Dafu -TiCNDA TTA.DWAJbL.CUADTUSADC TOWNSHIP 0F DAULINGTON - REEVb DEPUTT zEzvEc COUNCILLORS (à te b.e hotel> ix a ~ 1.rW1 if1l No. 1 Previdenes No. 2 Tyrone No. 3A Maple Groe No. 3B Maple Grave- Ne. 4 Hampton No. 5 Enniskilien, AI and A2 No. 6 Countioe, Central, AI, A2 No. 6B Courtice, Blanid BZ No. 6C Mitchell's Corners- No. 7 Bradiey's Toals 194 26 166 34 120 141 47 119 46 172 22 152 25 110 94 20 163 34 152 90 159 44 132 170 55 55 124 116 61 125 34 75 117 47 42 90 179 81 216 38 170 165 39 130 84 177 25 174 15 117 105 17 135 56 156 293 223 146 109 266 168 87 148 115 106 106 81 61 127 83 31 109 81 102 81 75 40 72 72 33 126 168 48 164 53 102 180 44 145 53 1510 854 1566 543 1045 1437 592 940 $70 REEU -TOWN OF EOWMANVILLE . miggon West West West West Northt North Ncrth Nortit Northt Seutht Souh Southt 1~ 2A 2B 2C - IA lB 2 3A 3B. lA 1 1B 2A Souh 2B Southt 2C Totals. ÇOUNCIL - TOWN 0F Little 82 64 50 47 69 51 83 52 44 64 95 84 102 43 930 BO WNANVILLE mong West 1 138 West 2A 83 West 2B 53 West 2C 101 NorthIt A 92 NorhIlE 68 North 2 123 Norh 3A 111 Nortit 3B 66 South 1 A 77 SouthIt B 75 South 2A 56 Souht2B 72 Southt 3B 30 Totals 1,160 121 97 105 99 71 68 75 3 68 47 1,078 102 66 49 95 81 60 106 De os 84 67 si es 41 994 KENDAL àMrà Neya Little sPent the ikeekend et Markhaim with. Mn. am~ ma. Ayiward Little and tutiy. Thc tebacco growens intti section attended lie Tobacco Growers' Banquet i Port Hope Saturd.ay night, aI lie High Sohool witcn Mir. Goodteilow was one cf thc guesl speakers. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowee, Gordon and Jean, visited Sun- day witit Mn.anid Mrs. Rosm Patton ami Mr.anid Ml-s. E. Ceuroux. .Mr.anid bMls. Vance Allen spent Sunday atternoon with Mrs. W. Mercen. Mr.anid Mrs. Reg Zlloît aI- tended thc openin.g ofthle new two-roomed school aI Lock- hart's, Wednesday evening. Tic Kendal friends et Jack Cornisit wcmc sorry to leamu he itas been i Port Hope hoefital. Wc hope h. wil soon be well again. We werc aise serny Vtal AI- vin Souc had anciher allack and was home 1aI wcck wait- ing admittance for examminalion in Toronto. Those who were hite front lte Gencrai Mons have ne-i ceived temr cal back te werk titis wcek, a littie earier titan had been cxpected. Mr. and I-s. E. Younprnan and farnily et Bcthany visilcd Mr. and Mns. Bob Youngrnan Sunday. Syinpatihy la extendcd thc Young4nau faniily on lte accidentai deatit cf Bob's limUe niece aI Calgary lest week. Mr'. and Mis. Ariel Langstaft and faxily and Mnr.anid MTs. Carl Langstaft and fansily wce guests Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal. Mm.anid Mrs. K. Neal, Orono, vluited Doreen mand Jack Wcdnesds.y evening. Mrs. Gordon Langstaff re- turned home Monday attenoon after spending a few day. in Memorial Hospital. Mr. andi Ms. George Mac- 89 52 42 67 72 39 87 68 49 87, 81 80 94 il 967 98 65 48 78 79 54 74 74 55 64 75 se 65 30 918 89 61 42 82 66 49 86 90 35 48 56 42 53 36 855 es 47 35 43 61 32 58 44 24 49 84 as 73 29 677 1 lm 49 43 36 27 40 22 66 41 35 44 50 si 52 29 387 28 17 il 30 20 18 26 33 25 18 16 22 15 18 297 Donald anid family returned honme front. Omrnee Sunday as George goes into thc moon agint on Wcdnesday. Rey. R. C. Whitechose as ils text on Sunday, "God sitowecl Uic excceding ricins cf Ris gmece on His kindness towamdm us tinougit Jesus Christ" and spoke on lte riches cf Christ- ma& Next Sunday la White Gift Service lit Sunday Scitool and churcit. Money donated thireugit tie speciai envelopes go te came for te needy