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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1959, p. 13

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TauUMSA?. DEC. lofli, 1959 H AAYN~A~MWWWDUWUnqaw I (Recreaio n ()Reviews Choral Soelety lone goal late ini the final per- The Recreation DePartmnt'a led. The Lions collected two of Choral Society are holding their thie tiiree penalties handed eut. Annual Christmas Concert this 7The Cubs chalked Up their Friday and Saturdoy, December third strelght wi by defeating 111h and -l12th at t.he Bowman- the Tee ?ees 3-1 tb move iuta Ville Towit Hall,, startlng Urne sole possession of first place ta 8:15 P.m.L in the league standing. Taullie Featured at this year's Con. Thompson (2) and David Rog- cert wilU be Cathrine Lynch, ers were the goal scorera for oso anud Fred Grahamn, thie Cube. Bill Scott scored thie Planlît, wirnners of the Choral Tee Pees' only goal. Sodety's "Stars of Tornorrow la the fourthi ad final Ban. Contait". tain gaine of the- morning thie Tickets are available froin Braves defeated thie Husies anynieberof thie Choral S&- 4-2 ta hand the Huskies their clet ormayb. purchased at third straigait lbs. Bob Hellani hie dorho tailghts cf thie (2), Murray Brown and Brian Concert. Foraey accounted for thie Childreu'g Theatre Braves' goals. Dan Hughes, Bob Thie Recreabion Department's Hellam and Henry Keoy ecd Child.rcu Theatre will present a plcked up assista for the Braves. Christmuas play entitled "Thie John Depew (George Bail)* and Little Sheep of Bethlcherre" o George Bail (John Depew) Wednesday, December 23rd at were the goal getters for thc thie Bowmanvilie Town Hall, Huskies. Each teani colcected a startlng Ue 7:30 p.rn. penalty. Thie children have been work- Pee Wee Leatue Ing hard on titis play ever since 3, Rangers 1 Oct. tM. Thcy hold practices Canadians 3, Bears 1 once a wcek at thie Lions Com- Giants 4, Leafs 1 mnunlty Centre, under the di- In the first Pec Wee game of rection cf Murray Walker, Ver- the morning the Wings defeat- na Foran and Berta Higgon. ed thie Rangers 3-1 to niove It ia hoped that a good turn Into a first place ic with thie out wil b. present for this first Giants. Paul Lucas, Dennis Me- venture by the Children's Thea- Donald and Wayne Barrett tre gr0up. (Paul Lucas) accounted for the Minou Hockey Wings' goals. Danna Damant bantani League scored thie Rangers' enly goal Pirates 3, Flycrs 2 late in the first perlod. The Tigers 3. Lions 1 Wings coilected bhc oniy two Cubs 3, Tee Pees 1 penalties handed out in the Braves 4, Huskies 2 game. [n the first Banitain League In the second Pee Wee game gaine of the morning the Pi- the Canadians defeated the rates carne up with their first Bears 3-1 to move into second win of the scason defeating thie place in the league standings. Flyers 3-2. David Puk (Don Bruce Mcadows (Paul Parker), MeMurter), Steven Burns (Gar- Peter Vanstone (Nelson Fow- field Webb) and Don McMur- er) and Charlie Evans were ter (David Puk) were thc goal thec goal scorers for thie Cana- ocorers for the Pirates. Eric dians. Larry Hellam accounted Fernlund (John Huggctt) and thie Bears only goal. Peter Van- Paul Peterson accountcd for the stone of thie Canadians collect- Flyers' goals. ed thie only penalty of thc garne. In the. second Bantain gaine In the third and final Pee the Tigers handed the Lions Wee game of the morhnng the their first defeat by a 3-1 count. Criants picked up their third Ricky Gay (2) and Ray Adcock win in a roW by defeating the scored for the winning Tigers.1 Leafs 4-1. Ken MeDonald col- Bill Buday scorcd baie Lions' leced three of the four goals For 0 0 0 GIFT IDEAS VISIT PEARSON'S SMOKE SHOP 41 KING ST. W. Timex Watches Pipes and Smokers' Supplies WALLETS AND KEY CASES Attractive Christmas Wrapped Cigarettes and Cigars TRAVELLNG ALARMS - MUSICAL LIGHTEBS TGYS AND GAMES CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND CHOCOLATES And many more items too numerous to, mention. 