T.U1JI1»LAY, Dj ltia, 195 PAGE TWENTY-TOUR TEE CAIIADIMI STATESMAN. EOWMANVff.LE. ÔIUTAWn BirthsArticles for Sale Articles f or Sale CRAIG-Bob and Doris are LADY'S winter cent, 18, choeiP. BABY play pen. MA 3-70J9. L hiappy ta announce the birth of MA 3-3594. 24 Ontario. 301 50-1 o i.' their daughter Lisa Marie, on --- _____ ______ November 24th, 1959, at Memor- PORCELAIN kitelien aink and iAPPLE tree wood. Telephone B il Hospital, Bowmanville. 50-1 new trfip. MA 3-5968, 50-1 Newcastle 4321. 50-1 Fý CHN aie ndto9t.'B PLAYER-Mr. and Mrs. Len CHAd cabiPhnetMAnd3.3753. ILIGHT wood in stove lengths, - Player (nee Graoe Kersey), wish 5(. $10 per load. Phone COlfax P: to announoe the birth of a son, 3-2275. 49-tf ta Thomas James, 9 ibs., 10 ozs., COMBINATION coal and gas vt at Oshawa General Hospital, stove. MA 3-3865 or 90 Ontario GIRL'S Sanipson figure skates, 3- December 4th, 1959. 50-1 Street.501 size 7, like new, reasonable. - WATER for sale. Dellvered. MA334. 01 e Deaths Phone Cliff Pethick.. COlfax OE ur a il converter In c HANCOCK, Egerton-Suddenly I 'Y1RT'lK A q frpq iin lOrono 1234. 3-3 at Oronoon-Saturday,--Dèceém- ber 5th, 1959, Egerton Hancock in his 85th year; husband of the late Norah Wonnacott, dear father of Myrtie (Mrs. Wes. Wood), Bruce, Robert, of Orono; Victor of Bowmanville, Marlow of Newcastle, Glen of Wark- worth and Harold of Belleville. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. until Il a.m. on Tuesday, December 8th, then ta Orono United Church for service at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 50-1' VIRTUE, Russell A.-In Tyrone on Wednesday, December 9th.. 1959, Russell A. Virtue, beloved husband of Myrtle Moore, age 66 years. Resting at the Fun- eral Home of Northcutt & Smith, 53 Division St., Bowman-i ville. Funeral service will be held on Friday, December 1 lth at 2:30 p.m. Internient Bethesda Cemetery. 50-1 In Memoriaxn Scotch pine. 1 Prince St., MAI 3-3871. 5- PRUNED Scotch Pine Cýhrist- mas Trees. Bowmanville Frigid Locker, MA 3-5578. 49-3' KEYS cut automatlcally, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf CHRISTMAS trees, choice prun- ed Scotch pine. Delivery. C.l Gimblett, 123 Ontario St., MA 3-5835. 50-3' WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf SAVE on lumber. direct from mil to yau. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tf LARGE trailer, could be used for accommodation. Cabin ap- proximately 5 x 8 feet, also baby butier. 187 King St. E. 50-1 DORRELL-In bovfing memory wthSuntGblc buners andec of a dear wife and mother, MrS. wip ipe nt-gaoonitioun Phono Earl Dorreil, who passed away Cips,3-2235 coitorn329. Ph0-1 Dec. 9, 1958. CO__3-2235_orCO_3-2792._50-1 Twilight and evening bell ELECTRICAL Repars-Prompt And after that the damk. service ta electrical appliances, .And may there be na sadness large and small. Lander Hard- of farewell ware. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf When I embamk. -Earl and family.,GET your Scotch Pine Chriit- 50-1* mas Tree eariy. Available now at Bud Fogrg's. 24 Sauthway THOMPSON-In îaving memory: Drive. Phono MA 3-3688. 49-2 of aur mother, Lillie Maud 'INSULATION, blowing methodj Yellowlees who left ns sudden-iwith rock wool. Workmanship' Iy, Dec. 15th, 1947. guaranteod. F r e e estimates. She was a mother so very rare, ar .Wd.PoeCak Content in hem homne and 242 . Wae.PhnoClrk always there; 1_________ 9t She guided aur path, she helped! CH-RIST\MAS trees, Scotch pine, us alang. piced from $1.25 to- $2. Mur- if we follow in ber footsteps, ray Stacey, north of Trull's We shall neyer go wrong. Store, Courtice. Phono Oshawa .-Always remembered by sons RA 5-4047. 50-2 and daughters. 50-lt _________ Cards of Thanks Little Brian Van Dam would like ta thank everyone for the .car£ls and gift sent ta him while ini hospital andat home. A special thanka toe Dr. Ewert. 50-1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mahaffyý would like ta thank ahl thosel kind people who helped make, their 5th Wedding Anniversary such a success and also for the Iovely gifts and flowers. 