or before possible. * Neechi modela esn 1sbwe 100 MEffMIS.wins Machines (Canada) LimIt.d UUW~EUi3443 Park Av*., Montros, Canada Higgon EIec fric Ltd. 3SKIngSt.E.Piso.mA330 Honor Purple Hill Couple On Golden Anniveýsa-ry She read a letter wrtten many years ago, about early settier families in 1831.1 Thse Kingston Road, or No; 2 Highway, from Port Hope to Toronto, from 1790-1831 was Old York Road. A Mr. Wilmatt surveyed Cake, Darlin.gton and Hope townships and laid out sanie of our first roads. The! first bank in Durham County was a hollow tree,-money was hid there froni Indians. At one time there was a fishery at Newcapt1e. Some of the eanly family names were Shaw fani- lly, with Shaw's School being named alter theni, Lovekin, TruIl, Conants etc. Mrs. Bowen had taught school over fifty years ago. She said the book entitled "Shores of Scugog" was very interesting and could be obtained fromn the library. She closed by saying we should save our old things and antiques because their bis- tory was interesting. A vote of thanks was moved for her in- formative talk.% Mirs. Alichin then took thse chair for thse business period with Mrs. D. Park acting as Secretary-treasurer, due ta Mrs. ïMeachin being ill. Mrs. Wise- man read a paper prepaned oy Mrs. Meachin on thse motta, "Old things have charm." She said how we value somne old things, such as famnily Bi- bles, antique dishes and old furniture. Years ago furniture was rathen crude, but made to last a lifetime. Our' forefathers lived through rugged times, wars and rumours of war and made many fine contributions toi civilization. Roll cail, "Old things I have seen die out," was interesting. A letter was read from Gold- en Plough Lodge in Cobourg saying they would be pleased ta have us help theni with their birthday party for members; each gift not to exceed 2.00. We are waiting now for names of people who are there fromn this district. We are giving a dona- tion ta .thse Cerebral Palsy school in Oshawa for a play- pen bed for a littie patient who cannot walk. An exchange of a 35ec gift will take place for aur Christmas meeting, Dec. 17, followed by our turkey dinner at 5:00 p.m. Members please note change of date. Mrs. Jones reponted that the quilts would be quilted after Christmas. Mrs. M. Wisenman gave an in- teresting report of W. I. Con- vention in Toronto. After the meeting closed, Mrs. G. Bag- neil and her group served ta.:ty refreshments. El rci MM ri1 M sister of the bride, were thene, also friends and relations fnom Oshawa, Hamptons, Bowman- ville, Millbrook, Port Perry, Enniskillen, Port Hope anmd sur- roundmng comniunity. Thse evening gôt under way with George Wrigbt, son-in-law, welcoming everyone. Mrs. Gea. Fowler (Mary), a daughter, pie- sented thern with a purse onf nioney from thse family. Miss Joyce Graham presented thecun with a lovàly reclining chair from their nieigbbors. They te- ceived1 other gifts of money, bouquets of flowera and gifts froni their many friends. Congratulations ca 'me through thse week from mnyw fniends, Prime Minister Diefenbaker and Dr. R. P. Vivian. Mn. Alex an- ruthers visited theni and wish- cd them the best. A lovely lunch was served following the . presentations and thse wedding cake was cut. The remainder of the evenin.g was enjoyed by dancing 1-o music supplied by Jobnny McMann, Oshawa, and Roy Ashton, Bur- keton. Thse groom bas played thse violin nearly ail his life, so0, it was very fitting lor hini ta play 'for, one square dance on this occasion., Everyone enjoyed themselves and wished thse hap-i py couple many more years of wedded life. Tri nity's Annual Fuir Attracts Many Patrons Thse annual Fail Fair of Trin- ity United Church last Fniday aftennoon'was again a marked success. All afternoon crowds of patrons enjoyed shopping at thse attractive boaths and thse delicious tea that was senved. Rev. W. K. Housîsinder, thse pastor of Trinity ChurcIs, fornm- ally opened the Faîl Fain at two o'clock. The president of thse W.A. Mrs. Thonias