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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1959, p. 8

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conirnodatlon, I flnd, fi a pies- ant accompanimexit t a sound sleep. Thtre is another reason 1 pre- fer ta travel by night rathen than by day on suoh a short jounney. 1 like lIaI lasI hot cup o! coffet in lIe club car befone netining. '1'ere !à usually anotiier newspaper type thene too, en route ta an assignment. Guzzilng the brew we orlen gel into a healthy discussion on tht stale o! the nation, or perlaps jual polilica igeneral. On this necent trip, il wasn't the leat of the parley lIat snielled, but an acrid odor o! burning wool kept puffing up in my face. My companion o! the nîidnight coffee break was gesticulating wildly. trying to rnakt bis point convincingiy. Finaliy I got a word in edge- wise. "Pardon nie, but haven't you lost the glow on tht end o! your cigarette" He brushed a litten o! ashes from Jacket and trousers, snit!- cd once or twice. passed a face- tious rem.ark about my being burned up because le lad the argument clinched and went riglil on throwlng lis cigarette around tb emphasize lia convic- tions. When I returned to my room- ette I found lis cigarette lad MONET AVAILABLE F011 ELEZTRIClTD.01 S NGTGCAG0E. si RALPH S. JOIES Barriuter sud SolIettos' 130 King st. I. Oshawa RA 8-6248 -Sm' OF ciNGER t Retailers may obtain supplies by calling -SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. Phone MA 3-5530 Church St., Bowmanville Autharlzed bemters for SehwesSpes products lu Bowmanville ares SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORON TO Good-golnig and returning samne Soturdoy only. EXCURtSIOm N pRROMe Belleville Cobourg. $4.65 Bowmanville . $1.83 2.90 Oshawa . . . 1.40 Por Hoe . 2.65 Whltby . . . . 1.25 Correspa>nding fores froam intermediate pointa FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS CANADIAN NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC Free! Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Guitard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick'> Richards of Bownianville "W. Speclaliz. in Peruonal Sevice* CORNER 0F HAN VERS ROM) AN» FUITE CONCESSION Phone CO 3-M'3 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday -Comae Out and Se. Our Dlsplay of GIfts Complote Lubricatton it a Reasonable Price ASIK ABOU-T OVE -SPECIAL FIU-pCE O-NT STOV19 OIL AVAILABLE IN ANT QUANTITY AT TUE STATION OPE EVNIImm DSUIDATS 'I. M ~5U CANAOIAN ?AflkBM. nowu~vni~. ii1fl'Aun~ av DoiRoTIIY ARKBR IF OBITUÂRY ARTHUR JOHN HEARL The death occurred suddenly on Saturday, November 28, 1959, of Arthur John Heani, aged 60 years, aI bis late resi- dence, 33 HunI Street, Bow- mnanville, the deceased was thie son o! the laIe Mn. and Mrs. John Heari, and was bora in Bowmanvile.', Tht laIe Mr. Hearl, a vetenan of Worid War I, servtd witli the 136lI Baltalion. Tht deceas- cd wai a life-long citizen of BowmanvlJle, living at lia late residence for the pust 48 years. Survlving are two sisters and two brathens, Bill, Dora (Mrs. Ralph Cook), Toronto, Regin- ald, and Mollie (Mr&. John Mullon). Rev. à. C. Herbent ofiiated at the fumerai senvce heid in lIe Morris Fumerai Chapel on Tuesday, Decemben 1, 1959. In- ternment was la Bowmnanvilie Cemetery. Palibearers were Messrs. Glenn Large, Non EBohwell, Roy Bothwell, Dave Mains, Env. Brooks and Garmet Multon. ZION (Intended for laut week) Percy Bryce, Toronto, spent a kew daya at Fred Cami- eron 's. William Thomson, St. Marys, vlslted at Fred Cameron'à and Russell Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Clarke and Heather, Oshawa, visited at Keith Stainton'a. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walters, Islington, were weekend guests at R. C. Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron and family, Pontypool, were Saturday evening visîtors at Wes Cameron's. Mrs. Jim Stainton and Davy went to Buffalo on Friday and were weekend gueats of Mr. and Mns. John Bergquist, Lakeview, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Me- Ewen, Paîgrave, were Suiiday evenin,g visitons at Wes Can- tron 's. Mr. and Mra. George Gordon, Oshawa, wene Sunday viuitors at Keith Staintan's. Mr. and Mns. Roy Thiomas, Kinm and Debbie, Scarborougli, were Satunday visitons at Rus. seil Stainton'u. Mr. and Mrt. Wilfned Frank and David, Toroeio. Mr. and MnS. Harvey Baison, Douglas, Betty, Anne, and Beverley, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests at Robert Killens. Brian i Hrcock, Oshawa, was overnight guut at Fred Carn. eron's on Friday. Tred and Alina Hugg, Gonlu- ley, vislted at Han& Geissber- gers. MX. and Mm. aph Glaspeli, Grant and Gwendolyn, Tyron., were Sunday visitors ai Mas. F. B. Giaspefl's. Mr. and Mrs. FIred Ward and famaily, North Oshawa, were Sunday visitons at Wes Cam- AlbOet Ullmnann, Tarante, Vlslted at Hans Gelusbergier'u. Master Clarke Staixiton at- tended a birthday party fer Kirk Flaher, Oshawa, aI p. j. Robert!. Mrs. Albrn Moore, Shinimac- as Bridge, Nova Scetla, Mrs. John Smith, Victoria, British Columbla, Mm. Clarke Moore, Osha1wa- were 8iPPer guestuaI Kaits Stainton'a o« Friday. fidUffl@& Large audiences enjoyed the~ thnee ont-act plays presented by tht Bowmanviiie IHigI School Drama Club on Wtdnes- day, Thursday, and Friday tvenings in the Town Hall Au- ditorium by speciai arrange- ment wlth Samuel French, New York. Murnay Waiktr, tht producer, in a short address, welcomed each audience. Verne Chant la tle president o! the Drama Club, David Milne, vice-presi- dent, Linda Roberts,. secretary, and Margaret Vanstont, Incas- urer. Vince Mathewson was the ad- vison ta the producer. Others whoae wonk conlnibuted ta tht success o! the presenlations wene: G. Gilpin, business man- ager; Jim Dolan, scenery; Nan- cy Stapleton, costumes; Terry Black, large praps; Lynda Cam.- enon, make-up; Gardon Smaie, - - - ____________________ k .LUU.K~LF4Z, UU.~. About evelry six montha 1 get a request by letter or tele- gramn tg be ln iMontreal on aj certain date for a business con- ference. When this happened recently I scurried around, mak- ing my reservations for room- ettes and hotel accommodation and aettiing on the single out-1 fit I wou=d wear for thie brie! trip. My mother must have rocked mne ta sieep when I was an in- fant in arma for 1 prefer ta tra- vtel by rail and by night the several hundred miles between mny home in Aurora and Mon- treal. The rhythm o! steel on tteel and the gentie jiggling of the cornfortable bed lxin y ac- flIpped &U lUbI5 iat 1 intt he lap of my ruLtU holes were burn.d ln a scatttrod pat- tern maing my favorite jêrsey look lik. a target Ibr BB prac- tice. On arrival 1 decld 1 would have to purchas. nother dress, but when I faund th. holiday spirit had insplred menchants to take advantage of al the ro- fit the law allowed, IpssUp the idea. Instead, 1dcec"Ided, I could wear my coat for what I antleipated would b. only a brie! meeting. Luncheon seemed a propitlous tiie li which, ta discums tht, vagabond4s tierary for the next six montha. As we ap- p[oached the cale, I was asked if1wouidn't 1k. taocheck my coat. I tried toamaille beguiling- ly, clutched It more closely to niy trame and sald 1 pneferred ta keep it wlth me. I hadn't reckorîed on a fur- thon coiference li the office, or dinnen later in the Beaver Club, the famous dining-noom in tht Quea Elizabeth Motel. Throughout 1he entire afternoon and evening I canted lIaI fox- trinumed, lntelilned, pure