Eulogies for Refiring Reeve ,Feature Darlington -Council Pass By-Iaw for Fîre Brigade ... FREE SON ITOR SERVICIE Saves You Furnace Oil Dollars Sonitorcan actuallydouble the life cf your storage tank. And Sonitor cornes Jree with'your order of Shel ,Furnace Oul. Order aow for prompt delivery. HEATI KEITH YEO _____________________________________________ - ~ ~ A ~a~ÂWL(~.I~, ~LI VI LV.IZI.L~ V JJJLA~h '.JJ.1 A Ip~ gq A ~ A ~? A W Oq' A q'W~1D A W flP~1WUD A S~~? 1 Tnanimoug praise ef the Councillor Fred G. Smith, se- oufWtanding service given iby conded the Deputy-Reeve's sta- Reeve Roy W. Nidiols ta Dar- tements. "We are going te miss lington Towniiip was expres- Reeve Nicholg, and I hope we sed at the lat meeting of Dan- can go be him te get advice, Iington Municipal Counteil held Councillor Smith said. ini the Township Hall, H.amp- Councillor Eanie Trull aise ton, on Tuesday aftcrnooyi. Ai' inembers of the couincil spoke of his uinsellish work or te- hait ef the people of Darling- ion and bis many achievments. Reeve Nichols cong-atulated the Reeve Elect Garnet Rick- ard, 'he present Depu-f.v-Reeve, and Councillor Fred G. Smith on his election fon anothen year. "It has t>een a pleasure wonking with you ail, and the staff. In 15 years I have only missed one meeting. I have tried ta do my best for the towivp" Reeve Nichois said. He added that he was sure that those ' who foilow will t-ny ta do the arne. "iIt will be a relief tao be out of it. I have spent tee much ime on the township, neglec- ted my own business, and even my heaith. Once again I want you ta kSiw how muitt I en- Roy W. Nichols joyed working with you. Tliink you ton your co-openation," paid tribute te Reeve Nichols Reeve Nichols toid the council. and te his successful work for 1Deputy-Reeve Rickard said the township. He congratula'ted he appreciated the words of thbe two memibers cf ceuncîl Reeve Nidiols. He -spoke of thec- who have been ne-elected for tirne and effont Reeve -Nichols, another year. "I -have enjoyed had spent on the business cf nysebif here, and 1 wish YOu Dalington-. the best of luck ini the future," "You couic? go -across the "he ae. s njyd m Province -of Ontario andi net "Ihv aie eoyd m find another Reeve who has work here," Councillor A. E. spent as muci'n ure on mnunici- Thornpson said. My wife is pai affairs as Reeve Nichols te sec mceout cf it, but has. His achievernents will ibe I would net have missed my roeiembered by the peo!ple for three years education on t-bis a long time, and hius efforts councîl for annyhdng. Congrat- have been worthwhile and ap- ulations ta the members cf the preciated," Deputy-Reeve Ri- council for the coming year. I ekard staited. aise effen t-hem my condolences "Reeve Nichois' werk has because they have a difficuit onit a gooddeal te thc citi- year ahead cf them," Council- zens ef Darlington. We will net ion Thompson stiated. He coin- ferget hum, and we hope he mendéd Reeve Nichols fer al wil not forget us. It has been he bas accomplished for Dan- a pîeasure knowing bum and iinÈgton Township. wenking wit-h'hlm," Deputy- Deputy-Recve Rickard askedil Reeve Rickerd said. the members eftht-e present i *counoil te, continue te take a liveiy irtenest in the affairs of Darlington Township next year. "If yeu t-hink we are dcii-g any- thing wrong be sure to 'holler' and tell us our m;itakes," he urged. A By-Law te, establish a Fine Brigade for Darlington Township was enacted at the meeting on Tuesdiay afternoon. The By-Law desigi-ates the of- ficers and memibers of thbe Fire Brigade as part-time empicy- ces cf the township, and t-hey wiil be covered by the Work- man's Com-penation Act when on u. Ysur SheIl Fernace Oil Dealer SPECIAL'1 SMOOTH TOP MA TTRESSES Fe Fe. il 4 Floors of 37 King St. E. Ihe Reeve and Trownship Clerk wene autherized te sign cheques for salaries and other necessary accounts before the end of the year, end they were aiso, authorizecj to make arran- 9 15 gement: with the Hydt-o Office for service te the new garage IThe council received approv- - fai frorn the Departinent ef Highways cf the 2-nd Supple- mentary By-La'w and author- ized the transfer cf $13.000 te the construction acceunt. Bruce Tink, a Danlington re- Prescmtativc on flhe Durhami 7Y JCounty District High School badwhosc present appoint- ment expires on December 31st, 1959, was re-appoinited for a three year terni The et-ber ne- presentatives et the township en tihe board are Clare Allun Iwhose appoinitment is te t-be end oet 1961, an-d Forbes Hey- lanid, whc*e appoint-ment- is te lorri Co.the end et 1960. ilFricndshjps are fragile things, 1Fine Furniture and require as niuch caî-e in MA 3-5480 handling as any other fragile ________________________and precieus thing. -Randolpli ________________S. Beurnn ýThis Christmas MAKE SURE YOU SERVE THE lEST ASMITH of Course ! Mode and Dottied by BOWAN VILLE ENNISKILLEN1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin were SundaIy téa guests of Missesi Lousie and 'Marjorie MeIntosh, Whitby. Miss Betty Jane Werry was an over night guest of Misses Sandra and Sharon Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry at- tended a funeral in Toronto Sat- urday-onn of an Aunt, Mrs. BertyiStainton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, visit- ed with Mr. Kenneth Mason, at Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto and were tea, guests of Misses Ruby Virtue and Viola Williams. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan, and family were visitons with Mrs. f Rowan, Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson were with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sandercock, Orono. Very sorry Mrs. H. Stevens is in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. We wish her a speedy re- covery from her operations. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herring, Osh- awa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. tonne Lamb. Miss Laverne Orchard, Bow- manviîlle, Miss Shirley Bothwell, Maple Grove, spent Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs. M. Stainton and Clarence. 'Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Port Perry, were Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and oven the Devotional peried which thnoughout the winter. Mn. Neil Mutton, a memben cf ship. family, Bownianville, were Sun- day guests et Mn. and Mis.. Adamn Sharp. Mr. and Mis. 1. Cook, Mrs. Effle Luts, and Garry, Scarborough, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery's. Mr. and Mis. E. A. Werry were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bray at the Curling, Cricket and S kating Club onWilson Ave., Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis and tain- ily wcre Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gettins, Caesarea. Mr. Hiarold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., visited Mn. and Mms. Edgar Wright and family. Mr. and Mn.. Fred Billett, Scar- boreugh Bluffs, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Gil's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and family were Sunday visiters at Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Brock's, Bowmanville. W.A. and W.M.S. Annual Party The W.A. and W.M.S. held their annual Xmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.-C. Ash:- ton on Wednesday cveniing, Dec- ember 9th, with thein husbands as gucsts9. Mrs. F. Toms, the inceming President of the W.M.S., opened the meeting with a reading and extended Season's Greetings.te al present. Mrs. G. Yeo, W.A. Pre- sident, then took oven the meet- ing. Mrs. W. Logan very ably took emphasized the. need of the people today te make the journey te Bethlehem ini faith, te follow the star, and te prèpare. for the cern- ing of tii. K1ng,'according te the words et the - a:Èo'o- «Joyz: torthe] World! The' Lorl fa Corne,ýLt earth receive her Xing; Let eveýry neart prepare hlm room.", 1 Christmnas prayers and a carol1 followed this theme; and as a! prelude te the storyiof "The Mir- acle of the. Messiah-'P the 4th Chapter of Isaiah Qam read, giv- ing a note of coxfort and expect- ancy te the "people that walked indarkness; whe were te see a great Light."ý The amazing story of Handel's transformation frein Ï burn't-out relie, te a genius of ereative. tire, showed the power « the Scrip-. tures te awaken new- life, and, abundant new life1 ý n the most cynical and despairing of men; as the Holy Spirit pourèd inte, Han- dels brain and fingens the ma- jestic new- melodies and phrases that were te thnil t-he werld in his oratonie, "The Messialb." A pocin ý'The Star" ended the wor- ship with-'these concluÙdinè;funes. "0 thiet we might from -ar. Retrace our stepi frein féar and night. i To faith and hope, and Béthleherns light!" The minutes were read and' ap proved anà Mis. Hobbs gave te financial report. It ' was decided that the meetings w)lî continue-to be 14eI4 on Tuesday evénings PAGIC TWMrlT-CIM -t s 'à1P~ Entertain Sr. AtChris'tmc IThe fourth annual Christmas Party for the Senior Citizens was hpeld at the Lions Commùnitt' Centre on Tuesday, December 8. This was an especially festive cvening with a record attendance cf 92 members. After registration the, meeting opned in truc Christmas spirit with Mr. Beaton and his special ail-boy choir. Under Mr. Beaton's direction these boys presented a programme of inspiring Christ- mnas music which waà thonoughly enjyd byall present. Mns. R. MÏcIntyrmistress et eeremonies, thanked Mr. Bçaton ,and u hs choir. Ncxt on the programme was n Christmas play.' presente d by membens of the Jack, and Jill Club. Mn. Bud Oke introduced the cast and set the stage for a most isiing play, the. therne being "Whatdoes Christmas mean te you?"t At- the- close of the play all present joined in the singing of Christmas, carola. FMr.-Howard Foley, chairman. et then neported on a meeting held by tuis committee and brought forth many suggestions te the inembers for thein. consideration. "M miffAntAle "A"F-quAlcr rwur . Aum - - 10 Odeli St. MA 3-32591 0 CREAM SODA THO MSAT, DEC. lTh, 1US me Citizens uis Party th.e -onite, Plitlorth SwInotiot that theSenior Citizens, el eet aak executive. This' motion was vote~ Upo and carnied. A siate ô~ offiers will be prepared and vt~ the January meeting. est wishea were eonveyed t& Mt.' and,,Xrs. LucaM.Nichols whçe are moving to Oshawa and mexrn bers expres.ýed thçir regrets a- losin tesine members. Mrs.1 EdtAnderson waâ appointed tq - the Senior Citizens cemmittee tëý replace Mrs. C. W. Siemnon whe- will be absent for several month%î- The p rty thep formeïd into groups for garnes ini the' larg« hall and a readingr group in nq Green Rooin cenducted by Mrs. FI)rbes Heylands who read several tiffnely articles. The menibers alse, enjoyed a discussion on travet to England. At the close of activities deliclous lunch was served b;~ Club 15' members. After lunch, members proceeded te the veny attratiye gift table where the~ were. given a small'gift by Clue 15 menibers. T party ended on a -in:rry note wit th clspigo hadsand "Merry'Christmas"! and "Happy New Year" wishes fllling thé room with warmth and fellowli. p n r % r-" 1