PàaGETWELVE SPORT0pICS By Fank ohumMA 3-7234 »IDJA BEAU ABOUT? -bIidja hear about the two basketbahi stonles froni the U.S.? Tt sens that there was a différence of one point between these two teanis, with -anc minute rcmaining to be played in the game. One club got the bail and "froze" it quite sucoessfuily until the game was over. OnIy trouble was-the team that froze the bal lound out that they had been trailing by the single point. How about the team. that traveled 140 miles to play against a rival high school. Finaily, after they arrived and changed into their uniforms, the home teani was nowhere to be seen. Only then do they discover that they are supposed to be the home team, and the other squad is waiting at their gyninasi- urn. Two hundred and eighty miles later and back at the place they started out from, the tircd bunch of athietes foldcd in thc final quarter ta lose by 20 points. t. t. t t t, EX-LEGIONNAIRE CHAMPS - A program was received at the Statesman office durlng thc wcck, which listed Johnny Mason as a centre on the St Lawrènce University freshman hockey team, in Canton, New York. Anoth- er praminent member of that Legionnaire club- Ray Preston, who played Jr. "A" with Hamilton and Guelph, has joined the Bowmanville Police Force. i. f t f f GOODYEAR SCORING RACE Raye "Gusty" West followed a 10-point outburst in last Thursday's Town League, with a two-goal, four-assist effort in the Goodyear League, Sunday. The ca-leaders, Lloyd Hamilton and Don Masters, each collectcd three points, but West has made it a three-way tie at 21 points apiece. .t t f t t JUVENILES OPEN HERE SATURDAY The Bowmanville Juveniles will play their first league game at the Memorial Arena, this Saturday night, when Stouff- ville will be the apposition. The locals looked sharp in Satur- day's exhibition against Whitby, although it was their first game of the season. Wîth many of last year's Midget champs in the lime-up ta boîster the returnees from the Juvenile flnalists, per- haps the locals will go all thc way to Uic Ontario Championship Ini 1960. f t t t f TOP BOWLING EFFORT As far as we know, John Ford's 370 gamne in the Men's Major League, is the highcst score bowlcd in towu this year. John kuocked off eight consecutive strikes, before runnxng into a head pin in the ninth. Doug. Shirk, a teenage bowler, came up with a fine 352 effort a week ago. Doug went over the 400 snark last season. t t t t t,1 TOWN LEAGUE PRESIDENT RESIGNS Jim "Senator" Coylc is the new Town Hockey League Presideut, following the resignation o! Murray Tighe. Mr. Coyle's position o! vice-president will lbe taken over by Paul Chant, a present executive board member. THE FAMILY BUS IS BETTER THAN IT USED TO BE!! ~ Theold gentleman shook his head sadly as he said, "No sir, E < they don't make 'em as good as 'they used to." Well, we're al entitled to have our own opinions about cars and everything else . 'and who am Ito argue with afine 1 old gentleman who has had at least thirty years more experience in living than I have. Bih Stev en But five minutes after the old gentleman left the showroom, I picked up a motoring magazine and the first article that caught my attention was an article comparing the "fatigue factor" in today's car with pre-war efforts. In one 2,500 mile trip, two cars were tested by two drivers. There was 30 years difference in the year of manufacture. Both cars were made by the same manufacturer. Both were in perfect con- dition at the start of the run. The drivers alternat- ed, driving one car one day, and the other the next. Reâuits indicated that the automotive advances of the.past 30 years have done a great deal to reduce driver fatigue. Reduced driver fatigue is only one of the many improvements in motor