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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1959, p. 7

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?RUBSAY, DEC. lO1th, - los§ ALL ARE WELCOME STe PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist -r- Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 11:00 A.M. - ANNUAL WHITE GIFT SERVICE The Sunday School and Congregation will worship together. The Junior Choir wiIl sing. Regular Sunday School withdrawn. 7:00 P.M.- CANDLE LIGHTING SERVICE by the C.G.I.T. and Explorers. A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Ilouslander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. 11 am. - MORNING WORSHIP "Let Earih Receive Her King" 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 1:00 p.m. - Candlelighl Service "À Christmas Sfory" EVERYONE WELCOME REHCEOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowinanvill. MORN[NG SER9VICE - 10:00 at English EVENINC SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutcb SUM)AY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE ""Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, nt 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 89WMANM= EO!NTARTO cSoctaI & Éersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tompkin- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon- son, Weston, and Mr. Homer aid and Karlyn Brown Street, Coalter, Toronto, recently paid were in Willowdale last Sat- a visit te, Mr.. Orr Venning at urday. In the afternoon Hugh L'I'ýmorial Hospital. was one of the top winners in -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. (Mick) the vlaclean-Hunter Publishingf Brow'n will leave Saturday for Company turkey roil at Willow a vacation in F'1ori41a. This trip1 Bowl and at night they attend- is an award won by Mr. Brown ed a staff social evening in the in a Case Companiy sales com- Maclean-Hunter building. petition.'1 Mr. and Mrs. Den Jones were Somne 800-900 pupils froin given a surprise '%on voyage" Grades III-VIII of the Bow- party by faniily and friends at mnanville Public Schools will their home last Saturclay even- take Part in a "Carole Sinig" ing.. Den and Pat, and their et Central School on Wednes- son Christopher, were the re- day, December 16th at 7.30 p.m. cipients of lovely gifts. They In a recent report of Trinit leave Malton airport on Friday, Fail Fair, Mr.W Woly December llth to spendChit was named as Tea Room con- mias and New Year's with Mr venor. This was incorrect. Mis and Mrs. T. W. Jones of Wem- listed as convenor of the Tea Mrs. James Martyn and Mrs. Room. Stanley Morrison were the con- Mr. andi Mm. John Lcishman Venxors of the Apron Booth at were recent dinner, guests of the annual Fail Fair of Trinity Mr. nd rs.Ralh HrrionUnited Church whiclhiwaS held Cob.uag. Mrs. RaohHarisn, recenetîy. Ivrs. William Allun Cobourgpars. of hn Leishman was thie convenor of the Child- spent prt f th pat wek en's Wear Booth. In the ac- guest of Mrs. Rodi e Mlsaac, ontpblisîîed in last week's Toronto. cutp RiflmanRalh Clrk as ssue of the Statesman there Rifema M-ph lar ha 1ýwas an inadvertent error in returnecl home from Germany' the listing of these convenors. to spend Christmas anid New Year's with his parents,, Mr. Our congratulations to Mrs. andi Mrs. Ross Clark, Higli Marjorie Cunningham whose Street. Rifleman Clark will be poem "Lost Love" appeared re- stationed in Toronto somtetime cently ini the publicat ieo n, Bter tihe New Year. "Through the Year Wîth Can- Mr. Lloyd S. Hoar spent the adian Poets". The Canadian weekend wiVh bis mother, Mrs. Statesman has had the honor, Sid:ney Hoar, and brether Ai- on several occasions,. to pub- den Hoar. Lloyd htas. been 10: lisii in its issues some ot Mrs.i cated in -Calgary by the Cur- Cunningham's poemns. As well tis Wright Corp. and has char- as the giit ef writing poetmy, ge of the territory from Cal- Mrs. Cunntiigigham bas talent gary to Vancouver. as an artist. Two of Mrs. Cun- vîfigninghem's poems recently ap- Mirs. Chas. Depew Isvstn peared i The Vh-ginia Gazette -ber