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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 5

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?HtJRSDAY. DEC. 1?th. IU THE CANADIAI~ STATESMAR. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Amusing- Religlous Sore Form Basis of Rotary Address, A highly amnusing adeso to corne to Bowm.anville t d ther replied. religlous humour wa&=ivepb dreso the Rotary Club agam.1He "When I was 12 years old A .W. <Lap) La Prairie, Toron- iSaid that it lias been 10 yearsI there was a gang of us on Beau- ta, at the luncheon meeting! sinoe lie last spoke at a Rotary jolie Street, Pointe Ste. Char- held by the Bowmanville Ro- meeting here. Mr. La Prairie les," La Prairie said. "One day tary Club or, Friday at the Fly- remarked that he had a special we saw a sign outside the Sal- îzxg Dutchnman Hotel. place fer this town in his heart cation Army Citadel saying, The special guest speaker wa as two of hie daughters-in-law 'Spiritual Breakfast, Sunday introduced by K. N. M~orris, the1 were born end eduoated here. morning at 9.30. Ail welcome. secretary of the Rotary lub,,. lRe opened bis address on re- We decided te get in on it and who told the Rotarians that the, ligious humour by tellinig of a have a festive meal. About haîf only adjective that could des-'very young litt.le girl, wha went of us were Catholics so we went cri be Mr. La Prairie was a to churdli with her father for to early Mass that Sunday at word coined by one of the con- the first time. They were Rom- 7.30 and afterwards joined the testants on the "64 Dollar Ques- an Catholics, lie said. When they others, and entered the Citadel. tion" 'fant.abulous" which lits entered the churcli the father We sat on a benc.h in the back. him perfectly. Hie said that Mr. toek some hoîy water and made Hymans were sung and there La Prairie had had an outstand- ýthe Sign of the Cross. The was a long sermon but neyer ing career with CIL for 39 child asked him why, and lie aiiything to eat," Mr. La Prai- years and retired last year. told her it was fe remind them rie added that it was a few In the early days CIL sales-1 that there are three Divine Per- years before he learned what a men were also adjusters, and1 sons in God. At the pew lie spirit--al breakfast meant. public relations 'experts for! genuflected, and explained ta He told a story about an An- paints, aniriunition and fabri- his tiny daugliter that lie did glican Church in. a certain sec- cord, Mr&. Morris asserted. He, so to humble hiniself before tion of Quebec that is flot only remarked that each salesman G'bd made Man who was pres- E n g 1 i s h end Conservative needod to have courage, re- ent on the altar in the form of but strongly Tory. "Tories are source, excellent health, the re- bread and wine.1 worse than Conservatives, they siliency o! steel, as weli as pa- 1 "The father also expirained 1 neyer chiang-e," lie remarked. tience, good humoisr, and love oacih part of the Mass to the' At this churéh there was a cf mankind. AUl these qualities child. Just bofore the priest ývacancy on the vestry at the Mr. La Prairie liad in abun- startod the sermon he took out1 tirne ai-d they wanted to ap- dance, lie stated. a watcli and laid it on the pul- point a young law yer, a grad- Thie speaker first expressed: pit in front of hi. 'What doos uato of McGill, but lie was a his appreciation to Mr. Morris,ý that niean?' tjhe hittle girl ask- Liberal. However, lie was the for making it possible for hin ed. 