."Liberty, ibelflgenoe and pur nations safety" is an ex- cellent motte for our organiza- tiôn because the Liorns are -both national and international, 'and it is part of oui- job te fos- ter better undeistanding bet- ween ordnary people of the world", Brenton Rickard, New- castle, Deputy District Gover- Yior, told the dinner meeting ef the Bowmanville Lions Club *held at the Lions Community Centre on Monday evering. *Th1ree other members of the Newcastle Lions Club, Chai-les * Megit, Hlarold Gibson, and Tom Lewis, wei-e aIse guests at the dirtàier meeting. The birthday cf Joe Flett, a local Lion, was oliserved. It was i aninouniced that Cuth- bei-t McDoniald will lie in charge of the Liens Super-Bingo For that personal git ne other can give... GIVEA CHRISTNAS PORTRAIT by HORNSBY STUDIOS 3y2 Simeoe St. S. Oshawa Fer appointment Diai RAndoIph 5-0151 It's something your friends can't buy! #~ A AWMA- - 'U M PWA ?W VU! fP- 9'AUW £~ ~&~tIA>A.55.iU ~ £~5&~5SUA~g W IV &m. V -~ ~ Deputy Governor Brenton Ri*ckard Pays Officiai Visit to Lions Club, te be held on Saturday evening, Deceniber 5tu. There wil l e a $100 dean pnize, special gammes and large jackpot gaines. It was decided that admission will be $1. The wmnners e! tue hockey draw wcne: Satui-day, Noven- ber 28th, W. Wright and Ron Osborne; Wednesday, Decemben '2nd, Fred Bail and Onvilie Hoo- per; Saturday, Decemben 5t1, Dr. Chailes Austin and Ken Kelly; Saturday, December 12t1, Rank Jaxizen and Maurice Richu- ards. International Directen Hcrb Goddard introduced Deputy District Governon Rickai-d, the special speaker. Mr. Goddard told thc meeting et Mr. Rick- ard's outstandýng work as a Lien. He also spoke of Mr. Rickard's intercst in commun- ity aff airs, and said he is a member o! thc Newcastle Munu- icipal Council. Worthwhile "Care" FroJeet III amn sure that whateven we can do on a national and inter- national level will heip li some srnal way te bing mere liberty for mare people in more ceun- tries," Mi-. Rickard stated. I arn very happy tuat this year District A bas taken up the preject 'Care'. Each one ot us who donates $1.00 te the Care Fund is giving severai glasses of milk te some needy cild in * Tui-key. Greece,, Italy, on Egypt. Thousauds et Eyegl&mse Mr. Rickard spoke ofthei tuousands ot pairs cf eyeglass- ,sgatlci-ed last year for the Lions Bank of Light project. He Imentioned the aduits and chl- dren who lad been heiped te better sight because of tue un- tiuig efforts of the Lions witu teco-operation ot Lions Inter- national. Loyalty s Important Loyalty Is off i-it importance te Lions, Mr. Rickard said. It is vital te your Lions Club and its directors that each member is loyal te lis club, the Deputy District Governor pointed out. He told the Lions that when a project las been accepted by their club, it is thc duty of cacl one te put their wîole Iearted effort behind it. Improve Or Resign In urging cach Lion te be loyal te lis club and te himself, Mr. Rickard advised tuat il any- one cannot attend 75 per cent af the meetings and does net bave tume te, take part li at least 75 per cent et the activi- tics et the club, te try te in- prove or else rcsign. A good Liens Club maintains tIe înterest of its members, Mi-. Rickard asserted. He advised that ncw members,, who are always filed with enthusiasm, be given the opportunity te par- ticipate in the fellowship o! an active service program. Active Civie Interest Mi-. Rickard aise reminded lhis hearers tuat Liens must be truc te their responsibîhity te take an active înterest li the civic, commercial, social, and moral welfarc of the commun- ity. Members must be united in tue bonds e!f fiendship, geod fellewship, and mutual under- standing, he added. Older Members ai Club, Tibute was paid by Mr. Rickai-d toe tIcwork accom- plîshed by the eider members of-Lions Club. Hie said that thc older members are the back- bance o a club, and reminded tue meeting that the eider mcm- bers thi-ouglu their ycars cf ex- perience et club work, as well as threugh the offices they have held,, have acquired a vast stere o! valuable information. The importance et each