ohildien cf lte womld. Ttc choir sang that ta. veuille carol "Sulent Night"'. A W.A. bazaar and tea were held un lte Sunday Scitool Tri- day .venlng witlt a good ver- lcty cf articles dlsplayed on lte tables. Close te $80 was resus-. cd. Thc W.A. meeting wu@ hcid Wcdnesday evening, Dec. 2 at thc home ot Mrs. Hatcher Fos- ter with Mrs. G. Calicart pi- siding. Mrs. Calicart gave a talk on Christ's comîing and aise te work ef th. Bible Society. Mrs. Stokei-, 3&s. Elliott and ltrs. Low weme narncd as nom- inating committee te bring ia siate of officers for te Januay mteeting. Donations wcre veted: $14.00 te Bible Society; $25.00 et Womcn's Missionamy Society and $40.00 te Mlinary and Maintenance. Turtiter plans wcre made for lie Bazaam. Tic Bible reading was given by Mrs. lFoster and lte Christ- mas Devotionai, ttc Birthday cake, by Mrs. J. Stapîcton. Miss C. W. Stewart read -a Citristmnas message front tour boys, an Anterican, an Eskimo, a Citinese and a Negro. Mn. Cathcarl rcad an account cf our new minuster of Extemnal Affaira, Howard Gi-cen, who is descended front U.E.L. ancestors and is an ac- tive womkcri our United Churcit. Mrs. H. Toster expmessed Mnrs. White's Ihanks for lte iovely POtted Plant. Mrs. H. Tester, MrS. MarinuPester and Mrs. Stapieton semved a tasty lunch. A itearty vote cf thianka was extended te Mrs. Poster. Te the EletOru et ofBWMauVMl May 1 extend my Ihanks le ail who east titeir vole lu my tavor, sud supported me in any way aI 1h. poils on Monday. 1 hope that duriug my two-year tern ias Councillor you wlU flot be disappointed and ltat 1 wifl prove worthy et your confidence. At 1hl. ime I wish you ail a Xmea'yClai"lm and a Happy New Y..,. Wesley Fice 24 61 65 273 273 105 67 52 753 NE WTON ILLE Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams and Mr. and Mr%. Jerry Adams ot Toronto, Miss Carol Reicitratit of Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Greenfield of Bowman- ville were with Mrs. Andrew Reid'îrath on Sundiay for her 8Mthblntiday celebiaiton. On Sundiay, Nov, 29th, the. younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Oudshoorn.was citristened William by te pastor 1ev. R. C. White. T&. George Pethlck cd Tor- onto caled on his munt Mr@. Gilmer-Siil on Sunday. Mr&. Patterson of Oro=b spent a few days wlth Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mr. Wesley Elliotit la a pat- îent inh a Toronto hospitai where h. und«went aurgery. Mr. andi Mrs. Arnold Wade attended the. Watts - Branning wcdding held et St. Johtn's An- glican Church, Port Hopm, o Saturday. Mr.and ai r. Wiflis Farrow were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ROY Burley of Osh- awa. We notice by thie papera liaI Mr. Jas. Payne of Toronto pas- sed away on Tuesday, aged 92, ycars. The Payne tamily were origin.lly Newtonville people. Mr. anid Mrs. Clarence Hay- wood cf Orfllia were recent visitors with ici' parents 11ev. and Mrs. R. C. W.Ixte. Mrs. Fred Hibbard and Mrs. Bruce Lune of TSSoto spent Sunclay witih Mr. and Mis. Wm. Stapleton. Miss Linda Mcflonald who was iMémorial Hospital, BOwYnanwille, for an appendux OPeratiooi returned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clelond Laite were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mmp J. C. Moore of Hamil- ton. COngltulations to Mr%. An- drew Rechrath whc was Be on Mondasr, Dec. 7h. A great manyr froin here at- tcndIed te limerai service for Mrs. Lanson Millson held in te United Ohurdit, Newcatle, on Wechiesday. The flowers