ibrother, Mr. and Mrs. Sam of Williamsburg Va., the oldest Wright, Rio Piedros, Puerto paper in America which is ed:- Rico. Mirs. Depew and Mr. and ited by the daughters of a Dur- M&B. Wright plan te be in ham County boy, the late Bill Bristol, Tenn., for Christmas Osborne who was borni in Ty- with their sisters, Mrs. Aileen rone. Pugh and Mis. Kathleen Riley. The arimal H. C. Downhani MTr. and Mis. Luke Hilderley Company dinfner for their sales- received a letter tlhis week men was held at the Flying fromn their son Charles oi Sud- Dutchman Motçpr Hotel On Mon- bury, Ont., iniorming them day, December 7th. The guests thet he fias been made supein- were welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. tendent oi The Toronto Paint George Downham of Strath- Spraying Co. He has been as- roy, Ont. Others at the head sociated with the firai for il11 table included Mr. and Mrs. years. Eaul Cox, Barrie, (Mr. Cox is, The Salvation Army Division Street, Bowmanville Major J. Monk and men from the Harbour Light Alcoholic Centre, Toronto, Sunday, Il - 7 p.m. Memorial Park Assn. Elects Officers for 1960 widely known as the "Gard- ener"' on Country Calendar from CBLT on Sunday), the guest speaker Rev. H. S. Rod- ney of Knox Pesbyter ia n Church, St. Thomas; iý. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin and Mr. J. Noble, al of St. Thomas, Rev. J. H. Michelson, Whitby, 1iorrnerly of Bowmanville; Mr. James Coyle, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards and Mrs. W. L. Pýater- son, Town. Approximately 30 salesmen and their wives, from Eastern an-d Western Ontario as iweil as those frorn local dis- tricts., ere among the 65 guests present. Botes (Continued tram page one) Bates will be catering convenor. The president told the meeting that the Bur-ns Night Supper will ibe held on January 23rd. She also ennounced that the auxiliary wiil cater for the Beefeaters Banquet to be held at the Lions Community Centre on February 2nd. It wias decided te hold the auxiliary's anraial Christmas Party onj Monday evening, Dec- ember 21st, and it was announ-1 ced that the 'pot-Iuck' supper wil be served promfptly at 6:30 o'clock. Commrade Susan Gra- ham, Comrade Dorothy Faim, Comnade Jean Linton and Com- rade Mary Westover w er e namied entertainment conven- ors for the event. ýChilihen of members taking part in the en- tertaininent must be 12 years old, or under. Members of the auxiliary wîll bag candly at the Legion Hall on Wednesday aiterneon, Dec- ember 6th, starting at twe o'clock in preparation for the Children's Christmas Party ta be given by Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion on Saturday aiternoon, December 19th. The president, ComiadeI m The annmal Christmas Partyr scretary. Betty Piper; tras- held by the Memorial Park As- urer, Mms Helen Park; Bingo sociation at Memorial Park chaùiiran, Margaret Jeftery; Clubhouse on Tuesday evening Bingo convenor for January, was an outstanding evenit. Gra- Miss Ada Dadaon; Inside Pro- ce was sung by ail present perty cliairmnan, Mis. Betty andi a deliclous turkey dinner Richards, Outside Prope rt y was served by Mis. Francis chairman, Mrs. Leona Etcher; Thompson and Mis. Martin. assistants, Mrs. Dorcas Mutton, The spacious club rooen was Morley Etcher and Ceci Mut- attractively decerated with red ton; Kitchen property "har- and green streamers an-d green- nian, Mrs. Rose Overy; assst- ery for the occasion. A tail ants, Ms-s. Annie Dilflng, Ms-s. Christmas tree trimmed with Neil Wilson, Mis. Milite Bates, sparkling ornaments was much andi Mm. Charlotte Clarke; Ren- adimised. talchairman, MTs. Helen Cooke The president of thie assoc- Press secretary, Miss Ada Dad- iation, Mis. Vi Thempsen, in-sn Sick Fund conrvenor, Mrs. troduced Mrs. Douglas Rigg, Mary Dadson; Kitchen store who was a special guest at the cSwenor, Mrs. Edth Deboo; party. Mrs. Rose Overy Euchre convenor, Mis. Rose the or tnat winer we'th Cowan, Cub Association repr-e- Lhecky tueup Dr of the sentative, Mrs. Yvonne Edmon-- stone, Audltor , MwsNend Wil E. Clapp was the chair prize