50-1' Our sincere thanks ta aourl friends and relatives for the lovely party and beautiful gifts given to us on the occasion of aur twenty-first wedding anini-1 versary. Ada and Llew Hallowell. 50-1' 1 wish ta express my sinceme appreciation ta Doctors Miklos arnd Slemori and the nurses and staff ot Memorial Hospital for their kind care and ta my neighbours for their many acts of kindness during my stay in hospital. * (Mrs.) Ann Gould. 50-1 Mr. Lanson Milîson and fanu- ily wish ta thank their many i friends, relatives and neighbours for the many. beautiful floral offerings and numerous acts of kindness during their recent sad bereavement. Sincere thanks ta Dr. C. W. Slemon, Dr. K. Siemon, Dr. Sturgis and Dr. H. B. Rundle, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital and Rev. M. C. Fisher for hîs comforting words. 50-1 In the midst of aur sorow, we wish ta express -our heart- feit thanks and appreciation ta aur many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shawn us in the loss of aur beloved father. We especially wish ta thank the Rev. W. K. Housiander for his consoling words, all the 1donors of the many beautiful floral ofterings, the pallbearers, and Marris Funoral Home for their lind and efficient management of the services. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCulloch. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood McCulloch. 50-1 Nursing Home ACCOMMODATION for ladies a nd gentlemen at Lyntonhurst Manor Rest Home. Phone Orono 1771. 50-1' The South Haven Rest Home -Licensed accommodation avail- able for up or bed patienta. Phone Newcastle 4441. 29-tf CAkUROTS for sale, 50c per bushel. Bring bushels. W. Eymann, 1/ mile East R. Nich- ais' Garage, Courtice, go north ta first corner. (Farm). 47-tf WORK boots and shoes at bar- gain prices, brown and black, ahl sizes. Bowmanville Shae Re- pair, 80 King St. W., Bowman- ville. East of Bowmanville Cleaners. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cards at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf LARGE Quaker space heater, two fans and pipes, $25; stack of oat straw, registered Shrop. ram, Scotch pine pruned Christ- mas trees, 50c and $1. COlfax 3-2544. 50-1l DO your own floors and ugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or mug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmànville. Phono MA 3-5774. 20tf' GET ' he jump on old man wint- or! See us for free estimates an "Carhayes" Aluminunu Doors and Windows. You will bel amazed how economical theyl are from Cowan Equipment Ca.,1 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, or Phone MA 3-5689. 40-tf TURKEYS CIIOICE YOUNG BIRDS ALL WEIGHTS DRESSED AND DELIVERED BOY'S hockey gbloves, shoulder and knee pads, size 12 - 15. Tele- phone MA 3-5456. 50-1 *NEAIRLY new fur coat, size 18; boy's sport jacket and trousers, sîze 12. MA 3-3282. 50-1 YOUNG singing canaries (night- ingale rollers), also 2 young hens. PhoneMA 3-5058. 49-2* RACING pigeons. Good stock. Owner overstock. Apply 20 Second St., or Phone MA 3-3069. 50-1 SCOTCH pine Christmas trees, some pruned. Will deliver. George Mutton, Phone MArket 3-5981. 49-3 ALSCO alumium windows, doors, railfiïgs and awnings. Lamne AllUn, Prince St., MArket 3,3871. 50-1' A NUMBER of freshly killed turkeys and geese, also breed- ers. Laverne Harness, Orono. Phone 15 R 10. 49-4 PRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas trees. Bud Virtue's Service Station, 218 King E. Telephone MA 3-3432. 50-2 ONE pulley for John Deere tractor M and a sawing machine complete with beit and saw. Phone MA 3-5496. 50-1' MIXED hardwood, $35 load, 2 cords, resawed; also hardwood limbs, $30 load, delivered. J. A. Carscadden. Phone Orono 35r9. 50-4 HASSOCKS, pictures, TV table and tri-light laxnps, coffee and step-tables, ash stands, TV tables, reciner and swivel chairs, platform rockers. Trade- in rangette with closed elements. Beds and springs. Murphy Furniture, King St. W., MArket 3-3781.