ait~. * '~ /,< THU RSDAY, DEC. Srd, 1959 TM CAMADUS S TA¶'USMLf WMFIAMVff2.U ftUARWM - -.. ----, *IM* PAU cSoca/ & (ersonal Poone MA 3-3303 Receive Papers Scventy-one residents of the United Counties o' Nonthumnb- erland and Dunham received their citizenship papers et e special ceremony held in the courtroomn of the United Coiin- tics, on Dec. 2nd. Among uhose taking their oath of allegiance were. Robert and Jean Dykstra; Joseph and Martha Boumna; Dirk C. Denier- tog; Johannes and Johanna Ge- boers; Sjoerd and Ruurtje Hoekstra; Jacobi and Elizabeth Qegmna; Jan and Maria Qotjers; Isaac Raaphorst; Hugo and Aal- tje Rink; Adriannus Rlnk; Jan and Romkj* Van der Kaoi; Hu- bert and Fédith Weinsheimer, all of Bowmanville. Johannes and Thea Fiering; Stefan and Zof la Kasprzak; Bernard and Watraui Mueller; WMhelmia, Jacoba and Wil- hles Stassen; Harn and Jel- tic Suurd; Petis and Annelise Umnbrako, Port Hope. Jan Bullee.; Martin end Agnes Reitknecht; Evert Scicidi; Ma- ria Van Lohonyay; Campbell- ford. Rosmnarie and Zdenek Tis- novsky; Siebe and Klasske Van Vaals, Newcastle; Hldegard Dickson; Cornelis and Frida Jansen; Czeslaw and Josefe Olek, Stasys Miezîciskis, Ca- bourg, Bernard and Truntie Du- bruyn, Ida; Lucian Lamnbier, Graf ton; Robert Redoifl, Rose- neeth; Jelle and Jiskje Rekker, Courtice; Danicl and Justine Rutsch, Brighton. Barend Spek, Hampton, Mearten Siammis, Trenton; Adoif Sisnowski, Bewdley; Dirk and Chnistina Vandenheuvel, Cavan;, Wilhelm- us and Maria Vandenheyden, Orono; Doede and Joukje Sis- ser, Taunton; Corinne Miskol- czi, Kari and Johanna Neupert, Warkworth. After tUic eermony, Uie new Canadiens were guests ai a ne- ception heid by the. Cobourg branch of the Business and Pro- fessional Wamen's Club-Ex- amniner.1 Words Our Oldest He*rloom -.-..r. and Mr.. E. Syers and Mr.: learn af the accident to one of anrl Mrs. Arthur Clarke were t;he children of Police Chief d:nner guests et Mrs. S. Dow-i and Mrs. Bernard R. Kitnew. son's, Bowmanville, recently. Cn Tuesday morning, Joseph 2XoAllen, Toroiiw, spent ihe'IKitncy, r;,a 11, feU on an ice weekenýd with her moiher,: slide ai Central Public Sehool Mis. Norman Allen, and her and susiained a broken thigu. broQh*_er, Clair J. Allen, Martin 'Lie is a patient in Memorial Hos- noad. jpital. Mrs. George S. Patierson of Mrs. Water Rundie attend- New Brunswick is spending ed the christening of her ght winter wlth ber aunt, Miss grandd aughter Mary Claire, 1--- ýe1lyar, and her sister, hcld i the First Methodisi Miss Hrriet Bartîcit. Church, Ann Arbor, Midi., Mr.' and Mrs. John Davie oft spending thie wcekend with her Toronto were Suniday visitors; son and daughter-in-law, Dr. wluh the former's sister andi and Mrs. Rund.le. Mrs. Rtundle brather-in-law, Mr. and Mrs returned ta Malton airpart on V. Jeffery, Duke Street. Monday even'ing. Mrs. Norman Smith, Jack- 1Last week two local~ girls inan Road, Is in Oshawa with1 who are attending Teakchers' Mi-s. D. M. Palmer who is con- Cohiege, tiogether with two valesclng ai home afier several other students, were Stu-dent weeks un Oshawa General Hos- Teachers et nearby rural pital. schools. lMiss Carol Maguire, lin. C. H. Dudley and Mr. 1 Toronto, were at Bethesda Noei Dudley attcnded the fun- School and Miss Carol Pluni- eral service for the laie Byron mer, Town, and Miss Diane S. Vanstone in Timothy Eaion' Nuhill were et S-S. No. 4 in Memorial Ohurch, Toronto, onl Darlington (Ebenezer). Priday.I A bus load of Eastern Star Herc's a thought. Why not members journeyed ta, Strat- send "weekly leiters from ford last Satiurdey ta attend home" by givlnig subscripiions the installation af Mrs. Flor- ta Tii. Canadien Statesman as ence Armstrong as Worthy <brisimnas gifts. You cen b. Matron' of Radiant Chapter sure they'll b. appreciaied. M~. 