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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1959, p. 11

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lit. and 1%&s. Gordon Batche- Ici cf Toronto visited with Mr. anid Mis. Stanley Brown and lamily on Sunday. Fic Chie! Frank Mjiler and Mir. Albert Naylor nepresented the Newcastle Fiue Department at* the funcral cf Flue Chef Stewart Poster in Peterborough on- Thursday, when more than 100 firemen from the five coun- ti taesat central Ontarie at- tended thc funeral of Peberbon- ough's Fire Chef, at George Street United Chureh. Mr. Jack Howley of Ncwmar- ket vlslbed on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Carl Gould and fain- Tornto Mr. and Mis. Barry Hicks of Tootspent Sunday visiting with herparents, the Rev. M. C. ad Mr. Fsherandfamily at the parsonage. Mr. and Ms. George Waltoit lcft on Wedncsday for their winteu home in Tampa, Florida. Due to the wet snow which was falllng on Monday evening the Slgma-C Boys Group post- poned their regulan monthly paper collection until next Mon- day, December l4th. Citizens are asked te place their papers ln a corispicuouspot whjere thcy will flot be niiused ln the darkness. Collection *111 start after 6 p.m.1 It's boginning te look a lot like around the vil- lage these evenings as the vil- lage property departunent lias the business section ef the vil- lage well deconated wlth col- oured liglits and Christmas trees in addition te the lovely decor- ations in the store windows. A number of residents in othen parts of the village bave erect- cd their illuminated oubside Christmas deconaions, briglten- ing up the village for the fes- tive season. OBITUÂRY. MRS. LANSON E. MILLSON Funenal service was held on Wednesday, December 2nd -fou the late Pearl Elizabeth Staple- ton , wifc of Lanson E. Millson who passed quietly away on Monday, November 30, 1959, in the Miemoial Hospital, Bow- manville, in lier 69th year. 1Bora in Clarke Township, the TENDERS WANTED Arena Reireshueni Booth Tenders wil1l be received by the undersigned until Satur- diay, December 19th for the Refreshrnent Booth Concession at the Newcastle Memorial Mrena. Ail hockeyr tearns and figure skating clubs wlshing te time at the arena shouid reserve their time i witing by Dec. l9th. Address lettera Wo the Comnittee Chairman, FRED COUCH. Newcastle. M VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE $151OOO IN DEBENTURES ($500 DENOMINATIONS) 10 YEAR ISSUE 6% Village of Newcastle FOR TUE IMPROVEMENT 0F TE HYDRO SYSTEN ON SALE AT THE CLERK'S OFFICE. DEC. llth, 1959, AT 3 P.M. Apply te Village Clerk, Mrs. Nettie Butler and for information Phone Newcastle 3411 "M CAADIAN ITATIURA. DWUMAIÇILLD. Oh'AMO TtIIJE8fAT, DEC. lofli. 1959 White Gifts and Carols Will Feature Services At Newcastle United NEWCASTLE-A White Gift Service will lie held in the morning at Newcastle United Church followed by the third annual Christmas darol service presented by the membena cf te choirs cf Orono and New- castle United Churches in the evening on Sunday. The White Gift Service on Sunday morning is for canned fruits, vegebables, meats or pre- pared dinners te be channeflc through the World Council of Chunches for World refugees li situations that cannot be toucli- ed by the United Nations. At this service members of the churcli sud Sunday achoc>l will present gifts of canned goods wrapped, ta wbte paper or gifts of money as a Christmaes con- tribution toward the feeding of the hungry people in the world. In the evening service, the Orono and Newcastle choirs will combine as has been the cus- tom for the past two years, to ipresent a program of Christmas music and members of bath churches wlll jota ln the sing- ing of Christmas Carols. Recreation Comm ittee Plans Ballet Part y May Form Art Classes NZWCASTLE - The regular meeting of the Newcastle Re- creation Committee was held in the council charnber on