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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1959, p. 18

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PAGE EIGHTEEN Intensor I'ews TM CANAD!AM STATUmAN. Dow ONL"~ARO- o4f New. THUP.SDAY. DEC. IOth, IDUi Leunder, Hcumdwcuw-e Hon. Geo. Wardrope Here Prison Reform Methods Explaîned by Min ister At Men's Canadian Club Thec training. ticatinent and ville Mie-'s Canadian) Clubi zehabilitation. of prisoners werc the ,spacious Suniday Schc explained last Wednesday by room of St. Paul's Unite the Hon. George Wardrope, Church. ininister of Reform Institutions President Neil Porter wel of Ontario. He spoke at the din- comed the members and thei nier meeting of the Bewman- guests. He expressed pleasur SPECIALS. forChristmas BABY XII Nylon BOY'S DR Inehtdes: Wh and Socks to BANLON TWIN SVw PULLO VER CARDIGAN John 15 King Stret MONO $2.98 Terr'vleu - U [ESS-UP SET hite Shirt, Bow Tic$.9 imatch- VEATER SETS Sizes 4 to 14 3.95 up ------------------ ------ --4 .9 5 u p & Judy Shoppe et East o mjiil iii ai PAir. Wat-drope',Y acceptance coI of the invitation to be the spe- ,d ciai. speaker and, gave a parti- cular welcome to another hon- e oured guest, Alex Carruthers, ci M.P.P. for Durham. ire A brief business session fol- -lowed. during which Mr. Por- ter spoke of the successfui 'achievements of the Canadian ~Club of West Durham. 1llntrodtcing Mr. Wardrope, ~Alex Carruthers lave a resume th cf 1w speaker's <areer. lje a11,10 xprcssed bis thanks for 01V Clt&b's invitation,' o share flwiîr hospitality. ln tbankine the Club for iiiýý warm welcome, Mr. Wardrope made mention of "flic meal pat excellence serv(,d by the Even- ing W.A. and also stated that lie attends SI. PauI'.- United Church ini hi.s hone town ef Port Arthur. The' kinclness cf the townspeople toward the Ontario Training School for Boys here was noted b.y the speaker and also the fact that B>wmanville bas always beeni of assistance tb bis- department. Two Divisions Mr. Wardrope explained that 'his departmnent, although deal- ing with delinciuency in general, bas a fairly definite div ision in its institutions; the younger de- linquent being looked after by a different set of regulations fihan those applied to the aduit offender. "W'e believe in modern and hIumanitarian -methods," he said. ORDER CHRISTMAS FOWL NOW FOR BEST SELECT ION! TURKEYS - GEESE CAPONS - DUCKS See Our Weekly Red & White Advortisemenls for Bargains DROP INTO OUR STORE AND SEE SPECIAL WEEKLY FEATURES ON DISPLAY GREAT SAVINGS TO YOU. NOTICE As of Dec. 1sf, 1959, our business will be stricily cash . a . No credit I)ELIVERY WILL BE MADE AT SMALL CHARGE. At this tijue 'e wish to take the opportunity of thanking our inauy customers and friends for their patronage since taking over this businems ist 3ear. We hope we tan eontinu. to serve you. TATE'fMÉATS and T A E SGROCERI ES U5 King Sf. E. MA 3-3367 "We find ih ore efficient and- v'ccnoîicà*, better for staff and for irates to use the minimumn seerurit.y. precautions, subject. te widc 'variations. At lNhlllbrook .we have -maximum securi.ty te control -ail types cf.bad secur- if riisks.rIri 'other places the seC-Urity 'acter is reduiced in vàrying degrees euhinlnating in '11w Bi aniptonr Training Centîe, wbece h~lis~ the absolute min- jii Oàr record 'shows less àlii ne successful escape per Rehabilitatioîî Measurer, * Rehiabi]itatVcon measures were s tres'sêd16",, .Mr, Wàrdrope. Hel stated th-at corporal punisbmert -the use cf the strap-hasbeeýËn aboiished.. The story of the On- tario ' Reform. Institutions .was one cf progress.- "We do ,net propose. te stand stili. Our aimi is 4tp improve our institutions and' tileir. programrs as a wea- pon. against the continuation of' cr'iminal hai)itsi" the jminister declared,-ý Hçor. the training pro- gýrn m Wh'reblum ntates Jearp a irade and receive academide edu- tcatý9on as.well.: habits of work aVîe. Tneukaakd which prove an asse.t; in, 'hQ Weig the .,priso'ners to~ iecou~'~pn ieniembers, etf society ,wlhen released, he Colntrib'uWe To Society *¶'Ip.4'!a fs aprepiated ,oppt>V- iis m àke contribiâtions te sÔC1Cft, ý4c{ they give gen- eious 'blQd. . -dqnations te 'the B.ed- Çrosý," Mr7.. WarçIrope sta- tee . flè -aiso told >'of the 'help givexlp iàmtes .W'ith their spécial problemfs 1by specialists, such as psychol'ogists, 'social workers, chapla'inri*s,: 'teachers and r1ehab- iitation ofçes In teling.of-the departimenîs .Work, witlb juvenile offenders, *N~. .ax~rQp. paisd bteach- ie,viiiiio2p ts ofthie Ontario Train- ig ,Sch9qoj.. Wonderfu1. worok is açcoxn,iih'ed, _changing yeung- sJe1 s x ',"hostile -anti-social crars o ,aéceret law abid'îng, in strjit& iignbejs of s9ciety. [ " peéîal Problems -ÎL, Sp6ke o91 the speciai prob- lerns.encouxitéred ithis.,work un 1d spid. it'was most important b1 teauli bQ,s self-respect. and Vo buiild up a sense cf adequacy.