wool coat around. As the day wore on, I was invited to "park that bed blanket" on numenaus oc- casions. My tenacity oniy in- creaaed wit(h eadh subtie sug- gestion that I get rld of the wraps and &et like a normal lu- man belng. Gentlemien waiting to check theiir hats lad a pîty- ing look i their eyts as though they were thinking "this dame must believe ail Montreai check girls belong to a den of thieves, or tise shie has an exaggerated evaluation o! what that coat dots for lier". Little did tley know 1 was wilted to the core. When I think that I passed up an invitation ta induige nîy gas- trononmie yearnings in a flaniing shishi kabob, a gourmet's de- light for which the hotel is fam- oua, because I visloned the pelt around my neck being slnged, I quiver at my fernunine obses- sion regarding my appeanance. It wasn't until my host was helping me into the arma o! that burdensome,, fox garnished au- parel, which had been draped around my ehouldens for hours, that I relaxed enough ta enjoy lis delightful sense of humour. "'You oertainiy have this animai well trained. W!hy, le didn't even snari at a single beaver". Is ltre anythirig more fool- ish than a women's vanity? By the romantie glow af candielight in tht Beaver Club, who wauid have notlced thetitny haies in a vagabond's dress. Worst o! ail, my mouth Isl stlil watering for a shish kabob and six monthu muet pais before an- other canference. In UMagistrg (Wrltten b] fonht dollars wus the penalty fo lowlng a dog to run at large plus $3.00 Pound costs. A 29 year old vagrant was given tIure4.ys in gaol for at- ta get into a car at Newcastie. lie clairned that it was dif$icult 10 get a job. The magliitrate dated the sentence back to timne of arrest and told the man lie wss free ta go and -Get golng. Seventeen dollars waa the Se nalty for fallure to allow one alfo the road to onooming trafflc. $13.00 was imposed on an Orono man for intoxication. A 20 year old single sheet metal worker from Pickering and a 21 year oid single farm labourer were remanded one week ln custody on a charge of breaking, entering and theft of merchandise from Archie Glen- nie'& Gara4e on 115 highway in the Township of Clarke. Bail was set at $1,000 each. At 11:45 a.m. on September 30th, a London, Ontario, man mlssed his turn on Liberty Street North. He turned into the driveway at No. 210 and then baeked out on Liberty St. to go south. His car stalled and it was in collision with a car driv- en by a 26 year old salesman from Toronto. The Toronto mnan was charged with careiess driv- Ing and was convicted and paid a fine of $10 and $52 costs. The Magl.trate in his judg- ýment said, "You gambled on the car getting out of the way and thât you couid swerve out to the let. You state you drive a car 45,000 miles a year. You kriew the condition of the road as you had been driving ail morning ln the rain. You also gamnbled on the abiity of your car ta stop. "This got past' the stage of error in judgnient. You must err today on the side of safety.' This la absolutely necessary. We muât establiali a degree of care on aur highways that is next to, perfection. The courts must inslst on this. If we don't, we Large A udii 3 High Sch At Town's ÔfD T//FI tOME j) Cole»., tu'Inmd upboltrs 0..0 0111911110 and Irmaimlssl@.s ... socles and modela .