TME CANAIN I STATESMAN, BOWMAIVilL,ONTrARIO PAGE TWENTY-TWO Y TNT.IRSDAY, 1959 face cloths ini var lous colours anjw pn adblertte.Fi ve 'enerations c q09yÇ.8 Screec/i (9Wl fer hegft andenopn 'In the assemblies last Mon- week around the siool. Could d her sincere thanks, and in- 1 *. tlay, Tuesday and Wednesday_ it l:e ibecause exanis are u o ie i r~n ocreto nornings, eight eheerleaders us once agaîn? As soon as theyi visit her and the twins, Annette *rere chosen from among twel-'are over, nm have the Christ- adClte Ve finalists. Our new cheer- mas holidays Ito look forward Cnieal msmn a leaders are: Sandra Chaska- to and no more exams for ati aroused while trying to match vitch, Dixie Gili, Mary Lou least another three and a half;baby pictures with ladies pres- Marr,« Marie Cooney, Linda Ro- months. Good ].uck to everyone' cnt. After renoving the final wrappin- from a parcel con- bers Carl Lthenue, udyMarg Vansto e. taining a loveiy cup and saucer, .~. Jeffery and flene Rahmýe. They had their fîrst chance for ac- 1Inimediately fallowing the; Eileen Knox was the winner tion Wednesday, when B.H.S.1 final curtain of the three one- lof the same. A very dainty buf- 1 Bentam and Junior basketball1 act plays on Friday night, ail he uC.Gwas enjoedbynail. teams played host ta the OC. tihose people involvcd went toj church C.G..T.met in the e C.I teams. the home economics room at b ien.Daeme iît w ith the e This week should decide the' the school for a party. Mrs. s hir.en rolDianne Ti n i te Junior, Intermediate and Senior Arnott and several girls s dwiha eseo-srptr Houseleague Voleybali Cham- ved lovely sandwiches, Caokie.r- cai. gTh hri alsas pions. Winners in the Town and apple eider. The worship service prepar- and Counrty Leagues have been The room was decorated ed by Pat Davis and Evelyn determined sa now 9F County with a beautiful Christmas Hockaday was led by Marie will play 9B Town, l0-B County tree and rnany balloons. Flett.. vs. 10F Town andi l1A Coun'ty The directors of the ilhree. PIlans for thc Vesper service: vo. 13A Town. plays, Mr. Mathewson, Mr 1ta be held on December 20,! On Saturday, December 5th, Sheridan and Mr. Auger werei were discussed. the grade nine and ten girls presented wîth gifts from their1 The next meeting will be on' voi]leyball tearns took part in casts in appreciatian of the fine.: Deccr ber 19 and a rehearsal1 the tournaments which were job they did. As a final high- will be held for the Vesper lheld at Donevan Collegiate. light of the evening everyone service. The grade rine tournament enjoyed dancing ta rock 'n ral The fou rt.h meeting of the ended in a three-way tic for and the polka i the auditor- Sauina menu-makers was held fîrst place, sa it was necessary ium. in the kitchen of Saina Com- ta play twa extra games. The Gerald Hallowell rnunity hall with 16 girls pres- final standing was: Donevan I nt. The meeting opened by re- - first, O.C.V.I.- second, Bow- Christmas Party pcating the 4-H Plcdge in uni- mianville.- third, and Central Weii there is one good son and the reading of the min- fourtdi. Mernbers of the grade thing about the on-coming utes of last meeting. The ral nine team were: Margie Pick- exains and that is aur annual eall was answcred with a des- ad- Captain, Suzy White, Bon- Christmas party that is com- sert for supper. Mrs. Ashton nie Mutton, Leslie Ewert, Jean- ing on the 22nd this year. As outlined how tai use meat and nie Cole, Fat Austin, Pat Gill, usual, fifth form is again run meat alternates on the food Patsy Thompson, Annie Van ning the dance. guide for health. Mrs. Hocka- Dyk and Nancy Wooisey It will