- ~'RUESDAY, DEC. 17tb. lUS TUE CANAD!AW STATMAN. DOWMANYILLE. OUTAITO PAGE SEYENTEEfl In Un Magistrates CourtI A Toronto man had a charge of failing to yield the right af way after coming ta a full stop on Highway 401 at Courtice aide road. The evidence was the car had been praceeding eaat in the east baund lane, made a left hand signal and made a proper ici t hand turn at the side road. Magistrate R. B. Baxter rul1ed that this. section did flot coer the crossovers an cortrolled ac- su highways. "It has been overiooked Iirough no fauit of our iaw- Give Kodak Film in a smort GIFT PACKAGE JURY& LOVELL 'Your Rexall Store" MA 3-5778 15 KING ST. -W. makeus. 1 wiil notiiy the Min- iter and I amn sure it will be rectified at the next sitting of the Icgislaturc," comnientedtheii Magistrate. Another accident at the <'Hole in thc Walil ic ecust-cnd of Newcastle resultet i n a 71 year aid man being acquitted of carcless driving. The man sta- ted thut lie bat suffereti a stroke since Uic accident and wiIl not be able ta drive again. The man, f rom Kingston, en- tered the subway and a loadeti transport entered Uic east cand. He slanmced on his brakes and stoppeti witbout hitting the car. A second transport, loaded with steel, slammed into thc baclc cf the stoppcd truck and bit Uic car which had been proceeding east aftcr bis near mniss with Uic first transport. The Kingston man continueti on east and cîcareti the subway, because bis wife couldn't stand thc confinement; the first truck clcared the front or wcsterly entrance o! Uic subway. The loaded steel truck had ta stay in thc subway. "This wus a series o! mis- undcrstandings and jockeying for position and I think you dîd Uic unexpectcd when you drove through the subway," comment- cd the magistrate. Two youths, who last wcek were remandeti for jutigment, and wbo were convictetiofai theft of merchandise from the Service Station of Archie Glenn, of Newcastle, wcre remandedà for pre-sentence report. They will appeau again on, December« 22nti. Magistratc R. B. Baxter in [passing judgment, teld Uic yeuth who bati pleadeti Not Guilty, "I find it impassible te accept Uic explanation you of- fer. It requirea tee great a stueto he Ucimagination Te be- lieve ycur storyý." A local woman was acquitteti on a charge of failing ta yield the right o! way ut 3rd andi El- gin Streets. "You are entitîcdt t tic benefit of Uic doubt. I migbt point out te you, the pru- dent andi safest thing to, do la ta bear in mind that when you Hfere's the best inh.atimg coufort RED TEADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE T.. am b. y mm ry du ..worM.*Boa bordc<ol R.....b,m.I. .oemybn q--IIip A* f« à ttodoyl STOVE * NUT VE FILL YOUH COAL BIN 10W PEEPARE FOR COLD WEATHEI AHEAI We have Cannel Coal for the, fireplae Available at the. Yard ST EPHEN FUELS PHONE MA 3-5410 Office at C.N.R. Yards Çive luourseif a LARK forC/hristimas! ASLOW AS $2558,00 TRADE-IN ACCEPTED AS DOWN PAYMENT IF IT COVEUS ONE-THIBD VALUE. Corne in soon! Take and test the. LARK by Studebaker 'GRA&HA&M'sGARAGE COllfax 2-M06 .BOWMANVLLIE1 are on the left, you maust give the right of way." A ptivate prosecution, in which a local man was charged býy a pasang matorist for fail- iiw to yield the rlght of way aiter comlng ta a full stop be- fore entering a highway was di&missed. The mon must have allowed at- least 300 feet, the_ magiatrate told tic coxnplain- ant, 1 think you were driving faster than you thmnk you wcre. You ahoulld have been able ta stop -in 266 feet. A 17 year aid told Magistrate Baxter that he stuck his arm out' te cool it off iast August twenty-fourth flot for a sig- nal for a leit turn. "I agiee with your lawyer. You rnlght not be able ta drive now until you are 21 'years of age. This may bc ltie cheapest lesson ini thc long run. In courts Justice ia donc, and als0 Justice should appear to, be donc. You have been ta Traffic Cinic and you know that you stop for a stop- sign at thc intersection of the, hlghways. You do flot stop at the sign. Canirnonsense shouid dietate where you stop, and that is behind thc cross-wallc if it is paintcd on Uic road, if there are no lines painted, then at thc edge of the intersecting road. Mr. Jaohnson was there to be seen and could