li- dividual Lion te tue succcss et lis club. and li creating and fostcning fellowship, was stress- cd *by the speaker. Hie askcd echimcrnbei- of tic Liens Club te rededicate himself te the basic aims and purposes o! Lionism. "We as Lions arc pledged tegether te give o! oui- time, oui- efforts, and oui- means in the service o! oui- neighbours, oui- communities, our nation and oui- world," Deputy Dis- trict Governer Rickard stated. He reminded the Liens that the original purpose efthteur organizatien was te heip tue needy, and said there is always some place where the.Lîons..can do good. He aise pointed eut that if thc wonds loyalty, inter- est, devotion te the needs et others foi-m thc inspiration et tue members. their club is bound te be a success.., A vote et thanks te Mr. Rick- ard for his stinuulating address was moved by Roy Turner. The presiderit o! the Bownanvile Lions Club, Glen Landen, aiseo expressed bis appreciation o! tue Deputy District Governor's visit and the inspiring alk le lad given. TMIS FRI. AND SAT., DECEMBER 4.-5 "Andy Hardy Cornes Home"~ 6ood family entertainment starring Mýickey Rooney and son Teddy also "The First Man Info Space" with Marshall Thompson "Andy" at 7 and 9:45 "Spacen at 8:25 NO.TO WED., DECEMBER 7 - 9 "Home Be fore Dark" starring Jean Simmons, Rhonda Fleming This is a story of the struggle of a young and vital womarr">to -regain her place in the. world of norira people after release from a mental hospital. Excellent Aduit entertainment Complete shows at 7 and 9:25 INQUIRE NOW ABOUT CHRISTMAS BOOKS 0F TICKETS Ladies' Brush, Comb and MirrorI Ini Gift Boxes - Many Patterns $3.95 - $495 $6.95 - $11.95 Gifla for Ladies Desert Flower Cologne - . 81.25 - $2.00 - $3.00 Bubble Bath Crystals $2.00 Cutex Sets $1.25-$2.00-$3.00' Hair Brushes, Nylon Bristie 1.00, 1.49, 2.25, 3.50, 4.00 Evenlng ln Paris Spray Cologne- $1.501 Dustlng Powder $1.50, $2.001 Gifla for Moi Shaving Brushes 1.00 to 5.00 After Shave Lotions- 89c, 1.25, 2.00 Bilifolds - Genuine Leather 1.98 - 2.50 - 3.75 to 10.00 Shaving Bembs 89e 1.50 Key Cases 1.20 - 1.50- 2.00 Waterman Pen and Pencil Sets 4.95, 5.45, 7.50, 15.00 Bath Yardley j Mennena Palmolive Salts j Lavendomeal Shave Setj Shave Set soc-1.00-2.00 1.50-2.25-3.75 1.25-2.25 1.25 - 2.00 Lovely Gift Statoner- Ronson Electrie Raser $19.95 89c - $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.50 Philiajiave Razor -~ $21.95 Cedar Chests with Gillette Raser $1.95 - 50 Stationery - 2.59 - 3.00 1Gillette Blades $2.50 - $5.00 Christmas Card Assoriment (12 - 18 - 50 Cards) 79c m 98C m $1.00 - $1.50 ICOWLI NG'Sj UA -595 DRU G STORE TRULE Shortridge, Mrs. Chau. Tee and 1& 0alW Thonipson. Mns. Charlotte Farder, Port Perry, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Portier and family, Wednesday. Sympathy is exterided Mr. and Mrg. Ral* Larmer on the death of her grandi ather, Mr. Wm. Snowden, Maple Grove, Saturday. s Mr. Vincent Archer, Bowman- ' ville, spent Suriday with his parents, Mr. and Mns. W. Ar- cher. Ini the aiternoon ail visit- ed Mi-. and Mrs, Rupt. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and boys, Mr. and Mns. Russel «IMountJoy, attended the dedica. 1tion service for the new Chris- tian Education Building ini Hamipton Sunday afternoon. The Martyns were supper guests of Mr. -and Mrs. Sld Martyn, Oshawa. The Mountjoys were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. tMerwin Mountjoy and went tback to the social gathering In tHampton in the evening. Mr. and Murs. Berwin Adams and Wayne, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests ci Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and family. M.r. and Mrs. Ralph Lai-mer, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lai-mer, attended the funeral of MTr. Wm. Snowden mn Bowmanville, Mon- day. 1%r. Jack Green returned home Sunday after lie and two pals from Lindsay had, spent 1ten days li Bermuda. Business Direclory Àccouniancy- RAT 35. DILLING 'Certifed Publie, Accountant 93 Churcli Street MArket 3-3861 WM. .1. H. COGOIINS Chartered Accountant e Second Floor New Library Building 1Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 TALE. FEIEDLANDER, HU ITER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario fB. L. Yale, C.A. 1T. Friediander, B. Corn, C.P.A. MONTEITH- - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. e Chartered Accountants f 135 Snncoe St. N., Oshawa B RA 5-3527 rBowmanville.