in oui- ehUroiton Suiiday morning were in loving mcniory of Mrs. Miion, lte g9Mtof lte famaly. Mr&. and Mrs. Ci=a. Moaose of LindnY enroule to lor id a wcre d1nner guests witit hlm sis- ter Mr«. G. W. Joncs on Tues- dey. The card parties held by the WomenPs Institute oad Cen- munity Hall co'mnitte. are be- ing discoiitinued until early ini Jasiuary. HAMPTON mr. anid Mrs. Geo. Davey, Port Perry, wcre recenut visit- ors wit the Sellera. Mr. and, Mmr. E. V. Ho anid Mrs. M. ME Leesk, Bowynan- ville, viffitcd witlt Mr. andi Mrs. Samt Dewell. Mr. andi Mme. Ernie Adiameo were supper guests cf Mn.anid Mns. Sain Keane, Ositwa, on Tuesday evening ef lest week. Mn. andi Mrs. A. Tcxmanit, Leskard, were caliera on Mn. andi Mrs. Roland Shackleton on Friday. Mir.. Jack Bice wblestded te Oddfeliow's Banquet in Bow- manville lat week. Miss Louise Goodmnan accent- panias her sitlomanid brother- fi;-i Zte Toi-ente lest wcek witerc she wil spend 1h.e win- ter morAtls. Mr.anid Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bowmanvillc; Mm. and Mrs. Ohma. Wood, Oronie; Mr.anid Mrs. Roy Melcaif, Mr. Ross Metcaîf, Mapie Grave; Mm. and Mrs. Wcs Hoskin, iirmoy; Mr. and M"i-. FrankUli Truli, Mrs. C. Daw, Tomante, muid Mns. Jean Cooke, Osiawa, were gucats cf Mr. and Mme@. Lorenzo Trull on Sunday, Nov. 29tih, and attcnded the Dedtication ser- vice. Lest week's peper didin't amy whose guests tlhcy were- (Sonmy fo emissuaion). The ladies efthfe Aduit Bi- bie Class are conducting a canvasu fils wcek forrtlic Up- Pe Cffned Bible Socciety which la a vcry wor*ly cause. Sorty to know Mn. Clifford Coulter la again a patient in. Sunnybrook HEepital, Toronto. MIU friends trust h. may mma be impmoved andi .1>1. la e- lurn honte. Sunday Church Services werc. quite wcll atlended atthIe utomnlng wersitip service oui- ptcrpresmutesi a very mwrea- aive and tUmely message on the "Oiunceh" wWici la designesi forworMPpoie and feilow- aih n~d sed bis remnarks on tic theme- "Neyer enter Godas house carelessly". Mny il>- spiring thoughtls werc stresaed which are womth pondering ever. Lellers frein 1ev. G. Em- Per' et Lenut a f ormerpator Election Resuits in Detail The Deceniber meeting of Enniskillen Local No. 78 ot On- tarie Farmers' Union was heid aI Tyrone Hall with 23 meinbersi present. Resolutions dealing witit aniendnicnts te lte Constitu- tion were dealt with and car- ricd. A resolution askirig for Uie establisirnent cf a Fair oad Rev. Frank Crydermn of e Toronto cxpressing regret at not being present at thie Dedi- cation service cf Uic new Re- ligious Edcuation Building and extending Greetings, were read by Mr. Reed, and ters wifl be read later. WorahiLp service will b. ieid as usual at 9.45 a.m. uiext Sunday and thc CGIT will heMd their anuelia Vesper and, CaRxle-lightbng service in thc evcnimg aI 7 oclock, te wich ail axe iawtcd to et- ten& HamnptionHosie anid Schooi Aàsociation met at thet new school, Wed., Nov. 11 with 33 present.. lTe President, Mrs. Coutts was prescrit and Uie meeting opcned by singing «God Save thte Queen" followed by a Re- membrance Day Prayer by Mns. Farrow. Thc minutes ot te previeus meeting were read and appiroved by the Secretary, Mm. Clarence Yeo. Mrs. Kin- ens, Treasurer gave a report ltat there was $94.15 on biand. The pupils of the two schools oellected $6849 for UNICEF. Mrs. Kiems instailed two of- ficers on tite Executive: Mrs. Keth, Smithas lsI Vice-Presi- dent replaclng Mrs. Fred Pay- rne, Mrs. Jack MacNleil as Ment- bcrship Convenor