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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1959, p. 21

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1! THURSDAY. DEC. lOth. 1959 TEE CANADIA!t STATESMAN, TM CNADW STTESAN,9OWMAN%ý= EONTAI PAGE TwiENTY-074N News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor 3£r. and Mis. Norman Ken- )&s. Carence Duncan# Otta-' Friday. Internment Orono Cern- nedy andi son Wayne, attended1 wa, spent the weekend with etery' the marriage of her son, Rob-ItMis. Wni. Cobblcdiek. Mr: and Mns. Win. Mitchell ert Collett to Miss Diana Gail Mis. Roy Srnees, Stan% were dinner guetaof Mr. and King on Saturday, December Crek visited her mother, Ms.; i s. Colin Taylor, Bowman-, Sth in St. John's United Church, E' Grady. ville, on Saturday. Georgetown. Wayne Kennedy!t Mr. and Mmr. Roy Beatty, Mr. Mr. and Unr. Roy Powers, was an usher. and Mis. Mervin Beatty, To- Scarborough, spent the week- Mis. Guy' McGUiland daugh- ronto, were guests cf theïr aunt end with Mms. Ceci Powers. ters, Lynn and Lawrie, Janet- Mis. H. Walsh on Saturday . Mýr.Aer Wilson, Toronto, the former's parents, Mi. andi i.D .Hoe vstd 1oevsle i i i.D Mnr. Perc. C. Lawnic, in De-MsD.G éprvstdi oevstd3&.adU .. troit,, for the week of the Xi Peterborough. G. Itooper.coA Priday. enican Thanksgiving. 1Thc Orono Post Office will Mr. Egerton Xiancock iassed Mrs. J. Noden returned home remain open on Wednesday aj. aw.ay suddenly it his home un Saturday from Grace Hospital, ternoon Decemben l6th and Saturda>', Dec. Sth. Funeral Toronto. 23rd. Thc early purchasing of was on, Tucsday 'mcm Orono staxnps and mailing your Christ- 'United Churoh. Internent in mas cards in tied bundies will the laiAi plot, Orono Cerne- be greatly appreciated by thc 1er>'. staff. Thc Aternoon Auxiliar>' of * * Ms. Thornton Wilson visited tic W.M.S. held a G.B.A. atter- Sber daughter, Mrs. Fred Motta- noon tea and musicale at the shed, Mr. Mottashed and f ar- home cf Mrs. Wu>i. E. A=.- ff4WSlts OCS il>', Simcoe.- stnon« on, Tueda>' aternoon 01*MMfNGSWIUSanta Claus parade will be Mr. Andy, Flynn and daugli- WILPT Ni M i held in Orono at 1:30 p.m. Sat- ter Coleen, are patients in Mem- PLME 1urdiay, December 12t.h. anial Hospital, Bowmranvllle. . 4Mr. John Ford is living at Both had surger>' on YManda>' Mirs. Wtn. Cobbiedick!s,. morning. Mrs. Geo. Henderson fell and 1Mre. Cliff Cooper has return- broke her wrist last week . cd home from Memorial Hos- .,, ,.Mr. Boyd Wood is taking a pitl BOwmanvillc. sotcourse in 'roronlo. Miss Marilyn King, Toronto, s . D. S. Harness was a spent the weekend at her home. weekend guest of Mr. and Mis. Mi'e. Ella Graham has been T. Welsh and attended the mar- a patient in Memorial Hospital, rnage of her nephew John Ed- Bowmanvile, for two wceks. ward Welsh to Miss Donna Mis. John Morris altended Uic Yvonne Terwillegar on Satur- funeral of the late Mme. Lance day, December 5th in Albert MIlison, of Newcastle. Street United Church. Rey. S. Mis. Sam Berry will spend C. H. Atkinson officialcd. the winter wlth~ her iter, Mrs. e rte~£w o M. Heben Souch, husband of James Nixon, Bowmanville. H&I- wbdQ Mrs. Evelyn Souch, nee Rick- Thc C.G.I.T. hcld their an- * aby, passed away in Memonial nual Vesper Service on Sunda>'. ou* 0<E Hospital, Bowmanville, Wed- evening at Onono United nesday, Dec. 2nd. Funeral was Ohurch. Co 84281 1783 from Orono United Chumch on Next Sunda>' evenlng, Dec. 13th, the choir cf Omono United Ghurch will go to Newcastle Unitcd Ohurch ta jii their choir in nendering special Chnis- taxas nmsic. Phone Orona 127 for your re- newal or îcw subecripîlon to .T h e d e a ilaft!thc'Statesman. 