- Cail ZEnith 45750 sPartners: ;,Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. iA. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. .G. W. Riehl, C. A., R. L A. 1. (Licensed Trustee) t G. E. Trethewey, C.A. r R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Chiropractic *G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. f Ofice- Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e n al DIL W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowrnanville Office Heurs: 9 a.rn. te 6 p.m. daily Clesed Saturday and Sunday Office Phane - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ini lis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hauts: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays; and Sundays DIL C. F. CAITRAN. D.D.S. Office L23 -Inf1St E.-*Bowrnanville Ofc ours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephene: Office MA 3-5459 Logal BLACKSTOCK The W.A. cf the United IChurch lield their meeting in the Sunday Scheel i-oom with Mrs. Neil Werry and Mis. liai-- old Swain hostess. Rorn was decorated with lighted Christ- mas trees and there were 35 la- 1dies present. Carois were sung. Roll caîl was "My Favorite Carol". As tuis was the last meeting of the year, reports wcre beard tram ail depant- ments and a great deal o! busi- ness done. Mis. Merrill Van Camp pi-es- ented tue slate ot otticers as tel- lows: President, Mrs. Fraink Butt; Seci-etary, Mrs. Wilbcrt Archer; Treasuren, Mrs. Russel Mountjoy; Pianist, -Mrs. Roy Taylor; Group leaders, Mes- dames H. Martyn, R. Duff, R. Van Camp, B. Ashton and P. Romeril; Auditors, Mrs. Gil- bei-t Marlow and Mrs. Clarence Marlow. Mvrs. Mvervyn Gr-ahamn read the sciiptune passage and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy gave a fine devotional paper and offered prayer. Helen Swain playcd a piano solo. Miss Joyce Grahamn delighted aIl with her lovely colored slides of the West In- dies and her very interesting mannen et explaining thern. After the votes et apprecia- tien and closing exercises, lunch was servcd by Mrs. Wer- i-y and her gi-oup. Town and Country Couples Club met at the home et Mr-. and Mrs. Ernest Swain, Wednes- day night with 17 couples et members and two visiting cou- ples present. Opened by singing Carols and devotiens led by Rev. Romeril. Each husband was given saine materiais and asked te miake a Christmas corsage and pin on lis wife, which she wore ior the i-est et the evening. Gi-cup discussed on just what part cf new-Suîuday Sduool building they would spcnd the money made at Smorgasborg supper. Rev. Logan of Enniakillen, gave a talk and led a disus- sion on Christian Education li tue home, after which lunch was senved and a social chit- chat enjoyed. Winners at tue L.O.B.A. eu- cire panty Tuesday niglit were Mrs. Jas. Gibson, Mrs. Buschi- len, Mr. Flem Thompson and Mr. Herb Swain, and at the Anglican party Thursday night, Mirs. Ed.na Gibson, Mmrs Hector "FEATURE" - Save 13e - Evaporated Red & White MiIk-m STRIKE snd STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notarles Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, fJL. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St W. - Bowmanvlle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 BMS APHA 1. HODGINFP Barrister, Solicitor . Notary Public Temperanoe St. - Bowmanville F. RICHARD LOVEKIN U., .HA., LL.R. Box 9, Newcastle Phane Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointnuent only. W. KAT LYCmT, HA. