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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1959, p. 1

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Sa nta Claus Heacis the Polis Rickard Sweeps Darlington In Darlington Township slightly under 60 per cent of the electorate braved the rain and snow storm to go to the polis on Monday for the election of the Township Council 'for the coming year. Garnet Rickard, the present Deputy-Reeve, who, had waged an exceedingly active cam- paign was. elected to the office of Reeve for the coming year with 1,510 votes. Roy W. Nichols, the incumbent Reeve, polled 854. The office of Deputy-Reeve was con- tested in Darlington on Monday by A. LU Blanchard and A. E. Thompson, a member of this year's council. Mr. Blanchard won with a vote of 1,566, and Mr. Thompson polled 543 votes. The three Councillors elected were Harold Muir, 1,437; Sidney Cornish, 1,045, and Fred G. Smith, 940. The vote receiv- ed by the other candidates, who stood for election to the three positions of Councillor were: Robert Tremble, 870; Earl Truil, 753, and Elmer Pollard, 592. The vote for the four members of the Darlington Public School Board was Bert Snowden, 926; Robert Cook, 836; Sidney Worden, 791; Mrs. Anna Boyce, 610; Robert Craig, 589, and Harry Oyler, 440. This Santa is probably the only one of bis kind i the world. He took time off from making toys to run in the Darlington Townsbip elections on Monday and headed the polis for the School Board. Bert Snowden, whose name Santa assumes for election purposes, bas been holding forth at Ken Nicks' store in Bowmanville and will be on duty from Monday to Tbursday next week, 2:30 to 5 p.m. By sheer coincidence. one of the bappy visitors at this store wben our pbotographer called was Jobn B. Lander, sitting on Santa's knee, wbose father Jack and uncle Glen Lander officially open their new bardware store on Friday. Many Receive Awards Spread Gospel of Tolerance Speak er Teils, Hoistein Club During Annual Banquet_ More than 185 people were vice-president of the club, and 9 present at the annual dinner i Mrs. Stevens, G. E. Nelson, Port of the Durham Holstein Club Perry, field man of East Cen- which was held in the Lions tral Ontario of the Holstein- Community Centre on Friday Friesian Association of Canada, evening. It was a most success- and Mrs. Nelson, A. C. Dal- fui and enjoyable event. i rymple, Bowrnanville Agricul- The president of the clubý, tural Representative, and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyri, Orono, wel- Dalrymple, A. J. Tamblyn, Or-. comed the guests. He express- ono,, Carlos Tamblyn, Orono,' ed the regret of ail members ofi secretary-treasurer of the club, the club that James T. Brown,[ and Mrs. Tamblyn. past president of the Hostein- Special guests were Clarence, Priesian As.ociation of Canada,1 Nelson, president cf the North-i and Mrs. Brdwn were unable' umberland County Holstein ta be present. Club, and Mrs. Nelson, William Those at the head table were Stone, Blackwater, president of the presîdent and Mrs. Ivison the Ontario County Hostein Tamblyn, Orono, Howard For- Club, and Mrs. Stone, Cecil der, Blackstock, the past presi- Colling and Ray McCarn, e dent, and Mrs. Forder, Mayor presentatives of Master Feeds. 1 Wilfrid Carruthers and' Mrs. FrowvIeiv Awards Carruthers. Bown-anville, Rev. I James T. Brown, Browview Richard Jones, Toronto, of the' Farm, Newcastle, received tne. Canadian Council for Christians Master Feeds Comnpany, and and Jews, Mr. Ro,-s Stevens, ist1 (Continued on page seven)j Owner of Two Cars Has Both Vehicles Smashed Jan Koese, R. R.3, Bowmar- owner of another car, a 1935 ville. and Francis McKenna, Monareh, which hrd been la an Muskoka Avenue, Oshawa, were accident about an hour carlier. involved in an automobile col-, He wvas not driving it at the lision on Sunday af ternoon at tirne. The driver wvas Lloyd 5.45 o'clock on No. 2 highway Martini, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. at Preston Road. Mr. Koese's He was westbound in the ramn 1955 Volkswagen and Mr. Mc- and when lie came around t10 Kenna's 1953 Metcor were con- curve on No. 2 Highway near sideraibîr damagcd. Cîit i the Bowmanvilie Detachment De Hoed, O.P.P., investigatediof the Ontario Provincial Police the accident. Heailquarters at 4.40 the car Mrs. Jan Koese