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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 13

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THURSIIA?. DEC. l7th. 1959 TEE CANADIA1~ STATLSMAN. BOWMANVXLLE. O~TAItIO PAGE THTRTEE1~ IMen'ys Majôr Bowling Iý Three bowlers broke the1 Oke had a nice 794, Frank Lew-! sound barrier on Wednesday ins 777, Larry Piper 748, Bob1 night when they crashed past Williams 739, Rusas "Dutch"l the 80e- mark for three games. HaUlman 727, Frank "Toady" Al Osborne led the way with WiU.ians 714, Jack "'President" the high triple of the season, Gay 712 and Ross "The Whist- 877. Osborne had games of 251, ler" Wright 706. S313, 313. Old Relialfle Jake Frank "Toady" Wlliams had Westlake followed Ai with his a real big gaine of 353 to win best effort of the season. Jake the high sigle game of the had 264, 304, 240 for a total of night. Ai Osborne had lus two 808. Elton Brock placed third games of 313, Rusa Oke 306 and with 801 made up of 262,282, Bill Westlake 304. 257. Eight other bowlers hit The low bowlers must have the 700 mark, Russ "Wigger" been readinig this column last week because only three low scores were recorded, Roly ~ Coombes won Iow gamne wîth * 111 and George l'The General"' non Joncs won 10w triple 444. Geo. Glanville the Newcastle flash Give Kodak Film had 447.AIIey hte Murr.ay Larmer's teani has in a smart taken over top spot in lthe teani ar-rstanding with 16 'points with G ira PACKAGE Rusa Oke's outfit and Dutch Hallman's team tled for the runner-up position, both having 15 points. In the averages Ai Osborne took over top spot from Pete Dobbins with 246 for 24 gaines. Pete la runner-up havlng a bat- tlng average of 243. Rusa 0km la inb third place with 228. George Piper's teami l final- ly hitting ita stride and won high tri p le 3339. Rusa Oke's team. bad a single score of 1261.. - It was deoided by your cxe- - cutive to play the games sched- uled for Oct. l4th, whlch were postponed due to the alîcys not being completed, on Wednes- day, April 2th, 1960. This will be includcd in the second ache- dule. 1,We were reading an article ______Ipubhsenntheodyar Ak- WELO V LL YUEODR on W'S YoUR BOlan Gcle rules cfeiuetboelineiqulintul MA 3-577foastherenefin ofear l andte J 5U RYNG &T. W. s orts y e o eionw- 4'Yor ReallStorevIereyare unwet ascleawlad ---- ------- àmoîIMM fined and many new bowlera go I- FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DURING CHRISTNAS SHOPPING CHEISTNAS AND NEW TEAI CELEDRATIONS lis -m. Cail MARKET 3-5500 or 3-5561,,, Cab 500 - King's Taxi 21 TEMPERANCE ST. Lorne Rayai.., Prop. WOMEN'S SLIPPERS $1.98 to$.9 SHEEP SKIN SLIPPERS $4.95 - $6.95 MEN'S, SLIPPERS (Ailsues) 4.95 t. 6.95 <I CHRISTMAS Thums, Dee. 7t&m W.d., De. 23 STORE ROUES OpenAil Day Wednesday Clou.d 4 p.m.Christuasve m - S - lu& M -1 - - - mA am -mm-.Mm - - LLOYD. àlqrilgq 1. W. on brcaking these aijies indefin- Itely before soins "lrritated" teamateor opponeit mets hlm straight. Wienever you sec a Ladies' M ai beginner brcaking rules you wil help himi and his feliowi bowlers by polllely pointing out Sadie Bucknell's bowlers, af- thc errer 40 him. Includcd bc- ter being tied for thc league- 10w are fine of thc most coin- leadership