** Look at the choice I Seven series and 31 models (.very one distinctively, stylishly beautiful). But Pontiac's choice goca deeper. ln engines ... "Six" and six VU~ ln transmissions ... standard Syndiro-M esh or three smioofli automotics. ln colors ... a range cf 31 Magic-Mirror fanes. ln fabrics ... a selection of leather. vinyl and pattemed clotht, Easy ta keep clean, tool And ta keep ail cf this wide Pontiac dhice beautiful and efficient . ià a carefully rustproofed Body by Fisher. What do you want i a new carî You'll find If at your lacal Pontiac dealer's. A ommaM MOe@R5 VALU [10M~~~ rlIF~/TFrff/ ROBSON 166, King St. E. F7YACP60 LiMITrED MA 3-3321 -.3-3322 a, t. Iwith esse. CàrlM assies par- trayal of Mrs. Bnown's suapi- 'ate's Court loumioher Enter Mbe. anum ISpecial talent wus alio shown ir A. Kuri,> by Carolyn Stacey, as an olden wil have a genenation o! uîap. deur, and by Peter Groea as py drivers. You did not observe Arthur Brown, wlo it wai the cane you should have on, evenlualiy dlsclosed, had been this condition." ketping secret the fact that li TIret young men who laitj addition ta belng proprietan of week pieaded not guilty ta the a shai>, he was aiso Emglànd's theft of a car fromn tht Bow- official hangnian. manvilie arena appeared in Mary Mlunday wus amuslng court. Il was iearned thal ont as Bella Crewe, the fluttery and Young man waa only 15 years rather catly fiancet o! Fred of age after Police contacted Whilwonth, played will sincer- lis parents at Stoney Creek. lly by Verne Chant. Tht part Tht trial had te pnoceed li two of the prn Miss Tasken, the sections. gossîpy saleslady, was acted by Evidence i Magistrale Court Evelyn Hughes. was that Norman Bothwell, 95 "Tht Dear Departel" Ontario Street parked his car VieMtlwowathd- outside tht anena at 7:05 P.m. recton o! the second play,an on Nov. 23rd. When he came entertaining comedy, "The Dear froin the arena at 8:30, tht car Departed". The well paced ac- was stolen. tion and perfect timing o! the There was evidence that the dialogue wai rewanded with boys had been at tht Traini n any , huckles' and hearty School and had received a ride iaughter from the audience. uptown ta tht vicinity of the h cn a astigro arena. Teseewsastigro TItre was the evidence of Pro- of a small middle clasa bouse vincial Constable Ronald Carr i n a provincial town. Oid Abel who recovered the car on thet erryweathr ih ived with Queen Elizabeth W.ay at 9:15 lis daughter, Mrs. Siater and p.m. tht same mgît. This offi- 1er husband, lad been founid cer aiso picked up thethtret dead li lis roora on the day youths in the vicinity o! thteh, cio !îe iyta car. Constable Carr was highly'place. The Sialers were waîtîng comnrended by tht Magistratei tht arrivai o! his other daugh- for is ffors ad lx th ,ter and son-in-law as tht cur- Ie presented his evidence. SflPttd After the evidence was al'! Judy Jeffery, was cieverly in the two youths, were ne- entertaining as 'Mrs. Siater, an manded until Monday at Co-; attractive and practical bouse- bourg for pre-sentence report. wife, and Doug Oke was exact- They changed their plea te 1y nîght as her husband. Carol guiity. Elston was delightful as the The juvenile was also re-, nùsehievous littie daugîten. mandcd until enquiries can be 1 His Unexpeeted Retura made at the Wentworth Coun-1 Mary Ruth Osborne piayed ly Children's Aid Society. Ht, tht pretty and fashionabie, yet also pleaded guilty.i shrewd, Mrs. Jordan te tht lufe, On October i7th an accident1 and Geraid Halioweil was fine bctween two motor vehicles oc- as ber husband. However, the curred aI Silver and Churcl'!acting lonouns were taken by Streets. A local man was charg- the speciai talent of David ed with failure to stop at tht' Milne as Merrywtather. Ht was stop sign. Ht pleacled guilty andslni sh ho h entire was fined $10.00 and $2.00 family by lis unexpected return costs. te life, Roberta Hctltrington Ont man paid $12.00 for fail- was tle prompter. urt te have a drivtr's license. "'Goodight Please" Two speeders paid $22.00 cach, "Goodnight Please", a hilar- a third $17.001. lous farce by James Daggett, was directed by V. Auger, and Suzante Bail was tht prompter. Tht comic situations