vehicles, better brakes, lights, safety glass make them safer... increased efficiency in motor, transmission and relar end make today's car more efficient on the rond ... and there are dozens of other improve- monts to give you better performance. Speaking of performance, we have a good selection of late model used cars on the lot right now ... the cream of recent trade-ins on sales of our new cars. Ail have been thoroughly checked and adjusted to uive you miles of economical, trouble free motoring. Another Addition to Robson's Service Dept. COMMLE RADIATOR REPAIR Cleanlng -Repating Maintenance Recoring z: AUl done within our own shop for your convenience. gaves You Tinie . . and Money WE STILL HRAVE A FEW EXCEPTIONALLY fGOOD USED CARS being traded ln on '60 models And Remember .. .'it pays to buy frein a certified dealer, where ail late model cars aue guaranteed. Down Payment to Suit Your Budget No Monthly Payments Until February, 1960 TRI CANADIAN STAT~MAN. UOWMANVILLU. OWI'AWYft JAA~JS~QA~j~X, JJ~A... AVIR, ZVG~ y m~Y~~i% A - V~UI~ E**1 I M Ste phen Fuels Edge Ken's Men's Wear 4-2 Jewellers Lose to Works Stephen Fuels thwartcd Ken's Wear's attempt ta mave jutoaa first place tic, when a pair of late third period markcrs gave thein a 4-2 wmn in the first game of last Thursday night's Town League double-header. After a scorele.ss openin>g ses- sion, Dan Girardi put Ken's out ini front at the 27 second mark of thc second pcniod. Dave McCullough knotted the count less than four minutes later and Ted Faircy gave Ste- phens the lead for the first time at 16:43. Don Masters evened the score early in thc third, just as Jim Olinski returned ta the ice from serving a slashing sen- tence. Bob Faircy fired the win- ner at 13:56, and Calvin Blake bagged the clincher with four and a haif minutes remaining in the gaine. Ken's pulled goalie George Heath in favour o! a sixth at- tacker in the final minute of play. "Mort" Richards manag- cd ta find the range, but the score came several seconds alter the buzzcr had sounded. Threc wecks ago the Dept. of Works wcnt down to their fifth straight setback, but protested and were given credit for the first win of the season. In the next.outing the DW crew cdged the league-lcading Stephen Fuels 5-4. Last Thursday uight they- trounced Hoopcr's Jewel- lers 17-2 ta move inta a three way tie for second place. If they continue to iniprove at this rate, Ken's Men's Wear had bot- ter board up Uic net for ta- night's clash. The lie of "Clhuck" Kilpat- rick, Raye- West and Paul Mc- Cullough rackcd up a total of 29 points ta beat the 19 point spree by Hamilton, Masters arid Gîrardi, the previaus week. Kil- patrick netted five. goals and picked up four assists, ?ëcCul- .Iough bagged four goals and six assists and West accounted for thrce markers whiie assisting on seven more. Bob Foster contributed a pair of taflies to the landslide, with singles going ta Samn Thomp- son, Bert Perfect and Bob Os- borne. Even goalie Vince Van- stone maovcd up to the forward lime in Uic final seconds of the gaine. Oh yes, Laurie Garbe and Barry Cowling scored the Hooper's Jewellers goals. Teani Standings W L Pts Stephen Fuels 5 2 10 Dept of Works 3 4 6 Ken's Men's Wear 3 4 6 Hooper's Jewellers - 3 4 6 IMixed Bowling League~ It'a beginning to look as if thc teamis are .gaing ta go right down ta the wire ln the Mixed loop, with threc teaxas within two points of the leaders, end one more four points o! the pace. Art Spicer's crcw hung a 7-0 setback on Fred Luxtou's tcam ta take over thc league-leader- ship from the lasers, who slip- ped ta third. Jack Bond's bowl- crs won over Bob Mitchell's club 5-2, and Ccc Mutton's out- fit took a 5-2 decision aver Pat Yeo's tail enders, ta leave bath winners dcadlockêd