PAGE EIGHTEEN - WL VIINJTA1U 1THEU DAY, DMC iu Lions Members Enjoy Annual Christmas Party The annual Christmas Party held by the Bowmanvjlle Lions Club on Monday evening was a rnost successful event. The spacious Lions Cornrunity Cen- try was effectively decorated in a Yuletide therne, and a large Christmnas Tree glittering with attractive ornaments stood next to the stage. The president of the Club, Glenn Lanider, pre- sided. The birthdays of Lions en Lucas, Bll AIlin, Jack Ross, and Bob Mutton were, celebrated. The lucky winners of the hoc- key draw were: Saturday, De-1 cemben l9th, Mrs. Dolly Gibsci and Stan Comerford; Saturda: December 26th, Jack Geddl and Alfred Dewell; Wednesda: December 3th, Ray Crawfor and Hap Harrison; Saturda) January 2nd, Frank Jamieso and L. Cascagnette; Wednesdaj Januany 6th, A. Pearce and Or ville K. Osborne; Saturda. January 9th, K. Walker ai Bill Smith. After a deliciotis turkey din ner, Santa Claus anived. Frei Cole, the past president of th club, was the jolly Santa Clau. and this year he was accom ALUMINUM AWNINGS rINDOWS and DOORS Free Home Demonsiralion Nothing to remove or store . .. change front winter glass to sununer screen i seconds. Keep winter damnage out ... bring summer in. Built to Tri-Products rigid standards of quality. Bowman ville Home Improvements 22 DIVISION ST. N. MA 3-2753 ay, les 'y, Sd IYI )r- ky' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reaslip ad were in Richmond Hill t. visit Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tiffany and a-family. Ray retunned with thern ed for a visit. he Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Beacock, Is, Glen and Gordon visited her mot- n- ber Mrs. Ritchie and sister Fern ini Toronto Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Egli and family moved last week to Baden where they have punchased a small farm and Hans will be working at bis butcheing trade ini Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferrier brought her mother, Mrs. N. C. Marlow home froin Perth where she had been visiting for a week. Mn. and Mns. E. R. Wood spent several days in Toronto recently with thein family and fniends. Mr. and Mms. Hilliard Millard of Whitby were Wednesday visit- ors with the Grant Thompsons. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Robrer, Warren and Douglas, Mrs. Davis- on and the Thompsons were i-e- cent callers with Mr. and Mms. B. R. Knight in Port Penny. Doug Davison is home from Waterloo College for the Christ- mas vacation. Mn. and Mms. Bill Weston and two boys of Bowmanville were Sunday guests of Mr .and Mms. Carl Elliot and David. Friends are wishing Miss Ethel Tbompson who is a patient in1 Community Hospital, Port Perry,1 much improved health. Mrs. Cyril Kirk has aold her home north of the village and moved Saturday to Holland Land- t ing. Mn. Kirk who bas been in Port Penry Hospital for the past two weeks, was well enough to be moved te his new home at The Landing. Fniends will aise be delighted te leann that Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm la home in time for Christmas with ber family after having spent many weeks in Bow- P manville and Toronto Western Hospitals. We trust Miss Norma Suggett continues to improve after sufer- C ing a fail at the borne of Miss Ruth Pnoutt on Saturday hast. n Mrs. Cecil Wilson returned lj £rom a pleasant holiday witb ber a, sister and family, Mr. and Mms. CIifi'ord Hetz in Fairview, Penn. Nestleton Ladies' Aid beld their0 Christmas meeting at the mansew with Mrs. J. Fonder and Miss R. , Proutt assisting the bostess. Mms. Henron conducted the Devotional Exercises. f Miss Ruth Proutt gave an on-M eouraging financial report with a b good balance te, begin next year after paying for the coal and fa wood annex, new front door, new re well and pump installed at the manse and other expenses. Sever- Cr ai members paid for their cahen- hi dars and Presbytenian Records. B, It was decided not te sponsor COMPANY COMING... HAVE PLENTY 0F COKE! SA tuO ec ,.co..- -amU TUADMA 5 U«M lUTPo Cu c-~aLU l mu j'mm m cc» & em, «t4aVu mm Oum BE REALLY REFRESHED!Theold eMUMua hd long trip, and from the North Pole to the south seau, nothing is so refreshing as the coid crisp taste of Coca-Co& It's as bright and bracing as a sleigh-ride i the stars. Keep a big suppiy ini your refrigerator ail through the holidays .. . plems your Santa and al hie helpers who wiil b. caling at Auldd boleaCen-COl.uadsr oeoc" wileh coecob U&. ilamblys Beverages (Oshawa) Ltd. OSHAWA, ONTARIO . .. ... ... HAMPTON AMRMAN OVERSEAS- Leading Aireraft- man Stanley Hl. Prime of Hampton, Ont., is a communica- tions technician air with No. 1 RCAF Fighter Wing, Mar- ville, France. Here LAC Prime checks into the condition of the communications equipment of one of the Sabre jet fighters used overseas. