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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 11

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THTJSDA, DE. 1~, UEMMADA T'M. DOWMAYU ONTAIIOPAELEN Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 *Hos pifai Debenture Bylaw Given First Two Readings At Final Meeting of Council NEWCASTLE-After thorough vised turkey shoot in Waltona deliberations for several months Park on Saturday aternoon, and the Newcastle Village Council it was decided to proclaixn Sat- et its December meeting on urday, December 26th, boxing Monday evening gave first and day, a civic holiday ini the vil- second reading to a bylaw to lage. Mirs. Nettie Butler, the authorize the issuing 'of $22,000 village clerk, was asked to re- in debentures for the addition consider her resignation as to the Memorial Hospital in clerk and to stay on for another Bowmanville. year, wbich she agreed to do. At the request of the cern- Stanley Powell, caretaker of inunity hall board a by-law was the comniunity hall, addressed ~assed placing the community council asking if something aluder the Community could be done te supervise the Centres Act under which itlchldren who go into the hall will be eligible for the 255% to watch bowling and wander ahl Provincial Government grants1 around the hall, upstairs and for capital expenditures. The1 down, scattering papers, pop, hall will continue to be called etc., ail over the place and gen- the community hall and will be erally making a mess. There operated by a board of manage- was considerable discussion on ment under the supervision of the matter in which councillors the recreation committee set up agreed the youngsters were by the village council. runnin wild in the hall and After some discussion regard- Councillor Hoar stated he would Ing the trouble caused by ice ask Constable Ricard te spend on the eaves of the communitv some time in the hall te see hall, the clerk was instructed to what could be done about the write to the General Electric Co. problem. regarding the construction of Several complaints were alred electrie cable on the eaves to about thie condition et village ii-'lt the. ice. sidewalks. It was stated the Permission was granted to law cails for the owner or ten- the Lions Club to hold a super- ant ot a property te be respons- NOTICE OWNERS and TENANT You are respectfully requested te keep the. sidewalks adjacent te your property clear of 1CR and SNOW according te the regulations contained ini By-law 686 of the Village of Newcastle. Sidewalks Coumile R. B3. Rickard, Chairman. PROCLAMATION* DOXING DAY By authority of a resolution passed by the Village Council, 1 hereby preclsim ]BOXJNG DAY, DEC. 26 A Civic Holiday i the Village of Newcastle and request ail citizens te govern themselves accordingly. D. 3. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve. £P)rtm rose 2539 Yonge St. Jirrners1 presents a variety of finie quallty FUR COATS, JACKETS and Ci Toronte MIES Pa uline's Specialty Shoppe MAIN ST. NEWCASTLE Friday and Salorday, Dec. 18, 19 LOW CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Persian Lamb (Dyed) Muskrat (Dyed) Grey Kid (Natural) - China Mink (Dyed) - Etc. Enquire about Remodelling or Repairimg yeur fur coat. Attention W.M.S. Holds Christmas Meeting NEWCASTIE -MTe DeI.m- ber meeting of the Wonan's; Missionary Society ci the Unit- ed Church was held -in tii. Sun- ible for keeping the walks clean1 dy cholAuItorium n- sud if they fail te do this the Thursday, December 10th with sidewa]ks conimitte. cof the -the presideut, Mrs. George A1-ý council is authorized te have thielin presiding. walks cleaned at the expense et the preperty owner. The. matter Mrs. Chas. . Cowan arrau«ed was discussed sud l.ft with the decorations and prograni for Councillor Rickard te sct.