suffered a went into a skid across the road large cut over an eye. She was smashing severai mail boxes, treated at Memorial Hospital,, and snapping a telephone pale Bownianville, and was then able in two la front of T. E. Tayior's ta return ta her home. ,,use. Mr. Martin was uninjur- Mr. McKenna was also the cd. Com rade Mufle Bates New Auxiliary Head Comnrade Mllie Bates was elected president of thc Bow- inianville Ladies Auxiiary ta the Canadian Legion for 1960 at the meeting of the auxiiiary held la the Legian Hall on Mon- day cvcning. Camrade Edythe Bundie, a past president, was zomination chairman. Other officers elected wcrc Comrade Audrey Bate, lst ~vce-president; Comrade Flor- ",=c Kifghtwho will also be "past presiden't, secrctary; and Comrade Ruby Palmer, treasur- e. Those elected ta the exec- utive were Comradc Ann Piper, Comrade Jean Firth, Comrade Beryl Hughes, Comrade Aud- rey Fletcher, Coinrace Ada Dadson and Conrade Rose 0v- cry. At the generai meeting prior ta Uic nominations Comrade Florence Knight, the president, was in the chair. One applica- tion for membership was ac- cepted, and Joan Harris, dau- ghtcr o! Comnrade Grace Knight and Comrade McKnight, a past presidept of Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion, wifl be lit- iated at thc ncxt meeting. The presidcn't, Comrade Kaiglit, announced that the Goodyear Office Christ a s Party will be held at the Le- gioei Hall on, Friday evening, December Ilth. Comrade Mimle <Continued on page seven) Ross Stevens In his first attempt te win a seat on Bowmanville Council, Ross Stevens on Monday head- ed the poils. Mr. Stevens was a former member of Darlington Council and has held offices in many organizations throughout the area. He is also proprietor of Glen Rae Dairy, Bowman- ville. For a Fire Free Christmas Fire Ohief Walter Haek- ney this week makes bis annual appeal for a Christ- mas without tires. He suggests that Christ- mas trees should flot be allowed to remain Inside the homes for more than 10 days, so they will not bc- come dried ont. During that time, some arrange- ment should bc made for keeping the tree moist. Aise, residents are ad- vised to tumu off their tres lights when they leave the house for any length etof tlme. Bowmanville's tiremen will be on the Job, ready t. anawer quickly when a blaze occurs. But, they would much rather people would take the neeessary precautions te prevent the tires and the destruction et property that quite fre- quently spoilia many a happy Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 105 26 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER. lth, 1959 10e Per Copy UBR5 SID LuTTtE DOES IT AGAI' WINS ELECI.ION FOR REEVE Sidney Litieè, a former mayor and an in and out occupant of otber positions on Bowmanville Council for the past 20 years, did it again on Monday. He defeated the sitting Reeve W. David Higgon to again enter council. In his up and down municipal career, he bas at various times wiped out at least three formidable opponients. Oni Monday, he received 930 votes to 773 for Mr. Higgon. Despite the inclement weath- In the election of Councillors er, rain n the morning and a Ross Stevens led the poli withi snow storm in the afternoon, 47 1,160 votes. Keith Lathangue per cent of the electors eligible came second with 1,078, O. J. to vote went to the polis on Presson, 994, was third; Glen- Monday to elect the Bowman- holme Hughes, 967, fourth; Wes- ville Town Council for 1960-61. ley Fice, 918, fifth, and Ken The total number of people Nîcks sixth with 855 votes. eligible to vote in a Bowman- The defeated candidates were ville Municipal Election was Mrs. Annie Oke, who polled 677 3,693, and of this number 1,702 votés, Ken Hooper with 587, and exercised their franchise. Owen Fagari, who received 297 .As Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers votes. had received an acclamation as 1960_61 will be the fifth term Mayor for the coming two-year as a Bowmanville Town Couacil- term, and Couacillor Ivan Hobbs lor for Keith Lathaague; the had received an acclamation for fourth for O. J. Presson and the Deputy-Reeve, there was no second for Ken Nicks. Ross contest for these offices. Stevens, who led the poli, was I ç&ls an,1d(P1e ces I 1919LP THE POST OFFICE - A new gimmick has been isued this year by the local post office to speed