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Prime of Mill Road, Hampton, Ont. -National Defence Photo MAPLE GROVE teý th, li afi Ci] of pri eac tre a'1 for ed Mr. 3fi Ay] the Recorda this year. Those wisbing te purchase them may do go tbrough the Secretary-Trea.. auner, Miss Ruth Proutt. Calen- dams and Records are te, be sent te distant friends of the Ladies' Aid. A genenous donation of $20 was neceived frein Mn. David Davison of Roberts' Creek, B.C. Four Christmas carda' were signed by those present to be sent te aummer members and Mms. Wolfe and Mms. Fitze will write to an absent member duing Jan- !iary The Annual Business Meet- ing wilh be beld in the church the third Fiday in January. Due te mnembers being se scattered it was voted te dispenÉe with meetings duning the winter montbs, but two quilts will be quilted after the New Yean. A Christmas Family Party la te be held in kbe chunch with faveurs for the childnen, each family sup- plyinng a numben for the programn. Te election of offlcers resulted ini ail officens being neturned for 1960 and the programs of homes and assistants were arranged for next year. The prograin included Christ- mas Carols and readings by Mrs. I& Fitze Mm H-1.McLaughlin, Mms. G. Wolfe*and Mrs. L. Bea- cock. Mms. Herron and ber assist- ants served a dainty lunch and thanks were extende te M ns. Hennon and assistants. Mrs. Jas. Fonder, Mn. and Mms. Rani-y McLaughin'and Lawrence were in Port Hope on Saturday tebel p celebrate Mms. John Wat- 9o's8th birthday. Mn. Edward Pollen of Winnipeg, sent flewems and corsages for bis sisters, Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Forder. The gatberung was behd at the home of Mr. and Mms. Louis Watson and included ber nine grandchil- dren and ten great-grandcbildren. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin and Mms. Arnntt Orchard poured tea. Mm. Watson's many Cartwright friends aend beanty good wisbes on this happy occasion. Yeun correspondent wishes a Merry Cbristmas, good bealth, geod friends and good feUlowahip to ail of ber neaders and Wben the Christmas sBesson closes, May its happiness and ceee Add a lasting touch of radiance To every day, ail yeari A person la net mature until lie las bath an ability and a WÜIlin'gness ta, see himself as one anaong others and ta do te those others as lie would have them do to huxn.-IL iL Over- 'Mn. end Mirs. Ron Brooks and Marie, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rodman, Little Bnitain. Mrs. Char-les Hester and Wen- dy, Oshawa, callied on îhen sis- ter, Mrs. R. S. Wilton on Tues- day. Mr-. and Mirs. Robent La-brec- que and f axily, accompanied by Mirs. James Allen, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mn. and MIrs. Donald Allen, Toronto. Mr. and Mirs. Del Hendsbee and family, were Sunday sup- per guests of Mn. and Mira. Fred .,angille, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barlow, WTest Hill, visited Mn. and Mrs. Clifford SwaJ.Iow on Sunday. The sympathY of the cern- nunity is with the faraily of the late Mn. A. Lai-d whbo passed .way eariy on Tuesday in Mena- 'il Hospital, Bowmanvllle. Min. and Mira. Frank Moore, )shawa, wene weekend guests with Mr. and mins. James Col- I0. Mrn. and Mira. Ed Holmes and 'mily were Sunday guests of qr. and Pins. Mervin Storie, Ux- )ridge. Mrn. and Msr. Char-les Eilis and LmilY spent last weekend with elatives iBarrie. Stephen Budai from Waýterloo 'ollege. spent the weekend with ds parents, Min. and Mrs. Bert nidai, Jr. Severai frloin Maple'Gxrove at- Ended the Cbnistmas party for .e childnen of St. Joseph's par- h, Bowmanville, on Sunday fternoon. Joint Cii-cie Meeting A joint meeting of the th.ree laple Grove United Church irles Was held in the basement the Churoli on Tuesday even- 9, Decexnben 8th. Reports were hea.rd :frorn the residents and treasurens of oh Cixcle and aise our general easurer. These reports showed very successfui year for our rt year's activities and plans t even biggen events in 1960. Thie Wonship Service follow- the theme of the Christmas ry and was pnesented by rs. Suart Miorton, Mina. Wm. 