replac i n g Mis. Jack Lyon. lTe President announced ltat the. Home and Scitool Confer- ence was being held at Durn- bartion, Sat., Nov. 21 from 9:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Th. registra- tien tee was $ 1.00 per Assoc- iation. The. tieme et tte Con- ference being- "Our Respon- sibility te Youtl". Il was meved by Mrs. Fred Holroyd Jr. and seconded by Mrs. Keilt Smith titat we have a travelling basket again this year to hclp rais. money for a duplicaiting machine for lte schools. A report was given froin Home "and Scitool Counecil wiich was iteld in Oshawa and wasa ttended by- Mrs. CoulIs, Mrs. MacNeil and Mrs. McReel- is. These meetings are hl.d thte last Tucsday of cacit montAi and everycrie io welcome. Mirs. Hali's rom won thi. at- tendance prize wituh 17 parents present. Thc teacters kindiy conscnted to, b. in charge et the Decenter meeting ofthlie Home' and! Scitool Association whuici wiIlb. held Wcd., Dec. P. lTe prograrn was in chargel of Mr. Jack Ricc, 2nd Vice-1 Prenident and ealled on Bert' Paynie for a piano solo, wiict w»s mudi enjoyed. Mr. RIce then introduccd Mn. Lucas, assistant Principal ot Bowmanvifle Higit Sohool, Mn. Lucas' topie was on education, 'T'un, with Numbers", titis was very interesting and eodcd! with a humorous pocin. Mr. Lucas was thanked by1 Mr.. Harold Bolmen. A social hait hour fellowed witi lunch beingt served liy Mis. Grald Bason amd bhrm oefmteL I as o Qi IflfKs Bowmanville I would like te hhank those .wito piaccd their confidence la 1me as a meraber f 1960-61 Bow- manville Cncil I promisue te do m utrosl te b. werthy cf liaI confidence, and te promet.e ny masures wich wlll be for the betterrient et thc citizens cf Bowmanville. Wlshing ail a tHappy and Prosperous New Year. Ross Stevens. ticon .arcj Darlington To lte Electors et Darlington Townsip: I would like te ex- prea my sincere apprecialln tb li& epec thc Township of, DrlIngon who suprtdm la the eleclion te ltepoffief Reeve. I would like te cengrat- ulate ail thc candidates for their fine showlng. To ail tUc p opie of tbis. Township 1I8wlshlie vcry beut and I will devole my en.rgy and ability ln serving your interetititis Township. Wlatlng you ail a Merny Christ- mas and prosperity in Uic New Year. Gai-net B. Rickard. To thce lectors of Darlinglon Township, I wlsh to sincereiy tiank evcryene wito supported me aIt tc polils on Monday, aise tiose who worked on my behalf. Wlshing you ail a Merry Christ- mas and a htappy and a more Prosperous New Year. Sidney Cornisit. 50-1 At this time I sincercly titank ail who voted for me and sup- ported me as a candidate for Southt Darlinglon Area Scitool Board. I congratulate those elccted te this very important governing body. To ail, a Merry Chtristmas and a Happy New Ycar. Robert Craig I would like to thiank al those who votcd for me and ex- tend lte Season's Greetings te ail. Bert Snowden. 50-1'* Clarke To te electors et Clarke TownshiP : I thank yeu for thc support cxtended tb me i dlc- ing me as Deputy-Reeve for lte coming ycar and wisit you Uic Compliments oethlie Seasen. Russel Savery. *50-10 To te Electors et Clark. : I take titis opportunity te express my appreciation fer tic support on my boitait in Uic recent Township et Clark. electien. May I wisit you anid yours a very Merry Citrismas and a Prosperous 1960. John W. Stone, 50-10 150-11 My sincere thanks tb ail who voted for me and helped my election to Bowmanville Town Council for thc coming two-year teri. My hope is