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R.R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street Orono, Ontario Triday, 7 pxm. to 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 anm ta 5 p.m. Mort gag es SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 18 FIrst Mertgage Funds Reidences - l'arms Business Preperties Op t om eIry KErTH A.DILLEI. O.D. 3ptometrlst 141 ,fngSt. . Bowmanvlfle OfieHurs: By appointm.at Telephone MArket 3-32M3 àmoxday ta Saturday 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Wednesdevi- 9 tn 12 Thursday evenuws OBITUÂRY W»S. LAURA L HORNEIR Mrs. Laura. Isobeil. Horner passed away Tuesday morning at Westlake's Nursinig Home, Milbrook, in lier 7Mt year fol- lowing a rnonth'u iliness, «Thé deceased was born li Manvers Township the daugh- ter efthte late James Powers and Elizabeth . Richar-dson. All lier lite was spent li Cavan and Manvers Townshuips. hirs. Horner is survived by one son# Wilnuot, of Zvaivvrs Station, seven grandchildren and sixteen great grandcufld-en.' Two brothers, Wilfred. Powers, Coldwater, and Sidnuey Powei-s, Manvers Station; and tliree sis- ters, ?&rs. Wmn. Rusk (Beatrice), Cobourg, Mrs. Gea. Barham (Louise), Selby, and Mis. David Bannon (Annie May), Toi-ente, also survive. Mmr. Alvin Brown (Vioect) and Calvin Powers predeceased lier. 0 The funerai was. hcld from J. W. Hawcs' Funcral Home, Millbreok, on Thursday with Rev. G. E. Mdeades officiating. Palibearers were tlrce grand- sens, Loi-ne and John J. Hor- ner, Pontypeol, Gordon Horner, Peterboroughi, and Stanley Mc- Cabe, Lotus; John Rupert, Newý- tonville and Ai-chie Rupert. lI- terment was li St. Paul's Cern- etery, Cavan Township. BURKETON Plans have been made to hld, a social evening at the home of Mi-. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbulf on Fniday night at 8:30, December 4%Th. lis will be the last social until after the new year. Mi-. and Mrs. Wayne Weston visited Mr-. and Mrs. William Weston and family, Maple Gi-ove, on Saturday. Mr. and Mi-s, B. Hubbard ac- companicd by Mr-. and Mrs. P. W. Davidson of Zion, motored te Trenton oi Sunç1ay and vis- ited Mr-. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard and Janice. Mrs. Edna MucLaughlin hasý gene te visit lier family fer the wintcr months. Murs. A. Carter and Miss L.1 Kniuglt visited relatives in To- ronto on Saturday. Soi-iy to report that little Bi-ian Van Dam lad the misfoi- tune cf ne-arly losing 'lis tee. Brian is in, MemQrial Hospital, Bowmanville. The colnmunity wisles him a spcedy i-ecovei-y. Choir practice will be at the dhurcI, Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Mr-. Fred Carter, Univer-sity ef Toroente, spent the weekend with bis mother, Mi-s. A. Car- ter.1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard. Oshawa, wcre Frida-y guests o! Mrs. Esther Carnoclan. Mr. and, Mrs. Leslie Taylor and family visited friends in 1 Oshawa on S-un-day. Mi-. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, visited Mr'. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge and .family on Sundav. Mr. and Murs. Cecil Reid and j fanuily, Oshawa, werc Sunday guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Glen Lowery and f aimily. Mr-. and Murs. Dave Gatchell, Oshaw.4 visited, i-s. J. Gat- celd-Süùuday. Nesileton Statilonl Mr. and Mi-s. Mai-vin Nesbitt and Mur. Elmer Nesbitt were in Kincardine tluis past week at- tending the' funeral of their cousin, Mur. Elmer Mahood. Mrs,, George Forder visited tue Staples family of Cavan and aise éalled on Mr-. and Murs. B. R. Knight in Port Perry. Mrs. Harnderi o! Toi-ente, was a visiter with her sister, Mrs. Larmen Hyland and Mur. Hy- land. Congratulations te Mr. and Murs. Arthur- lyland whe wei-e xnari-ied last week and left by air for a honcymeon. in New York city. Mur. and Murs. Russel Sonley, iPort Perry, were Sunday visit- ci-s with Mr-. and Murs. Jas. Har- ris. Wc are pleased te report imn- provernent in Mr. Cyril Kirk's condition and trust he will be able te leave Port Penny Hos- pital soon. :Miss Norma Suggitt is stead- ily impi-oving and for Mrs. Geo. Johuns, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and others in the cern- inunity, wc wish good healich after a bout of iilness. Mur. Wilfrid Bowies is a bed patient by docter's orders and ail trust le wili seon be about as usual. Murs. Bella Richardson, nee Isabelle McLaugllin, was mev- ed recently f;rom the home ef hcr niece, Miss Florence Fair, te a