Tues- day evening, December lst when a letter £rom Major D. L. Bennett, proposiag the estab- liiment of local art classes was discussed at sorne length. The classes woud be held one or two evenings a week for two hours an evening. He would teach drawing composition and où and water colour painting. The fee would be $2:00 per les- son per person or $15:00 for an evening with a class cf ten or mure. The letter stated the max- imum cost per student would be $10:00 for azaterlals. The matter was discussed at sorne length and it was finally declded to- publicize the subjeot and aglc anyone taterested to contact conTlufittee chairman Samn Brereton or any member youngest- daughter of the late ?&. and Mr's. James Stapleton she lived rnost of lier life in that Township where ta 1917 she was united in marriage to Lanson Millson, and continued te live ini that district until the family rnoved te Newcastle seven years ag". The late Mrs. M-ilson was an active member of the Newcas- tic United Church where she took iii aetive part in the var- ious Women's organizations. She will be sadly missed by hier manY frlends in this congrega- tien. rThe deceased la survivcd by her husband, four sons, Leland o f Bowunanvllle; Edgar at home; Lawrence of Oshawa; Floyd of PprtHope; one daugh-ter, Dor- cen of Oshawa-, and 'seven grandchildran. She lu aise sur- vived b y one ister, Mrs. M. E. Allita 0 LS Angeles. Califor- nia. 71he funeral service was con- ducted uI the Newcastle Unit- ed Churcli on Wednesday, De. cember 2, 1959, by lier minis- ter, the Rev. M. C. Fisher and mntcrment was nmade ini the Bowmanvillc cenetery. The many floral tokens fron friends, relatives, -neighbours and var- loua oOrganIzationh ahowed the esteenb in which she was held. .The palibearers werc Cecil Stapleton, Hugli Stapleton, William Stapleton and George Stapleton of Newtonville; Geo. Stapleton, Canton and Lonne Todd of Starkville. of the comnuibtee. Mrs. D. Cunningharn and Mrs. Brown wene appointed te mect with dancing instructor regard- ing thc Christmas Party being planned by thc Ballet Class in the cornniunity hall on Satur- dlay afternoa December 19 which will be open for anyonc intcrested to sec how the chl- drea are progressing in their ballet classes. Mis. Cunning- ham and Mis. Brown wene also authorized te purchase a record player for the ballet classes. It was announiccd that 42 had registered recently for the Fig- ure Skatinxg Classes te le con- ductcd at the arena. BLÂCKSTOCK Mr. and MIfs. Dave Richard- son, Toronito, spont the week- en>d with lien sister, Mis. How- ,aid Forder, Howard and ch'ild- ion. Mri. and Mis. David Swain, Toronto, spent thc weckond with his parents, Me. mand Mrs. Lewis Swain. Mir. and Mis. H'arvey Ginin, Oreno, visited Mis. Jas. Ginn enid thc Glen Tonnants Friday. Mrs. Ginin rcmained for a f ew diays. Mr. and Mis. Fred Hunter, Port Perry, visitcd Mirs. Jas. Ginn Sunday. Dr. D. Belbey anid Miss Pearl Wright, Toronlto, spent the wcekcnd wlth ber parents anid farnilims Mn'i. sad Mrs. Harold Whceler are spendiing a whule with Mr. and Mis. Glen Wheeier. Mr. Wheelcn Is wouking li Oshawa Hospital. Mis. John Scort I I Toi- onto attcnding a nuunber cf imn- portant festivities. Mr. anid Mis. Lloyd Wright, Roy Ferguson anid Mrs. Noël Mouton, Oshawa, attended the funeral, of Mie. Dunbar Si., lin Toronto, Tuesday. Mr. muid brs. Noël Mouton, Osliawa, visited Roy mund Bill Ferguson anid Mr. mand Mrs. Cci 1,11, Sunday. NIr. and Mus. Russel Glbert, Bowmanville, enid MIs. Theron Mountjoy, Hampton wcre Wed- nesday guests cf Mr. maid Mis. Russel Mounitj oy. Mr. Vincenit Aréher, Bow- manville, Mr'. and Mus. Wilbert Archer vîsited heu sister, Mr. and Mus Cook, Beaverton, Sunday. Judy Swain spent the week- end with tonna Wright. Donald anid Dorcen Tiewin, Enniskillen, visited Lloyd and Eaul Tnewin Sunday aftenoon whule Mu. and Mis. Emil Tiew- in and Mi. and Mis. Fred Toms attended a reception for