'eil, Mira. Ted Foley and as. Clifford Swailow with Mrs. rimer Beeci at the piano for m%, Who ;. Herb 1Coun- 'laus. C. and Severy ib was ive a Santa Mslsit- panied by Pins. Santa Clau added te the merriment. Goddard, an International cillor, was Mrs. Santa Ci Stuart James was MX( announced the narnes es menaber of the Lions Cit ca]led forward to rece Christmas present from Claus, who had an able ant in Mrs. Santa Clauis. Nestieton Sfafic INTALAIO *SRVICEONmm* Instali l, OWama you'iIenjoy dependable gas heat! CLEAN *-Hm R'HOW... 'Yeu cmstent a futly aulo4uaqTe natwd? o onumm' elm -Pus furac. or boiler (subject tea pproval of soitobaity byyour gaz company) for $3.50 wonibli on an annuol confroci, TU% mdvdes . h umer, contrais, parts, iaitllatiae, lobow aud mS PlPing wit;n the haute and up ta.50 lest Ire om ue iAltUo chimiasy llmg suber. rsqwired. Thomcr* mgalCo» Seniwm or cd mua ai worm air lwa.cas inter air condiujo~4 b ot woe and sit.m bil.,, and fo De;n Fwna<*s w$bat.yor their lueL "You'U always be glati ~wm dooe Natterai Gos" a a MIENT Twom mpu,&M 6opm a.. . m fer gan Masse odu lamm h IhSsa audo m M onS" di. od. 48 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Phone ZENITH 11700 A 6.50% yield Northumberland and Durham Debentures Mmle new debenture issue of these important, oentraliy Iocated Ontari. Counnues provide both good security and au attractive retuma Ve, as principals, offer subject te ofrmta United Counties of Northumberland and Durham 63% Debenturosdme December 20 1960-1979 Priees 100 and accrumed intert es yield 6.50% Delenture in thes denomhaatibon of $1,000 are expeted 1» bu available for delivcry on or about January 15, 1960. V. ulli Le pleased t. provide a circular opon rcque A. E. Ames & C.. 3M IB" swous~?. .-mplr. 3-6"1 In the Ediior's Mail Star City, Sask., Dec. 9. 1959. Dear Editor, I look forward to your paper each week. It lis like a lettel- from home. Sask.atchewan was 1 hlard hit this year. Most of our crop la still in the fields under snow. The weather is mild for this tinie of year. Best wishes to ail the staff. «Mrs. Thos W. Jackhin LONG SÂULT Mr-. and Mrs. .Lyctt, Oshawa, were Sun., afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr. Mr. Han-y Vickery, New Lis- kard, is visiting lis niece, Mrs. A. MéLaggan for a f ew days. Mrs. E-dilih Murphy, Tyrone; Mrs. Jean Mc-Laughlin and Neil and, Mr. and Mrs. Ray M- Laughiin and f aily, Black- stock, were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ha-- old Murphy. Mir. and Mrs. H. Murphy and fanaily, were Sun- day evening visitons of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy.1 Mrs. PatsY Wright, Bethany,- or m you 3o-7ei01c 1 the singing of Christmas carols. A lovely lunch was served to the 43 ladies present who ga- thered around the tables nicely decorated with Christmas cen- tre pieces. Home and School Association The DecemIben meeting of Ma- pie Grove Home and School As- sociation was held at the school with president Mns. Robert Both'well in the chair. She ex- tended a welcome te the large number of parents present, and opened the meeting with al smnging«'O Canada". Mns. Steve Doyle led in the singing of sevenal Ciaristmas canots with Mrs. Black playing the Piano. Mirs. Bnown's room won the parent count with 31 pesen t.O fbt shosp Eac om om nof bot shooe pt onssoefiatn of entrtaiBnet MiseCathiJuy FcegenkiaBoi Bels.ndrJudy Fice gavoe piano 'Csoos.ilmf.atushoedstwo Citmas ferti was erstefrosvr hi meetng. Mondth- ens frona seeromsendh exe o wcutveberistnvad cake and beverage. N.EW HOME' HEATI.NG 'PLAN CONERSON URNE m fngcehae, m e is type . t, wh tv r i~..wt.mfuehi vl * AIL PASSENGERS 1NSURED 100 King St. E. Bowmanvill. was a Wedaiesday evexlang vis- commiunity wisqhes them hearty itor of her parents Mr. and cSrtulations witli good hea. Mrs. Rye Gison. Ithuad nany mreatmversre Air. and Mrs. 'Bert Johnson celebrated their 45th edn istoem. anlniversary on Saturday with Masses Judy and Arien. W&I. thei failyat their home. It lace, Port Perry, who w«ee ne was also Mr. Johnson's birth- ci.dently drowned on Monday day. The happy couple received at Oshawa are the cousins ce some very lovely gifts. The Mr. and ?&s. Rye Gibwràn. RIDE InqCOMFORT...CALL STEVENS" TAXI We have the most up-to-date fleet of luxury cars mi district with experienced drivers. TWG PHONES - 1 1 b Bowinanvnie ýN ýý - . - 3-5822 100 King St E FREE ,@ DEPENDABLE e ECONOMICAL