for thc runncr-up spot. Jin Cox defcatcd Bud Bd- mondsou 5-2 to retain a seven Point bulge iu fourth place. Af- ter a slow start, Elton Brock's bowlers continued ta battle back, downing, Joe Nowlan's tcam 5-2. Elton Brock rackedi up thc hlgh triple with a 775 mark, in- cluding gaines of 307 and 249. Amy Winacott's 313 single proved ta be best, followed by Jack Bond 284, Onle Etcher 281, Jim Grahiam 275, Ccc Mutton 266, Bob Mitchell 258, Hap Pal- mer 249, Ciff Evans 242, Fern Bradley 241, Emma Bromell 234, Mary Wilcox 232, 226, and Pat Bartels 229. Despite the large number of high singles, there weren't an equal numaber of triples. Hap Palmier fahowcd Brock with a 674 total, whilc Jack Bond camne Up with 667. Onie Etcher led Uic ladies with 665, Emnma BromeUi had 656 and Mary Wilcox registered a 631 total. Teanx Standings TeanuW Spicer 16 Bond 8__ 6 Mutton ______16 8 Luxton 15 9 Cox . 14 10 Brock __- il 13 Edmondson 10 14 Mitchell 10 14 Nowlan 9 15 Yeo 3 21 Averages Gaines Eltan Brock 24 One Etcher 24 Jack Bond ____24 Morley Etcher 23 Joe Nowlan 24 Art Spicer 24 Rap Palmier 24 Hilda Brock ____24 Bob Yake - - ___24 Ceci Mutton 24 Pat Yeo .___15 Arnold Sleep 24 Jack Brough 21 Bm Stringer -----18 Howard Bromel .24 Mary Wilcox 24 Bob Mitchell 24 Dot Bond -_____24 Ken Luxton 24 Gardon Stringer 21 Fred Luxtan- 24 Essie Cox - - 24 Doug Reynolds 18 Bill Char-les ____24 Rlck Gould ___24 Ruth Mitchell= 24 Pat Bastels ___24 Car-ole Oke 24 Dore Mutton 24 Duke Brunt ___ 24 Bud Edmondson- 24 Enuna Bromdil 24 Mike Heenan .21 1Clif! Evans 24 Jean Evans ____24 James Grahamn -24 Amy Wiacott- 24 Audrey Sleep- 24 Ron Mutton -24 Leo Curtin ____24 Ferne Bradley- 24 Jini Ccx--.-24 Jessie Heenan 21 Carole Reynolds - 18 Doreen Charles -'24 Ada Luxton 21 Don Bradley 24 MmrieYeo -21 Ave. 232 208 208 206 205 2041i 204 201 197 1 91 188! 188! 187 186 186 182 180 179 178 173 173 171 170 169. 168' 168 167 167 167 165 165 164 163 162 162 161 160 157 156 152 152 151 150 149 IDuaine Palmier - 24 143 Ruth Yake --- -_ 24 139 Kay Luxton ___ 24 137 Mary Nowlan 24 134 Everett Winacott 18 131 Betty Brough ~ 24 125 Marie Curtin ___ 21 122 Walter Runidie 21 120 Dot Edmoudson - 18 1240 Ivy Rundle____ 21 104 Kay Grahami____ 21 98 I Legion Bowling I Dou.g Taylor's teamn down,ýd top single effort of 276. Bill Bill Bates' bowlers 5-2 in Le- Bates smashed the pins for a gion League action, last Tues- 660 total, while Arnold Lobb day, to continue atop the stand- rolled up a 656 triple. ings. Keith Yeo's outfit fashion- Other big single scores went cd a 7-0 blanking over Ernie to Bill Bates (264, Arnold Lobb Perfect's pin-droppers to re- 263 and Jim Fair 255. place the lasers in the runner-TenStdig up position, with Perfect slip- Pt tndn s . ping ta fourth. Ps Bill Veitch's crew posted a, D. Taylor 31½ 7-0 shutout win over Franik K. Yeo ____26 Samis' team to shunt Samis into B. Veitch -____ 25 the cellar.1 E. Perfect 20½, Ross Wright led the way with B. Bates . 12 a 666 triple, which included the F. Samis 11__i IGoodyear Hockey Lge.I Three teams wound up in a1 ters found the range in the first first place tie following Good- ten minutes for the Office.1 year League action Sunday af- Lloyd Stainton made sure of ai ternoon at the local ice palace, drive by "Mort" Richards, as In the apener, the Mats defeat- he tipped in over the line at ed the last place Hose 5-3, while! 