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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 22

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- .. t -. - ~- -- .. ~ a PAGZ 'rwENT-Two TIGH-ýGary and Barbara (nee Watt) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Peter Francis, 7 lbs., 12 ozs., at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, December 7, 1959.1 A baby brother for Teresa. Deaths FREEMAN, Era-ýSuddenly in St. Caîherines on Saturday, Dec. 12th, 1959, Ena May, wife ai Ern- est R. Freeman. in ber O7th yean: dear motheir ai Glenn. Rested aI Winter & Wînter Fun- STEADY or part-time farmn work. Blackstock 96 r 13. 51-1* CARPENTER work and repairs. Free estimates. Phone MArket 3-5212. 51-2* RELIABLE high sch6al girl wishes baby-sitting. MArket 3-7182.51* PLUMBING, heating eaves- traughing, free estimates. Har- vey Partner, Tyrane. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf erai i...apelt~IUil MondU~y. rFun- FRcinywrnw o eral service in the Chapel an FRcin'wrnwo Monday, il a.m. Interment repain or any brick, block or Ehenezer Cemetery, Monday. cancrete womk. P.O. Box 10)83. 51 ICali L. Tuner, Phono MA LAIDAlre _-AtOsaw 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf LAeRDal Hsitl -nAtuOshawa FOR prompt, ealy delivery' of Geneal Hspîtl onTuesayyour Statesman, if you live ini Decemben 131h, 1959, AliredIthe vicinity ai Wellington, Car- Laird, beîoved husband ai,ý lisle or Liberty Sts.. Phone Bill Louisa Laird and dean father of' Depew, MArkct 3-3579 aiter Annie (Mrs. W. Pearson), Lake- 5 p.m. 50-tfi fîid, Ont.; Susan, Ernest, WiI- birn, (Jake) and Alfred ai Bow- ianville, in bis 851h yeam. Rest-i TED VEENI1Ut hig at Northcutt & Smith Fun- eral Home, 53 Division St. Serv- WELL DIGGING ce on Thunsday, December t7h! CLEAN OUT ai 2 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 51-1 COMPRESSOR WORK LITTLE-At Memorial Hospital,' Bowmanville, an Wednesday, Decemben 16, 1959, Isobella Shackleton, in hem 82nd year. Beloved wife ai Richard Little anid dear moflier ai Everett. Laurence, Meredith, Thelma (Mrs. N. Couvier) ail of Bow- manville; Hazel (Mrs. Gardon, Jarvis)., Toronto. Resting aI the Morris Funeral Chape!, Bowmanville. Service- in the Chapel on Frîday aI 2 o'cîock. Interment Bowmanville Ceme- temy. 51-1 LUNN, Wlber-In Bow mân-! ville on Thursday, Decemben 10,' 1959, Wilbent Lunn, son ai the laIe Mn. and Mrs. James Lunn. Rested aI Nortcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St, Bowmanville. Service was held on Saturday, Decemben l2th at 2 p.m. Entombment Lang Vault, Orono Cenietery. 51-1l ROBERTS-At Sunnybrook Hos- pitl, Toronto, on Manday,l December 141h, 1959, Oliver Roberts, aged 74 years, beloved husband af Bertha Mason and dean fathen ai Evelyn (Mrs. O. Elford). Oshawa, Kaye (Mrs. G. T. Marsball), West Vancouver, B.C.; Jack and Narman, Bow- manville. Resting at the Marris Funemal Chapel, Bowmanville.: Service in Chapel on Thursday at 2, o'clock. Intennient Bow- manville Cemetery. 51-1 RAndolph 8-6974 Plastering Repairs QIJICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. 9. MA 3-5030 16-tf KEITH DAVEY Livesiock Shippers AND GENERAL TRANSPORT Phone CO 3-2639 46-26*. Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanville CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS Mor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - 011 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 BOWMAN VILLE 2-t Crds of Thanks I OSHAWA TV We would like ta Ihank al ITELEVISION AERIAL SALES who belped in any way aI theISALTONaiREIS lime oi oun recent fine. ISALTO n EAR Boba and Aima Lennard.1 Phone siiBowraanville Oshawa MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 We wish ta thank al aur BILL AND BOB LEASK friends and neigbbours ion Iheir39t many acta of kindness shown us in the loas of aur dear father, H V U E George Brown.iHA E T BS Brown Family. 