PAGE TWEN'rT TEE CANAD STATESMAN. BOWMA2<V!LLE, ONTARTO THTmSDAY, __ Grand Master of 100oOF. Pays Official Visit Here The Grand Master cf the. In- dependent Ordar of Odd Pel- lows, Grand Lodge ef Ontario, Wm. G. McNeil, Tarante, made his official visit ta District 42 on Novambar 30. The avent was held at the Legian Hall, Bow- manvilie, was arraagad by D.D. G.M. Raymond Hutchinson and cornitteaetfFlorence Nightin- gaie Ladga No. 66, and a boun- tiful turkay dinnen was served at 7:00 p.m. ta oea 200 Rebe- kaits, Odd Fcllows and guests by the Ladies' Auxillary ta the Canadian Leglon. D.D.G.M. Hutchinson Intra- duced head tabla guesta: Grand Master Wm. G. MeNeiI and Mrs. McNeil, D.D.G.M. ot Dist. 41 Donald Keler and Mrs. Keeler, D.D.G. Viarden I. Hollings- worth , I. and Mss. Gardon. *MeMurter, Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Edwin Wood. Bro. Ted Miller led a slng sang with Sis- ter Wood as accompanust. A vote of thanks was convey- ed to the Ladies' Auxillary by tro. Gordon MkMurter, and re- plied to by Mrs. Ab. Piper. Mrs. Lester Highfield gave two readings and Bro. Colin Taylor sang a solo accompanied by Sister Wood. Ilhe introduction of Grand Master MýcNeil was capably handled by D.D.G.M. , Rutchin- -An. Grand Master MeNeil ex- pressed pleasure. for the renew- ed lnterest being shown in his visita to the variaus districts. He suggested, more social get- togethers with Rebekahs; algo arrange avents to wihich neigh- BOY SCOUTS BOWMANVI LLE, PAPER DRIVE Starting ai 6 p.m. FRIDAY, DEC. lSth Citizens are requested te have their old papers and magazines tied in bundies and placed on the boulevards in front of their homes. Your co-opration is appreciated. GLEN RAE DAIRYI 98 King St. W. Bowmanvillej ----------- fragrant trio for her tree! hausry gift Of UglalhearWe LAVENDER YARD LUY ChridffmaspskaW. LAVENDER SOAP TALC POWDER ENGLISH LAVENDER $00 There's a Yardlq gufi for give him the gifi of Good Grooming Handomly packaged " SHAVING CREAM " ÀFTER SHAVING LOTION $2 lita ou eo uanpy Yardlep pifis ai JURY'& LOVELL *Tour Rexali Store" M.A 3-5778 15 KING ST. W. bours can b. Invlted end thus creata more intaresti the Or- History of Order A short rasume of the history of the Orden was given by the Grand Musters' dating back te 1782, in EMngland. Thomas Wilday, a coacit-maken was lIn- atrumental in jolning togathar groupa of banevolant men and institutlng ledges, theraby crea- ting what la known as the Man- chester Unlty, naw tha Indapen. dent Order of Odd Fellaws. kFoundat InlaNorth Amerlos Thomas Wilday emigratad ta ]4altirnore, Md., in 1819, at which ie yellow fevar Was taking. a terrible tollet livas. Ha workad unceaslngly among the sick. Latar he located sav- anal other Brothers and thay instituted the tii-st lodge in Amai-ica, Washington No. 1. In 1822 Grand Lodge of Maryland was tormad and Thomas Wild- >ey was tlrst Grand Master. By 1825 the Ordan had flourished and the Grand I.odga of the U. S.A. was tarmad with Thomas Wildey as first Grand Master. In 1835 ha becarna field or- ganizar, lnstituting lodgaa. Ha worked bard ta build a fraîter- nity and thîs herîtage has been handed down ton mambers cf titis generation to carry on. The Order ambraces every stata and province ln North Amrneica and ahnost avary country of the world. The privilege cf balng able to fraternize with mcm- bers of a world-wide organiza- tion is worth more titan the an- nual dues. Homes Provlded Thle homes for widows and orphans numnber 59 on which $22,000,000 has been spent, and almost $5,000,000 faor caraeto aged members. The I.O.O.F. Homne at Barrie is second te nona and residents have no worries as ail the*' needs are pravided for. Atter 1years 'mcmbership in the OdrBrothers and Sistens have a litetime sacuity. C.P.T. Fund The Cancan, Polio and Tuber- cubasis Fund lias spent aven $900,000 i n benevolent work. Wheel chairs and hospital beds are free te anyone. The Education Foundation, toi-med to assist ini higiter cdu- cation cf atembers' sons and daugitters la now open ta any worthy young persan. In order ta giva yauth eftot- day an oppontunity ta sea tirst band the representativas of the 'United Nations at work, 773 boys and girls, lncluding 17 tronm Ontario, hava been sent te the U.N., spansanad 1,y the Order. Appearane Counts The appearancaetoftha Or- der's halls is very important and avary effort should be made ta maka thcmt as bniglit and cheenful as possible with par- ticular attention ta identifying signa. Fis-st impressions mtust ba good cnes fer new membens whieh require that regalia be uscat and clean and daoorum, ba abserved. Thara are many di- versions today and the interest of membars must be maintain- ed by a constant searching