______________________________________________________________________________________ I -. - - -- --. - - --. ~ .LELULIQLJ~ Z, J.ILt~;. LUUI, £101 TRI CMiADIAN STAT~A2L' fl~WItANvffLu a Eetween 8 and 100 Ratepay- ers attended the meeting heid on Fridâyi -Nov. 27th, et the TownshWýp- Hall ln Biackstock. Miirteeâ*hrinations were re- giserediôr fCouncil and Pub]ic School fàrd of Education. Chairiâh - Ex-Reeve Bruce ]Reaslip addreissed the gather- Izig Wit -4ew suitable words, and cal1&d upon the 1959 Coun- cil firs to give their reports land to îýcknowledge their nom- ination Reev% Bruce Ashton spoke first, aïd reviewed the Audi- tor's Bàîance Sheet with the au- dlience. jQuestions were answer- ed andfhe l4ceve then went on ta repqÏt on the County Road approp*ation, stated ta be $905,0*,and an additional $6 10,- 000 reeëived for dcveiopment. That t* Unitcd Counties cmn- ployed j0 steady men and how ilicir salaries varies from en- gineersZ; ta labourers'. About one half of their 330 miles of roadway was bard surfaced and that théy planned to ail ail the gravel 8.ýurface roads left, next ycar, that were flot under con- structiorn, and that the oiling 1 inachindry which xvas purchas- ed last,'year had proven verv satisfactory. 0f the $905,000 Road Approfriation, Cartwright hid this yr ei'rceived value to the amountfof $34,196 for oui' coun- ty roa* but $30,000 of this was the co#t of liard surfacing the tio. 14,,County Road from Cae- carea and Nestieton ta View Lake. Deputy Reeve Albert Gibson thankcd his nominator and se- conders for the oppartunity o! contesting the twa seats and stated that he had no intention o! qualifying as candidate for the Rceveship. As Municipal representative ta thc Port Ferry Hospital Board, he gave their Financial Statement as o! the lst a! the month which showcd a debit o! approximatcly $1,580. Coundillors Merrili Van Camp, Lawrence Malcolm and Fred Trewin each spoke in turn:, the former on Township Ronds. He informed the Rate- payers that 15 miles o! ail-chip surface had been startcd in the Township and whcn compîcte wiil have cost the taxpayers approximatcly $3,600 per mi1e, on which there is na gravel lass, no dust problcm and is practically a permanent rond- way. The Township road rate is 9.5 milîs and on an average $4,000. Assessment is less th3n the amnount many pay for snoxv removai in their own lane. Comparcd with other Municipal Rond levies this Township is most fortunate. Lawrcnce Malcolm gave the details in connection with the purchase of the new Adarns Grader, equippcd with wing and snow piow, which was ten- dered for in January 1959. After decision ta accept the presently VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. BE$Tl QUALITY. . . FUE L 0O1L VI STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA RA. 5-1109 Ppwerful outdoor show starring ALAN LiADD, JEAN ARTHUR., JACK PALANCE Two complete shows at 7 and 9: 10 NEXTý NON. TO WED.I DEC. 14 - 16 "Woman Obsessed" (Color) SUSAN HAYWARD, STEPHEN BOYD Complete shows ai 7 and 9 p.m. Brush, Comb and Mirror 3.98-4,95-6.95-11.95 flair BrUshes - 1.00 - 4.50 CiftIs for the Lady Evening ln Paris Perfume 1.25 - 2.00 - 3.00 Desert Flower Cologne _____1.25 - 3.00 Cutex Sets 2.00 - 3.00 - 5.00 Tweed Cologne 1.50 - 2.00 Gift Statlonery 49o to 3.00 soap Sponge ---1.00 Dusting Powder Mitt 1.25 Yardley Men's Sefs Ladies' ets- 1.65 to 6.253 Palmolivo 1.25 - 1.60 - 1.70 Bath SOUt - 1.50 to 3.75 Oid Spice- 1.50 - 2.10 - 3.60 cologn. -J.50 - 2.00 - 3.25j Yardiey- 2.75 - 2.95 - 3.35 New Sp<'ay Mast ___ 2.50 Woodbury -_____ 1.85 I BoxeChoco1aies, 1 - 2 lbs., 1.00-2.00-2.75 owined unit and much discus. sion; the tact that neighbour. ing inunicipalities advised againsi the purchase o! the low. est tendered $19,200 unit and that the Dept. of Highwayý wouid subsidize only thE amount of the lowest tender resulted in the final decision The Total Cost of the Adam.c Diesel Motor Grader, snaw plov and wing and extra accessorieç .