Up sorting during the Christmas rush. A sheet with labels (12 of them) saying LOCAL and OUT 0F TOWN mail bas been issued or may be obtained by customers. You attach the proper label to your pile of Christmnas cards, keeping the local and outside mail separated. Please use them. They do help the staff considerably to prccess your mail. t. 4 t -4 tf SWEEPERS IN ACTION - Recreational Director Doug Rigg who started a girls' broomball league this year bas been amnazed by a new demand. He has been receiving calîs from housewives and mothers who want him te start a broombaîl league for them. He is agreeable, se if you are interested in participat- ing, mothers, give him a caîl 3-3335, extension 6. Sounds like a good idea. The gals can keep in shape at home, but it may be a bit rough on the furniture. RIGHT IN THEIR BACK YARD - We are advised that the British Colwmbia Fruit Growers are raising blue murder. It seems that one of our enterprising growers in Durham shipped a couple of ca rloads of apples out there se they could see what real apples are like and the B.C. boys are panic-stricken. This could get to be a habit they don't like. For years they have upset the Ontario market by shipping their surplus here just at nmarket time. When the tables are reversed, they apparently aren't too happy te be taking some of their own medicine. FIRST IN BOWMANVILLE - We have been advised that one of our high school teachers is sporting some- tbing new in bbe way of automobiles. He bought one of the first Russian cars to be shipped te Canada recently. To date we haven't seen it, but can't belp wondering if it ruas on our gasoline or vodka. We also wonder if there is a special muffler and exhaust pipe so that instead of the usual exhaust noises, it gives out with "Nikita", "Kikita" and backf ires "Khrushchev".. CHRISTMAS GREETING EDITION - The States-. man'à annual Christmas Greeting edition will be pub-. lished on Thursday, Dec. 24th. If you as an individual or storekeeper would like a message inserted for your friends and customers, cali this office as soon as possible and it will be arranged for a small amount. This edition bas become a welcome feature which our readers welcome. We expect that this year it will be bigger and better. t t t t 1t ,FAST SERVICE - We couldn't believe our paper travelled se fast and neither could Walter Hately who insented a classified advertisement last week offering an electric train for sale. The paper was publîshed Thursday morning and early the saine evening, they received a call from Orillia enquiring about the train. They were so amazed they didn't ask how the chap found out about the advt. We can't figure it out either, the mails are fast but not that good. t t t i. t TRADING POST - We didn't realize until this week that a bit of Vienna had dropped in our midst. Leo Brueckner and bis wife Bronya started a Trading Post and Continental Coff ce Shop nonth of Orono on High- way 115 about three months ago. This weekend we intend to draop in and try some of their homemade pastrv and their own blends of coffee ail dished up i an authentlc Austrian atmaospheme el.ayor Wiiirid Carruthers a member of Darlington Tawn-w ship Couacil ia bath 1955 and 1956. Glenholme Hughes wil be a member of the Municipal Council for the first time. Wes- ley Fice was a member of the 1957 Bowmanville Town Cauncil. Milton Elllott and Rosa Strike received acclamations ta the Public Utilities Commission. They have batht served thé to*n in the capacity of- members of the P.U.C. for niany years. The follawing received accla- mations ta membership on the Bowmanville Public Schoal Board for the caming term: Nor- man O'Rourke, Robert Kent, Paul Chant, C.* Wilson, Rance Dilling, and Dr. Charles F. Cat- tran, who will be on the board for the first time. The others have been members of the Bow- manville Public Sehool Board previously. Norman O'Rourke served as chairman this year, his second term as chairman. Arthur Hooper, a well known Bawmanville jeweller, who is a member of the Public School Board this year, his sixth term, did not stand for re-election this year. Stores Open Until 9 p.m. Starting Friday Starting tomorrow night (Friday), most Bowman- ville merchants wlll be open until 9 p.m. every week night until Dec. 24th when they wilI close at 6 P.m. A few of the retailers beat the gun by opening