for several wceks, mon violations by new and old finally 100k over undisputed bowlers alike. Check them over possession af Uic top spot, de- and sec how you score on feating Mary Wilcox's tcam 2-1. "bowling etiquette." Bernice Buday's outfit dropped, 1. Be prepared to take youn a 2-i decision to Ena Etoher's tua-n proniptly. Mccltich player crew, ln a major upset, to slip ahead of you as he comes off back te second. the. approach. But nol head en Doris Joli'8 pin-droppers held 2. Remember, the player to thc show position, on thc your ight heu thc right of way. trciigth of a 2-i win over Juat like driving att h.Inter- Joyce Lyle's club. Hilda Brock's section. bowlers, continuing to make ai strong bld, downed 0111e Pat- 3. Get set for your déliveryr field,& cellar-dwetlera 3-0 te but don't waate your timen zmove to within three points of everybody elels'a IWuse1C5 p uictheleaders. ing or until everybody Léola Wright's team edged else la Uic esleabliahment Ji off Donna Preston's aggregation thc approach. 2-1 to snap a two game slump. 4. Stay on your own approach, In thte final attraction Lydia and after ecd dellvery move Bates decisioricd Kay Beauprie back froni the foul inea. Te 2-. playcr on thc next luneO fliy Lydia Bates knocked off a want to bowl without any la- 760 triple, followcd by Bei-nie. terference froin you. Buday 744, Hlda Broc k 726 and 5. When Uic match lu over, Kay Beauprie 707. leave the playinug area prompt- Bernice Buday's 304 effort ly. Scores *an be lallicd away took high single honours, while, frein the lanca and Uiceiiext othér high games were reglater- gro'up cf bowlers can starIt teur b yLdaBts31 ien gaines. You aren't likely te H Lrydi9andate 301,a ileen make a habit of this, especially 276. 29 n Hla rc if you're the waiting pairty Games of 200 and over: B. Bu-1 once or twice. day 304, 237 203; L. Bates 301, 6. Respect the equipinnt 279; L. Wright 219; D. Preston Getting the baU eut on the al. 238, 0,21 .Boel20 leys is good bowling, but l'loft. J 204v rs202; . Broel 20;. lng"hurs yur gme nd am.B'rtels 233; S. Bucknell 219,1 7.e thenc alk la il ads. 209; E. Larrner 205; O. Etcher 7. Bnchtal isaU igh to245, 226; N. Gay' 200; X. Vivian rattle the opposition, but con- 271; E. Embley 223; K. Beau- player Isain. position le owBek26 3,23 .Cr2 give him the courtesy of mak- 2loc278. 237,2, 20E. ol-55 ing lis deivery witiout inter- royd 279, 220; 0. Patfieid 201; 8ee. Ternasmynll S. Bucknell 242: E. Etcher 219; e8acThye rnwyour liking, butS. Davis 224, 202; Dot Brooks Don't use chalk, resin or tel- 212; N. GShehan 209; . BJo 62 cuin tocondition themn. et216; . lhholy211;B.S.tBisn- bowler rnay like lhem juil as e 258,;2J. Ll 4;E ti they are.8,22 9. Play the. gaine 10 win, but Teses Standings _ be a gracious louer if yeu're on PL- the short end of the. cotant. 