begin ihe ~aftrncon day gave out subject matter on the team was couched by Miss ihtetaiintahrs Planninfg good meais. Baked Snelling and maniagcd by Lise skit and also movies. Our, high rice, tomato and cheese and Knudson. school dance band is also ex- cheese fondue were made, these Seen in this five-generation picture is O.C.V.I. won thc grade ten pected to play some selections along with tarts and freshie, knee of his mother, Mrs. Robert Gatchëli,1 ,bournanient and Central, BH.S. for us. Later a volîcybail game were enjoycd for lunchi. The igfo ett ih r h aysgetg and Donevan finishcd second, between filth form and the ncxt meeting will be on De- nfrmlttaigtreheabsget- third and fourth respectively. teachers wiII be held in tihe cember 29 at 7:00 o'ciock, in the great-great-grandfather, Mr. Thomas Gimbl Members. of the grade ten team gymnesiuni. hall. were: Jane Lander- Captain, Food aînid refreshments are a Mrs. H. E. Tink was a guest Eileen Hughes Ch-eryl Syme, provided for those who wish toat the birthday party for her Libby Cale, Joanne Owen, Car- sa. nth cvening tHarne reil, r aper by 2Flane sborne. A Ch olyn Carr. Anin Leddy, Isabelle star.Intheth dnc daughter of Mr. and' a er iven b as sung with I P'ole ad lhrliy ilias.will conclulde our party. We Mrs. 1. Harrell, Oshawa, Satur- well at the pianc The grade ten team was coach- hpDtaeveeyocterMe. day atrnd*. HI4,Knojad rs.E. O b r e The excellentp ed by Miss Bennett and man-DaeMne ir.ndMsHarKoxad ,... jD r e aged by Annabele Stevens. The sons and Mrs. H. E. Tînk were *e n by Mrs. E. C officiais from Bowmanville for Saturday tea guests of Mr. and ~ Ti h work in Africai the tournament werc Karen SALEM Mrs. Walter Tink and Brian. At rinityW letters from Mrs McArthur and Lynde Rackam. b cda udyS Mr. and MVrs. Frank West- Elsie Bunner), Thigs re bi qietthi A pecalWhie Gft er lake Sr., were hasts at a turkey The ladies of Trinity Unitcd known in Bowrn whnsaeabtqitt ill pca hteGf evc supper on the occasion of Mr. W.Ms. met Tuesday afternoon s.AG.B nil ext Sud a udcc 3at 2:30.Westlake's 83rd birthday, Dcc. with a good attendanice. charstA Gcon netSWdyD--1 t :0 3 and his grand-daughter Mar- cart odc E! nL RJ Everyone is welcome. ilyn Cochrane (Mrs. George Mrs. E. Osborne's graup pre- session. Reports1 SEE!HEAR! A nuinbcr from here attend- Cochrane) on December 4. sented a very impressive Wor- ious secretariesm cd thc Oshawa Milk Produccr's Those present wcre Mr. and ship Service using "The Lord's Mrs. K. Squair -banquet at Harmony last Thurs- Mrs. N. Fiee. Douglas and keith, I rayer" as the theme. Mrs. the nominating cc E T day evening and the Durham 1\r. and Mrs. Fred Dart and Osborne was assisted by MeIs. sented the new sl T HE FuN E County Holstein Club banquet f amily, Zion; Miss Dot Bar- L. Mason and Mrs. W. Roberts. for the comIng yE at the Lions Centre on Friday ber, Courtice; Mvr. and Mrs. The offering was received by appear in tue Ji ! evening. Percy Westlake an d f aiily and Mrs. W. Woolley and Mrs. R. Meeting closedv OU O. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westiakc Gilbert and dediicated by Mrs. pah Benediction. IN SOUND! and MrTs. Doug Reynolds in the Jr., and family and Howard passing o! his grandfather, Mr. Westlake. Evening callers werc e iLinton o! Claremont. Thcy at- Reverend and Mrs. F. Reed, ** tendcd tihe funeral at Ficker- Hampton; Mr. W. R. Westlakc, ing on Monday aftcrnoon. Oshawa and Mr. Lloyd Broome Mr. and Mrs. K. Shackleton and Dennis. and famnily wcrc Sunday visit- Sunday guests inciuded Mi.r. BLAUP NKT iors with her sister and family, and Mrs. Tom Westlake, Cecil AmýIF. M -SWMr. and Mrs. Bruce Little, Dwight and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Agincoùrt. Mcl Parker, Millbrook. A loveiy basket of flowers Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gastin Sultanwere placcd in the church on and Gordon, Hampton; Mr. and Taleraiotlalý s mairg n ls Sunday i memory of Mr. W. Mrs. Joe Snowden and Bruce : ý:u1iY f ep3ri lngrageFM J. Snowdcn, Maple Grave. were Sunday guests o! MrU. and varicousticsoun; 3Mrs. 1. Hardy and Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- speker; tebl ad bss OLINA.AM gomery were guests of Mrs. pi3yr, aperecodeerenotespeker lýGertie Ferguson, Oshawa, on The hre M' me intheSunday. Ils s rnirkl',! rdo heTheeMsme i te Miss Marilyn McCarrell, Omne- : "REXDALE'F' church basement with the presi- mec, visited several days with dent, Wes Hiîls, in charge, open- Mr. and Mrs. Wes His and ing with hymn and prayer. The family. S E group wffl make a con- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kniox,ST A tribution ta Uic M. & M. fund. Brougham, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. : __ Th n ex meeing wl beon Harry K.nox and sons. IK~I December 28. Harvey Yeilow- Mr. and Mrs. D Flett and * ~ lees presided for thc program children visited Mrs. T. Fet. * .X:~i 'a which followed. The devotional Columbus. T ±u ' *I period was conducted by Gladys Mr. and Mrs. Rae Fascoe and . * Yeilowices. Several of Uic iess childrcn, visited at D. Moore's $1 3 .9 familiar hymns werc sung with and W. Moorc's, Cobourg. Joyce Taylor lcading. A humor- Mir. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Easy to fill-featherweight--instant switeh oua reading was given by Lais Pat attended a presentation for r from dry to steam. Temperature control lu Yellowiees, "Assignment - Mr and Mrs. T. Scott at Ked- Growng Up", the topic, pres- ron, Saturday night. wl accurate and automatto. 6' reveraible cord. v , ,ery teresting. Harvey Yel-i meet Thursday night Dec. 10EXAin entWit > lowlecs conducted agoUihytecomuiyhall. Ti RXAE 1match and lunch was enjoyedCrstameinwhnm - during the social hour. bers will bring a gift for somne- Mrs. Ewart Leask and Mrs. anc in the County Home at Co- AU-.TI Wes Hills wcre co-hostesses ati bourgs Mrs J. Van Ncst of 4 T J~ A I Roaio ndcr Wilson: high gent, Mr. Joe Red-- element. Cord attached. Localy oned ar.mond; low gent, Frank Viieger; 1956 SAVOY 6-CYL. 4-DR& dôor prize, Orval Tripp. Radio, black and turquoise. Clean car. Me. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier . attended the reception Sunday BT 1956 SAVOY V-8 4-DR. for Mr. and Mrs. Arhtur Hy- RT Radio, 2-tone blue. land at the home of the bride's : 1955 PLYMOUTH 0-CYL. 4-DR. SIJBURBAN parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- BATH '*CALES Nwbupat.Cabe, Yelverton.Lag aife eswteho dl Ne lu ait 11. Roy Ferguson, Mr. and 1 ag anfe eswt hoeda 1954 SAVOY 6-CYL. 4-DR. Mr. Noel Morton, were Sun- and non-slip mat. Available ln 4 srnart 3 fo hc ocos day cvening visitors with Mr. colours. Guaranteed for one year. fr m w i h t h o eand M s a p a l r a dW I E U Q O S , P N L L C 1954 PLYMOUTH 6-CYL 2-DR. girls,Mr. aphSdran ' ITTRUIE FIE BAK 1954 FORD 4-DR., Green Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt were ______________________________________ Sunday visitors with Mr. and 1951 CHEV. SEDAN YOUR Me. and Mes. Guy McGili and$ Radio. Runs fair. CHOICE girls called on Mr. and Mrs. IGrant Campbell, Sunday.. 1950 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. 