LZUBJJFi., Di. l.- Utn, IwOUu -- PAGE NfZTM A C hristmas Story for "Tots"I The Littie Black Cent I It was the week before Christau, and the littie black cent had been lying i the bot- tom of the "tumniy» of a brown china thing whidi he had heard somiebody eall a pig, for montbis and months. He feit amost inmotbred as there were doz- ens of other little black cents like hkmaelf, ail piled on top of hlm. Once in a long whiie somneone Air, Rail or Steamhiz, T IC KE9TS8 TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King, St. W. MA 3-5778 Dowmanille - came along and took hoid of tUlis thing they calicd ai pig,l and sheok it, and then the poor1 littie cents were knocked against anc another until thcy wcrc sometimes scratched and battered. Oh! 1{ow the littie black cent semetirnes envied the siivery, shiny, quarters, who thaughti tbey were much more impor- tant, and haw he wished that hc -wene eut ef there. Out in the worid was cetaînly better than in here, even if he had beard ai big world-méan say one day, "lYou can't get much for a cent." The littie black cent knew better than thait. He i-e- mem-ibered being handed aven the counter in a store once, in exchange for a lov'ely red loil- a i NOTICE Uncertaiîity cf weatlîer and road conditions as the Christmas and New Year's Season approaches places a maximîum burden on oui delivcry systeni and service te customers at aur Stores. lI order te avoid serious congestion at the Stores and als» disappointment in our delivery service, w. respectfully request the assistance cf our gustomers. Yon ean help us te maintain our services by ordering or purchasing your require- ments as early as possible. Brewers'i Wareh-ousing Limited pop, and had made a littie boy very, very, happ.y indeed. Aliso, one day, he had heard the littie boy who owned the china. pig say, 'If I just had one hundred lof these littie black cents, I would have a beautiful silver dollar." When the littie black cent heard that, he began talking to ail he the cents, and they de- Cideèd that "if they couldn't be worth as much, each one by himself, they would ail join to- gether, and that wouid make thein more valuable, and per- haps they would do something reaily good and worthwhile. Then, just the day before HAYDON Mr. and Mis. Peter S inger Swansea, spent the wcekend with Mn. antI Mis. D. Cameron. Mr. andf Mrs. RolandI Thomp- son, Hampton; Mr. ai-id Mrs. F. Osmond, Bowmanviile, visited Mrs. W. Thompson. Miss Florence Werry, Hamnp- ton. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Rav Ashton. Leaside. spent the weekend at his home. Mn. ard Mrs. Gordon Werry, Missi June Werny, Mr. Graham Hug-1 lies, Toronto. visited the Asb-1 ton home aise. Wr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp ai-d jKathy, Enniskillen, were sup- per guests at Mr. and Mns. Ciem Rahm's. Friday. Mn. andI Mrs. Fred Cowling, Bfackstock. called on their aunt. Mrs. Richard McNeil. Sunday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Thomp- son, Lyn.n, Wayne and Sandra, Carleton Place, visited Mis. W. Thomnpson. Mns. Arturu Rend spent a couple of tInys with Mr. ai Mrs. Bent Ashton and family, Taronte. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garr-i antI and Mn. and Mrs. C. Gair- ard spent Fiday evening with Mns. Hanroid Gay, Oshawa. Mn. ai-Mrs. Rau- Rahrn and famiiy were Sunday supper guests at Mr. and Mns. Ray- mnond Vincents, Kedron. A Sunday School meeting will be Ibeld Fnîday even'ing in the church. Election of officers for 1960. Kr. and Mrs. Alfred Gannard visited Mr. and Mrs. William Fonder, Blackstock, Sundiay. W.A. Decemben meeting wil 'be heid in the church on Thurs- day atternoon, today; Christ- mas programme andI exchange of gifts; Mns. Walter Lover- idge's group in charge. Mn. axsd Mns. Mel Bertrni and family, wene Sunday qup- per guests at Mr. and Mis. Ron Mo)rison's, Oshawa. Mrs. K. Cewling spent Wd niesdaiy with Mns. 1. Cowing, Salem. 