51-1 1 1 WILL TRAVEL The family of the late Egerlon liancock. Orono, wish ta tbank their many friends, relatives and ineighbours for the many beauti- fui floral offerings and nuni- erous acts ai kindness during their recent sad bereavýement. 51-1 1 wvish ta thank the Rebekah Lodgc, Orono Bridge Club and xrny many friends for the beauti- fui flowers and cards sent me during my illness, also Dr. Shaw and Dr. McKenzie. A Merry ChrisimÛas ta one and ail. Pauline Armstrong., Oronq. 51-11 The farnily ai the laIe William Siiowden mrish ta extend their heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion for acts af kindness, mess- ages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings tram neighbors, relatives and friends. A very special thanks ta Rev. Harold Stainton, Rev. Stanley noden and Morris Funeral 'hplfor t hein kind, efficient service. 1 wish ta Ihank relatives, Xiends and neighbours for al the lovely cards, gifts. letters, 'phone caîls and visits ta me during my illness. A special thank you ta Mn. Torn Turer, Mr. Wells, and the boys and girls af the class,,also grateful thanks la Dr. Ewert, Dr. Grant and the nurses of Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital for their came and kind attention. Alan Hooper. My family and 1 take Ibis mneans of thanking my doctors, special nurses and staff af Me- morial Hospital, Bowmanville,i for their tender care, and ourI relatives, friends and neighborsj for their gifts af food and flow- ers. Your prayens andi mes- sages sustained me through the dark dayà af my necent illness, and speeded niy convalescence. Gwendolyn Malcolmn. Piano Tuning Telephane 38-tf ARTHUJR Collison. M.Arket 3-3900>. TED'S RADIO & TELEVISION SERVICE Phone MA 3-5234 Guaranteed Work at at Reasonable Rates 46-tf Wanted to Buy USED pool or billiard table, not particular as to size. MA 3-3777. 51-1* FEED aats. Harvey Malcolmi Janetvilie, Ont. Phone Black- stock 83 R 1-1. 51-1 ALL kinds of live paultry wanted. Highest prices paid. :M. FIat, Bethany R.R. 1. uhne 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST ýpriceq paid for used furniture. appliances, television, sewing machines. etc. Alsa sel and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-ti 11IGHEST Prices paid tor live POURtry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap tron. rags. metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf Cars for Sale 1955 FORD, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-5759. 51-1 1952 OLDSMOBILE 98 four-door sedan, fully equipped. Best affer. Phone MA 3-3101. 51-1 HALF-ton Pick-up cab, wil fit any body of early fiftys. Can be easily adjusted. Phone RAn- dolph 8-1505. 51-le ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For persa;na I service at your home cal] Oshawa RLA 5-2802, collect. 2-ti BUYING OR SELING SE£ Ted Campin Molors RA 3-4494 - .1es. RA 5-5574 601 St. East <it Eat of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA PIANO TUNING AND ALL REPAES *Fre Esthnat« * Guaranteed rka hl MA 857 ÂMBROSE ENGLI 1 TME CANADIAN STATEIA. DOWMANVMLLE ONTAPJO îi.rcles ior bWe 1j xucles ior baie WA"ME for sale. Delivened. PORTABLE record player. Tele- Phone Clifi Pethick. COlfax phone MA 3-5713. 51-1 3-2131. 36-tf VACUTUM cleaner, guaranteed LIGHT wood in slave lengths, good as new. Will sacrifice. $10 per laad. Phone COlfax IPhone RA 8-1505. 51-l* 3-2275. 49-tfI -- YOUNG singing canaries (Nigbt- Help -Wanteci1 E-XPERIENCED single man to work on dairy farm. Reply ta Advertiser 3, c/o The Canadianý Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 51-1* 'MAN wanted ta sel! Rawleigh's1 Household Producta ta consui-l SIX-roomed bouse. Phone MA 3-5038. 51-1 IHEATED apartment, central lo- cation. MA 3-5784. 