1!ow Sadie Bucknell la_____1 did Uic laul lin. of liaI pom Bei-fiee Buday -____15 go-"but how you playred the Doris Joli _______14 1111etHidm Brock -____13 gam."Lydia Bates 12 Team Standings Kay Beauprie 12 Tearn W L Pte Joyce Lyle ----------.12 Larmer - 16 8 1A Donna Preston _____12 R.Oke 15 9 15 Liola Wright 12 HuIlman - 15 9 15 Ena Etcher _______10 Janzen - 14 10 14 Mary Wllcox 0______ Dobbins - 14 10 14 Ollie Patfield 7 Osbiorne - 13%h 10% 13% Aversgc Bgnell 13 il 13 Bernice Buday 217 D. MeKngh 12% i11 3 Onie Etcher 213 D fiKnight 123 il1% 12 HIlda Brock 211 B. Oke .122 12 Dos l _20 Perfect ...12 12 12 XDoris Jolie 197 Brock il 1a il KyBWurit197 Sais 1- 10 Em Stringer 191 Piper - aS 168 Lda Bâtes _____189 Gay - 7 17 7 L__________ 185 Leslie - 6S 18 4 Sadie Buckncil ____183 - AVcamm Donna Preston _____183 Nains amnesAve. Zay Stephena 182 Al Osborne - 24 246 Dol Brooks _______181 Pele Dobbins à 24 243 Norma Norris _____181 Rus 0km __-__24 228 Bîbe Brown 180 il PmtPpere-dl_225_Joce____e180 Dr. K. Siemon - 24 224 OrLy Ptle..18 El1ton Brook - 24 224Eleorod- - 8 Ted Ftagell 24 223 WU=maDates 178 D. niKjulht - 4 Dr.H Rude- 24 Bud Moses 24 BiR Rearle -24 Jixn Castie ____24 Russ aHlianan - 24 Marley Vanstone - 24 Frank bMohun -24 Ab Piper 24 Jack Gay . ..24 Reiz Hearle - 24 Si TrewIn - 24 WB BAVE A GOOD SECLECTON 0Fr PARTY SHOES For thoe Christmas and New Year'a Celebrations Snow Boots CHILDRN'S Inomo. linci AU Simca $3.29 Ia $5.75 WOMEN'S LIKATHEk Snow Boots $6.95 t. $11.95 DOUBLE ZIPPER à21 BifiWestlake - 24 207 217 Bi-I Bates -. -___ 24 2071 213 Ernie Perfect - - 21 207 212 Bill Oke _____ 24 206 211 Mel Daim 24 206 211 Jack Parker____ 21 206 210 Hap PaIzner - 24 205 209 Frank Lewlng 24 205 208 Frank Samis ___ 24 204 208 Bob Williamx 24 203 207 John Ford--... 22 203 -Franuk Williams 24 203 Fred Cowie - 24 203 BM IShtIer - 24 202 John Stainton - 24 202 Jack Lader - 24 202 Ber-t Engiey - 24 202 Frank MunI 24 202 Pal Yeo 15 201 George 9tephen - 24 201 Ruas Lane ~ 24 200 Bd Leslie 24 2m0 Ladies' Afternoon Lge. On Friday etternoon, Decein- 'ber litai Helen Andrew &ain carried off lhc higi honours, taklng bot high single with a 320 gaine and high double of 526. One other 300 gaine was bowled, liat belng a 302 gaine bowled by Sirnley Davis. 200 gaines for the aflernoon werc Bonnie McDonaid 263 and Ena Etcher with lwo gainesouf 245 ecd. Tic Bluebirds mmnaged 10 take 2 pointa froua,,the Rob- iis» 10 is with, the Sparrows for f irat place l ic thecague, tcc teani nowv having 10 points. Tie otier teani. plit the pointa taking 1 point each. TeanesStandings PIs Sparrows10 Robins 8 Bluejays 8 Wrena ___________7 Caaraies .- ô___ Helen Aaudrew _____196 Ollie Patficld _______189 Ena, Rtcher ______182 Shirley Davis ______174 M"9-. King .________168 Sadie Buekneli ______158 Bei-b. Courtney 157 Aura Trewin 157 1111dm Si=nick ______156 Doris Holroyd 154 Aàycc Hodgson -____153 Nance Colauter ______151 Bonuitie MDormld ____151 Mas-ion Wlcman ____149 Evelyn Large 147 Agnes NMcColloch, 141 Boa Sellers - -_____139 Daisy Bell______138 Mail. McDonald ____137 Helene Bondle _____136 Hilda Mooney 133 )Me i.White 131 Helen Rogers -____129 Jean Lobb _______129 Ann Tic. ________128 Mabel Willams _____127 Ma-g. Coylc 126 Vi Poste _________126 Néie ?McFeeters ___123 Meta MaffttI ______123 Lilla Luffan ___123 Marlon Crowe _____123 m June Clark.e ______121 Teenage Bowling The. top four clubs lnthie Boys' League underwent a ma- 'or shuMfe, Saturday aftrnoon, witli Doug Shirk'a teami talng over the icague leadcrahi, by virtue of a 7.0 upiel overLo»w- cil Rightield'a crew. 