'flic Christmas weeks. Send Your Friends A SUBSCRIPTION to zemba A Year Round Gift 52 GIFTS WRP EIN ONE $4.00 A YEAR ANYWHERE IN CANADA ($5.00 IN UNITED STATES) Here is a Gift that will b. Appreclated Every Week of the Year by Vour Friends and Relatives at Home and Abroad. An Attractive Christmas Gift Card FREE - TO ANNOUNCE Your Gift Subscription PLEASE MAIL TRIS TO-DAY TO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN P.O. BOX 190 - BOWMANVILLE Enclosed ind$ in payment of -Year(s) Subseription to "THE CANADIAN STATESMAN" Mail to following: Naine Address __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name Addrèss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sender's Namèà 1 Address __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ À Staiesman Subscripiion is a Gifi ihalis1 Differeni -Il will be enjoyed the year round. F eMMMIMNMMMIMMMMMM TYRONE IThlýrtY adults end four child- ren attended thc W.M.S. Christ- mas neetin at the home of Mrs. J. C. Cooko Dec. 2nd. Pre- sident MmssGrace Smith wel- comed.ail and read a memarial verse in memory of Mue. John Broome. ?&s. Russell Wright made a fcw remarks ta one of our menm- bers, Mis. Frank Werry. Grace Smith pinned en a corsage and presented Mis. Werry with a LAie Mmbership Certificate. Group leader Mmr. R. Glas- pell had charge of pmogam Mme. W. Rahin read ütic arp- turc and Mis. R. Wright Uic, devolional. Mrs. E. de Jong and Mirs. G. Brent sang Christmas Canais mand Mks. A. Hoar and Mis. F. Jackson a piano duet. Meeting closed wlth a carol alter which Christmaa cake and, cookies werc aerved. Election of officers for ie are as follows: Put. Prei.. Mir. R. Glaspell; President, Grace Smith; Vice-Pres., Mis. P. Werry; Secretary, Mire. J. C. Cook; Treasurer, ma. P. Wer- ry Christian Stewwydship, Mra. Edith Murphy; Christian Citi- zcnship, Mrs. Aldin Hoar; Corr. Secretary, Mis. R. 'Wright; Commuait>' Frlcndshlp, Mire. W. Ralai; Baby Band, Mme. D. Craig; Mission Band. Mis. F. Jackson and Lauraine Cook; Pi- anists, Mis. A. Hoar end Mis. F. Jackson; Musionar>' Month- 1>,Miss Jean Philp; Travelling, Bsket, Mirs. Florence, Scott; Press Secretar>', Mis. W. Raln;, Group leaders, Mme. PA. Huis, Mirs. C. NkcQýuin4 Mis. H. Skin- ner; Nomanating Çâmmittee for 1961 are Mra. R. Wright, Mis. Frank Wcrry, Mxis A. Hamil- ton. Sort>' te report Russel Virtue auffered a heart attack. Ail wish hlm a spcedy recovery. Mi. and Mis. Leon Moore eI- tended the fumeraI last week of Mrs. Lanson Miulson, New- castle. Mis. A. E. Moffat, Bowman- ville, Mis. Arthur Wannania- ker, Wellington, visited their sister Mis. Leon Moore lait Thurada>'. Dianne Elizabeth Woodicy, infant daughter of Mir. and Mmi. James Woodley, was christened last Sunda>' aI St. John's Chumch, Bownianville. The