51-1* FARM bouse, nean Bowmanville, 1$55 a month. MA 3-3394. 51-1 Real Estate for Sale] INCOME house, well rente d, il Bowmanville. $1,000 down will handie. MA 3-2383. 49-3 SIX-ROOM, 2-storey house, ail furnace, garage, on Liberty St., $ 1,495 down, $50 monthly pay- 1 Pitu-N LULII Ih Fie u ist- ir ngale najiers), aise 2 Youngj crs. We heîp yau. Good -profits * TWO roonis, $25 per monih, an 11___________________________1- mas Trees. Bowmanville Frigid hiens. Phone MA 3-5058. 51-1 for. hustlers. No experience No. 2 Highway. Phone MiArket SI OMhueo akS. Locker, MA 3-5578. 49-3l'1 needed ta start. Pleasant, prof-' 3-2717. 51-iSI-OMbueaPrk t. THREE excellent ail spaçe beal- ialdgiîdwr. WieI--~-~-____ rno, property af the Egertoni KEYS eut autanîatically, wh-l»e !ers and one floon furnace. R. B. today. Rawîeigh's, DepI. L-1 40- 1 SI-roomed ranch brick bun- Hancock estate. Contact Victor you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- Riekard, Newcastle 3938. 51-11j53, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. I galow, attached garage. Phone Hancock, Bowmianville. MA ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- 5- Aà51.5- -63 o oetHnok ville. 46-tf SMALL ail space heater, used o 51-1n MAE 3-5919. 51-1 3-5653 , Oro or Robent.a5cock two winters: also chesterfield, EASY ta make mar r mny~OEfreroon aar, stoe, CHRISTMAS trees, choîce prun- 1 reasonable. Cail CO 3-2466. buce ie-thtswat Brre rt wsh, dry-361. Lak elEt ed Scotch pine. Delivery. C. 51 uike-ie- hts_______________ Familex offers you. Products Bart prtetM -61tfa~ eiEil Gimblett, 123 Ontario SI., MA 49-tfihetqalt, it es 3-5835. 50-3* A NUMBER ai freshly killedaitehgstultygust,- 6 room. new ranch bungalow, turkeys, alsa breeders. Laverne cosmetics, housebold necessi- 1 APARTMENT in Victor Manar, brick, with stone tnini, attacbed WATER, hard and sot, deliver- Hanness, Orono. Phone 15 R 10.leIms îamietaî,KigS.W via l m- lgarage, broadloom, 3 bedroonis, ed. Prompt service. Robert fi. 51-2* etc. (Commission and bonus, mediaîeîy. Apply Wm. Curtis, niany extras. Ternis. Cale. Phane MA 3-5476 or MA[- trial period). You don'l need MA 3-7035. 43-tf Storey and bahf brick, 6 rooms, 3-5805. 31-tf1 FRIGIDAIRE refnîgerator. 8 eu. selling experience. Free cala-,cetagre.Tms ft.. S75: white moetal sink cab- logue on request. Familex, De- STORE, in the Knight Block,1cnrl aae ens int.ilfi lng $5.CO 3-2187. partiment T-C, 1600 Delorimier, King St. East. Available Dc We bave bouses, bungalows, SAVE n luib51-direc t.o!Appîy- 5 Mrsng, Wes 1lots and fanms toa numenous ta mill la vou. Phillips Luinber 51-1 Montreal.________________ A 3-5448r. WlisIgt, Co., Kin iut, Ontario. Phone' P-oneE.45-tf 17u r1l SCOTCH pine Christmas trees, PERMANENT POSITION.M.ELAS 17___r_11. __________ 1_sanie pruned. WViIl deliver. FOR BOWMANVILLE MANJ HEATED apantment, 3 roois,, Real Estate Broker ELECTRICAL Repairs-Proinît IGeorge Mutton, Phone MAnket J Here's one ai the finest opportuni -1 kitchenette and baîbroani, elec- 6.5 Ontario St. Bowmanville service tae ecctrical appliances, 3-5981. 49-3 1lies offered ta a man over 45 who trie washer and dryen, $60.00. MArket 3-5919 large and small. Lander Hard-- wishes to, make a permanent Phone MA 3-5996. 47-tf Sales Staff: ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43tf Intosh anpy peide. a% M-,G Novemben lautjr cm- 1Freddy L. Ames - MA 3-3406 REoSH a pple cide. FncM. onetinw.ha ajrco-AVAILABLE oebr It meIKenmp, Middle Road. Phone Ipay five-rooni office, 2nd floor, main 51-1 CHRISTMAS Irees, Scotch p. ff AThenman w. want ls ,24 ig priced from $ 1.25 te $2. Mur-MA 3-2250. 5-1conscientious, owns a car and Est, BowS.R.m a es, 44-fKing f t ray Sîacey, north ai Truîl's TObig, n r-igtîmscnlaesotirp ate sur-,________________ PedWell neal Estale Store, Courtice. Phne sb W rde n r-ih ap a aesottist RAon 5-4047w502 witb shades. Pair matcbing end rounding area. . SANTA Claus autfit, new Ibis R -4047. 