0 à à ST EE D rint Service Iniprovements ifrice delivery IaI . . . 4. . . . Canada's Finest, Longest-Lasting Surface Material for Kitchen and Bathroom Walis-Tabie and Coun- ter Tops, Splashbacks. Conte an and see the dozens of beau- tiful Arborite colours and patterns. We have ail the information ansd Arborite accessories you need tc, 'do-it-yourself" or "have-lt-don.". DON'T RISK BUYING ' AN IMITA TIONI wWcm Genuin. Arborîte For Lfe-Leing Satisfaction \~\\ ~< SHEPPARD (& GILL LUMBER #"EUVRYTHING FOR BUILDERS" 96 MM SL L Bowmanvilo NArIet 3.5715 Qirîistnme,tSi. 11W.boy coe» along, and opened tii. 1rown chia pig with a gold k.y, and whenail were counted, tihe littie black cent heard him say there were enough of tiheni ta mare two dollars. How glad h. was that they .had atayed togetiier. He had been so afraid that they might have been shaken out one by one, and bis plan ta do something really big, spoiled. Tihen ie. heard another voice, which was thbe littie boy's moth- er's, say, "Now you have just 7enough saved to buy tiiat'box of tin soldiers for littie erip- pied Jamie in tihe hoapitau i time for Christmas". Tlhe littie black oent's heart nearly burst with, joy. H. and ail the other little black cents were taken. and put ita a nie* saft purse, and earried to a beautiful store all shining with lovely Christmas lightsg, and er- changed for thie wonderful box of tin soldiers. TIhe littie black cent and bis comrades were then placed in a big rooiny drawer.ivhere they Went to sleep that Christmias Eye ex- trernely happy, and dreamned ttuey saw littie Janiie playing wîth his soidiers, and of the next tirme they niight ail go out in the wonld together, and make someane else happy. S TARK VILLE Mi'r. and Mrs. Harold Souch. and Alvin were in Torento, Mondiay. M.and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and family visited friends in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, Tor- onto, visited at Mr. Lloyd Hl- lowell's. Mr. and Mns. Jim Stark and- Ted, Mr. and Mis. Orme Falls and farniiy were dinnier guests with Mr. and Mes. Clltford Reid, Saturdiay evening. Master Phiip CaewelI, New- tonville, is spending a few deays with Mr. and Mis. Brian Cas- weil. re. Russell Savery was suç- cessful Moniclay i being ele- ed as deputy-reeve. Mr. and Mos. Ken Smnith, Toronto, Miss Gwen Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Briýan Casweil and famiiy and Misg Norma Halle- weli had drinneur Sunday even- mng ait Mr. Llew Hafloweil's. ,Mr. and Mrs. Clhfford Reid have purctased a house i Bowmanville where they wil be residig shorhuy. Mr. and Mrg. Orme Paks visitedi, at Mr. Lerne Tedd's. 1Mr. and Mrs. Me&tin, Toi,- onto, were recenitguets aot SM. 1M. Shutka's. Nesfleton Station t Mrs. Cecil Wilson enjoy.d a weekend in Toronto eecently with her doughters Miss Gwen Wilson andI Mur. andI M»r. mer- mon Rodmani. M«r. Eenrte Sarneils stayed wibl eu broui- er Cecil i Mv.. WilsWg sab-. sence. Mr. and iMurs. Arthui, HyMnrd returned to *mhir home i li. village aîfter a honeynmain New York C-ity. Mr. and Mr«. Miltoni Fisher and Mr.,aund: Mis. Wiar. eMar- low were recesit visitérs mWikI MT. andc 'Mes. Bruce'H.elip. 'Mr. and Murs. Harry MucLaa- ghlin entertaine. 