stoneadMitos AdaDadWol- winner. snadMs MDdo After dinner thie meeting was Followlng thse nominations tumned over te Douglas Rigg, the president, Mis. Vi Thomp- director of recreation for Bow- son, resumed the chair. She manville, who acted es chair- thanked adi the offices-s ansi 1man for the election c. officers members for their co-operation for 1960. Miss Ada Dadson will during the past year, and told be past president. Those elected them *flat with their help she by acclamation wes-e: President, hopes that 1960 will be equally Mis. Vi 7hompson; vice-presi- successftil for the os-ganzation dent, Mis. Margaret Jeffery; Santa Claus- entered the hall ringinxg is bells, and Knight , esked members who everyone was delightted te see wigh te help at thse Legien the jolly figiure. He distributed Children's Christimas Par-ty te attractively wiapped Christmas wear uniiormns if possible as giftstat everyone present. tiis would asslst thse childiren Bingo was enjoyed with Mis. to identiiy the assistants. She Margaret Jefiery ne the ea]ler. aise, urged ail those plannâng The prize winners were Mis. te help at the party te be at Kitty Shred, Mis Ediitlh Deboo, the Legien Hall as early as poe- Mis. Rose Cowafn, Mis. Leona sible after dinner. Etcher, Deug Rigg, Mis. Mary Commade Helen Wellir and Dasison, Mrs. Dos-cas Mütton, Comnsasie Georginta Carter were Mis. E. Mitchell, Mrs Margues-- ,ia charge et the draw, Rose ite Bradley, Mis. Helen Cooke, Overy was the tortunate prize Mis. Rose Overy, Mis. Annie winner. Aiter nominations and Dllling, Mrs. Millie Bates, Mis. the election a social heur was Greta Luxtont, M-is. Margaret enjoyed, and a delicious lunch Jeffery, Ms-s. Bernice Tes-sy, was served by Conliadîe Jean Mis. Ada AdJanis and Mis. Mur- Fis-th. iel Tes-sy. Spureud (Continued from page one) thie Pus-ina Feeds Compvany Awards for the Grand Cham- pion cow, and for the premier1 presentation. Bruce Bowman, Enniskillen, was honoured by the presenta- tien 01 a true model Hol1- stein cow for being the mcm- ber of the 4-H Club who, was highest iu judging in the AU Canadiaýn ef 1958. The handsome trophy danat- ed by James T. Brown was ps-e- sented by his son, Gerry Brown, te thse winne-. This trophy is given ennually te the top meai- ber of the Calf Club. This year1 Bihý Tamblyn, who won it lest year came first. As a persan niay only receive it once, At wes awarded te the memiber who! placed second, Doug Jose, New-! castle. The A. J. Tarmblysi Ts-phy for showing the best uddered female at the the Black and White Show, Os-one, was pre- sented by A. J. Tamblyn toi Raipli Glaspeil, R RL 4, Bow- inenville. A certifi*ete for the highest! herd average R.O.P. in a herd' af 20 or more cows in Durham Ceunty was presented by G. E. Nelson te J. H. Jose and Sans, Newcastle. The B.C.A. average, of thse Jase herd wvas 126 per- cent. The certificate for thse high- est yearly R.O.P. in a herd of under 20 cows iu Durhamn Coun- ty was preseated ta Hilton Tink, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, by Mr. Nelson. Mi. Tink's herd B.C.A.1 average, was 120 percent. Ces- titicates were awarded ta the Jase family, Newcastle, fer long ite production. Gacat Speaker Joues An inspiring address was given by Rev. Richard Jones, Toronto, secretary ef the Can- adian Council for Christians and Jews. He likened Canada te ai salad made tram, many ingre- Adults 75e - StudentNe j No reserved seatsj fKODAK Gîr SAY... Roger & Gallet Soaps -- 3 for 2 .00 I Leather Bilifolds 2.50, 3.95 uP Tweed Cologne.......... 1.50, 2.00 3-Piece Dresser Sets - 3.98 to 11 .95 Tweed Purse Perfume ..-.. 3.25 Guerlain Shalimar Perfume 5.50 up "'ýFriendship Garden" & Desert Flower" by Shutos .Set-miniatures of Stick Cologne .....- 1.25 toi let water, talcumn, sa- Toilet Water With chet, & bath crystals 1.50 Atomizer .-.- 3.00 Bath Saits .-..-.------ 1.75 Bubbting Bath Crystals 2.00 Spray Cologne -.-- 3.00 Purse size Perfume- 2.00 Talcum - shaker top - 1.00 Dusting Powder ... -2.00 - ~ Toi let Water- 1.25, 2.00 GifI Sets ... 