50-2________ tables. two smafl plant tables. Earnings are open, depending year, complete, $15.00 per oc- 200 acres on 35 Highway, 3 WORK boots and shoes aI bar- MA 3-3626. s-~ on abllity, but we consider this casion . Contact Ken's Mens miles froni Lindsay, 2-storey gai pice. ron ad lac, _-opening ta be worth up to Wear, MA 3-5580. 35 Temper- brick biuse, ail conveniences, ganpncs.bow ndbacPRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas $14,500-00 IN A YEAR ance St. N. 50-2 large painted bank barn, ail ail sizes. Bowmanvifle Shoe Re- trees. Bud Virtue's Service This is a fuil-time job . .* - workable land, well ienced. This var ie St. ai Bowmanl Station, 218 King E. Telephone pays mighty iveil. Il is stimu- APARTMENT - Living-room, fan 'is one ai the best. $33,0001 Cile. anest o 42-tfil MA 3-3432. 50-2 lating and filledl with big ne- bedrooni, kitchenette anctd bath. with $10,000 down. Clener. 4-tfwards for honest effort. Earn-, Inlaid linoleum. Cox apart- 200 acres, close ta Lindsay, MIXED bandwood, $35 load, 2 ing checks mailed weekly in i ments, 23 Temperance. Phonel130 acres wankable, goad pro- HEARING aid service. Testing; cords, resawed; also hardwood advance. 'MA 3-2555. 49-tf' ductive soil, level, no stane, in- service and complete stock ai himbs, $30 load, delîvened. J. A. fyuthink you are aur man, - sul-brick bouse, 6 roanis, bank batteries and cords at Higgon Cascadden. Phone Onono 35r9:1 please write G. M. Swvallow, NEWLY decorated healed apart- bann 40' x 100', $15.000. Tennis. Electric Limited, 38 KingStE. 50-4 IP.O. Box 789. Fort Worth 1,. ment. Three oonis, bath, kitch- Spees ga stio ad Bomavile Tlehoe AITexas. 51- enette and washer service. Ap- snack bar on 35 Highway. Small 3-3305. 7-If SMALL hammermill, fitted with ply 90 Queen St., Apt. 3. Phone down payment and easy tennis. DO ou an aos ndrus-knives, cul hay and coam stalks y <m MA 3-5277. 50-tf Gas station and snack ban, DOyor w foos n rgs-real good condition. MArket Sriacemvceeni mentle, o Rent a sander, floor polishen on 3-7059. Box 973, Bowmanvilîe. Plce en Ofcers FURNISHED 3-nooni aparti Sheil3sevice an car isale, o rug cleaner (shampoa methad) 51135Bahom omotbe atya' gloae7,0.Ti froin Lander Hardware, 7P K<ing,5-1and wih baîbroo i an ble. aHîhaeloet Lns St., E.,floand warm..Applyein33he -ven-20 ean'r are lporne 7,000eTson St. E, owiavie.PhneINSULATION, blowing method, ~JU-IU~U ings, 72 Scugog St., Bowman isabl trar ppnuitres MA 3-5774. 20-If witb. rock wool. Warknianship UNEMPLOYMENT ville. MA 3-3231. 51-i1.b Th10rntan poet in Coibomne, iences, ail furnace, fireplace, garage, large landscaped grounds - an ideal place for nursing home. Asking $10,000. Hall cash. 9 room house in Orono, 3- piece bath, ail furnace, cook stove, hardwood and ti1e floors. ' This must be sold ta close an * estate, $8,000. Terni can be arranged. Clapboard bouse in Hampton, 5 roanis, campletely furnished, .refrigerator and new stave. Lot 66' x 175', taxes only $60.00. 'his property must be sold ta 'coean estate. $4,000, bhal c s . Money ta ban. B. C. PEDWELL, IBAOKER NeWcastlsPhone 3856 51-1 [Hanry L. Wade. Phone Clarke GET the jump on old man wint- er! See us for free estimates on "Canha.ves" Aluminuni Doors and Windows. Yau will be anîazed bow econamîcal tbey are froni Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E.. Bowmanville, on Phone MA 3-5689. 