-$28,474. The trade-in value oi the aid No. 414 Adamns Grade: was $6,000, whiah left a nel cost of $22.474. Of this $9,60C would be subsidized by the Gov. ernment, which is only $1,63' more for Township ta pay, than if the Municipality had purchas. cd the cheapest grader. Coun. cillai' Malcolm accepted his nomination for niember oi Council. .. 1Mr'. Fred Trewin then spoke for a few minutes, stating liiL belief that the old grader was good cnough and that he hac opposed the new purchase. The aid grader had worked fora ncighbouring comnmunity ta t.heir satisfaction. Also the other nominees for Council, Mi'. John Hamilton and Ernest Swain, thanked their proposers and se. conders and reserved theii' de- cîsion until later. They thought the 1959 Council had done a good job. The Road Superintendent, Merlin Suggitt, explained Liîe Road Budget: For the past year up ta the present maintenance costs wcrc $15,374.49 and con- struction $10,810.38, and gave the brcakdown o! the total be- tween the Dcpt. of Highways and this Municipality. Alsa the Supplementary By-law authar- izing payment for the new gra- der' $19,200, which was the full subsidized amount sa that the grant would be receîvcd before the end of this year. 0f the thi'ee Nominees for the Public School Area Board, only one was in attendance, chair- man Wallace Marlow, who gave his usual brie! and wcll i'eceiv- cd report. He stated that this Municipaiity eould be proud that it was sa well cquipped for the future with regard ta available classroom space while several of the adjoining muni- cipalities wcre sa crowded that they had ta instruct their stu- dents i shifts, and were send- ing some at great expense ta other s-chools and had ta con- tinue ta build new schools. A fcw North Darlington childrcn wcrc taking ad-vantage o! the opportunity ta procure trans- portation ta and an education in the Blackstack Schaols. The other twa Nominces aýdvanccd the necessary written certifica- tion that thcy wauld accept their nominations. Dr. J. A. McArthui', long trne chairman of the Blackstock High Sohool Board, gave their report of finances and comment- cd on the fact that Inspectors 1were still favouring crowded schools with large attendance (as if that improves education). It was stated that the High Schoal teachers here are wel qualified and that there is stili available room, for an additional 50-60 pupils ini the Blackstock School. Mr'. Geo. Blyth was given an opportunity ta speak on the financing of the Car'twright Volunteer Fire Brigade, re- questing a direct levy for sole benefit o! their Fire Depart- ment. Stating that o! the 14 or" sa fires which thcy ettcnded, only at threc were thcy in need o! any assistance from Port Pcrry Fire Department. Mr'. Blyth then caflcd on two mcm-. bers o! the 1959 Council ta pub. licly commit themselves as ta their stand. Reeve Ashton sta- Led that if the majority o! Rate- payers dcsired one unit end wished ta finance it through thcir taxes then he would be in favour. Councillor Mý Van CaMP elso statcd that if enough ratepayers demanded sanie, Lhen*he toc was i favor. Mi'. Blyth statcd that many people thought o! his fire bri- gade as af Cacsarca anly, as it had its origin there, was fi- tai conditions etc., and closed Lie Nomination with the Qucen. Nominations registcred were as foilows: Reeve, Bruce Ash- =, Albert Gibson; Deputy- Reeve, Merrill Van Camp, AI- crt Gibson and Fred Trcwin; Boa.rd o! Education, Wallace Warlow, Mrs. L. MeArthur and ïarold Kyte, Councillor, Fredç rrewin , Merrili Van Camp, rhn R. Hamilton, Lawrence Uaicolm, Ernest Swain. By Acclamnation: Reeve, Bruce ,shton; Deputy-Reeve, Albert. ibson, Boar4 o! Educatian, Vallace Marlow, MrUs. L. MicAr- hur, Harold Kyte; Caunicillors, 7red Trcwin. Merrill Van Camp, ýawrcnce Malcolmn. .1 We have no mart rigta consume happiness Yithout producing it than ta consume wcalth without prodiuciixg t..