'I'e lwo tezma exeh-anoed positions, aa th. losers'dropped ho Uird. Jlm !Nboicraft's outlit dlmb- cd to the runner-up position on the. stren.gth of a 5-2 decision over Vince Miolley's ceilar- dwellera. Don BagnellI' bowlmrs downed Howard llundle's crew 5-2 to drap th. losèe to10fourth. Don Bagneil turn.d ' ln a tre- mendous 802 triple, on gamma of 249, 314 and 230. Don 0km had 652 including 204 and 270 Howard Rundle rolled 2W a md 211lgarné to make uea 621to- tal, and Doug= xir knock.d off a 608, wth amma of 239 and 208. Other hlgh alaige scores werm rmgitered by Lorn. itoinpson 267, John Ruire 240, 213, lArry T1hotapean 232, 200, Tom Ma»on 238 and Bob H.llani 234. Borie TIM am<dlnge Pt. J. M»Màcrft _____ 3 U. Hlghfield . 32 IL Rundle________1 D. Bagneil 25 V. Môlloy il In thmegel&' division Brendi Oke's hluted of a 7-0 shutout win over Connie Os- monda outfit to regain the league leadership. Karen Beau. prie'. teain hung a 5-2 kom on VirgIia Browui'a club, to knock the. loser off thm top rung. In the. final conteat, Unda Brook. inga' bowlers were upset 5-2 by Helen Vanstonm'a tail-enera. Linda Brooking showed the way with a 532 triple, while A.nn Leddy totalimd 516. KarenI Beauprie took high ingle hon-I ours with a 252 gaine, followed by Connie OnaMon 225, Linda Brooking 212 and Ana Laddy 211. Girls'TOerns lmdlaga Pus B. Oke 38 V. Brown -'______ 3 L. Boeooking 28 K. Beauprie 27 C. Osmond 22 il. Vanstone _______22 Goodyea r Hockey .-,,rLeague With lii-.. e êis dea4oked ,top the standings, going into Sunday's action, th. Iran, Delta took over undlaputed possession of the leagu. icsder.hip, *wIn- n4ng 3-2 over the Mata in th. nighteap. In the. opener, the Office battied to a 2-2 tie wlth thte last place Rose, to trailithe leaders by one point. A pair of unnecessary penaI. tles by the Hose, late ln thc tii-st gaine, enabled the Office to even the score with two gain- utes and ten seconda remainin. The tle lefIt the Rose in thc ce- lar bY hhree points, whilc a vie- tory would have put thent with- in two Points of a playoff posi- tion. Bill Lyle Put the. Office in front at the 10:16 mark, butj Jerry Marjeison evened the cotant fine minutes later, wlien . ale Vince Vanstone mistook rierrison for once oflits ewn defencemen, and lefI e a ose puck lying on hics deoratep. Jim Richards counted on a three man break aI 32:30, but two quick penalties gave thc Office Heat Controil It cooks betten . . . fingez c omplete range of1 420. Imincise ia wabca-,1 Square design gives maxi am iglii. Eay-to-seecoC and plug. 3.Speed Portablb FOOD MIXER Mixlnig magie right eI your fingentips. Use at thc stove, sink or kt chen table for easy one - hand operation. S o umooti, compact anud convenient. Whips f mixes, masies blends With 2 large iector bea TOAS' Automado Pop -U p Toaster - Completely automabic aI a new 10w paice. "Ligit" te "Dark" contrai; aubomatic shut- off; fast, silent opera- tion. Chrome. 