have been seen. This may be a blessing in dis- guise. The penalty will be $10 and $9 costs or five days." Another m-an who wouldn't wait until the police came ta investigate a minor accident, was convicted of leaving the scene of an accident. He had been drinking and didn't have a license ta drive. He just fail- ed to get At renewcd two ycars ago. A charge under the Master and Servants Act in which a married couple claimed they were to get 75 cents an hour and Uic woman proprietor of a garden f arm stated she only paid 60 cents an hour started to unfold. The Miagistrate ad- journed proccedings one week, when the tomataes, carrots and other vegetables started ta get stifling. "I can see thaý I arn not goinýg to unravel this at this haur of the day," connmented Ris Worship after trying ta af- fect a compromise. "We will put it over a week until I arn fregher." SOLINA The Explorera met on Saturday afteunoon, with eight members present. Rail eaul was answered with a favorite eniol. The worship service was presentet b y Peggy Milîson, Joan Westlake anti Weady Nesbitt. The Christmias play was piactiseti. On December 19, the Christinas party will be helti at the home af Mis. Bruce Tink when the mothers of the girls are inviteti. The raIl euhl will ho "What 1 like beat on Uic Christmas menu.", In spite of the Icy roads on Sunday mouning, church and Sun- day Sehool weue well-attended. Pearl Leach is acting superintend- cnt for this month. Gail Baker sang a lovely sala athe church service Next- &nday, Deceiber - Sunday School will b. at 10:30 when a speciai Chritmaa pro- gram wiii bl:presenteti. In the evening at 7:30 6'clock the C.G.LT. Vesper service will ho helti. Pion ta attend this spe- il service which will be concluti- ed with a candlelight service. Election aooficers of the Adult Bible Class for 1960 was held Sunday merning. New-elected cf- ficcus are Puesident, Mis. H. Mill- son; Vie-President, Mn. U Broome;, Secretary Bruce Tink;, Treasurer, Ms. iM. B. Taylor; Camitte ta visit the sick, Mr. and Mns. John Knox, Mr. and Mm. Wes Yelawlces anti Mu. andi Mns. Bruce Tlnk; Committee for Congregatianal meeting, Mn. Harvey Ycliawbees, Mmus.Loyd Broomne, Mus. Balph Davis anti Mus. Arnot Wotten. The flower Committe. la Uic exeeutive. We are sozriy toreport aur min- ister's wife ins :11inMemauriai c Hospital, Bowmanvlle, anti wish her ta know oui prayers anti sin- cere wishes for a speedy recov- ery are with her. Mu. anti Mis. Harvey Yellaw- becs anti children wcre Sunday tea guesta of Mu. andi Mus. E. Larmer, Blackstock. Mr. anti Mus. Ralph Davis weie Sunday tea guests of Mr. anti Mus. N. Grills, Cannington. Mu. anti Mus. Roy Langmnaid, Sally anti Tommy Langmaiti, visiteti on Sunday with Mu. anti Mrs. O. Lunn anti children, Peter- borough. Mr. andi Mms Frank Westiake, Jr. anti fanuly weie visitais with Mr. antiMn. Frank Caok, Bow- manville an Sunday. Mn. anti Mis. N. Fice anti Doug- las, Taunton, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Westiake, Sr. Mu. anti Mus. Ken Tink anti Marilyn, Ebenezci, were Sunday, Csts of Mr. antiMn. Hanry Mn. Bac Pascoe anti Garyv wcre visiters with Mu. anti Mrn. J. Dyei, Oshawa, on Suntiay. Mr. anti Mrs. L. Broomne were Sunday evemng visitera with Mr. anti Mmn. ac Pasece. Mr. andi Mus. Wcs Wcuuy weuc Saturday cvcning dinner gueste af Mr. anti Mn.George Bray at thc Mr. anti Mrs. F. Abernethy, Manilla, visîteti Mr. anti Mrs. Don Taylor anti chiltiren. Mr. F. Abeincthy, Mn. Dan Taylor, William anti Valerie visit- cd M;. anti Mn.M. Samis, En- field. Mr. anti Mr. Wmi. Cari anti Brentia, Long Sauit, were Fui- day supper guesta of Mu. anti Mis. Stan Milîson anti sono. Te the Editer anti staff of Uic Canadian Statesmnan, to Uic rural correspondents anti ail reatiers of this columan, I would i k. toecx- tend incece greetings for a Merry Christmas anti a Happy New Ycar- "«Heauty wishes greet you naw As Chrî.tnm timu draws »«r, Wlshes for your happines Andi ail that y ou holti dear, Winhes that the. year ahesti, May biing yen better days Anti ai your eherisheti hopet anti dreanis Coma true in cou-stics ways. F ree Radio If Purchased Before 1960 Whitt gifts are YOU going ta get -this Christmias? Here's a suggestion from Gz'ahamn's Gar- age, Haydvn. Give