'W I - - - - - VCV ~6A~.FPAGErLw~i OBITUARY plcked up a penalty during tih gaine. r Atoni League 1 Indiens 3. Hornets 1 k Bomberis 8, Bisons 0 eIn the finIt Atoni lea.gue gain bbch Indians defcatcd Uic Hc>i 1nets 3-1 ta ineve ito a fin place tic with thc Bomber John Qyler accountcd for a three of Uic Indians, goals. Joh Worden scored the Hornet only goal ini bbe finît period. In thc second Atoin garne th Bonibers defcated thc last plac Bison 8-0 ta move into a firE p lace tie with thc Indiens. Jo kircock (4), Bob Howcs (2,1 Norman Neads and Bill Morri son accounted for taie Bomberi cigait goals. Lions fltldet-Juvenile Leagut In Uic first gaine of bbc Mid get-Juvenile league taie Coin ets and. Maroons played to 5-5 tic. Alex Wiseman (2) Gien Blackburn (Wiseman) Bab Burgess (Wiseman) an< Larny Pearce (Bob Smnithi) witl Don Bagndil piçkinýg up an as sist on Wiscman's first goal David Werry (2), Scott Essery Kcith Bail and Brian Rowi werc bhe goal scorers for thi Maroons. Alan Osborne, Wal -ter Ells and Scott Esscry col lcbed assists on the Maroons goals. The e bic moved thc Ma roons Inbo a third place tic witr taie Gencrals. Iu thc second Midget.Juven. le gamene cRackets chalkec Up taicir second win by defeat ing taie Raiders 8-2. Ray Crorn. bic (2), Richard McLcan, Grani Flintoff, Bruce Ogden, Allar Woodlock, Doug Lane and Wen. dcll Fisher werc taie goal scor. crs for bbc Rockets. Grant Flin. toff (2), Bruce Ogdcn, Richard McLean and James Rickard collcbcd assists on taie Rockets' goals. Allin Cotle, Leigai Somn- nijeracales and Irving Gili (Alani Cale) accauntcd for bbc Raid. crs' goals. Bruce Ogden of taie Rockcts and George Kennedy of tbc Raiders picked up a pen- alty for fighting wbich auto- mabically dnaws a tairce gaine suspension, for baie wo of tbem. Neither . player will be able ta play again until Saturday, Jan- uary l6th. In Uic third and final Midget- Juvenile gaine taie Orphans caialked up their third straigait Win by dcfcating the G-encraIs 6-4. Taie Win moved thc Orphans inta sole possession of first place in the league stand- ings. Doug. James (2), Jon Han- cock (2), Paul Mutton (James) and Larry Welsh were tbc goal scorers for Uic Orphans. Doug. James (2) and Paul Mutton pickcd up assists on Uic Or- phans' goals. Walter Gibson (3) and Don Kerr a.ccounted for taie Generals' goals. Don Kerr (2) and Bob Wbalcn pickcd up as- slsts on thc Gencrals' goals. Each tcam picked up two pen- ales cacai during tbc gaine, Minou Hockey League Standings Atuni League Girls' Broombali League s Sehedule Monday Game Tmes 6 First Gasne-5:15 p.m. 4 Second Gamce-6:00 pa. 2 Dec. 14-let ganie-Fabiens 1vs. Avalons; 2nd game-Pres- 1icys vs. Beenes. 0 Dec. 21-lst game-Avalons 0vs. Presleys; 2nd gamne-Boones vs. Fabiens. Dec. 28-lst gamne-Fabiens vs. Presîcys; 2nd gaine-Ava- lons vs. Boones. Jan. 4-Practioe Time. Jan. 1 1-Ist garne-Boones vs. Presîcys; 2nd gaine - Avalons va, Fabiens. Jan. 18-lat gaine -Fablens vs. Boones; 2nd game Presîcys vs. Avalons. Jan. 25-lst garne - Boones vs. Avalons; 2nd game--Pres- leys vs. Fabiens. IRernember -"-ýMinor Hockey ia fam.ily affair. Don't send.- tak e your boy ta the Arena." T eenageI Bowli-ngI The standings ln Uhe boys' division tightcned up consider- ably, as enly four points separ- ate the first four clubs. Jin Moorcraft's beam. upset Lowel Highfield's icague-leaders by a 5-2 count, while Dou.g Shirk's crew book a 5-2 win ever How- ard Rundle's autfit ta tie taie losera for thie runner-up posi- tion. Vince Molloy's cellar. dwellers went down ta a 5-2 defeat at the hands cf Doii Bag- nell's bowlcrs. Le. Rackhamn paced the Sat- urday afternoon bowlers with a 682 triple, lncludlng the higai single cf 283. Alex Wernan was four pins back at 658, with other 000 scores golng ta oh Carter 623, Mike Charles 006 and Bob Hellan 602. Bob Hellani caine up wlth. a 278 effort; followed by Jon Carter 276, 207, Vince Melloyl 268, John Oke 283, Alex Wise- UMa â46 220, LNU7 