- George Bernard Shaw.1 S haron Wright.ofti .The deepcst sympathyo!hs community is cxtended to Mr'. R. R. Elliott and famîly in the sudden passing of a beloved wife and mother. Mi'. Elliott was at one time locum-tenens of Welcome charge. The late M. Elliott was beioved by all and was always a welcome visitor at oui' W.A. meetings and others. Our sympathy is also extend- ed to Miss Mlay Hawthorn in the bereavement of a bcioved sister, Miss Jessie Hawthorn. Miss May bas been a life-long restored ta his usual health. resident o! Roaseberry Bill. Mina Jessie was for many vears a teacher in the vicinity o! Port Arthur until her retirement, when she returned ta Roseberry Hill. W, also offer our synipathy ta M.r. Lansen Millson of New- castle, daughter Doreen and sons, in their sudclen bereave- ment of a beloved wife and mother.4 We are pleased to note the condition of i. Jack Cornish is now Improved. Wc trust this will continue and oui' frlend BEST BUY - SAVE 12e CASH Cypress Gardens 1 ORANGE JUICE BEST BUY - SAVE 5c CASH CRISCO SHORTENING BREST BUY - SAVE 4c CASH Heinz COOKED SPAGHETTI1 BEST BUY -'SAVE 7c CASH Libby's Deep Browned Beans IBEST BUY - SAVE lic CASH GEM MARGARINE BEST BUY - SAVE 25e CASH Regular - Doc. Ballard's Champion DOG FOOD Quality Meats Swifts - Meaty Young LEGS lb.49cI Swift's - Sweet Pickled - Peamealed COTTAGE l.49 Swift's - Youipg - Tender - Sliced BEEF LIVERS- - - Swif t's Premium - Sliced, Side, I L pkg. BREAKFAST BACON 39c Swift's Brookfield - Skinless i1lb. pkg. SAUSAGE *.. "Feature" - Save 6c Cash Supreine Sweet - 48 or. jar NIXED PICKLES - 59c "Feature" - Gray Dunn Caramel Wafers I Pkg. 25c1 Gray Dunn Choc. Caramel Wafers 35c "Feature" - Save 24c Cash Maxwell House - 6 oz. jar INSTANT COFFEE 95c "Feature" - Buy 1 Giant pkg. at reg. price - Get Ige. pkg. for only le SUPER FAB AIl for 89C HOLIDAY BISCUITS Suprenie - 68 Biscuits SHORTBREADS Supreme Assorted - 48 Biscuits ICE WAFERS Supreme Brand IXED NUTS Assoried CHOCOLATES Lb. 89c Christmas Stocking Pack - Large sire ALKA-SELTZER - 78c per pkg. per pkg. - 29c m a 39c1 tn 3 for $100 i lb.2fr9 pkg. o 9 1* 2i Ifor 2.9c 20 oz. Io 7 tin2fo37 1lb. 4Afr 8C pkg. ..rry t5i 1lOfor $1.00 Historical Site at Presqu'île Plans are underway for the development of a historicai site at the Jobes' Cabin in Presqu. 'Ile Park. The property now contains a cedar log cabin, to which in later years an upstairs and several annexes have been added, and an adjacent work- shop of frame construction. It is proposed to dismantie these an- nexes and restore the cabin to its original condition. It is believed that the work- Business Direclory-. AccouIniancy_ RAY J. DILLING Certlfied Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. 3. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance St.. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditoru Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. P. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. IGillette - pkg. of 10 blades Lb,. 