134 O.E.S., when Mrs. E. Weekend; guests with Mt'. Anderson, P.G.M, was the in- and Mii. W. S. Staples, Silver stalling officer. Mr. anid Mss. S: raet, were Mrs. Staples' Armstrong llved in Bowman- father, Mr. J. A. Walker of ville priar ta World War II et Meaford and her brother, Mr. which tme Mr. Armnstrong and Ms. Graham Walker, was a member of the Boys Don Mils.. Training School staff.j Mr. and Mrs. G. Grahen, Wcekend guesta -with Mr. Mr. Frank MceBridc and sonl and Mrs. Ron H-etherington, David, Scarborough, werc Sun- Liberty St. Northi, wterc Mrs. day din.ncr guests of Mr. and HetheringtoWs prert, Mr. Jh.Ernie Wcssels, the oc- and Mrs. Alex Hotg.on, Lion- etroon bcin g Mr. Graham's 7lst don, Ontario, andhrsit, The da. *metng an Mr. and Mrs Alden Craven, Tic nnue meeing nd.Ailsa Craig; Mr Hetheringion's electon of officers of the Red brother, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cross, Bowmanvllle and Dis- Hetherington, Niagara Falls, trict Branch, wil be held in N.Y., and his sister, Mrs. John the Council Chambers, Town Lawsoi, Welland, Onitario. Ahi Y- 1, :icxt Wednesday, Decem- were guests et thec Bell -Heh- ýer 9th, ai 8' p.m. erington wedding last Setur- Represen'ting the Bowman- day. Ville Home and Sehool execu- tiveat te Hme ad Scool The true mcanIng of Christ- tiveat te Hme ad Scoolmas is again brought ta Uic at- Council, meeting in Oshawa tention of frenzied Christmas lest week were: Mrs. C. Hen- shoppers by Uic Naiivity Scene1 rii:,,g, Mrs. A. Sanidils, Mr5. G. whc is beautiful iaà its sim-1 Sthen and Mrs. C. Burdett. plicity, along the caBi side of1 Mrs. Myrtlc Warren, Toron- the Library building at the1 to, and Mr. Wes Davey, De- the corner of King and Tein-1 tiroit, MIci., have returned ta peranoe Streets. Vown cm- their homes after spending a ployecs are also bually cngeged ew days w!th their sis1ers, rcadying the strongs. of colored SW. A. Edger and Mrs. W. lights and these will soon be J. ~~:î.turned on ta adid their bril- Mrs. W. R. Hayes' ncphew, liance.ta thc Yulet.ide appear- ivir. Barry Lavender of Toron- ance af aur shopping section. ta, who is attending drame uLai umerchants are ta b. sehool in New York Ciy, will congratulateci on thc many appear in an "Unforeseen' pro- beautiful Christmas displays in duction tran CBLT on Wed- their windows. Thiey are most resday evenlng, December 9th, attractive and rkiow niuch ai 10 p.m. thought and ingenuity. Even3 Reccnt visiiors with MT. and "The Great Farnily Journal," Mrs. D. Rigg andi Carolyn were The. Canadien Statesman, lias 3&r. Rigg's mother, Mii. H. a window Christmas theme. Rigg of Strtatford, Ont., Mrs. The art work in -he. latter dis- Bleanor Pierce, Minneapolis, play, which him proven such Minin., and Mrs.'s father a dchight partictilarly ta the oed mother, Mr. aryd Mrs. H. young fry, was crcated by Mrs. Rogaboam of Brockville. Bert Johinston. ID&. Johnston's Loyrsoforgn ectai wîîonly comments, ather than Lovrs f oga reitas wllwords.of praise, wcre that he have the apportunity ta hear thaught Sainte would look the brilliant Dutcli argan vir- mucii better if h. were read- tuoso, Feike Asma, when he aLno ieisrnepl gvsarecital in Simca. St. Lcy instcad of e surate cpyl UntdChurch, Oshawa, onicyafTheSttea ofa smla. c Tuesd&ay, December 8th. Sec fTeSaerin CSming Events for further Mr. Lloyd AYre,, well known particui.ars. local shcep breeder, is ta 'be congratulated on his outstand- Fie Homne and Sehool Assoc- ing sheep cxhibit ai the recent lattion hies canclicd ita meet- Royal Winter Flair. Mr. Ayre ing arranged for December 9,ha a most successful show- In order ta lend its support to ing ftiis seun. In breeding the ««Open House" planned in classes he won 13 firsis on his the schoals. The nexi general Southdown and Hampshire meeting will b. held on Janu-1sheep oui of a passible 