Tbomp»n 0 I241 anM Mike Charles 233, 218. V. Brown B. Oke ____ L. Brooking K. Beauprie C. Osmnond _____ H. Vanstone pts 29 26 22 22 17 Beits ___________ Goodyear Bowling Thse Hose Room 'trounced tbe cellar-dwelUing Beits 7-0 ta bake over taie leaguc-leadership last Thursday nigait, as taie Com- bines wcre handcd a 5-2 set- back by the Office. The Lcad Press took a 5-2 decision over the Braiders to gain a firmer grip on taie third position. Thie Fan Beits moved up 1 quickly, by virtue of a 7-0 shut- ou i over taie Tigers, while interenaining contest, taie Machine Sbop edged the Coin- ets 4-3. Arnold Lobb came witbin a single pin of taie season's higai garne, witli a 343 mark. Other top efforts were registered hy Jack Bond 306, Jim Allin 281, John Staintoni 271, Ken Flint 269 and 266, Joe Piper 269, Farewell Blackburn 269, Ray' Westlakc 266, enid Ver Çon- nors 264. Jack Bond'a 737 total took higai triple honours, followed by Arnqld Lebb 706, Ken Flint 698, John Stainton 691, Jas Pi- per 672, Farcwell Blackburn 666 and JMin Houck 665. Teani Standings. Borae TmaniStandings 1 Pts ", HIflicld 32 HL Rundle _______29 D. Shlrk ______29 J. Moorcraft______28 D. Bagneli ______20 V. MOllOY _______ 9 Iu tbc girls' section, Virginla Browns bawlers decisione Brenda Okc's outfit 5-2, botake over the league leadership by two, points over bthe lasers. Con- nie Osmond's teaIn pufled Off a big 7»0 upset over Linda Brook- ing's crew, and Karen Beau- prie shutout Helen Vanstone 7-0, as botti winncrsëhcated baie cellar. No 200 scores wcre recordcd, but Mary Munday came as close as possible with a 199 effort. Canitie Osmeond's 497 total beok aiighý triple honours, followcd by1 Marilyn Moore 471, Mary Mun-1 day 461 and Bertba Higgou 459.1 Giels' Teani Standing 1 scorêd for thie Giants. Lanny Burns (Tcrry Devitt) accounted for the other Giants' goals. Den- nia Homcnaulc scored the Leafs' onlv aoal. The twn *eams each i fallace Depew Ls yeaLIs, lic was a member cf tbc > local intermnediates, later tura-, n ing to coaching tiern, and a jun- ts ior teain. Reccntly, ais efforts k bave been concentrated on en- 1. couraging and teaching thc min- or league younigsters, two of ýwbom were bis own boys, Bill t12 and Bud 9. y He was marricd ta Betty Ed- dger, daugaiter of Mrs. and bbc [- late W. Arthur edger, in Dec. *1943. They woec members of * Trinity United Church. Bath p bis wifc and ais mother, Mns. eCharles Depew, ;survive hlm. Tom bad many hobbies. He aloved Uic outdoors, bunting and ýfisbing, or trapping. Woodwork- 1 îng came naturally to hlm, and aihe could turn bis hand te re- spaiing or constructing almost anything around Uic home. aWeekends, lic and bis boys book bo thc woods or to, Uic strearns wbere aie baught; thein bo hunt iand fisanmd lave nature as he 1did. Taie funcral was heid from iMorris Fuiieral Chapel, Bow- .manville, on Nov. 24th, 1959, bbc eRev. Wrn. K. Housiander con- ducting taie service. Palîbearers wcrc James Crombie, Ernie Dickens, Jack Hatcly, Frank Blunt Bert Joainston and Sans iBlack. Interment; was la Bow- em.anville Ccmcbery.' Floral tributes were received from, a host cf friends and re- latives, as wcil as Uic follow- ing organizations: Junior Choir of Trnnty Churcb, Arena Man- agement Cemznittce, Teacher and pupils of Rooni 2 Central Public Scbool, Recreation Dcpt.; Recreation Dept. Hockey Coach.- es, Uic Little N.H.L., Canadian Statesman Staff, Staff cf Mcem- orial Arena, Hockey Mathers, General Motors cf Canada, U.A. W.A. Local 222, Parts Rcceiving GMC, and Parts and Service 'Sick and Social Dept., G;MC. i p a] W LPts iBomnbers 1 0 O3 Indians _______ O 3 Rama ________ 1 i 2 Barons _______ 1 2 Hornets..... _ _1 1 2. Bisons _____.02 he Thomas Wi tBowrnanvilllc lost one of il. -fine Young family men sudden- * ly on November 22nd, when .Thomas Wallace Depew was stricken with a heart attack [and died in Memorial Hospital. He was in bis 38th year. * Younger son of Mrs. and the late Charles Dcpew, Tom