'Mv. and Un.. George Wolfe asua m .Brian and John on We&nesday evevi- mng in lionour of the Wolf*'« ninth. weclding anaivermry. Mrs. George Goodwon iiwated a few iieighbome in tho viat with Mers. Chris Jenoen wiuo is leaving our nicfst to live in, Oà- awa. Fnierds present te tender l'areweill igits woe Vi7. W*i- frid Bowles M-Me. Dou#l4s Skbep M"-. H. Vine, M. W. Vii. Mes. M«ekie and Ifra. 3. aNe. Wu. and Me.. ,ft%arvin :Ke.. bitt amd Mur. Ener Neétt were Thursdiay ev.ning dknner ail of Peterbourough. Women'. lustitate 7he Christmas meetind et Nestieton W.I. wws heId an IWednesday aftrmoi at l.th home cf Mirs. Dougeas Sleep. iPresident Murs. R. DLiaui Wel- comed the goodly repreeenha- tien of memnbers »vM vew i- ors and especiaily tiienked the. hostess for inviting the ldies duat "rd tfh e &lbsd vui Uiay Pa s. Im& eu hoM' cauasd by mm a"Msd sud..in "u q9esu and D&* mirF naal sa .1 ofumeu le us uzasi md. Mid vais.. 1Wle s oiso wighu, Imm"vukwnI l , âat go% hsb yDdfit a te ber bMe.t sevand 0" w. z.m«d km mni murimunbate b. prbsot "«tank you" notes from omck folk foCr remenmwce and aa note of appreciatian foum a mmnber, Who lef t 04w cmnnm ity rceuigv, for her gift of p and saucer.,A goutsdLX* tion of $2.00 W«. receivail froni mm.s. Je.. Saniellh, «a former nmrrWhoin launable te at- tend thre meebng. A receipt wes on lband beWr Ourdnation lao Port. rry HiospiW lAuxil- iary Dol Fair. Sever'al get-wel cLardg were uigned by ail pre- sent te uick folk. M"r. Dauvssn vtported on the ýnenrv Theops»on Menor iai Prize, presented anTndmlY by Ncstue"onW.!. to the student with highest standing lit Gra- de XI at Blacktock High~ &eh" CSOonnencement, wiich w«s won by,'Lawrmnee Butt and prcsented by Mrs. Dauvisbn. It wmf decided te. ave labels ta pecUt e cofr i" m la le used 3ointly 1W diurch orgenhuza- tiens anid Insttu4e if ail are agreea.ble. The. aew1y ompleted quilt w.a on ddeley -anud priced et $l5.où. 'flikg were eatended te Mrs. Vine wtxo began tii. projeet making mony blocks, to mrs. Mirs for assembling fie blcks te Mirs. Wilson fur having the quilting at ber homne and te those Who donated mai- teriais; Murs. Hetge tihe pieces, Mrs. Bowles the lining and Mirs. Campbell the batt. Mis. Vine has anctiier quit top nearing eompletion but the quilting wil b. left over until Jaaiuary. Mrs. *Macoilm Emersori. who spent the past week at Guelph as Provincial meniber fer sub- division No. 7 at ithe F.W.I.O. Board meeting sPoke bniefly of 'a few of the highlights Mud wil bring interesting detafis at a la- tee date. 'lb. speaker distribut- éd brochures re the aiYMofethfie1 F.W.I.O. ta everyone. Nestieton le indeed honoured te have anc or ouïr 1f. Mmbers elected te thiiý high office ini Institut. ad- rmiâslrationi andI wieah Mrs.1 Eniirsan a happy and encoura- mng tenure of Service. .The hSoked rug course was enilarged upan by the. local leader Murs. Vine, but Classes1 wil!l net begin until the new year. Beatitiful donations cf knitted sweateri, kffitted shirts, flanruelette sacks anid u9ed baby .clotiiing andI blankets ta be mtade intedraPes weret hantdetI' ini for . Arabian refuge*$, cf whieh mmr. B. Hearlip 'a in cae tpacking. The Hoame Econemrcs cOnven- 0a- had a letter frotn the Canai- diau Association ef Consumera a»kig uq e tojoin inr the nation- wide wasr on tradling stamps. Three pCitions were signed by thaSe prepeM, Io their AttorneY Generod. the linister of Justice andI tePheinie Mimistr, re, tradixg staunps. Leaflets and C.A.C. bulletinÈs Wcre distribu- ted. l&.zeim M aed la lu. e- lievod as radio reporter -due ta he« FW. duteffbut agree in report thé. Decemuber ineet- Mog if another menther would earry on next- iônfth. Thi. r04 cmi was anewered 'b' "A t2etsu. cuusbxom 1«asiother COM tr"' am Mas vi ember hteridd in -two stamiped CSist- clos tard% suggestions were ntade of namea te add te the list ef mick, au-eand dir- tant m«nmmesfoi' holiday. reet-. in»g. M"-. G. Bowers and