14;« ary 13th in the Lions Cee champion and reserve ram in and wull b. "Fathers', Night" champion and reserv ram in J'riends will be sorry ta Hampshires; chamipion and re- Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local MDA Drug Store serve ewe, champion South- down ram, which was judged Suprenie Champion over al breeds wiing the Don Head Mémorial Trophy. A pen of IHampshire lambs placed first and won the Fresying Troçiiy for the best Pen of four iambs over ail breeds. In ma2rket lamb classes, Lloyd showed the reserve champion single wether lamb and the reserve champion pen of tha-ee laanbs and champion pen of 10 lambs. The first pRize ribbon was also placed on the lamb carcass shown by Lloyd. His exhibit was given the Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor ban- ners. It is little wonder that Mr. Ayre's fame as a sheep breeder is so widely known throughout agriculturai circles ibath near and far. St. PaulI's Evening W.A. Activities On Thursday, Nov. l2th, St. Paul's Evening W.A. entertain- ed the choir and S.S. leaders, their wives and husbands, with 40 in attendance. President Mrs. George Gra- ham welcomed them and open- ed the social evening with two solos by Miss Heather Webb, which were thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. Laurence Goddard in a very capable manner gave two humorous readings which were quite entertaining. Two of aur W.A. girls, Mrs. James Colville and Mrs. Luther Welsh gave a most interesting skit "The Census Taker". One of our numbers, Mr. Mel Mc- Coy who was ta sing and play the accordion, took sick and was unable to be present. Each group supplied a game or contest which everyone en- joyed. A delicious lunch of sandwiches, cake and ice cream was served by the W.A. Mrs. Reta Dudley, Mrs. Stan Payne and Mr. Turner thanked the W.A. for a most enjayable even- ing. Pot Luck Dinner On Monday, Nov. 3Oth, St. Paul's Evening W.A. held their annual pot luck dinner in the Lecture Room with 45 attend- ing. Our guests were Rev. and Mrs. Turner, Mrs. R. Stephens, President of Afternoon W.A.; Mrs. A. McGregor, Mrs. H. Mc- Roberts, Mrs. M. Tabb, Mrs. J. Bryson, Mrs. O. Dairymple and Mrs. H. Lunney. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Francis Thompson, our din- ner convenor, who prepared the turkey donated by the W.A. After a short business meeting installation of officers took place by Rev. H. Turner. Court Whist was played and enjÔyed by ahl. Mrs. G. Graham moved a vote of thanks to the girls for their co-operation during the last twa years. Officers for 1960-61 are as follows: Past Pres., Mrs. George Graham; Pres., Mrs. Allan Cuth- bertson; lst Vice, Mrs. Frank Osmond; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Jack Hately; Secretary, Mrs. Manseli Stacey; Treasurer, Mrs. Donald Williams; Pianist, Mrs. Russell Halinian; Ass't. Pianist, Mrs. George Graham; Kitchepi Com- rnittee, Mrs. Francis Thompson, Mrs. Donald Williams; Manse Committee, Mrs. Jack Welsh, Mrs. Clifford Purdy; Litez'ature, Mrs. Luther Welsh; Dinner Con- venar, Mrs. Francis Thompson; Norninating Committee, Mrs. Norm Wilcox, Mrs. Robt. Evans. Mrs. Victor Jeffery; Nursery Leaders, Mrs. Ray Abernethy, Mrs. Jack Bryson, Mrs. Ken Davies, Mrs. Allen Cuthbertsan. 