that 1 wil measure up te Uic confidence you have shown in me. On be- haif of my tamnily and myseif I wish one and ail a Merry Chtristmas and a Happy New Year. Glenhoinie .Hughes. * 0** 1 would like to thank ail the people of Bowmanviile who vot- cd for me, or supported me in any way, In my re-election te Town Couneil. During lte next two-year tern I will endeavour to work in the interests of al taxpayers and for the progress of our town. Wishing one and ail Season's Greetings. Keith Lathangue. I sincerely Uiank ail who vot- cd for me, or supported me in any way, at the polils on Mon- day. I may say I.was disap- pointed at the small turnout on ts very important occasion. I conigratulate those elected, and take my defeat as a good sport, willing to try again if s0 nominated. Wlshing al thc beat in Uic coming new year. Owen Fagan. At tiîtim re 1 express sincere thanks to ail my friends in Bow- manville who voted for me, or supported me in any way In Monday's elections. 1 wish one and ail a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mrs. AnnieOe CANADAIMMtC*AA Prices Marketing Act was sent ta head office. IMrs. L. J. Wood read an ar- ticle dealing withhlie Milk Trucking Co-op at Brantford' and te problenis encountered wiih brougl forth smre dia-1 cussiori. Ttc President, Mr. Otto Bragg, gave a report on te Rural Life Conference on «New Prospects for lte Rural Cituroli" heid et Five Oaks Christian Workcra' Centre at Paris. Titis conterence was mnade up of ap- preximately 90 leaders in Rural Ohurcites .and- Farin Organiza- tiens. hEr. Bragg rcpresented a Farm. Orgastization. Thte thent. speaker for lte conference was Professer W. B. Baker, Direc-1 tom, Centre for Community SIu-' dies University cf Saskatche- wan at Saskatocn. Mr. Bragg said a negative change la laking place in our cemmrunities. The' individual must -stand up -inthei.-commun- ity, b. more efficient, more na- tional, more crealive. Ttc stresses and strains mtust b. car- ried by severai ater titan onc. If several in ecofe a number et communities wcrc found le te sitaring thc load, those cern- ing togelier a few limtes a yer, would produce worttwihie ne- sults. Ttc changes we desine are in our own handa te bring about. Externalterces are penetra- ting our local conditions. We face thc pmeblcm of Ideals and actions trying to separate lte people of rural enviroient front tradition. Titere is ne question as to witetiter we arc going te plan oui- future, we plan Il or il wlll be planned for us. Can the pres- cnt standard ef education In lte Aduit Caxiadian lead in lte field et education? The. scientislt as devcioped power whict oould b. used te destmcy al bunian- ity. The socialogist, paid from public tunds, can give public leadershtip un tite use of sucit power developmcnt for humait benefit. Mr. Lcw Wood expmes9sed thanks te Mn. Bragg for is re- port. Next meeting to be January 5ti t aITyr>ne'Hall. Ladies served« lunch and a siocial tinte enjoyed. Cartwrlght LOcal Thne Cartwright Local Ne. 73 of the. Ontario Tarmers' Union held lic -December meeting on Wcdnesday, Dc.. 2, i Black- 1I * i e IThc officiai opening of New- tonville Public Scitool took place Wednesday evcning, Nov. 25, 1959, with Mr. H. Wade, Chairman of Clarke Township Sciioci Area Board ini thc chair for the progratuxe. He first introduced Uic other members of the Board present and the. Sccrctary -Treasurer Mrs. Frank Gilnter. Messrs . Z F. R. Osborne, R. Ellicît and L. Gre.nwood brcught brief nies- sages. Mr. H. H. Dean