--50-1 * GIVE APPLES FOR CHRISTMAS SPY or DELICIOUS Individually Wrapped $20 haîf bus., $4.00 per biishel WILFRID CARRUTHERS Phone MA 3-5923 50-1' FRESH KILLED Dressed and Delivered 49-3 TURKEYS Young, Freshly Killed Turkeys from 12 fo 30 Ibs. Delivered for Christmas e.. . e.. - - a - - - - - .IGHT housework, 3 days out : 5. Phone MA 3-5470. 50-1' BABY sitting, marnings only. Phone MA 3-5813. Mrs. Jean 3rownlee. 50-1 'LUMBING, heatlng eaves- xoughing, free estimates. Har- iey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax -2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf ýOR chimney work, new or ,pair or any brick, block or mncrete work. P.O. Box 1083. ail L. Turner, Phono MA -5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf FOR p rompt, early delivery of Your Statesman, if you live ini the vicinity of Wellington, Car- lisle or Liberty Sts., Phone Bull Depew, MArket 3-3579 atter 5 P.m. 50-tf TED VEENHOF IVELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT COMPRESSOR WORK RAndolph 8-6974 50-4' Save 'Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., flowmanville CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAÂRS Mor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - 011 66 King St. W. MA 3-1127 BOWMANVILLE 20-tf TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION and REPAIRS Phone Bowmanville MA 3-5919 BILL AND BOB Oshawa RA 8-8180 LEASK 39-tf HAVE TUBES WILL TRAVEL TED'S RADIO & TELEVISION SERVICE Phono MA 3-5234 Guaranteed Work at at Reasonable Rates 46-tf Wanted USED typewriter, preferably portable. Phono MA 3-2954. 50-1 DEAD and cippled farm stock, picked up pramptly. Telephone COlfax 3-2721, Margwill Fur Famm, Tyrone.__ 37-tf ;ýnu %ew earI RIDE fnom 1 mile north of - 'Hampton on Scugog Road ta C ulfax 3-2297 IOshawa, ieaving 7:30 a.m., me- or Cil . BREKHamtonturning 5 p.m. daily. Phono !o49l C 3RKHCpo 3-2094. 50-1' FANCY APPLES Articles for Sale WE GUARANTEE FOIa A for Chrisfmas LFTM rnlirtl;;ndq 1 - i m be Picçtiiflualitv 50-11 Figure Skates White Leather Boots MISSES, - il ta 2 $10.95 MULTI-LITE SeIf-Storlng Extruded for year round homo comfort - afid protection. 134 Kink E.. MA 3-56891 50-1l TWO rooms', $25 per Phone MA 3-2717. month. 50-1 FARM bouse, near Bowmanville, $55 a month. MA 3-3394. 50-1 SELF-CONTAINED apartment central location. MA 3-3394. 50-1 GROUND floor heated apart- ment. Abstainers. MA 3-5416. 50-1 FARM house for rent with hydro and bathroom. Phone Co 3-2615. 49-2'l FIVE-roamed apartment and garage, north o Bowmanville. CO 3-2394. 50-1 TWO-bedroom apartment, child- ren welcome. Private entrance. Phone MA 3-3768. 50-1 ONE bedroomn apartment, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer. Barrett Apartments, MA 3-3611. 49-tf APARTMENT in Victor Manor, King St. W. Available im- mediately. Apply Wm. Curtis, MA 3-7035. 43-tf STORE, in the Knight Block, King St. East. Available Dec. lst. Apply to Mrs. Wes Knight, Phone MA 3-5448. 45-tf HEA'14ED apartment, 3 rooms, kitchenette and bathroonu, elec- tric washer and dryer, $60.00. Phone MA 3-5996. 47-tf AVAILABLE November lst, five-room office, 2nd floor, main street. S. R. James, 24 King East, Bowmanville. 44-tf FIVE-room apartment, hot wat- er heating, heavy wiring, sep- arate entrance and bathroom. Fred R. Stevens. 50-1' WARM single or double units, private washroom with shower. Low winter rates. On Highway 115. Phone Orono 18 r 7. 49-2 APARTMENT-Available Nov. 23; heated, stove and refri*èrat- or supplied, at Kingsway Apts. Apply N. J. Scott. Phone MA 3-3345. 49-tf SANTA Claus outtit, new this year, complete, $15.00 per oc- casion. Contact Ken's, Men's Wear, MA 3-5580. 35 Temper- ance St. N. 50-2 APARTMENT - Living-room, bedroom, kitchenette and bath. Inlaid linoleum. Cox apart- ments, 23 Temperance. Phone MA 3-2555. 