'Nt a dang thing'liher fa- son of an Anglican Bisliop. Tlie diffiefflty was that in. the con- , %wxt««w4 ---------gregation there was an old man, a die-hard Tory, -%lio speciall3L hated any Liberal. ibis man SPECALS * 0was deaf. ing the opportunity the appoint- ment was made. On lis return FLANNLETTEgated to break the news to tlie "ALiberal lias been appoint- IP Y A lqA Sod to fill the vacancy in the Size 2 t 14 rs.$1.98,m' $2.98 vestry" the delegato ad Size 2 t 14 rs.'What's that you say?'l te old BOYS' - Sizes 2 to 6X man inquired. The dlegate shouted "We have appointod a DRESSING GGWNSIw Liberal, but he is tlie son o! a Assoted lais $398 Bisliep'. The old mani nodded AssotedPlais _____________________ is liead vigorously, 'They al GIRLS' - Sizes 1 -14 y are' he said. After several cleverly.funny anecdotes of religious humour, BLWUSESMr. La Prairie told one on an- TryLeOn SE $1.98 - $3.98 other subject at tho special e TerstlofeWalterDe_______H Open Every Night'T Christmas said that Jean Baptiste Le Cler- que, a farnier, was a Mg buyer of dynamite whidh he used ta clear trees, stumps and rocks John& Ju y Sh ppe from lhis farfiL Mr. La Prairie John& Ju y Sh ppe went to the f arm to domonstrate 15 King Street East Bowmanville CIL special dynamite, and drill- ed several hlbs bolow stumps. -LeClerque ownod several pigs Ifflo -queand one wandered around while lie was raking ready for the eosration. M1r. La Prairie said hie warn- ed LeClerque severa1 times that Christma~s Toy VS i igtgthrt n h Unbeaabl Paste y tliey saw the i was hw ing on a stick o! dynamite. They 4 9c upchased him but the animal gel 49c up FR Prairie had to lbave BESTSELETIONfor the nert town ator the BES SEECTONdeionstration. Some nns later be saw Le Clerque, nd asked hil wfhat happoned te Piclumsthe pig tihat had the dynamite. PAIN SEM"Oh lie went rooting areund by lite barn, and gel kicked Paint by aumboen y stallion. Bang went the $139 updynamite, my horse was killed, $1.39 apthe barn sho bbew down, the windows in iiiy liuse anl go smash, and Sapre! I got one slck peeg for two woeks!" LeCler- WALL que said. Peter Newell, on behal! of his NIROSfellow Rotarians moved. a er Prairie for his entertaining ad- Three Sizes dress. lHe wislied him rnany happy years in his recent re- tirement. Presidont George Vice, 4.95presented a gift ta Mr. La Prai- rie as a souvenir of his much appreciated speech ta the Bow- WALL M M LSmanville Rotarians. For the "Homne" GUft $7- FIRESIDE -.B mQ Phone N.wcmutle 4271 Situated on Hlghway 115 orne Mile North Of N.wcastl. W. wiil be pl.ssd t. a.opt your advanc orders NOW for the holiday »mmoro... DELICIOIJSLT FEESESANDWICHES E« Sald - Mam 5.1. »d Ch... Sk dm dom. M13 DA«Dr ED- T SHORTBRa» _________ n eN Chrlstmas FRUIT CAKE (sum or "dk>)lbne9 For Fer" hf.umtlo Ibm..Iw.I.4171 0mw la«" »M..oàhAwal. fi. Eaaq»u snack as woll as a tempting lunch-box dessert. Woollen fabrnes usualiy re- quire dry cloaning, thougli most knitted articles are hand wash- able. Special car. le required when pressing woël, Always proteet wool matertal wth a cloh and use a ateam iran or damip clotli. To gel your ioney's worQL la food means m~ore than just keeping within your food budget. It means buying boods that will give the family healtblul, salis- fying, appetizing meals. Write the Information Brancl, Ontario Department o! Agriculture, Par- liament Buildings, Toronta, for Bulletin 470, "Your Money's Worth in Food". Vegetable sliortcake not oniyj looks gond but is good for either lunch or supper during the fall and winter months. The recipe is one of many such contained ini Bulletin 479, Supper Dishes, available from .lte .Information Brandi, Ontario Departinent o! Agriculture, Parliament Build- itasTarante. Store potatoosi a cool, d -k ta 40 degrees P., accarding ta specialists with the Ontario De- partmnent e«,Agriculture. igh- er temperattires cause shrivel- ling if theair ls dry and rout- ing if the air is humid. 