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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1959, p. 3

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THURSDAY, DEC. lOth, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVYLLE. ONTARIO PAGE TUU I Married ln St. Paul's United Setting Was Trinity United Recently Wed Iln Newcasfle FISK - u'ILLING Before a lovely background of candelabra and bouquets of white and wine 'mumas in Tria- SpecialUs in PERMAN ENT WAVES Wived by: JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 $ 7.95 For ---__ Reg. $12.50 5 For 9.95_ Reg. $15.00 iiO For 11.95__ ££ ~ SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $6.95 Mr. Huyck wiII be here on Tues., Wed. and Fri. to do the steam and regular waves Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck'si Hairstyling Studio 67 King St. W., BowmanvIlle ity United Church, Bowman- ville, on Friday, Noveniber 13, 1959, in a quiet cereniony Bey. W. Housiander united in mar- niage Rena Elizabeth Dilling. 1 daughter of fr. and Mrs. Rance L. Dilling, and Mnr. Frederick Anthur Fisk. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisk, Newcastle, Ont. Wearing a full, gored baller- ina length white dress the bride was given in marriage by her father. The peau de soie skirt was fashioned with front and back released inverted pleats and the chantilly lace bodice !eatured dart pleats from the centre front bow trim. and long sleeves extending to points over the hands. Her elbow length veil was caught to a pearl trimmed crown and she carried a cascade bouquet o! red roses and white carnations. The bride's attendant, Mrs. John Lunn, was in a street- length red velvet dress with three-quarter length sleeves and scoop neckline. She carried a cascade of white carnations dotted with red-tipped white carnations. Mr. John Lunn performed the duties of best man. For the reception held in Trinity United Church Sunday School the bride's mother chose a street-length sheath dress of royal blue magic crepe, winter white hat and gloves, small bla*ck bag and shoes, and cor- sage of white carnations. As- sisting, the groom's mother wore a cocoa brown wool street- len.gth dress with beige satin curnmerbund and floating pan- el, matching accessories and cor- sage of bronze chrysanthemunis. As the couple left on a wed- ding trip to Eastern points the HA "Y - -HEA D TH S O E Hohidays Are on Their Way ... TRUST YOUR DRESS SUITS AND EVENIN G GWNS TO EXPERTS Look your very best this holiday season in freshly dry-cleaned clothes that have been given the gentie, expert care they require! Garments not only look better, they last longer, b- z our scientific methods neyer put a strain on the fine fabries. Cali MA 3-5520 Today For Pick-up and Delivery - a~j~ '4 ~g r Ww. MA. 3-.5 2 Refre shâ Buy the famlly carton of 6 big boufles <Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTIBUTOR Shown signing the register following their marriage in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanvile, on Saturday, November 28th, 1959, at 7 p.m., are Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bell. Mrs. Bell, the former Lorelei Ann Hetherington, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hetheringrton. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell of Peter- borough. -Photo by Rehder bride wore' a moss green twee d box suit with three-quarter length sleeves, with matching bat, gloves and scar!, black suede shoes and bag. AUr. and Mvrs. Fisk will reside at 17 Cen- tre Street, Bowmanville. Both the bride and groom at- tended Bowmanville High School. and are employed by General Motors, Oshawa. The bride was the honored guest at several parties prior to ber niarriage. Miscellaneous showers were given by Mrs. Donald Badour, Oshawa, Misses Josie Brooks and Carol Beare, Bowmanville, and Mira. John Lua-n also o! Bowmanvjile. Mirs. Archie Masters was host- ess for a pantry sheif and kit- chen shower and Mirs. Jim Mc- Queen, Newcastle, for a linen and kitchen shower. McNEVIN - SELBFY In a recent oeremony per- formed by Rev. M. C. Fisher in Newcastle United Church, Edna Doreen, daughter of Mrs. Edna Selby, Newcastle, and the late Mr. Carl Selby, became the bride of NMr. Donald (Ray) Mc- Nevin. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan M. MeNe- vin of Oshawa. Baskets of white and bronze 'mums formed a lovely setting for the ceremony. Mrs. C. Barrett, BowmanVille, was organist and also accom- panied the soloist, Mrs. Dianne Foote o! Oshawa, who sang dcO Perfect Love" and The Lord's Prayer". The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Newton C. Selby, wore a bouffant full- length gown o! white organza peau de soie over taffeta styled with a V-neckline, pleated ),o. dice edged with Chantilly lace and lily-point sleeves. Her fin- ger-tip veil fell from a peari and sequin trimrned coronet and she carried a cascade bouquet o! red sweetheart roses and white 'mums. Mrs. Christena Selby, sister- in-law of the bride, was matron of honor and the gro>om's sister, Mfiss Beatrioe MeNevin o! Osh- awa, wvas bridesmaid. Their cin- namon coloured -dresses were of /fedlical Mirror Q. JVoudd yout please discuue the larest reanment for Par-. kinson'g diseuse? Cou a persoit use honte ITc aiment such as eating certain joods?-S. A. Treatment of Parkinson's dis- case (paralysis agitans or shaking paIsy) is based primarily on the use of drugs to hcIp overcome the symptoms. Unfortunately, no drug -let atone diet -has yet been developed that wiII perma. nentiy hait the disea se. Witbrn the Iast 20 ycars or so doctors' bave been cautiously exploring the use of certain surgical pro- cedures to modify the disabling symptoms of Parkiason's disease. Some good results have Men oh- tained but surgical treatment ia regarded as more or lesu expert- mental by many physicians. Ibis *s not to say tikat nothing can bc donc for people with paralysie agitans. Even though drug treat- ment isn't perfect, most patients can bc helped. IIISNau gPreubud eih wh«w do bet... de prouMb .