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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 23

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't- r-. - Il TauUISAY, DEC. 1th, lU In Memoriamn IECKETT-III loving memory ~fa dear wife and mother, -ith, who passed away Decem- pr 18, 1956. ,~3ugh her amile is gone forever SAnd her hand we cannai. ~:touch, *StUU we have so many memories 0f the one we loved so much. Bier memory is our keepsake, With which we'I1 neyer part-, cd has her in His keeping, We have her in our hearts. -Ever remembered by husband and family. 51-1. IBICKCELL-In loving memory Ôf aur dear mother Irene Bick- efl who entered into rest on December 15th, 1954. Your last parting wish .We would like to have heard, And breathed in your ear, Our last parting word. Only those who have lest Are able to tell Ille pain in the heart At flot saying fareweil. -Sadly missed and ever re- mnembered by the fanily. 51-1* ÉRENT-Treasured memories cf a dear wife and mother, Lillian Mabel Annis. Brent who left us December 19th, 1956. We cherish stiUl with love sincere Beautiful memories of one so dear. -Lovingly remnembered by hus- band and Family. 5- EUMPS &- SOFTENERLI LIEITED Pits LONDON -CANADJ JACK DRGUCa PLUMBING and HEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615' BOWMA4NVILLE IiMemra FINLE-In loving menxory of Ida Finley who passed away en thé 20th cf Decemnber, 1958. W. cannot Lord Thy purpose see, But ail is wefl that's donc by * Thee. -Sadly missed by her husband and sister. 51-1 GOODMAN-In lovlng memory cf Our deat mother, Mary Grace Goodmxan, who passed away Dec. 19, 1956. The mcmery of your laughing eyes Just keeps the sun a'shining. -Greatly missed by Louise, Win and Allen. 51-1 LUXTON-In loving memory of aur darllng, daugiter Cathy Marie who passed away sud- denly Deoember 20, 1957. There la a littie girl in heaven tonight, Anl angel with golden hair, H-er eyes the blue of heaven's blue, Her soul so pure and fair. Gcd lent her te us for a short sweet while, To us it seemed but a day But heaven must have been very sad The littie while she was away. --Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by Mommy, Daddy and brothers Larry, Donnie and Bcbby. 51-1" PH-AYRE-In' loving memnory of a dear father, Perey Phayre, who passed away December 17, 1958. The best Dad this world could hold, With his cheery smile and his heart cf gold; Those who knew him well will know How much we lest a ycar ago. --Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by daughter Marion and son-in-law Ronald. 51-1* RUNDLE-In loving memory of my husband and father who died December 2lst, 1954. Sometimes it's hard te under- stand Why some things have te be, But iu His wisdom God 'has planned Beycnd our power te cee. Day qf remembrance sadly recalled, Without farewcll he lcft us ail. To b. 'with us in the same old way Wauid be aur dearest wish today. --Sadly missed and ever re- membered bY wife Jessie and Fam±ly. 51-1w WILKINS-In loving mcmory of a dear brother, Samuel. George Wilkins, who passed away Dec. 17, 1954. We often sit and think of him When we are alone. For memory is the only fricnd That grief can eall its ewn. Like ivy on the withcred oak, When other things decay, Our love for him will still b. green And neyer fade away. -Ever remembered by Nina, George, Rusell, Roy, Amne and Family.5-1 A CHRISTMAS GRAVE God bless this food Thiou hast .1provided God biess all those who ncw partake God bless the homeless and the needy God bless the poor with nauglit toecat Of tuis Th.y bounty we could spare Please give it, Lord, ta thiose who care But more than this, please God wc pray Give te the hopeless-HIopE-- today. -(Contrîbuted) 'the reformer must be a hero et aIl points, and lie must have conquered himself before he eau conquer others.