'Ewer temnperatures cause a avwcet flxv- or and less favorable cooking quality. Bath daylight and eleetrie liglt will eventuaily turri stored potatoes green and bitt. Rutabagas, or Swedié tur- mipg, are a very goad qdmce- omice s urêce ofVitêmin CÇor ascorbie acid, epciywlini egtam amw. Otherwiae, they should b. cooked qulckly andi in a amail amount of boi2lng water. Twin kling Eyes for Santa Little two-year-old Janis Eileen with the twinkling brown eyes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms and Mrs. Win. McLàaughlin, ail of Burketon, are her proud grandiparents.. -Photo by Hornsby Religion for Today Radiantj:1 Cheerf ul ness A Weekly Talk By Bey. R. R& Nicholson 'The world wants dieerfulness. 4 Anid ail the sorrows eoflite'- there is se magnetie, so dharrning, se desirable, as swot- ness and gaiety of tenipe.r, an a sun.ny disposition. Oheerful- ness is the cil that lubricates -the wheols of JMe. There are sente people 'who go about this world like sun- shine. Their faces are brigit and happy, tlir hearts are ful of peace and loy; they speak kind and cheering words, and whereve 11eygo they radate cheerfuines ard happiness. Il does one good juatte laook ,at them. "I 1k. iii. day yo me to visit us biestt fail,"' nid a littie girl in the hospital, ta lte viuit- or. "Why? Are my oranges sweeter titan those fliat ether friends bring you?" aaked the visiter with a umile." "No, but yotw face la shinier,» cum ethe quick reply, accampanied by an adooin« élance.. "It makes me feel happy maideof nme" But, alas, sente peopie nem te be naturally gloomy and me- lancholy. Their disposition leads them to look uperi the dark aide of 111e. They go about capparent- ly, with their tornbstone hang-j ing around * necks, and, their face as long as a stove- , pipe. Wlierever they go they1 cause a chili. 'Ibeir words are1 cutting and discouraging. When you meet them you feel as if a, cloud lias passed over thc sun and a wintry liast lias struck Man.y eofblise lugubriaus per- sons, unfortunately, make a' loud profession of failli in Je- sus Christ. But to tIent, reli- gion is a dreary tliing. Ibis lite: le just "a melandioiy vale eft tears", and tiey are "poor' worms ofthIe dusl". Sucli Christians give a flie inipres-' sien of Christianity, whidh is a, religion o! joy and sunshine. It le not a fast but a feast. A true follower o! Jesus Christ dhould b b h #4ess wne* perso in Iiial h. Ign4. Juwsad.d ne ri orrow, but joy te tIbis werId.1 lk&"d t woherSI ed by the as4e asm<'0ood 1*1 n'a of gre wb- be- tiares tb rejoice, Io bé gIad Mi lie Lord',lb e b.anxiom W lte>I thîng, end ta le o! god dheer.' Wlatever our condition in, life, radiant cheerfuinesais i within the reacli ef ail. It la lte, duty of everyone ta acquire this grace and ta cultivate it dg- gently. At ai tintes we Should trust Our Heavenly Father and thon we shail net be afraid, and peace 1ke a river shaîl fond' aur sauls. Iboms lood, poet and humorist, said- "I resolved that like the sun, as long as my day Iasted, I would look con the briglit aide a! everything." Gladstone, the great statesrnan, early formed the habit o! citeer- luinca. Me always did is lest and refuaed te worry. Itis sav- cd hMm an enormios waste o! energy. H.e said he was nover kept awake. a single heur by any dehale or buswine iiPar-' liamSnt. Som cpeo'pkle cua.ther doldul dispositimoa nd habit of S en the ground of lhysufer dayi and mgh,.end are " fuo aches~ Tihe iot ublime set la te set anotb.r Icios'. you-Wil- liam Ellake. Who hat net leamred it wien aloux.h. hms hisown *ougbts to qued.anid whma etrogumhW ilhU*nrd Iaf temper, end ti society hie i longuel?