Mrs. Rt. DavLmu wili look alter thé Christnm diéer boxes, -azo a bir*«Udy box for Mise Fl !flonxpsoer aid Mrs. G., Ttromç- zSo te »seti h bce srds. 141 thé abwuS OcÏetM«r. W. Jackso nsvenes- c tizenskip 'imd eduction, 'du. ta lmns.. Murs. C. Wilson pre*ided for-the interesting proigam prepareal by Mv.J*ekso. MMi. 19. lIe- <cm zuesse&aiue flmht.on *ip ix their e yoant %ia mm. ho he ficwce¶l t¶tuer" teihng olt the. ru «e d between wàra-mg nations ai Chritana Jima foet I 4wer tr badekt Br'itish Imigrants with akilis Mn lm nao e os o ivw are we gOW4 t-b.he» «. e gureatiosi of these feopi. andI others sit. Canadian lite?. We nihut be fritidly, n»M criticize «xciv so- cial andI cultural groupa, b. pa- tient wifth then while theyv larn to --M lieu. new bouad freedoni. They abuled underamd ta-ti Canada i4 a pioncer countryl coiipofed ta lthe centuries de-i voted t. achievmg ini Eurojrani coeanties fthe social muid ete standard Caodimis emioY. Au! uhoeld, 0 e ud 1be, lwn and teach, ini such a wey that no- body feels degraded or trustrat- cd. Ilutual understanding and tolerance on bot aides play a. niait important part in tfhicpro- ceu of inrtegration and will hslp gr...U i thefax'rr *.velop- Ment of Canada. Il. rwp asismsiW.r, oules lnaevhi.a delicious haien. Mm. J. extended the. tI&masÊs e b mmhtg ta Mis. sio, her M~ Il Who h". eontributed tte min*evet- 1 %«g gr Mid *Wafteraoon.1 YELVERTON -1 SaflW t report Mrs. Anni McQumi is under doctor's care. Also tist Mr. Gordon Robinson in in Civic Hospital in Peter- bormugh. A speedy -convales- cerne to themn both. Ye4veton W.A. met this Thluraday at the home of Mes. Howard Malcolm. Business i- cluded the voting of $50.00 ta M.&M. Fund; $60ý.0O to church; plans for annual Ohristrnas treat for childiren; planning the purebase of a new stove f or chxirch hall kitchen. The la- dies indulged in their annual Xaa exc#ange of presents. On Fridiay evening Veiverton W.A. and community were hast and hostess to a social gathering of ail Ma v er s Charge- an opportun ity for *Il the congregations to becomne betier acquainted witih our pop- ular duet of minister Mr. Bill Duff andi student ininister and hlm wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sumnierville, who later acted as co-charmen for a program confributed by eacti of the six charge% and much enjoyed by ait present. The program, affserbled by Mns. iari Argue Convenor, with top hia'f ohaireci by thie genial Bill Duff as follows- Community Siniging led by Mr. John Burns, Janetville, accomn- panied by Yeiverton's Ruth Wilson; an OKeefe Special- a musical draina or operetta by the. Beer children- (Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beers). A tap-diance duet by Yelver- ton's junior terpsichordettes Misses Pamnefla Stinson and Mitzi Malcolm; a piano solo by Misqs Marilyn Webb of Pon'ty- pool; a mediey of Roger and H#innieratein favourites fromn "Oioehoma" musicale sung by John Burns, accompanied tby Mus. Horace Heaslip, both of Janetville. Guitar duets by Yel- ver'ton's Dale Stinson a n d Lloyd Wilson provided a chtan- g. of Pace. Wftb the firet hall' over Mr. Duff retired and Mr. Sum.- merville took over in capable fashion for the last hale. A marriage tiff anid encore by Mi' Fl Argue in ber own i n- imitable styling; a pantomine, "H.nigiinig the picture", a hand- sorne effort by the chairman. Miss Jeanne Coulter of Fonty- pool accompainied by M r s. Loi-ne Thompson of Nesbleton, providiedi a treat witih "0 Corne Let us Addre Him" and -I saw the. Lord". A humnourous duet by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Preston- "One Uuiig et a tirne"; 'Mary anbd Bill MeAlpine fi rst in a piano duet and lihen combined with