-Mary Ba- ker Eddy. Charles Green. I wish te express my sincere appreciation tc the nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital for their kindness, te friends who called or sent cards. Special thanlcs te Dr. Hubbard and Dr. Austin for their kind care dur- ing my stay in hospital. (Mrs.) Dawn Anderson. Needs (Continued fromn page one) who will experience a happier Christmas in liheir homes be- cause of the 'extra' placed on liheir dioorstep by the Salvation Army. Many citizens might have toys or games net now in use and the~ Salvation Army on Division Street will be pieased to have them. These would be distrlbuted te dhildiren who will net.-find too much in their Christmas stocekings or under thxe tree. The Bowmanville S.A. Band la agiain playing the well-loved Christmas carols in thxe neigh- bouxhocd tihis month. The baud mnembers and collecters give their services voluntarily and withcut remuneratîon. The pre- ceeds f rom Vhiie veniture will ibe put toward the. Christmas and general work of the Army. Ail colccting boxes will dîistiinctly bear the. words "The Salvation Army.e> Captain Norman Céles, in charge of the lecail Corps., sta- ted he is onfident that the many friendÈ of the A.rmy wili again support iis special work for the less fortunate. Ail den- atiione can be sent to Box 135, Bowmanville or handed in at thxe Citadel on Division Street. Meister (Continued frem page one) Reynolds, Wor. Bro. J. Marr, Won. Bro. A. E. Moffatt, Wor. Bro. R. J. Dilling, Wor. Bro. R. L. Evans. Pollowing tfelciodge session members and visiters sat down te a furkey dinner in flic ban- quet hall wliere Worshipful Master Ayre presided as Toast- master. Grace was said by W. Bro. Rev. A. G. Scot t, Bro. Cellison 1presided at fixe piano for fixe toast te -the Qucen. A toast te Grand Lodge was pnopesed by W. Bro. J. Mar and respended te by R.W. Bro. R. Osborne, D.D.G.M., district deputy grand master of Ontario district. jToast te fthe visitons by W. Bre. Car. AllUn, responded te by W. Bro. Garnet Riekard, Durham Lodge, Newcastle, and Glen Glaspdil., Lcbaaion LogOshawa. Toast tote icnewly installed ofiesby W. Bro. Charles War- ren was respendcd to by Bro. George Black. A vote of flianks was tender- ied te flic installing board by Bre. Harold Graham and Bro. Bob Hendry, responded to by V. Wor. Bro. A. Northcutt. Vo- cal duets were rendered by Mre. Lloyd Ayrc and Wotr. Bro. Owen Nicholas. Besides tue visitons from On- tarie District many fniends of Uic newly ingtalled master at- tended frem Toronto, Barrie, Bradford, hMlton, Staynor, Arn- prier and Minnisiug. An interesting feature o!fixhe meeting was Uic presentafion o! fifty-year jewels by R.Wor. Bro. R. Osborne, D.D.G.MK, te Bro. Wesley T. Cawker and Bro. Sid Scott. CANADA MO t TIM CANADIAN STATESUM. ,BOWMANVLLE.ONTAUO Repairmen on the Job l Sftorm Causes Much Damage. Through Lakeshore Region But Creates Scenic Paradise Cards of Thanks Mrs. David Coty wishes ta take this opportumity cf thank- ig Dr. Sylvester and the nurs- es of Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvile, who were se klnd and helpful durlng the arrivai cf her baby daugixter. Their thought- fulnesa is deeply appreciated. Many thanks to my friends and relatives who sent cards, fruit, flowers, etc., te me durlng my stay in Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks ta Dr. Sturgis, Dr. Orton, nurses and staff of the hospital. Richard Trimble. 51-1* 1 wauld like te thank my relatives and friends for carde and gifts sent to me during my stay in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, also nurses and staff, Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Hubbard for their kindness shewn me,' also te the Rebekaix Lodge. Mrs. Hazel Whitney. 