4-Dr. $75I.00 Sorry ta hear Mr. Neil Mal- Goodrunnng ar. Speialcolm is in Oshawa Hospital with Gad ta hear Mes. L. Malcolm MGE will soon be home fromn Toron- Palmer Motor Sales MoWe.n Mespa. MG t.anWdstrnspa. .Wlh CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH FARGO Bowmanvilc, visitcd Mri. and SIMC DEAERSMrs. Chas. Failis and Mirs. Ivy SIMC DEAERSHoocv on Saturday. M0 King St. East Bowmnanville MA 3-5487 MNr. and Mrs. Vic Malcolm 3 Ki g Stn 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarec lGinn, Tucsday evening.rnc )f Oshawa Family IBaby Perry Gatcheli who is seated on the the former Miss Dianne Gimblett. Stand- grandfather, Mr. Norman Gimblett, his *lett and his grandfather, Mr. Ray Gimblett. -Photo by Mary's Studio ýristmas hymn Mrs. R. Hallo- rio. paper was giv- Osborne on the using personal 's. Miller (nec who, is well :aiville. rooks took Uic ýt the business from thc var- wvere heardi. r, convener of committee, pre- slate of officers cear which will ýanuary issue., with the Mi*z- Xmas Meeting HeId by Hampton W.I. The Christmas program o! thc Hampton Womcn's institute was held Tuesday, Dec. Il. After routine business a col- lection was taken for the Coun- tics Home at Cobourg. The north group witlh Mrs. Kersev as its leader had charge o! the Christmnas program anjd read a beautiful Christmas poem. Mrs. Hodgson prepared and presented a fine paper on T«W, TRY, AGAIN It seems so easy when inibookis, To ply the Golden Rule, It's not so easy when I corne To try it in life's school. Pcrhaps it would be, if 1 could Just down that littie ùnp, That whispers way inside of me, "Just give it to himr, "simp". But though I fail so many tirnes, In this world of mice and men, I'1l leave you with another rhyrne, Just "try and try again"._ * 1 --4 -Marjorie- Cunningham Christmas thoughts. She rgemin- hearts as ever. ded us ê,ecause of passmng Miss Horn rendered Christ- years we experience m an y mes piano music. Mliss Werry changes as we celebrate tiiet ail and Mrs. T. Mountjay gave in- important day. The attitude of teresting reports of thiQ Area most children is differerlt, but Convention. the Christmas story remalins the January meeting wiil be held samne and is as dear to our in -bhe afternoon. FOR SAFE, DEPENDABLE HEAT IEsso FURNACE OIL, refined and, proved for your heating unit A. H. Sturroclk & Sons Limited PHONE MA 3-5516 SANDER Comfortable hand grlp- use for wet or dry sandlng. Sandinw', area 41/" x 5%. Weight 5 lb' X-7261 Reg, 23.95 ¼/4JI1G SAW Bas powcrful universal motor and cuts to 450 on both sides- Complete ivith blade and wrench X-7260. Reg. ?6.95i ELECTRIC DRILL Powerful universal motor and geared chuck with key. Drills p, ' in steel and 11'2 in hard- wood. X-7263. $16.95 M 7" Circular Saw 1.5 h.p. motor - Safety slip clutch - adJustable sigbtlng guide - overslzed safety switch - retractable-blade guard - wide range outting vision - out% a" E 4" lumber at 4C. X-7263 Famous "Beaver» TABLE SAWS B" Standard 8" Doluxe 9" Heavy Duty GOR HARE -LIMUTED $ 69.50 $ 99.95 $129.50 BOWNMANVILLB IEIAL for ai your (Esso) petroleum needs 'SERIC,c Christmas Tree LIGHTS 8-lite indoor set complote wlth plug for : addition of more sets, berr7 headsfo easy tree trimmlng.. ____73C. 15-lite outdoot set fltted with weatlmr. proof wire and berry heads for leamy troc trlmmling. Reg. $4.75$3 9 . Christmas Tree STAND Takeî trocs up t. 3WV' trunk. Sturdy 16" ,spread betwoen legs prevents tippin». Enamelled red with green legs. ___ ___79 ýc :' ADJUSTABLE IRONING TABLE » AUl metal construction wit& meuh t p. Canary yellow finish, non slip rubb.r- tippad feet. Easily adjusta te ulttint position for ironlng huieonifort. :)WAREý ne MA 3m3386- - - - - - - - - - --l - -t. - b Q-ý