Butteny, Mra. W. K. Houslanden and Mns. K. N. Morris and Mia. L. D. Goddard, thse vice-presidents of thse W.A. neceivcd. Mrs. J. Van Nest, assisted by Mrs. R. B. Heavysege, was thse general convenon of thse Fal Fair. Mrs. Walter Woolley and Mrs. L. Kerr wene thse tearooni convenons. Mrs. Eanl Osborne was in charge of thse Gift Shop, and Mns. C. H. Palmer conven- cd thse Babywear Booths. Thse Apron Booth convenons wene Mrs. Ross Stnike and Mrs. Stanley Mornison, anmd Mrs. Lorne Allin was convenor of.the Children's Wear Booths. Thse convenons of thse dandy Booth were Mrs. Doug Rackham, Mis. W. A. Edgen, Mrs. Ray Dilling and Mns. P. E. Greenfield. The Anilca Club* wene in change of thse Used Toys Booth and Miss Eileen Spicer was thse convenor. Mis. J. Van Nest was convenor of thse Christmas Decorations and Flower Booths. Thse Jack and Jill Club had planned tIseFishpond and thse free films for Chîldnen's Centre.i Mrs. Lamne Allun and Mrs. Byron Vanstone were thse convenons of thse Fishpond, and Mrs. A. H. Stnike was convenor of thse Free Films. Club 15 Bridge Raises $90 for Service Work The regular meeting of Club enjoyable demonstration of how 15 was held at the home of Mrs. to make Christmas arrange- George Vinish with ail mem- ments. Her many ideas greatly! bers présent. Président Mrs. G. enthtised Club 15 members andi E. Mann presided over the her beautiful arrangements meeting and welcomed& into the were much admired. club Mrs. Donald Masters, a At the close of the meeting* new member.1 the hostess, Mrs. Vinish, served Plans were discussed for the a deliéious lunch. Senios' Citizens Christmas Par- ty which will bc heid at the Lions Communit a n Tuesday, EN SKL E It was decided to have a draw The annual combined meetings at the next meeting for the of W.A. & W.M.S., will be hld' lovely carniage set miade and intefom faehitmspr donated to Club 15 by hMm. J. in the formeof Ma. &hrîs 0.t Morgan. Ashton, Wednesday Dec. 9 Alil 1Mrs. Liontel Parker Jr., le- husbands are cordially nvitedto ported a profit of $90 frOm attend. the recent very successful Stay- Mrs. John Siemon was hostess at-Home-Bridge. Under the di. for the W.A. meeting on Tuesday rection of Social Convenor Mrs. evening November 24 and Mrm. Geo. Webster, lunches were de- vg 'Y livredtothefoiowng os- -.o, President, opened the liese wohom Cl15wishs to meeting with the -Motto & Creed. esse whm Cub 5 wshe toMrs. W. Begley gave the Devo- thank for their support: Mrs. K. tional Theme, "Therefore Stand", Billett, htrs. A. Strike, Mrs. A. and Mms. E. Trewin continued Steele, Mrs. M. Dale, Mrs. J- with the Seipture reading. The Eminerèon, Mrs. C. Cattran Sr., Worship was closed with a hymn Mirs. G. Cawker, Mrs. F. Cole, and prayer. Mrs. A. Clemens, Mrs. J. Werry, Th miue wre ea an Mrs. I. J. Woolsey, Mrs. C. Burt- Th miue r ea an wistle, Mrs. A. Sylvester, Mrs approved. The financial report J. Firth, Mms. S. Crago, Mrs.W. was given by Mis. M. Hohbs. Fin-j Cann, Mrs. J. Roughley, Mrs. S. ai arrangements were made for Cherrtran, Mirs. A. oely the Parsonage bazaar. Mns. H. Watson, Mrs. E. Wth- It was decided to donate $25 to erspoon, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, the Retarded Children's Organi- Mrs. R. Hawthorne, Mms. R' zation and $15 to the Save the Hayes, Mis. R. Ames, Mrsr. G: Children's Fund. Badger, Mrs. E. Bedford, Mrs. Mrs. G. Yeo extended thé good C. Bicide, Mrs. J. Living, Mis.. wishes of the group to Mms. R. W. H. Storey, Mrs. W. Jewell, Rowan and she was preseated Mrs. W. Smith, Mms. R. Riclcaby, wi$h a bridge table and chairs Mrs. L. hIffMahon, MTs. W. fnom the com qunity Mrs. Rowan Maindonald, Mrs. R. Kent, Mrs. expressed hen t han l to ali those J. Ross, Mrs. R. Crainp, Mms. T. present. .A. Garton, Mms. A. Hooey, Mrs. The Roll Cali was answered C. Austin, Mrs. J. Bedford, Mrs. with "What's Your Beef". Robent C. Bell, Mrs. J. Bell, Mrs. R. Siemon favoured with a piano Oke, Mrs. N. Osborne, Mrs. C. solo and Mrs. Begley showed