51-1 I would like te thank Dr. C. J. Austin and the nursing staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, for their kind attention, and aise my friends, neiglibers and relatives for the carde, flowers and fruit which I re- ceived during my rest lu the hospital and since I have re- turncd home. jîm Hogarth. 51-1 I would like te thank Dr. Ferguson and tlic nurses of Me- meniai Hospital, Bowmanville, for their kindness te me during my stay lu hospital. Also, I would like te thank ail who sent carde and fruit. Special thanks te Iloly Name Society and Fath-j er Malane. repairmen have aise been tel-1 ing te clear away the cf fects of thc storm since last Saturday. Rex Walters, manager of On- tarie Hydre here, stated yes- terd-ay that mobile radio units have proed a blessing, enab- ling the répairmen te restore service mucix more quickly te customers than was possible in thxe old days. Trouble shooters from thc Bell Telephone Company and telegrapix linesmen for thc rail- ways have aise been working exceedingly hard to repair bro- ken lines and damagcd poles. The Bowmanville Public Util- ities Commission was fortunate. Manager Geo. T. Van Bridger, stated yesterday tuat none of the PUC's transformers or feed- ers wcre eut. . He added that service te only four lieuses in Bowmanville had been affect- cd, and these few interruptions had been caused by trees on pnivate property. The ice devastation experi- enced aiong tlhc lake front did net extend nortix of Uic ridge. Peterborough and Norwood had a snow sterm and escapcd tue frcezing ramn. Many Prizes Won at Lander Store Opening Crowds attcnded the official Mrs. W. R. Strike, 45 Horsey St;,. opening of the. large and attrac- 42. Dust Mop, Earl Ross, 71 tively modern new Larider Brown St. *Hardware Store on Friday and Saturday. The smart and weil lighted new shop at 51 King for the fine array of electricalptss ai Street aes a lnid sttuing *ment and hardware. New rasiai Many gorgeous bouquets cf lovely flowcrs bcaring congra- tulations and bcst wishes from fricnds and business associates adorned thxe front of the store. Custemers were delighted with. the dispiays, and availed them- ... selves cf tixe opportunity tO do ~ " their Christmas shopping. Glen and Jack Lander have - taken a preminent part in the.i.... buarness and civic 111e cf the town since thcy came te Bow- manville more than 10 ycars......'-r ago, and purcliascd a hardware' business at 7 King Street. Last! May tlicy bougit flic large building where their spacieus new store is located. The Landers were boru and educated in Oshawa. Before te Bownianvi'lle Glenn Lander was an accountant with the. Royal Bank of Canada, and- servcd in sevenal branches cf Uic bank in different parts of Ontario. Jack Lander was su- pervisor lu tii. production de- partmcnt of Heluiz Compan Liniitcd, Leamingten, Ont. Glenn Lander is thc president of fthe Bowmanvilce Chaniber of Comnmerce, and aise presi- dent cf tue Bowmanvillc Lions ~ - Club. Jack Lander is the char- Bowmauvile Baptist Church ter president of tlie Bowman'- weicomes a new pastor, Mr. El- ville Kinsmen Club, and bas more Boomer, L.Th., who is been cliairman of flic Bowman- taking over the duties re- ville Recreation Dcpartmnent linquislied by Paster Alfred Bell. for four yeare. - MrU. Boomer cornes from the Tii. other members Of fthe Collingwood area, whcre lic las staff are Monty Geslett, whe been shepherding 'a group of je active lu thc affairs of Bnanch Baptist Churches. He is the son 178 of tue Canadian Legion and of the lafe Rev. Oscar Boomer was a member cf fixe Legion' and Mrs. Boomer of Norwich, executive for several yeare; Os- and is a