49-tf NEWLY decorated heated apart- ment. Three roonus, bath, kitch- enette and washer service. Ap- ply 90 Queen St., Apt. 3. Phono M\A 3-5277. 50-tf 3-BEDROOMED brick house, ail heat, garage, central. Fumnîshed or unfurnished. Immediate pas- session. Would sell. Phonel MA 3-3098. 50-1* THREE-roomed apartment, sep- arate entrance, hot and cold water, kitchen cupboards and sink, two-piece bathroom. Tele- phone MA 3-7189. 50-1 ' SELF-contained heated down- stairs partly furnished apart- ment, suitable for working couple or single persan. Im- mediate possession.i Phone MA 3-5891 or CO 3-2220. 50-tf THREE-roomed furnished apart- ment, with bathmoom, good lo- cation, available Jan. lst, also furnished bed-sitting moom and kitchenette. Available immed- iately. Phone MA 3-3231 atter 6 p.m. 50-1 MIDDLE-aged man and wife, ta live in gentleman's home ent free in exchange for meals, hydro and fuel for ail heating. Write Advertiser 1, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 50-1* H-EATED apartment - Thmee large unfurnished rooms, with private entrance, aIl modern con- veniences, three-piece bath, heavy wiring, large kitchen with dinette. Nicely, decorated, cur- tains and floor coverings. Vacant. Quiet adult home. Adults only. Phone MA 3-3807. 50-1 SELF-CONTAINED - HEATED ALL CONVENIENCES Two Floors Two Private Entrances Electrie Steve and Refrigerator supplied THREE BEDROOMS NEWLY DECORATED GARAGE AVAILABLE Appl? N. J. SCOTT 140 DUKE STREET 50-tf1 Livestock for Sale SEVENTEEN pigs, well startod. Phone MA 3-3709. H. L. An- derson. 50-1* WANTED at once. Man with car for Rawleigh business i Townships Whitby East, Danl- ington and Bowmanville. Buy on time. Write immediately ta Rawleigh's, Dept. L-140-301, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 50-1 DEALERS! Start 1960 - the right way - don't be satisfied with a small income when you can earn more with our com- plete line including gitt sets, cosmetics, household necessities, Commission and bonus. Get yoursei.t ail lined ýup for thase $$$, write now for free catalogue and details. Familex, Depart- ment T-B, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 50-1 Apply te BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 50-1 A TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER 45 FOR BOWMANVILLE AREA IVE NEED a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earnings. We prefor sameone between 45 and 65 ... wha ean make auto trips for about a week at a time . .. and ean eall on small town industrial and rural property owners. WORTH $12,000.00 Our top mon in other parts of country draw exceptional earn- ings up ta $12.000 in a year. This oponiug in the Bowmanville area is woth just as much ta the right man. We take care of ail deliveriès and collections. Pay earaings lu advanee. Write a confidential letter ta G. B. SWALLOW, President, P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas 50-1 Pets f or Sale TWO beagle pups. Phoîie CO 3-2438. 50-1' GOOD home wanted for Collie pups, 10 months aid. Telephone MA 3-5759, between 8:30 and 5. 50-1 RADIO and tolevisian repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, toalal makes. Samne day service. Television Service Co. Phono MA 3-3883. 49-tf 'REPAIRS and rewinding, arm-1 atures turned, ta al makes of electric motors. Higgon Elec- t-ric, 38 King East. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of sow- ing machines. Free pickup arnd delivemy. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phono MA 3-7231. 44-tf Lost I oming kvents Dance at Sauina Community Hall, Dec. 12. Jim Fisher's Orchestra. $1.00 per persan. 