15:05. t:he Fan Beits handed the Bob Fairey knotted the count slumping Office their second three minutes later, and Raye straîght setback, by an 8-4 West put the Fan Belts in front count in the nightcap. to stay within a minute. Lloyd Dan Girardi gave the Hose a Hamilton and West lit the red 1-0 lead after 14 minutes of light to inake it 5-2, but just as play, but the Mats came roar- it appeared that they had a win ing back with three in less than, ail locked up, Bob Mari errison five minutes, on goals by Reg' and Masters counted in rapid Willets, Howard Quinney and succession to narrow the mac- Ted Fairey. "Buck" Cowle put gin to 5-4. the Hose back in the game at Bill Cole poked in a loase the 27:27 mark, only to have puck to apply the clincher 50 Bill Osborne get that anc back, seconds later, and then the win- four minutes later. John Os- ners added to their total, as borne applied the clincher late Cole and Fairey eaoh triggered in the game, and Cowle's second their second rnarkers in the tally comipleted the scoring in final three minutes. the final minute of play. Ta tnig The lasers went in front earlyTenStdig in the second gaine too, but W L Pts once the Fan Beit powerhouse Mats 4 3 9 got rolling it was just a ques- Fan Belts -- . 4 3 9 tion of how many. Office------------- 3 2 9 Frank Mohun and Don Mas- Hase 2 5 5 IMen'ys Major BowlingI Ladyice ---- Sing'e81 Big John Ford set the pace Ladis 1fgh Sngl with the highest single game, Amy Winacott-- 313 370, of Uic season. This beat Ladies' High Triple- Bill Hearle's 357 bowled a week Onie Etcher ---- 665 ago. Ford had two other games MensHiýg Sinle -o! 218-180, to total 768 pins; MEln High - S --g30 this was high for the night. Men's High Triple A son olwdJh Elton BrOck - 75 with 728, Jim Castle 719 and Carl Raby 701. Raby also had a331 single score and Bruce p Vivian had a 300 game for his Pe W esEd e est effort this season. ~v v'~zS Luf e The way the major leaguers 5 are bowling you would thimk O shawa 6 ta the big momey to be given away was for low scores. The only n I~LI* ~ prize you will be gctting is a In Exhlibitionl baoby prize. Here are some o the conteuders this week. Frank Bowmanvillie Pce Wees re- Lcwins had a 91 single. Barney bo>unded froni a 4-0 deficit at Vanstome 102, George Joncs the end o! the first period, to 111, Harold Benett and Dick down Oshawa 6-5, Saturday Patfield tied with 115. George night, at the Memorial Arena. Joncs won low triple 408, Dick Paul Brockman turned in a hat- Patfield 434, Rau McClcan 435, trick Performance in Uic open. Jim Callan 446 aud Ab Piper img session, with Lee Paradise 448. accounting for Uic other tally.ý Murray Larmcr's team. had Brockman, an ail-star Bantam i hgh single 1213, Ted "Gramps" player, also picked up the vis- Bagnell's autfit'bowled a 3301 itors' fifth goal. i triple. George Piper's tearn won Don MicMurter paccd the b-. low single 754 and Ed Leslic's CalS with a four goal effort, in- bombers did it again with a cludlng the wînner, after Bow, 2591 triple. manville had tied the score in AIley Chatter the third stauza. Garf Webb and Pete Dobbins is away out lu Steven Burns picked up a sin- front in the averages. Pete is gle marker apiece. hitting the dead wood at a 246 MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville Friday, Dec. Il PUBLIC 'f SKATING 8 - 10 p.m. Admission Aduits 50c Children 35e Spectators - lOc SATURDAT, DECENDER 12 HOCKEY OPENING LEAGUE GAME- 8:30 p.m. STGUFF VILLE JUVENILES BGWNANVILLE JUVENILES ADMISSION Aduits - 50e -Children Booster Tickets in Effet a25e- CHILDEEN'S SKATING Wodneuday, December 16 Chilren3:00 to 5:30 p.M. Adults accompanying children --25e Adulta 5M Wednesday, December 16 PUBLIC SKATING 8 to 10 p.m. ADMISSION k ChiIdren 35e - spect, tators 10c Town League HockeyJ Star of the, WeekI Raye "Gusty» West Charlie "Chuck" Kilpatrick Paul McCullough Manager Irving Taube of Bowmanville Surplut Sales is going to have to ligure a way to split his Star of the Week Award three ways. It was impossible to pick a single star out of the "Chuck" Kilpatrick, Raye West, Paul McCullough line, who picked up 29 points