ycsterday afternoon, but al will remain open Wednes- days ail day until the Dec. 24th deadline. Shoppers are Invlted to make free use of the muni- cipal parking lot at the rear of the Fire Hall. In aur report of the Lander Hardware store constructi o n and x'enovation job, we neglect- cd to mention thiat the painit- ing was done iby Harry Colla- cott and the wfring for the entire store, was exccuted by Ozzie, Williams. I iteeve hiLaneY liejO eDeputy-LeevO Ivan lHobbs Election Round Up In Outside Centres Cartwright Township and Newcastle returned their muni- c ialcuncils by acctLhmation, and elections for, council were held in Clarke, Hope, Manvers, Millbrook and Cavan. The nomination meeting for Port Hope Town Council was held on Saturday eveaing. Elected by acclamation in Cartwright were Reeve Bruce Ashton, Deputy-Reeve Albert Gibson, and Councillors Fred Trewin, Merrill Van Camp and Lawrence Malcolm. The Board of Education members also elected by acclamation were Wallace Marlow and Mrs. L. McArthur. Newcastle Acclamations In Newcastle acclamations were gve o Reeve Douglas J. Cunniga for his fourth term in the office and Fred J. Couch for his 1Oth consecutive term as a member of Newcastle Council. Frank Hoar, Murray Paterson and R. B. Rickard were also re-elected. to New- castle Council by acclamation. The three members of the Pub- lic School Board were aiso giv- en acclamations for a two-year term. They are John Rickard, George Walton and Irwin J. Mc- Cullough. Mlllbrook Results Millbrook had. the largest turnout of voters in years at the poili on Moaday. There are 550 an the Voters' List and 408 cast their votes. Laverne Gibson was elected Reeve with 217 votes la a contest with G. F. elarrington who pollcd 178. Ed Natress, standing for Coun- cillor, headed the poili with 346. Others elected as Councillors were: Robert Ridge, 305; Gor- don Trick, 272, and Vincent Crough, 228. John Tinney, who also tried for a seat on Mill- brook Municipal Council reçeiv- ed 145 votes. Acclamations were given to Reg. Hopkins, W. Agnew and Clifford Northey for the pos- itions of Millbrook School Trus- tees, and Howard Lancashire and Arthur Jeffery received accla- mations te the Public Utilities Commission. Iffooten 2 weps Cavan Ini Cavan Lloyd Hootea was elected Reeve for his seventh term in the office with 462 votes. is opponent Harold Bradburn received 304 votes. In the con- test for Deputy-Reeve Joseph Burns received 263, winning the position by two votes from Ray Stewart, who received 261 votes. Donald Cathcart, who also stood fbr Deputy-Reeve, had 230. Cavan Councillors were elect- ed by acclamation: Lorne Far- row, Joseph Thora and William (Continued on page twenty-five) Posimaster' s Home Robbecl Friday Night George Vice. Bowman- ville Postmaster, sustained a heavy loss on Friday evening when his hanse on Martin Road was 'broken, into and a number of val- uable articles stolen. The total loss including damage was more than $2.000. Mr. and Mrs. Vice had left their home in Bowman- ville about 7:30 o'elock te go to Oshawa. They return- ed at 9:15 and found their bouse had been ransacked. Entry had been gained by smashing a large plate glass picture window. Jewellery, a fur coat lady's iuggage, a man's suit and topeoas, a televisiait set and radio were amont the missing articles. Bow- manville Police are Investi- gating. Police Chiet Bernard B. Kitney requests townspeople to leave a light burning when they leave their bouse after dark. Chamber A gain Sponsors Yule Decorating Con tests The Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce is again sponsoring its annual contests to encourage merchants and home-owners to spread the spirit of Christmas by decorating their store windows and residences. As i past years, awards will be made for those homes whose exterior decorations dlsplay artistic merit, originality, and ingenuity and exemplify the spirit of Christmas. There will be three prizes of $25, $15 and $10. Where merciants are concerned, the President's Trophy will b. awarded for the best store window. Last year's winner was Goodbrand Fabrics. The conteit Ï2 restnicted to homes and str 's wltliiiithe. towWl boundaries. Judgin-ý w;'I "omnience on Monda,>, December l4th and comclude on Decembu 21st Deputy-Reeve A. L. Blunohard

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