yourself a Lark by Studebaker! Can't afford it? 0h, yes you oen! You can own a Lark fromn Graham's Garage for as littie as $2558, with juat one-third clown!t And paymrcts will be tailored to your budget. You're sure ta fhin the Lark ttiat's just right for you from Grahem's wide selection. The Larkla i the ONLýY converience-size car ta offer a fulI ctiice ai model-, 2 and 4-door sedans, hardtop, convertible, 2 and 4-door sta- tion wago. . .. and ta thie ONLY Canadian-bui2lt compact car ta, give you a choice of VB or 6 cylinder power! The Lark is the car for modernL driving conddtio"-- bigger on the IN- SIDE, where it counits, not OUTSIDE, where it coSts. So take adivantage of this unbeat- able deal. And, if yau buy a Lark before the end of the year, you'11 receive a speciai Chffistmas gifb- a FREE car radiol ]KENDAL The chief topic of interest seems to be the storm of freezing rain which visited us Saturday. Friday night four to six inches of snow fell here which the ramn on Saturday encrusted with about one-haif inch of ice by Sunday morning. The roads which were snow ploughed Saturday morning had to be sanded in the afternoon. During the night the hydro, according taour electric dlocks, had been off for over two and a quarterhours. Our telephone ser- vice was also off Sunday morning but Sunday's bright sunshine glistening on the ice-coated trees, aerials, bushes, etc., made beauti- fui scenes of aur countryside. We understand the younger folks had a skate on the ice-crust. Due to the ice and disruption of aur telephone. service, Kendal folks and those porth came out ta church wJiile those south and Bey. R. C. White were not present. Arthur Thompson took charge of the White Gift Service and car- ried it through quite capably. The children af the Junior classes were in the choir and sang "'Away ini a Manger" very nioely. Congratulatio~ns ta Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poster on the arrivai of their son at Memorial Hospital lat Friday. Boy is also ta be congratulated on being the new mémber of aur Clarke township Couneil. Mrm Mary Luxon and Roy Mercer were in Peterborough on Thursday and viuited Mr. and Mm Fred White. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zealand and famiiy spent Thursday eve- ning with mrs. Marry Luxon. M r. and Mrs. Ray Moore and sons, Taranto, were guesta cf Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Normnan Kennedy and Wayne attendd the wedding of Mina Diane Gill King and Robert Colett at Georgetown Uniited Church on Saturday, Dec. 5th. Little J)ebbie Youngnian had hier tansils removcd in Meinorial Hospital -last week. Misa Kathleen Jackson, nurse- in-traiinlng, at Civic Hospital, Ottawa, was home for the week- end. Mr. and Mns. Vernon Pea- cock were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Jackson and family, Sunday. Mns. Wni. Jackson and Mr. and Mis. Allan Irwin were ta Malton Airot, Monday, Dec. 7, te see Mim Margearet Jackson, R.N., leave by plane for Los Angeles where she starts hier duties as assistant head nurse in the Los Angeles County General Hospital. The Christmnas meeting cf Ken- dai W.I. was held Wednesday evening, Dec. 9, at the home cf Mrs. W. Mercer with Mrs. Man- dera presiding. The rolli eal was answered by naniing "yïeur fav- ourite Christmas Carol?" The old woollens are ta be handed in by next meeting, Jan. 20, and left at the home of Mrs. Eddie Ceuroux. The money for them is ta be aise turned in. A donation cf $10.00 is te go ta the Hospital for Sick Children. Plans were made for the party for the pre-seheol age children and their mothers on Tuesduy, Dec. 15, in the Sunday School room. When lista were tatalled up we weîe surprised te find more than 40 names cf little tata. A penny collection was taken up. Mrs. McMackin and Mrs. Cour- aux then teck over for the Christ- mas program. Miss Janet McMackin and Miss Christine Maartcnse sang a Christmas duet, "Captain Santa Claus", and Mrs. W. Mercer gave a reading "The Nighit After Christmas" telling cf the troubles that may follow Christmas. Miss Chris Maaitense had us play hier game of Musical Bingo bynain- ing the tunes played an lier records. We ail found it very interesting. Mis. Couroux held somne contesta and