*.0. Md dont ruumable CoUL Timit yo.r hulf e mdocu.o-. em MR 0 te f w. MA. 34,J the sane design and inatenial as the bride's gown and featur- ed cumm~erbunds accented with bow and streamners and havingi V-backs. They wore cinnamon velvet headbands with net pleating and carried cascades o! yellow daisy 'rnUuns. Mn. Wm. Kellie of Peterbor- ough was best man and the ushens were Mir. Donald Wilson and MT. John Foote, both of Oshawa. The reception was held in the Church Rail where the bride's mother received the guests in a street-length dusty rose crepe dress with lacebo dice and mnatching accessois To assist, the groom's mother[ chose a two-pjece beige brocade bengaline sheath with matching accessories. Botih wone corsages o! pink roses. For the honeymoon trip to points in Ontario and the Un- ited States the bride travelled in an azure blue wool sheath with winter white and black accessorjes and fur jacket. Mr. and Mms. MeNevin will reside at R . R.3,*Bowmnanville. BELL - BETHERINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Arthur Fisk are pictured above following their wedding in Trinity United Church,1 Bowmanville, on Friday evening, November l3th, 1959. Mrs. Fisk, the former Rena Elizabeth Dilling is the daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Rance L. Dilling. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fisk, Newcastle. -Photo by Rencler BETIIANY Donald Smith received bis junior matriculation certificate and was awarded a special pnize of $10.00 for highest marks in Agriculture at the Lindsay Col- legiate Graduation exercises on Friday night. Hlis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith were present for the ceremonies. Miss Norma Jakeman, now. employed with the Manufactur- er's Life Insurance Co. in Pe- terborough, also received her junior matriculation and comn- mercial diploma. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jakeman and grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Henry Jakeman, were also pre- sent. Harry Ryley was rushed to Civic Hospital ,Peterborough, on Tue sday nigbht for an emergency appendictomy operation. Mr. and Mrs. Donald (Ray) McNevin are shown cutting their wedding cake following their recent marriage in Newcastle United Church. The bride, former Edna Doreen Selby, is the daughter of Mrs. Edna Selby, New-. castle, and the late Mr. Carl Selby. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan M. McNevin of Oshawa. -Photo by Ireland Studio Ralph Rowland, Calgary, AI- man, Seagrave, visited with Mr. ta., visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan dur- and Mrs. Walter Rowland for mng the weekend. several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Neals (nee Mae Smith) happily cele- Congratulations to Mr. T. brated their 25th, wedding an- Milton Weathenilt who had his niversary on Tuesday and were 8lst birthday on Tuesday Mr. presented with a cabinet of ail- Weatherilt is a patient in*Civic ver flatware by their famnily Hospital, Peterborough, and and other relatives. during the day his family vis- Robent Sisson as M.C. ex- ited with him there. His many pressed the good wishes of their !niends will be pleased to know friends and neighbors. Charlès that his condition is somnewhat Preston read the address o! con- improved. gratulations and Ross Hanilton Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stur, presented the gift. Standards o! white 'munis and candelabra !orned a lovely set- ting in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanviiie, Saturday, Noveni- ber 28th, at 7 p.m. when Rey. H. A. Turner united ini marniage Lorelei Ann, daughten o! Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hethenington, and Mn. Deanis Bell. Mr. Bell ia the son o! Mn. and Mira. Frank Bell o! Peterborough. Mna. C. H. Dudley was organ- lat and a]so accoinpanied the sololat, Misa Ruth Kingsibor- ough. Given in nmarriage by hen fa- ther, the bride was attined in a white velvet gown with a very f ull bouffant skirt. The basque waist was fashioned with a scalloped bateau neckline and long liy-pointed sleeves. Her nylon tulle veil fell front a se-' quin and pearl crown and she carried a cascade o! red roses and white button 'munis. Miss Roberta Hetherington, a sister of the bride, was brides- maid ia a street-length dress o! red velvet with tightly !itted bodice, matching cunimerbuad and very full bouffant skirt. The bodice !eatured large very , full puffed sleeves and a ba- teau neckline. The bnide's wee sister, Miss Bonda Lee Hether- ington, was flower girl ia an identical tiny copy o! the gown worn by the bnidesmaid. Both wore matching red velvet bow headbands and carnied cascades o! white carnations. Mn. Stephen Hook of Peter- borough was best man and the ushens were MnU. Carl Meagher, Peterborough, and Mr. Charles Trim o! Newtonvile. The reception was held in the Chureh Panlour where the bride's niothen received the guests ia a street-length grey- blue silk faille sheath dress, pink satin bat and matching corsage o! pink carnations. To assist, the groom's mother chose a blue printed silk dress, black velour hat and corsage o! white carnations. For the hoaeymoon tnip by moton to Nothern Ontario the bride wone a turquoise jersey- laine sheath dress with char- coal coat, b-at o! red velvet leaves and corsage o! white carnations. Mr. and Mns. Bell wîll reside at 18 Maple Cnes- cent, Peterborough. The bride, who atteaded Bow- manville High Sehool and is a graduate o! -Peterborough Civie Hospital Sohool of Nursing, is a Registered Nurse. Mn. Bell at- teaded Peterborough Collegiate and Vocational Institute and ia an nipoyee o the Bell Tele- Seek happiness for itsow salce, end you will not find it;l seek for duty, and happinessl wull follow as the shadow.cornes with the munahne.-Tryon Ed-l warda. TEURSDAY, DEC. 1M, 1959 IM CANADMS STATISMAR, BOWMANVII.LZ ONTARIO PAGI TIUM r

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