Mr. and Mis. Artihur Hylanid at bbc home of lier parents, M'Ir. and Mis. Wm. McCabe. Mi. and Mis. Alex Fletb, Fen- elon Fails, visibed Mr. muid Ms. Ed. Harris and Mn..maid Mrs. Menvyn Graham Sunday. Congratulations te Mrs. Jas. Larmner who celebrabed hon 90t1i biithdiay Saturday. Sonry to report Mi. Neil Mal- colmins illin mOshawa liospital. The Caitwright Agricultural Society sponsored a dance at thc Recîcation Centre on Fni- day niglit. There was a large crowd on hand to dance te Uice Golden Valley Boys. This or- chestra is holding weekly dan- ces hero this winitcr. Thc fair board niay sponsor another cf these danceslaiter lin the wta- ter. Ther îe weue six girls mand two leaders piesent at the Explorer meeting Thursdiay alter school. Five girls anid Mirs Romeril ne- ported on bbc Candrie Liglit Service which bluey attended inl First Baptist Churcli, Oahiawa, the Sunday before. Mus. Rom- ci conduotied thc Devobional, cente'in1g lier remarks aiound Thc Benedictus. Thc girls an' working on a worship centre for the Christuna Suxdiay Scha- oi service. Honor Mr. sud Mm. a. Parker A shower tinlionoun o! Mr. and Mis. Robert Parker (nec MaY Werry) was hbld inth ie Commnuuuty Hall, Satur da y Lions, Club Discusses - Memorial to War Dead NEWCASTIM - The regular meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club was held in the Lions room of the community hall on Thursday evenlng wlth 25 mem- bers in attendance and Presi- dent Chas. Mogitt presidlng. A Tlewcas t/e Social and eJ~ersonal lie ,/ewaccîd aloi"er: go Gardon Àgnew, Ediior Phono 3621 Toms' IGA Market tised »» t Urneago a"d which Is being advertised again with a deadline of Decer.ber 1Mt. The cormnittee also would like to hear from groups wisli- ig ice Urzne at t.he arena no that schedules may be drawn up. It has been suggested that each team club or league wishing te luse the ice apply immediately in writing stating the time they would prefer so that time may be reserved on a first corne first served basis, and the most convenient schedule of hockey and skating may be prepared. delIious meal wu servcd ta the members by a group of members cf the Wornan's Asso- ciation cf the United Ohurcli. The gueat speaker for the meeting wus Mr. Harry Dey- mni, Q.C., Crown Attorney for the Counties cf Northumber- land and Durham, of Cobourg. Mir. Deyznan gave a short but tateresting humorous talk tell- iag of the duties cf a Crown Attore n ud relating a few of the intcrestlug experiences lie lias had in his position. During the business part cf the meeting, Lion John Ruck- ard, chairman of the committee appointcd to look inte the pos- sibilities of *rccttag a memor- lai tablet in tihe cornmunity hall entrance rcported prices had been m'eived on the cost of stone plaques siniilar ta those presently ta the hall beaxing the naines cf those who fouglit in thie firat World War. Re said these atone tablets would cost about $1500. lie also etated there was ne spaoe for such tablets tanlthe entrance ta the ha-IL Aiter considerable discus. sien It was decided ta get prices on a bronze plaque bearing the naines cf thýose froni. the vil- lage who baad paid the supreme sacrifice in the second World War and to find thc best place to ereet sucli a memorial tablet. There was considcrable dis- cussion on the installation of a ventilating systcm ini the Lions rooni and lb was declded te get estimatea con thc cost cf this project. Arena Ready For Weather To Blow CoId put on by four boys, Lloyd Wil- son, Harvey Grahamn, Leonard Sauzders aind Harold Hamiulton. The Cb&mun now mnvited Bob and May te, chairs on the plaîtform anid called on Mr. Werry, bride's father, and Mr. Parker, grooin's father, for a few rcmarks. The bride and groom then opened their gifts. Lunch was served and dan- cing foflowed with rnusie pro- vidied by Mrs. D. Wilson, Lloyd Wilson. Roy Ashton anid Don P -se. Mission Band Mission Band met Tuesday af- 'ber sdàool ln the