a niemory test. A tasty lunch provided by Mis. Turanaky andi Mrs. Stoker brought a pleasant evening toaa close. A hcorty vote cf thanks was given Mua.. Mercer for her hospitality. Northi Nesileton Conxmunity is sure glati Mrs. Laurence Maicakin got home this week from hospital. Hope she atml continues guining in strength. Congratulations to Mir. and Mrs.. Richard Bowles, Kirk- land Lake, on the arrivai cf a daughter. We'rc happy ta know that Miss Ethel Thompson. who is prescntly in Part Perry Hos- pital fou ucst cure, is se cheeuy. Bey. and Mrs. Newton Bow- les visited Dr. Bewles andi Mus. Mackie during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McCoy and fumily visited Vie Mal- colm's Sunday evening. The December meeting of Nestleton W.A. anti W.MýS. was held at thc home of Mis. Em- merson, with 23 ladies present. Our president welcomned cdir visitors and new bride in our commnlaty, Mrs. Arthur Hy- land. Meeting opened with the theme song, followcd witb prayer by Rev. Mir. Romrneil. Devotional and Scripture was taken by Mis. G. Camnpbell. "Love and 1{armony" was thc theme. "Holy Night, Sulent Night," was sung with Mr. Romeril at th-e piano. Mr. Rom- eril inaugurated aur new of- ficers for thc com'ing ycar, Minutes o! last meeting werc read and aipprovedi A lovely thunk-you letter was read from Mus. L. Malcolm, wiio is now home from bospital. We wish Gwen a successful rccavery fro.m ber long illness. Two tea towe]s werc sent ta our W.A. as a gift from Nestieton Pies- byterian Church for use of aur tea pots lust sumimer. Thie study book, "Afrioa Dis- turbed", was discussed. It was decdcd Mis. K. Sainclis would give us a bock uevicw ut aur two Missionary meetings. A second copy of this book te be passed to memibers for home rcading. It was decided ta as- sist Nestieton W.I. obtain a coffee percolator via- Canada P-ackcrs' labels etc. Percolator ta be usedi by Uic Nestictori Women oi bath churches and tic W.I. Movcd by Mrs. Wilson, se- conded by MITs. Johnis, six ex- tua copies of The Devotional be purciased ta sendto theUi sick and shut-ins. Med iby Mua. Heaslip, se- conded by Mus. Bowers, we give $25.00 over and abave, the an'vunt alread~y guvenà. and Uic birthjday box money .tIo is- nions. Mirs. Heaslip aur treasurer gave a report oi $225.32 in bank. Maved by Mms Semells secondeti by Mis. Sadier, we give $25-00 ta thie M.M. fund ai aur ch-urch. Moved IY Mrs. M. Nesbitt, $ 10.00 be usedi for Christmus cIieer. Moveti by Mrs. Sadier, sccondcd by Mmra McCoy, Mis. Hecige and Mm .Saeels con- vene wrappinvg and seriding Christmas parcels. Mm. Sadier gave a report fuom thc parsonge conmnittee. Moved by Murs. Hedge, second. cd bY mus . W. Canpbell, we Pay our ahare of expenses re parsonage. Rail oell was aoewered by ecdimcinber giving a verse about ber capsule sister. This was moet enoyable as every_ member e a tlmeiy vur written. Moved by Mms WilSoe, me- conded by Mns. Sedlcr, Mm. Muirs an-d Mus. Ses-ada audit thc tucasurer's bock. It wus de- cideti re cicanlng of diurch te discussed at Januery meeting. Moved by Mns. MCoy, Jan- uary meeting be set a week ahead and our oewiversary tea ta Ie discussedi et January meeting "Away in a Mangez" wus sung foilowed by our W.A. benediction. Collection $6.65. An exch-ange of Clulstmaa gifts follôwed by a lovely des- sert lundi wus enjoyed by aIL M"s. Heaslip thanketi aur hos- tess and group leader fer a pleqasant meeting. LIMITED f~338 Interest Returu W. am principats, offer United Countles of Northumberland and Durham 6ff% Instalment Debentures Due December 20, 1960-1969 Price: 100 and iccrued intereat The 62% Instalment Debentures may b. purchased in $1 ,000 denominations. Indi- vidual miaturities are available fromn 1960 to 1969 inclusive. For your convenience mail the coupon below. Please enter my order for 8......... 6%% Debentures of the United Cauntieof Northumberland Durhamn. Mail and telephone orders wiIl receive prompt attention. A descriptive circulai wiil b. forwarded upon request. Wood, Gundy & Company LhAnit. 36 King Strff eetJPs Tornu 1 Tephon.z EMpire 2-"44 I.E, 4 ze IVE HIM p POWE-R TOOLS 7ffl -------- ------ ------ ---------------- , IWUPJMAT, DICC. 17th, 19W TM CMADUN STATIMM. BOW WANVMM ONTAMO PACM 3EVZNTM