2.00, 3.50, 4.00' Cu tex Shocking Gage.""Stuart Haîr» loveliness for her fingertips de ftSoiey Transparent plastic box set Schiapareli -A vryppuu illustroted holds polish, pal- Perfume "fxr a" woma isi, and cuticle remnovers, noulfo nwro. white pencil in Assorti-rent of other manicure Dressmoker ' designs-finest ~ I accessories. Botties quality paper in 1.25 3.50 1l2.00 soft, pastel col- OTHER SETS Cologne ours. 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.50, 2.00 up gracefully styled enchant her wifh Timex Watches Max Factor *-Shock resistant. =ZeII "Sophisti-Cat" Perfume Unbreakable - a purr-fect and un- crystals - One j usual gift perfume 1.95 year guarantee. Coogne in Primitif or "16.95Hypnotique 2.25, 4.00 Very smo!! size gold colour case in square, Hi-Sciety Lipstick in , rcushion or tonneau shape. Stainless steelmirrcs .- 19 '0 acmirfrcae .9 14L1DA %AM LEATHER BILLFOLDS - 1.79#2L50 ta 10»0 To look your loveliest for GILLETE BLUE BLADES 2.50, 5.00 c il the Yuletide season, treat OLD SPICE GIFT SETS - 1.35 ta 9.00 yaourseif ta a new home-styled PI1PES - assorted shopes .-1,00, 1.95 up ~ hair-doMennentha Gift Set containing Mentholized Lather - and Spray Deodor- $00 $.00 "~ 2-plece Set- 1.25 $2.00 $1.39 PRESCRIPTIONS t Isus The perfect gifi for 'flash" fassi Sylvania ""Superflash" Flashbulbs A gift that wiIl really be appreciated by flash camnera enthusiasts. Pictures taken cnywhoere and onytime are sharp and bright when Syl. vania flashbulbs * -~.V " ight them. Buy -- -- the dozen packs. PEme ser Ln'pIi Bail pens, fountain pens, cartridge. pens, pocket pen sets, desk sets in a wide ronge ta suit your purs.. North-Rite Continental Set A superb bail point pen with a matchinig lead pencil. A naturol gift for. almost anyone... -1.98 NORTH-RITE ""98" Balil Pen 98e men lu for SWilliams AqaVelva - after sýhove lotion - 79c, 1.25 Lectric Shave- 79c, .1.50 *sw.r tb a man's shaving problens Sunbeam bollow-gvou.d SLÂDE-EýLECTRIC SHAVEMASTER Shaves as close and clean as soap and blode with the speed, comfort and convenience of electric shaving. A treat to use. "DURATONE PlayiIng Cards lu Plastic-cooted 10 SWashable Sing les Doubles 1.59 3.10 Perkins Deluxe Continuous Roll GIFT WRAP PAPER Assorted designs. Each roll is 20 inches by 40 feet. seun your gift wrappingt ~ uic kly .. of.!y Scotch. Brand 4, GIFT WRAP TAPE Choice of decorativo Christmas designs. 15Se 25c Add a touch of winter, to your decorotions! Frosi y Snow Sproy it on your tree and de- corate windows, mirrors, etc. 6 ounce 12 ounce <With 98c 20 stencils> 1.39, SEAUS, TAGS, WRAPPING PAPER 10c 15c 25e CIGARETTES in 50's .. 90o Export, Matinee, DuMaurler, Roth- main'sPlayers, Btock Cet. .PlPE TOBACCO-1/2 Ibs. »1 .55 up - i-U wM-V m ASPECIALTY Al- Alex McGregor, Urugs in a gay _ We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store MA 3-5792 Sokî~ 2 w -f w .1. -q y g w 44' 4' 'r '~ '4 i 4 i 1~ ADMISSION - dients, and pointed out that the gospel of toleraînce rn»dor. population of this country is standing for the benett c& Càb comnposed of different races ada as a w3hole, wxth a heritage from vaIious Several vocal numbers vere nationalities. provided by Mr&. Sa= B818*. Gospel et T.>Ierauce ira. Russell Oke, Mmr U .Va Mr. Jones stressed the fac Driel, accompanied bur M. that afl these people with dit- Keith Billett. Wilfl Csiia terent backgrounds work. toge- thers led a delightful aingaong ther in harmony to make Can- ada a great country. He stated Seeds of kindness, goo4wlU. f jrnly that there should be no and human. underutS.dbL» discrimination based on national planted n ferieMdi ~tt background, religion, or colour, up Into deathles fti=ml and urged the members of the big deeds of worth, and a mn Durham Holstein Club to use ory that will not »on fade OuL their influence to spread the -George Matthew Adanis. - - - - - - - - - - ý 1 Bowmanville Choral Group CHRISTMAS CONCERT at the TOWN HALL BOWMANVILLE ]FRIDAT AND SATURDAT DECEMBER llth m lIth 8:15 p.m. HUGH MARTIN, Director FEATURING: Catherine Lynch and Fred Graham 1959 Scholarship Winners

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