of ways to promote thein interest in fraternity. A vote of thanks was tender- cd the Grand Master. Preuentatlons P.D.D.G.M. Wmn. Riddell, -Or- oc, introducad Ena. Wesley Cawker, 50-year member of Fiori-cc Nightingale, who, with Bro. Frank Pethick, helped in- stitute Orono Lodge 47 years agQ. Bro. Riddell also muade a humorous presantation of "a pipe et peaca" to -the Grand Master on behaîf of Orono Lodge. P.D.D.G.M. Sidney Little ex- pnesscd the thanks of Bro. Hut- chinson's istalling staff for the banquet tickets given themn at bis axpeasa,,and asked bim to accapt a gift trom. tham. P.G.'s Mac Moore and Gord>on MeMur- tan made the prasentatien et a beautiful sinoker. The surpris- cd recipient muade a fitting i-e- ply. P.D.D.G.M. Stanley McMur- favoured for Chrisimaa giving! ghe enohe fragrareof. YARD LEY AUractis'e gff boxof o LOTUS COLOGNE amu LOTUS SOAP Ai.aval" in i mtOUOS Red Rosm F 9wu t.Cfriuluso eu.y of Yaedley gfs ai Grand Master of l.O.O.F. -in On tario- Visits Local District The local Legion Hall was filled te capacity on November 3th when Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of District 42 and guests from District 41 attended a turkey dinner, catered by the Ladies' Auxiliary te the Canadian Legion. The occasion was the officiai visit of the Grand Master ef the Grand Lodge of Ontario, Wm. G. McNeil, mrember of Broadview Lodge, Toi-onto. lis enlightening address is reported in another columa. Toastmaster Raymond Hutchinson, D.D.G.M. of District 42, introducid the head table guests, lef t te night: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMurter, D.D. SBETHANY Mr-. and Mrs. Ralph Preston sang duets and Miss Heath-2r Sisson gave a piano instrumen- tai. The remainder of the even- ing was pleasantly spent in playing cards and lunch was served. As well as those fromn the im- mediate neighborhood, friends were pi-sent from Cobourg, Or- ana, Cavan, Peterbo>rough'l, Orne- mec, Lindsay and Sprin.gville. Bethany W.A. The Womnan's Auxilia.ry of St. Paul's Church elected new off j- cers for the coming year ut their meeting on Thursday, which was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Jarvis. Honorai-y President, Mrs. J. J. Ha.milton; President, Mrs. Ina Palmer; lst vîce-president, Mrs. Wsn. Phiulips; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Ernest Lamb; Secre- tai-y, Mrs. Douglas Smelt; Trea- surer, Msrs. Emory Smith; Rec- tor's Nominees, Miss Winnifred Nesbitt and Mis. F. S. Gray; Junior Auxiliary Leader, Mrs. Noci Wood, with Miss Roberta Scott as. assistant; Dorcas Sec- retary, Mrs. Win. Phiilips. Miss Laura Hutchinsan conducted the election. Mrs. Roy Jarvis led the devo- tionai prayers and Mrs. G. E. Meades read the, sciipture les- son fram Matthew 2:1-11. Tne treasurer gave the financial report for the year and it was decided ta donate $25.00 ta the Woraen's Training College;, $5.00 ta the Arctie Mission and $10.00 ta, the Wardens of the Church. The sick and shut-ins will be remembered wîth gifts at Christinas. During the social bous- that followed the meeting, lunch was servad by Mrs. Jarvis assisted by M>s -Wnnifred Nesbitt and Mrs. Win. RhillUps.. Thera were 14, members 'present. Ladies Guild The Ladies' Gufld of St. Paul's Chu.rch were entertain- ed at the Rectory for their meeting this week and instead ot the customary exchànge af Chriatmnas gifts, eaeh member gave. a doniation towards further fýurnishings in the kitchen of the Parish 1Hall. ,Mrs. G. F. Meades led the de- votional prayers and aise ne- portedl for the Sunshiae coin- nuttea. Treasurer hIrs. J. Pal- mer gave the report of the i-e- cent sale of home baking and the full financial statement for the yaar.i Mrs. Charles Smith who headed a convffittee te purchase dishes for the kitchen reported with pnicas, etc., and the pur- chase of saine was left over un- til next month. It was decided to purchase tlowars for Christ- rm decaration of the Church. The sum of $100-00 will be giv- an to the Wardens. Mrs. G. E. Meades conducted the election of officers: Presi- dent, M.ns. Morgan Bigelow; se- Combat House Plant. Pests Wixen a house plant becomes infested with insects or mites, isolate it from the other plants. That's the tiret step. Then treat it aocording ta these suggestions tramn Ontario Department of Agriculture specialists. Scale insects-They are flat, aval or circular and covened with a hard, smooth scale. Wash smooth-leaved plants with soapy water ta remove scales. Add two teaspoons of 40 % ni- cotine suiphate ta each gallon of wash. Use a clatit an a soft- bristled brush. Aphids - Nicotine sulpitate and soap la also effective for the control of aphids. Malathion may aiso, be used, but not in the house. Taka