graduate ef the Central borne Williams 2nd vice-presi- Baptist Sen-unary. His wifc, dent of flic Kinsmen Club; and also a graduate of Central Harry Collacutt, an active mcm- Baptist Seminary, is a daughtcr ber cf the. Bowmanville Kins- cf Rev. John Bell, an uncle of men Club. Pastor Alfred Bell. Rev. John LANDER PRIZE WINNERS and Mrs. Bell, missienaries for 1. Darmeyer Mixer, Hamrry 25 years te China, are now at Kilpatrick, 1 Flett;, 2. B. & D. home in Toronto after a period ,y4e Drili, Marg McDonald, 120) cf internment by the Commun- Orcliardvicw; 3. Glass Mirror, ists. Mr. Bell is Home Secretary O. N. Plummer, 53 Liberty N.; for the China Inland Mission 4. Stcam ]Yon, John Morton, R. (now Overseas Missionary Fel- R.2, Bowmanville; 5. Fishing lowship) for Eastern Canada. Reel, Mrs. Cassie Clarke, 22 The church is looking for- King St. W.; . Ail Steel Wagon, ward te a new era of progresse Jac Ros,25 eore t.;7.under tixe leadership of this1 CackRposw5erge St.; 7. consecrated young people, wlio Vance, 28 Prince St.: 8. 20 piece ilso ae prsdnei Set Dishes, Ted Smith, 44 Qucen Bwavle St.; 9. Bath Scales, Tony Jan- czyes, Tynene, Ont.; 10. Steak Set, Leslie Guy, 762 Simcoe St. e v à N.; 11. Coffe. Carafe, Mcl MC' e v N,,lty, 6 King St. E.: 12. Alum. Roaster, Jack R. Davis, 6 Or- Ç g e t chardvîew; 13. Melmac Server, E. Black, 122 King St. E.; 14. Fishing Rod, Doreen E. Quin- (Continued from page one) ney, R. R. 3, Bow'manville; 15. m nville is getting full value back Fishing Rods, Mrs. A. L. Hooey, foi. this money. H1e told of a 20 Temperance St.; 16. Johinson promise made two or three years Gift Kif, Mire. L. Hutchinson, ago by representatives cf Coun- 55 Centre St.; 17. Thermos Va- ties Council te have the Scugog cuum Server, Ed.gar H.orn, 389 Road improved. Reeve Higgon Athol St. E.; 18. Set Glasses, pointed ouf that nothing lias been Mrs. ILnez Jackman, 75 Division done about the Scugog Road at sf.; 19. Gai. Paint, Mxs. L. Gra- ail since that fime. ham, Hampton, Ont.; 20. Nylon To fthe evident surprise cf' the Dust Mop, Mrs. A. Harvey. R. other members cf the council be-i R. 1, Tyrone; 21. Sponge Mop, cause if was fthe firsf time during Mark Biidsen, Newcastle; 22. hic twe years on United Counties Ski Mitts, M. Lunney, 110 Con- Council that he had menfioned if,1 cession St.; 23. Putfy knife and Reeve Higgon suggested that if Scraper, Bihl Lewis, 29 Southx- after investigation, fixe council way Drive; 24. Nylon Mop, Per- finds if is net good business te cy Allin, 9 Chapel St.; 25. NY- belong te fixe United Counfies it Ion Mop, Ken Buttery, R. R. 1, should fake steps to become a Bowmanville, 26. Quart CIL separated fown. Palut, R. Allisen, Newcastle; 27. Deputy-Reeve Brough said that Qt. CIL Paint, Bud Depew, 16 he and Reeve Higgon fhcught Liberty Pt; 28. Qt. CIL Paint, alike about Counties Council. He Stu Héoey, Tyrone, Ont.; 29. Qt. asserted that neither had missed CIL Paint, Mrs. J. Browni, 73 a meeting of flie Counties Coun- Elgin St.; 30. Qt. CIL Paint, cil in the Iast year. Lillian Dcnby, 81 Elgin St.; 31. "1 hate te sec eeeHiggon off Qt. CIL Paint, M. Tiglie, 15 Or- Bewmanville Council" eputy- chardview; 32. Flashlight, Her- Reeve Brough said. H1e aise re- nain Van De Bedf, 7 Mi. Lane; ferred te his werk andl that cf 33. Flashihlt, M-,. Roy Anger, 1 Reeve Rend Budge, Port Hepe in Town; 34. Flashliglit, Clara connection wifh the division cf the Hannah, 17 Centre St.;, 35. Durham County District High F'lashliglit, Barbara Macklin, R. School Area. R. 1, Bowmauvllle; 36. Flash- The hope was expressed by De- ligh,t Mrs. E. R. Thompson, 25 puty-Reeve Brough that fthe work Oroliardview; 37. Fhashlight, of division be feleowed up by the Helen Wallis, 8 Jane St.; 38. 