49-2 Bazaar at Blackstock Parish Hall, Dec. 12, 8 p.m. Slides by Downham Nursery, Bowman- ville. Refreshments. Admis- sion 25c. 50-1' Dance and turkey draw at Tyrone Hall, Saturday, Dec. 12. Clara Nesbitt's Music Makers. Sponsored by Tyrone Orange Lodges. Admission 75c. 50-1' Plan to attend 'the Bowman- ville Choral Group Christmas Concert in the Town Hall on Friday and Saturday, Dec. il and 12 at 8:15 p.m. Aduits 75c, students 50c. 48-3 Euchre, card game at the Me- marial Park Clubhouse, Dec. 10, 1959, at 8 p.m. Proceeds for Cerebral Palsy School and Clin- ic. Good prizes. Refreshments. Admission 50c. 49-2 Bingo and Christmas Turkey Draw, Dec. 17, St.. Joseph's Auditorium. Four turkeys, ten chickens. Tickets 25c. Door prizes for bingo, same night. Ten 10-lb. turkeys. Two $25 jackpots must go. 50-2 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf .Help Wanted CARETAKER, duties to com- mence January 1, 1960. Apply The Canadian Bank of Com- merce. 50-1* $2,500 takes 100 acre farm with insul brick house. Hydro, furnace, large barn, trout streamn, near Blackstock. Full price $10,600. $5,000 takes a 170 acre farmn, new hanse, hydro, ail furnace, large barn, drive shed. 300 acre farm, 190 workable, good bush, trout stmeam, frame house, hydro, 3 barns, drive shed. $20.000 full price with ternis. $6,000 takes a 175 acre farnu, 135 workable; brick hanse, hy- dro, furnace, hip-roof barn 50' x 75', block silo, drive shed; 50 acres sown ta fall wheat. Full price $15.000. 100 acre farm, brick house, hydro, large barn, drive shed. Full price $12.500 with terms. 50-1 50 Acre farmn near Green- bank, 40 acres workable, streanu, 75' x 65' bank barn, water on tap, drive shed, hon house, etc.; 8 roomed brick home with fumnace, running water. Price $13,000. Tenus arranged. 365 Acre farmn near Coiborne, 275 acres workable, streanu, L- shaped bank barn, steel stan- chions, cement silo, extra barn; 3 homes with modern conven- iences. Askig $35.000. Ternis arranged. 100 Acre farnu at Little Bri- tain, 90 acres workable, stream, L-shaped bank barn, cement silo; 7 roomed home, heavy wir- ed. Price $15.500 with $5.500 down. 100 Acre farm, near Rice Lake, 75 acres workable, 2 barns with running water, drive shed, etc.; 8 raomed home with 4-piece bath, eiectric water heater. Price $15.000. Terms. 100 Acre farmn near Oshawa, 90 acres workable, stream, 80' x 36' bank barn, water bowls, milk house, pîg pens; 7 roomed home, heavy wired. Price and terms arranged. CHICKEN FARM on No. 2 Highway, east Newcastle, ca- pacity for 5,000 birds, 2 barns,,, fully equipped; 8 roomed homo with modern conveniences. Price and terms arranged. 3 Bedmoorn bungalow in Bow- manville wîth ail modemn con- veniences, modern kitchen, hard- wood floors. Price $10,000. Terms. 2 Bedroani bungalow in Bow- manvilie with ail modemn con- ver.iences, hardwood faonrs, modemn kitchen, full basoment. Down $2.000. Price arranged.- 3 Bedroom bungalow in Bow- manville with ail modemn con- veniences, hardwood and tile fionrs, full basement, modern kitchen. Asking $13 500. Terms. 2 Bedroom bungalow in New- castle with all modemn canven- iences, hardwood floors, full basement. Garage. Price $10.000. INCOME HOME, 13 roonus, solid brick home, close ta main1 street in Newcastle, extra lot.c Price $8,000 with $1.500 down.( GENERAL STORE, compris- ing of store, stockroom, 6 roms1 living quarters with modemn canveniences and garage attach-i ed. Prico $16,000. Terms. 1 Contact John F. De With i Realtor and General Ingurance NewMe lPhone 3341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowmauvfl M9A 8-39,51 Ram Davidson. Bethanr Phono 21 r 8 irames 1 N XAT--I- XKT-&-.3 1 'V-- Im--jL f -- 99 - - REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres with beautiful strearn, buildings in poor re- pair. A very scenic farm. CaUl ns for information. 50 acres with 1320 foot lake frontage, sandy beach, shade trees. A solid investment for anly $7,000.00. 46 acres with 6 room insul- brick house, hydro, pressure systeni, modern kitchen. Bana 30 x 50. All yours for $5,500.00. Easy ternus. 34 aeros with nice bush, small strean, suitable for summer camp, etc. Price $100.00 per acre. 10 acres, 10 room frame house, large L-shape barn. Priced at only $7,600.00. Terma. 2 acres - 6 room fuily modemn brick veneer bungalow. Price $12,500.00., Down $1,500.00. 2 acres with nice stream. 