* this, the Christmnas meeting, Gary Haucock addressed th. which opened with Mirs. Cowan council asking for the . opeuîng playing Christmnas music and ca- ef a road on proprty he pur- rois sud Mrs. Allun read a poem chased from Albiert Pearce. John follo'wed by prayer. Scott has also purchased Thnem society was deephy sad- on this street. Councilors stat dened by the sudden passing et ed they weuhd open the. right- j+ ieatr ertarsMs of-way te the street but it was 1 Lson Milison, ju whosemem- up to othe subdivider or owner I oi-y a short memorial service Of the property te construct the' as conducted. road from there. Albert Nayhor eoftthe local Group lave conducted th. de- volunteer tire department ad. votional service with Mrs. C. dressed council with regard te Cowan, Mis. P. Buier, and Mr.s a denionstration plauued by the. W. F. Rickai-d taking part. A Northumberland and Durham Christmas Skit entitled l'Christ- Firefighters Association in th. mas Cheer in all Lands", was spring. The. department has pr7esenled by &everal niexbers rec.ived ei-mission frin the. of Group 2. Dept et Highways te use the A short business meeting was former Walton home near the aieîd after which ahi of lhe mem- rC.N.R. station as a demoustra-besondiisngnaChit tien building sud plan te dem- br ondi ign hit enstrate the use of varieus types nias8 carol. oft fire-fightmng equipment on The. Rev. M. C. Fisher presld- the. building. It is expected the. ed for the. ehectiori of officers demonstration will net ho held and closed the. meeting wit.h befere ApriL j prayer. Storm Turns Off Lights But Lionettes HoId Party Illuminated by Candies NEWCASTL - T h i r t e e n Mmsbers of the Newcastle Lion- ettes Club and their Lion hus- bands gathered at the lhome of Lion John and Lionette Char- lotte Rickard on Saturday eveti- mng for their annual Chnri.stmias Pairty. Though late in arrlving at the Party due to the inclement wea- ther an enjoyable evening was spent in playiflg Court Whist with Ross Dickinson taking the. prize for hlgh mnn and Chas. Gilkes taking the consolation prize for low man. The igh score for ladies was won by Jean Rickard~ with Irene Cun- ninghami getting the.consolation prize for low score. The prize for the lucky cup and saucerj was wSn by Howard Tê=s. Community Bowling Results The. Gumdropq and Jeliy Beans are away out top in the Wednesday atternoon Ladies' Bowling League. The. team standings are as follows: Guindrops 23 Jelly Beans _______171 A Sorts._____ 9 Candy Caties 7 Mrs. Harold Couch took the high single and triple hast week. She had a hlgh single of 211 and a high triple of 521. Pet. Belsey had the hig score ln a single game in tii. teenage league on Saturday atternoon with a high score of 213. Johnny James topped hMs high triple of a week earlier to win top honours in the three games in the. league again with a hlgh triple of 533 . His high triple of a week earlier was 518. 'mi The hydre power went off sever4 limes duriug the eveiî- lng but the. hostess supplied plenty of candies and the. party contiuued on by candlelight nîakîng the. evening more inter- esting and enjoyable. Aîter a ver;f lovely lunch, Miss Frances Rickard played Santa Claus aud distributed the mafty lovely gifts front under the. tastefully decorated Christ- mas Tree and a huilarious tixue was eujoyed as the gifts were unwrapped and displayed jor ail to se.. Lionette Presideut Dora Kel- [5ey spoke briefly thanking thie husbauds for omng to the par- ty aud te tthe host sud hostess for the use ot their home, while on behaîf oethle hushands pres- eut Lien President