and inten- ences Enfo sely funny characterlzalions eol f afthe audience, and tIert were sharieks flugtr Ieje Longed to Stay ini Bed 4 uaitori um Meredith W'hitthouse, presi- dent of a bank, tht central fig- une o! tht play, was exceeding- lighling and sound, Jerry Has-1 ly weil acted by Lanny. Thomp- iuk, programis and ushering;1 son. Al l is life Whitelouse lad Charlotte Austin and Gail Bs- îonged ta say in btd for a week, ker, social.; and at lasI le was sufficiently "'Dark Brown"-a Melodrama affluent te do so. The scene was 4The pirogram was opened by ý lis bedroomi on the third day, "Dark Bnow-n", a melod rama, by! and the consternation o! lis Philip Johnson. The scene was, family and their dettrmiation tht living-room at the back o!' to gtt him up were amusingly Brown's tobacconist shop in a dtpicted. Bob Hageninan played smali town nlot fan from Lon-1 tht part of the mansenvant don, on tht evening o! a sum- weil. mer's day, towar&s the end o! Carolyn Meadows was also tht last century. Robent Sheri- very good as Whitelouse's ex- dan was tht director, and Shir- aspenated eider. daughter, and ley Irvine tht prompter. bis younger ont, played by Judy Acting Excellent Paedtn was a sweet and natural Tht setting was rtaiistic, and littie girl. Patricia GU was ex- lIhe acting of tht excellent cast cellent as tht charming but de- so natural that tht audience termined wife, and Bob Bur- was carried away as the Mount- gess as 1er brother, a psycloan- ing tension o! the plot, which alyist was professionai. was rtlieved by touches o! Most Tht part o! tht vice-president human humour. Helen Vanstone of tht bank was played wlth as Jenny Brown was outstand- authority by Antan Forster. ing. She played 1er diffcuit raIe'Patsy Thomspsam's acting as lIe befllgeft tCk wus effective. 3h. expreued herseif force- fiilly without over-acting. Glu Club Zutertalas Several delightful selections were sung by the Gîte Club un- der the director director of R. Scott. The singing of "Shawn- dor" and "Snxke Gets ln Your Eyes» evoked addltional ap- plause. Gîte Club members taklng Part were Beth Crowe, Donna Flett, Janet Mountjoy, Carolyn Stacey, Allan 'Young-' man, Pat Austin, Judy Brougli, Leslie Ewert, Peter Groen, Jean Hancock, Jeanette Marsien, An- dy Murphy, bargaret Plckard, Margaret Thitaberger, Dianne Tink, Carole Kent, Nmncy Wool- sey, Raye Brown,, Carode WII. kins, Jane Meeks, Patti Aider, Sandra Dillng Canule Henming, Judy Scott, Fred Shackleton, Ktryn Slamon. Carol TrIm-1 CONTRACTMNO"MPIRS REFRIGERATION - ELECTRIC MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE MY1- RADIO - APPLIANCES 'j MOTORS Bowmanville il? man and Canal Goheen. Pau W., Li v Fi 15 THtLAsTDATo POST VOUR, CHRISTMAS MAIL FOR LOCAL OELIVERY. TO0 ENSURE EARLV DELI VER VOP 0F CHRISTMAS MAIL TO OUT»-OF-TOWN POINTS CONSUL TTHE POST OFFICE LEAFLET WHICH HAS DEEN OEUVERED TO VOUR HOM& NoTHIN9 l880 DISAPPOINTINC9 AS-CHRISTMA8 MAIL THAT ARRIVES TOO LATE. CANADA POST OFFICE 1 ble, Linda Thonipson, Carol Vance, Marie Flett, Gertrude Hogeterp, Tnixie Semiplonlus, Florence Van, Shirley Coombes, Terry Black, David Brent, Marilyn McDonald. Doig Snider, Jane Dejong, Don GlU, Lillian Miller, Caral Abbott, Julia Besubiak, Beverley Brad- ley, Dorten Cox, Jean Cuily, Rena Fowier, Jot Brenxiart, Sharon CoulIs, Dianne' Hall- man, Johný Leonard, Bob Low- ther, Elain McPherson, Helen Parninder, Elizabeth Reynega, Shirley Wllliams, - Susan Aili. son, Juanita Praser, Carol Fin- nigan, Pal Cook, Arthur Poran, Marie Foran, Eiten Hughes, Pauline Hughes, Don Masterson, Chantes Murphy, MugI Sage, Annabelle Steplens, Bruan PIVr- viBob Vance, Cathy Lynche Helé'en XcDonald, Bruce Bove - jQt%ý-ý ww çi 1 ý6, ý 1

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