40-tf TURKEYS *CROICE YOUNG BIRD S ALL WEIGHTS DRESSED AND DELIVERED ,MA 3-5058 PHIL FINNEY MAPLE GROVE 48-5 McBRINE BAGGAGE FOR HER... The Fanious «Cornet 60n $19-50 up FOR [HM.. $27.50 Up ALSO OTHER CASES $9.95 Up Available at LLOYD ELLIS SHOES, 49 King St. W. MA 3-5941 51-1 CHRIS TMAS FOWL (FRESH and FROZEN) Turkeys Geese Ducks -Chickens For that Holiday Snack . Barhecued Chickens $1.39 BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER PHIONE MA 3-5578 MQ-FELO 1- GA SOLI NE 24 0 - - - __ _' Z ELECTRIC train witb acces- Oshawa, Oniario sanies and double switch tnack 1 mounted on green feit covered~ At least 2 yeams High School plywood, good condition, $20.îand a number of years (prefer- Phone MA 3-2563 evenings. ably 4) ai experience nelaled ta 51-1* ISelection-Placement ai person-1 nel, or business expenience ai a FORGET Something?-For those responsible nature. For funther lasI-minute items: candy, cig- information sec posters display-j arettes, soft drinks, ice creani, cd at National Employment' fruit, etc., cail aI Wessells' Service and Post Offices. Ap-. Neighbourhood Store, 87 Ontario! plication ionms avaîlable theme- St. MA 3-7251. 51-1* fat, should be iiled with the Civil PLATFORM Rockers, $39.95;I 25 St. Clair Avenue EaitTorn-'a cofice and end tables, $10.95; I o 7, bei e ecme si tl-ht lamps, $14.95, table aeDcme 8 99 îamps, $6.95; TV tables, $4.95; 5- two-piece chesterfields, $169; 3- piece bedrooni suites, $99. Murphy Furnitune, King St. W., MAI% 3-3781. 51-î* TURKEYSI INSURANCE COMMISSION FRESH KILLED Dresseti and Delivered W. E. LYMER T own of Bowmanville BOARD 0F WORKS 1HIighway No. 2 at Maple Grave! SUPERINTENDENT Phone MA 3-5049, 49-3 TURKEYS Young, Fneshty Killeti Turkeys. from 12 fo 30 lbs. Delivered for Christmas and New YVear's COlfax 3-2297 or Cail C. BOREK, Hampton 50n% 49-3 tOwfl. Pre-Chrisimas Special 40" Tower Installation with Ail-Channel Aerial Installed No Guy Wires Ail Welded Construction 1 69.50 ALSO REPAIRS or CHANGES Cati MA 3-2312 Barry Locke MAPLE GROVE TV SERVICE Ileadquarfers SKfor SA TE S Figure Skates White Leather Boots MISSES' - Il to 2 $10.95 WOMEN'S $10.95 3 3té9 -$12.95 Hockey Skates BOYS' 1 to 51/2 $8.5 -$10.95 IApplications will be received b, the undersigned for the position of Board of Works Superintendent for the Town af Bowmanville. Please state age, education, experience, salary requireti. Ap- plications must be in the hani of undersigneti no later than December 22, 1959. Applicants with municipal ex- perience and wlth roail build- ing machlnery wilI be given preference. of benef ils paid bîr the R. B. REYNOLDS, Town Clerk. Repairsi RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St.1 E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUA.RANTEED television and radio service, to -all makes. Sanie day service. Televisian Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 40-tf RE-PAIRS and rewinaing, arm- atures turned, toalal makes af electrie matons. Higgon Elc- tric, 38 King East, Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS toa ai makes afiew ing machines. Free pickup and delivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIRS toa ai makes ai re- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; mulking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-t4 Auction Sales j The postponed auctian sale ai 19 Holstein caIlle, saws and pigs,' feeder bogs, fowl, iniplements, hay and grain, for the Nonthuni- ber, and and Durhami County Home at Cobourg, will be beld Satunday, December 19th at 1 p.m. Murray C. Noble, auc- MEN'S tuoneer. $9.95 - $13.95 - $16.95 Personal I TRADE-INS ACCEPTED HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber I on New Skates go) nuaed postpaid ini plain envelope with price list. Lloy Elis Soes Six samples 25c, 24 saniples LloydEllisShoes $1,00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, teKing st, w., Bowmanvile Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hami- 51-1 liteOt. 143 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooni, heated. Sepanate entnance running water, cupboand, count. en, basement starage. Reason. able. 10 Lambs Lane. 51-14 THREE-bedroom brick bouse, ail beat, garage, central. Fumn. ished or unfurnisbed. Immed. laIe possession. Would sellI Phone MA 3-3098. 