the Mour,.t Horeb Girls Quartette to provide a musical interlude enjoyed by ai. Concluding the eveningis program Mr. P. J. Rowe presented a preview of the lecture whidi, he wil be givir&g at varieus clubs in the near uture whidh coommandc- il -E 1957 Pontiac Coach Custom buit radio. A very dlean car. ROY OldsmobiIe -J w. 1 a 1 ed Md bel the ematention of his audience. The evenhng wag tien spent in a social get-togettier foliow- ed by lurich. Such feilowship is inestirenable vahrue in ceni- enting te six etarges into one, ceinpct unit, working in e- ser harmony together. Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Arnott and Mr. and Mirs. Albert Ar- nottu Jr. andi Valeria of Peter- borough. were last Sund-ay guests cf the Hugh MiGifis. A hectic week of election- eening was concluded on Sait- urday evening here in Manvers Township when a nmber cf '"promisin.g" candida t es and some net go "promising" cern- peted for the honour of repre- seting the ratepayers in the 1960 Municipal Council. With tornorrow thbe day ot! decisien and the resulta iiehind the veil of the future, we ave pleased ta relate that neyer have we conipeted for an office with a worthier opaition- a mutual respect w'hîch býas not been jeopardized by the cheap ac- cusations andi counter-accus-a- tions whiob occasionally enter bita the field of politis-mun- icipel as otherwise. Win or lose we take off our hat to aur op- position. Deepest symnpathy is extend- cd to fellow Counvîhlor Robert Brown and Mrs. Brown and family, tube Lloyd Browns, tthe Charlie Chapm'ans and the Sammy Bnowns in the sudden passinig af their father. Mr. George Brown lart Saturday in Pontypool. A sizeaubie loss was sustaincd by Mr. Gardon Stcrong of Bally- duff when three cows ai-d one calf feul into a well when the top capsizcd. Mrs. Ernest Gray of Lotus enjoyed a week's holiday ne- cently with her daughiter Mrs. Arnolut Neais and family in Ot- tawa. an-d later was picked up by Mr. Ernest Gray. Mn. and Mrs. Stewart McQuade and Dale. YEO BROS. 20 Odeli St. Your Sheil .Jet>.-l' Furnace Oil Dealer 1956 Chev. 2-Dr. Station Wagon White waIl tires, custom built, radio. One owner. Nice and clean. 1955 Buick Special 4-Dr. Sedan 1955 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan White wali tires, two-tone paint. Automatit transmission. Custom buit radio. A-1 condition. 1955 Plymiouth Sedan Clean car. Priced low for quick sale. Black with ivory top. Spotiesa car. 1955 Chev. Bel Aire Coach Power Glide transmission. Two-tone with leatherette trmn. NICHOLS . Chevrolet and Corvair Cars FRXE1 SON ITOR SERVICE Seves You Furnace 011 Dollars Sonitor-cainactualk doubTe the life of your storags tank. And Sonitor corneç f/ree wvith your order or Shieil Fuinace Oil. 0Order -now l'or prompt dcli'<ery. Company MA 3-3259 operati.ng BREWERS' RETAIL STORES *JTIS FILCTI 0 I E IR P'irt Mortgages arr«nge yHome Planning Blue Pri Budget Plan for Home' c Accurate Estimates gvi Ec Competitive prices with GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Men and Boys Heavy Durable WORK BOOTS AND SHOES SBlack and Brown Some with Safety Toe Cap ALL SIZES ALL ONE PRICE -------- ---- 6 9 WPR. USED SKATES Hockey Skates for Men and Boys Figure Skates for the Ladies FOR THE BEST IN SHGE REPAIR COME TO BOWMANVI LLE SHOE REPAIR 80 King St. West Peter Curtis, Prop. AICON ARI a Ail have been thoroughly checked ihrough our shop.. Recondiiioned and are in guaranteed A-1 shape. BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Small Down Payments - Easy Monthly Paynients DO WNAN VILE Chevreol Trucks Phone NI 3-3353 .COUITICE Phosio KA 3-3922 LHELL muryTmovAIV TV-r ln+ll 101%0 TM CANADL4» 3TATIMUR. BOVKANVUiM ONTAMO