Chas. Megit expressed the appreciation ef the men te the-Lienettes fer the entertainimg even%. Evening W.A. Holds Annual Xmas Party NEWCASTLE--Tiie members of the Evening Branch et St. George's Wemnan's Auxiliary gathered at the. Elxnhurst Hotel on Wednesday evenlng, Deceni- ber 9, for their annual Christ- mas banquet. Pollowing the. serving ot a most delicieus dinuer the mern- bers exchan4ed Christmas glfts and enjoyed a _period et Carol singing. Mrm D. R. Dewdney spe briefly bto t.eBranch, congratulating thie members on th. fine work they had acemp- lished duriug the past year and wishing everyoue s Merry Chiristmas. Mrs. Douglas Cun- ninghami added her thanks te, thie members who helped te make the. Auxiliary bazaar thie success that It was. A most pheasaut surprise te the group was the showiug by Mr. Edward Beisey lof a film ef a Mediterannean orulse which was very much enjoyed by the. members Tiie next regular meeting et the. Brancii wilb. held in the Parish Hall on January 6th. W.M.S. Hosts At Baby Band Christmas Party M~WCASTL - On Tuesday, December 8th, the Women's Mslsioîtary Society of the Unit- ed Çhurch were hostesses for the annual Baby Band Christ- [mas Party held in the Sunday School auditorium which been prettlly decorated for Christmas by the memberig of thie Friendshlp Club. The. leader, Mr&. Alec Martin, welcomed the guests and presld- cd for the -program of Christ- mas songs and games. Mrs. M. C. Fisher told an inteoesting misionary &tory .ntitled "«rngn Bda Homme for fRefreshments were served to the motiiers and chlldren and ail present aiter which Santa IClaus arrived and greeted each c hild wlth a harodshake n thien gave each a colourful a of candy. 99 1 I I s rtsmen THE NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB is sponsoring a Christmas TURKEY SHOOT WALTONA PARK fro. 1:00 le 5:00 Saturday, Dec. l9th FOI 12 GAIGE SBOTGIJNS Ammuailion Supplied a .22 RIF=E a Dring Tour GymClin Thse $M Christmas Draw schedul.d for D4m ma rdWinl b. nue at thse close of the turkey shoot, I)ec. lth Christmas Turkey Shoot Planned by Lions on Sat. WiII Make Draw for $ 5-00 > X U7f'AR'In - ,g)rttmn The turkey shoot, the first of its kind sponsored by the. Lions club lecaily, will get under way at 1 P.m. and will have targets for 12 gauge shotguns or 22 ri- fles with the club supplying the. ammunition for eitiier. A good turnout of sportsmen in the. dis- trict is expected, so local en- thusiasts are urged te grab their guns and get into the. shoot. 1f you don't have a gun-borrow one for the afternoon. The. $500 cash prize for which the. Lions members have been * - ~ X TV z 4uA.->I't ijJt- bpo&IAV1 etftthe village and district arei going to have the opportunity Yule Program te practice up on their gotn on Saturday aternoon at Wal-c Features f»~ ona Park and at the. sanie lime1 Feat res .A. gather in the main part et their Christinas dinner at the. Christ- mes Turkey Shoot being spen- Dec Meeting sCludb. h ecsl in soredb. h ecsl in NEWCASTLF.-The regular meeting ef the Woman's Associa-M NV D (" OTfT tien ofthtae Newcastle United J.5J.L iR JSTAIONU Chuirch was held i the Sun-y day ehoo rem onThurday The communion of the Lord's dayScholroon o Tursaysupper was ebserved at theà aternoon, Dec. 10th wîth Mrs. United Church here on Sunday1 L. Colwill epeniug the meetigring with Rev. W. R. Auld, with a Christnmas poem:asitntminister at Camnbridge United Church Lindsays in During the worship service charge with Mr. Wm. Duff asst- the scripture hesson was read by ing. Mrs. A. Turner sud Mrs. X. A Christmias concert was held Fisher led in prayer. Readîngs on Friday night at Trinity Angli- expainng ii.niay tstmitîscan Church hall, The. Marsh, for expainng he anyfesiviiesthe school and Sunday School. A I sud legends conuected with thie good crowd in attendance and an1 Christmas season were given by excellent prograni. provided by the ?