the plants out- sida for treatmnent. Two-sp.obted spider mite - Try liquid rotenone concantrate, aramita or malathion agaiiist this tiny mite. Cyclamen Mite - Thtis mite causes curled leaves. Afnican cretary, Mnr. Glenn Wentworth; treasurer, Mrs. John Palmer; auditor Glenn Wentworth. Following the cloýsing prayers, lunch was served by Mirs. Meades assisted by Mrs. G. Wentworth and Mrs. J. Palmer. W.M.S. Elects Officers The Womnen's Missionary So- ciety of the United Cliurch elec- ted their officers for 1960 as follows: President, Mrs. Winni- fred Spencer; vice-president, Mrs. Edgar Beer; treasurer, Mrs. Herb Coppins, secretary and press representative, Mrs. T. J. Jackson. Christian Stewardship and Missianary Ivlonthly secretary, lVrs. Henry Jakeman; Pianist and Citizenslhip convenar, Mrs. Clarence Rowan; Temperance secretary, Mrs. Mervyn Por- teous; Community and Fniend- ship secretary, Mrs. Walter Rowland, Associate secretaries, Mrs. G. Waddell and Mrs. J. Fraser; Baby Band Leader, Mrs. Earl Weatherilt. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. George Waddell, with Mrs. Clarence Rowan lead- ing the devotional periad, as- sisted by Mrs. H. Coppins. The treasurer reported a successful year financially with receipts in excess of the allocation. Mrs. T. Jackson had charge of the study period on the con- tinent of Africa and spoke mainly on the situation in Nor- thern Rhodesia, which is the youngest mission field. Her talk concerned the present political unrest and its fundamental cau- ses; the impact of modern in- dustry; the present racial ten- sions; the Christian Churches obligation to social witness. In conclusion the speaker said "«The Missianaries find thexu- selves in a tension spot comr~ pletely different tram other areas where mission f ields are established and resources are taxed to the uttermost. The hope of the world is Christ and His teachings." At the close of the meeting the hostesas srved refreshments and a social hour waa enjoyed. Citizens' Meeting Further plans for additional lire fighting equipment were discussed at a citizens' meeting, G. Warden I. Hollingswerth, Mrs. McNeil, Grand Master Wm. G. MeNeil, (Toastmaster Hutchinson), Mrs. Hutchinson, D.D.G.M. Donald Keeler of District 41, Mr, Keeler, Mrs. Edwin Wood. The avant was one c4 the most enjoyable avents sponsered by the mambers of Florerice Nigh tin. gale Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F., in soe tima, and showcd, that the Qi-dan is in a hcalthy state in ttis area, under jurisdlction of Grand Lodge of Ontario. -Photo by Ena. E. Rchder cbaired by Vincent Jackson on Maonday evening. Secretary, Mrs. Thomas Jais- nings reoaited on correspond- ence wit i iims who handia this type et equipment, also stating that the -sent funds on hand ara $157.94. At an ealier meeting it had been planaed ta purchase a haîf-ton truck ta transport the present equipmant. The com- mittee appointed ta, look into, this, Thomas Jennings, Vincent Jackson and Frank Martiohen- ko, quoted prices et same, and the opinion efthtie meeting was that suait was tee expensive and would still not provide ada- quate Protection against lira. This type of truck would haul Jennings, Earl Weatherilt and ,the present portable puprF Charles Morton, volunteered to hose, etc., but a good atr1 meet with the township clerk, suprply would stili be lacking. Ros~s Davidson, and obtain full The ratepayers present agreed details of the cost of floating that it would be advisable to this debenture, how it would foin. a registered Fire Figh.ting reduce insurance rates, and the Area and Mutual Aid Plan and approximate cost to each tax- purchase government approved paYer. This same cornmittee, equiîpmient, which would be fi- , when in possessionl of ail infor- nanced through a debenture is.- mation, will visit each homne ini sued 'by the township côuncil.! the area ta get their opinion To do so this would need the. and wiil then present their approval of 65 per cent of the findings at a further meeting. taxpayers within a designated In the meantime, Carl Smith ai-ca. The assessment would be was to affppoach the Bethany on value of buildings only. Motor Sales Garage as ta in- A commnittee, Murray Wilson, stalling a trailer hitch on their Emory Smith, Vincent Jackson, tow truck, ta transport the Mrs. Addison Scott, Thom-as present equipmuent. M M NOwlu ANY ACREAGE 0F SUITABLE SOIL IN THIS DISTRICT FOR SPRING PLANTING UnlIITED PROFIT REALIZED. PER ACRE FORZ ENQUIRIES WffRIT: 'A. &F. il.N-01 1.1. 1, Erookliu, uno AIL INQUIRIES WILL BE ACKNOWLEDOED 1 WANTED 1 ý -------- - ------- ------------------------------- F 1 PAGZ TWENTY TRE CAMAD STATESU«. BOWUANVffl..& ONTAMO TIIU MAT, DW- It. top