51-1 SELF-contained heated down. stairs, partly furnisbed apant- ,ment, suilable for working couple on single persan. lm- mediate possession. Phone MA 3-589 or CO 3-220. 50-Il HXATED apartment - Thmee large unfurnisbed noonis, with private entrance, all modemn canveniences, thnee-piece bath, heavy wining, large kitchen with dinette. Nicely decomaled, dur- tains and floon covemîngs. Vacant Quiet adulî home. Adulta only. Phone MA 3-3807. 51-1 APARTMENT SELF-CONTAINED - HEATED ALL CONVENIENCE,% Two Floors Twe Private Enîrances Electrie Slave and Le! rigerator supplied THREE BEDROOMS 'NEWLY DECORATED GARAGE AVAILABLE APPIY N . J. SCOTT 140 D KE S REET 50-tf Comînig Events Bowmanville Kinette Clubi Christmas Bake Sale, Saturday, IDecember 19, 1:30 p.mI., in form- er premises of Lander Hard- ware. 51-1 Bingo and Christmas Turkey Draw, Dec. 17, St. Joseph's Auditorium. Four turkeys, ten chickens. Tickets 25c. Door prizes for bingo, same night. Ten 10-lb. turkeys. Two $251 jackpots must go. 50-21 Woodview Commurnty Centre -Monster Bingo. Twentygae -twerity dollars, five gams thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and . two jackpotsata $250. Doori prizes. Nexit Manday, 8 pr. Red Barn, Oshawa. 46t Wantedi DEAD and crippled fanm stock, picked up promptly. Telephone COlfax 3-2721, Margwi fl ur Farm, Tyrone. 37-tl Livestock for Sale YOUNG Shorthorn cowà and, bulis at lannier's prices. J.î Baker, Hmpton. 48-tf' LARGE registered Holstein heu-» er, due Dec. 30, froni a dlean tsted herd. Also baled siraw. MA 3-2388. 51-le te Lodt BLACK, white and tan medium size aged hound. Last seen li Yelverton - Janelville vlcinity. Reward. Phone Collect Bethany 18 R 41W or write Russell Kerr, Bethany. 51-2 Nursing Home The South Haven Rest Home -Licensed accommodation avail. able for up or bed patients. Phone NeWcastle 4441. 29-tf ]Room and Board MEN pnefenred. Phone MArket 3-3974 or 91 Ontario St. 51.1* t. De Wiih Real Esiale 100 Acre farn near Mill- brook, L-sbaped bank barn with water on tap, 65 acres workable, )garage, drive shed, ptc.; 7 nooni- e d home with 3-picce bath, nun- ning hot and cold water. Price $13,000. Terms. 185 Acre farn near Millbrook, r120 acres wonkable, streani, L- shxuped bank barn, waten bowls, steel stanchions, drive shed, etc.; 7 roomed brick haone with ail mpgdern canveniences. Price $17,000 with $7,000 down. 112 Acre farn near Brighton on Lake Ontario, 60 acres wonk- able, 60' x 30' barn, garage, etc.; 8 noomed home with 3-piece Ibath, bot and cold running wat- ter. Pnice $9,500 with $3,000 doMin. 100 Acre farn near Pontypool, good barn, drive shed;- 7 naomed J borne in good repair, heavy wimcd. Price $9,000 with $3,000 10Acre iarmn nomth Bow- manile,98 acres wonkable, larg.e pond, L-shaped bank barn, new garage, drive shed; 10 rooefned brick home with ail Lmodern conveniences, new ail furnace, etc. Pnice $26,500 with BfROILER FARM on No. 2, Highway, east Newcastle, equip- ped for 5,000 bimds, 2 chicken,, barris; 8 roomed home with% modern conveniences. Down $5,000. Price arranged. 2 Bedmoorn bungalow in Baw- mariville with ail modern con- veniences, hardwood and tile~ floors, f ull basement. Dawn pay.ment $2,000. IGENERAL STORE, comprising' ai store, stock rooni, 6 roomed living quartons with modern conveniences and garage attach- ed. Price $16,000. Terras ar- ranlged. 2 Bedroon bungalow -in New- castie with all modemn conven- ionces, hardwood -floons, full b a sem e nt, garage. Asking !$10,(>00. INCOME HOME, 13 mrones 'solid brick bouse, close ta ,Xnain street in Newcastle; extr'a lot. Pnice $8,000 with $1,500 down. 3 Bedroomn brick veneer bun- galow in' BowmanviUle with ail modern canvenlences, full base- ment, hardwood and ti1e faoon, modtrn kitchen, etc. Aaking $13,59a. Tennils. 