10 Cord and plug U V IRONS eb: Complet. Wlth LID 12,898 Ount4tySpedal led FRY PAN er-tip temperature control heats fromIn "aminci-"to to thc top of the handle. dimum cooking area. Sig- aoking guide. With cord lut! y, light, and folds. tenu. ITERS New "Mary Proctorn Perfection in perform- ance. Lifetime "jet speed" elements and à liost ot otier features 5-yr. guarantee Cord and plug 22,48 "ISteam - N - Dry" iron - 17 steam venta for fast easyceaning. Switches tasbantly 10 dry ironing. Automatic TWIN J AUTO MAT SET LDMED QUANTITT SPECIALI Save $2.00. Protection plus de- coatalln. Handsome Jet blacI. durable rubbcr wltli contrasting inlald diamond design, la assort- cd colora. Big aize, shaped to fit ail front "wear aneas.' Tran slush, mud . . . shakoe dean i seconds. Set for m front L98 CLIAI V1110" tes OA 8"hlrC Haie'. a brlght Id.. UtiIily LIghI Pa-ovides 1 ht for noadside a-e- pairs, map read- in g. Plugs inb cigar ligiber eut- ict. rd and plug. ïaow .1@34 Compact - style case ot simulated - leather in assoit- cd colons. Wibi 6 hookd AUTO SCombination hkj broomn and duat pan. H a n di y take-apart design ...fits into r-love 12 EASY TERMS tsuit. your budget of -Bowmanville --N e m - - - --- -n--~------- - ---- -- - ----3 ---TO" WESTERN CANADA Te Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jaspes end Vancouver 'r 7, - Il,4,11J Pm, bdmmU ma mmuo mwmammmmCHB - Me C 1Ifllé111i em yUYCtiketa 0abutthe tianandous mviam 'AU «nlav"Wtua tiavel pas!A"ePgL«i FLIGHT BOOTS $1195 mmd $1395 NÂTURALIZERS - DÂCKS Men's, Women's, Chidren'. Foem Tmoed Slippev ELLIS SHOES MN I 4 a chance for a aplit of thceIthe goal. in the. Fan Beita 3-2 Izer, exactly a minute later. polis. win ever Uic Mats, to move a scoreless action for thc balance "«Jlggs" Cowling went off for single point in front of the. scor- of the gaine. Gary Cooper and joir Bfreezng eigthei. ck, and when ing race. West opcncd the scor- John Osborne wcre given liv. the Hose pritdi juggling lng on an unasslsted effort, minutes apiece for e dJsplay of thi l he-up, referee "Tim" afler only thrce minutes of play. fistieuffs, in Uic latter part of Shirley Davis _____ 178 Cox lied no alternative but te John Lunn notchcd Uice equal- the conteat. Helen Dunai______ 176 eaU a delayirig penalty, inthe ic er, exactly a minutes later, Toam Standing-a Ena Etcher ______ 175 atraight time contest. but West quickly retaliated te t Norma Ga 175 A Mer John Fewlcr hmd corne put thc wlnncrs in front agata.WLTPt Norma ay 175 wlth seversi fine saves, Don John Osborne put Uic Mats Fan Beita 5 3 1 il Helen Glhhooly 1735 bers finally netbcd Uic tying bmck on even Ici-ans aI thc 19:50 Office _____ 3 2 4 10 Emle Cor _______ 174 merkmr at 42:50.1 mark, eniy le have West tire Mats____- 4 4 1 Q Pt Barlels 173 Raye West accounted for ail tic winncr at 25:10. Tic teanus, Hie.-___ 2 5 1 a V vlan Cowanag-- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - Ada Rioharda _______172 Dore utton172 'Siley Biekel _______171 IBeraice Terrir 170 IEleanor Lrmier 189___S HO1P 'Betty Wetlake ____169 Audrey Blekeil_____169 Peggy Haynes 168 Helen Piper 167 I Joyce Tennant _____167 Mai-g Pennr _______167 Em Bromeil 165_______ 165 NancBOWMANVI LLE MuilHolroyd 13 A Audrey Ounmd _____183 Loui Lyle163 Joyce Major 163 e bf Helen Vivlan loi___ 16rio "T Sally BWsnette 160 Thelma Fora-ester ___160 0e wM IH M Helen Corden _____160 ~forH ER . &Zý 1 777= ----------- ------- w4w4ffl F--- ----------------- ------------------- THE CANADLU STATESMAN. BOWILANVUiM OMAMO PAGE THMTZM TRURSDAY, DEC. 17th, 1959 1 1 1 ff, i

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