-Mary Baker 14dy. j lnd pains. But on this account they have no riglit ta others nmiserabIl, and cloud the sky for those around them. Their duty is ta endure patient- ly, ta exervice self-control and to present a brave and dheer- fui attitude te the world. The Apostie Paul constantly had "a thomrn th le flesli", but ho nover whined. and the world nover kraew a braver or more cheer- tul manm W. M. Prescott, the famnous htstorian, 'ýpresented the anom- aly of a dyspptic who was stil an pptirffustand always amia- ble. Ho suffered froni constant ill-îhe. and was almoat blind. 1%b biographer sys: "No annoy- ance, great or, emaîl, the most paiful illness, or tlie most in- tolerable bore, could disturb bis equaniniity, or render him in tic least degree sullen, or fret- Nuungtm eww lui, or discourteous. Hie was al- ways, gay , good-humored and manly.t" George Bancroft, aise a fam- eus historian, lias given thile testimony ta the greatness of Prescott's .personal dharm: "Whlle le was higli-spirited, lie was tender and gentie and hu- mane. Hie voice was like music and one could nover hear enougli of il. His oheerfulness reached and animated all about him." Robert Louis Stevenson, the Scottish novolist, essayist and pool, suffered nearly ail the days e! hie life from a slow lingering disease. In spite of! al his affliction and suffering, le did not murinur nor complain. His cheerfulnoss was invincible, and ho charmed the world by bis brave and sunny disposition. Noarly every lotter ho wrote was a sermon on cheerfuiness. Stevenson was the best-loved writer o! lis time. He worked incessantly and died at the oarly age o! forty-four, in thie yoar, 1894, at lis home in Sam- oa. Undaunted, radiant cheer- fuinoss was the distinguisliing note o! hie character. PRE TRUE WEALTH I was sitiing at my window, The day seemed duil to me, As I gzed up through the thiing leaves, Upon,,4y maple tree. Then, suddenly a vagrant breeze, Set ail the branches twirling, And there before niy charmed gaze, A wealth of gold was whirling. 1 thought, as golden heaps rose high, There's none so truly rich as I. -Marjorie Cunningham. Christmas Cakes and Cookies Always Beter Made with BUTTER e-~ *IamUaO cenm a « MAEEUTINO BOARD mCHRISTMAS SIZES5àTO 19 - 8Io 20 Good seleclion in: Taffets - Crepes - Wools - Shealb.s - Flares -mFINAL LTIO u EACE 'Sold regularly as high as $45.00 BRESLIN'S' 7 King SI. W. LADIES" WEAR NA 3585 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - OnIy 7 M'ore Shopping Days Lefi Corne in and MOVIE CAMERAS - FLASH OUTFITS - SCREENS FLOODLIGHTS - FILM - ETC. WATCHES for men and women in a complete price range Priced fron - $2.95up The Lasting Gi! t . .. LUGGAGE for Him or Ber Single Pieces or Sets. The Gift she will cherisb for life .. a Her Diamond Engagement Ring Complet. Set $100-00 May we suggest other gifts for your Ioved ones. FOR HER PEARLS JEWELLERY NECKLACES DRESSER SETS COMPACTS LIGHTERS BIRTHSTONE RINGS LADY SHAVERS A»NI ANT OTSER LOVELY OINTS OPEN EVERY EVENING MTIL CHRISTMAS UNTIL 9 P.IL HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. E. --- --_ _ - - -- - - - - - - FOR HlM ELUCTRIC UHA VERs CLUB EAOS ?ENS AND PEN VILO LIGITER BILLWOLDS CAMERAs GENTW RINGS ANDMANt OEN m« &ArT 0f DRESSES BAR see our beautiful array of treasured gifts for the entire family! Baked Rafm - Chieken salua. Sliced chkm - - - ----------------- 0 PAGE PM THE CANADIAN STATESMAX 13OVrMANVnJý& ONTARTO THLYRSDAT, DEC. IWI4 UM

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