&s. G. Rickard, Mrs. Colwill, children. Rev. G. E. Meades. the± rector. as M.C. Mrs. Turner snd Mrs. Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adarns Iu the absence of the Presi- and Susan, Toronto, spent. the dent, Mrs. C. Aluin, the business weekend with Mr. and Mrs. part efthtie meeting was con- Frank Derusha. ducted by Mnr. Garnet Riekard Miss Mary Stephenson spent aud followîn.g the. reading ef the weekend with Mr. and Mr.I the minutes ef the hast meeting Lorne Hudson, Millbrook and' by Colw-ill and the. treasur- attended the Santa Claus paradei er's report by Mrs. Dickinson, in Millbrook on Saturday. Mrs. Fisher read a hetter from Rev. W. R. Auld and Mr. Win. Overseas Relief asking thie as- Dutf were Sunxlay dinner gutests sociation for a donation to, help with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Argue. te defray the shipping costs ef The brilliant suaishine yester- developed ceuntties. ice coated trees and wires has In te uavodabl abenc oft.uriwd everything into a fairy- lu he navidbleabsnceetland et beauty. Tii. ordinary~ Jim Brown, a very fine weeds in the field beside us aref paper on Christian Citizenship sparkhig like jewels. The birds prepared by Mvrs. Brown and fail to see the beatity when they answering "What is the Church's Duty in relation te Christian are having such difficuhty getting Citizenshi n?" wss read by Mrs. the seeds. George Alun.. Mr. sud Mrs. W. N. Porter and - Verna visited with Mr. and Mrs. Following the meeting a eup ot Gerald Porter, Peterborough, on te& and cookies was enjoyed by Sunday. the ladies who spent a social Wonderiiig what te give your i haîf heur tegether, and it was friends for Christrnas?ý A suh- announeed the next meeting seription te the Statesman would would b. held in Jsnuary. be the. ideal gift._ Libbys Fancy - Save 13e Tomato Juice 24tins4 9 I tinz 3 7c 16-oz. jars 3 9C Save 14e - 6 e2. jar Nescafe Instant Coffee 9 5 c F OR THE FAMILY FRUIT BOWL EASY TO PEEL SEEDLESS NAVEL.S SUNKIST ORANGES Large Si2e 88's 69VC ozen Medium Size 113'sÉ D Iozen U.S. No. 1 Grade - Large Clusters California Emporor Grapes 2 ibs.2 9 Extra Fancy - Jumbo B.C. Delicious APPLES 6for39 IGA Royal Gold Old - 12 oz. cut CHEDDAR CIKEESE 49c Libby Fancy - 12 ez. pkgs. POLY PEAS 2 for 29c SHOP AND SAVE AT selling tlcketz during the past couple of months, and wuhich was scheduied to be drawn on December 23rd will b. drawn at the close of this shoot. What an opportumuty for a really Merry Christmas could b. in store for sorne sportsman. an afteTnoon of target practice and fun with the boys, take home a t.urkey for Christmas dinner, buy a ticket on the draw and if he won he could take home a $500 gift to his wife or some other mnember of thie family. Tm Ol01 Furniturs lato Cash Iwith STATESMAN CL A SS1FIE D S Phone MArket 3-3303 ISUD. LANCASTER GARAGE MASSEY-FERGUSON DEALER R.R. 2, NEEcastle, Ont. Turkeys Young Toms 20 lbs. up Young liens 10-16 IL.Av. 41c 451. Maple Leaf T.ndersweet - Skinless Shankless - Fully Cooked Haif or Whole Smoked Homs lb. 51C PRESSWOODS Pineapple Homs Haif or Whole Family Siz. Boneless 5 - 6 IL average lb. 79c IL 95C IBowmanville IGA Market OWNTARVIO Toms' IGA& Market -nwsEWCSTe«NAriIo 0 a a IGA Fancy - Save 6c F ruif Cocktail Bread & Butter - Save 18e IGA Pickles Christmas Store Hours Mon. & Thurs., Dec. 21 & 24 Open 'tii 6 p.m. Tues. & Wed., Dec. 22 & 23 CLOSED CHRISTMAS and BOXING DAY EDECEMBER 25th and 26th 1 1 THU tSDAT, DEC. M24 ý PAGE ILEM

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