W. Slemon, Mrs. F. Cowle, Mrs. movies of thein vacation in the K. Luxton, M.rs. R. Nichois, Miss Maritimes, as well as some local A. Hocigins, Mms. F. Jamieson, scenes, which were thoroughly Mrs. T. Masters. enjoyed by ail. A social time was Aften the business meeting enjoyed while gnoup 3 servod was adjournied Mrs. T. Fairbro- lunch. tIser of Newcastle gave a most gMm. W. Logan was present and ably conducted thç election of officers, as follows: Pres., Mrs. G. Yeo; lst Vice Pres., Ms. 1. Wearn; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mms. W. Begley; Secretary, Mns. R. Sharp; Ass't Sec., Mms. A. Sharp; Treas-1 urer, Mms. X. Hobbs; Ass't Treas., Mm., F. Toms. Pianists, Mrs. L. Lamb, Ms. R. Virtue; Christian Fellowship, Mrs. L. Lamb-* Parsonage Com- mittee, Mrs. J. Slemnon, Mms. O. C. Ashton, Mrs. H. McGilI; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. M. Stainton; Visiting Committee, Mrs. T. Sle- mon, Mrs. F. Toms; Auditora for 1960, Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Mms. A. Boyd; Dinner Committee for 1960, ?Mrs. E. A. Werry, Mrs. A. Sharp, Mrs. A. Brunt. Tegoup leaders remained the samne except Group 4 which is now Mms. F. Werry and Mms. E. Trewin. Mms. Geo. A. Scott, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin. .Dbnna Gail Irwin spent the weekend with Joan Porter, Bow- manville. . .Miss Shirley Bothwell, Maple Grove, Miss Laverne Orchard, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mns. Milton Stainton, Mr. Clarence Stainton, wene with Miss Elva Orchard and Mn. R. Clark, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris and Marilyn, Almonds, were with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. WiII Nichols. Bob- caygeon, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wray, Mr. and Mns. Allan Wray, B6wmanville, were Sunday visi- tors at Mr. and Mms. Lorne Lamb's. Jim Kinsman, Courtice, Mn. and Mrs.. Roy McGiJl, Miss Reva Mc- Gui, Mr. and Mrs. Keith MeGill and Dale, were dinner guests at Mn. and Mms. Chanley Langmaid's, Sauina. Miss Patti Gettins, Caesarea, is visiting ber grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Edgan Wright, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Versnon Ratz, Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hasas and Ronny, Bowmnanville, were Sunda' tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. eith McGill., Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Yèllow- eeSauina, Mn. and Mms. Geo. Ir in aCompany with Msý. and Mns. Carl Ferguson attended the Wardea's suppen at Cobsourg. Mr. and Mms. Bnian Lee, Ked- ron, Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa, wene Sunday callera at Mn. and Mrs. Allan Wenry's. Mn. and Mms. Lloyd Ashton and Ronald, Haydon, Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston were with Mr. and Mns. James T. Brown, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Roýert Wilson and Bian, Oshawa, wene visitons at Mn. and Mms. Clarence Avery's. Mn. and Mms. Lorne Lamb wene recent visitons at Mms. P. Dickey's and family, Hampton. Mn. aad Mrs. Keith Ormiston, Ebenezen, wene Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill's. Mr. and Mms. Fred Toms at- tended the Dedicatioù Services on Sunday at Hampton and were tea guests of Mn. and Mms. Mer- win Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wenry at- teiaded a presentation at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee's, given by thé Kedron Community on Fniday evening for Mn. and Mms. Bian Lee. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson were Fniday tea guests at Mr. and Mms. Keith Fergusoa's, Rnw- manvîlle. Mn. and Mrs. Leéonard Stainton, Gail and Doris, were Sunday visi- tors at R. Hope's and C. Mills, Pont Penny. Miss Nancy Wood,.Guelph, was with ber grandparents, Mn. and Mms. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lonna, Oshawa, Mrs. Joyce Sellick and family, Enniskillen,, Mrs. C. Woodley, Tynone, were Sunday dffiner guests at Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo's. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lee and family, Mn. and Mns. Geo. Lee. Mn. Harry Ferg-uson, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Keith Fenguson and farnily, -Bowrnanville, were with Mn. and Mns. Walter Ferguson on thse occasion of Donald Lee's, Keith's and Walter Ferguson's birthdays. Mn. and Mrs. D. B. Kay, Mn. Bill Kay, Miss Jean Edwards, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. W. Sander- son and Ray, Columbus, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Sharp and Kathy, Mn. and Mrs. Adam Sharp were Sun- day guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Mn. Albert Oke, Miss Elsie Oke, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Stan Turner's, Oshawa. Mr. Allan Stainton is visiting this week with Mn. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mn. and Mrs. E. W. Begley, Bruce and Carote Begley, were visitons with Mrs. M. Dabad, Long Bnanch. Our C.G.I.T. group was repre- sented by 15 members at the an- nuaI Vespen Service for Oshawa Presbytery in First Baptist Church in Oshawa. We sincerely thank Mrs. D. Rowan and Mr. G. Yeo for thein assistance in trans- portation. Please come to the C.G.T.T. Ves- per, Candle Lighting and White Gift Services in the Chunch at 7.30 P.M. on Sunday, Dec. 6th. 4Oth Anniv ersary On Saturçlay, iZovember 2lst, Mr. and Mrs. N. Tkatch, 155 Church St., were entertained by their f anily and a few friends at the Elying Dutchman Motor Hotel on the occasion of their 4th wedding anniversary. RIDE IN COMFORT ... CALL STEVENS' TAXI We have the most up-to-date fleet of luxury car& in district with experienced drivers. TWG PHONES for your convenience MA 3-5822 M A 3-7201 ALL PASSENGERS TNSURED 100 King St. E. - Bowmanville ..... r To wln the warmest thanks on 4Chdstiun --"g, give "Something in jewoJ~ .%m ont brilhiazit solection. RINGS ..will "ring the bell" wtKh dies and gents alike. Be sure see our sumptuons collection. priced at ___$7e95 Up CULTIJRED PEABLS A lasting gift Friced ftom À. ~ IA.1~ TIE CLASP AND LINKS Gild fIlled _$9 basket styliu COMPLETE 3-Piece LUGGAGE SET For -Her: handsome, dur.- 'e plauio cover. Tatteta lbcd. ~ Now ia the TIME te lAy.Away your glfts fox~ Christmas while selec- lions are at thefr best. for fun, for Christmas âqevie Cameras, Flash Camera Kits amdAccmeo&u HOOPERS 21% King St. Bowmanville BELIGIOUS JEWELLERY asake ftl u ls BABY SIOLER 0001 uioction et 1b, cUts JEWELLERY BOXE" $3.95 ZADIOS Muke theb.e JEWELLERY & GoinTSH@P Phone MA 3-5747 LADY'S WATCH GENTrS WATCII 17 Jewels - With 17 Jewels - With expansion fjf~ expadso '"&95Or bracelet $24-95 .Bh1p braceleL.iWo'LI1U VRESSEE SEm uhe. *Ceins la - se* why Th. Semmcs 8 la Nudil TRURSDAY, DEC. 3rd, 1959 THZ CANADLAN STATESILO,,,N,.BOWMANVnJý& ONTARIO, FnPiday evening, Nov. 2th, was thse occasion of a happy ga- thening of family, fniends and neighbons at Purple Hill 'Hall, Cartwnight, Ont., ta help cele- brate the 5OtIs wedding anniver- sary of MIIr. and Mrs. Henry Ma- haffy. Thse party was a littie late getting .5tarted because thse barn of Mn. and Mrs. Pascoe, their neighbon, caugh-t fine that anme evening. Many of thse neigbbors went to see if they, could belp ini any way. When nothing more could be done, tbey ail returned to help Mn. and Mrs. Mabaffy celebrate their anaiversary. But the party lacked sonie of its gaiety- because of thein neigh- bor's misfortune. There were eight of Mr. and Mrs. Mabaffy'a family there, four sons and four daughters. They wene Thomas Oshawa; Robent, St. Mary's; Mary, Bow- manvile; Bill, Enniskillen; Dor- is, Hampton; Ella, Tononto; Iva, Bowmnanvillq, and Grant, Oshs- awa; also nine gnandcbildren, Ray and Joyce, St. Mary's; Ron, Patsy, June, Jim, Georgina, Marlene and Bo;bby FowIer, Bowmanville, anmd one great gnandchild, Billy, son of Mn. and Mrs. Don Mason, Oshawa. ~5.Lloyd Mahaffy, Port Per-1 ry, cousin of the groom and Mrs. Leslie (Iva) Grahami, only 1 , 1 1