3 Bedroorn buxigalowIn a w- nianville with ail modern con- venicinces, niodeornn kitchen, hardwaod faonrs. Asking $10,000. Tenras.I Contact John F. De Wiih geaiter and General Iuamrme Newestlo hn.84 MA 3-3956 80m sDavidson, Dethaa7 rhon. Z1 r Real Estate for Sale Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BRORER Two nice town lots, water and sewer, sidewalk, paved street Lots like these are very scarce. The both for $4,000.00. 8-year-old 11 ½-storey brick, immaculate inside and out. Many extras, such as paved drive, aluminum stornis and screen& Asking $12,000. Good ternis. 52 King St. W. Bowmanvllj or COlfax 3-2397 Salesman - Clarence MA 3-2624 Saper Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 6 rooni bungalow on a very beautiful lot on a paved street. Hot water heating. Garage. Priced to sell at only $10,500.00. Ternis arranged. Here is an outstanding invest- ment for someone. Consists of a 6-roo:n bouse, 3 stores and 2 apartments on a large lot. Rev- enue of over 20 % on your in.- vestment. Will seli to re. sponsible party with low down payments and easy terms. We have many buyers for properties of ail kinds. List with us for better service, 51-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and "Istrict Real Estate Board 15 acres and garage, choie level garden land, corner loca- tion, 5 miles north of Bowman- ville. Asking only $3,500 with $1,200 down. 100 level acres with 50 acres orchard, consisting of popular varities of pears and apples. Large hip-roofed barn, pond, paved road. Only $25,000 witli easy terins. Modern brick house in Orono, Asking only $8,000 with ternis. Large selection of homes,ý farms and businesses. Cal WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3398 Dowmanvmli., 51-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres with beautifut strearn, buildings in poor re- pair. A very scenic fanm. Call us for information. 50 acres with 1320 feet lake frontage, sandy beach, shade trees. A solid investment for only $7,000.00. 46 acres witb 6 room insul. brick house, hydro, pressure systeni, modern kitchen. Barn 30 x 50. AU yours for $5,500.00. Easy ternis. 34 acres with nice bush, small streani, suitable for summer camp, etc. Price $100.00 per acre. 10 acres, 10 rooni fraine bouse, large L-shape barn. Priced at only $7,500.00. Ternis. 2 acres - 6 rooni fully modern brick veneer bungalow. Price $12,500.00. Down $1,500.00. 2 acres with nice streani. 5- roomn bungalow. Asking price $3,400.00. Down, $500.00. 5 room house, ful hasement town water and sewer. Price $5,500.00. Down $500.00. 189 Scurot St. Bowmanvillo Cail MA 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blyleven Cili MA 3-5300 51-1 Room-Bd. Wanted YOUNG man desires rooni and board for winter months. Write Advertiser No. 2, c/o Canadian Statesmian, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 31-1'.BSSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES 101 SALE LWFESTOOK FOR SALE eOB REU?- BEL? WA1TEM CRIS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND - ETC. Cash ]Rabte - .- de pet o Xuet be païd hy date ofiInsertion B charq.d. an additioal 25« M t!b. add.d. A chare et 25c wtt! b. mode fer cgrpisdlrecete.d t tt.oMce oTIcu - commaO EVEMT AND CARDS OF TRANES te a Word with aOmnimumn Il 01.00 iot23 wozde or ilem ImTm S IAGED1 01.»0 peu iam $LOOplus 10o0£alun. for terme AditImmdinetions et &the me An Oauaffid Ads must b. b thi tftaie ne Inter than U8 Oolock nocet. Wedneeday, imd caeb, hampe or money aidas Mad semoney. C4 "Bisout for baudy reforemme OFFICE NOUES Eonday throuqh Frtday 8:30 a.M. te 6 p.u. 4:30 R.m. fn 12 nmac Dial MArket 3-3303 tu CaumeWd Ad Service r - - -- . ~. a a a a, MS.. 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