god- parents were Mmes. Joyce Sellick, Mirs. Ray Lindsay and M.John Hodgkinson. Guests of Uic fam- ily wcre,. Mi. aid Mis. H. Col- lacuIt aid Joanne, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mis. G. Yeo and Lida, Mis. Joyce Sellick and, ExnnIskillcn, Mr. and Mis. G. D. Lindsay, Mr. aid Mir. W. H. Brldgeman, Mr. W. Brldgcmnan, Sr'. Toronto, Mi. and Mire. R. D. llodgklnson, Mi. aid Mrs. Murray' Hodgkln and Vicki, Messrs. Peter and John .Hodgkinson, Aurore. Mis. Alex McLeggan and famil>', Tyrone. Mi. and Mire. A. Youngman and boys visited Mr. and Mre. Ed 'Youngunan, Pontypool, Sun- day. Sympathy ta Mr. and Mme. Bd 'Youngman, 1fr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Youngmnan on the sudden passing of little Laurie Young- mn, daughtcr of Mr. aid Mia. Gordon Yaungunan, Calgary'. Grant Glaspefl, Bruce Stain- ton- and Loran Pascoe, werc guesots of thc Liane Club aI their rural night supper Monda>' evenhng, Mr. and Mire. Raiph Glasel attended the Oshawa 181k Po ducens' Banquet in Harmony United Church lust wcek. Mr. and Mr&. Trank Werry vlsl~dMr. aièd Mia. D. G. Booper, Orono. Mr. and Mis. Keith Canwell and son, Port Hope, viaited Mn. id Mra. N. Woodley, Sunda>'. Mr. and Mma Keith Davey The Orono Highway 115 A WORD TO TU£ WIVE8 For practical assistance wxthlaelf-addreased envelope to: Ana your cooklng probiem., sn Bradley, Box 147, Toront* 9. For those who prefer a dry your enquirles, w1iha SUape Ont. dressing fo>r poultty, finely rolled shreddcd wheat' biscuits pick up noisture, help mnakel the dressing dry and crumnbi>' For practical assistance with RIDE IN COMPORI'. CALL your cooking problenh,, &end your enquiries, with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Ann STETAXI Bradley, Box 147, Toronto 9, Ontario. W. have the Most up-to-date fleet of Iuxury cam in district with experieuced drivers. ILadies' Major BowlingI tBernice Buday'e bowlers edg- lm Standings ed Kay Beauprie's team 2-1, and pis Sadie Buckxiell's crew won by Bernloe Buday 14 the sanie score over 0111e Pat- Sadie Bucknell,_____14 field's outfit, as both wiruiers, Doria Joli________12 continuied to lead the pack, in Donna Preston _____i last Mlonday's Ladies' Major Ka__________ Leaguie bowling. Patfield's loss a>Beuiel droppeed them all alone into thec oyc Lyle _______i cella. Hida Boclr10 oelar.Lola Wr.ight 10 Lola Wright's team continuied Lydia Bates _______10 to have their troubles, picking Ena Etcher _______8 up their lone point out cf the Mary 'WÎiox ______8 st half dozen, in taking a 2- 111lle Patfaeld ______7 aetback st the hands of Mary Averagfes "Wklcox's crew. In another upset, Onie Etcher _______214 .Ena Etcher's club defeated Bernice Budu>' 212 JIoyce Lyle's bowlers 2-1. Doria Joli________206 1 Doris Joll's teain took over Hida Brook _______206 1>sole possession of second spot, Kay Beauprie 191 1 as the resuit cf a. 2-1 win over Lola W)ight; 190 )Lydia Bates, and to make it a Em. Stringer 188 Lcomplete "2-1"- night ail the i,Hooper 185 way, Donna Prestorn registered Xay Stephens 185 a 2-1 victor>' over Hilda Brock. Babe BrOwIn ______182 Bernice Buday took high tri- Dot Brooks 181 pie honours with a 720 total, Helen Dunn'________181 followed by Em Bromnei 715, Noma Norris _____181 Onle Etcher 700 and Doria Joli 0111le patfield _______ 8 682. Sadie Buckuel _____ 180 Onie Etcher's 302 single was Lydia Bates _______178 high,. with other top efforts go- Donna Preston ______178 ing to Marg Perris. 