1960-61 council, and gave hic 'I- Cern Broom, Mrs. I. Mlunday, mnien that Clarke and Millbroek, 108 Scugog; 39. Corn Broom, whe enly pay about 12 per oent Fail ta Find Enough Water For School The Durham District Blgh Sehool Board held a meeting at flowmanvlle HIgh School st nlght. One of the major points of dis- cussion was expeeted to be, the proposed new school at' Courtice. Information in ibat after considerable driliing, no sizeabie amount cf water han been iocated in the area laid out for the new school. After working so, long te reach agreement on the project, the iaek of water may conoeivably cause a further delay in construc- tion-and could even shift the location. The board was expected t., deal wlth the subJect during the meeting. PAGE TwUITYTNRB SSPECIAL! CHRISTMAS SALE 1958 PLYMOUTH 6-CYL. 2-DR. 1956 SAVOY V-8 2-DR. Radio, back seat speaker, slip eovers. Locally owned car. 1956 SAVOY 6-CYL. 4-DR. Radio, black and turquoise. Clean car. 1956 SAVOY V-S 4-DR. Radio, 2-tone blue, push button. 1955 PLYMOUTH 6-CYL. 4-DR. SUBURBAN New blue paint. 1954 SAVOY 6-CYL. 4-DR. 1954 PLYMOUTH fi-CYL. 2-DR. 1954 FORD 4-DR., Green 1949 PONTIAC 6-CYL., 4-DR. Radio and good tires. Clean throughout._ 1951 CHEV. SEDAN Radio. Runs fair. 1950 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. 4-Dr. Good running car. S1 XMAS ,ECIAL $75.00 The. severe stormn on Satur- day and resultant ice, that af- fected Uic belt along the lake- shore from Toronto te Picton, disrupted hydro, telephone, and telegraph service in the large area surrounding Bowm.anville. Ice coated trees and branches falling under thxe wcight of ice on power, telephone, and tele- graph Uines caused extensive damage froux fthe freezing rain torm. The sccnery an Sunday merning presented a beautiful crystalizcd appearance. but it meant long heurs of hard work for the repairmen. Ontario Hydre crews started at approxirnateiy flirce o'clork on Saturday afternoon afid worked steadily until after mid- night Sunday making tempor- ary repaire. By then ail breaks iu the servie liat the Hydre Office was aware cf had been restorc.d. However, as telephone liues wcrceout in many locali- tics, seme people had te drive te Bowmanville on Mionday to report, disruption of hydre ser- vice. Since Monday, Hydr rw have been busy making per- manent repaire. The Hydre for- estry crcw in addition te the1 HOBBY ONT Gifts' for Faf ber and Son r«M- ""SKIL" SNAP-LOCK TOOLS Snap In 0 a 0 f's on 5" CIRCIJLAR SA&W $19.95 ORBITAL SANDER $19.95 $66-98 Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER- PLYMOUJTH - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. East Bowmanville MA 3-5487 4" BELT- SANDER $107.00 -~~~~~9 f 0 - 9 a$1.08 - -- - - - $2.09 - - - - - - $2.14 Io $12.50 -- 34c each - e e - - - e $1.69 each PHONE FOR A GIFT CERTIFICATE enHAWAL WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. 3 Telephones To Serve You Downtown Showroom Main Office sud Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-KA 8-1617 COURTICE-RA 8-1811 50 WMAN VIlE-MA 3-2130 AJAX.-ZEnItIm -9ffl *DOWNTOWN SiO WROQM OPEN. FRIDAY TILL 9-.00 P.M.* g' Classified Ads 1/4" DRILL $18.95 B. JSAW e$19.95 Above combined fogether fo make up complele workshop - For only - A SPORTY BE SANTA »CLAUS PREPARE FOR SUMMER FUJN AND LEISURE! Give the Man of the House ... THE FAMOUS JOHNSON OUTBOARD Goed Selection $187*00 Up Large Seiection .1 Models a"d 81MB $7995 U 1aimer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO - SIMCA DEALERS- Phione MA 3.5487 20 King St. East 5%k" SKIL SAW $47.25 fi%/" SKIL SAW $60.75 Complete Tooi Chesis $9.75 - $10.75 Screw Driver Sels Wood Chisel Sels Sackel Wrench Sels Caping Saws Lacking Pliers À 1 . i

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