- I-e .slii' the depariment Iegallyv .N~ .gLStQç'v.ç1 te*oysutil tlparc 18 years cld, the vèr- f dg',jh~tof tayin'an Onitario Ti ainingYc"huo1 lor Boys î?':ap- proxî,inlate ly 1 9_rnonths. TIC uutined thle tout*' 1point ;Ecl nivccation1l J~çig éjsan1ectiona1tt ~fl ~ut~e1ining Schools for ~cs~,ae r. W ardrope .said e ad lad'spfdress' is regularly ~'eVewed Weh it is considered yvietl'e by-is placed under the care et a4cement Officer who Will bç jm a job, a home ài hbe is.4pot r'eturning te his par- ents, a d belb him firougli the transition tb' normai Jife. in!nioviftg a 'vote of thanks So .the sp ker Charles Osborne fsaidAti ha , ben most interest- In.g .Ie. learn the details cf the g reat wprk bèýin.g done ta re- habil4tate ,thç~ inmiates of cor- tecibnz1 1nýtitutions. President N.eU' %Qer.'~cded his persona t1an1,î,t r.cM. Wardrope. MINVEI-S STATION Thehfvers Town;.ýhip elec- 1fpr is pyer.,fpanihe year an whàt à- day. Heavy wet sncw felu ail dey, then the wmnd 'ilse 'esairg 'some drifting. 'he sioW and,. -ud madle the - driv- iig - %zai'doiis, but anything 'wake tm 'ia4n Is woa'th fighiing tM*r ed' 'e inners are as fol- 'be Reeré; Robert Brown; iCouiiëdliô';ÊJ Mm Payne, Alex 1 Mtéb£aster aff& Fèntoei Faits. 'iA trtlec, accident. claimed the life it iittle.Laurie 4= nYou- i agfianý in. ber 51h yeàr, daugh- 4er et t.and Mrs. .GiirR Youni1Calga.ry. bMi. Ed' Y9ungm anpd Fred Young- kq M -e. lmi~e from Malton on ?ue~iaY Ïiight te èttiend the tun y. myifTthy is extended toa tlIE YQIU1VNa1fl. zmr am àtm -David P«sta, North a By, a re visitmig wilh hà Mrs. Ch-arlef; Porter and Do, Th Safesman Solu aid. 1 .11wn~S rs Mr. and Mus. John rMujir, Or- 1A olwn trs angeville. woré weekend Reclslg. EdInund's Store, Bethany with 'Mr. anfdMrs. Alfred .Johti- Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle ston. ' T. Enwright, Newcastle aààIMj.. C Ruprt,13-ll-Brown. Newtonville Ma' ani Iirs C Rueit Baî-Porter's Gcri. Store, Newtonville eroft, were visitors witl \ C. Pethick, Enniskillen nid Mrm. Wilrnot Hornerl T. M. Siern, Enniskillen week.' P. L. Byam, Tyrone ii. alçd Mî'r. WiImQt Humier' G. A. Barren, Hampton attended a reception on Sundicav Trull's Store, Courtice aftermoon at the hiome of IVIr. A. E. Ribcy, Burketon and Mrs. Wn. MeCabc, ît Blyth's Geri. Store, Blackstock for .tei' aughterU, Marjg-arvt. Keith Bradley, Pontypool Lillien Mcdabe, wliu WI 'I ' C. B. TyrretI, Orono ried reeently, te Mjr i'.-thur H.ý Wm. Turansky, Kendal Nestltoù. euderson's Bock Store, Oshawa Jand cfHouse That Jack Buit Mrs.,Ernest Cavanu expects R.R. 4, Oshawa te leave, this week te jein lier*f0* husban'd ai their winter hiomz- - Bowiiiativille - in Flo'rid'a. Erniest, went dowii Rickabyls Lt.d. - "Big 20" two weeks ago te contact pro- W. .J.Berry spective buyers for Xmas reen. Jack's Smoke Shop He was quite successful as sev, Pearson's Snîoke Shcp eral trucks were loaded at Vis ' Goheen's Hîandy Store Xm'as tree tarmn and arc 01),' Jujry & Loveli 'thçcir way down. S.mi.eC of mir >kc's Snîokc Shol> friencls'vho are spending Xmas, The Flying Dutehmnai in the,..i4nuy south îtnay hiave Wesscls Store a M"yiers tQec à- in-mas. The Statesnian Office VO 1W Make sure your family and homei are set to greet Santa in style.- Cali us 110W for the finest prof essional dry cleaning. Cliffcrest iCleaners 71 KING ST. E. 80 WMAN VILLE PHONE MA 3-7061 for PICK-UP AND DELIVERY. 1,ORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. - """A e e. TERI ar!gains again this Christmas!" CHRSTASSTORE HOURS for- your shopping Bowmanville Stores wil ~feday, ec.iIh îhrou' Sa ncd close ai 6 p.i BOWMA Most 1be open until 9 p.m. igh Wednesday, Dec. m. on Christmas Eve. Sp,' Retail Merchants Section ýNVILLE CHAMBER 0F COMMERcEl "It ys Bowmanv.IIe fg BIGGER -and B-ET7 conven tence, mý É h-ýl r 7à-q LIN 7r7ý

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