300, Dot Wihna Bates _______177 Brooks 288 and Shirley Davis Joyce Lyle 177 281. Helen Gilhooly 176 Games of 200 and over; Marg Ena Etcher -_____176 Perris 300, Onie Etcher 302,202; Dore Mutton _______1"6 Dot Brooks 288, 213; Doria Joil Norma Gay 175 233, 221,M28, H. Gilhooly 244; Shirley Davis 175 G. Blackburn 214; N. Gay 276, Eileeni Holroyd 174 H. Vivian 231; N. Bryans 202; Audrey' BiciceU _____174 E. Embley 208, B. Buday 224, Vivian Cowan _____173 237, 259;, J. Tennant 233,211; M. Pat Barte]s -_______172 GibbDs 205; K. Beauprie 250, 218; Ada Richards ____.172 N. Norrig 216, 201; G. Luxton Marg King 170 245; D. Preston 211; L. Hooper Mar Perris -______169 221; C. Bromeli 277,226,209; J. Joyce Tennant 168 Sellers 206; M Lewis 201; H. Essie Cox 168_____ Brock 253, 204; D. Eiolroyd 236; Bernice Terry _______168 IG. Ellis 202; Shirley Bickell 218; Shirley Biekell _____168 D. Mutton 249, 202; Audrey Lou Lyle .______ 167 Bickeil 213; A. Richards 243; B. Enmma BroSIel _____166 Brown 204; MoU>' Henderson Eleanor Larmer _____166 205; P. Bartels 200; L. Wright Helen Piper 166 200; K. Stephens 217; D. Vin- Nancy Bryans 165 Éon 212; B. Terry 223, 223; E. Peggy Hiaynes ______164 Etcher 253; S. Davis 281; V. Audrey' Osmond _____163 Cowan 217; E. Stringer 238; T. Betty Westlake _____163 Forrester 241. Muriel Holroyd 163 Thelma Forrester ____162 and Elaine were dinner guests Grace Blackburn - 162 Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mary Wioox loi___ 6 Hiodgson, Bowmanvîlle. Mfyra Happe 160 Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott Helen Corden l î]O and daughter, Cobourg, visited Joyce Major 160 Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp and Miss Jean Philp, Sunda>'. Oshawa, at their new home on Mr. and Mis. Fred Parrish Saturda>'. and Dianne, Oshawa, were sup- per guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Da- Whiite Glft Service wiil be vid Phasey, Sunday. held in Tyrone United Ohurch Mrs. A. Geisberger and cl- on Sunday. dren, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A meeting of the C.G.I.T. was Thompson, Oshawa, visited Mr. held in the church, Nov. 26. The and Mrs. Walter Park Sr. meeting opened with recrea- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall and tion. We had the worshlp ser- baby, Bowmanville, with Mr. vice and learned the officiai. and Mrs. Horace Hall. C.G.I.T. hyrnn. Il was then we Mr. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, decided what our Christmas vlsitcd Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. project would be. Aiter work- Mi&. and Mrs. Russell Wright ing on our Famil>' Tree Booklet, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wagg, wc closed with "Taps". ONTARIO MA 3-5822 a MA 3-7201 ALL PASSENGERS INSURED 100 King st. IL Bowmanvale E TRADING AND CONTINENTAL' COFFEE SHOP 3miles north of Orono. POST, - 1 mile nortb of Kirby Sale Commences Wednesday, Déc. 9th Open everyday 5 p.m. until 12:00 midnight OUTDOOR SHIRTS AND BLOUSES for girls aid boys. Up to 14 yearu. Tour choice 19 SLIPPERS Fie haîd embmoidercd or Damask Sllppcrs for ladies, with leather sole. M4aîy colors. Ail sîzes. Pair _______890 FINE MEN'S TIIES - SCARVES .Silk and 100% Wool. Regular $1.95, $2.75, $2.95 Tour choice ________990 Fine English Bone China CUP and SAUCER Maîy tb choose from. Tour cholce ______________890 BOYS' TIES Tics, Bows and Hankys in mai>' autheutlo Tartans. 