5- roarn bungalow. Asking price $3,400.00. Down, $500.00. 5 room house, full basement, town water and sewer. Prie $5,500 .00. Down $500 .00. 189 Scugog st. Bowmanv'ille Caîl MA 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blyleven Cali MA 3-5300 50-1 Auction Sales Auction sale of 19 Holstein cows and heiters, brood sows with pigs, feeder hogs, shoats, M.-H. tractor, all farm impie- monts, water bowls, stanchions, litter carrier, 2,500 bales hay, 1,000 bus. Rodney aats, at the Northumberland and Durhamn County Home at Cobourg, Sat- urday', Dec. l2th at 1 p.m. Mur- ray C. Noble, auctioneer. 50-1 Wanted to Buy ALL kinds of live paultry wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phono 7 r 13"coLlec. -tf HIGHEST prices pald for used turniture, apliances, television sewing machines, etc. Also sel and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phono MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices pald for live poultry, goose feathers, foather ticks, scrap iran, rags, motala and raw furs. Phono RA 3-2043 Oshawa, colleet. 48-ti Room and Boacrd MEN preferred. Phono MArket 3-3974 or 91 Ontario St. 50-10 Cars for Sale 1950 FORD deluxe wlth over- drive. Reasonable. Phono New-. castle 3746. 50-1 1954 CHEV., hoater, defrostor, directional signais, built-in radio. Will finance if necosamy. Phone MA 3-5560 (evoninga>. 50-10 Y~1OUR ESSOI O~DISTRsUTOR Pedwell Real Estate 200 acres on 35 Highway, 3 miles from Lindsay, 2-storey brick house, ail conveniences, large painted bank barn, al workable land, well fenced. This farmin s one of the best. $33,0001 with $10,000 down. 200 acres, close ta Lindsay, 130 acres workable, good pro- ductive soul, level, no stone, in- sul-brick house, 6 rooms, bank barn 40' x 100', $15.000. Termns. Supertest gas station and snack bar on 35 Hlighway. Smali down payment and easy ter.ms. Gas station and snack bar, Shell service and car sales, on 35B Highway close ta Lindsay, last year's gallonage 70,000. This is a rare opportunity, reason- able terms. Estate sale, known as the Thornton property in Coîborne, 10 rooms, 6 bedrooms, conven- iences, oul furnace, fireplace, garage, large landscaped grounds - an ideal place for nursing home. Asking $10,000. Half cash. 9 room house in Orono, 3- piece bath, oul furnace, cook stove, hardwood and tile floors. This must be sold to close an estate, $8,000. Terms can be arranged. Clapboard house in Hampton, 5 rooms, completely furnished, refrigerator and new stove. Lot 66' x 175', taxes only $60.00. This property must be sold ta close an estate. $4,000, hait cash. Money ta boan. H. C. PEDWELL, BIROKER Newcastle Phone 3856 50-1 Annan & Cook REALTORS Representative MARVIN NESBITT Nestieton Phone Blackstock 44 R il Real Estate for Sale INCOME hanse, well rented, i Bawmanville. $2,000 down will handle. MA 3-2383. 49-3 Leask Real Esiate Three-apartment incame home, 3-apartnient incarne homie, central, solid brick, aù i unace, private entrances. 10% on your investment. Down pay. ment $2,500.00. Apartment house, brick, three apartments plus a 5-room house. Aluminum storuns and screens, new gas furnace. Partially furnished or may be bought furnished and occupied. Good -income. We have farnus, bungalows, houses, etc., too numeraus to llst. M. E. LEASIK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvill MArket 3-5919 Sales Staff: Freddy L. Ames - MA 3-3408 50-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and tilstriet Real Estate Board 15 acres and garage, choice level garden land, corner loca- tion, 5 miles north, of Bowman- ville. Asking only $3,500 with $1,200 down. 10o level acres with 50 acres orchard, consisting of popular varities, of pears and apples. Large hip-roofed barn, pond, paved road. Only $25,000 with easy ternus. Modemn brick bouse in Orono. Asking only $8,000 with terms. Large selection of homes, farms and busînesses. Cal WALTER FRANK 17Church St. MA 3-3393 Dowmanvjfle 5- - 1 .PAGE -Ewmç-ry rom MM C"ADLx STATESUM. BOWMAImnia ONTAM