was born in Bowmanville, Fcbruary 3rd, 1922. His father operated *a successful lake fislting busi- ness here for many years. Tomi and bis brother Harry, whc survives him, were brougait up onth lake and eariy i life ea rnýedt take their place, hauling in taie nets, clcaning the catch and mending the torn nets. When his father died about 10 years ago, Tom and Harry carricd on the business for some time, later dcparting from, their real love for more gainful occupations in industry. Tom was educated in Bow- manville Public and High Scbools wherc .aie established a fine reputation as an athiete, especially in hockey, although aie aiso was an excellent swi- mer and basebaîl player. He played hockey for chureh and minor lcague teains, until Uic pro-scouts spottcd hlm and he branohed out into junior cir- cles. He playcd with Oshawa Junior '"A" Gencrals, Toronto Mariboros, New Haven Eagles and Hershey Bears. He was bry- ing out with Boston Bruins when an arthritic condition which had plagued him smcc carly youth, forced a hait ta bis career and endcd his profes- sional hockey days. Since returning horne he worked with Goodyear and jmore recently with Gencrai Mo- tors where he was empioyed at the turne of bis deatai. His interest in hockey didn't wane even though it was pain- fui for him to play. For several Pce Wee League W L Pts Giants _________3 0 E Wings . ____3 O E Canadians -___ 2 14 Bearr __________O2 1 Hawi.- 0____ .O11 Rangers 0 20 Bruins -------- --------- 02 o Bantani League W L Pts Cuba __...3 0O Lions . 2 1 4 Braves -~____2 1 4 Tee Pees _____ 1 1 2 Flyers 1 2 2 Pirates ______. i1 1I Tigers 1 2 2 Huskies ---- ------.0 3 0 Lions Mldget-Juvenule League W L Pts Orphans 3 Of6 Rockets _____2 0 4 Generals 1 1 3 Maroons 1 1 3 Cornets 0 I11 Raiders 0_____ 2 1 Dodgers 0 2 0 Games Scheduled For Saburday Deceniber 121h Pee Wcc League-A.M. 7:00-Bears vs. Rangers 7:45-Giants vs. Hawks (C.I.) 8:35-Bruins vs. Leafs 9:20-Wings vs. Canadians Bantam League-A.M. 10:20-Flymr vs. Huskies 11:05-Pirates vs. Braves 11:55-Tee Pees vs. Lions SAtom League-P.M. 12:40-Bisons vs. Indians 1:40-Ramas vs. Bombera Lions Mldget-Juvonlle League P.M. 2:35-Dodgers vs. Raiders 3:15-Cornets vs. Gencrals 4:00-Rackets vs. Orphana Girls' Broombali Next Menday, December 14, wiil mark thc opening cf the Girls' Broombali League ache- dules. Ail broombal gaines wiil be playcd on Mocndays. Thie schedule for this cornîng Mon- day la as follows: 5*15 p.m.-Fabicns vs. Avalons 6:00 p.rn.-Presleys vs. Boones Ai gaines will be two twen- ty minute periods straigait tune. The winners of taie broonibali Icague will take part in Minor Hocekey Nigait somet=Ini i Mercis, il -------------- -9 .Nbft. 1 Rose.. =____ Lead Press Machine Shop Office Tigers ------------___ Fan Belts Braiders_________ Cornets Juveniles Down Whitby ln Exhibition -Game'-' Bowrnanvillc Juveniles made acored twice, and Brian RIls tiseir first appearance cf the Wisemnan and Black each ble thc twine twice. seasoin, a winning one, as bhey In a close-cbecking mniddle defeatcd Vflhtby 9-3, at thie session, Gray notchcd the lone Mernorial Arena, Saturday tally to niake thie scor ,e 6-1 - night. Brenton Hughes, a Mari- Whitby bhrcatened -carly' in boro Jr. player, rcjoined thie lb- thctlilrd on goals by Allan and cals for taie gaine, making his Rossi but Bowmianvillc-- çgme presence felt, with a hat-trick baclc to wrp up the gaine.witli performance. Terry Black turn- four unanwrd goals. ed in a two goal effort, while 170 fans attcnded the con- Brian Hughes, Alex Wisemnan, test, which wasn't b2d-for an Don Bagnell and Grant Flintoff exhibition, but baus team Ipos. added single markcrs. scases enougai abllty to g-oal Thie high-flying local crew Uic way this season, and are toolc a commanding 5-0 first ccrtainiy deservlng of good sup- pcriod lead, as Brenton Hughesi port. ý 1. ý , - « w - a ow - q TRE CANADUR STATZSMN noiruLANVn.LK OUTAmn il

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