was net prescrit. Messrs. E. Dent and John Stone rcpresentcd Clarke Town- ship Council. B. Walkcy, Dep- uty.Ree ve, carne later, having allcndcd the Warden's Banquet un Cobourg. Mr. Geo. b. N. Tonk spoke. cf his share ini thc new building, as its designer. Mr. B. Sid spoke of his part as the. con- tracter and presented the. Board with a date stone, which was very mucit appreciatcd. Il sitould be mentioned that Uic clectrician, Mr. Truman Hend- erson, is ancetofoui- Newtonville residents, and was present to share thte pride in te accomp- lishment, aise as a parent. Inspector. T. R. McEwcn of Bowmanville brought a message of congratulations. In.specter W. H. Carlton et Cobourg spoke ofthei many former tics with Uic scitools and people et Clarke Township durlng itis many years as inspecter itere. Inspecter C. A. Holmes minro- duced the guest speaker, Mr.. C. L. Duffin, Assistant Superin- tendent ot Elementary Educa- tien whe proved to be an eut- standing speaker. He was able te satisty lte mature mnd and at te same time hold the. interest efthlie chiidrcn witich is an acid test for any public speaker. lie dealt with thc changes i educa- tien from Uic days when 70 per cent etf the pupilâ werc enrolied ini rural scitools, to, the present time when enly 8 per cent arc in rural schools. Thanks . &* To the Ratepayers of DarlIngtont I wish le express my sincere Ihank ansd appreciation for youm help and support which made my re-eleclion te, Council possible. I will' work 10 lite best of my ability Ici warrant titis conf icenoe during lte comlng year. At tbis lime may 1 wlsh one and ail A Merry Christmas aud a Happy New Yet. Fred Smith il 1 I #oent.L HenmymNokes of eterr- ou0 General Representative for he Canadian Labor Con- gress, was the. speaker. Leslie Taylor, Presldent of the. Local, called the rmeeting to order. Ray Bradburn nioved that the nlght of our raeetins b. changed from. the tirut Wed- neud-ay of every month to thc firut Tueeday. All ln lavor. it waa movcd by Balfour Moore that we hold a card pavty to raise fund8 to carry on. Second- ed by Mrs. Prosser. AUilà f- vour. The question of raising thie fees from $6.00 to $8.00 per year was Introduiced as per requeat from, headquarters. Ail were ini favour of the fee of $6.00 to continue. Mrs. Beacock asked to notify Head Office of the de- cialon. Donald Thompson moved tha-t we have a Dance 2nd Tues. in January, seconded by Bert Gibson. All in favor. Mcv- ed by Winnle Malcolm and se- conded by Donald Ihampson that Bert Gibson, Evelyn Pros- ser and Les Taylor b. a coin- rnittee to look atter details. The speaker was introduced and commenced is addres by stating that an Increasing ln- terest by many ln the Tarnera' Union was noticed. He spoke of the constant iowering of farm profits over te puit years and. compared these with the con- stant tise in industrial profits. He stated that Tndustry was greatIv concerned about this situation as a depreciatioxt in tarin profits mieant that ter. wouid b. a shortage of demand for Industrial products. He sta- ted that Loblaw Groceterias Co. Ltd, realized a profit of 358 per- cent after taxes and Massey Harris Ce. Ltd, 254 percent, The Industrial Acceptance Ce., 228 percent atter taxes. He told about the Hardie Farina whlch comprise 20 to 30,000 acres, wiiich he held as onte example cf Vertical Integratlon-a sit- uation which no amail Uine tarmer cari ccmpete with. He.tbld .how the motor car factories in Canada maniage to hold prices thie