3-plece sets in GUIt Box. Ret. *P.75. Tour cholce - -___ 9 Huidreda cf Fine French Jewellery NECKLACES Eeg. $1.50, *1.75, *1.95. Tour ehoice - 49o WATFORD CRYSTAL The world's most famous crystal, Watford of Englaîd - Rcduced by 33% SCOTTISH JEWELLERY Haidunade. Priced up te *2.95. Tour choice $____________90e CUP AND SAUCER Fincît Stralford English Bone Chlins Regular $3.95- Tour choice Genuine Toledo (Spain) aid Aurora Borcalis complete JEWELLERY SETS ln leather aid velvet boxes. Regular up te $26.95. Tour cholce______ $5.95 MEN'S CUFF LINK SETS In finest Icather aid sllk boxes. Reg. te $6.95 Tour cholce $___ 1.79 LADIES' RINGS Re. up te $2.95. Tour choice for onul 49o SAILOR CAPS Boys' and Girls'. AIl wool. Eeg. $1.50 - $1.95 Tour cholce ____________ a. 49o CHIINA Royal Wlnton famous Plp th. Panda Cup aid Saucer, Bread and Butter, Caîdy Dishes for our children - Redaccd 509o PKLLOW CASES Ail band embroidered. lui fiegit boxes. Reg. $2.75 to $3.95. Tour cholce -.--$1.99 Huidreds of other tts reduced up te 60 AUl Purchases Git Wrapped for Christmas at No Extra Charge. OUR COFFEE SHOP 19 FAMOUS FOR Vienna Coffee and Vienna Pastry . 1.98 Genine Vyella Boys" and Girls" Jackel. (If lb shrlîks, we replace) For up te 14 years Rlegular $12.95 aid $14.95 Tour oholce $6.95______TECOMPLIMENT DG0L LS CITIES SERVICE "e IdianPrinceu fine douae, and sleeping to. Tour cholce - Only 8CAcamn itfrcide rautwt INDIAN PRINCE AND PRINCESS - Regular 99oeucaeo a adti opn GIft Doxcd Pair 390 Mlanf Morelitem. Tas Namerons Io Ment..io1 A WORD TO THE WIVES1 EurTy-up lamily meals, for! busy holiday-time can be pre-: pared well in advance if you have a home freezer. Start now! to inake an extra "dinner" every. day and serve up the extra plate on a fo11 dish. Cover and freeze. Soon you will have a tempting choice of dinners ready to thaw and serve on a monment's notice. Econornical too, for saving lef t- ove.rsl TAT LITTLE OLD MAN AGAI! And Thot Means It's Time To Stock Up With Your Favorite Smith Beverage. Make This A MUST'On Your Grocery List. Mode and Dottied by BOWMANVI LLE FINE TARTAN CAR BLANKETS 54" x 68" lu the handy carrying bat. Reversible. Ideal for camping, tool' Regular $3.95 and $4.95 $ M Your cholce $1.9 lNNS SWEATERS aid CARDIGANS The moat famous genuine Tony Day and Huntleigh of Lon- 4oî Sweaters aid Cardigans for men. Ail wooi, wool and cashmere wool and nylon, orlon, etc. Regular $8.95 a ad $12.95 Tour choice d 9 MEN'S SHIRTS AiU tirt, brand nmre shirts. W..l, fine cotton, jersey, etc. Regular $5.95, $695, $8.95 Tour cholce for ouy -- for9 TEAPOTS The famons Wlnston ef Entland Teapet, Bugar snd Cream. Regular $4.96 _____________ $19 Your Cheice$19 I O TWO PHONES for your convenicîce Imimmovlt%"

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