Toi-ente nursing home. Mrs. V. Hudson spent a recent weekend with 1er mother in Toi-ente. Murs. Cecil Wilson opencd 1er -home for- a Women's Institute quilting bec this past week. Mr. and Murs. Grant Themp- son visited his mother in Sun- derland on Tlursday cvening. Mur. and Murs. Jas. Ferrii-erto Perthu, spent the weekcnd in To- ronta and attended the Grey Cup game. Mns. Nelson Marlow returned te Perth witl them for a visit. Mr. and Mis. Max Fallis and family et Gananoque, spent the weekend at their summer home. Mr-. and Murs. Bruce Freclove, Peterborough, vîsited Arthur Hulbent. Mi-. Melville Trewin, Tenon- te, callcd on friends in tue vil- lage on Satui-day. Mr. and Murs. Jas. Vivian and fout chlildii-en et Mitchell, spent t TFIURSDAY, DEC. SMd, ton New Members Initiated at Legion Meeting Two new memnbers were initiated inte membership of Branch 178, Canadian Legien, at the regular meeting last Thurs- day evening. Comrades Eric Mihph and I' Turner took~ th blgtion fPOTnPresident Ed Rundie, assisted by Deputy Disric ComanerJim Firth and Sgt.-at-Armns Jack Knigltt. Comrade Chai-lie Gai-tard was reinstated. Comrades R. Cale, J. Firtu, J. Kane and C. Styci- represcnted the local brandi at the funeral of Comrade Geo. Humpage wlo passed away last wcek ini St. Catharines. Pi-es. Rundie cern- mented on the good work which lad been donc by Cern. Humnp- age during tue past years and conveyed sympathY et the branch te the bereaved farmily. lst Vice-Pi-es. F. Burns report- cd on tue Poppy Camnpaign and thanked ail members Who lad assisted in making tuis YcarlYi BIEST BUV - Save 10c Ca'sh RED & WHITE Instant Coffe BEST BUY - Save 6c Cash Fîve Roses Flour BEST BUY - Save 7e Cash - Complete Assortment Heinz Baby Foods, BEST BUY - Save 3c Cash - Chicken Noodle, Tomate Li pton Soups BEST BUY - Save 5c Cash - Orange or Grape Allens' Drinks 48 oz. tin event a success. Cern. Burns represented the branch at th« Zone RalIy in Oshawa, Satur4 day, Nov. 28th. Children's Chris#xnas PartY la organized for Saturday, Decemn- ber lgth. New Year's Frolic Legion Hall, is being plarne with tickets new on sale. Con- Ltact Comrades J. Fair, J. Firth or G. Graham, deadline Iot members Dec. 19th. Sports Officer J. Knight pre- sented bi-anch golf trophy te Com. M. Yourth, emblematie di [top Legion golfer of the Yeat. 1 Games - wer played this sumI- Imer at Southview Golf Course. 8 oz. jar 99Ç Ail Purpose 5 lb. bag 39< 10 tins $1.00 3 pkg.s. 35c 2 for. 55< pkg. 59C bot. bo2l oz.c. 25 ft. rol 27c 65 for 79c 16 oz.2 jar 9 Tall Tin FEATURE - Save 6e Cash - Red & White Iffomogenized Peanut Butter -MEATS Milk Fed - Boneless - 14o Waste VEAL ROLLS - lb.#5 3 c Swift's Fresh Boneless - Meaty - Tielicious Pork DUTT ROASTS IL.49C Swift's Sliced Side - Rindless - 1 lb. sealed pkg. Eversweet BACON lb. .5 9c Swift's - 4 delicieus ceoked meat varieties i one package - 12 oz. pkg. PLATTERPAK IL.39c! Dinner Quality - Bulk Pack WIENEES Save 4c - Good Luck 4c off pack - 1 lb. carton MqA RGARBINE lb. 39ci &3c Save - Aunt Mary's CHRISTMAS CAKE 11ib. M9É% 1111-1.15 "KINGSDALE BISCUIT SALE" "Fresh frein the Ovens" Chocolais Creams, Cusiard1 Cremes, Duplex Creams, Party Mix Your Choice 3 pkgs. 8 SC Feature- Save 4c Cash Supreme - Sweet Mixed - 16 oz. jar -. 23c Save 19e Cash Pantry Sheif - 3 lb. 4 oz. tin WHOLE CHICKEN .$1.00 "For a Brilliant Shine" use Gold Seal - 16 oz. tin GLASS WAX 59C - . .eeOe FRESH PRODUCE No. 1 Grade Eastern- Pot atoes .50 lb. bag $1,659 BEST BUY - Save 24c Cash -, 20e Off Pack Giant Surf FEATURE - Save 3c Cash- 3c Off Deal - Sta-Flo Liquid Starch "FATURE" - Save 6c Cash - Stuart House Aluminum Foil Wrap PI1C KLE S sBursting with Juice iFlorida - Seedless - 96 size GRAPEFRUIT 10 1Oo49c Bird: Eye Frozen Foods STRAWBERRIES, 15 oz. pkg. - 3 for 1.00 IGREEN PEAS, 12 oz. pkg. 2 for 39e MIXED VEGETABLES, il oz. pkg. --27e jWHOLE KERNEL CORN, 12 oz. pkg. 2/35c THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H Tate MAPLE GROVE - Mapte Grove Groceteria THEI KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LMN ORONO - CornisFi Marketeria BLACKSTOCK -BIyth4s Market F 1 - ýil IpAr-er. Rie i