49 THKIN BLADES - 35c Gillette - Large Sire SHAVING CREAN Gillette - Regular RAZOR SET Super a Speed à12 Fresh Pro duce Luscious California Red - Fancy No. i Grade Grapes 2.bs. 2.7c Zipper-slcinned - Delightful Tan gerines doz. 33c Direct front Spain to you - Large size Spanish Onions 2 for 23c Snow-white Delicious Mushrooms lb. 49c go Lb. Pkg. 47c1 BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOOD BIRDS EYE FROZEN - 6 or- tin ORANGE JUICE 4 For 75c1 THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVIILE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KJNG $T. - BUST OF TOWN LNM ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth fs Market Donald Gordon Asks Accountants to Consider Effects of Inflation The inacto f Ue 'a wrous social 1disease" ! nlton Is flot bcing sufficicntly disclosed in financial stiatements, Donald Gordon, president of the Cana- dien National Railways, has tald the accaunting profession. He was addressing the Insti- tute of Chartcred Accountants o! Quebec nmerkig Uic anni- versary cf their incorporation in 1880. Whcn assets are acquired at anc price level and consumed over a period o! years during which money values change, fi- nancial statements which do nat record these changes are sus- pect as being unrealistic, and indccd, xiis1eading, tUic C.N.R.. president said. "If recorded Profits are ln- flated througlx the effecta ti! changing nxoncy velues, it is not reasonable to assume that real capital may b. depleted through deniands fromn shareholders for larger dividends, and fromn em- ployeci' representiatives for higher wages?", he asked. "lIs the life biood o! industry being draincd awey?" Calling for a programme o! education for the Canadian pub- lic in respect of the facts o! in- flation Mi'. Gardon said: "I be- lieve that no onc is better cquipped than the qualificd ac- countant to let people know the effects o! inflation!» l- Lands and Forests Weekcly Report shap was the original home since it has an open hearth, for cooking and hcating, miade o! hand nmade bricks. In later ycars, either throug-h deterior- ation cf the building or the owners' position becaming im- provcd, the log cabin was erect- cd nearby. Since stoves were then in use, fia fireplace was built. The earlicr home was then rcnovated into a warkshop and a forge and bellows for blacksmithing wcrc addcd, aiang with a pit for slaughtcr- ing and butchcring. This orig- inal building probably dates back ta 1820-1850, when it was bujit by Thomas and Ezikiel Jobes, who farmed the area, but as yet fia authentic date has been establishcd. This . will mean scarching through every Possible source o! information and anyone who is feniliar with the history a! the arca could help us cansidei'ably. The cabin as it stands now cantains no furniture. In order that it can b. furishéd authen- tically, the Departmcnt of Lands and Forcsts would most eppreciate any donations o! fui'- niture or antiques fromn the cma o! 1800-1875. Moose Shot During Deer Season Although there was na open seasan for moose this fali south o! North Bay, four large bulîs wcre shot by dcci' hunters in the Haliburton area of the Lind- saY Forest District during the recent dcci' season. IMONTETH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville - Cail Znith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com C.A. G. W. Riehi, C. A., R.k.A (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e nial1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvilie Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.M. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays DE. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 ' -ing St. E. - Bowmnanviie Office Hours: 9 ;À.m. te 6 p.m. dqffly Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L egal1 STRIKE and STRIKE flarristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Publie King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA I. HOUGINEF Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowynanville F. RICHARD LOVEKIN U. .BA.. LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAY LYCErB.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of P. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oronci, Ontari o Friday, 7 pan. to 10 p.m. Saturda 9 a.m. to àp.m Morîgages i"-m E AmJIToN * -ORONO Phone 1 r 18 First Mortgace Funde Residences - Parina Business Propertiez Op fo me fr y KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Optometrist .41 King St. E. - Bowmanvfle Dffice Hours: By appolntmuxt Telephone MArket 3.3258 Monday to Saturday Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thursday eveningi Three hunters dlaimn they shat the moose in self defensE while the other hunter mis. took it for a deer. ýy 3e 'One man reported, while on a deer runway in Eyre Town- ship, that he heard what lie exPected to be a dcci' when a large bull mnoose emerged from. the thick bush coming in his direction. The hunter ran at a right angle along a ridge in -an attempt ta get out of its wav, but the moose changed its course and followed hum. The hunter then ran in another di- rection and again the moos'e changed its course and pursued him, further. When the rnoose had advanced to within fiftccn feet of him, the hunter shot, in- stantly killing the animal. Another hunter shot a bull moose i Stanhope Township. This moose was stated ta have advanced toward the hunter, snorting and. pawing the earth in a threatening manner. It was shot with a rifle at a distance of about fifty feet and dropped some twenty feet lin front of the hunter. A bufl moose, weighting about twelve hundred pounds, was shot in Bruton Township on November llth. A moose caif first emerged from the bush followed by the big bull. which stopped momcntarily about one -hundrcd yards from. the hunter when it observed hini. It then advanced toward the man, snorting and shaking its 'head. 'Me hunter tried to run from. the moose and avoid shooting it, but on realizlng the charg- ing animal was close behind him, he swung his rifle and shot it in the head at a distance or about twenty feet. The other mioose was shot in Eyre Township by a hunter who mistook AL for a deer. It is ai- lcged that he opened tire when hie saw so'mcthing move in the brush flot knowing exactly what he was shooting et, and on in- vestigation found he had down- ed a large bull moose. The mieat from the animnais was salvaged and given ta the Salvation Arrny ta distribute ta necdy families. hEIIuflDTc! Regular Church Service wus held en SundaY, December 6th, at 10:00 a.mn. with Rev. A. W. Hardinig in charge. There was an average congregation. The church chitnneys are now well cleaned, the lires give greater heat and Our church is beautifully warmn. So now there ino need to crawd those back seats near the heater ieaving row upon rOW of front seats vacant. This gapimotds couraging dseartening and also discourteous ta minister and organist. Uslng those emnpty seats would resut ini a more friendly and heart-warming at- mnosPilere and the worshlp ser- vice would be one harmonlous hour of prayer and praise. The next regular Sunday ser- vice will b. on Dec. 2th. This will b. our Christmnas Service wlth sPecial music and hymns, usual tlzne 10:00 a.rn Sunday School was he1d et 11:00 a.ni. There were 32 pres- et;M. George Harneo, super- intendent, conductln.g. On' birthday waa honoured that of PAMfm y No lecionin Cartw right 0 'als Acclaimed 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA ROY A L * :08. THIS S.TUES. TO SAT., DEC. 10 - 12 Malinee Saturday - 2 p.z. "Shane" (Coler) Men's Ufiihiy Kits 2.98 - 3.98 Men's Brushes --98e - 6.00 Fisher Lighters Cards Manieur. Set Leather Bilfolds 1.719 te 19.00 1 ÇOWLI NG'S mOI WBSTOR DR3-US STOE =gs Mr 1- 1 . a 1 "Feature" - Save 6c Cash Bright's Golden - Halves - 15 or. tIn PEACHES 2For35C "Feature" - Save 3c - 3c Off Pack Hcinz - Fresh - 16 oz. jar CUCUMBER PICKLE 25c "Feature" - Save 2c - Choie Culverhouse - 20 oz. tin CREAN CORIN 2 F 37c Gillette - Disp. of 10 Blades BLUE BLADES - 50c IVoq *A416 lAva 9 43c 1 i b««FAmý q &ibqwcbcbz STAIIMUM.'»Ow WAIÇVff= CMTAIM unpnTý4,Ti