among them in a single game. Kilpatrick scored five times and picked Up four assists, McCullough triggered four markers and drew six assists, while West notched a hat-trick and assîsted. on seven tallies. That's pretty fair shooting in any league. Afternoon Bowling On Friday, Deceniber 4th, He- len Andrew bowled high single of 274 and tbis, added to a 179 game, gave her high double of 453 in the Afternoon Ladies' Leaguc. Other 200 -rames were Shirlev Davis 220 and 213, 01- lie Patfield 220, Marion Wise- man 204 and Hilda Simnick 201. The Robins took bath points from the Canari'zs and the other teams splît the points, taking one point each. Averages 0111e Patfield 192 Helen Andrew 196 Ena Etcher .-~_____171 Marg.. King ___ 168 Shirley Davis 167 Sadie Bucknell 165 Barb. Courtney 157 Hilda Sixnnick -___ 156 Nance Colmer 154 Evelyn Large 152 Doris Holrayd - 151 Alyce Hodgson 151 Aura Trewin ____147 Bonnie McDonald ____ 4s Marion Wiseman _____143 Agnes McColloch - '141 Marg. McD3arald _____139 Daisy Bell ______137 Bea Sellers _____136 Helene Rundle--____135 Millie White ---______133 Hilda Mooney ----1 3j1 Mabel Williams ..127 Ann Tice 127 Helen Rogers - ---127 Vi Poste ----- ----123 Lilla Luffman 125 Mas-g. Coyle 4 Meta Moffatt _____- 123 Nellie McFeeters 1 2 3 Marion Crowe . .123 Velma Kitson ------ 123 June Clarke ---------------- 121 Marion MacDonald 120 Bea Wilson 120 Teani Standings Sparrows 9 Robins 8 Bluebirds .__ a_ Bluejays -____7 Wrens --.-- -6 Canaries 4 clip for 21 games. AI Osborne is holding down runner-up position with 240. Dr. Keith Slemom is a good third at 231. In the teani standing Hank Janzen's rough riders are on top with 14 points. Larmer and Ross McKnight are tied with 1a and R. Oke and Dutch Hallman have 12 cach. Some o! aur bowlcrs arc hav- ing some nice single games but are mot high cnough to receivIe any recognition. Larry Piper had 287, Bill Bates 275, Paul Chant 252, Jack Bond 281, Doug Taylor 258, Frank Mohun 274, Dr. Rundie 271, Bert Engley 267, Frank Blunt 261, Ray Fry 251, Morley Vanstone 275, Jini Castle 274-252, Bud Moses 268. Our top bowlers sometimes have a bad game. Pete Dob- bins had a 163 whîch is real low for Pete. Ed Leslie 155, Harry Gay 145, Larry Piper 142, Bill Westlake 164, Frank Williams 141, Jack Parker 132, Elton Brack 138, Dr. Keith Slemon 178, Frank Samis 156, Wild Bill Oke 146-131, Morley Vanstone 177, Dave McKnight 162. Manager George Eliott has the latest electrical appliance for cooking hot dogs. It takes exactly 90 seconds. We saw it lu operation the other night and it really does a job. Standing of Teams Teani Jauzen Larmer R. McKnight R. Oke Halîman --- D. McKnight Osborne Bagndil Dobbins Perfect B. Oke Brock - Samis Gay Piper Leslie w 14 13 13 12 12 10 9 9 7 7 6 L 9 9 9% 91/2 10 10 10 il 12 12 14 14 Averages - 200 And Over Name Games Pete Dobbins 21 AI Osborne 21 Dr. K. Slemoni 21 Ted Bagucl . 21 Dr. H. Rundle 21 Russ Oke ------ 21 Dave MeKnight- 21 Bud Moses 21 Elton Brock ____21 Larry Piper 12 Jim Castie 21 Frank Mohun . 21 Bill Hearle --- 21 Morley Vanstome- 21 Si Trewin 21 Ab Piper 21 Mcl 'Dale. 21 Reg. Hearie 21 Ernie Perfect . 18 Fred Cowle 21 Jack Parker 21 Hap Palmer 21 Clarence Oke 20 Russ Halîman 21 Frank Samis 21 Bill Bates 21 John Ford ____ 1 Don Bishop 18 Jack Gay 21 Bill Oke _____21 Bert Engley 21 George Stephen- 21 Frank Blunt- 21 Doug Taylor- 20 Russ Lame ____21 Ed Leslie 21 John Stainton .~ 21 Ross McKnight- 21 Jack Lander- 21 Bill Shotter ___- 21 Don Gilhooly- 21 Pts. 14 13 13 12 12 111/2 10 9 9 7 7 6 Ave. 246 240. 231 223 223 223 221 220 218 218 217 217 216 209 20b 208 208 208 207 206 206 26 206 206 205 205 204 204 204 204 204 203' 202 202 202 201 201 201, 201 201 200 -»W-9 1~ TEZ CANADL« STATESUM. BOWMANVUI& ONTAPM k ýi