71 Residents 0f Counties Phone MA 1 3-5792 Revealed in 0f Toronfo By Aleen Aked cently I an article the ailier poaes1 day which began 4"Wla are our ae oldest heirlooms?" Always in-moe tcrested in antiques I read on mde tfind ta words--the words cently aur, oldest Îheirlooms. These if itj words were handed down from j tliy si generation ta gencration for car, ar five or six thousand years ta j age? 1, us from a tiny forgotten iribel' This and they have kepi their mean- word ings. looms During thc lest sixty ycars utes a: the. pages of the Durham Club's Duri books of minutes have becanie ra covered by words and - therej pracee. must b. many prized heirlooms ail fo for us within their cavers. YeiI1 couiiuii reading tics. old minutes it js' bershil easy ta, take Uic wrong meanin-g 25 ceni especially with Uic aid of a die- Two tionary. I find myscîf getting 1898 ai siuck on words (like a grama-, Dune:r phone needle) when I don't was ni quite know what is meani. lished. The expression "a laie model Boys?) car" is anc of these-hc was Everx driving a laie model car-Ed. Durhar Youngman used it rccently in Homies' lis columax. In the diciionary, dies m 'laie" means "'recently or re- Club b kl .a IDA DRIJG STORES (A) STARFI.ASH CAMERA OUTFIT - Everything that is needed for day and night snapshooting A gift that will "11save"' happy Christmas fun . .............. . $9.95 Se. us for other Cameras, Films, Flash Bulbs. (B) RONSON SUPER WINDUITE - The leader in the low-prlced 4 windproof ighter field. Light weight yet rugged. Fuliy guar- " anteed for one year.----.-----------$35 'A (C> PAPER-MATE -«CAPRr BALL PEN- A perfect gift for anyone. A stylish, smooth-writing pen with jewelry-firiish cap. Guaronteed not ta skip-.24 (D) JEWELITE ROLL WAVE HAIR @RUSH- A fine gift bo help your favourite lady keep her hair lustrous and lovely. Nylon bristies; pink., blue or clear bocks ..- -$400 (E) GUERLAIN SHAUMAR SET - Colagne, $350 and Pm,-;**' fume, $4.50 in a beautifully pockoa combination set of - thîs exotic fragrance ~ . - S0 (F) HAZEL ISHOP ILIPSICK EVENING CASE -Moel styled jewelled case containing famous Hazel Bishop Lip- stick - for blondsbruinettes - -. - -$39 <G) OFRIENDSNIP QARDEN"end "DIERT FI.OWhR - Frieh Gardon Charmer Set ----.--$1.50 FrenshpGaordonBbbig Bath Crystals $1.50 DeetFlower Spray Cologne, 41/4 ounce $.0 t Desert Flower Toilet Water with Atomizer -e.$3.00 (H) MAX FACTOR EXQUWSIE PAIR - Creme Puff in fashioe, accent case and High Society Lipstick - in plastic Lleh-- ette gif t box .-------"--" 39 ( 1) LEN'THERIC "CLASSICS UN FRAGRANC" - Classic is tlue word for this lovely gift of f ive favourite Calogne fragrances, including famnous Tweed -- - - - - $1 .95 A. 4»~>~ J STRATTON ENGLISH COMPACTS - Beoutiful designs end : 1 fine ofsosi in slim styles. Each has inner door, sifter and puff. Prices from- $L50 t. $475 (N) PRO-PifY-LAC-TIC JEWELITE CLUB BRUSH - Any mon would be happy ta receive one of these light-weight, nylon bristie hair b rushes ~- $3.50 (O> GENUINE LIATHER BILLFOLD - A gift any mon will use every day. Came in anid choose f rom Our wide range of styles Snd finishe -- $1.79 t. $1000 ~,I siç.~Ird for- s UV (Q) JOHNSON OILETRY SETS, - 3 different combinotions of famous Jahnson praducts for the care and comfort of baby- hhduauY Pacogod in gif t bmu .s -$140, $LW» $3.75 ~ COLM IN AND SEE TM=SEAND) MANY THRFINE GIETS ON DISPLAY PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowinanville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 ar.smEnm'ish EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 psu. - utch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNR1NG SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.n. every Suuday 8:30 a.nî. .very Sunday, CFRB Trinity United Church Mnster-Rev. Wmn. K& HousLiander, B.A., B.D. Organst-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. Il arn. - MORNING WORSHIEP "Pulling Lufe Togeiher" 12:10 p.rn. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 p.rn - EVENING WORCSHIP "À People Finds Ils Soul" 8:05 p.m. - YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION EVERYONE WELCOME Drugs ScanningMinutes 'fS Durham Club deceased"; model means and Girls. The namne Old Girls ttern or a persan who, didn't seem papular-yet the for a painter or scuipotor". exrsin " girl" said by on these facts does 1'late isane Englshe (especially if car" mean a car of a 1're- a "dear" precede it) can b. a deoeased persan who Das- i gn of affection and admiration. r a painter or scuiptor"? Perhaps it should have been is a new car why don't "Durham Old Boys and Dear ,ay a 1959 car or if an oid Old Girls!" re they afraid to telil her Ayway the Old Girls werc- kow old is she? en't having any for on Dec. 11, word Old is a sensitive 1902 we find the Club referred and is among our heir- t s the Durham Boys and in our minutes. The min- Girls Association. ýf the first meeting of aur In a newspapcr clipping re- an Club, June i1, 1898 porting the sumnier excursion "It was resolved that w. Aug. 4, 1902 an enthusiastic bit ýd to organization and that1 of poetry was written for the )rmer residents of the'occasion by Mrs. W. L. Lawv, es be eligible for memn- Salina. p and the membership be We're proud of Durham Boys Lts per annuni." tdy > weks aterJun 27 And Durham Girls toa, just 1 the second meeting, the let me say, rn Old Boys Association Can hold their own in any arned and firmly estab- land, (now how old were the, On any subject that cornes ta ryone accepted tItis name' ad m Old Boys until "At 1 Be it in woman's sphere, or ani ,were held and the la- the other hand ,ere admitted, then the Law, medicine or politics, make Tll rhn ClId Rnvq thpLflztand 1 TheyTf give you ail te under- liey're framn Old Durham'a honored land. Right's on their side, and they've a keen shrewd eye, And can sec. at a glance what is passing by. And then ta strike, when the iran's hat Not b. lagging behind, to b. forgot. And in years .ta corne, may1 Durham Boys, And- Girls as well, their ban- ners wave, To let ail other Caunties know, That Durham's first and last, you knaw." Twenty years afterwards It was just the Durham Club and an DecemJber 14, 1922 three of Its origial Old Boys organizers renxained: President J. L. Hughes, Secretary Thos. Yel- iowlees and Treasurer J. D. Keachie. on these sumnier excursions we used ta charter a train on the Grand Trunk Railway. Tihere is very little mention oi the motor car-late model or otherwise. Yet there is anc heir- loom which mentions the car ,and which taken out and pal- ishcd. up xnight salve aur pres- cnt traffic probleni. It is an- other newspaper clipping inser- ted in the minutes of Mardi 23, 1933 and is dated 1908: "Darlington Council: A comn- munication was received. from J. H. Devitt, M.P.P., In refer- ence ta a Bull which he propos- es ta introduce ia lbtheHouse to prohibit automobiles froo running on the public highways on certain days, and asking the council ta pass a resolution fa- voring the passage of the BUL On, motion a resolution wa passed unanimously favoring the Bill." "Cartwright Council: ?àmvd by -Councillor Van Camp, sec- onded by Councillor Jobb, that we the council of the Township of Cartwright hereby place oa record our strong disapproval -ot the law of our province allow- ing this unrestricted running of automobiles on aur public roada and highways. That as aur muft- icipality is entirely agricultur- al, horses only are used to MI the farm, mave produce or stock ta market, or praceed from place to place, either for business or pleasure, and our peopleý are af raid to drive upon aur moade in the summer time, an accaunt of the present law allowing au- tomobiles the privileges they now enjoy. We very earnestly' request aur representative In the local House, Mr. J. H.,De- Vitt, M.P.P. to Support an ymea- sure which would assist Ln put- tmng a stop to nuisance, by abolishing automobiles altoge- ther, or by a bylaw naming cer- tain days or haurs at whleh owners of automobiles miay run upon our roads." If these gentlemen were here today they would be quite sure their resolution should have been adopted. iecame iiurnam via ijoys - ineir szanu 1 % -77 IDAÉ,IW ý 1