way they do. He seid that the total cost to the factory for a new car plus pro- fit was about $750 and drew attention to, prices being asked on the m'arket. He said that 20 people controlled ,the Econemic Destiny of Canada. H. spoke of te big job being donc by Gordon Hili and other officiais of the Ontario Tarin- ers' Union and asked us to lend our tull support. He thought the Union tees should be up to $8.00. He~ stated, that the titne for te smail farmer to be able te continue niight be short. The way big business is moving ln on the tariindustry Wc rnight ali be in te sitare cropper stage in tive years. A vote of thanks ftrinth. 'President for Mr. Nokes' spec and a question period tollowed. Mr. Percy Rowe of Viewlake added a few timely remarks. Lunch was served by lte ladies.i New School Opened at Newtonville Ther. la not nuch lofIt. say except thanlus te the many' fiends of Darlingtcn Township whei voted fer me and worked in my behaif on election day. EarI Truil Th ank You ... Te the Eleetoru of Darlinglon T.wahlp. 1 wish te take this ôpportunity cf thanking you for youn confidence in electing me to Darling- ton Township CounciL I hope I can measure up te titis confidence you have plaed ini me. On behaif of my family and myseif we wish you the very best for the coming Christmas and New Year Season. C.Muir * s To th. Eleclors of DarlIngloas Townshipe 1 would l1k. te thank al l thoe who, vole'd for me inithe Township Elections on Monday, and especially those wio supporled me in, any way to b. elected as Deputy-Reeve. I wilil ny Ite do ail I can for the Township cf Darlington and ais your represenlative ai Counties Council. 1 would like te take Ihis opportunity' to wish you ail a Merry Citristimes and a Happy New Year. A.L Blanchard &incere i(ppreciation 1 would l1k. to express my sincerê' apprecltim ite ail thon citizmns cf Darling- t«s whe worked »e bard and thone who voted for me durlng th. recent election. Someh.w, It jusl didu't snm te b. «rt dar aI the polIs. S.esom's reotiga te Everyone Roy W. Nichols. Mr. -Duffin snid thaïth . ur.. pobe oth*eE1ementerSchooI in the cuti responuibWltyr of homne and Church. Ils purpose la to çietothe child a general educato et which religion Ioaa prt. The achocl'salam la te hep he chlld to gel knowledge, to Iorn& ood healli habita, to bulld m(. otundation for his vocation In lie, te help hum le appreciale beauty !as in art. Music, etc., and laally, to teach CO-o'Peration. Prayer ef Dedication wua giv- en by eRv. IL C. White. Two musical seiections wr 9 ve bythepupia wth Mms. . WetheuerMuale Super- viser, aI the piano. The remaiden cf tie cvenlng was spent inapectlng the sciteci and enjeylng a social ie wlth the Icachema, Mn.. R.si Mllion Many Thanks Farm Union NewsI Harold Siricere Thanks TJRU MAT. - DUC Tim C"ADL43q STATESUM, CMTAM PAOI urrilm and Mise Donna Porter and friends. We notlccd Mr. Howard Quantril, Chairman ef lb. B6pe Township Scitool Area Board; Mrs. T. Bowe4,, former Secre. tary-Treasurer et Clarke. cSol Board, Mns. C. A. Hoinies and Mrs. W. IL Carlton; Mrs. P. Elliott, wlte cf member of the School Board and a leacher at Crooked Crçek; Mm. Geo. Mor- ton, Mr. Clinten Farrowv, a fermer member et thc Scitool Board was aise present a4 an interested parent. A bountiful lunch was provlded. by the W-A. Te try toc hard te mu&kepe-« ple good la onte way te ipake' them worse. Tic oitly wsy te niake them good la te b. <ced rementbemlng well thc beam aný the. mole, - George Macdonald. 0 a 0