Suuiday Sctiool roomn. Mis. Butt cpencd the meet- lng with worshlp, wlth, the Themne- Go ye iata ail thc World auid Preacli the Gospel to evcry Creaiture. She told cf a litble girl whèobecanie a mis- sionary when she grew up The roll was caileç by Bobby McLaueilin and answeued with -" Wherb I would like te go as a Missionary". Offerung was deicated by Briaui Forder. Leanne Dorrell broughgt al Up te date with the story book and Mrs. Dorrell told the fou- rth chapter cf Boloji and Old Hippo. The rest of thec period was spent working on the Af- rican Drums. There were 14 members present. LOBA 1960 Officers T'he Pridie of Cartwright L. O.B.A. heid their annual meet- ing Thursday nighit. Following are the officers for 1960:- Irmmediate Past Mis- tress Sister Douothy Lee; Wor- thy Mistress, Sister Muriel Wo- tten; Deputy Mistrcss, Sister Jiane Cowling; Junior Deputy Mistress, Sister Mary McKee. Direobtor o! Ceremonies, Sis- tei Marjorie Prescott; Chapilun, Sister Mable Dayes; Rec. Sec- retary, Sister Jean Pari; Fln- ancial Secretary, Sister Mar- garet Van Cam~p. F'irst Lecturer, Sister Olive MeLean; Second Lecturer, Sis- ber Dorothy Archer; La nêer Guard, Sdster Alma Fowler Outer Guard, Sister Lenia Dcv- itt; Pianist, Sister Leouise Wright; Guarfiia Brother C. P. Devitt. B RUSSEL SPROUTS I 3 pkgs. Ladies Lesgue luit week *s. Ruth Couch took thei «:o P 74 with a high single et Mr, *,1 Mms.Aflce Rowe scored a.high In the Mixed BowUrdn¶ eagUS Barbara AI]dred tockte o- ours for the week viM à hh single of 245 and a IkýI Ib of 607. lu the Men'a League RS 1 190- kmI went wIld wlth a îeIgï mn- gle of 315 wile the hlgh St- pie was won by Bruce Tâàma with a sore of 607. 1lhere «n ibe noiio r!du where there la no fre6dcfti Friendship loves a free air an will net be fenced up in traJg and narrotv enclosures. - WIl. lia= Penn. For tbat Per.Mal8Mut » eother cmn give- PORTEAT. bu HORNSBY STUDIOB 'Osawa For appointment niai EAndolph 5-0151 Ita's omuething your, friendas caret buY!. Extra cash for êho ing Shop now, pay later-with cash froM HFC. Convenience Is yours-speed and courtesy, too-when you make an instalment cash loan at Household. Drop in or phonefoa loan up to $2,5M0 Uf. InsuuufS uverlabi. «. oULewi HDUSEHOLD .FI?4ANCE-.'; 64KingSr.ios; 1 Cet'g ; q!0.hoMt54W (Cshown Shopping Come . - -m.I . A .-itel' OSHAWA FRESH SUNKIST ORANGES at Reserve the Rlght to Lianit Quantities Pineapple-Grapefruit - Save Se Del Monte Juice43: Maple Leaf -' Save ge Min cemeat ]Royal Guest - Save 60 IGA Coffee Lady Beth Assorted - Save 8c Chocolates 35c: J39c. 5b- 9c 1box~ 7 LOIN ROAST O'PORK Rih Partion Averag3ý Portion 3 IL.l. Centre Cut Pork Loin Chops IL.59qc .3 c Do&. Size 138'8 I19c 45C pkgs. 8 5c SAVE ICA CASH TAPES AND BONUS BOOSTER TAPES. Fol FR11 BONUS GIFTS!8 SHOP AND SAVE AT a 0 0 NEWrCAL. ONTANO Community Bowling Resuits NEWCASTLE - The New- castle Memonial Arena lias been ail deckcd eut and la now rcady for the hockey and skating sca- son, the only. holdup now bctag bbce weather. The chairman cf the conunittco, Fred Coucli. tells us flooding had been staited during the last cold spell but with the mid weathcr cf lasb; week it was not possible te con- tinue. Mr. Coucli Informs us ne per-- son or organization bas yet tak- cen advaatage of the extra mon- cy that can le made bhrougli the operation cf the Refreali- ment Boethl which was adver- 49C doz. su:s 69C doz. US. No. l Grade - Garden Fr"s jGolden Dew IMARGARINE., York Frozen STRAWBERRI ES Check Your IGA Catalogue for a Wide Arry of Christmias Gifts Bowmaniville IGA Market DGwNlfANViLLE m41 johnn y James Jr. topped the scorers in the Teenage Mixed Bowling League last week both ini the single and triple scores. Hîe had a high single of 223 anid a hgh triple cf 518. League Standings Sharpshooters 21 Plyers 21__ Rascals -_________19 Head Pins 2______ Blazers0 Hits and Misses 0111_

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